NC225: Improved Grazing Systems for Beef Cattle Production

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports



Moyer, J. L., and L. W. Lomas. 2002. Use of legumes in wheat-bermudagrass pastures. Pp. 18-19. In: 2002 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center. Kansas Agric. Exp. Stn. Report of Progress 892. 78p.


Clark, J., J. Russell, D. Karlen, D. Busby, L.J. Secor, B. Peterson, L. Pellack, C. Olsen, D. Maxwell, and S. Shouse. 2002. Effects of corn crop residue grazing on soil physical properties and subsequent soybean production in a corn-soybean crop rotation. 2002 Beef Research Report. A.S. Leaflet R1784. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.

Haan, M.M., J. Russell, W. Powers, S. Mickelson, S.K. Ahmed, and J. Kovar. 2002. Effects of grazing management on sediment and phosphorus runoff. 2002 Beef Research Report. A.S. Leaflet R1783. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.

Hermann, M.L., J.R. Russell, and S.K. Barnhart. 2002. Evaluation of hay-type and grazing-tolerant alfalfa cultivars in season-long or complementary rotational stocking systems for beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 80:768-779.

Janovick, N.A. and J.R. Russell. 2001. Evaluation of calf and forage production in rotational stocking systems for spring- and fall-calving beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Supp. 1):220. Abstr.

Janovick, N.A. and J.R. Russell. 2002. Year-round grazing systems for fall- and spring-calving beef cows: summer grazing management. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 2):33.

Janovick, N.A. and J.R. Russell. 2002. Year-round grazing systems for fall- and spring-calving beef cows: winter grazing management. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 2):33.

Janovick, N.A., J.R. Russell, D.R. Strohbehn, D.G. Morrical, S.K. Barnhart, D.Maxwell, and L.J.Secor. 2002. Integration of year-round forage management systems for spring- and fall-calving beef cows. 2002 Beef Research Report. A.S. Leaflet R1778. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.

Russell, J.R., J.R. Clark, D.L.Karlen, W.D. Busby, L.J. Secor, B. Peterson, C.R. Olson, and S.C. Shouse. 2001. Corn crop residue grazing effects on soil physical properties and soybean production in a corn-soybean crop rotation. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Supp. 1):419. Abstr.


Kallenbach, R.L., G.J. Bishop-Hurley, M.D. Massie, and C.A. Roberts. 2002. Stockpiled annual ryegrass for winter forage in the lower Midwestern USA. Submitted to Crop Sci. 5/24/2002.

Lock, T.R., R.L. Kallenbach, D.G. Blevins, T.M. Reinbott, G.J. Bishop-Hurley, R.J. Crawford, and M.D. Massie. 2002. Adequate soil phosphorus decreases the grass tetany potential of tall fescue pasture. Online. Crop Mgt. doi:10.1094/CM-2002-0809-01-RS

Kallenbach, R.L., C.J. Nelson, and J.H. Coutts. 2002. The influence of cultivar and harvest frequency on alfalfa yield, quality, and persistence in southern Missouri, USA. Agron. J. (In Press).

Kallenbach, R.L., G.J. Bishop-Hurley, M.D. Massie, G.E. Rottinghaus, and C.P. West. 2002. Herbage mass, nutritive value and ergovaline concentration of stockpiled tall fescue. Crop Sci. In Press.

Wen, L., R.L. Kallenbach, J.E. Williams, C.A. Roberts, P.R. Beuselinck, R.L. McGraw, and H.R. Benedict. 2002. Performance of steers grazing rhizomatous and non-rhizomatous birdsfoot trefoil in pure stands and in tall fescue mixtures. J. Anim. Sci. 80:1970-1976.

Wen, L., C.A. Roberts, J.E. Williams, R.L. Kallenbach, P.R. Beuselinck, and R.L. McGraw. 2002. Condensed tannin concentration of rhizomatous and non-rhizomatous birdsfoot trefoil in grazing mixtures and monocultures. Crop Sci. (In Press).


Awada, T., L.E. Moser, W.H. Schacht, and P.E. Reece. 2002. Stomatal variability of native warm-season grasses from the Nebraska Sandhills. Can. J. Plant Sci. 82:349-355.

Ciminski, L., D. Adams, T. Klopfenstein, D. Clark, J. Musgrave, R. Sandberg, and A. Applegarth. 2001. Weaning date for spring calving cows grazing Sandhills range. In: 2002 Beef Cattle Report. Ag. Research Div., Univ. of NE, Lincoln. p. 3-4.

Ciminski, L.A., D.C. Ciminski, L.A. Adams, T.J. Klopfenstein, and R.T. Clark. 2002. Weaning date for spring calving cows grazing Sandhills range. Proc. Soc. Range Manage. 55th Annual Meeting. Abstr. p. 21.

Ciminski, L.A., D.C. Adams, T.J. Klopfenstein, and R.T. Clark. 2002. Effects of weaning date and protein supplementation on cow/calf productivity. Abstract presented at the Midwestern Section ASAS and Midwest Branch ADSA 2002 Meeting, Des Moines, IA. Abstr. 263, p. 65.

Creighton, K.W., J. A. Johnson-Musgrave, D.C. Adams, R.E. Sandberg, and J. A. Gosey. 2002. Effects of cow-calf separation on milk production and performance. Proc. Soc. Range Manage. 55th Annual Meeting. Abstr. p. 20.

Deutscher, G., B. Plugge, A. Applegarth, and R. Davis. 2001. Replacement heifer development for spring and summer calving herds. In: 2002 Beef Cattle Report. Ag. Research Div., Univ. of NE, Lincoln. p. 4-7.

Hopkin, A.M. 2001. Cow-calf yearling beef production systems in the Nebraska Sandhills. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Animal Science, Univ. of NE, Lincoln.

Lamb, J.B., D.C. Adams, T.J. Klopfenstein, and R.J. Grant, Phillip L. Sims, L.M. White, and S.S. Waller. 2002. Intake and digestive kinetics of leaf stem fractions. J. Range Manage. 55:57-64.

Lamothe, M.J. 2002. Estimation of microbial and rumen undegradeable protein supply in grazing cattle. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Animal Science, Univ. of NE, Lincoln.

Lamothe, M., T. Klopfenstein, D. Adams, J. Musgrave, and G. Erickson. 2002. Urinary allantoin as an estimate of microbial protein synthesis. Abstract presented at the Midwestern Section ASAS and Midwest Branch ADSA 2002 Meeting, Des Moines, IA. Abstr. 242, p. 60.

Mousel, E.M. 2001. Summer grazing strategies following early-season grazing of big bluestem. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL.

Muesel, M.R. 2001. Legume persistence under various grazing strategies. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL.

Patterson, T., D. Adams, T. Klopfenstein, and A. Hopkin. 2001. Metabolizable protein requirements of lactating two-year-old cows. In: 2002 Beef Cattle Report. Ag. Research Div., Univ. of NE, Lincoln. p. 9-11.

Ullerich, M.D. 2001. Effects of forage quality on performance of beef steers grazing smooth brome pastures inter-seeded with legumes. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Animal Science, UNL.

Ullerich, M., T. Klopfenstein, B. Anderson, and M. Trammel. 2002. Forage quality and animal performance of steers grazing smooth bromegrass/legume pastures. In: 2002 Beef Cattle Report, Ag. Research Div., UNL, MP 79-A. p. 20-21.

Volesky, J.D., D.C. Adams, and R.T. Clark. 2001. Windrow grazing and baled-hay feeding strategies for wintering calves. In: 2002 Beef Cattle Report, Ag Research Div., Univ. of NE-Lincoln, MP 79-A. p.17-20.

Volesky, J.D., D.C. Adams, and R.T. Clark. 2002. Windrow grazing and baled-hay feeding strategies for wintering calves. J. Range Manage. 55:23-32.

North Dakota:

Carr, P.M., and W.W. Poland. Improving profitability and resource efficiency of conventional and alternative crops with legume pasture in western North Dakota. p 316-317. In K.A. Ringwall (ed.) 2001 Annual Report, North Dakota State Univ., Dickinson Res. Ext. Ctr., Dickinson, ND.



Hermann, M.L., J.R. Russell, and S.K. Barnhart. 2002. Evaluation of hay-type and grazing-tolerant alfalfa cultivars in season-long or complementary rotational stocking systems for beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 80:768-779.

Russell, J.R. 2002. Utilization of corn stalks and other crop residues to extend the grazing season. pp. 68-79. IN: Proc. of the Winter Feeding and Feeding Systems for Cattle Professional Development Training Conference. Columbia, MO.

Russell, J.R. 2002. Crop residues and improved annuals to extend the grazing system. 8 pp. IN: Proc of the Integrating Livestock and Forage Conference, Moline, IL.

Clark, J.T., J.R. Russell, D.L. Karlen, W.D. Busby, D.L. Maxwell, and B. Peterson. 2003 Corn crop residue grazing effects on soil physical properties and soybean production in a corn-soybean crop rotation. Abstracts of the Midwest Sectional Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science 30:75.

Haan, M.M., J.R. Russell, W. Powers, R. Schultz, S. Mickelson, and J. Kovar. 2003. Effects of grazing management on sediment and phosphorus in pasture runoff. Abstracts of the Midwest Sectional Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science 30:60.

Bormann, K., W. Powers, and J. Russell. 2003. Effects of forage maturity on phosphorus digestion of beef cows. Proc. of the Amer. Forage and Grassl. Council 12:258-262.

May, G.J., J.R. Russell, N.A. Janovick, J.D. Lawrence, D.R. Strohbehn, and D.G. Morrical. 2003. An economic comparison of year round vs. conventional grazing systems in Iowa. Proc. of the Amer. Forage and Grassl. Council 12:216-220.

Clark, J.T., J.R. Russell, W.D. Busby, D.L. Karlen, D.L. Maxwell, and B. Peterson. 2003. Effects of corn crop residue grazing on soil physical properties and subsequent soybean production in a corn-soybean crop rotation. Proc. of the Amer. Forage and Grassl. Council 12:286.

Clark, J.T. and J.R. Russell. 2003. Effects of stocking rate and energy supplementation on performance and feed intake of heifers grazing stockpiled forages. Proc. of the Amer. Forage and Grassl. Council 12:287.

Haan, M.M., J.R. Russell, W. Powers, S. Mickelson, S.I. Ahmed, J. Kovar, and R. Schultz. 2003. Effects of grazing management on pasture production and phosphorus content of forage. Proc. of the Amer. Forage and Grassl. Council 12:347-351.

Haan, M., J.R. Russell, W. Powers, S. Mickelson, J. Kovar, and R. Schultz. 2002. Effects of grazing management on sediment and phosphorus run-off. Proc. Amer. Forage Grassl. Council. 11:292-296

Clark, J.T., J.R. Russell, D. Karlen, and D. Busby. 2002. Effects of corn crop residue grazing on soil physical properties and subsequent soybean production in a corn-soybean crop rotation. Proc. Amer. Forage Grassl. Council. 11:227-231.

Haan, M.M, J. Russell, W. Powers, S. Mickelson, S.I. Ahmed, J. Kovar, and R. Schultz. 2003. Effects of grazing management on pasture production and phosphorus content of forage. A.S. Leaflet R1835. 2003 Beef Research Report-Iowa State University. Ames, IA

Haan, M.M, J. Russell, W. Powers, S. Mickelson, S.I. Ahmed, J. Kovar, and R. Schultz. 2003. Effects of grazing management on sediment and phosphorus losses in run-off. A.S. Leaflet R1836. 2003 Beef Research Report-Iowa State University. Ames, IA

Clark, J., J.Russell, D. Karlen, D. Busby, B. Peterson, L. Pellack, and D. Maxwell. 2003. Effects of corn crop residue grazing on soil physical properties and subsequent soybean production in a corn-soybean crop production. A.S. Leaflet R1837. 2003 Beef Research Report-Iowa State University. Ames, IA

Russell, Jim and Wendy Miller. 2002. Making extended grazing work in Nebraska. Iowa Beef Center, Iowa State Univ. IBC-23, Nov.

Aberle, E.Z. L.R. Gibson, A.D. Knapp, P.M. Dixon, K.J. Moore, E.C. Brummer, and Roger Hintz. 2003. Optimum planting procedures for eastern gamagrass. Agron. J. In press.

Barker, D. A., K. J. Moore, T. A. White, and M. B. Dodd. 2002. Plant Diversity and Functional Characteristics of Temperate Pastures. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.

Barker, D. J., K. J. Moore, and J. A. Guretzky. 2002. Spatial variation in species richness under contrasting topologies and grazing regimes. Proc. American Forage and Grassland Conf., p. 222-225.

Braden, I. S., K. J. Moore, R. L. Hintz, M. H. Wiedenhoeft, E. C. Brummer, and M. P. Hoffman. 2002. Pasture enhancement of warm-season grasse pastures using a complex mixture of legumes. p. 18-19. In Annual Progress Reports - 2001, Western Research and Demonstration Farm, ISRF01-10, Iowa State University, Cooperative Extension Service, Ames, IA.

Braden, I. S., T. A. White, and K. J. Moore. 2002. Competitive Effects of an Exotic Cool-season Forage Grass on Two Native Warm-season Grasses. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.

Braden, I. S., K. J. Moore, R. L. Hintz, M. H. Wiedenhoeft, E. C. Brummer, and M. P. Hoffman. 2002. Composition and spatial distribution of legume mixtures within warm-season grass pastures. Proc. American Forage and Grassland Conf., p. 276-280.

Brummer, E. Charles, Kenneth J. Moore, and N. Charles Bjork. 2002. Agronomic consequences of dormant-nondormant alfalfa mixtures. Crop Science 94:782-785.

Griffin, T.S., E. Giberson, M.H. Wiedenhoeft. 2002. Yield response and nutrient cycling by mixed forage under different management regimes. Grass and Forage Science, 57, 268278.

Guretzky, J. A. and K. J. Moore. 2002. Legume Distribution Among Management Zones in Pastures Classified Using Fuzzy-C-Means. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.

Guretzky, J. A. , K. J. Moore, E. C. Brummer, and M. H. Wiedenhoeft. 2002. Multi-scale sampling of plant diversity in pastures varying in grazing management. Proc. American Forage and Grassland Conf., p. 80-84.

Hoy, M. D., K. J. Moore, J. R. George, and E. C. Brummer. 2002. Alfalfa Yield and Quality as Influenced by Establishment Method. Agronomy Journal 94:65-71.

Lemke, B.M., L.R. Gibson, A.D. Knapp, P.M. Dixon, K. J. Moore, and R. Hintz. 2003. Maximizing seed production in eastern gamagrass. Agron. J. In press.

Lemus, R., E. Charles Brummer, Kenneth J. Moore, Neil E. Molstadb, C. Lee Burras, and Michael F. Barker. 2002. Biomass yield and quality of twenty wwitchgrass populations in southern Iowa, USA. Biomass and Bioenergy 23:433-442.

Moore, K. J., M. H. Wi edenhoeft, E. C. Brummer, J. R. Russell, R. Hintz, T. White, J. Secor, and D. Maxwell. 2002. Sequential grazing systems of cool- and warm-season pastures. In Annual Progress Reports - 2001, McNay Research Farm, Iowa State University, Publication ISRF01-35, Cooperative Extension Service, Ames, IA.

Riday, Heathcliffe, E. C. Brummer, and K. J. Moore. 2002. Heterosis of forage quality in alfalfa. Crop Science 42:1088-1093.

Rusk, R.E., M.H. Wiedenhoeft, M. Liebman. 2002. Nitrogen mineralization rates when legume green manures are amended with composted swine manure. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.

Tarr, A. B., K. J. Moore, and P. M. Dixon. 2002. Geostatistical Relationships Among Spectral Imagery, Species Composition and Productivity in a Grass-Legume Pasture. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.

Tian, X., A.D. Knapp, K.J. Moore, E.C. Brummer, and T.B. Bailey. 2002. Cupule removal and caryopsis scarification improves germination of Eastern Gamagrass seed. Crop Science 42:185-189.

Tian, X., A.D. Knapp, L.R. Gibson, K.J. Moore, E.C. Brummer, and T.B. Bailey. 2002. Response of eastern gamagrass seed to gibberellic acid buffered below its pKa. Crop Sci. In press.

Vogel, K. P., A. A. Hopkins, K. J. Moore, K. D. Johnson, and I. T. Carlson. 2002. Winter survival in switchgrass populations bred for high IVDMD. Crop Science 42:1857-1862.

White, T. A., D. J. Barker, and K. J. Moore. 2002. The importance of local scale processes to landscape scale patterns of grassland vegetation diversity. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.

White, T. A., K. J. Moore, M. H. Wiedenhoeft, E. C. Brummer, and J. R. Russell. 2002. Sequentially grazing cool and warm-season pastures to increase cattle weight gain in Iowa. Proc. American Forage and Grassland Conf., p. 269-273.

Graduate student thesis/disertations:

Aberle, Ezra. 2002. Determination of optimum planting procedures for eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides L.) in a northern climate. 2002. M.S. Thesis.

Guretsky, John. 2002. Distribution of legumes and plant diversity in pastures that vary in landscape position and grazing management.

Lemke, Bryce. 2002. Improving harvestable seed yield of eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides L.) with nitrogen and defoliation management. 2002. M.S. Thesis.

Rogis, Carla. 2002. Methods for enhancing seed germination of eastern gamagrass. 2002. M.S. Thesis.

Tarr, Alison. 2002. Geostatistical use of indirect methods of improving sampling accurancy in pastures.

Janovick, Nicole A. 2002. Evaluation of year-round grazing systems for fall- and spring-calving cows. M.S. Thesis.

Hermann, Mary L. 2002. Evaluation of hay-type and grazing tolerant alfalfa cultivars in season-long and complementary rotational stocking systems for beef cows. M.S. Thesis.


Lomas, L.W., J.L. Moyer, F.K. Brazle, G.L. Kilgore, and G.A. Milliken. 2003. Effect of interseeding lespedeza versus additional nitrogen fertilization in a wheat-crabgrass double-crop system on forage production and cattle performance. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 1) 77-78 (Abstr.).

Lomas, L.W., J.L. Moyer, F.K. Brazle and G.L. Kilgore. 2003. Interseeding lespedeza into crabgrass pasture versus additional nitrogen fertilization of forage production and cattle performance. IN: 2003 Cattlemens Day Report. Kansas Agr. Exp. Sta. Rep. of Progress 908, pp. 121-129.

Lomas, Lyle W., Joseph L. Moyer, Frank K. Brazle and Gary L. Kilgore. 2003. Interseeding lespedeza into crabgrass pastures versus additional nitrogen fertilization on forage production and cattle performance. IN: 2003 Agricultural Research. Kansas Agr. Exp. Sta. Rep. of Progress 909, pp. 1-4.


Kallenbach, R.L., G.J. Bishop-Hurley, M.D. Massie, G.E. Rottinghaus, and C.P. West. 2003. Herbage mass, nutritive value, and ergovaline concentration of stockpiled tall fescue. Crop Sci. 43:1001-1005

Kallenbach, R.L., G.J. Bishop-Hurley, M.D. Massie, M.S. Kerley, and C.A. Roberts. 2003. Stockpiled annual ryegrass for winter forage in the lower Midwestern USA. Crop Sci. In Press

Roberts, C.A., R.L. Kallenbach, and N.S. Hill. 2002. Harvest and storage method affects ergot alkaloid concentration in tall fescue. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2002-0917-01-BR


Creighton, K.W., C.B. Wilson, T.J. Klopfenstein, and D.C. Adams. 2003. Undegraded intake protein supplementation of compensating spring-born steers and summer-born steers during summer grazing. J. Anim. Sci. 81:791-799. (J. Ser. No. 13585)

Jordan, D.J., T.J. Klopfenstein, and D.C. Adams. 2002. Dried poultry waste for cows grazing low-quality winter forage. J. Anim. Sci. 80:818-824.

Patterson, H.H., T.J. Klopfenstein, D.C. Adams, and J.A. Musgrave. 2003. Supplementation to meet metabolizable protein requirements of primiparous beef heifers I: Performance, forage intake, and nutrient balance. J. Anim. Sci. 81. (J. Ser. No. 13340).

Patterson, H.H., D.C. Adams, T.J. Klopfenstein, R.T. Clark, and B. Teichert. 2003. Supplementation to meet metabolizable protein requirements of primiparous beef heifers II: Pregnancy and economics. J. Anim. Sci. 81. (J. Ser. No. 13349).

Adams, D.C., and H..H. Patterson. 2003. Use of NRC Model to predict forage and/or energy intake and animal performance. p. 9-10 in Abstracts Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Midwest Sec. Abstr. 37, Des Moines, IA.

Anderson, R.V., R. Rasby, T. Klopfenstein, and C. Macken. 2002. An evaluation of production efficiency in a cow/calf system designed to add value. Jour. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl 2):110.

Creighton, K.W., J.A. Johnson-Musgrave, D.C. Adams, R.E. Sandberg, and J.A. Gosey. 2002. Effects of cow-calf separation on milk production and performance. Proc., Soc. Range Manage. 55th Annual Meeting. P. 20. (Abstr.).

Anderson, Rosemary, Rick Rasby, Terry Klopfenstein, and Casey Macken. 2002. Evaluation of cow and calf performance and profit potential in beef systems. In: 2003 Beef Cattle Report, Ag. Research Div., Univ. of NE-Lincoln, MP 80-A. P. 3-5.

Loy, Tim, Don Adams, Terry Klopfenstein, Dillon Feuz, Jacki Musgrave, and Burke Teichert. 2002. Comparison of two heifer development systems on a commercial Nebraska ranch. In: 2003 Beef Cattle Report, Ag. Research Div., Univ. of NE-Lincoln, MP 80-A. P. 5-7.

Loy, Tim, Terry Klopfenstein, Galen Erickson, and Casey Macken. 2002. Value of dry distillers grains in high-forage diets and effect of supplementation frequency. In: 2003 Beef Cattle Report, Ag. Research Div., Univ. of NE-Lincoln, MP 80-A. P. 8-10.

Lamothe, Mariela, Terry Klopfenstein, Don Adams, Jacki Musgrave, and Galen Erickson. 2002. Microbial protein production in gestating cows supplemented with different sources of rumen degradable protein grazing dormant range. In: 2003 Beef Cattle Report, Ag. Research Div., Univ. of NE-Lincoln, MP 80-A. P. 10-12.

Lamothe, Mariela, Terry Klopfenstein, Don Adams, Jacki Musgrave, and Galen Erickson. 2002. Microbial protein synthesis and efficiency in nursing calves. In: 2003 Beef Cattle Report, Ag. Research Div., Univ. of NE-Lincoln, MP 80-A. P. 13-15.

Clark, Dick, Walter Schacht, Don Adams, Terry Klopfenstein, and Wendy Miller. 2002. Making extended grazing work in Nebraska. Iowa Beef Center, Iowa State Univ. IBC-22, Nov.

Anderson, R.V., R.J. Rasby, T.J. Klopfenstein, and C.N. Macken. 2002. An evaluation of production efficiency in a cow/calf system designed to add value. Proceedings, Western Section, Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 53:190.

Anderson, B.E., M.A. Trammell, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2002. Hybrid and protein supplement affect gains of cattle grazing mature corn. Pp. 217-221. In: Kim Cassida (ed.). Proc. 2002 Amer. Forage and Grassl. Conf. Bloomington, MN.

Anderson, B.E. and J.D. Volesky. 2002. Seeding Alfalfa. NebGuide G02-1456-A.

Awada, T., L.E. Moser, W.H. Schact, and P.E. Reece. 2002. Stomatal variability of native warm-season grasses from the Nebraska Sandhills. Can. J. Plant Sci. 82:349-355.

Awada, R. M.E.L. Perry, and W.H. Schacht. 2003. Photosynthetic and growth responses of the C3 Bromus inermis and the C4 Andropogon gerardii to tree canopy cover. Can. J. Plant Sci. In press.

Baenziger, P.S. and K.P. Vogel. 2003. Registration of >NE422T=Winter Triticale. Crop Sci. 43:434-435.

Burboa-Cabrera, F.R., W.H. Schacht, and B.E. Anderson. 2003. Utilization and grazing distribution of cattle at four stocking densities. J. Range Manage. In press.

Casler, M.D., D.R. Buxton, and K.P. Vogel. 2002. Genetic modifications of lignin concentration affects fitness of perennial herbaceous plants. Theor. Appl. Genet. 104:127-131.

Master, R., K.D. Grams, R.N. Klein, and K.L. Carlson. 2002. A research plot application system. Weed Tech. 16:243:252.

Moser, L.E. and C.J. Nelson. 2003. Structure and morphology of grasses. pp. 25-50. In: R.F. Barnes, C.J. Nelson, M. Collins, and K.J. Moore (ed.) Forages. Iowa State Univ. Press.

Mousel, E.M., W.H. Schacht, and L.E. Moser. 20003. Summer grazing strategies following early-season grazing of big bluestem. Agron. J. In press.

Reece, P.R., J.S. Nixon, L.E. Moser, and S.S. Waller. 2002. Seasonal dynamics of prairie sandreed rhizome development. J. Range Manage. 55:182-187.

Reece, P.R., W.H. Schacht, and A.E. Kohler. 2003. Stiff sunflower population dynamics on summer-grazed Sandhills rangeland. J. Range Manage. In press.

Vogel, K.P. 2002. The Challenge: High quality seed of native plants to ensure establishment. Seed Tech. 24:9-15.

Vogel, K.P, J.J. Brejda, D.T. Walters, and D.R. Buxton. 2002. Switchgrass Biomass Production in the Midwest USA: Harvest and Nitrogen Management. Agron. J. 94:413-420.

Vogel, K.P., A.A. Hopkins, K.J. Moore, K.D. Johnson, and I.T. Carlson. 2002. Winter survival in switchgrass populations bred for high IVDMD. Crop Sci. 42:1857-1862.

Volesky, J., D. Adams, and R.T. Clark. 2002. Windrow grazing and baled-hay feeding strategies for wintering calves. J. Range Manage. 55:23-32 (J. Series No. 13151).

Volesky, J., D. Adams, and R. Clark. 2002. Windrow grazing and baled-hay feeding strategies for winter calves. P. 17-19 In: 2002 Beef Cattle Report, MP 79-! IANR, UNL.

Volesky, J.D., P.E. Reece, and J.S. Wilson. 2002. Management after wildfire in central and western Nebraska. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension EC02-160-S

MS Theses and PhD Dissertations:

Anderson, Rosemary V. 2002. An evaluation of cow/calf management strategies to improve economic efficiency. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Animal Science, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

Iwig, N.M. 2003. Forage yield, quality, and utilization of a smooth bromegrass and birdsfoot trefoil pasture mixture. M.S. Thesis.

Morris, J.W. 2002. Water-stress and defoliation effects on two warm-season grasses in the Nebraska sandhills. M.S. Thesis.

Terrell, B.L. 2002. Rumen protein degradation and nitrogen fractions in legume leaves and stems. M.S. Thesis.

North Dakota:

Carr, P.M., W.W. Poland, and L.J. Tisor. 2003. Reseeding potential of forage legumes in the Great Plains. [CD ROM computer file]. ASA, Madison, WI.

Oe, D. M., G.P. Lardy, W.W. Poland, and P. Carr. 2003. Effects of advancing season on nutrient quality of alfalfa and black medic in southwestern North Dakota. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 2):xxx.

Carr, P.M., and W.W. Poland. Improving profitability and resource efficiency of conventional and alternative crops with legume pasture in western North Dakota. p. 470-471. In K.A. Ringwall (ed.) 2002 Annual Report, North Dakota State Univ., Dickinson Res. Ext. Ctr., Dickinson, ND.

Poland, W., P. Carr, J. Nelson, K. Sedivec, P. Nyren, L. Manske, and W. Miller. 2002. Making extended grazing work in North Dakota. IBC-21. Nov.


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