W3177: Enhancing the Competitiveness and Value of U.S. Beef
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
See attached.
- M. Lyte, J. F. Legako, J. N. Martin, L. Thompson, K. Surowiec, and J. C. Brooks. 2016. Volatile compound characterization of modified atmosphere packaged ground beef held under temperature abuse. Food Control. 59: 1-6.
- F. Legako, T. T. N. Dinh, M. F. Miller, and J C. Brooks. 2015 Effects of USDA beef quality grade and cooking on fatty acid composition of neutral and polar lipid fractions. Meat Sci. 100: 246-255.
- F. Legako, J. C. Brooks, T. G. O'Quinn, T. D. J. Hagan, R. Polkinghorne, L. J. Farmer, and M. F. Miller. 2015. Consumer palatability scores and volatile beef flavor compounds of five USDA quality grades and four muscles. Meat Sci. 100: 291-300.
- H. Corbin, T. G. O’Quinn, A. J. Garmyn, J. F. Legako, M. R. Hunt. T. T. N. Dinh, R. J. Rathmann, and M. F. Miller. 2015. Sensory evaluation of tender beef strip loin steaks of varying marbling levels and quality treatments. Meat Sci. 100: 24-31.
- R. Hunt, A. J. Garmyn, T. G. O’Quinn, C. H. Corbin, J. F. Legako, R. J. Rathmann, J. C. Brooks, M. F. Miller. 2014. Consumer assessment of beef palatability from four beef muscles from USDA Choice and Select graded carcasses. Meat Sci. 98: 1-8.
- Fausti, S.W., Wang, Z., Qasmi, B.A., and Diersen, M.A., "Risk and Marketing Behavior: Pricing Fed Cattle on a Grid", Agricultural Economics Vol. 45, 2014: pp. 601–612.
- T. Tonsor and L. Schulz. “Economic Considerations Related to U.S. Beef Herd Expansion.” Journal of Animal Science. Forthcoming. (LINK)
- Lister, G., G.T. Tonsor, M. Brix, T.C. Schroeder, and C. Yang. “Food Values Applied to Livestock Products.” Journal of Food Products Marketing. Forthcoming
- Tonsor, G.T. and T.C. Schroeder. (2015). “Market Impacts of E. Coli Vaccination in U.S. Feedlot Cattle.” Agricultural and Food Economics. 3:7. (LINK)
- Tonsor, G.T., T.C. Schroeder, J. Mintert. (2014). “Using Expert Knowledge to Guide Commodity Promotion and Research Program Investments.” Journal of Agribusiness. 31:19-32.
- Pruitt, J.R. G.T. Tonsor, and K. Brooks. (2014). "End User Preferences for USDA Market Information." Food Policy. 47:24-33. (LINK)
- Lusk, J.L., T.C. Schroeder, and G.T. Tonsor. (2014). "Distinguishing Beliefs from Preferences in Food Choice." European Review of Agricultural Economics. 41:627-655. (LINK).
- Klain, T.J., J.L. Lusk, G.T. Tonsor, and T.C. Schroeder. (2014). "Valuing Information: The Case of Country of Origin Labeling." Agricultural Economics. 45:635-648. (LINK).
- Tonsor, G.T., T.C. Schroeder, and J. Parcell. 2015. Economic Impacts of 2009 and 2013 U.S. Country-of-Origin Labeling on U.S. Beef and Pork Markets. Project No. AG-3142-P-14-0054 R0. Final Report submitted to the Office of the Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, January 26, 2015. (LINK; See Appendix A)
- Tonsor, G.T. and T.C. Schroeder. "E.Coli Vaccination in U.S. Feedlot Cattle: Market Impacts." Kansas State University, AM-GTT-2015.1. February 2015. (LINK)
- Mollohan and Tonsor, G.T. "Premiums and Discounts on Calves and Yearlings." Kansas State University, AM-GTT-2014.1. December 2014. (LINK)
- Farney, C. Reinhardt, G.T. Tonsor, J. Petersilie, and S. Johnson. "Beef Cow-Calf Management Options When Pasture is Limited." Kansas State University, MF-3114, August 2014. (LINK)
- Pendell, D.L., T.L. Marsh, K.H. Coble, J.L. Lusk, and S. Szmania. “Economic Assessment of FMDv Releases from the National Bio and Agro Defense Facility.” PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129134. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129134.
- Schroeder, T.C., D.L. Pendell, M. Sanderson, and S. McReynoldsa. 2015. “Economic Impact of Alternative FMD Emergency Vaccination Strategies in the Midwestern United States.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 47:47–76. doi:1017/aae.2014.5
- Murphy, R.G.L.a, S.T. Howarda, D.R. Woerner, D.L. Pendell, C.L. Dixona, T.L. Desimonea, M.D. Green, J.L. Igoa, J.D. Tatum, and K.E. Belk. 2015. “Definition, willingness-to-pay and ranking of quality attributes of pork as defined by importers in Asia and Mexico.” Journal of Animal Science 93:433–441. doi:10.2527/jas.2014-8102
- Oltjen, J.W., R.D. Sainz, L.B. Barioni, D.P. Lanna and T.Z. Albertini. Evolution of parameter changes for beef cattle growth in the Davis Growth Model over 40 years. Animal Production Science 54(12):52.
- Oltjen, J.W. 2014. Criterios para la correcta determinacion del punto de terminacion de los animals en el confinamiento: Ventajasa y desventajas del confinamiento, desde el punto de vista del dueno del confinamiento y del dueno de los animals. Proceedings Praderas Y forrajes-XXII Congreso Internacional de Transferencia de Tecnologia agropecuaria CEA 2014,Asuncion, Paraguay 3-4 November 2014, pp. 41-52.
- Forero, L.C., J.W. Stackhouse, J.W. Oltjen, C. Kellar and A. Stackhouse. 2015. Iphone beef cattle inventory application. Society for Range Management 68th Annual Meeting Proceedings, Sacramento, CA, p. 124.
AOTF hyperspectral image acquisition system for tenderness assessment of beef carcasses. J. Food Engineering 154:1–9.
Calkins, Chris. 2015. Keeping the eating experience enjoyable: Postmortem management of heavy carcasses. Joint Animal Science Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science. J. Anim. Sci. 93 (Suppl.3):513.
Carabus, A., R.D. Sainz, J.W. Oltjen, M. Gispert, M. Font-i-Furnols. 2015. Predicting fat, lean and the weights of primal cuts for growing pigs of different genotypes and sexes using computed tomography. J. Anim. Sci. 93:1388-1397.
Chail, A., J.F. Legako, L.R. Pitcher, T.C. Griggs, R.E. Ward, S. Martini, and J.W. MacAdam. 2016. Legume finishing provides beef with positive human dietary fatty acid ratios and comparable consumer preference with grain-finished beef. J. Anim. Sci. 94(5):2184-2197.
Chao, M. D., K. Domenech-Perez, and C. R. Calkins. 2015. Feeding vitamin E may reverse sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane instability caused by feeding wet distillers grains plus solubles to cattle. Midwestern Animal Science Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science. J. Anim. Sci. 93 (Suppl. 2):191.
Chao, M., C. Calkins, K. Domenech-Perez, H. Voegele, and E. Kunze. 2015. Effects of dietary antioxidant supplementation of cattle finished with 30% wet distillers grains plus solubles on fatty acid profiles and display life. Proceedings, 68th Reciprocal Meat Conference, Amer. Meat Sci. Assoc., Champaign, IL. P. 67.
Chao, M.D. 2015. Impact of wet distillers grains plus solubles and antioxidants on a basic mechanism of beef tenderization. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. of NE – Lincoln.
Chao, Michael D., Katherine I. Domenech, and Chris R. Calkins. 2016. Feeding vitamin E may reverse sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane instability caused by feeding wet distillers grains plus solubles to cattle. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP103. P. 170-172.
Chao, Michael D., Katherine I. Domenech, Chris R. Calkins. 2015. A Basic Mechanism of Beef Tenderization: Feeding Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Contributes to Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Membrane Instability. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP101. P. 117-119.
Chao, Michael D., Katherine I. Domenech, Hope R. Voegele, Emery K. Kunze, and Chris R. Calkins. 2016. Effects of dietary antioxidant supplementation on cattle finished with 30% wet distillers grains plus solubles on fatty acid profiles and display life. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP103. P. 167-169.
Cleveland, B. D. (2015). Effects of feeding distillers grains throughout different phased of production on shelf life of ground beef. M.S. Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE.
Cleveland, B. D., Bower, C. G., Redfield, A. L., Sullivan, G. 2015. Effect of Feeding Distillers Grains and Supplementing with Dietary Antioxidants on Ground Beef Color During Retail Display. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP101. P. 124.
Cleveland, B. D., Redfield, A. L., MacDonald, J., Jones, T. F., Sullivan, G. 2015. Effect of Feeding Distillers Grains in Different Phases of Production on the Fatty Acid Profile and Oxidation of Frozen, Cooked Beef Links. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP101. P. 122-123.
Cleveland, B., Bower, C., Jones, T., MacDonald, J., Sullivan, G. 2015. Effect of feeding distillers grains and supplementing antioxidants on lipid oxidation of ground beef. Reciprocal Meat Conference. Lincoln, NE. June 14*17, 2015. Abstract #102.
Cleveland, B.D., Sullivan, G.A. 2016. Effect of Feeding Distillers Grains and Supplementing with Dietary Antioxidants on Ground Beef Shelf Life and Fatty Acid Profile. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP103. P. 164-166.
Costa, P., J. A. Simões, A. S. H. Costa , J. P. C. Lemos, D. Navas, J. F. Hocquette, C. R. Calkins and R. J. B. Bessa. 2015. Repercussions of growth path on carcass characteristics, meat colour and shear force in Alentejana bulls. Animal 9(8):1414-1422.
Diersen, Matthew, and Scott Fausti. PRICE DISCOVERY AND LOCAL INFORMATION IN CATTLE ON FEED REPORTS. Economics Commentator, No.556, September 2015, Department of Economics, South Dakota State University
Diersen, Matthew., Gurung, Pratik., and Fausti, Scott. Optimal Allocation of Index Insurance Intervals for Commodities.http://purl.umn.edu/196793
Digest 70. 2015. “Meeting Market Demands Through Cooperation.” Proceedings of British Cattle Conference. Calkins, C.R. 2015. The U.S. Beef industry – meeting consumer needs. P. 9 – 10.
Domenech, Katherine I., Keni E.Z. Nubiato, Galen E. Erickson, and Chris R. Calkins. 2016. Beef fatty acid profiles from steers finished with de-oiled dry distillers grains plus solubles vs. a corn-based diet. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report MP103. P. 156-157.
Domenech, Katherine I., Michael D. Chao, Joe Buntyn, Ty Schmidt, and Chris R. Calkins. 2016. Impact of supplementing cattle with Omni-Gen-AF at the receiving or finishing phase on beef shelf-life. MP103. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. P.161-163.
Fausti, Scott., Diersen, Matthew., Qasmi, Bashir., and Adamson, Bill. The Influence of Market Power and Market Trends on Grid Market Signals. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Volume 40, Number 1, January 2015.
Hunt, M.R., J.F. Legako, T.T.N. Dinh, A.J. Garmyn,, T.G. O’Quinn, C.H. Corbin, R.J. Rathmann, J.C. Brooks, and M.F. Miller. 2016. Assessment of volatile compounds, neutral and polar lipid fatty acids of four beef muscles from USDA Choice and Select graded carcasses and their relationships with consumer palatability scores and intramuscular fat content. Meat Sci. 116:91-101.
Kim, Y.H.B., Setyabrata, D., Kim, T., Kim, Y.L. 2015. Meat tenderness assessment using anisotropy imaging analysis. RMC conference, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Legako, J. F., T. T. N. Dinh, M. F. Miller, K. Adhikari, and J. C. Brooks. 2015. Consumer palatability scores, sensory descriptive attributes, and volatile compounds of grilled beef steaks from three USDA Quality Grades. Meat Sci. 112:77–85.
Martin, J., Cleveland, B., Jones, T., MacDonald, J., Sullivan, G. 2015 effect of feeding dried de-oiled distillers grains and addition of postmortem antioxidants on ground beef shelf life. Reciprocal Meat Conference. Lincoln, NE. June 14-17, 2015.
Martin, J.C., Cleveland, B.D., Jones, T.F., MacDonald, J.C., Sullivan. G.A. 2016. Effect of Feeding Dried De-oiled Distillers Grains and Addition of Postmortem Antioxidants on Ground Beef Shelf Life. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP103. P. 158-160.
McCain, A. K., P. T. T. Vu, N. T. Mai, M. V. V Le, D. H. Nguyen, P. R. Broadway, L. M. Guillen, M. M. Brashears, J. R. Donaldson, M. W. Schilling, and T. T. N. Dinh. 2015. Influence of market setting and time of purchase on counts of aerobic bacteria , escherichia coli , and coliform and prevalence of salmonella and listeria in beef in Vietnam. Agric. Food Anal. Bacteriol. 5:135–152.
McClenton, B. J., C. W. Waldrip, C. G. Hart, A. T. Sukumaran, C. O. Lemley, J. R. Blanton, and T. T. N. Dinh. 2016. Effects of summer and winter feeding of endophyte infected tall fescue seeds on average daily gain and activity of hepatic cytochrome p450 1a, 2c, 3a, aldo-keto reductase 1c, and uridine 5’-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase in beef steers. 2016 ASAS Annual Meeting, Salt Lake, UT.
Meyers, B., Kim, Y.H.B., Liceaga, A., Lemenager, R. 2015. Effects of stepwise dry/wet aging on physical, chemical and quality attributes of beef loins. RMC conference, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Meyers, B., Liceaga, A., Kim, Y.H.B. 2015. Effects of sequential dry/wet aging and fast freezing on physical, chemical and quality attributes of beef loins. IFT. Chicago, Illinois.
Michael D. Chao, Katherine I. Domenech, and Chris R. Calkins. 2015. Strategies to Enhance Meat Quality: Feeding Vitamin E May Reverse Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Membrane Instability Caused by Feeding Wet Distillers Grains plus Solubles to Cattle. Proceedings of the Second International Meat Science Symposium, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. P. 73-82.
Miller, E., Bower, C. G., Redfield, A. L., Sullivan, G. 2015. The Effects of Souce and Amount of Nitrite on Quality Characteristics of All-Beef Frankfurters. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP101. P. 120-121.
Naganathan, Konda, G. K. Cluff, A. Samal, C. Calkins, D. Jones, C. Lorenzen, and J. Subbiah. 2015. A prototype on-line
Naganathan, Konda, G. K. Cluff, A. Samal, C. Calkins, D. Jones, C. Lorenzen, and J. Subbiah. 2015. Hyperspectral imaging of ribeye muscle on hanging beef carcasses for tenderness assessment. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 116: 55–64.
Naganathan, Konda, G. K. Cluff, A. Samal, C. Calkins, D. Jones, G. Meyer, and J. Subbiah. 2016. Three dimensional chemometric analyses of hyperspectral images for beef tenderness forecasting. J. Food Engineering 169: 309-320.
Naganathan, Konda, G. K. Cluff, A. Samal, C. Calkins, D. Jones, R. Wehling, and J. Subbiah. 2016. Identification and validation of key wavelengths for beef tenderness forecasting. Transactions of the ASABE. (accepted)
Naganathan, Konda, G., K. Cluff, A. Samal, C. Calkins, and J. Subbiah. 2015. Quality evaluation of beef and pork. In B. Park and R. Lu (Ed), Hyperspectral imaging technology in food and agriculture, Springer, NY. ISBN 978-1-4939-2836-1.
Nelson, M. L., J. R. Busboom, M. Heitstuman and J. L. Schmidt, 2015. WSU Meat Animal Evaluation, Analysis and Technology Team Adding Value to Meat Products from Farm to Table: A Model of Successful Extension Programming. Journal of Extension 53:1TOT7. http://www.joe.org/joe/2015february/tt7.php.
Nubiato, Keni E.Z., Katherine I. Domenech, Galen E. Erickson, and Chris R. Calkins. 2016. Effect of feeding de-oiled dry distillers grains plus solubles on beef oxidation, color and tenderness. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP103. P. 153-155.
Ortega, D.L., H. Holly Wang, Maolong Chen, 2015. Emerging Markets for U.S. Meat and Poultry in China. Choices.
Qasmi, Bashir A.,Fausti, Scott W., and Underwood, Keith R. Consumers' Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Ground Bison. http://purl.umn.edu/225645
O’Quinn, T.G., D.R. Woerner, T. Engle, P. Chapman, J.F. Legako, J.C. Brooks, K. Belk, and J.D. Tatum. 2016. Identifying consumer preferences for specific beef flavor characteristics in relation to cattle production and postmortem processing parameters. Meat Sci. 112:90-102.
Rosa, A., K. Domenech-Perez, M. Chao, H. Voegele, K. Nubiato, E. Kunze, and C. Calkins. 2015. Aging effects on selected beef muscles from carcasses classified into tenderness groups based on longissimus muscle tenderness. Proceedings, 68th Reciprocal Meat Conference , Amer. Meat Sci. Assoc., Champaign, IL. P. 73.
Rosa, A.F., K. D. Perez, M. D. Chao, H. Voegele, K. Nubiato, Kunze E. and C. R. Calkins. Tenderness relationships among beef muscles during aging. 61st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICOMST), Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Smith, S.M, and Busboom J. 2015. WSU Livestock Carcass Grade & Cutability Calculator App for Androids and Iphones.
Smith, S.M., Busboom, J.R., and Moffitt, N. 2015. Pig Handling and Training Techniques for 4-H/FFA Youth, Leaders, and Advisors.
Smith, S.M., Busboom, J.R.., Heitstuman, M.D. and Moffitt, N. 2015. Basic Sheep Handling and Training for Small Scale and Youth Producers. (In Preparation)
Smith, S.M., Heitstuman, M.D., Busboom, J.R., Kuber, P.S., Neibergs, J.S., & Schmidt, J. (2015). 2015 Lamb 300 Notebook. MEAT TEAM PUBLICATIONS , Oregon version.
Smith, S.M., Heitstuman, M.D., Busboom, J.R., Kuber, P.S., Neibergs, J.S., & Schmidt, J. (2016). 2016 Lamb 300 Notebook. MEAT TEAM PUBLICATIONS , California version.
Sukumaran, A. T., A. K. McCain, Y. L. Campbell, T. Kim, M. W. Schilling, and T. T. N. Dinh. 2016. Effect of pre-rigor deboning and storage time on the growth of Salmonella and E. coli in various stages of beef sausage production. Abstracts from the 69th Reciprocal Meat Conference of the American Meat Science Association.
Sullivan, G.A. 2014. Impacts of Cattle Diet and Antioxidants on the Shelf Life of Ready-to-Eat Beef Products. Kemin Lectures for the Advancement of the ScienceS (KLASS), Kemin Industries, Des Moines, IA, November 5, 2014.
Tonsor, G.T. and L. Schulz. 2015. Economic considerations related to U.S. beef herd expansion. J. Anim. Sci. 93:4227-4234.
Tonsor, G.T. and T.C. Schroeder. 2015. Market impacts of E. coli vaccination in U.S. feedlot cattle. Agric. Food Econ. 3:7.
Trinderup, C.H., and Kim, Y.H.B. Fresh meat color evaluation using a structured light imaging system. 2015. Food Research International. 71C:100-107.
Wang, B. Yang, Q., harris, C., Nelson, M.L., Busboom, J. R., Zhu, M., and Du, M. 2016. Nutrigenomic regulation of adipose tissue development --- role of retinoic acid. Meat Sci. Available online April 8, 2016