WERA1: Coordinating Beef Cattle Breeding Research and Education Programs for the Western States
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Journal Articles:
Cronin, M.A., G. Rincon, R.W. Meredith, M.D. MacNeil, A. Islas-Trejo, A. Canovas, and J.F. Medrano. 2014. Molecular phylogeny and SNP variation of polar bears (Ursus maritimus), brown bears (U. arctos) and black bears (U. americanus) derived from genome sequences. Journal of Heredity. 105:312-323.
Cronin, M.A., M.M. McDonough, H.M. Huynh, and R.J. Baker. 2013. Genetic relationships of North American bears (Ursus) inferred from amplified fragment length polymorphisms and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91:626-634.
Cronin, M.A., M.D. MacNeil, N. Vu, V. Leesburg, H. Blackburn, and J. Derr. 2013. Genetic variation and differentiation of extant bison subspecies and comparison with cattle breeds and subspecies. Journal of Heredity. 104:500-509.
Cronin, M.A., and M.D. MacNeil. 2012. Genetic relationships of extant North American brown bears (Ursus arctos) and polar bears (U. maritimus). The Journal of Heredity103:873-881.
Diaz, I.D.P.S., D. H. Crews Jr., and R. M. Enns. 2013 Cluster and meta-analyses of genetic parameters for feed intake traits in growing beef cattle. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. DOI=10.1111/jbg.12063&ArticleID=1235102 1-10.
Hulsman Hanna, L. L., D. J. Garrick, C. A. Gill, A. D. Herring, P. K. Riggs, R. K. Miller, J. O. Sanders, and D. G. Riley. 2014. Genome-wide association study of temperament and tenderness using different Bayesian approaches in a Nellore-Angus crossbred population. Livest. Sci. 161:17-27.
Hulsman Hanna, L. L., D. J. Garrick, C. A. Gill, A. D. Herring, J. O. Sanders, and D. G. Riley. 2014. Comparison of breeding value prediction for two traits in a Nellore-Angus crossbred population using different Bayesian modeling methodologies. Genet. Mol. Biol. In Review.
Hulsman Hanna, L. L., and D. G. Riley. 2014. Mapping genomic markers to closest feature using the R package Map2NCBI. Livest. Sci. 162:59:65.
Hulsman Hanna, L. L., J. O. Sanders, D. G. Riley, C. A. Abbey, and C. A. Gill. 2014. Identification of a major locus interacting with MC1R and modifying black coat color in an F2 Nellore-Angus population. Genet. Sel. Evol. 46:4.
Karisa, B.K., J. Thomson, Z. Wang, C. Li, Y.R. Montanholi, S.P. Miller, S.S. Moore, and G.S. Plastow. 2014. Plasma metabolites associated with residual feed intake and other productivity performance traits in beef cattle, Livestock Science, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2014.03.002
Minten, M.A., T.R. Bilby, R.G.S. Bruno, C.C. Allen, C.A. Madsen, Z. Wang, J.E. Sawyer, A. Tibary, H.L. Neibergs, T.W. Geary, S. Bauersachs, T.E. Spencer. 2013. Effects of Fertility on Gene Expression and Function of the Bovine Endometrium. PLoSOne 8(8): e69444. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069444
Nielsen, M. K., M. D. MacNeil, J. C. M. Dekkers, D. H. Crews Jr., T. A. Rathje, R. M. Enns, and R. L. Weaber. 2013. Life-cycle, total-industry genetic improvement of feed efficiency in beef cattle: Blueprint for the Beef Improvement Federation. Prof. An. Sci. 29: 559-565.
Peters, S. O., K. Kizilkaya, D. J. Garrick, R. L. Fernando, E. J. Pollak, R. M. Enns, M. De Donato, O. O. Ajayi, and I. G. Imumorin. Use of robust multivariate linear mixed models for estimation of genetic parameters for carcass traits in beef cattle. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. DOI:10.111/jbg.12093
Riley, D. G., T. H. Welsh Jr., C. A. Gill, L. L. Hulsman, A. D. Herring, P. K. Riggs, J. E. Sawyer, and J. O. Sanders. 2013. Whole genome association of SNP with newborn calf cannon bone length. Livest. Sci. 155:186-196.
Scraggs, E, A. Wojwicz, R. Zanella, J.F. Taylor, C.T. Gaskins, J.J. Reeves, J.M. de Avila, H.L. Neibergs. 2013. Estimation of inbreeding and effective population size of full blood Wagyu cattle registered with the American Wagyu Cattle Association. Journal Animal Breeding and Genetics DOI: 10.1111.jbg.12066
Tolleson, D.R. and D.W. Schafer. 2014. Application of fecal near-infrared spectroscopy and nutritional balance software to monitor diet quality and body condition in beef cows grazing Arizona rangeland. J. Anim. Sci. 92:349–358.
Scientific Abstracts:
Bauer, L. W., J. O. Sanders, D. G. Riley, and A. D. Herring. 2014. Breed and sex influence on calf birth weight in purebred and crossbred Angus and Nellore calves. J. Anim. Sci. 92(Suppl. 2):3(Abstr.).
Burns, G.W., T.W. Geary, J.I. Moss, A.C. Denicol, K.B. Dobbs, M. Sofiea Ortega, P.J. Hansen, A.J. Wojtowicz, H.L. Neibergs, P.J. Ross, T.E. Spencer. Genome-wide association study and endometrial transcriptomics of fertility-classified beef heifers. 2014. Society Study of Reproduction Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Cockrum, R. R., S. E. Speidel, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, R. K. Peel, R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. J. Wagner, P. Boddhireddy, M. G. Thomas, K. Prayaga, and R. M. Enns. 2013. Heritability and correlations of immune respons parameters in cattle treated for bovine respiratory disease. J. Anim. Sci. Vol 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Supl. 1. Page 70.
Garcia, J., A. D. Herring, D. G. Riley, J. O. Sanders, and D. P. Anderson. 2014. Economic analysis of cow longevity. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 65:83-86.
Downey, E.D., X. Fang, C.A. Runyan, J.E. Sawyer, T.B. Hairgrove, J.F. Ridpath and A.D. Herring. 2013. Anamnestic antibody response to in BVDV 1b challenge in Angus-Nelore steers. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E-Suppl. 2): 650(Abstr.).
Downey, E.D., X. Fang, C. Runyan, J.E. Sawyer, T.B. Hairgrove, J.F. Ridpath, and A.D. Herring. 2014. Vaccinated Angus-Nellore yearling steers have reduced platelet and lymphocyte decline following bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1b challenge. (abstract for Southern Section ASAS page 20).
Fang, X., E.D. Downey, C.A. Runyan, T.B. Hairgrove, J.E. Sawyer, W. Mwangi, C.A. Gill, and A.D. Herring. 2014. Relationships between temperament and hematological responses of crossbred steers following bovine viral diarrhea virus challenge. (abstract for Southern Section ASAS page 5).
Fang, X., E. Downey, C.A. Runyan, J.E. Sawyer, T.B Hairgrove, J.F. Ridpath, W. Mwangi , C.A. Gill, and A.D. Herring. 2013. Relationships of temperament, exit velocity and rectal temperature of crossbred steers challenged with Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E-Suppl. 2): 648(Abstr.).
Garrick, D.J., M. Saatchi, J. F. Taylor, US Feed Efficiency Consortium. Genome-Wide Association Study of Dry Matter Intake, Metabolic Weight, Growth and Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle. 2014. Plant & Animal Genome XXII, San Diego, California.
Kidder, L., A.J. Wojtowicz, J.F. Taylor, C.M. Seavury, K.A. Johnson, H.L. Neibergs. Gene set enrichment analysis of residual feed intake in Hereford cattle. 2014. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri.
Long, N.M., T.A. Burns, S.K. Duckett, and D.W. Schafer. 2013. Reproductive performance of beef heifers supplemented with saturated or unsaturated rumen bypass fat. J. Anim. Sci. 91 (E-Suppl. 2):235. (Abstr.).
Long, N.M. And D.W. Schafer. 2013. Changes in plasma leptin in newborn and postnatal beef calves. J. Anim. Sci. 91 (E-Suppl.2):344-345. (Abstr.).
Moss, K.D., F. Avila, T. Raudsepp, B.M. Marron, J.E. Beever, M. Neupane, S. Parish, J. Kiser, B. Cantrell, H.L. Neibergs. Polymelia in Holstein Cattle. 2014. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri.
Neibergs, H.L., C.M. Seabury, J.F. Taylor, A. Wojtowicz, Bovine Respiratory Disease Consortium, J.E. Womack. A multidisciplinary approach to genome wide association analysis reveals susceptibility loci for Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex. 2014. Plant & Animal Genome XXII, San Diego, California.
Neibergs, J.S., H.L. Neibergs, J.F. Taylor, C.M. Seabury, T.W. Lehenbauer, A.L. Van Eenennaam, J.E. Womack. An estimate of the economic gain from selection to reduce BRD incidence in dairy calves. 2014. Proceedings 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Riley, D.G., T.H. Welsh, C.A. Gill, L.L. Hulsman, A.D. Herring, P.K. Riggs, J.E. Sawyer, and J.O. Sanders. 2013. Association of newborn calf cannon bone length with preselected SNP chosen based on proximity to genes with suspected influence. Page 9 in: American Society of Animal Science Southern Section Annual Meeting and Conference, Orlando, FL, USA.
Runyan, C.A., X. Fang, E.D. Downey, T.B. Hairgrove, J.E. Sawyer, J.G. Moreno, J.F. Ridpath, and A.D. Herring. 2013. Interactions of rectal temperature status and vaccine type with sire on weight gain and feed intake in Bos indicus crossbred steers following Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus challenge. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E-Suppl. 2): 168(Abstr.).
Runyan, C.A., X. Fang, E.D. Downey, J.E. Sawyer, T.B. Hairgrove, J.F. Ridpath, and A.D. Herring. 2014. Evaluation of weight gain and rectal temperature across vaccine type in Bos indicus crossbred steers challenged with bovine viral diarrhea virus. (abstract for Southern Section ASAS page 32).
Seabury, C.M., J.F. Taylor, H.L. Neibergs, BRD Consortium. GWAS for differential manifestation of clinical signs and symptoms related to bovine respiratory disease complex in Holstein calves. 2014. Plant & Animal Genome XXII, San Diego, California.
Speidel, S. E., R. R. Cockrum, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, M. G. Thomas, K. G. Prayaga, R. K. Peel, R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. J. Wagner, and R. M. Enns. 2013. Cortisol, interleukin 8, and immunoglobin G ratios predict treatment for bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Vol 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Supl. 1. Page 486.
Thomas, M. G., G. R. Hagevoort, T. T. Ross, R. M. Enns, H. Van Campen, A. L. Van Eenennaam, H. L. Neibergs, C. Chase, and J. E. Womack. 2013. Integrated program for reducing bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) in cattle, coordinated agricultural project (CAP): Translation of research into teaching programs in 2013. J. Anim. Sci. Vol 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Supl. 1. Page 421.
Wojtowicz, A., C.M. Seabury, J.F. Taylor, BRD Consortium, H.L. Neibergs. Gene set enrichment analysis of bovine respiratory disease SNP genotypic data. 2014. Plant & Animal Genome XXII, San Diego, California.
Womack, J.E., BRD Consortium. Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (BRDC) Coordinated Agriculture Project. 2014. Plant & Animal Genome XXII, San Diego, California.
Conference Proceedings and Research Reports:
Beard, Ashley, Colt Knight, David W. Schafer and Dan B. Faulkner. 2013. Improving range cow efficiency. Producer’s Update and Research Highlights: p57-58.
Faulkner, Dan B., David W. Schafer, Dan D. Kiesling and Michelee M. Regan. 2013. Management factors to improve range cow reproduction. Producer’s Update and Research Highlights: p15-20.
Kiesling, Daniel D., Dan B. Faulkner and David W. Schafer. 2013. Early weaning calves and its effects on two- and three-year old cows’ reproductive performance, feedlot performance and carcass traits of the calf. Producer’s Update and Research Highlights: p59-60.
Schafer, David W. 2013. New technologies in the beef business. Producer’s Update and Research Highlights: p11-14.
Thomas, M.G., N.F. Berge, G.R. Hagevoort, T. Ross, R.M. Enns, A.L. Van Eenennaam, H.L. Neibergs, J.S. Neibergs, J.E. Womack. 2014. Integrated program for reducing bovine respiratory disease complex coordinated agricultural project (BRDC-CAP): Trainee participation is a bonus to teaching aims. Proceedings 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Weaber, R.L., J.E. Beever, H.C. Freetly, D.J. Garrick, S.L. Hansen, K.A. Johnson, M.S. Kerley, D.D. Loy, E. Marques, H.L. Neibergs, E.J. Pollak, R.D. Schnabel, C.M. Seabury, D.W. Shike, M.L. Spangler, J.F. Taylor. 2014. Analysis of US cow-calf producer survey data to assess knowledge, awareness and attitudes related to genetic improvement of feed efficiency. Proceedings 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Non-Referred/Popular Press Articles:
Hulsman, L. 2013. Contemporary Groups: Creating fair comparisons. Brahman Journal. 41(9):34-36.
Hulsman, L., and D. Riley. 2013. BIF & You: the role of the Beef Improvement Federation with American Black Hereford Association. Black Hereford Journal 1(2):4-6. Editor: N. Hoagland. American Black Hereford Association, Leavenworth, KS.
Riley, D. G., M. R. Woolfolk, and L. H. H. Hanna. 2013. American Black Hereford Association Estimated Progeny Differences. Black Hereford Journal 2(2):8-9. Editor: N. Hoagland. American Black Hereford Association, Leavenworth, KS.
Producer and Industry Meetings and Presentations:
Herring, A.D. Genetic and Management Influences on Beef Quality. BEEF 706 (Sponsored by Texas Beef Council), College Station, Texas. 3 sessions with 120 participants.
Herring, A.D. Breed talk Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course, College Station, Texas - August 3, 2013.
Hulsman Hanna, L. L. 2013. Genomic Tests: Understanding their advantages and limitations to beef cattle breeding programs. Stockmen’s Supply West Customer Appreciation Dinner. Mandan, ND. September 10, 2013.
Hulsman Hanna, L. L. 2013. Genomic Tests: Understanding their advantages and limitations to beef cattle breeding programs. Stockmen’s Supply Customer Appreciation Dinner. West Fargo, ND. September 11, 2013.
Hulsman Hanna, L. L. 2013. Genomic Predictions in Nellore-Angus Crossbreds & Future Research Interests. NCERA 225 Annual Meeting. Kansas City, MO. December 11, 2013. Meeting occurred from December 11 – 12, 2013.
Hulsman Hanna, L. L. 2014. Advances in Cattle Genetics. Precision Agriculture Action Summit 2014. Jamestown, ND. January 20 – 21, 2014.
Neibergs, H.L. 2013. Presentations for Beef 300 to cattle producers, Pullman, Washington.
Neibergs, H.L. “Genome Wide Association Analysis Reveals Susceptibility Loci for Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex; Results from the Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex CAP”. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Neibergs, H.L.2014 “Multidisciplinary Approach to Genome Wide Association Analysis Reveals Susceptibility Loci for Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex”. International Plant and Animal Genome XXII, San Diego, California.
Neibergs, H.L. 2014 Presentations at WSU Beef Production Conference, Yakima, Washington.
Neibergs, H.L. 2014 BIF “Economic benefits of using genetic selection to reduce the prevalence of bovine respiratory disease complex in beef feedlot cattle”, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Journal Articles:
Cronin, M.A., A. Cánovas, A. Islas-Trejo, D.L. Bannasch, A.M. Oberbauer, and J.F. Medrano. 2015. Wolf Subspecies: Reply to Weckworth et al. and Fredrickson et al.. The Journal of Heredity. http://jhered.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2015/05/10/jhered.esv029.extract.
Cronin, M.A., A. Cánovas, A. Islas-Trejo, D.L. Bannasch, A.M. Oberbauer, and J.F. Medrano. 2015. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variation of wolves (Canis lupus) in Southeast Alaska and comparison with wolves, dogs, and coyotes in North America. The Journal of Heredity 106:26-36.
Cronin, M. A. 2014. What is a wolf? Chapter 19 pages 287-304, in The Real Wolf by T.B. Lyon and W. Graves, and L.Grosskopf and N. Morrison editors. Farcountry Press, Helena, MT.
Cronin, M.A., G. Rincon, R.W. Meredith, M.D. MacNeil, A. Islas-Trejo, A. Canovas, and J.F. Medrano. 2014. Molecular phylogeny and SNP variation of polar bears (Ursus maritimus), brown bears (U. arctos) and black bears (U. americanus) derived from genome sequences. Journal of Heredity. 105:312-323.
Chapel, N.M., L.L. Hulsman Hanna, N. Chapinal, and S.A. Wagner. 2014. The effects of Flunixin Meglumine treatment and hoof trimming on lying behavior and locomotion in dairy cows. In: Proc. 47th Annual American Association of Bovine Practitioners, Albuquerque, NM. http://www.aabp.org/meeting/display_research.asp?recnum=4885 (Accessed 1 December 2014).
Riley, D.G., C.A. Gill, A.D. Herring, P.K. Riggs, J.E. Sawyer, D.K. Lunt, and J.O. Sanders. 2014. Genetic evaluation of aspects of temperament in Nelore-Angus calves. J. Anim. Sci. 92:3223–3230.
Riley, D.G., C.A. Gill, P.K. Riggs, J.O. Sanders, J.E. Sawyer, and A.D. Herring. 2014. Alternative parameterizations of relatedness in whole genome association analysis of pre-weaning traits of Nelore-Angus calves. Genet. Mol. Biol. 37:518–525.
Hulsman Hanna, L.L., D.J. Garrick, C.A. Gill, A.D. Herring, J.O. Sanders, and D.G. Riley. 2014. Comparison of breeding value prediction for two traits in a Nellore-Angus crossbred population using different Bayesian modeling methodologies. Genet. Mol. Biol. 37:631-637.
Erchinger, J., C. Marianno, and A. Herring. 2015. Development of a customized radiation monitor for livestock screening. Health Physics. (Accepted).
Dillon, J.A., D.G. Riley, A.D. Herring, J.O. Sanders, and R.M. Thallman. 2015. Genetic effects on birth weight in reciprocal Brahman–Simmental crossbred calves. J. Anim. Sci. 93: 553-561.
P.C. Tizioto, J.W. Kim, C.M. Seabury, R.D. Schnabel, L.J. Gershwin, A.L. Van Eenennaam, R. Toaff-Rosenstein, H.L. Neibergs, the Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex Coordinated Agricultural Project Research Team, J.F. Taylor. Immunological response to single pathogen challenge with agents of the bovine respiratory disease complex: An RNA-sequence analysis of the bronchial lymph node transcriptome. PlosOne (in press).
T.F. Ng, N. Kondov, X. Deng, A. Van Eenennaam, H.L. Neibergs, E. Delwart. 2015. Viruses associated with bovine respiratory disease identified using metagenomics and a case-control study. Journal Virology doi:10.1128/JVI.00064-15.
H.L. Neibergs, C.M. Seabury, A.J. Wojtowicz, Z. Wang, E. Scraggs, J. Kiser, M. Neupane, J.E. Womack, A. E. Van Eenennaam, G.R. Hagevoort, T.W. Lehenbauer, S. Aly, J. Davis, J.F. Taylor. 2014. Susceptibility loci revealed for bovine respiratory disease complex in pre-weaned Holstein calves. BMC Genomics 15:1164
- Van Eenennaam, H.L. Neibergs, C. Seabury, J. Taylor, Z. Wang, E. Scraggs, R.D. Schnabel, J. Decker, A. Wojtowicz, S. Aly, J. Davis, P. Blanchard, B. Crossley, P. Rossitto, T. Lehenbauer, R. Hagevoort, E. Chavez, J.S. Neibergs, J.E. Womack. 2014. Results of the BRD CAP project: progress toward identifying genetic markers associated with BRD susceptibility. 2014. Animal Health Research Reviews. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1466252314000231
- Saatchi, J.E. Beever, J.E. Decker, H.C. Freetly, S.L. Hansen, H. Yampara-Iquise, K.A. Johnson, M.S. Kerley, J.W. Kim, D.D. Loy, E. Marques, H.L. Neibergs, E.J. Pollak, R.D. Schnabel, C.M. Seabury, D.W. Shike, M.L. Spangler, R.L. Weaber, D.J. Garrick, J.F. Taylor. 2014. QTL, candidate genes, metabolic and signaling pathways associated with growth, metabolic mid-test weight, feed intake and fee efficiency in beef cattle. BMC Genomics 15:1004 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1004
Boles, J. A., K. S. Kohlbeck, M. C. Meyers, K. A. Perz, K. C. Davis, J. Thomson. 2015. The use of blood lactate concentration as an indicator of temperament and its impact on growth rate and tenderness of steaks from Simmental x Angus steers. Meat Sci 103:68-74.
Swartz, J. D., M. Lachman, K. Westveer, T. O’Neill, T. Geary, R. W. Kott, J. G. Berardinelli, P. G. Hatfield, J. M. Thomson, and C. J. Yeoman. 2014. Characterization of the vaginal microbiota of ewes and cows reveals a unique microbiota with low levels of lactobacilli and near-neutral pH. Frontiers Vet Sci 1:1-10
J.M. Neary, F.B. Garry, T.N. Holt, R.M. Enns, and M.G. Thomas. 2015. The altitude at which a calf is born and raised determines the rate at which mPAP increases with age. J. Anim. Sci. (E-2015-9217; accepted 7/10/2015).
J.M. Neary, F.B. Garry, T.N. Holt, M.G. Thomas, and R.M. Enns. 2015. Mean pulmonary arterial pressures in Angus steers increase from cow-calf to feedlot-finishing phases. J. Anim. Sci. 93: doi:10.2527/jas2015-9048.
M.M. Culbertson, S.E. Speidel, R.K. Peel, R.R. Cockrum, M.G. Thomas, and R.M. Enns. 2015. Optimum measurement period for evaluating feed intake traits in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 93:1-9.
M.A. Elzo, M.G. Thomas, D.D. Johnson, C.A. Martinez, G.C. Lamb, D.O. Rae, J.G. Wasdin, and J.D. Driver. 2015. Genetic parameters and predictions for direct and maternal growth traits in a multibreed Angus-Brahman cattle population using genomic-polygenic and polygenic models. Livestock Sci. 175:18-26.
J.H. Newman, T.N. Holt, J. Cogan, B. Womack, J.A. Phillips, C. Li, Z. Kendall, K.R. Stenmark, M.G. Thomas, R.D. Brown, S.R. Riddle, J.D. West, and R. Hamid. 2015. Increased prevalence of an EPAS1 (HIF2α) variant haplotype in cattle with high altitude pulmonary hypertension: brisket disease gene? Nature Comm. doi: 10.1038/ncoms7863.
D.W. Bailey, S. Lunt, A. Lipka, M.G. Thomas, J.F. Medrano, A. Canovas, G. Rincon, M.B. Stephenson, and D. Jensen. 2015. Genetic influence on cattle grazing distribution: association of genetic markers with terrain use in beef cows. Range Ecol. Mgt. 68:142-149.
Thomas, M.G., A. H. Mohamed, M.N. Sawalhah, J.L. Holechek, D.W. Bailey, J.M. Hawkes, P. Luna-Nevarez, F. Molinar, and G. Khumalo. 2015. Long-term forage, cow-calf, and economic performance of two stocking levels on Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland. Range Ecol. Mgt. 68:158-165.
Book Chapters:
Gonda, M.G. 2015. Understanding the Major Histocompatibility Complex and Immunoglobulin Genes. In: Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
Gonda, M.G. 2015. Livestock and Companion Animal Genetics: Genetics of Infectious Disease Susceptibility. In: Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
Herring, A.D. 2014. North American Beef Production Chapter 5. In: Cottle, D.J., and L. Kahn (eds.) Beef Cattle Production and Trade. CSIRO Publishing in conjunction with Meat & Livestock Australia, Brisbane, QLD. ISBN: 9780643109889.
Herring, A.D. 2014. Beef Cattle, Chapter 130 in Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, print and online. Editor-in-Chief Neal K. Van Alfen. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-444-52512-3.
Editor Reviewed Books:
Beef Cattle Production Systems by Andy D. Herring (2014) 14-chapter text book designed for beef production courses in international markets, published by CABI, Oxfordshire, UK. Released November 3, 2014. ISBN-13: 978 1 78064 415 8.
Conference Proceedings, Abstracts, and Research Reports:
Bohac, J.K., A.D. Herring, D.G. Riley, and J.O. Sanders. 2015. Birth weight, calving rate, and weaning rate in second generation reciprocal Brahman-Angus crosses. Abstract No. 2, Southern Section American Society of Animal Science Meetings, January 31-February 3, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia
Ngere, L., D.G. Riley, A.D. Herring, J.O. Sanders, and T.M. Craig. 2015. Assessment of genetic variation in fecal egg counts for multiple species of internal parasites in growing crossbred Bos indicus-Bos taurus cattle. Abstract No. 4, Southern Section American Society of Animal Science Meetings, January 31-February 3, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Downey, E.D., A. D. Herring, C.A. Gill, K. J. Kochan, P. K. Riggs, and L. S. Skow. 2015. Genetic variation in the Bovine MHC is association with subclinical leukopenia in vaccinated Angus-Nellore steers. Poster at Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) meeting.
Kincheloe, J.J., K.C. Olson, A.D. Blair, K.R. Underwood, M.G. Gonda, A.A. Harty, and R.N. Funston. 2015. Impact of maternal protein restriction in first calf heifers during mid- to late-gestation on dam and suckling calf performance through weaning. Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Ruidoso, NM. Volume 66.
Marley, K.B., L.A. Kuehn, J. Keele, B. Wileman, and M.G. Gonda. 2015. Genome wide association study of Escherichia coli O157:H7 vaccine response in beef cattle. Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Perry, G.A., A.K. McNeel, R.A. Cushman, M.G. Gonda, and B.L. Perry. 2014. Identification of changes in bovine oviductal mRNA expression by RNAseq from animals with high and low circulating estradiol concentrations during timed artificial insemination. Ruminant Reproduction Symposium, Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan.
McNeel, A.K., R.A. Cushman, W.M. Snelling, M.G. Gonda, B.L. Perry, and G.A. Perry. 2014. De novo assembly and identification of unique contigs in the bovine oviduct from animals with high and low circulating estradiol concentrations during timed artificial insemination. Society for the Study of Reproduction, Grand Rapids, MI.
Marley, K.B., L.A. Kuehn, J. Keele, B. Wileman, and M.G. Gonda. 2014. Heritability estimation for Escherichia coli O157:H7 vaccine immune response in beef cattle. Avera/South Dakota State University Research Symposium, Brookings, SD.
G.W. Burns, M.E. Wehrman, T.W. Geary, J.I. Moss, A.C. Denicol, K.B. Dobbs, M.S. Ortega, P.J. Hansen, A.J. Wojtowicz, H.L. Neibergs, T.E. Spencer. Systems biology approach to understanding uterine receptivity and pregnancy loss. 2015. Society for Study Reproduction, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
P.C. Tizioto, J.W. Kim, R.D. Schnabel, L.J. Gershwin, A.L. Van Eenennaam, R. Toaff-Rosenstein, H.L. Neibergs, the Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex Coordinated Agricultural Project Research Team, and J.F. Taylor. Susceptibility and molecular mechanisms underlying bovine respiratory disease complex. 2015. Plant & Animal Genome XXIII, San Diego, California.
- Kiser, H.L. Neibergs. Genome wide association study confirms association of Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis tissue infection on BTA16 and BTA22. 2014. 3rd Annual Mycobacterial Disease of Animals Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.
Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex Consortium Coordinated Agricultural Project Team, J.E. Womack. Integrated program for reducing bovine respiratory disease complex in beef and dairy cattle coordinated agricultural project (BRD CAP). 2014. Bovine respiratory Disease Symposium 2014: New Approaches to Bovine Respiratory Disease Prevention, Management and Diagnosis, Denver, Colorado.
T.E. Spencer, T.W. Geary, P.J. Hansen, H.L. Neibergs, J. Dalton, J.B. Cole. Systems biology approaches to understanding conceptus elongation and early pregnancy loss. 2014. Society Study Reproduction Annual meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
J.C. Dalton, D.A. Moore, T. Spencer, H. Neibergs, A. DeVries, P. Hansen, and J. Cole. 2014. Survey of genomic management practices of United States’ dairy producers. In: Proc. New Science, New Practices International Cow Fertility Conference, Westport, Ireland, Cambridge University Press, Volume 5, Part 2, p. 260.
T.E. Spencer, P.J. Hansen, J.B. Cole, J. Dalton, H.L. Neibergs. Genomic selection and reproductive efficiency in dairy cattle. 2014. Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council.
H.L. Neibergs, J.S. Neibergs, A.J. Wojtowicz, J.F. Taylor, C.M. Seabury, J.E. Womack. Economic benefits of using genetic selection to reduce the prevalence of bovine respiratory disease complex in beef feedlot cattle. 2014. Proceedings Beef Improvement Federation, 82-87. Lincoln, Nebraska
J.S. Neibergs, H.L. Neibergs, J.F. Taylor, C.M. Seabury, T.W. Lehenbauer, A.L. Van Eenennaam, J.E. Womack. An estimate of the economic gain from selection to reduce BRD incidence in dairy calves. 2014. Proceedings 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
R.L. Weaber, J.E. Beever, H.C. Freetly, D.J. Garrick, S.L. Hansen, K.A. Johnson, M.S. Kerley, D.D. Loy, E. Marques, H.L. Neibergs, E.J. Pollak, R.D. Schnabel, C.M. Seabury, D.W. Shike, M.L. Spangler, J.F. Taylor. Analysis of US cow-calf producer survey data to assess knowledge, awareness and attitudes related to genetic improvement of feed efficiency. 2014. Proceedings 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
M.G. Thomas, N.F. Berge, G.R. Hagevoort, T. Ross, R.M. Enns, A.L. Van Eenennaam, H.L. Neibergs, J.S. Neibergs, J.E. Womack. 2014. Integrated program for reducing bovine respiratory disease complex coordinated agricultural project (BRDC-CAP): Trainee participation is a bonus to teaching aims. Proceedings 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
K.A. Perz, M.R. Whitmore, A.F. Williams, A.R. Hicks-Lynch, M.R. Herrygers, J. A. Boles, J.G. Berardinelli. J.M. Thomson. 2015. Carcass characteristics and body composition of lambs selected for divergent residual feed intake. Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Ruidoso, NM. Volume 66.
Thomson, J., J. D. Swartz, C. J. Yeoman, J. G. Berardinelli. 2014. Genomic differences between Rambouillet sheep selected for high and low reproductive rate. 2014 American Society of Animal Sciences JAM July 20-24, 2014. Kansas City, MS.
Karisa, B.K.., J. Thomson, G. Plastow. 2014. Residual Feed Intake in Beef Cattle; Genes, Metabolites and Beyond. Accepted for Proceedings 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Aug 17-22, 2014. Vancouver BC, Canada.
- D. Swartz, C. J. Yeoman, J. G. Berardinelli, J. M . Thomson. 2014. Impact of Long Term Selection of Reproductivve Efficiency in Linebred Rambouillet Sheep. Accepted for Proceedings 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Aug 17-22, 2014. Vancouver BC, Canada.
- A. Boles, K. S. Kohlbeck, M. C. Meyers, K. A. Perz, J. Thomson, K. C. Davis. 2014 Temperament classification affects tenderness of steask from Simmental X Angus cross steers. Accepted for International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Aug 17-22, 2014. Punta Del Este, Uraguay.
Williams, A. F., J. A. Boles, K. S. Kohlbeck, M. C. Meyers, K. A. Perz, J. Thomson, K. C. Davis. 2014. Effect of Tmerperament and Growth Rate on Carcass Characteristics of Simmental Steers. Accepted for International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Aug 17-22, 2014. Punta Del Este, Uraguay.
Zeng, X., Speidel, S. E., Thomas, M., Enns, R. M. Estimating Economic Values of Traits Belonging to Cattle in Maternal Beef Production. Proc. West. Sect. Am. Soc. An. Sci.. American Society of Animal Science.
Cockrum, R.R., Zeng, X., Berge, N.F., Neary, J.M., Garry, F.B., Holt, T. N., Blackburn, H.D., Thomas, S. P., Speidel, S.E., Garrick, D.J., Enns, R.M., Thomas, M.G. (2014). Angus cattle at high altitude: genetic relationships and initial genome wide association analyses of pulmonary arterial pressure. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod.. WCGALP. https://asas.org/docs/default-source/wcgalp-proceedings-oral/236_paper_9105_manuscript_427_0.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Culbertson, M.M., Speidel, S. E., Thomas, M.G., Keenan, L., Enns, R.M. (2014). Effect of genetics level of beef cow milk production on longevity in diverse environments. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod.. WCGALP. https://asas.org/docs/default-source/wcgalp-posters/766_paper_9935_manuscript_1097_0.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Speidel, S. E., S., Cockrum, R., Salak-Johnson, J. L., Chase, C. C. L., Thomas, M., Peel, R. K., Enns, R. M. (2014). Genetic analysis of receiving weight, ultrasound back fat, ultrasound rib eye area, ultrasound percent intramuscular fat, and bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod. WCGALP. https://asas.org/docs/default-source/wcgalp-posters/519_paper_8807_manuscript_253_0.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Zeng, X., Cockrum, R.R., Berge, N.F., Neary, J.M., Garry, F.B., Holt, T. N., Blackburn, H.D., Speidel, S.E., Garrick, D.J., Enns, R.M., Thomas, M.G. (2014). Genetic correlation and genome wide association study of pulmonary arterial pressure and post weaning growth traits in Angus heifers from a high altitude breeding program. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod.. WCGALP. https://asas.org/docs/default-source/wcgalp-posters/428_paper_9752_manuscript_1034_0.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Berge, N.F., Speidel, S.E., Zeng, X., Culbertson, M.M., Thomas, M.G., Enns, R.M. (2014). Genetic relationships between pulmonary arterial pressure and performance traits in Colorado State University Beef Improvement Center Angus herd. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod. WCGALP. https://asas.org/docs/default-source/wcgalp-posters/430_paper_9946_manuscript_1110_0.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Non-Referred/Popular Press Articles:
Buchanan, D.S. and L.L. Hulsman Hanna. 2014. Understanding EPDs. Black Hereford Journal. 3(1): 7-10. Editor: J. Hoagland. American Black Hereford Association, Leavenworth, KS.
Hanna, L.L. and D.S. Buchanan. 2014. The Role of a Black Hereford Breeder. Editor: J. Hoagland. American Black Hereford Association, Leavenworth, KS. 3(2): 5-8.
Ramsay, J.K., L.L. Hulsman Hanna, and K.A. Ringwall. 2014. Enhancing the identification of error checking in the Cow Herd Appraisal Performance Software (CHAPS) benchmarks using SAS procedures. 2014 North Dakota Beef Report pg 33-36.
Producer and Industry Meetings and Presentations:
Hulsman Hanna, L. L. 2015. ASAS Midwest Section Meeting, Des Moines, IA, March 15 – 18, 2015. Attendee/Discussant/ MS Oral Session I Judge.
Hulsman Hanna, L. L. 2014. North Dakota Stockmen’s Association Board of Directors Meeting, Mandan, ND, December 3, 2014. Discussant/Attendee.
Hulsman Hanna, L. L. 2014. North Dakota Beef Cattle Improvement Association Board of Directors Meeting, Bismarck, ND, November 20, 2014. Discussant/Attendee
Hulsman Hanna, L. L. 2014. NCERA-225 Annual Meeting, Bozeman, MT, October 23 – 24, 2014. Participant/Discussant.
Hulsman Hanna, L. L. 2014 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 16 – 23, 2014. Attendee/Discussant.
Thomson, J. M. 2014 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 16 – 23, 2014.
Thomson, J. M. 2014 American Society of Animal Sciences JAM July 20-24, 2014. Kansas City, MS.
Thomson, J. M. 2015 Montana Cattle Producers School
Downey, E.D., J.F. Ridpath, J.E. Sawyer, and A.D. Herring. 2014. Leukopenia difference following BVDV 1b challenge in vaccinated Angus-Nellore steers. 2014 US BVDV Symposium, Extension Session. August 3, 2014 College Station, TX with nationwide webinar. 50 in attendance.
Herring, A.D. 2015. Speaker for BEEF 706 on genetic aspects of beef carcass quality (4 sessions 40 people each) 2 in January, 2 in August. 160 producers contacted.
Herring, A.D. 2014. Co-coordinator with Dan Hale and moderator of 2nd Aggie Commercial steer camp (70 in attendance). July 29-30, 2014
Herring, A.D. 2014. Coordinator and moderator for Beef Cattle Research session of Beef Cattle Short Course (75 in attendance)
Herring, A.D. 2014.Co-coordinator with Joe Paschal and Steve Hammack for Breeding and Genetics sessions of Beef Cattle Short Course. 250 producers in audience across two sessions.
Neibergs, H.L. 2014. Transcription binding factors on BTA3 are associated with Map tissue infection. 118th United States Animal Health Association & 57th American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians meeting, Kansas City, Missouri.
Neibergs, H.L. 2014. Reducing bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) in beef cattle. National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium Webinar “Brown Bagger” Series October 15, 2014.
Neibergs, H.L. 2014. Economic Benefits of using Genetic Selection to Reduce the Prevalence of Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex in Beef Feedlot Cattle. Beef Improvement Federation, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Neibergs, H.L. 2014. Beef 300, Use of traditional and genomic selection tools for increased profitability, Pullman, Washington
Neibergs, H.L. 2014. Cattlemen to Cattlemen TV episode: BRD CAP update. November 18, 2014; http://www.cattlementocattlemen.org/videoplayer.aspx?videoid=3895558158001
Refereed articles (24):
Ballenger N., C. Bastian K. Cammack, B. Feuz, G. Griffith, and J. Schaffer. 2016. 30 and Daisy: DNA tests for beef cattle. Choices. (In press).
Cronin, T.M. and M.A. Cronin. 2015. Biological response to climate change in the Arctic Ocean: The view from the past. Arktos: The Journal of Arctic Geosciences. Review article. DOI 10.1007/s41063-015-0019-3.
Cronin, M.A. 2015. The Greater Sage-Grouse Story: Do we have it right? Rangelands. 37:200-204.
Cronin, M.A., A. Cánovas, A. Islas-Trejo, D.L. Bannasch, A.M. Oberbauer, and J.F. Medrano. 2015. Wolf Subspecies: Reply to Weckworth et al. and Fredrickson et al. J. Hered. 106:417-419.
Cronin, M.A., A. Cánovas, A. Islas-Trejo, D.L. Bannasch, A.M. Oberbauer, and J.F. Medrano. 2015. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variation of wolves (Canis lupus) in Southeast Alaska and comparison with wolves, dogs, and coyotes in North America. The J. Hered. 106:26-36.
Culbertson, M.M., S.E. Speidel, R.K. Peel, R.R. Cockrum, M.G. Thomas, and R.M. Enns. 2015. Optimum measurement period for evaluating feed intake traits in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 93:1-9.
Davis, K.M., T. Smith, B. Bolt, S. Meadows, J.G. Powell, R.C. Vann, J.D. Arthington, N. DiLorenzo, D.L. Lalman, F.M. Rouquette, G.R. Hansen, A.J. Cooper, J.E. Cloud, M.D. Garcia, A.D. Herring, D.S. Hale, J.O. Sanders, T.B. Hairgrove, T.J. DeWitt, and D.G. Riley. 2015. Technical note: Digital quantification of eye pigmentation of cattle with white faces. J. Anim. Sci. 93: 3654-3660.
Dillon, J.A., R.M. Thallman, A.D. Herring, J.O. Sanders, and D.G. Riley. 2015. Genetic effects on birth weight in reciprocal Brahman-Simmental crossbred calves. J. Anim. Sci. 93: 553-561.
Erchinger, J., C. Marianno, and A. Herring. 2015. Development of a customized radiation monitor for livestock screening. Health Physics. 108:485-491.
Gershwin, L.J., A.L. Van Eenennaam, M.L. Anderson, H. McEligot, M. Shao, S. Yarnes, R. Toeff-Rosenstein, J.F. Taylor, H.L. Neibergs, and Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex Coordinated Agricultural Project Research Team. 2015. Single pathogen challenge with agents of the bovine respiratory disease complex: Developing a resource for RNA sequences associated with disease. PLosOne. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142479
Gonda, M.G. 2015. Understanding EPDs and how to use them. In: iGrow Beef: Best Management Practices for Cow-Calf Production, eds. Nold, R. and Perry, G.A., South Dakota Board of Regents.
Gonda, M.G. and W. Rusche. 2015. Breeding systems for commercial beef production. In: iGrow Beef: Best Management Practices for Cow-Calf Production, eds. Nold, R. and Perry, G.A., South Dakota Board of Regents.
Gonda, M.G. 2015. DNA testing in beef production. In: iGrow Beef: Best Management Practices for Cow-Calf Production, eds. Nold, R. and Perry, G.A., South Dakota Board of Regents.
Hulsman Hanna, L.L., D.J. Garrick, C.A. Gill, A.D. Herring, J.O. Sanders, and D.G. Riley. 2015. Cross-validation of genetic and genomic predictions of temperament in Nellore-Angus crossbreds. Livest. Sci. 182:28-33.
Lean, Ian, M. Lucy, J. McNamara, B. Bradford, E. Block, J. Thomson, J. Morton, P. Celi, A. Rabiee, J. Santos, W. Thatcher, S. LeBlanch. 2016. Invited Review: Recommendations for reporting intervention studies on reproductive performance in dairy cattle: Improving design, analysis, and interpretation of research on reproduction. J. Dairy Sci. 99:1-17.
MacNeil, M.D., L. J. Alexander, J. Kantanen, I. A. Ammosov, Z. I. Ivanova, R. G. Popovf, M. Ozerovg, A. Millbrooke, and M. A. Cronin. 2016. Potential Emigration of Siberian Cattle Germplasm to Chirikof Island, Alaska. Journal of Genetics. In Press.
Mohrhauser, D.A., A.R. Taylor, M.G. Gonda, K.R. Underwood, R.H. Pritchard, A.E. Wertz-Lutz, and A.D. Weaver. 2015. The influence of maternal energy status during mid-gestation on beef offspring tenderness, muscle characteristics, and gene expression. Meat Sci. 110: 201-11.
Neary, J.M., F.B. Garry, T.N. Holt, R.D. Brown, K.R. Stenmark., R.M. Enns, and M.G. Thomas. 2015. The altitude at which a calf is born and raised determines the rate at which mPAP increases with age. J. Anim. Sci. 93:1-7.
Neary, J.M., F.B. Garry, T.N. Holt, M.G. Thomas, and R.M. Enns. 2015. Mean pulmonary arterial pressures in Angus steers increase from cow-calf to feedlot-finishing phases. J. Anim. Sci. 93:3854-3861.
Ramsay, J.M., L.L. Hulsman Hanna, K.A. Ringwall. 2016. Maximizing use of extension beef cattle benchmarks data derived from Cow Herd Appraisal Performance Software. J. Exten. 54(3): 3TOT5.
Riley, D.G., C.A. Gill, C.R. Boldt, R.R. Funkhouser, A.D. Herring, P.K. Riggs, J.E. Sawyer, D.K. Lunt, and J.O. Sanders. 2016. Crossbred Bos indicus steer temperament as yearlings and whole genome association of steer temperament as yearlings and calf temperament post-weaning. J. Anim. Sci. 94:1408–1414.
Thomson, J. M. 2016. Impacts of environment on gene expression and epigenetic modification in grazing animals. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted for publication).
Tizioto, P.C., J.W. Kim, C.M. Seabury, R.D. Schnabel, L.J. Gershwin, A.L. Van Eenennaam, R. Toaff-Rosenstein, H.L. Neibergs, the Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex Coordinated Agricultural Project Research Team, J.F. Taylor. 2015. Immunological response to single pathogen challenge with agents of the bovine respiratory disease complex: An RNA-sequence analysis of the bronchial lymph node transcriptome. PlosOne DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0131459
Xu, Y., Y. Wu, M.G. Gonda, and J. Wu. 2015. A linkage based imputation method for missing SNP markers in association mapping. J. Appl. Bioinform. Comput. Biol. 4(1): 1000115.
Scientific abstracts (57, 46 of which are itemized below):
Bauer, L.W., J.O. Sanders, D.G. Riley, A.D. Herring, and J.E. Sawyer. 2016. Effects of breed type and sex on calf birth weight in reciprocal F2 Angus and Nellore crosses. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 1): 4(Abstr.) doi: 10.2527/ssasas2015-007.
Blackburn, H., M. Thomas, R.M. Enns, S.E. Speidel, and S. Paiva. 2015. A livestock database for long term storage and use of genomic and other associated information. Plant and Animal Genome XXIII. Abstract W142.
Bohac, J.K., A.D. Herring, D.G. Riley, and J.O. Sanders. 2015. Birth weight, calving rate, and weaning rate in second generation reciprocal Brahman-Angus crosses. Abstract No. 2, Southern Section American Society of Animal Science Meetings, January 31-February 3, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Bohac, J.K., J.O. Sanders, A.D. Herring, D.G. Riley, and J.E. Sawyer. 2016. Longevity of Brahman, Angus, F1 and F2 Brahman-Angus cows. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 1): 2(Abstr.) doi: 10.2527/ssasas2015-004.
Brown, R.D., A. Canovas, S. Riddle, J.M. Neary, A. Islas-Trejo, G.M. Krafsur, R.R. Cockrum, R.M. Enns, J. Medrano, M.G. Thomas, and K.R. Stenmark. 2015. Natural history of pulmonary hypertension: transcriptome analysis of right ventricular remodeling and failure in beef cattle exposed to chronic hypoxia. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 191:A1041.
Burns, G.W., M.E. Wehrman, T.W. Geary, J.I. Moss, A.C. Denicol, K.B. Dobbs, M.S. Ortega, P.J. Hansen, A.J. Wojtowicz, H.L. Neibergs, T.E. Spencer. Systems biology approach to understanding uterine receptivity and pregnancy loss. 2015. Society for Study Reproduction, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Cockrum, R., C. Holloway, X. Zeng, N.F. Berge, J.M. Neary. T. Holt, H. Blackburn, S.E. Speidel, R.M. Enns, and M.G. Thomas. 2015. Intrinsic response to hypoxic stress associated with cellular metabolism an inflammation in beef cattle. Plant and Animal Genome XXIII. Abstract P0169.
Delgadillo, J.S., D.G. Riley, C.A. Gill, J.O. Sanders, J.E. Sawyer, and A.D. Herring. 2016. Hot carcass weight and longissimus muscle area in F2 and F3 Nellore-Angus steers. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 1): 4(Abstr.) doi: 10.2527/ssasas2015-008.
Downey, E.D., A. D. Herring, C.A. Gill, K. J. Kochan, P. K. Riggs, and L. S. Skow. 2015. Genetic variation in the Bovine MHC is association with subclinical leukopenia in vaccinated Angus-Nellore steers. Poster at Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) meeting.
Engle, B.N., A.D. Herring, J.E. Sawyer, D.G. Riley, J.O. Sanders, and C.A. Gill. 2016. Genome-wide association study for stayability measures in Nellore-Angus crossbred cows. International Society of Animal Genetics symposium, July Salt Lake City, UT USA.
Flesch, E.P., J.M. Thomson, R.A. Garrott, and T.A. Graves. 2016. An initial assessment of the potential of genomic analysis to help inform bighorn sheep management. The Wildlife Society Meeting.
Fontoura, A.B.P., F.E. Doscher, C.R. Dahlen, K. Ringwall, K.A. Vonnahme, L.L.H. Hanna, and K.C. Swanson. 2016. Plasma analytes concentrations of beef heifers diverging in frame size and known feed efficiency group. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 2): 147-147.
Gershwin, L.J., A.L.Van Eenennaam, J.F. Taylor, J.W. Kim, R.L. Toaff-Rosenstein, H.L. Neibergs, J.E. Womack. Differential gene expression in cattle challenged with single pathogens of the bovine respiratory disease complex. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Griffin, J.E., Z. Wang, J.A. Clapper, R.H. Pritchard, K.R. Underwood, and M.G. Gonda. 2015. Gene expression of the hypothalamus in steers fed high concentrate diet upon entering feedlot phase. American Society of Animal Science, Orlando, FL.
Holland, P.W., C.A. Gill, A.D. Herring, J.O. Sanders, D.G. Riley. 2016. Identification of regions of the bovine genome associated with gray coat color in a Nellore-Angus cross population. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 1): 5(Abstr.) doi: 10.2527/ssasas2015-009.
Herring, A.D. 2015. Practical implications for genetic modeling in the genomics era for the beef industry. J. Anim. Sci. 93(Suppl. S3):197(Abstr.).
Herrygers, M.R., J.G. Berardinelli, J.R. White, J.M. Thomson, V. Copie, B. Tripet, C.J. Butler, D.E. McWhirter, W.H. Edwards, K. Monteith, and R.A. Garrott. 2016. Pregancy rates, metabolites, metabolic hormones, and application of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of metabolic profiles for assessing physiological status in Bighorn Sheep. Northwest Sheep and Goat Conference.
Herrygers, M.R., J.R. White, J.M. Thomson, V. Copie, B. Tripet, C.J. Butler, K.S. White, M. Biel, R.A. Garrott, and J.G. Berardinelli. 2016. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy metabolic profiles distinguish geographically isolated populations of mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus). Northwest Sheep and Goat Conference.
Herrygers, M.R., J.R. White, J.M. Thomson, C.J. Butler, D.E. McWhirter, W.H. Edwards, K. Monteith, R.A. Garrott, and J.G. Berardinelli. 2016. Pregnancy rates, metabolites and metabolic hormones in Bighorn sheep during and after the breeding season. The Wildlife Society Meeting.
Keuter, E.M., C.M. Seabury, M. Neupane, J.N. Kiser, J.G. N. Moraes, J. Dalton, G.W. Burns, T.E. Spencer, H.L. Neibergs. Identification of loci associated with fertility in US Holstein heifers. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Kiser, J.N., J. Hoff, S.N. White, J.F. Taylor, H.L. Neibergs. Identification of loci associated with susceptibility to bovine paratuberculosis using imputed genotypes based on whole genome sequencing. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Kiser, J.N., C.M. Seabury, J.F. Taylor, J.E. Womack, G.R. Hagevoort, T.W. Lehenbauer, S. Aly, A.L. Van Eenennaam, the Bovine Respiratory Disease Consortium, H.L. Neibergs. Clinical Signs Associated with Bovine Respiratory Disease Diagnosis and High Heritability in Beef and Dairy Cattle. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Kiser, J.N., H.L. Neibergs. A QTL on BTA16 is associated with Mycobacteriuam avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) tissue infection. 2015. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Krafsur, G.M., R.D. Brown, J.M. Neary, T. Holt, D.H. Gould, S. Riddle, A. Canovas, J. Medrano, R.M. Enns, R.R. Cockrum, M.G. Thomas and K.R. Stenmark. 2015. Natural history of pulmonary hypertension: adaptive versus maladaptive physiologic responses and cardiopulmonary remodeling in beef cattle exposed to chronic hypoxia. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 191:A5535.
Kuehl, C.R., A.B.P. Fontoura, F. E. Keomanivong, C.R. Dahlen, K. Ringwall, K.A. Vonnahme, L.L.H. Hanna, and K.C. Swanson. 2016. Relationship of frame size and body measurements with feed efficiency traits in heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 2): 199-199.
Mantilla Rojas, C., P.K. Riggs, C.A. Gill, A.D. Herring, J.O. Sanders, J.E. Sawyer, R.K. Miller, and D.G. Riley. 2016. Genome wide association of beef flavor and tenderness in steaks (with electrical stimulation and without) from carcasses of Nellore-Bos taurus steers. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 1): 2(Abstr.) doi: 10.2527/ssasas2015-003.
Miller, M.D., G.E. Carstens, J.M. Thomson, J.G. Berardinelli, M.R. Herrygers, J. White, L.O. Tedeschi, and P.K. Riggs. 2016. Associations between RFI, and metabolite profiles and feeding behavior traits in feedlot cattle. J. Anim Sci. 94 (E-suppl 5):1491.
Moraes, J.G.N., G.W. Burns, M.E. Wehrman, T.W. Geary, J.I. Moss, A.C. Denicol, K.B. Dobbs, M.S. Ortega, P.J. Hansen, H.L. Neibergs, M.F. Smith, J.A. Green, S. Behura, E. O’Neil, T.E. Spencer. Systems biology approach to understanding uterine receptivity and pregnancy loss. 2016 Society for the Study Reproduction, San Diego, California.
Moraes, J.G.N., J. Dalton, T.E. Spencer, J.N. Kiser, G.W. Burns, A. Wojtowicz, M. Neupane, H.L. Neibergs. Identification of loci associated with fertility in Holstein heifers. 2015. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Mutch, J. L., M. Neupane, C. M. Seabury, H. L. Neibergs, D. J. Garrick, M. S. Kerley, D. W. Shike, P. Tizioto, J. E. Beever, J. F. Taylor, FE Consortium and K. A. Johnson. Identification of Biological Pathways Involved in Residual Feed Intake in Hereford Cattle through Gene Set Enrichment Analysis. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Neibergs, J.S., H.L. Neibergs. The value of genetic selection in reducing economic losses from bovine respiratory disease complex in beef cattle feedlots. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Neupane, M., J.F. Taylor, C.M. Seabury, J.E. Womack, Bovine Respiratory Disease Consortium, H.L. Neibergs. Gene set enrichment analysis of bovine respiratory disease complex SNP data in feedlot cattle. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Neupane, M., J. Hoff, J.F. Taylor, C.M. Seabury, J.E. Womack, Bovine Respiratory Disease Consortium, H.L. Neibergs. Refinement of the DST locus associated with bovine respiratory disease complex in Holstein calves. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Ngere, L., D.G. Riley, A.D. Herring, J.O. Sanders, and T.M. Craig. 2015. Assessment of genetic variation in fecal egg counts for multiple species of internal parasites in growing crossbred Bos indicus-Bos taurus cattle. Abstract No. 4, Southern Section American Society of Animal Science Meetings, January 31-February 3, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Neibergs, H.L.. Host genomics – What have we learned. 2015. Bovine tuberculosis and paratuberculosis symposium. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Perz, K.A., J.G. Berardinelli, L.N. Park, R.K. Pollard, C.M. Page, W.C. Stewart, and J.M Thomson. 2016. Repeatability of residual feed intake and indices of body composition in growing Columbia ewes fed the same diet. J. Anim Sci. 94 (E-suppl 5):777.
Pierce, C.F., J.N. Kiser, J. Hoff, M. Neupane, S.N. White, J.F. Taylor, H.L. Neibergs. Identification of loci on chromosome 3 associated with susceptibility to bovine paratuberculosis using genotypes imputed to whole genome sequence in Holstein cows. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Riddle, S., J. Poth, M. Li, H. Zhang, D. Brown, M. Frid, A. Flockton, B. Alexandre McKeon, A. Canovas, A. Islas-Trejo, J.F. Medrano, M. Thomas, B. Davis, N. Serkova, K.C. El Kasmi, and K. Stenmark. 2015. Aerobic glycolysis is a critical metabolic adaptation to drive the pro-inflammatory phenotype of advential fibroblasts isolated from the remodeled pulmonary artery from animals with pulmonary hypertension. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 191:A5466.
Sarlo, K.M., D.G. Riley, J.E. Sawyer, C.A. Gill, J.O. Sanders, and A.D. Herring. 2016. Age-related weights in second and third generation Nellore-Angus half-blood steers. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 1): 3(Abstr.) doi: 10.2527/ssasas2015-006.
Seabury, C.M., H.L. Neibergs, J.F. Taylor, J.E. Womack, Bovine Respiratory Disease Consortium. Genome wide association study of bovine respiratory disease complex in US feedlot cattle. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Spencer, T.E., H.L. Neibergs, P.J. Hansen, J.B. Cole, J.C. Dalton, D.A. Moore, M. Chahine, A. De Vries. Improving fertility of dairy cattle using translational genomics. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Taylor, J.F., H.L. Neibergs, C.M. Seabury, A.L. Van Eenennaam, J.E. Decker, J.L. Hoff, P.C. Tizioto, Bovine Respiratory Disease Consortium, J.E. Womack, R.D. Schnabel. Identification of causal variants underlying pathogen susceptibility and translation to genetic improvement. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Van Tassell, C.P., G. Spangler, D. Bickhart, G.R. Wiggans, J.C. Cole, J.F. Taylor, H.L. Neibergs, C.M. Seabury, A.L. Van Eenennaam, J.E. Womack, Bovine Respiratory Disease Consortium. Calculation of genomic predicted transmitting abilititie for bovine respiratory disease complex in Holsteins. 2016. Joint American Dairy Science Association-American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
White, J.R., M.R. Herrygers, J.M. Thomson, V. Copie, B. Tripet, C.J. Butler, D.E. McWhirter, W.H. Edwards, K. Monteith, R.A. Garrott, and J.G. Berardinelli. 2016. Developing physiological profiles using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to inform Bighorn Sheep (Ovis Canadensis) management. The Wildlife Society Meeting.
Wieseler, A.J., B.L. Felts, J.E. Jensen, T.W. Grovenburg, M.G. Gonda, and J.A. Jenks. 2015. MHC allelic diversity and Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae titer seroprevalence in Bighorn sheep populations with known pathogen shedding histories. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, Canada.
Wright, C.L., S.L. Mastellar, M.G. Gonda, and A.B. Vsetecka. 2015. Gender differences in species and career interests among students in first-year seminar courses. American Society of Animal Science, Orlando, FL.
Conference proceedings, technical reports, Extension and popular press publications (18)
Dahlen, C., R. Schmidt, L. Hulsman Hanna, and K. Ringwall. 2015. Understanding Expected Progeny Differences for the genetic improvement in commercial beef herds. NDSU Extension Service Bulletin AS1770.
Engle, B.N., C.A. Gill, J.O. Sanders, D.G. Riley, J.E. Sawyer, and A.D. Herring. 2016. Influence of first calving date on stayability in Bos indicus crossbred cows. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 67.
Garcia, J., D.P. Anderson, A.D. Herring, D.G. Riley, and J.O. Sanders. 2015. Economic analysis of selecting for cow longevity. Proceedings Paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meeting. Atlanta, GA. February 2, 2015.
Gonda, M.G. 2015. How to use commercially available genomic predictions. Proceedings, The Range Beef Cow Symposium XXIV, Loveland, CO.
Herring, A.D. 2015. Heterozygosity and heterosis considerations for the beef industry. Proc. 61st annual Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course, College Station, TX August 3-5.
Herring, Andy D. 2016. Heterosis, heterozygosity considerations for cattle producers. Progressive Cattleman February issue Pp 58-59.
Herring, Andy D. 2014. Roles of Bos indicus influence on beef production systems: Part II. The Ear Magazine. October 2014 issue.
Herring, Andy D. 2015. Contemporary group concepts. Brangus Journal November 2015 issue. Pp 34-35.
Herrygers, M.R., J.M. Thomson, K.A. Perz, K.B. Herrygers, K. Metcalf, M. Knerr, P. Merta, and J.G. Berardinelli. 2016. Long-term progesterone influence on feed efficiency, body composition, non-esterified fatty acids and metabolic hormones in mature Rambouillet ewes. Proc. West. Sec. Am Soc. Anim. Sci. Vol. 68
Kiesling, D.D., D.B. Faulkner and D.W. Schafer. 2014. Update: early weaning calves and its effects on two- and three-year old cows’ reproductive performance, feedlot performance and carcass traits of the calf. Producer’s Update and Research Highlights: p25.
Knight, C.W., D.B. Faulkner and D.W. Schafer. 2014. Relative feed intake in mature range cows raised on Arizona rangeland. Producer’s Update and Research Highlights: p26-30.
Knight, C. W., D. W. Bailey, D. Faulkner, and D. W. Schafer. 2015. Intake and grazing activity of mature range cows on Arizona rangelands. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. Vol. 66.
Neary, J.M., F.B. Garry, T.N. Holt, P.S. Morley, G.M. Krafsur, R.D. Brown, K.R. Stenmark, R.M. Enns, and M.G. Thomas. 2015. High altitude disease, PAP, feedlot hypertension and respiratory issues: are they linked? Proc. Range Beef Cow Symp. XXIV. Loveland Colorado, November 16-19, 2015. pp. 141-146.
Neibergs, H.L., J.L. Mutch, M. Neupane, C.M. Seabury, J.F. Taylor, D.J. Garrick, M.S. Kerley, D.W. Shike, J.E. Beever, US Feed Efficiency Consortium, K.A. Johnson. 2016. Gene set enrichment analysis for feed efficiency in beef cattle. Beef Improvement Federation Proceedings. Manhattan, Kansas.
Neupane, M., J.N. Kiser, C.M Seabury, J.F. Taylor, J.E. Womack, The Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex Coordinated Agricultural Project Research Team, H.L. Neibergs. Genetic approaches to identify genomic regions associated with decreased susceptibility to bovine respiratory disease complex. 2015. Proceedings American Association of Bovine Practitioners, New Orleans, Louisiana
Perz, K.A.. J.G. Berardinelli, R.A. Shevitshi, J.W. White, and J.M. Thomson. 2016. Use of a human tri-axial pedometer for measurement of sheep activity. Proc. West. Sec. Am Soc. Anim. Sci. Vol. 68.
Tolleson, D.R., and D.W. Schafer. 2015. Short and long-term forensic evaluation of cattle brand burn scar healing. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. Vol. 66.
Williams, A.F., J.A. Boles, M.R. Herrygers, J.G. Berardinelli, M.C. Meyers, and J.M. Thomson. 2016. Relationship between current temperament measures and physiological responses to handling of feedlot cattle. Proc. West. Sec. Am Soc. Anim. Sci. Vol. 68.
US patent 9,133,519 “Compositions and methods for diagnosis of genetic susceptibility, resistance, or tolerance to infection by Mycobacteria and bovine paratuberculosis using promotor variants of END2”. Granted 2015. (Neibergs)
Journal Articles:
Bailey, D.W., M.G. Thomas, T.N. Holt, M.B. Stephenson, R.M. Enns, and S.E. Speidel. 2016. Relationship of pulmonary arterial pressure and terrain use of Angus cows grazing high altitude foothills rangeland. Livestock Sci. 190: 76-80.
Cassady, C.J., T.L. Felix, J.E. Beever, D.W. Shike, National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle. 2016. Effects of timing and duration of test period and diet type on intake and feed efficiency of Charolais-sired cattle. Journal of Animal Science 94(11): 4748-4758 doi:10.2527/jas.2016-0633
Cockrum, R.R., S.E. Speidel, J.L. Salak-Johnson, C.C.L. Chase, R.K. Peel, R.L. Weaber, G.H. Loneragan, J.J. Wagner, P. Boddhireddy, M.G. Thomas, K. Prayaga, S. Denise, and R.M. Enns. 2016. Genetic parameters estimated at receiving for circulating cortisol, immunoglobulin G, interleukin 8, and incidence of bovine respiratory disease in feedlot beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 94: 2770-2778. doi:10.257/jas2016-0222.
Crawford, N.F., M.G. Thomas, T.N. Holt, S.E. Speidel, and R.M. Enns. 2016. Heritabilities and genetic correlations of mean pulmonary arterial pressure and performance traits in Angus cattle at high altitude. J. Anim. Sci. 94: 4483-4490. doi:10.2527/jas.2016-0703.
Cronin, M.A., and V.L.R. Leesburg. 2016. Genetic variation and differentiation in parent-descendant cattle and bison populations. J. Anim. Sci. 94: 4491-4497.
Dalton, J., D. Moore, T.E. Spencer, P.J. Hansen, J.B. Cole, and H. Neibergs. 2016. Genetics, genomics, and fertility. Clinical Theriogenology 8:3:165-170.
Elzo, M.A., R. Mateescu, M.G. Thomas, D.D. Johnson, C.A. Martinez, D.O. Rae, J.G. Wasdin, M.D. Driver, and J.D. Driver. 2016. Growth and reproduction genomic-polygenic and polygenic parameters and prediction trends as Brahman fraction increases in an Angus-Brahman multibreed population. Livestock Sci. 190:104-112.
Fortes, M.R.S., L.T. Nguyen, L.R. Porto Neto, A. Reverter, S.S. Moore, S.A. Lehnert, and M.G. Thomas. 2016. Polymorphisms and genes associated with heifer puberty. Theriogenology 86: 333-339.
Geary, T.W., G.W. Burns, J.G.N. Moraes, J.I. Moss, A.C. Denicol, K.B. Dobbs, S. Ortega, P.J. Hansen, M.E. Wehrman, H. Neibergs, E. O’Neil, S. Behura, T.E. Spencer. 2016. Identification of beef heifers with superior uterine capacity for pregnancy. Biology of Reproduction 95(2): 1-12.
Gulick, A., F.B. Garry, T.N. Holt, K. Retallick, R.M. Enns, M.G. Thomas, and J.M. Neary. 2016. Calves born and raised at high altitude adapt to hypobaric hypoxia by increasing alveolar ventilation rate but not hematocrit. J. Anim. Sci. 94: 4167-4171. doi:10.2527/jas.2016-0718.
Jennings, T.D., M.G. Gonda, K.R. Underwood, A.E. Wertz-Lutz, and A.D. Blair. 2016. The influence of maternal nutrition on expression of genes responsible for adipogenesis and myogenesis in the bovine fetus. Animal 10(10): 1697-1705.
Kiser, J.N., T.E. Lawrence, M. Neupane, C.M. Seabury, J.F. Taylor, J. E. Womack, the Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex Coordinated Agricultural Project Research Team, H.L. Neibergs. 2017. Rapid Communications: Subclinical bovine respiratory disease – loci and pathogens associated with lung lesions in feedlot cattle. 95(3): 1080-1091. Doi:10.2527/jas.2016.1152
Kiser, J.N., S.N. White, K.A. Johnson, J.L. Hoff, J.F. Taylor, H.L. Neibergs. 2017. Identification of loci associated with susceptibility to Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) tissue infection in cattle. Journal of Animal Science. Journal of Animal Science 95(3): 1080-1091 doi:10.2527/jas.2016.1152
Lean, I., M. Lucy, J. McNamara, B. Bradford, E. Block, J. Thomson, J. Morton, P. Celi, A. Rabiee, J. Santos, W. Thatcher, S. LeBlanc. 2016. Invited Review: Recommendations for reporting intervention studies on reproductive performance in dairy cattle: Improving design, analysis, and interpretation of research on reproduction. Journal of Dairy Science. 99: 1-17.
Lokhandwala, S., X. Fang, S.D. Waghela, J. Bray, L.M. Njongmeta, A. Herring, K.W. Abdelsalam, C. Chase, and W. Mwangi. 2017. Priming cross-protective bovine viral diarrhea virus-specific immunity using live-vectored mosaic antigens. PLoS ONE 12(1):e0170425 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0170425
MacNeil, M.D., L.J. Alexander, J. Kantanen, I.A. Ammosov, Z.I. Ivanova, R.G. Popov, M. Ozerov, A. Millbrooke, and M.A. Cronin. 2017. Potential emigration of Siberian cattle germplasm on Chirikof Island, Alaska. J. Genet. 96(1): 47-51.
Neary, J.M., R.D. Brown, T.N. Holt, K.R. Stenmark, R.M. Enns, M.G. Thomas, and F.B. Garry. 2016. Static and dynamic components of right ventricular afterload are negatively associated with calf survival at high altitude. J. Anim. Sci. 94: 4172-4178. doi:10.2527/jas.2016-0652.
Neupane, M., K.D. Moss, F. Avila, T. Raudsepp, B.M. Marron, J.E. Beever, S. Parish, J.N. Kiser, B. Cantrell, H.L. Neibergs. Case study: Polymelia in a Holstein calf. Professional Animal Scientist. In Press.
Ngere, L., J.M. Burke, A.D. Herring, J.O. Sanders, T.M Craig, J.A. van Wyk, and D.G. Riley. 2016. Utilization of year-round data in the estimation of genetic parameters for internal parasite resistance traits in Dorper sheep. Small Ruminant Research 151: 5-10.
Perea, K., K. Perz, S. K. Olivo, A. Williams, M. Lachman, S. L. Ishaq, J. Thomson, C. J. Yeoman. 2017. Feed efficiency phenotypes in lambs involve changes in ruminal, colonic, and small intestine-located microbiota. J. Anim Sci. In Press.
Rhone, J.A., D.F. Waldron, and A.D. Herring. 2016. Performance of Boer-Spanish and Spanish does in Texas: Kid production and doe stayability. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 31: 54-59.
Russell, J., N. Minton, W. Sexton, M. Kerley, S. Hansen, National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle. 2016. Journal of Animal Science 94(4): 1610-1619 doi: 10.2527/jas.2015-9949
Seabury, C.M., D.L. Oldeschulte, M. Saatchi, J.E. Beever, J.E. Decker, Y.A. Halley, E.K. Bhattarai, M. Molaei, H.C. Freetly, S.L. Hansen, H. Yampara-Iquise, K.A. Johnson, M.S. Kerley, J. Woo Kim, D.D. Loy, E. Marques, H.L. Neibergs, R.D. Schnabel, D.W. Shike, M.L. Spangler, R.L. Weaber, D.J. Garrick, and J.F. Taylor. 2017. Genome-Wide Association Study for Feed Efficiency and Growth Traits in U.S. Beef Cattle. BMC Genomics 18: 386 DOI: 10.1186/s12864-017-3754-y
Thomson, J.M. 2016. Impacts of Environment on Gene Expression and Epigenetic Modification in Grazing Animals. J. Anim. Sci. 94(S6): 63–73.
Tolleson, M.W., C.A. Gill, A.D. Herring, P.K. Riggs, J.E. Sawyer, J.O. Sanders, and D.G. Riley. 2017. Association of udder traits with single nucleotide polymorphisms in crossbred Bos indicus-Bos taurus cows. J. Anim. Sci. 95: 2399-2407. doi:10.2527/jas.2017.1475
Weber, M.N., F.V. Bauermann, N. Gómez-Romero, A.D. Herring, C.W. Canal, J.D. Neill, and J.F. Ridpath. 2017. Variation in pestivirus growth in testicle primary cell culture is more dependent on the individual cell donor than cattle breed. Vet. Res. Commun. Published online 18 November 2016 DOI 10.1007/s11259-016-9666-5.
Weng, Z-Q, H. Su, M. Saatachi, J. Lee, M.G. Thomas, J.R. Dunelberger, and D.J. Garrick. 2016. Genome-wide association study of growth and body composition traits in Brangus beef cattle. Livestock Sci. 183: 4-11.
Conference Proceedings, Abstracts, and Research Reports:
Bailey, D.W., M. Millward, D. Stricklan, M.G. Thomas, S. Speidel, M. Enns, J. Medrano, and L.D. Howery. 2016. Development of indicies to select beef cattle for terrain use. Proc. Soc. Range. Mgt. 69th Mtg. p. 81, Corpus Christi, TX.
Bailey, D.W., M.F. Millward, M.G. Thomas, S.E. Speidel, R.M. Enns, J.F. Medrano, L.D. Howery. 2016. Improvements of cattle grazing distribution through genetic selection: challenges and opportunities. Proc. 10th Int. Rangeland Congr. Saskatoon, SK, CA, July 16-22. pp. 182-183.
Boldt, R.J., S.E. Speidel, M.G. Thomas, L. Keenan and R.M. Enns. 2016. Genetic parameters for production traits and heifer pregnancy in Red Angus cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E183.
Canovas, A., R.R. Cockrum, D. Brown, S. Riddle, J. Neary, T. Holt, G.M. Krafsur, J.F. Medrano, A. Islas-Trejo, R.M. Enns, S.E. Speidel, K. Cammack, K.R. Stenmark, and M.G. Thomas. 2016. Functional SNP in a polygenic disease induced by high-altitude in fattening Angus steer. Proc. Eur. Fed. Anim. Sci., abstract 419, p. 67. Belfast, UK. August 2016.
Canovas, A, R.R. Cockrum, R.D. Brown, S.K. Riddle, J.M. Neary, T. Holt, G.M. Krafsur, J.F. Medrano, A. Islas-Trejo, M. Enns, S. Speidel, K. Cammack, K.R. Stenmark, and M.G. Thomas. 2016. Polymorphisms and splice variants in a polygenic disease induced by high altitude in fattening Angus steers using RNA-Seq and systems biology. Plant and Animal Genome XXIV. Abstract PO108.
Canovas, A., R. Cockrum, D. Brown, S. Riddle, J.M. Neary, T.N. Holt, J.F. Medrano, A. Islas-Trejo, R.M. Enns, S.E. Speidel, K. Cammack, K.R. Stenmark and M.G. Thomas. 2016. Functional SNP in a polygenic disease induced by high-altitude in fattening Angus steers using systems biology approach. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E121.
Canovas, A., R. Cockrum, D. Brown, S. Riddle, J.M. Neary, T.N. Holt, J.F. Medrano, A. Islas-Trejo, R.M. Enns, S.E. Speidel, K. Cammack, K.R. Stenmark, and M.G. Thomas. 2016. Functional genomics of high altitude disease in Angus cattle: leveraging-OMICs and systems biology to better understanding of the function and role of key contributing genes. Proc. Int. Soc. Anim. Genet. p. 78 (abstract P3050), Salt Lake City, UT, July 2016.
Cockrum, R., N.F. Berge, X.F. Zeng, H. Blackburn, T. Holt, R.M. Enns, and M.G. Thomas. 2016. Genotypes associated with yearling pulmonary arterial pressure similar for growth measures in Angus heifers. Plant and Animal Genome XXIV. Abstract PO508.
Crawford, N.F., X. Zeng, S.J. Coleman, T.N. Holt, S.E. Speidel, R.M. Enns, J.H. Newman, R. Hamid, and M.G. Thomas. 2016. Pulmonary arterial pressure in yearling Angus cattle managed at high altitude: Study of a non-synonymous SNP in the oxygen-dependent degradation domain of the endothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1 gene. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E79-E80.
Culbertson, M.M., M.G. Thomas, L.L. Leachman, R.M. Enns, and S.E. Speidel. 2016. Effect of heterosis on pulmonary arterial pressure in beef cattle. Proc. CSU Grad. Stud. Show Case. Fort Collins November, 2016.
Culbertson, M.M., M.G. Thomas, L.L. Leachman, R.M. Enns, and S.E. Speidel. 2016. The effect of heterosis on pulmonary arterial pressure in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E167.
Dalton, J., G.W. Burns, T.E. Spencer, and H.L. Neibergs. 2017. Identification of Genes and Gene Sets Enriched for Heifer Conception Rate in US Holstein Heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 95(Suppl. 2): 12.
Delgadillo, J.S., D.G. Riley, J.M. Langdon, II, L.L. Hulsman Hanna, and A.D. Herring. 2017. Black Hereford genetic parameters and predictions for calf traits with alternate modelling strategies. J. Anim. Sci. 95 (Suppl. 4): 88 (Abstr.) doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.178
Dias, M.M., M.G. Thomas, A. Canovas, C. Mantilla-Rojas, D. Riley, P. Luna, S.J. Coleman, S.E. Speidel, R.M. Enns, A. Ilas-Trejo, J.F. Medrano, R. Cockrum, K.M. Cammack, K. Stenmark, S. Moore, M.R.S. Fortes, L.T Nguyen, B. Venus, I. Diaz, F. Souza, L. Fonseca, F. Baldi, L. Albuquerque, and H. Oliveira. 2016. SNP discovery in RNA-Seq across breeds of cattle in puberty-related candidate genes (i.e., network hubs). Plant and Animal Genome XXIV. Abstract PO518.
Elzo, M.A., R. Mateescu, M.G. Thomas, D.D. Johnson, D.O. Rae, J.D. Wasdin, M.D. Driver, and J.D. Driver. 2016. Genomic-polygenic and polygenic parameters and prediction trends for growth and reproduction traits in an Angus-Brahman multibreed population. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E151.
Engle, B.N., A.D. Herring, J.E. Sawyer, D.G. Riley, J.O. Sanders, and C.A. Gill. 2017. Influence of a 1-Mb region of BTA 5 on beef cow stayability in Bos indicus × Bos taurus crossbred cows. Proc.36th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference, 16-21 July, Dublin, Ireland. Abstr. MT317.
Fontoura, A.B.P., F.E. Keomanivong, C.R. Dahlen, K. Ringwall, K.A. Vonnahme, L.L.H. Hanna, and K.C. Swanson. 2016. Plasma analytes concentrations of beef heifers diverging in frame size and known feed efficiency group. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 2): 147.
Fortes, M.R.S., L.T. Nguyen, M.D.C.A. Weller, A. Canovas, A. Islas-Trejo, L.R. Porto-Neto, A. Reverter, S.A. Lehnert, G.B. Boe-Hansen, M.G. Thomas, J.F. Medrano, and S.S. Moore. 2016. Transcriptome and network analyses identified five transcription factors differentially expressed in the hypothalamus of pre versus post-pubertal Brahman heifers. Int. Congr. Anim. Reprod., Nozilly FR.
Garrott, R.A., K.M. Proffitt, J.J. Rotella, J. Berardinelli, J. Thomson, E.P. Flesch, C.J. Butler, E. Lula, and R. Lambert. 2017. The Role of Disease, Habitat, Individual Condition, and Herd Attributes on Bighorn Sheep Recruitment and Population Dynamics in Montana. Annual Report. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Grant. Montana: Fish, Wildlife & Parks and Montana State University.
Griffin, J., M.G. Gonda, K. Underwood, R.H. Pritchard, J.C. Clapper, and Z. Wang. 2016. Global gene expression and DNA methylation of the hypothalamus in feeder calves fed high concentrate finishing diet upon entering feedlot phase. South Dakota Beef Industry Council.
Hulsman Hanna, L.L., J.K. Hieber, H. Yu, C. Dahlen, S. Wagner, and D.G. Riley. 2017. Impact of blood collection on scoring temperament in Angus-based weaned calves is negligible. J. Anim. Sci. 95 (Suppl. 2): 19.
Keuter, E.M., M. Neupane, J.N. Kiser, J.G.N. Moraes, J. Dalton, G.W. Burns, T.E. Spencer, C.M. Seabury, H.L. Neibergs. 2017. Identification of canonical pathways associated with conception rate in US Holstein heifers. 2017 Society for the Study of Reproduction, Washington, D.C.
Kincheloe, J.J., A.D. Blair, K.C. Olson, K.R. Underwood, M.G. Gonda, R.N. Funston, and M.J. Webb. 2016. Impact of maternal protein restriction in mid- to late-gestation on gene expression, offspring growth, carcass composition, and meat quality. South Dakota Beef Industry Council.
Kincheloe, J.J., M.J. Webb, R.N. Funston, K.R. Underwood, M.G. Gonda, A.D. Blair, and K.C. Olson. 2016. Impact of maternal protein restriction in first-calf heifers during mid- to late-gestation on gene expression, feedlot performance, and carcass characteristics of progeny. Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Vol. 67.
Krehbiel, B.C., M.G. Thomas, H.D. Blackburn, S.E. Speidel, R.M. Enns, and L. Keenan. 2016. Evaluation of genetic structure across five US climate zones using prominent AI sires of two British Bos taurus breeds. Proc. West. Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 67:65-68.
Krehbiel, B.C., M.G. Thomas, H.D. Blackburn, S.E. Speidel, R.M. Enns, L.D. Keenan. 2016. Evaluation of genetic structure across five U.S. Climate zones using prominent AI sires of two British Bos taurus breeds. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E4-E5.
Kuehl, C.R., A.B.P. Fontoura, F.E. Keomanivong, C.R. Dahlen, K. Ringwall, K.A. Vonnahme, L.L.H. Hanna, and K.C. Swanson. 2016. Relationship of frame size and body measurements with feed efficiency traits in heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 94(Suppl. 2): 199.
Luna-Nevarez, P., J.C. Leyva-Corona, M.A. Sanchez-Castro, R. Zamorano-Algandar, J.F. Medrano, G. Rincon, R.M. Enns, S.E. Speidel and M.G. Thomas. 2016. A polymorphism within the PAPPA2 gene is associated with postpartum fertility traits in Holstein Dairy cattle located in southern Sonora Mexico. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E163-E164.
Luna-Nevarez, P., M. Pavlovich-Sotomayor, R.I. Luna-Ramirez, C.M. Aguilar-Trejo, G. Luna-Nevarez, X. Zeng, S.E. Speidel, R.M. Enns, and M.G. Thomas. 2016. Study of genetic basis of immune response in gilts vaccinated with a modified live PRRS virus in a swine farm from southern Sonora Mexico. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E86-E87.
Moraes, J.G.N., T.W. Geary, P.J. Hansen, H. Neibergs, S. Behura, T.R. Hansen, T.E. Spencer. 2017. Conceptus elongation in beef heifers with superior uterine capacity for pregnancy. 2017 Society for the Study of Reproduction, Washington, D.C.
Olson, C.A., G.E. Carstens, A.D. Herring, D.S. Hale, I.L. Parsons, J.R. Johnson, W.C. Kayser and R.K. Miller. 2017. Temperament on arrival alters growth efficiency, feeding behavior, and carcass characteristics of feedlot cattle. Proc. Plains Nutrition Council 2017 Spring Conference. Pp 100.
Pauling, R.C., S.E. Speidel, M.G. Thomas, M.M. Culbertson, R.K. Peel, and R.M. Enns. 2016. Winter climate variables and their effect of feed intake in Bos taurus bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E606.
Perea, K., K. Perz, S. K. Olivo, A. Williams, M. Lachman, S. L. Ishaq, J. Thomson, C. J. Yeoman. 2017. Feed efficiency phenotypes in lambs involve changes in ruminal, colonic, and small intestine-located microbiota. Proceedings 2017 Congress on Gastrointestinal Function.
Perkins, S.D., P. Sutovsky, S. Subramanian, J.L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, G.A. Perry, T.G. McDaneld, and M.G. Gonda. 2016. Characterization of miRNAs and piRNAs in the seminal plasma of beef bulls with predicted high and low fertility. International Congress of Animal Reproduction, Tours, France.
Peters, S.O., M. Sinecen, M.G. Thomas, I.G. Imumorin, and K. Kizilkaya. 2016. Genome-enabled prediction of genetic values of growth traits using artificial neural networks. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E151-152.
Ramsay, J.M., L.L. Hulsman Hanna, and K.A. Ringwall. 2016. Maximizing use of extension beef cattle benchmarks data derived from Cow Herd Appraisal Performance Software. J. Extension 54(3): 3TOT5.
Sarlo Davila, K.M., A.D. Herring, J.E. Sawyer, J.F. Ridpath, and C.A. Gill. 2017. Genome-wide association study for monocyte count at day 7 post-challenge with bovine viral diarrhea virus in F2 and F3 Nellore-Angus halfblood steers. Proc. 36th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference, 16-21 July, Dublin, Ireland. Abstr. MT367.* (*Also selected for Platform “Lightning Talk” presentation.)
Smith, P.S., G.E. Carstens, C.A. Runyan, J.F. Ridpath, J.E. Sawyer, and A.D. Herring. 2017. Effects of vaccine treatment and temperament classification on intake and feeding behavior responses to bovine viral diarrhea virus challenge in beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 95 (Suppl. 4): 42 (Abstr.) doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.085
Smith, P.S., W. Kayser, G.E. Carstens, C.A. Runyan, J.F. Ridpath, J.E. Sawyer, and A.D. Herring. 2017. Type of BRD vaccine alters feed intake and feeding behavior responses to BVD viral challenge in beef steers. Proc. Plains Nutrition Council 2017 Spring Conference. Pp 103.
Taylor, J.F., J.E. Beever, J.E. Decker, H.C. Freetly, D.J. Garrick, S.L. Hansen, K.A. Johnson, M.S. Kerley, D.D. Loy, H.L. Neibergs, M. Saatchi, R.D. Schnabel, C.M. Seabury, D.W. Shike, M.L. Spangler, and R.L. Weaber. 2017. The genetic improvement of feed efficiency in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 95(Suppl. 2): 161.
Thomas, M.G., S.J. Coleman, S.E. Speidel and R.M. Enns. 2016. Multi-omics data resources and use in genetic improvement of cattle growth and health. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E369-E370.
Thomas, M.G., R.M. Enns, R. Hagevoort, J.S. Neibergs, A.L. Van Eenennaam, H.L. Neibergs, and J.E. Womack. 2016. Integrated program for reducing bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) in cattle, coordinated agricultural project (CAP): translation of multi-omics research results into teaching programs. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E852-853.
Webb, M.J., J.J. Kincheloe, R.N. Funston, K.R. Underwood, J.F. Legako, M.G. Gonda, K.C. Olson, and A.D. Blair. 2017. Impact of maternal protein restriction on progeny carcass characteristics, meat quality and fatty acid profile. J. Anim. Sci. 95 (Suppl. 2): 46.
Zeng, X., T.N. Holt, S.E. Speidel, R.M. Enns, and M.G. Thomas. 2016. Angus cattle at high elevation: Comparison of models to estimate breeding values of yearling pulmonary arterial pressure. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E. Suppl. 5): E166-E167.
Zuidema, D.M., M.G. Gonda, W.C. Rusche, and J.A. Walker. 2017. Comparison of Igenity Silver Profile and Zoetis PredicGEN DNA tests in crossbred beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 95 (Suppl. 2): 193.
Non-Referred/Popular Press Articles:
Carroll, H. and M.G. Gonda. 2016. How do genetics impact animal well-being? SDSU Extension iGrow Article. https://igrow.org/livestock/beef/how-do-genetics-impact-animal-well-being/ (Accessed 10 August 2017).
Gonda, M.G. 2016. How can I use DNA tests for complex traits? Progressive Cattleman. August 24. http://www.progressivecattle.com/topics/reproduction/7452-how-can-i-use-dna-tests-for-complex-traits (Accessed 10 August 2017).
Producer and Industry Meetings and Presentations:
Herring, A. 2016. New technologies in the beef industry. Brahman Summer Junior Leadership Camp. July 19, 2016, College Station, Texas. American Junior Brahman Association (American Brahman Breeders Association). 40 participants.
Herring, A.D. 2016. Texas Aggie Commercial Steer Camp. College Station, Texas. 60 participants.
Herring, A.D., K.A. Sarlo, R. Gooder, J. Delgadillo, D.G. Riley, J.O. Sanders, J.E. Sawyer, J.F. Ridpath, and C.A. Gill. 2016. Influences of calf background information on health responses and carcass traits. Proc. 62nd Annual Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course. Pp F34-F41. 80 participants.
Paschal, J., S. Hammack, and A.D. Herring. 2016 Coordinators of animal breeding sessions, 62nd Annual Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course. 140 participants.
Herring, A.D. Topic: Genetic and selection tools to enhance beef quality. BEEF 706 (9 August 2016, 11 August 2016, 10 January 2017, 12 January 2017, 30 March 2017). 175 participants total (35 per session).
Herring, A.D. 2017. Genetic and selection tools for improving beef quality. Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Annual meeting. San Antonio, Texas. 125 participants.
Herring, A.D. 2016. Beef cattle productions considerations for improved beef quality assurance. Meetings with Dominican Republic Government agencies and cattle industry producer groups to pursue U.S. beef production equivalency standards. Santo Domingo, Monte Plata and El Seibo provinces. 100 participants.
Herring, A.D. 2016. Roundtable discussion of merits for national beef carcass grading systems. Aldam Stockman’s School. Welkom, Free State Province Republic of South Africa. 200 participants.
Hulsman Hanna, L.L. North Dakota Beef Cattle Improvement Association Board of Directors Meeting. Bismarck, North Dakota. 2016.
Neibergs, H.L. American Association of Bovine Practioners Conference. Charlotte, North Carolina. 2016. Presentations on:
Genomics of health traits in dairy cattle.
Updates on the genomics of reproductive traits in dairy cattle.
Neibergs, H.L. Washington State University and Angus Association Boot Camp. Kennewick, Washington. 2016. Improvement of Beef Feed Efficiency.