NC228: Avian Respiratory Diseases: Pathogenesis, Surveillance, Diagnosis and Control
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Abdel-Alim, G.A. and Y. M. Saif:
Immunogenicity and antigenicity of very virulent strains of infectious bursal
disease viruses. Avian Dis. 45:92-101, 2001.
Alkhalaf, A.N., R.N. Dearth, and Y.M.
Saif. Pathogenicity, infectivity, and tissue distribution of avian
pneumovirus in turkey poults. Proc. 52nd North Central Avian Dis. Conf., p. 38,
Bautista DA, Elankumaran S, Heckert RA,
Oshop GL, Moura LC, Wilson JD. Interaction of Salmonella typhimurium and
infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) in broiler chickens. Proc. 138th Am.
Vet. Med. Assn. Mtg, Boston, MA, July 14-18, 2001.
Brandt, M., Yao, K., Liu, M., Heckert, R.A.,
and Vakharia,V.N. Molecular determinants of virulence, cell tropism and
pathogenic phenotype of infectious bursal disease. J. Virol. 74. In
Chang, H. C., Lin, T. L., and C. C. Wu.
DNA-mediated vaccination against infectious bursal disease in chickens. Vaccine
20: 328-335, 2002.
Chiang, S., A. M. Dar, S. M. Goyal, M. A.
Sheikh, J. C. Pedersen, B. Panigrahy, D. Senne, D. A. Halvorson, K. V.
Nagaraja, and V. Kapur. A modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the
detection of avian pneumovirus antibodies J Vet Diagn Invest. 12:381-4. 2000.
Dar, A. M., K. Tune, S. Munir, B. Panigrahy,
S. M. Goyal, and V. Kapur. PCR-based detection of an emerging avian pneumovirus
in US turkey flocks J Vet Diagn Invest. 13:201-5. 2001.
Dar, A. M., S. Munir, S. M. Goyal, M. S.
Abrahamsen, and V. Kapur. Sequence analysis of the nucleocapsid and
phosphoprotein genes of avian pneumoviruses circulating in the US Virus Res.
79:15-25. 2001.
Davison, S., A. F. Ziegler, J. Gelb, Jr., P.
A. Dunn, and R. J. Eckroade. Infectious bronchitis in Pennsylvania. Proc. AAAP
Symposium. Respiratory Diseases of Poultry. AVMA/AAAP Ann. Mtg. Boston,
Massachusetts, July 14-18, 2001.
Elankumaran, S, Heckert, RA, Moura, L.
Persistence and tissue distribution of a variant strain of infectious bursal
disease virus in commercial broiler chickens. Proc. 2nd International symposium
on infectious bursal diseases and chicken infectious anemia. Rauischholzhausen,
Germany, June 2001.
Gelb, J., Jr., C. L. Keeler, B. S.
Ladman, and B. F. Kingham. S1 sequence analysis; a tool for understanding IBV outbreaks.
Proc. AAAP Symposium. Respiratory Diseases of Poultry. AVMA/AAAP Ann. Mtg.
Boston, Massachusetts, July 14-18, 2001.
Goyal, S. M., S. J. Chiang, A. M. Dar, K. V.
Nagaraja, D. P. Shaw, D. A. Halvorson, and V. Kapur. Isolation of avian
pneumovirus from an outbreak of respiratory illness in Minnesota turkeys J Vet
Diagn Invest. 12:166-8. 2000.
Gulati, B. R., D. P. Patnayak, A. M. Sheikh,
P. E. Poss, and S. M. Goyal. Protective efficacy of high-passage avian
pneumovirus (APV/MN/turkey/1- a/97) in turkeys Avian Dis. 45:593-7. 2001.
Gulati, B. R., K. T. Cameron, B. S. Seal, S.
M. Goyal, D. A. Halvorson, and M. K. Njenga. Development of a highly sensitive
and specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on recombinant matrix
protein for detection of avian pneumovirus antibodies J Clin Microbiol.
38:4010-4. 2000.
Gulati, B. R., S. Munir, D. P. Patnayak, S.
M. Goyal, and V. Kapur. Detection of antibodies to US. isolates of avian
pneumovirus by a recombinant nucleocapsid protein-based sandwich enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay J Clin Microbiol. 39:2967-70. 2001.
Hartup B. K., Kollias GV, Ley DH.
Mycoplasmal conjunctivitis in songbirds from New York. J. Wildlife Dis.,
36:257-264. 2000.
Hartup BK, Bickal JM, Dhondt AA, Ley
DH, Kollias GV. Dynamics of conjunctivitis and Mycoplasma gallisepticum
infections in house finches. The Auk,118:327-333, 2001.
Jackwood, D. J. Diagnosis of
infectious bursal disease viruses using the RT/PCR-RFLP assay: Advantages,
limitations and comparison to other molecular assays. Proc. of the Partnerships
in Poultry Symposium. Fort Dodge Animal Health. Paris, France. July 9-11.
Jackwood, D. J. Genotypic and
phenotypic diversity among wild-type IBDV strains. Proc. of the Partnerships in
Poultry Symposium. Fort Dodge Animal Health. Paris, France. July 9-11.
Jackwood, D. J. Molecular diagnosis of
infectious bursal disease viruses: Practical applications and significance of
the results. Proc. of the Symposium on Molecular identification and
epidemiology of avian pathogens. Amer. Assn. of Avian Pathol.. 137th Am. Vet.
Med. Assn.. Mtg., Salt Lake City, Utah. 2000.
Jackwood, D. J. Molecular diagnosis of
infectious bursal disease viruses. Proc. of the Intervet Workshop on Immune
Suppression and Emerging Diseases in Broilers. Baltimore, Maryland. 2000.
Jackwood, D. J. New molecular
techniques for the diagnosis and control of infectious bursal disease
virus. Proc. of the 51st North Central Avian Dis. Conf., Columbus, Ohio.
Jackwood, D. J. Standardization and
quality control of diagnostic reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR) assays: Detection and identification of single nucleotide
polymorphisms in poultry pathogens using new fluorescence hybridization based
technology. Proc.of the X International Symposium of Vet. Laboratory
Diagnosticians and OIE Seminar on Biotechnology. Salsomaggiore-Parma, Italy,
July 4-7. 2001.
Jackwood, D. J. and S. Sommer.
Detection of single and multiple nucleotide polymorphisms in infectious bursal
disease viruses using real-time RT/PCR. Abstr. 138th AVMA Mtg. 2001.
Jackwood, D. J., E. H. Byerley and S. E.
Sommer. Molecular marker for attenuation in infectious bursal disease
viruses. Avian Dis. 45:701-705. 2001.
Jackwood, D. J., S. E. Sommer and H. V.
Knoblich. Amino acid comparison of infectious bursal disease viruses
placed in the same or different molecular groups using RT/PCR-RFLP. Avian
Dis. 45:330-339. 2001.
Jirjis, F. E., S. L. Noll, D. A. Halvorson,
K. V. Nagaraja, and D. P. Shaw. Immunohistochemical detection of avian
pneumovirus in formalin-fixed tissues J Vet Diagn Invest. 13:13-6. 2001.
Jirjis, F. E., S. L. Noll, D. A. Halvorson,
K. V. Nagaraja, E. L. Townsend, A. M. Sheikh, and D. P. Shaw. Avian pneumovirus
infection in Minnesota turkeys: experimental reproduction of the disease Avian
Dis. 44:222-6. 2000.
Khan, M. I. Avian Pathogenic Mycoplasmas.
PCR detection of Microbial Pathogens. Methods in Molecular Biology. eds. J.
Frey and K. Sachse. Humana Press Inc. Totowa, NJ. In press.
Khan, M. I. Avian respiratory tract
infections and their control strategies. World Poultry Science Assn. in
collaboration with Pakistan Poultry Assn., Islamabad, Pakistan, July 7, 2001.
Khan, M. I. Recombinant fowlpox virus
containing the S1 gene of Massachusetts 41 strain of infectious bronchitis
virus, Institute of Poultry Science, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science,
Jinan City, Shandong, Peoples Republic of China, March 26, 2001.
Khan, M., Wang, X., Schnitzlein, W. and
Tripathy, D.N. A recombinant fowlpox virus containing IBV-S1 gene and its
potential for a vaccine. Abst. AAAP/AVMA Scientific Program, Boston, MA. p. 39.
Khan. M. I. Are your turkeys healthy? 37th
Annual New England Turkey Growers Conf., Sturbridge, Massachusetts. March 8,
2000. p. 9.
Kim, H., S. You, B. W. Kong, L. K. Foster,
J. Farris, and D. N. Foster, Necrotic cell death by hydrogen peroxide in
immortal DF-1 chicken embryo fibroblast cells expressing deregulated MnSOD and
catalase Biochim Biophys Acta. 1540:137-46. 2001.
Kim, H., S. You, I. J. Kim, J. Farris, L. K.
Foster, and D. N. Foster. Increased mitochondrial-encoded gene transcription in
immortal DF-1 cells Exp Cell Res. 265:339-47. 2001.
Kim, H., S. You, I. J. Kim, L. K. Foster, J.
Farris, S. Ambady, F. A. Ponce de Leon, and D. N. Foster. Alterations in p53
and E2F-1 function common to immortalized chicken embryo fibroblasts Oncogene.
20:2671-82. 2001.
Kim, H., S. You, J. Farris, L. K. Foster, Y.
J. Choi, and D. N. Foster. Gonad-specific expression of two novel chicken
complementary DNA isoforms Biol Reprod. 64:1473-80. 2001.
Kim, H., S. You, L. K. Foster, J. Farris,
and D. N. Foster. The rapid destabilization of p53 mRNA in immortal chicken
embryo fibroblast cells Oncogene. 20:5118-23. 2001.
Kim, H., S. You, L. K. Foster, J. Farris, Y.
J. Choi, and D. N. Foster. Differential expression of chicken dimerization
cofactor of hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 (DcoH) and its novel counterpart,
DcoHalpha Biochem J. 354:645-53. 2001.
Kim, I. J., and J. M. Sharma. IBDV-induced
bursal T lymphocytes inhibit mitogenic response of normal splenocytes Vet
Immunol Immunopathol. 74:47-57. 2000.
Kim, I. J., S. K. You, H. Kim, H. Y. Yeh,
and J. M. Sharma. Characteristics of bursal T lymphocytes induced by infectious
bursal disease virus J Virol. 74:8884-92. 2000.
Kim, T-J. and Tripathy, D.N.
Reticuloendotheliosis virus integration in the fowlpox virus genome: not
a recent event. Avian Dis. 45: 663-669. 2001.
Kim, T-J., Pessier, A.P. and Tripathy, D.N.
Condor poxvirus with biological differences from
fowlpox virus. Poster Presentation at the AAAP/AVMA Scientific Program, Boston,
MA. p. 54. 2001.
Kinde, H., H. L. Shivaprasad, B. M. Daft, D.
H. Read, A. Ardans, R. Breitmeyer, G. Rajashekara, K. V. Nagaraja, and I. A.
Gardner. Pathologic and bacteriologic findings in 27-week-old commercial laying
hens experimentally infected with Salmonella enteritidis, phage type 4 Avian
Dis. 44:239-48. 2000.
Knoblich, H. V., S. E. Sommer and D. J.
Jackwood. Antibody titers to infectious bursal disease virus in broiler
chicks following vaccination at one day-of-age with infectious bursal disease
virus and Mareks disease virus. Avian Dis. 44:874-884. 2000.
Kwon, H. M., D. K. Kim, T. W. Hahn, J. H.
Han and D. J. Jackwood. Sequence of precursor polyprotein gene (segment
A) of infectious bursal disease viruses isolated in Korea. Avian Dis.
44:691-696. 2000.
Ley DH, Martinez A, Vaillancourt J-P, Smith
C. DNA fingerprints of Mycoplasma gallisepticum isolates from the
1999-2000 North Carolina experience. Proc. 35th Natl. Mtg. on Poultry Health
and Processing. p. 31-33, 2000.
Ley DH, Vaillancourt J-P, Martinez A.
Molecular and field epidemiological investigations of Mycoplasma gallisepticum
outbreaks in commercial poultry. Proc. XXI Worlds Poultry Congress, Abstracts
and Proc. CD. 2000.
Ley DH, Vaillancourt J-P, Martinez A.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum in North Carolina: 1999-2000. Convention Notes from
the 138th Ann. Convention of the Amer. Vet. Med. Assn., CD-ROM produced by
Veterinary Software Publishing, Inc., OFallon, IL., July 14-18, 2001.
Ley DH, Vaillancourt J-P, Martinez A.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum in North Carolina: 1999-2000 (and beyond). Proc.
Respiratory Diseases of Poultry, Amer. Assn. of Avian Pathol. Symposium 2001,
Amer. Vet. Med. Assn Ann. Convention, Boston, MA (4 pp.). July 15, 2001.
Ley DH, Vaillancourt J-P, Martinez A.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum in North Carolina: 1999-2000. Amer. Assn. Avian
Pathol./Amer. Vet. Med. Assn. Scientific Program, Boston, MA; (abstract, p.
10). July 2001.
Ley DH. Identification of Avian Mycoplasma
Strains by Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Zootechnica No. 6,
pp. 46-48. June 2001.
Li, Z., K. E. Nestor, Y. M. Saif, J. W.
Anderson, and R. A. Patterson. Effect of selection for increased body weight in
turkeys on lymphoid organ weights, phagocytosis, and antibody responses to fowl
cholera and Newcastle Disease-inactivated vaccines. Poultry Sci. 80:689-694,
Liu, L., K. Dybvig, V. S. Panangala.
Sequences 5‘ of the GAA repeats and the spacing between GAA repeats and the
transcription start site are important for pMGA gene expression in Mycoplasma
gallisepticum. 101" General Mtg. Amer. Soc. Micro., (abstract # G23).
May-June, Orlando, Florida. 2001.
Liu, M, Brandt, M., and Vakharia,V.N.
(2001). Phylogenetic analysis of infectious bursal disease virus strains
of different pathotypes. 20th Ann. Mtg. of Amer. Soc. for Virol. July
21-25, Madison, WI. 2001.
Liu, M., and Vakharia,V.N.
(2001). Expression of infectious bursal disease virus structural and
Newcastle disease virus HN protein genes in a baculovirus insect/cell
system. 73rd Northeastern Conf. on Avian Dis., College Park, MD, June
Liu, Y., and Vakharia,V.N.
(2001). Molecular determinants of virulence in variant infectious bursal
disease. 73rd Northeastern Conf. on Avian Dis., College Park, MD, June
Lopes, V., G. Rajashekara, A. Back, D. P.
Shaw, D. A. Halvorson, and K. V. Nagaraja. Outer membrane proteins for
serologic detection of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale infection in turkeys
Avian Dis. 44:957-62. 2000.
Martinez A, Vaillancourt J-P, Ley DH. The
epidemiology of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in North Carolina: an update.
Convention Notes from the 138th Ann. Convention of the Amer. Vet. Med. Assn.
CD-ROM produced by Veterinary Software Publishing, Inc., OFallon, IL., July
14-18, 2001.
Martinez A, Vaillancourt J-P, Ley DH. The
epidemiology of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in North Carolina: an update. Amer.
Assn. Avian Pathol./Amer. Vet. Med. Assn. Scientific Program, Boston, MA;
(abstract, p. 25). July 2001.
May, B. J., Q. Zhang, L. L. Li, M. L.
Paustian, T. S. Whittam, and V. Kapur. Complete genomic sequence of Pasteurella
multocida,Pm70 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 98:3460-5. 2001.
Meir, R., D. J. Jackwood and Y.
Weisman. Molecular typing of infectious bursal disease virus of Israeli
field and vaccine strains by the reverse transcription/polymerase chain
reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism assay. Avian Dis. 45:
223-228. 2001.
Mikaelian I, Ley DH, Claveau R, Lemieux
M. Mycoplasma gallisepticum from evening grosbeaks (Coccothraustes
vespertinus) and pine grosbeaks (Pinicola enucleator) with conjunctivitis in
Quebec, Canada. Proc. 49th Ann. Wildlife Dis. Assn. Conf., 91, Abstr.
Moura L, Elankumaran S, Oshop GL, Bautista
DA, Wilson JD, Heckert RA. Determination of the most effective route for in ovo
delivery of DNA vaccines. Proc. 138th Am. Vet. Med. Assn. Mtg., Boston, MA,
July 14-18, 2001.
Oshop GL, Elankumaran S, Vakharia VN, Wilson
JD, Moura LC, Bautista DA, Heckert RA. In ovo nucleic acid immunization of the
chicken against infectious bursal disease and Newcastle disease, Proc. 138th
Am. Vet. Med. Assn. Mtg, Boston, MA, July 14-18, 2001.
Oshop GL, Heckert RA, Elankumaran S. DNA and
mRNA persistence and tissue distribution following topical delivery of a DNA
vaccine in chickens. 73rd Northeastern Conf. on Avian Dis., College Park, MD,
June 2001.
Pang, Yao-shan., M. I. Khan, H. Wang, Z. Xie
and T. Girshick. Multiplex PCR and its application in experimentally infected
SPF chickens with respiratory pathogens. 50th Western Poultry Dis.
Conf.,.March 23-26, Davis, California p. 141. 2001.
Paustian, M. L., B. J. May, and V. Kapur. Pasteurella multocida gene expression
in response to iron limitation Infect Immun. 69:4109-15. 2001.
Pedersen J. C., D. A. Senne, B. Panigrahy
and D. L. Reynolds. Detection of avian pneumovirus in tissues and swab
specimens from infected turkeys. Avian Dis. 45:581-92. 2001.
Pitts, G. R., S. You, D. N. Foster, and M.
E. El-Halawani. Evidence for multiple prolactin receptor transcripts in the
turkey Poult Sci. 79:355-62. 2000.
Qureshi, M. A., Y. M. Saif, R. A. Ali, F. W.
Edens, C. L. Heggen-Peay, and G. B. Havenstein. Comparison of PEMS-associated
and classical astroviruses-mediated effects on performance and immune functions
of turkey poults. Poultry Sci., Vol. 80, supplement 1, abstract 538,
Rajashekara, G., E. Haverly, D. A.
Halvorson, K. E. Ferris, D. C. Lauer, and K. V. Nagaraja. Multidrug-resistant
Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 in poultry J Food Prot. 63:155-61. 2000.
Rajashekara, G., S. Munir, M. F. Alexeyev,
D. A. Halvorson, C. L. Wells, and K. V. Nagaraja. Pathogenic role of SEF14,
SEF17, and SEF21 fimbriae in Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis infection
of chickens Appl Environ Microbiol. 66:1759-63. 2000.
Rautenschlein, S., and J. M. Sharma.
Immunopathogenesis of haemorrhagic enteritis virus (HEV) in turkeys Dev Comp
Immunol. 24:237-46. 2000.
Rautenschlein, S., M. Suresh, and J. M.
Sharma. Pathogenic avian adenovirus type II induces apoptosis in turkey spleen
cells Arch Virol. 145:1671-83. 2000.
Rautenschlein, S., R. L. Miller, and J. M.
Sharma. The inhibitory effect of the imidazoquinolinamine S-28828 on the
pathogenesis of a type II adenovirus in turkeys Antiviral Res. 46:195-205.
Reiness, C. G., M. J. Seppa, D. M. Dion, S.
Sweeney, D. N. Foster, and R. Nishi. Chick ciliary neurotrophic factor is
secreted via a nonclassical pathway Mol Cell Neurosci. 17:931-44. 2001.
Reynolds, D. and S. Akinc. Passive
immunization protects birds following challenge with virulent NDV. Oral
presentation. AVMA / AAAP annual meeting. Boston, MA. July 14-18, 2001.
Reynolds, D., J. Oesper and S. Akinc.
The effects of avian pneumovirus on laying chickens. Oral presentation.
Proc. North Central Avian Dis. Conf.. Grand Rapids, Michigan. p. 42. September
30 - October 2, 2001.
S. Elankumaran, R.A. Heckert, and L. Moura.
Persistence and tissue distribution of a variant strain of infectious bursal
disease virus in commercial broiler chickens. Avian Dis. In press.
Saif, Y. M. Experiences with infectious bursal disease. Proc. 45th Ann.
Mtg. Korean Society of Vet. Sci., pages 6-7, Korea, October 12, 2001.
Sanei B, Ley DH, Barnes HJ, Vaillancourt
J-P. Pathogenicity of Mycoplasma gallisepticum field isolates for chickens and
turkeys. Convention Notes from the 138th Ann Convention of the Amer. Vet. Med.
Assn.,. CD-ROM produced by Veterinary Software Publishing, Inc., OFallon, IL.
July 14-18, 2001.
Sanei B, Ley DH, Barnes HJ, Vaillancourt
J-P. Pathogenicity of Mycoplasma gallisepticum field isolates for chickens and
turkeys. Amer. Assn of Avian Pathol./Amer.Vet. Med. Assn. Scientific Program,
Boston, MA; (abstract, p. 25) July 2001.
Schnitzlein, W. M., Singh, P., and Tripathy,
D. N. Genetic variability of reticulo-endotheliosis provirus in the genome of
fowlpox virus. p. 17. AAAP/AVMA Scientific Program, Boston, MA, p. 53. 2001.
Sharma, J. M., I. J. Kim, S. Rautenschlein,
and H. Y. Yeh. Infectious bursal disease virus of chickens: pathogenesis and
immunosuppression Dev Comp Immunol. 24:223-35. 2000.
Shin, H. J., B. McComb, A. Back, D. P. Shaw,
D. A. Halvorson, and K. V. Nagaraja. Susceptibility of broiler chicks to
infection by avian pneumovirus of turkey origin Avian Dis. 44:797-802. 2000.
Shin, H. J., G. Rajashekara, F. F. Jirjis,
D. P. Shaw, S. M. Goyal, D. A. Halvorson, and K. V. Nagaraja. Specific
detection of avian pneumovirus (APV) US isolates by RT-PCR Arch Virol.
145:1239-46. 2000.
Shin, H. J., G. Rajashekara, F. F. Jirjis,
D. P. Shaw, S. M. Goyal, D. A. Halvorson, and K. V. Nagaraja. Specific
detection of avian pneumovirus (APV) US isolates by RT-PCR Arch Virol.
145:1239-46. 2000.
Shin, H. J., M. K. Njenga, B. McComb, D. A.
Halvorson, and K. V. Nagaraja. Avian pneumovirus (APV) RNA from wild and
sentinel birds in the United States has genetic homology with RNA from APV isolates
from domestic turkeys J Clin Microbiol. 38:4282-4. 2000.
Shin, H. J., M. K. Njenga, B. McComb, D. A.
Halvorson, and K. V. Nagaraja. Avian pneumovirus (APV) RNA from wild and
sentinel birds in the United States has genetic homology with RNA from APV isolates
from domestic turkeys J Clin Microbiol. 38:4282-4. 2000.
Shin, H. J., M. K. Njenga, D. A. Halvorson,
D. P. Shaw, and K. V. Nagaraja. Susceptibility of ducks to avian pneumovirus of
turkey origin Am J Vet Res. 62:991-4. 2001.
Singh, P. Schnitzlein, W. and Tripathy, D.N.
A caveat in FPV vaccines and their derived recombinants, a need for better
vaccines. Abst. AAAP/AVMA Scientific Program, Boston, MA. p. 41.
Singh, P., Schnitzlein, W. M., and Tripathy,
D. N. Analysis of integrated reticuloendotheliosis virus in the genome of
fowlpox virus. Amer. Soc. for Virol., Madison, WI. 2001.
Singh, P., Schnitzlein, W.M. and Tripathy,
D.N. The role of integrated reticuloendotheliosis virus in the reemergence of
fowlpox.. Abst. 4th Ann. Conference on New and Re-emerging Infectious
Diseases. p. 12-13. 2001.
Smiley, J. R., and D. J. Jackwood.
Genetic stability of the VP2 hypervariable region of four infectious bursal
disease virus isolates after serial passage in specific-pathogen-free chicken
embryos. Avian Dis. 45:1-8, 2001.
Sprenger, S. J., D. A. Halvorson, D. P.
Shaw, and K. V. Nagaraja. Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale infection in turkeys:
immunoprophylaxis studies Avian Dis. 44:549-55. 2000.
Sprenger, S. J., D. A. Halvorson, K. V.
Nagaraja, R. Spasojevic, R. S. Dutton, and D. P. Shaw. Ornithobacterium
rhinotracheale infection in commercial laying-type chickens Avian Dis.
44:725-9. 2000.
Srinivasan, V., Schnitzlein, W. and
Tripathy, D.N. Homologous fowlpox virus derived promoters for the development
of recombinant vaccines. Abst. AAAP/AVMA Scientific Program, Boston, MA.
p. 39. 2001.
Srinivasan, V., Schnitzlein, W. M., and
Tripathy, D. N. Fowlpox virus encodes for a novel DNA repair enzyme that
restores infectivity of UV-light damaged virus. J. Virol., 75; 1681-88. 2001.
Srinivasan, V., Schnitzlein, W.M. and
Tripathy, D.N. An unique poxvirus bidirectional promoter for the development of
polyvalent recombinant vaccines. Abst. 4th Ann. Conf. on New and
Re-emerging Infectious Diseases. p.11-12. 2001.
St Hill, C. A., and J. M. Sharma. Viral
pathogenesis in chicken embryos and tumor induction in chickens after in ovo
exposure to serotype 1 Marek‘s disease virus Avian Dis. 44:842-52. 2000.
Townsend, E., D. A. Halvorson, K. V.
Nagaraja, and D. P. Shaw. Susceptibility of an avian pneumovirus isolated from
Minnesota turkeys to physical and chemical agents Avian Dis. 44:336-42. 2000.
Tripathy, D.N. , Schnitzlein, W.M. Singh, P.
and Srinivasan, V. Fowlpox, a re-emerging disease of chickens: need for a
new generation of vaccines. Proc. 50th Western Poultry Dis. Conf. Davis,
California, pp. 50-52. March 24-26, 2001.
Tripathy, D.N., Kim, T-J., Shivprasad, H.L.
and Woolcock, P.R. Genetic and antigenic characterization of a poxvirus from
ostrich. Abst. AAAP/AVMA Scientific Program, Boston, MA. p. 41. 2001.
Vaillancourt JP, Ley D, Martinez A. Les
Mycoplasmes Aviaires: Les Caracteristiques; Les Enjeux; Les Moyens de Lutte et
Les Diagnostics (Avian Mycoplasma: Characteristics; Diagnoses; Control; and
Issues). Proc. UCAAB Poultry Pathology Session, Chateau-Thierry, France, 8 pp..
Vaillancourt JP, Martinez A, Carver D, Ley
DH. The epidemiology of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in North Carolina: what
we know, what we dont know, and why. 72nd Northeastern Conf. on Avian
Dis., p. 2-3, Abstr. 2000.
Vaillancourt J-P, Martinez A, Ley D, Carver
D, Quinn J, Wages D, Smith C. Actualizacion Sobre Mycoplasma. Curso
Enfermedades emergentes: Criterios generales sobre problemas respiratorios de
las aves. Proc.ANECA, p. 22-28, 2000.
Vaillancourt J-P, Martinez A, Ley D. Disease
Prevention and Treatment: MG/MS. Production and Health Seminar. Proc. US
Poultry & Egg Assn. Alabama, 6 pp. 2000.
Vaillancourt J-P, Martinez A, Smith C, Ley
DH. The epidemiology of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in North Carolina. Proc.
35th Natl. Mtg. on Poultry Health and Processing, p. 34-36. 2000.
Wellehan, J. F., M. Calsamiglia, D. H. Ley,
M. S. Zens, A. Amonsin, and V. Kapur. Mycoplasmosis in captive crows and robins
from Minnesota J. Wildl. Dis. 37:547-55. 2001.
Wellehan, J. F., M. S. Zens, M. Calsamiglia,
P. J. Fusco, A. Amonsin, and V. Kapur. Diagnosis and treatment of
conjunctivitis in house finches associated with mycoplasmosis in Minnesota J.
Wildl Dis. 37:245-51. 2001.
Wooming B, Huyan S, Ley DH. Observations on
the use of the random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis test on Mycoplasma
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