NCERA_old210: Improving the management and effectiveness of cooperatively owned business organizations
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Boland, M. and D. Barton, Overview of Research on Cooperative Finance Journal of Cooperatives, 27(2013):1-14.
Lindsay, Morgan and Brian C. Briggeman, To Like or Not to Like: The Use of Social Media in Agribusiness
Firms, Journal of Extension, 2014 Forthcoming
Chaddad, F.R. and Iliopoulos, C. Control Rights, Governance and the Costs of Ownership in Agricultural Cooperatives, Agribusiness: An International Journal, 29(1): 3-22, 2013.
Costa, D.M., Chaddad, F.R. and Azevedo, P.F. The Determinants of Ownership Structure: Evidence from Brazilian Agricultural Cooperatives, Agribusiness: An International Journal, 29(1): 62-79, 2013.
Schmit, Todd M., and Jeffrey S. Hall. "Implications of Agglomeration Economies and Market Access for Firm Growth in Food Manufacturing." Agribusiness (2013).
Hueth, Brent, and P. Marcoul, "Agents Monitoring Their Monitor: A Hard-Times Theory of Producer Cooperation," Forthcoming in the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.
Hueth, Brent, and Tomohiko Yano. "Ownership Structure and CEO Pay: Evidence from Member Owned Firms." In 2013 Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, DC, no. 150180. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2013.
Hueth, Brent. "Missing Markets and Consumer Cooperation." In 2013 Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, DC, no. 150182. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2013.
Hueth, Brent, and Christopher W. Taylor. "Spatial Price Discrimination and Transportation Inefficiency: A Study of the Wisconsin Milk Hauling Industry." (2013).
Brown, Lisa N., Philip L. Kenkel, Rodney B. Holcomb, and Traci J. Naile. "Factors Contributing to Effective US Cooperative Member-owner Communications." In 2013 Annual Meeting, February 2-5, 2013, Orlando, Florida, no. 143027. Southern Agricultural Economics Association, 2013.
Sporleder, Thomas L., and Michael A. Boland. "SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS EXCLUSIVITY OF AGRIFOOD SUPPLY CHAINS (part 1)." Economy of Region/Ekonomika Regiona 3 (2013).
Dudensing, R. and J.L. Park. Assessing Economic Impacts of Agricultural Cooperatives. Mid-Continent Regional Science Association conference, Kansas City, MO, May 2013.
Pancharatnam, P., J.L. Park, A.D. Hagerman, and M. Murch. Improving Our Understanding of the Conduct and Performance of Cooperative Businesses Using Directed Acyclic Graphs. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, DC. http://purl.umn.edu/150784
Briggeman, Brian C. and Chuck Mickelsen, Equity Composition of Kansas Grain, Oilseed and Farm Supply Cooperatives, ACCC Fact Sheet Series, January 2013
Merrett, Christopher D., Frederick Iutzi, Erin Orwig, Sarah Shike, and Heather McIlvaine-Newsad. 2013. Trends in Local Food Production: The Growing Importance and Impacts of Community Supported Agriculture in the United States. In Local Food Networks and Activism in the Heartland, edited by Thomas Sadler, Bill Knox and Heather McIlvaine-Newsad, pp. 94-111. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Press.
Merrett, Christopher D., Kara Garten, John Ceglarak, Lori Sutton, and Norman Walzer. 2013. Bibliography of Cooperatives and Cooperative Development, 2nd Edition. Macomb, IL: IIRA and USDA. Online: http://www.value-added.org.
2014 Publications and Presentations:
1. Boland, M.A., J.M. Crespi, and T.M. Turner. "Measuring Sunk Costs in the Agricultural and Food Industry: Why Some Assets Sell Below Appraisal." Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization. 12(2014): 53-63. Available online http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jafio.2014.12.issue-1/jafio-2014-0009/jafio-2014-0009.xml?format=INT.
2. Briggeman, Brian C. and Chuck Mickelsen. "Financial Trends and Needs of Cooperatives and Implications of Consolidation in the Farm Credit System," ACCC Fact Sheet Series, January 2014.
3. Briggeman, Brian C. "The Millennial Generation: Observations and Thoughts for Cooperatives," HR Consortium Meeting hosted by United Benefits Group, Kansas City, Missouri, October 2014 .
4. Briggeman, Brian C. "The Cooperative Business Model," Meeting of Cattle Producers on Developing a New Meat Processing Facility, Ottawa, Kansas, September 2014.
5. Briggeman, Brian C. "Equity Redemption Strategies," Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, Kansas, July 2014.
6. Briggeman, Brian C. "Patronage Income Distribution Policy," Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, Kansas, July 2014.
7. Briggeman, Brian C. "The Importance of Cash Flow," Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, Kansas, July 2014.
8. Briggeman, Brian C. "Building and Analyzing Cooperative Financial Statements," Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, Kansas, July 2014.
9. Briggeman, Brian C. "Thinking Like a CFO," Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, Kansas, July 2014.
10. Briggeman, Brian C. "Financial Drivers Facing Cooperatives," Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, Kansas, July 2014.
11. Briggeman, Brian C. "Cooperatives Finance Workshop," Kansas Cooperative Summer Intern Training, July 2014.
12. Briggeman, Brian C. "Cooperatives 101," Kansas Cooperative Summer Intern Training, July 2014.
13. Briggeman, Brian C. "Future Needs of Cooperative Education," Cooperative Education Forum at the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Meeting, Washington, DC, June 2014.
14. Briggeman, Brian C. "Economic Update," National Society of Cooperative Accountants Midwest Chapter Annual Meeting, Wichita, Kansas, June 2014.
15. Briggeman, Brian C. "Cooperative Industry Trends," Valley Co-op Board Planning Session, Wichita, Kansas, March 2014.
16. Briggeman, Brian C. "Moody's Rating Methodology: Application to Garden City Co-op," Garden City Co-op Board Retreat, Wichita, Kansas, February 2014.
17. Briggeman, Brian C. "Cooperative Finance Workshop," Kansas Director Development Program, Wichita, Kansas, December 2013.
18. Briggeman, Brian C. "Co-ops 101," Kansas Director Development Program, Wichita, Kansas, December 2013.
19. Briggeman, Brian C. "Implications of Global Market Drivers for Cooperative Producer-Members," Emerging Leaders: Building Trusted Relationships, Manhattan, Kansas, December 2013.
20. Cook, M. L., R. Savoie, and R. Almog. "Agribusiness as the Anchor: The Role of KijaniAgro", International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 17, Special Issue B, 2014.
21. Cook, M.L. "Stakeholder Participation in Cooperative Governance in North America", Cooperative Innovations in China and the West, ed. Caroline Gijselinckx, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
22. Cook, M.L. and Su Ye. "Price Stability and Economic Sustainability - Achievable Goals? A Case Study of Organic Valley", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(2): 635-651, 2015.
23. Cook, M.L. and G.N. Francesconi. "Transformation of Agrifood Systems: The Need for a More Comprehensive Framework", in Collective Action Among African Smallholders: Trends and Lessons for Future Development Strategies, IFPRI-WCAO Thematic Research Note 05, International Food Policy Research Institute, March 2014.
24. Elliott, Matthew, Lisa Elliott, and Evert Van der Sluis. "Future Socioeconomic Status of Farmer Cooperative Members: Implications for Cooperative Participation and Governance." NCERA-210 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 5, 2014.
25. Franken, J.R.V and M.L. Cook. "Informing Measurement of Cooperative Performance", Interfirm Networks - Cooperatives, Franchising and Strategic Alliances, eds. Josef Windsperger, G. Cliquet, G. Hendrikse, and T. Ehrmann, Springer, 2014.
26. Jacobs, K. "Financial Perspectives on Agricultural Cooperatives." Invited presentation to the National Agricultural Credit Committee Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri, October 16, 2014.
27. Jacobs, K. "Understanding Equity Systems." Presentation and development of materials for understanding equity management systems, Farmers Cooperative (FC), Ames, Iowa August 18, 2014.
28. Jacobs, K. "Co-ops 101." Presentation and development of an educational module for Farmers Cooperative in Ames, Iowa. March 11, 2014.
29. Jacobs, K. "Who Owns the Cooperative?" AgDecision Maker Newsletter, Iowa State University, February 2014.
30. James M. White and Michael A. Boland. "Minnesota Township Mutual Fire Insurance: Determinants of Survival, 1974 - 2010." Journal of Cooperatives, 28(2014):1-26.
31. Kenkel, P., M.A. Boland, and D. Barton. "Understanding NonQualified Distributions." The Cooperative Accountant LXVII(Summer 2014):2-10.
32. Lindsay, Morgan and Brian C. Briggeman. "To Like or Not to Like: The Use of Social Media in Agribusiness Firms," Journal of Extension, 52(2014): 31AW1.
33. Pierre Mérel, Tina L. Saitone, and Richard J. Sexton. "Risk Reduction and Cooperatives' Revenue Pooling in the Presence of Adverse Selection." Paper presented at the conference "Producer Organizations in Agricultural Markets" Toulouse (France), September 4-5, 2014.
34. Plunkett, B., F.R Chaddad, and M.L. Cook. "Challenge Dairy Cooperative 2000-2010: In Pursuit of Control of the Last Litre of Milk", Sustainable Cooperative Enterprise: Case Studies of Organizational Resilience in the Cooperative Business Model, ed. Tim Mazzorol, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014.
35. Royer, J. "The Neoclassical Theory of Cooperatives: Part I." Journal of Cooperatives, 28(1), 2014:1-19.
36. Royer, J. "The Neoclassical Theory of Cooperatives: Part II." Journal of Cooperatives, 28(1):2014, 20-35.
37. Royer, J. "The Neoclassical Theory of Cooperatives: Mathematical Supplement." Journal of Cooperatives, 28(1):2014, 36-49.
38. Royer, J. "The Theory of Agricultural Cooperatives: A Neoclassical Primer." (pp. v + 47), 2014. DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska-Lincoln. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/ageconfacpub/123/
39. Royer, J. Determining Your Cooperative's Cost of Equity. Cornhusker Economics, February 19, 2014.
40. Russell, Levi A. and Brian C. Briggeman. "Distributing Patronage Income Under Differing Tax Rates and Member Risk Preferences," Journal of Cooperatives, 29(2014): 27-49
41. Shanoyan, Aleksan, Brian C. Briggeman, Ben Harmon, Kelsey Harris, Jacob Haverkamp, Russell Heier, Jordan Holder, Cassie Kniebel, Kellie Jackson, Trevor Lutz, Tyler Warta, Alisa Wendelburg. "Cooperative Innovation: The Case of Team Marketing Alliance," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 17(2014): 187-197
42. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC). Investing in your co-op's future, Rural Cooperatives Magazine, January/February 2014.
43. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC). National Council of Farmers Cooperatives Annual Meeting-February, 2014
44. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), Staff delivered training to co-op directors about board evaluation at the NCFC annual meeting, 2014.
45. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), 2013 Annual Cooperative Business Survey, February 2014.
46. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), Staff delivered survey results to NSAC board directors at the NCFC annual meeting.
47. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), Economic Impacts of Cooperative Firms in Wisconsin: An Overview, October 2014.
48. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), Staff published the findings on the economic impacts of cooperatives in Wisconsin using 2012 data and a 2013 IMPLAN analysis. UWCC staff created an impacts calculator on its website to support basic understanding for this type of cooperative impact analysis.
49. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), U of Wisconsin-Madison Farm Industry Short Course-March, 2014.
50. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), Staff taught two sessions on cooperatives in agriculture as part of the course Rural Social and Economic Issues.
51. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), ACE Institute, July 2014
52. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), Staff presentation on the Economic Impacts of Cooperative Firms in Wisconsin project as part of a forum on connections between research and practitioners and educators
53. University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), Buy Local Buy Wisconsin Roadshow-November 2014: A staff member was one of two speakers in a weeklong workshop series for farmers and food processors on the legal aspects of starting a farm business.