NE1012: Sustaining Local Food Systems in a Globalizing Environment: Forces, Responses, Impacts

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Bells, A.C. and M.W. Hamm. 2003. International Effects On and Inspiration for Community Food Security Policies and Practices in the U.S. Critical Public Health, 13(2):107-123.

Bellows, A.C. and M.W. Hamm. 2003. U.S.-Based Community Food Security: Influences, Practice, Debate. Journal for the Study of Food and Society 6(1)31-44.

Bingen, Jim. 2002. Guest Editor. Shaping our Agro-Food System: Whose Standards Count? Guest Editor Observations. Special Issue. Agriculture and Human Values. 19, 4 (Winter): 279-281.

Bingen, Jim, and Andile Siyengo. 2002. Standards and Corporate Reconstruction in the Michigan Dry Bean Industry. Agriculture and Human Values. 19, 4 (Winter): 311-323.

Bingen, Jim. 2002. Michigan Organic: Power in Making the Numbers Known. Michigan Organic Connections. IX, 5: 1, 3. (September/October).

Bingen, Jim. 2003. Making Our Voice Heard. Michigan Organic Connections. X,2: 1, 6 (April/May/June).

Carro-Figueroa, V. 2002. Agricultural Decline and Food Import Dependency in Puerto Rico: A Historical Perspective on the Outcomes of Postwar Farm and Food Policies. Caribbean Studies 30 (2):77-107.

Carro-Figueroa, V. 2002. Global Trade and Technological Change in Roots and Tubers: The Case of Puerto Rico. Pp. 68-78 in Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society. Lamentin, Martinique: AMADEPA-CFCS.

Carro-Figueroa, V. and A. Guptill. 2003. Emerging Farmers Markets and the Globalization of Food Retailing: A Perspective from Barranquitas, Puerto Rico. Paper presented in the 2003 joint meetings of the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society and the Association for the Study of Food and Society, Austin, Texas, June 15.

DeLind, Laura, and Jim Bingen. 2003. Be Careful What You Wish For: Democratic Challenges and Political Opportunities for the Michigan Organic Community. Paper presented for our session, Searching for the C Word: Michigan Cases in Civic Agriculture at the joint meetings of the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society and the Association for the Study of Food and Society, June 12-15, 2003, Austin TX. Revised version accepted for publication in Clare Hinrichs and Tom Lyson (eds.) Remaking the North American Food System.

DeLind, Laura B. 2002. Community Supported Agriculture 2002: The State of the Art in Michigan. National Farmers Union, Economic and Cooperative Development.

DeLind, Laura B. 2003. Chapter 11: Considerably More than Vegetables, A Lot Less than Community: The Dilemma of Community Supported Agriculture, in Fighting for the Farm: Rural America Transformed, Jane Adams, ed., Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2003. Pp.192-206.

DeLind, Laura B. 2002. Place, Work, and Civic Agriculture: Common Fields for Cultivation. Agriculture and Human Values 19(3): 217-224.

Feenstra, Gail, Christopher Lewis, C. Clare Hinrichs, Gilbert Gillespie, Jr., and Duncan Hilchey. 2003. Entrepreneurial outcomes and enterprise size in U.S. retail farmers markets. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 18(1): 46-55.

Feenstra, Gail, Jeri Ohmart and David Chaney; with contributions from Mark Mulcahy and Kris Pustina. 2003. Selling Directly to Restaurants and Retailers. University of California, Davis: UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program.

Gandee, Jesse. 2003. Modeling Direct Farm marketing in West Virginia: A Spatial, Policy, and Profit Analysis. M.S. Thesis. West Virginia University [].

Gandee, J., G. DSouza, and C. Brown. 2003. The Role of Spatial and Demographic Characteristics in Direct Farm Marketing: An Econometric Approach. Selected paper, American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 27-30.

Gillespie, Gilbert W., C. Clare Hinrichs, Gail W. Feenstra, and Duncan L. Hilchey. 2003. Farmers Markets: (Re)Building a Better Food System Infrastructure through Small Business Incubation. Joint annual meetings of Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society and Association for the Study of Food and Society, Austin, Texas, June 12-15.

Hamm, M.W. 2003. Shifting From Food as a Commodity to Food as a Community, Proceedings of the Farm to School Cafeteria Partnerships Conference (Ithaca, NY), p. 111-115.

Hamm, M.W. and D. Fischer. 2003. Lessons from K through 12 Farm-to-School Projects. Proceedings of the Farm to School Cafeteria Partnerships Conference (Ithaca, NY), p. 92-93.

Hamm, M.W. and Bellows, A.C. 2003. Community Food Security and Nutrition Educators. Journal of Nutrition Education 35(1):37-43.

Hinrichs, C. Clare, Gilbert W. Gillespie and Gail W. Feenstra. 2003. Social learning and innovation at retail farmers‘ markets. Rural Sociology. Accepted for publication.

Hinrichs, C. Clare, and Rick Welsh. 2003. The effects of the industrialization of U.S. livestock agriculture on promoting sustainable production practices. Agriculture and Human Values 20: 125-141.

Hinrichs, C. Clare. 2003. The practice and politics of food system localization. Journal of Rural Studies 19(1): 33-45.

Hinrichs, C. Clare. 2003. Putting (Which) Actors in (What) Place: Dilemmas in Locating Local Food. Annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Montreal, Quebec, July 27-29.

Jaffee, Daniel, Jack Kloppenburg, and Mario Monroy. 2003 . Bringing the moral charge home: fair trade within the North and within the South. Forthcoming in Rural Sociology.

Lass, Daniel, G.W. Stevenson, John Hendrickson, and Kathy Ruhf. 2003. CSA Across the Nation: Findings from the 1999 CSA Survey. A report published by the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, UW-Madison, November.

Lyson, Thomas A. 2002. Advanced agricultural biotechnologies and sustainable agriculture. Trends in Biotechnology 20:193-196.

Lyson, Thomas A. and Amy Guptill. (forthcoming). Commodity agriculture, civic agriculture and the future of U.S. farming. Rural Sociology.

Lyson, Thomas A. 2003. Civic agriculture. In Encyclopedia of Community. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group.

Lyson, Thomas A. 2003. Agricultural scale and community quality. In Encyclopedia of Community. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group.

Peters C, Fick G, Wilkins J. 2003. Forging a link between agriculture and nutrition: can the Food Pyramid help translate dietary recommendations into agricultural goals? Agronomy Journal. Nov/Dec.

Peters CJ, Bills N, Wilkins JL, and Smith RD. 2003. Fruit Consumption, Dietary Guidelines and Agricultural Production in New York State - Implications for Local Food Economies. Research Bulletin 2003-02, Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University.

Stevenson, G.W. and Holly Born. 2003. The Red Label Poultry System in France: Lessons for Renewing an Agriculture-of-the-Middle in the U.S. Submitted for inclusion in the edited book, Remaking the North American Food System.

Stevenson, G. W. and Kathy Ruhf, Sharon Lezberg, and Kate Clancy. 2003. Warrior, Builder, and Weaver Work: Exploring Change Strategies in the North American Food System. Submitted for inclusion in the edited book, Remaking the North American Food System.

Stouder, Heather, Jack Kloppenburg, and Sara Tedeschi. 2003. The Potential of Public Schools in Madison, Wisconsin, as Markets for Local Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Assessing the Myths and Realities of Seasonality, Price, Transaction Costs, and Prep Labor. A report prepared for the North Central Initiative on Small Farm Profitability, October.


Allen, Patricia. 2004. Together at the Table. Sustainability and Sustenance in the American Agrifood System. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press.

Allen, Patricia and C. Clare Hinrichs. 2004. Probing the agendas and assumptions in Buy Local Foods campaigns. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, August 12-15. Sacramento, California.

Barham, Elizabeth, David Lind and Lewis Jett. The Missouri Regional Cuisines Project: Connecting to place in the restaurant. Urban Place: Reconnections with the Natural World, edited by Peggy F. Barlett. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Accepted for publication.

Barham, Elizabeth. 2003a. Translating Terroir: The Global Challenge of French AOC Labeling. The Journal of Rural Studies 19 (1): 127-138.

Barham, Elizabeth. 2003b. Missouri Wineries: Present Status and Future Scenarios. Final report for Federal-State Market Improvement Program of the US Department of Agriculture (Agreement 12-25-G-0369), produced in collaboratin with the Missouri Department of Agriculture. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri.

Blumberg, Renata, Jennifer Campos, Nathan Cole, Benjamin Lewis, Catherine Moravec, Michael Paine and Heather Ricks. 2004. Hoshigaki: Preserving the Art of Hand Dried Persimmons. UC Davis: UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program.

Carro-Figueroa, Viviana and Weathers, Gwendolyn. 2003. Livelihood Strategies of Farmers in Puerto Rico's Central Region: Survival in the Context of Economic Restructuring and Policy Change. Pp. 339-365 in Falk, W., Schulman, M. and Tickamyer, A. (eds.) Communities of Work: Rural Restructuring in Local and Global Contexts. Athens: Ohio University Press.

DeLind, Laura B. 2003. Considerably More than Vegetables, A Lot Less than Community: The Dilemma of Community Supported Agriculture. In Fighting for the Farm: Rural America Transformed, Jane Adams, ed. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Pp.192-206.

DeLind, Laura and Jim Bingen. Forthcoming. Panel papers on Searching for the 'C' Word: Michigan Case Studies in Civic Agriculture. Presented at the 2003 Annual Meetings of AFHVS and ASFS to be published in Culture & Agriculture.

Graham, Heather, Gail Feenstra, Ann M. Evans, and Sheri Zidenberg-Cherr. 2004. Creating a school environment to support life long healthy eating habits in children. California Agriculture (October-December), 58(4): 200-205.

Grow, Shelly, Amy Guptill, Thomas A. Lyson and Rick Welsh. 2003. The Effects of Laws that Foster Agricultural Bargaining: The Case of Apple Growers in Michigan and New York State. Henry A. Wallace Center for Agricultural and Environmental Policy, Arlington, VA.

Hamm, M.W. 2004. Community-Based Food Systems: Components and Potential for Michigan. Michigan Sociological Review 18(Fall): 1-22.

Hamm, M.W. 2003. Review of: Linking Land Quality, Agricultural Productivity, and Food Security (No.823) Wiebe, Keith, in Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 6(4): 233.

Hendrickson, Mary, William Heffernan, David Lind and Elizabeth Barham. 2004. Contractual Integration in Agriculture: Is There a Bright Side for the Agriculture of the Middle? Agriculture of the Middle, edited by Tom Lyson and Rick Welsh. Ámsterdam: JAI/Elsevier. Accepted for publication.

Hinrichs, C. Clare, Gilbert W. Gillespie and Gail W. Feenstra. 2004. Social learning and innovation at retail farmers' markets. Rural Sociology 69: 31-58.

Jaffee, Daniel, Jack Kloppenburg, and Mario Monroy. 2004. Bringing the moral charge home: Fair trade within the North and within the South. Rural Sociology 69:169-196.

Lev, L., Brewer, L.J., Stephenson, G. 2004 revised. Tools for Rapid Market Assessments. Oregon Small Farms Technical Report No. 6. Oregon State University Extension Service.

Lev, L. 2004. Farming Sourcebook 2005 with a focus on Sustainable and Certified Production. Sustainable Industries Journal. Portland.

Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture. 2004. Consumers Guide to Buying Local Food. MISA, 36 pp. In press.

Lind, David and Elizabeth Barham. 2004. The social life of the tortilla: Food, cultural politics, and contested commodification. Agriculture and Human Values 21(1):47-60.

Lyson, Thomas A. 2004. Civic Agriculture: Reconnecting Farm, Food and Community. Medford, MA: Tufts University Press.

Lyson, Thomas A. and Amy Guptill. 2004. Commodity agriculture, civic agriculture and the future of U.S. farming. Rural Sociology 69:370-385.

Lyson, Thomas A. and Charles M. Tolbert. 2003. Civil society, civic communities, and rural development. Pp. 228-240 in D.L. Brown and L.E. Swanson (eds.), Challenges for Rural America in the Twenty-First Century. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press.

Ostrom, Marcia. 2004. Local and Direct Food Purchasing in Washington. CSANR Research Brief No. 3. Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University.

Ostrom, Marcia. 2004. The Importance of Direct Markets for Washington Farmers. CSANR Research Brief No.1. Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University.

Ostrom, Marcia. The Contribution of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) to Movements for Change in the Agri-Food System. Remaking the North American Food System, Clare Hinrichs and Tom Lyson (eds). University of Nebraska Press (accepted for publication).

Ostrom, Marcia and Raymond Jussaume. Assessing the Significance of Direct Farmer-Consumer Linkages as a Change Strategy: Civic or Opportunistic? In: Remaking the North American Food System, Clare Hinrichs and Tom Lyson (eds). University of Nebraska Press (accepted for publication).

Ostrom, Marcia; Hines, Richard; and Rebecca Warren. 2004. King County Food System Atlas. CSANR Technical Report Series. Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University.

Thomson , J.S. 2003. Interested in Heightening the Visibility of Local Foods? Strengthening Local Agricultural Viability? Community, Food, and Agriculture Program News, Cornell University. 11(4):11, Fall.

Wilkins J.L., Maretzki A., Hamm M.W., Paddock J.D., Asher K., Tuckermanty, E. (Contributors). 2004. Our Food Our Future: Enhancing Community Food Security Through Community Action. A Community Food Security Program Guid. 2004 (2nd ed.). Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell Cooperative Extension.


Evans, J. 2003. An Economic Analysis of Pasture-Raised Beef Systems in Appalachia. Unpublished MS thesis. West Virginia University. 163 pp.

Inciong, L.O. 2004. Pennsylvania Extension Educators: Strengthening Community Engagement Toward a Sustainable Local Food System. M.S. thesis, The Pennsylvania State University. December.

Evans, J. 2003. An Economic Analysis of Pasture-Raised Beef Systems in Appalachia. Unpublished MS thesis. West Virginia University. 163 pp.

Inciong, L.O. 2004. Pennsylvania Extension Educators: Strengthening Community Engagement Toward a Sustainable Local Food System. M.S. thesis, The Pennsylvania State University. December.

Matthew Russell. 2003. Social Inclusion and Extra-Market Food Service Programs: Challenges for Community Food Security in a Rural Iowa County. Unpublished MS thesis. Iowa State University, Dept. of Sociology (December).

Leah Sokolofski. 2004. Managing Household Food and Feeding: Gender, Consumption and Citizenship among Community Supported Agriculture Members. Unpublished MS thesis. Iowa State University, Dept. of Sociology (May).


Allen, Patricia and C. Clare Hinrichs. 2004. Probing the agendas and assumptions in |Buy Local Foods campaigns. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, August 12-15. Sacramento, California.

Barham, Elizabeth. 2004. The Lamb that Roared: Origin Labeled Products as Place Making Strategy in Charlevoix, Quebec. Refereed book chapter contributed to Remaking the American Food System, edited by Clare Hinrichs and Tom Lyson. Accepted for publication by University of Nebraska Press.

Bingen, Jim and Lawrence Busch. Agricultural Standards: The Shape of the Global Food and Fiber System. Dordrecht: Kluwer. Submitted for publication in the series, International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics.

Brown, C. 2004. Examining the Cost of an All-organic Diet. Selected paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society conference, Morro Bay, CA, October.

Carro-Figueroa, V. and A. Guptill. Emerging Farmers Markets and the Globalization of Food Retailing: A Perspective from Puerto Rico. Revised book chapter for Hinrichs and Lyson (eds.) Remaking the American Food System. Accepted for publication by University of Nebraska Press.

DeLind, Laura and Jim Bingen. Forthcoming. Panel papers on: Searching for the 'C' Word: Michigan Case Studies in Civic Agriculture. Presented at the 2003 Annual Meetings of AFHVS and ASFS to be published in Culture & Agriculture.

Evans, J., G. D'Souza, M. Sperow, and E. Rayburn. 2004. An Economic Analysis of Pasture-Raised Beef Systems in Appalachia. Selected paper, American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting, Denver CO, August 1-4. 29 pp.

Hamm, M. H. 2004a. Briefing Session offering a positive vision for a food system (11/04). New Perspectives on Food Security Conference, Warrenton, VA

Hamm, M. H. 2004b. Eating well in Michigan (11/04). Designing Healthy Livable Communities Conference, East Lansing, MI

Hamm, M. H. 2004c. Eating from Michigan: What's in it for the community? (9/04). Dinner with Discussion, Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, MI

Hamm, M. H. 2004d. Opportunities in Alternative Agriculture (7/04). North Central Land-Grant University Summer Meeting, Chicago, IL

Hamm, M. H. 2004e. Nutrition Education as Community Development: Building Community Food Security (5/04). International Congress of Dietetics, Chicago, IL

Hamm, M. H. 2004f. Michigan's Food: Risk Management in a Sustainable Context (3/04). MIFFS Michigan Family Farms Conference, Lansing, MI

Hamm, M. H. 2004g. Opportunities for a Food Policy Council in Michigan, Food Bank Council of Michigan Board of Trustees meeting (2/04). Ann Arbor, MI

Hamm, M. H. 2004h. Bringing Community Food Systems to County Extension Activities, MSUE Ingham County In-Service (1/04). Mason, MI

Hinrichs, Clare. 2004. Generating knowledge and networks: The Iowa Community Food System Atlas Project. Panel presentation made to session on: Developing Regional Frameworks for Food and Farming. At the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, August 12-15. Sacramento, California.

Inciong, L.O. and J.S. Thomson. 2004. Community Engagement in Local Food System Programming. Poster. Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences and Gamma Sigma Delta Research Exhibition, March 17, 2004.

Inciong, L.O. and J.S. Thomson. 2004. Community Engagement in Local Food System Programming. Poster. Penn State Graduate School Research Exhibition, March 28, 2004. Third place, Social and Behavioral Sciences Division.

Lev, Larry, Garry Stephenson, and Linda Brewer. Practical Research Methods for Enhancing Farmers Markets. A chapter to be included in Remaking the North American Food System edited by C. Clare Hinrichs and Tom Lyson. Accepted for publication by University of Nebraska Press.

Lev, Larry and Linda Brewer. 2004. Tigard Farmers' Market Rapid Market Assessment. Oregon Small Farms Technical Paper (number not yet assigned).

Maretzki, A.N. 2004. Perceptions and Expectations of Our Food System: Strengthening Communities' Engagement in Sustainable Local Food Systems. Presentation at Future of Our Food and Farms Summit, Philadelphia. December 3.

Stephenson, Garry and Lev, Larry. Support for Local Agriculture in Two Contrasting Oregon Cities. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (forthcoming in December 2004).

Stevenson, G.W. and Rich Pirog. 2004. Values-Based Supply Chains: Strategies for Agri-Food Enterprises-of-the Middle. Submitted for inclusion in an edited volume on renewing an agriculture of the middle.

Thomson, J.S., RB. Radhakrishna, L.O. Inciong, and A.N. Maretzki. 2004. Extension Educators' Perspectives on Local Food System Issues: Implications for Programming and Research. Proceedings of the National Agricultural Education Research Conference. St Louis. May. CD-ROM.

Thomson, J.S., R.B. Radhakrishna, L.O. Inciong, and A.N. Maretzki. 2004. Views of Extension Educators on the Local Food System: Implications for Programming and Research. Abstracts for joint meeting of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) and the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS). 39.

Thomson, J.S. and R.B. Radhakrishna. 2004. Engaging Communities in Local Food System Dialogue: Strategies for Cooperative Extension and Outreach. Outreach Scholarship Conference, University Park, PA. October 4.

Thomson, J.S., A.N. Maretzki, R.B. Radhakrishna, J.L. Wilkins, and C. Homitzky. 2004. Engaging Communities in Local Food System Dialogue: Strategies for Cooperative Extension and Outreach. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension (SARE) Conference, Burlington, VT. October 20-21.






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