NE1201: Mycobacterial Diseases of Animals
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Aly SS, Anderson RJ, Whitlock RH, Fyock TL, McAdams SC, Byrem TM, Jiang J, Adaska JM, Gardner IA. (2012). Cost-effectiveness of diagnostic strategies to identify Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis super-shedder cows in a large dairy herd using antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, and bacterial culture, J Vet Diagn Invest., 24(5): 821-32.
Bannantine JP, Lingle CK, Stabel JR, Ramyar KX, Garcia BL, Raeber AJ, Schacher P, Kapur V, Geisbrecht BV. (2012). MAP1272c encodes an NlpC/P60 protein, an antigen detected in cattle with Johne's disease, Clin Vaccine Immunol., 19(7): 1083-92.
Bannantine JP, Wu CW, Hsu C, Zhou S, Schwartz DC, Bayles DO, Paustian ML, Alt DP, Sreevatsan S, Kapur V and Talaat AM. (2012). Genome Sequencing of Ovine Isolates of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis Offers Insights Into Host Association, BMC Genomics, 13(1): 89.
Bermudez LE, Inderlied CB, Kolonoski P, Chee CB, Aralar P, Petrofsky M, Parman T, Green CE, Lewin AH, Ellis WY, Young LS. (2012). Identification of (+)-erythro-mefloquine as an active enantiomer with greater efficacy than mefloquine against Mycobacterium avium infection in mice, Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 56(8)
Chen JW, Faisal SM, Chandra S, McDonough SP, Moreira MA, Scaria J, Chang CF, Bannantine JP, Akey B and Chang YF. (2012). Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of the Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis attenuated mutants against challenge in a mouse model, Vaccine, 30(19): 3015-25.
Chen JW, Scaria J, Chang YF. (2012). Phenotypic and transcriptomic response of auxotrophic Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis leuD mutant under environmental stress, PLoS One, 7(6): e37884.
Cho J, Tauer LW, Schukken YH, Gomez MI, Smith RL, Lu Z and Grohn YT. (2012). Economic analysis of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis vaccines in dairy herds, J Dairy Sci., 95(4): 1855-72.
Coussens PM, Sipkovsky S, Murphy B, Roussey J, Colvin CJ. (2012). Regulatory T cells in cattle and their potential role in bovine paratuberculosis, Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis., 35(3): 233-9.
Espejo LA, Godden S, Hartmann WL, Wells SJ. (2012). Reduction in incidence of Johne's disease associated with implementation of a disease control program in Minnesota demonstration herds, J Dairy Sci. 95(7): 4141-52.
Heuer C, Mitchell RM, Schukken YH, Lu Z, Verdugo C, Wilson PR. (2012). Modelling transmission dynamics of paratuberculosis of red deer under pastoral farming conditions, Pre Vet Med., 106(1): 63-74.
Joshi D, Harris NB, Waters R, Thacker T, Mathema B, Krieswirth B, Sreevatsan S. (2012). Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the Mycobacterium bovis genome resolve phylogenetic relationships, J Clin Microbiol., 50(12): 3853-61.
Kabara E, Coussens PM. (2012). Infection of Primary Bovine Macrophages with Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis Suppresses Host Cell Apoptosis, Front Microbiol., 3: 215.
Lamont EA, Bannantine JP, Armien A, Ariyakumar DS and Sreevatsan S. (2012). Identification and characterization of a spore-like morphotype in chronically starved Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis cultures, PLoS One, 7(1): e30648.
Lamont EA, O'Grady SM, Davis WC, Eckstein T, Sreevatsan S. (2012). Infection with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Results in Rapid Interleukin-1B Release and Macrophage Transepithelial Migration, Infect Immun., 80(9): 3225-35.
Lim A, Steibel JP, Coussens PM, Grooms DL, Bolin SR. (2012). Differential gene expression segregates cattle confirmed positive for bovine tuberculosis from antemortem tuberculosis test-false positive cattle originating from herds free of bovine tuberculosis, Vet Med Int., 2012:192926.
Lombard JE, Gardner IA, Jafarzadeh SR, Fossler CP, Harris B, Capsel RT, Wagner BA, Johnson WO. (2013). Herd-level prevalence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in United States dairy herds in 2007, Prev Vet Med, 108(2-3): 234-8.
Lu Z, Schukken YH, Smith RL, Mitchell RM, Gröhn YT. (2013). Impact of imperfect Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis vaccines in dairy herds: A mathematical modeling approach, Prev Vet Med, 108(2-3): 148-58. 22.
McNamara M, Danelishvili L, Bermudez LE. (2012). The Mycobacterium avium ESX-5 PPE protein, PPE25-MAV, interacts with an ESAT-6 family Protein, MAV_2921, and localizes to the bacterial surface, Microb Pathog., 52(4): 227-38.
McNamara M, Tzeng SC, Maier C, Zhang L, Bermudez LE. (2012). Surface proteome of "Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis" during the early stages of macrophage infection, Infect Immun., 80(5): 1868-80.
Mitchell RM, Medley GF, Collins MT and Schukken YH. (2012). A meta-analysis of the effect of dose and age at exposure on shedding of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) in experimentally infected calves and cows, Epidemiol Infect., 140(2): 231-46.
Stabel JR, Waters WR, Bannantine JP and Lyashchenko K. (2011). Mediation of Host Immune Responses after Immunization of Neonatal Calves with a Heat-Killed Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Vaccine, Clin Vaccine Immunol., 18(12): 2079-89.
Sweeney RW, Collins MT, Koets AP, McGuirk SM, Roussel AJ. (2012). Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) in cattle and other susceptible species, J Vet Intern Med., 26(6): 1239-50.
Tavornpanich S, Wells SJ, Fossler CP, Roussel AJ and Gardner IA. (2012). Evaluation of an alternative method of herd classification for infection with paratuberculosis in cattle herds in the United States, Am J Vet Res., 73(2): 248-56.
Wadhwa A, Bannantine JP, Byrem TM, Stein TL, Saxton AM, Speer CA, Eda S. (2012). Optimization of serum EVELISA for milk testing of Johne's disease, Foodborne Pathog Dis. 9(8): 749-54.
Publications in addition to what is included in the meeting minutes, would be found in REEport under the specific station annual accomplishment reports.
The attached meeting minutes contain a listing of the 13 posters presented at the morning and afternoon poster sessions. Please refer to that attachment for details.
Publications in addition to what is included in the meeting minutes, would be found in REEport under the specific station annual accomplishment reports.
Publications for this multistate project would be reported in REEport under each stations's annual accomplishment report for their corresponding SAES project.