W2112: Reproductive Performance in Domestic Ruminants
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
1. Abreu, F. M., L. H. Cruppe, M. Maquivar, M. D. Utt, C. A. Madsen, M. L. Mussard, J. L. M. Vasconcelos, M. L. Day and T. W. Geary. 2014. The effect of follicle age on conception rate in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 92:1022-1028.
2. Abreu, F. M., T. W. Geary, L. H. Cruppe, C. A. Madsen, E. M. Jinks, K. G. Pohler, J. L. M. Vasconcelos, and M. L. Day. 2014. The effect of follicle age on pregnancy rate in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 92:1015-1021.
3. Alvarez-Gallardo, H., M.E. Kjelland, J.F. Moreno, T.H. Welsh, Jr., R.D. Randel, M. Perez-Martinez, A.V. Lara-Saghan, A.E. Esperon-Sumano and S. Romo. 2013. Gamete Therapeutics: Recombinant protein adsorption for increasing fertility via artificial insemination. PLOSONE 8(6)e 65083 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0065083.
4. Antoniazzi, A.Q., B.T. Webb, J.J. Romero, R.L. Ashley, N.P. Smirnova, L.E. Henkes, R.C. Bott, J.F. Oliveira, G.D. Niswender, F.W. Bazer, and T.R. Hansen. 2013. Endocrine delivery of interferon-tau protects the corpus luteum from prostaglandin F2 alpha-induced luteolysis in ewes. Biology of Reproduction. 88(6):144.
5. Atkins, J.A., M. F. Smith, M. D. MacNeil, E. M. Jinks, F. M. Abreu, L. J. Alexander, and T.W. Geary, 2013, Pregnancy establishment and maintenance in cattle, J. Anima. Sci. 91:722- 733.
6. Atkins J.A., K.G. Pohler, and M.F. Smith. 2013. Physiology and endocrinology of puberty in heifers. In: Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. D.J. Patterson and M.F. Smith (Eds.) R.A. Smith Consulting Editor, Elsevier, Philadelphia, p 479-492.
7. Bas S., Maquivar M.G., Coutinho da Silva M.A., Day M.L., Daglio M.C., Harguindeguy S., Titler M., and G.M. Schuenemann, "Effect of intrauterine administration of gonadotropin releasing hormone with glycerol on serum LH concentrations in lactating dairy cows". Anim. Reprod. Sci. 145:15-22. 2014.
8. Blanchard, M.T., M.L. Anderson, B.R. Hoar, A. Pires, P. Blanchard, B. Yeargan, M.B. Teglas, M. Belshaw, J.L. Stott. (2014). Assessment of an immunofluorescence assay for the detection of antibodies against epizootic bovine abortion (EBA). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. Accepted – revisions submitted
9. Bridges, G. A., M. L. Day, T. W. Geary, and L. H. Cruppe. 2013. Deficiencies in the uterine environment and failure to support embryo development. J. Anim. Sci. 91:3002-3013.
10. Bridges G.A., Mussard M. L., Helser L. A. and M. L. Day, "Comparison of follicular dynamics and hormone concentrations between the 7-day and 5-day CO-Synch + CIDR program in primiparous beef cows". Theriogenology 81:632-638. 2014.
11. Bridges, G.A., S.L. Lake, S.G. Kruse, S.L. Bird, B.J. Funnell, R. Arias, J.A. Walker, J.K. Grant, and G.A. Perry. Comparison of three CIDR-based fixed-time AI protocols in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. Accepted.
12. Burns G, Brooks K, Wildung M, Navakanitworakul R, Christenson L, Spencer TE. Extracellular vesicles in luminal fluid of the ovine uterus. PLoS One 2014; Mar ?10;9(3):e90913.
13. D. J. Burton, P. A. Ludden, R. H. Stobart, B.M. Alexander. Fifty years of the Wyoming Ram Test: How sheep have changed. Professional Animal Scientist. In Review.
14. Caldwell, J. D., K. P. Coffey, J. A. Jennings, D. Philipp, A. N. Young, J. D. Tucker, D. S. Hubbell, T. Hess, M. L. Looper, C. P. West, M. C. Savin, M. P. Popp, D. L. Kreider, D. M. Hallford, and C. F. Rosenkrans. 2013. Performance by spring and fall-calving cows grazing with full, limited, or no access to toxic Neotyphodium coenophialum-infected tall fescue. J. Anim. Sci. 91: 465-476.
15. Chang, T.-C., Yang, Y., Retzel, E., Liu, W.-S. (2013) Male-specific region of the bovine Y chromosome is gene rich with a high transcriptomic activity in testis development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110(30), 12373-12378.
16. Craig ZR, Singh J, Gupta RK, Flaws, JA. Co-treatment of mouse antral follicles with 17?-estradiol interferes with mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP)-induced atresia and altered apoptosis gene expression. Reprod Toxicol 2014; 45:45-51.
17. Chen, X., A.S. Green, A.R. Macko, D.T. Yates, A.C. Kelly, S.W. Limesand (2014). Enhanced Insulin Responsiveness and Islet Adrenergic Desensitization after Discontinuing Chronic Norepinephrine Suppression in Fetal Sheep. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism 306(1):E58-64.
18. Cooke PS, Bartol FF, Hayashi K, Spencer TE. Uterine glands: development, function ?and experimental model systems. Mol Hum Reprod 2013; 19(9):547-?558.
19. Day ML and Nogueira GP, "Management of age at puberty in beef heifers to optimize efficiency of beef production". Animal Frontiers. Vol. 3, 6-11. 2013.
20. Dobbs KB, Khan FA, Sakatani M, Moss JI, Ozawa M, Ealy AD and Hansen PJ (2013). Regulation of pluiripotency of inner cell mass and growth and differentiation of trophectoderm of the bovine embryo by colony stimulating factor 2. Biol. Reprod. 89:141
21. Dorniak P, Welsh TH Jr, Bazer FW, Spencer TE. Cortisol and interferon tau ?regulation of endometrial function and conceptus development in female sheep. ?Endocrinology 2013; 154:931-?941.
22. Dorniak P, Bazer FW, Spencer TE. Physiology and Endocrinology Symposium: ?biological role of interferon tau in endometrial function and conceptus elongation. J ?Animal Sci 2013; 91:1627-?16
23. Dorniak P, Spencer TE. Biological roles of progesterone, prostaglandins and interferon tau in endometrial function and conceptus elongation in ruminants. ?Animal Reproduction 2013; 10(3):239-?251.
24. Elliott, L. M., J. L. Parcell, D. J. Patterson, M. F. Smith, and S. E. Poock. 2013. Factors influencing beef reproductive technology adoption. Journal of the ASFMRA 76:100-119.
25. Filant J, Spencer TE. Endometrial glands are essential for blastocyst implantation ?and decidualization in the mouse uterus. Biol Reprod 2013; 88(4):93.
26. Filant J, Spencer TE. Cell-?specific transcriptional profiling reveals candidate genetic mechanisms regulating development and function of the uterine glands in mice. Biol ?Reprod 2013; 89:86.
27. Filant J, DeMayo FJ, Pru JK, Lydon JP, Spencer TE. Fibroblast growth factor two ?(FGFR2) regulates uterine epithelial integrity and fertility in mice. Biol Reprod ?2013; 90:1-?11.
28. Filant J, Lydon JP, Spencer TE. Integrated chromatin immunoprecipitation ?sequencing and microarray analysis. FASEB J 2014; 28:230-?243.
29. Forde N, McGettigan PA, Mehta JP, O’Hara L, Mamo S, Bazer FW, Spencer TE, Lonergan P. Global proteomic analysis of uterine luminal fluid during the pre-? implantation period of pregnancy in cattle. Reproduction 2014; (accepted and in ?press).
30. Forde N, Simintiras C, Sturmey R, Mamo S, Kelly A, Spencer TE, Bazer FW, Lonergan ?P. Amino acid composition of uterine luminal fluid reflects temporal changes in expression of their transporters in the endometrium and conceptus during early pregnancy in cattle. PLoS One 2014; (accepted).
31. Forde N, Mehta JP, McGettigan PA, Mamo S, Bazer FW, Spencer TE, Lonergan P. ?Alterations in expression of endometrial genes coding for proteins secreted into the ?uterine lumen during conceptus elongation in cattle. BMC Genomics 2013; 14:321.
32. Folger JK, Jimenez-Krassel F, Ireland JJ, Lv L, Smith GW. Regulation of granulosa cell cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) binding and effect of CART signaling inhibitor on granulosa cell estradiol production during dominant follicle selection in cattle. Biol Reprod 2013; 89:137.
33. Ge W., N. Hu, L.A. George, S.P. Ford, P.W. Nathanielsz, X.M. Wang, J. Ren. 2013. Maternal nutrient restriction predisposes ventricular remodeling in adult sheep offspring. J. Nutr. Biochem. 24(7):1258-65.
34. Geary, T. W., M. F. Smith, M. D. MacNeil, M. L. Day, G. A. Bridges, G. A. Perry, F. M. Abreu, J. A. Atkins, K. G. Pohler, E. M. Jinks, and C. A. Madsen. 2013. Influence of follicular characteristics at ovulation on early embryo survival. J. Anim. Sci. 91:3014-3021.
35. Gentry, G., L. Gentry and R.Godke. 2013. The effect of exogenous follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and endogenous plasma leptin concentrations on the pregnancy rate of beef heifers subjected to fixed? timed artificial insemination (FTAI). Anim. Reprod. Sci. 138: 49?54.
36. Gonzalez, J.M., L.E. Camacho, S.M. Ebarb, K.C. Swanson, K.A. Vonnahme, A.M. Stelzleni, and S.E. Johnson. 2013. Realimentation of nutrient restricted pregnant beef cows support compensatory fetal muscle growth. Journal of Animal Science. 91:4797-4806.
37. Grant, J. K., P. L. Steichen, C. L. Wright, K.A. Vonnahme, M. L. Bauer, J.S. Jennings, and G. A. Perry. 2013. Influence of nitrogen and sulfur intake on bovine uterine pH throughout the luteal phase. Journal of Animal Science. 91:1186-1192.
38. Gunn, P.J. R.P. Lemenager, G.A. Bridges. 2014. Using corn stover and dried distiller’s grains with solubles to conserve stockpiled forages and improve reproductive performance and progeny growth fall-calving beef cows. Professional Anim. Sci. Accepted.
39. Gunn, P.J., J.P. Schoonmaker, R.P. Lemenager, and G.A. Bridges. Feeding excess crude protein to gestating and lactating beef heifers: Impact on parturition, milk composition, ovarian function, reproductive efficiency and pre-weaning progeny growth. Livestock Science. Accepted.
40. Gunter, S. A., P. A. Beck, and D. M. Hallford. 2013. Effects of supplementary selenium source on the blood parameters in beef cows and their nursing calves. Biol. Trace Elements Res. 152: 204-211.
41. Hansen, T.R., J.J. Romero, A.Q. Antoniazzi, R.C. Bott, R.L. Ashley, B.T. Webb, L.E. Henkes, N.P. Smirnova. 2013. Endocrine conceptus signaling in ruminants. Animal Reproduction. (3):311-321.
42. Hansen TR, Pru JK. Isgylation: A conserved pathway in mamallian pregnancy. In: Posttanslational modifications in reproductive system. Springer 2014; In Press.
43. Harris, E.K., E.P. Berg, E.K. Berg, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2013. Effect of maternal activity during gestation on maternal behavior, fetal growth, umbilical blood flow, and farrowing characteristics in pigs. Journal of Animal Science. 91:734-744.
44. Hart, N.J., W.J. Chung, K. Ananthakrishnan, M. Anderson, R. Patek, Z. Zhang, S.W. Limesand, J. Vagner, and Ronald M. Lynch (2014). Heterobivalent GLP-1/Glibenclamide for Targeting Pancreatic Beta-cells. ChemBioChem 15(1):135-45. doi: 10.1002/cbic.201300375.
45. Hoffman, M. L., Rokossa, M. A., Zinn, S., Hoagland, T., Govoni, K. Poor maternal nutrition during gestation in sheep reduces circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-3 in offspring. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. Accepted May 2014. In Press.
46. Isom S.C., Stevens J.R., Li R., Spollen W., Cox L., Spate L., Murphy C., and Prather R. (2013) “Transcriptional profiling by RNA-Seq of peri-attachment porcine embryos generated using a variety of assisted reproductive technologies (ART).” Physiological Genomics 45(14):577-589.
47. Jinks, E. M., M. F. Smith, J. A. Atkins, K. G. Pohler, G. A. Perry, M. D. MacNeil, A. J. Roberts, R. C. Waterman and T. W. Geary, 2013, Preovulatory estradiol and the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy in suckled beef cows, J. Anim. Sci. 91:1176-1185.
48. Kandadi M.R., Y. Hua, M. Zhu, S. Turdi, P.W. Nathanielsz, S.P. Ford, S. Nair, J. Ren. 2013. Influence of gestational overfeeding on myocardial proinflammatory mediators in fetal sheep heart. J. Nutr. Biochem. 24(11):1982-1990.
49. Kelly, A.C., L.V. Steyn, M.J. Anderson, J. Kitzmann, K. Mueller, N.J. Hart, R.M. Lynch, K.K. Papas, and S.W. Limesand (2014). Function and Expression of Sulfonylurea, Adrenergic, and Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Receptors in Isolated Porcine Islets. Xenotransplantation (Epub). doi: 10.1111/xen.12101.
50. Kennedy CE, Krieger KB3, Sutovsky M, Xu W, Vargovic? P, Didion BA, Ellersieck MR, Hennessy ME, Verstegen J, Oko R, Sutovsky P (2014) Protein expression pattern of PAWP in bull spermatozoa is associated with sperm quality and fertility following artificial insemination. Mol Reprod. Dev., 81(5): 436-49.
51. Kurz, SG, KL Dennison, NM Samanas, MP Hickman, TL Walker, AS Cupp and JD. Shull. Ept7 Influences Estrogen Action in the Pituitary Gland and Body Weight of Rats. Mamm Genome. 2014 Jan 22. . [Epub ahead of print].
52. Lee KB, Wee G, Zhang K, Folger JK, Knott JG, Smith GW. 2014. Functional role of the bovine oocyte-specific protein JY-1 in meiotic maturation, cumulus expansion and subsequent embryonic development. Biol Reprod 90:69.
53. Lekatz, L.A., J.S. Luther, J.S. Caton, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2013. Impacts of maternal nutritional plane on umbilical artery hemodynamics, fetal and placentome growth in sheep. Animal Reproduction. 10:99-105.
54. Lemley, C. O., L. E. Camacho, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2013. Uterine infusion of melatonin or melatonin receptor antagonist alters ovine feto-placental hemodynamics during mid-gestation. Biology of Reproduction. 89:40, 1-9.
55. Lemley, C. O., L. E. Camacho, A. M. Meyer, M. Kapphahn, J. S. Caton, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2013. Dietary melatonin supplementation alters uteroplacental amino acid flux during intrauterine growth restriction in ewes. Animal. 7:1500-1507.
56. Lemley, C. O., A. M. Meyer, T. L. Neville, D. M. Hallford, L. E. Camacho, K. R. Maddock-Carlin, T. A. Wilmoth, M. E. Wilson, G. A. Perry, D. A. Redmer, L. P. Reynolds, J. S. Caton, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2014. Dietary selenium and nutritional plane alter specific aspects of maternal endocrine status during pregnancy and lactation. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 46: 1-11.
57. Long N.M., D.T. Smith, S.P. Ford, P.W. Nathanielsz. 2013. Elevated glucocorticoids during ovine pregnancy increase appetite and produce glucose dysregulation and adiposity in their granddaughters in response to ad libitum feeding at 1 year of age. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 209(4):353.e1-9.
58. Long, N. M., N. Tuersunjiang, L. A. George, C. O. Lemley, Y. Ma, W. J. Murdoch, P. W.
Nathanielsz, S. P. Ford. 2013. Maternal nutrient restriction in the ewe from early to midgestation programs reduced steroidogenic enzyme expression and tended to reduce progesterone content of corpora lutea, as well as circulating progesterone in nonpregnant aged female offspring. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. 11:34.
59. Long N.M., S.P. Ford, P.W. Nathanielsz. 2013. Multigenerational effects of fetal dexamethasone exposure on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis of first- and second-generation female offspring. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 208(3):217.e1-8.
60. Lu, N, KM Sargent, DT Clopton, WE Pohlmeier, VM Brauer, RM McFee, JS Weber, N Ferrara, DW Silversides, AS Cupp. Conditional loss of Sertoli and germ cell vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) isoforms causes alterations in genes regulating spermatogonial stem cell homeostasis in male mice Endocrinology. 2013 Dec;154(12):4790-802. doi: 10.1210/en.2013-1363. Epub 2013 Oct 29. PMCID:PMC3836063.
61. Mao, D, H. Xiaoying, H. Talbott, R Cushman, A Cupp, JS Davis. ATF3 Expression in the Corpus Luteum: Possible Role in Luteal Regression. Mol Endocrinol. 2013 Dec;27(12):2066-79. doi: 10.1210/me.2013-1274. Epub 2013 Nov 6.
62. Martins T, Peres R.F., Rodrigues A.D., Pohler K.G., Pereira M.H., Day M.L., Vasconcelos J.L., "Effect of progesterone concentrations, follicle diameter, timing of artificial insemination, and ovulatory stimulus on pregnancy rate to synchronized artificial insemination in postpubertal Nellore heifers". Theriogenology 81:446-453. 2014.
63. McCoski SR, Xie M, Hall EB, Mercadante PM, Spencer TE, Lonergan P and Ealy AD (2014). Validation of an interferon stimulatory response element reporter gene assay for quantifying type I interferons. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 47:22-26.
64. McFee, RM, Bott RC, Lu NX, AS Cupp. Role of Angiogenesis in development of the ovary. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2013;25(2):333-42.. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:23021322. No PMCID because open access.?
65. Mercadante PM, Waters KM, Mercadante VR, Lamb GC, Elzo MA, Johnson SE, Rae DO, Yelich JV and Ealy AD (2013). Subspecies differences in early fetal development and plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein concentrations in cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 91:3693-3701.
66. Meyer, A.M., T.L. Neville, J.J. Reed, J.B. Taylor, L.P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer, C.J. Hammer, K.A. Vonnahme, and J.S. Caton. 2013. Maternal nutritional plane and selenium supply during gestation impacts visceral organ mass and intestinal growth and vascularity of neonatal lamb offspring. Journal of Animal Science. 91:2628-2639.
67. Minten MA, Bilby TR, Bruno RGS, Allen CC, Madsen CA, Wang Z, Sawyer JE, Bauersachs S, Neibergs HL, Geary TW, Spencer TE. Effects of fertility on gene ?expression and function of the bovine endometrium. PLoS One 2013; 8(8): e69444.
68. Mottet, R. S., C. O. Lemley, K. A. Vonnahme, and E. L. Berg. 2013. Lipoic acid decreases progesterone clearance in ovariectomized ewes. Animal Reproduction. 10:112-118.
69. Mulliniks, J. T., R. C. Waterman, and T. W. Geary. 2013. Economics of early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production system. Agricultural Science 4:219-233.
70. Minten, M. A., T. R. Bilby, R. G. S. Bruno, C. C. Allen, C. A. Madsen, Z. Wang, J. E. Sawyer, A. Tibary, H. L. Neibergs, T. W. Geary, S. Bauersachs, and T. E. Spencer. 2013. Effects of Fertility on Gene Expression and Function of the Bovine Endometrium. PLoS ONE 8(8):e69444.
71. Nash, J.M., D.A. Mallory, M.R. Ellersieck, S.E. Poock, M.F. Smith, and D.J. Patterson. 2013. Comparison of long-term controlled internal drug release-based protocols to synchronize estrus and ovulation in postpartum beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 91:3168-3176
72. Nathanielsz P.W., S.P. Ford, N.M. Long, C.C. Vega, L.A. Reyes-Castro, E. Zambrano. 2013. Interventions to prevent adverse fetal programming due to maternal obesity during pregnancy. Nutr. Rev. 71 (Suppl 1):S78-87.
73. Neville, T.L, A.M. Meyer, A. Reyaz, D.A. Redmer, P.P. Borowicz, L. P. Reynolds, J.S. Caton, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2013. Effects of dietary selenium and nutritional plane during gestation on mammary gland growth, cellular proliferation, and vascularity in ewe lambs. Journal of Animal Science Biotechnology. 4:6 (http://www.jasbsci.com/content/4/1/6)
74. O’Hara L, Forde N, Carter F, Rizos D, Maillo V, Ealy AD, Kelly AK, Rodriguez P, Isaka N, Evans AC and Lonergan P (2014). Paradoxical effect of supplementary progesterone between day 3 and day 7 on corpus luteum function and conceptus development in cattle. Reprod. Fertil. Devel. 26:328-336.
75. Oliver, M., Nader, G., Maas, J., Blanchard, M., Stott, J., Teglas, M. B., Bushnell, R. (2013). Management Alternatives To Minimize Foothill Abortion. The Progressive Rancher, July/August, 20-23.
76. Ozawa M, Yang QE and Ealy AD (2013). The expression of fibroblast growth factor receptors during early bovine conceptus development and pharmacological analysis of their actions on trophoblast growth in vitro. Reproduction 145:191-201.
77. Patterson D.J., J.M. Thomas, N.T. Martin, J.M. Nash, and M.F. Smith. 2013. Control of estrus and ovulation in beef heifers. In: Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. D.J. Patterson and M.F. Smith (Eds.) R.A. Smith Consulting Editor, Elsevier, Philadelphia, p 591-617.
78. Patterson AL, Pru JK. Long-?term label retaining cells localize to distinct regions within the female reproductive epithelium. Cell Cycle. 2013; 12:2888-?2898. PMID: 24018418
79. Peluso JJ, Pru JK. Non-?canonical progesterone signaling in granulosa cell function. Reproduction 2014;147:R169-?178. PMID: 24516175
80. Pohler, K. G., M. F. Smith, C. L. Johnson, J. A. Atkins, E. M. Jinks, D. C. Busch J. A. Green, M. D. MacNeil, and T. W. Geary. 2013. Circulating bovine pregnancy associated glycoproteins (bPAGs) are associated with late embryonic/fetal survival but not ovulatory follicle size in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 91:4158–4167.
81. Powers JG, Monello RJ, Wild MA, Spraker TR, Gionfriddo JP, Nett TM, Baker DL. 2014. Effects of GonaCon immunocontraceptive vaccine in free-ranging female Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni). Wildlifde Soc Bull. May 19, 2014 epub ahead of print.
82. Prezotto, L.D., C.O. Lemley, L.E. Camacho, F.E. Doscher, A.M. Meyer, J.S. Caton, K.A. Vonnahme, and K.C. Swanson. 2013. Effects of nutrient restriction and melatonin supplementation on maternal and fetal hepatic and small intestinal energy utilization. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jpn.12142/pdf
83. Pru JK, Clark NC. PGRMC1 and PGRMC2 in uterine physiology and disease. Front Neurosci. 2013; 7:168. PMID: 24065879
84. Quinn, K.E., A.K. Ashley, L.P. Reynolds, A.T. Grazul-Bilska, R.L. Ashley. 2014. Activation of the CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling axis may drive vascularization of the ovine placenta. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 47:11-21.
85. JE Rowell, MP Shipka, SC Gerlach, J Greenberg, T Paragi. 2013. Sustainable Livestock Production in Alaska; Workshop Report. Published by the UAF Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. USDA Award # 2011-68004-20091. Technical Report – Misc. 13-04.
86. Rajput SK, Lee K, Zhenhua G, Di L, Folger JK, Smith GW. Embryotropic actions of follistatin: paracrine and autocrine mediators of oocyte competence and embryo developmental progression. Reprod Fertil Dev 2013; 26:37-47.
87. Reed, S. A., Raja, J. S., Hoffman, M. L., Zinn, S., Govoni, K. Poor maternal nutrition inhibits muscle development in ovine offspring. Revisions submitted to Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology.
88. Reynolds, L. P., K. A. Vonnahme, C. O. Lemley, D. A. Redmer, A. T. Grazul-Bilska, P. P. Borowicz, and J. S. Caton. 2013. Maternal stress and placental vascular function and remodeling. Current Vascular Pharmacology. Hot topic issue ‘Uteroplacental Circulation and Fetal Vascular Function and Development’. ?L. Zhang (ed.). 11:564-593.
89. Romero JJ, Antoniazzi AQ, Smirnova NP, Webb BT, Yu F, Davis JS, Hansen TR. Pregnancy-associated genes contribute to antiluteolytic mechanisms in ovine corpus luteum. Physiol Genomics 2013; 45:1095-1108.
90. Schmidt, S.E., D.A. Neuendorff, D.G. Riley, R.C. Vann, S.T. Willard, T.H. Welsh, Jr. and R.D. Randel. 2014. Genetic parameters of three methods of temperament evaluation of Brahman calves. J. Anim. Sci. 92:1-6. doi:10.2527/jas2014-7494.
91. Scheffler, J.M., M.A. McCann, S.P. Greiner, H. Jiang, M.D. Hanigan, G.A. Bridges, S.L. Lake, and D.E. Gerrard. 2014. Early metabolic imprinting events increase marbling scores in fed cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 92:320-324.
92. Schueler, J.L,. B.M. Alexander, A.M. Hart, K.J. Austin, and D.E.Larson-Meyer. 2013. Presence and Dynamics of Leptin, GLP-1, and PYY in Human Breast Milk at Early Postpartum. Obesity. 21(7):1451- 1458 Epub ahead of print http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23408760.
93. Seabrook, J.L., J.D. Cantlon, A.J. Cooney E.E. McWhorter, B.A. Fromme, G.J. Bouma,
94. R.V. Anthony, and Q.A. Winger. 2013. Role of LIN28A in mouse and human trophoblast cell differentiation. Biol Reprod 89(4):95, 1–13.
95. Shipka, MP, JE Rowell, SC Gerlach, J Greenberg, and T Paragi. (in press) Sustainable Livestock Systems for Alaska: Production, Processing, and Marketing. Proceedings of the 8th Circumpolar Agriculture Conference and the Inaugural Northern Food Summit.
96. Shipka, MP and JE Rowell. (2013). Physiological mechanisms during variable gestation length in reindeer. Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science 64:372-375.
97. Shipka, MP and JE Rowell. 2013. Review of reproductive biology and associated behavior in farmed muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). IVJornadas Uraguayas de Comportamiento Animal Libro de Resumenes (Proceedings of the 4th Uruguayan Congress on Animal Behavior) 4:19.
98. Smith GW and Median R. 2014. Ever changing cell interactions during the lifespan of the corpus luteum: Relevance to luteal regression. Reprod Biol 14:75-82.
99. Smirnova N, Webb BT, McGill JL, Schaut RG, Bielefeldt-Ohmann H, Van Campen H, Sacco RE, Hansen TR. Induction of interferon-gamma resp;onse during establishment of fetal persistent infection with bovine viral diarrhea virus. Virus Res 2014; 183:95-106.
100. Sohel MH, Hoelker M, Nofersti S, Salilew-?Wondim D, Tholen E, Looft C, Rings F, Uddin J, Spencer TE, Schellander K, Tesfaye D. Exosomal and non-?exosomal transport of circulatory microRNAs in follicular fluid: Implications for bovine oocyte ?developmental competence. PLoS One 2013; 8(11):e78505.
101. Spencer TE, Forde N, Dorniak P, Hansen TR, Romero JJ, Lonergan P. Conceptus-derived prostaglandins regulate gene expression in the endometrium prior to pregnancy recognition in ruminants. Reproduction 2013; 146:377-387.
102. Spencer TE. Early pregnancy: insights to challenges and potential solutions. Animal ?Frontiers 2013; 3(4):40-?47.
103. Spencer TE, Filant J. Uterine glands: biological roles in conceptus implantation, ?uterine receptivity, and decidualization. Int J Dev Biol 2014; (accepted and in press).
104. Stapp, A. D., C. A. Gifford, D. M. Hallford, and J. A. Hernandez-Gifford. 2014. Evaluation of steroidogenic capacity after follicle stimulating hormone stimulation in bovine granulosa cells of revalor 200 implanted heifers. J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 5: 1-6.
105. Stapp, A. D., B. I. Gomez, C. A. Gifford, D. M. Hallford, and J. A. Hernandez-Gifford. 2014. Canonical WNT signaling inhibits follicle stimulating hormone mediated steroidogenesis in primary cultures of rat granulosa cells. PLoS ONE 9 (1) e86432: 1-9.
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113. Van Emon, M.L., K.A. Vonnahme, P.T. Berg, R.R. Redden, M.M. Thompson, J.D. Kirsch, and C.S. Schauer. 2013. Influence of level of dried distillers grains with solubles on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, serum testosterone concentrations, and spermatozoa motility and concentration of growing rams. Journal of Animal Science. 91:5821-5828.
114. Vonnahme, K.A., T.L. Neville, L.A. Lekatz, L.P. Reynolds, C.J. Hammer, D.A. Redmer, and J.S. Caton. 2013. Thyroid hormones and cortisol concentrations in offspring are influenced by maternal supranutritional selenium and nutritional plane in sheep. Nutrition and Metabolic Insights. 6:11-21.
115. Vonnahme, K. A., C. O. Lemley, P. Shukla, and S. T. O’Rourke. 2013. Placental programming: How the maternal environment can impact placental function. Journal of Animal Science. 91:2467-2480.
116. Vonnahme, K.A., T.L. Neville, G.A. Perry, L.P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer, and J.S. Caton. 2013. Maternal diet alters organ mass, and endocrine and metabolic profiles in pregnant ewe lambs. Animal Reproduction Science. 141:131-141.
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126. Yunusova, R., T.L. Neville, K.A. Vonnahme, C.J. Hammer, J.J. Reed, J.B. Taylor, D.A. Redmer, L.P. Reynolds, J.S. Caton. 2013. Impacts of maternal selenium supply and nutritional plane on visceral tissues and intestinal biology in offspring. Journal of Animal Science. 91:2229-2242.
1. Akbar, H., F. C. Cardoso, S. Meier, C. Burke, S. Mcdougall, M. Mitchell, C. Walker, S. L. Rodriguez-Zas, R. E. Everts, H. A. Lewin, J. R. Roche, J. J. Loor. (2014). Postpartal Subclinical Endometritis Alters Transcriptome Profiles in Liver and Adipose Tissue of Dairy Cows. Bioinformatics and Biology Insights, 8:45-63.
2. Andrews, S.E., L.D. Brown, S.E. Thorn, M.A. Davis, S.W. Limesand, W.W. Hay, Jr., P.J. Rozance (2015). Increased Adrenergic Signaling Is Responsible for Decreased Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion in the Chronically Hyperinsulinemic Ovine Fetus. Endocrinology 1(1):367-76.
3. Ashry M, Lee KB, Mondal M, Datta TK, Folger JK, Hemeida NA and Smith GW. 2015. Expression of TGF? superfamily components and other markers of oocyte quality in oocytes selected by brilliant cresyl blue staining: Relevance to early embryonic development. Molecular Reproduction and Development 82:251-264.
4. Blanchard, M., Anderson, M., Hoar, B., Blanchard, P., Yeargan, B., Teglas, M. B., Belshaw, M., Stott, J. (2014). Assessment of a fluorescent antibody test for the detection of antibodies against epizootic bovine abortion. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 26(5), 622-?630.
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6. Camacho, L. E., C.O. Lemley, L. D. Prezotto, M. L. Bauer, H. C. Freetly, K. C. Swanson, K. A. Vonnahme. 2014. Effects of maternal nutrient restriction followed by re-alimentation during mid-gestation on uterine blood flow in beef cows. Theriogenology. 81:1248-1256.
7. Camacho, L. E., C. O. Lemley, M. L. Van Emon, J. S. Caton, K. C. Swanson, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2014. Effects of maternal nutrient restriction followed by realimentation during early and mid-gestation on beef cows. I. Maternal performance and organ weights at different stages of gestation. Journal of Animal Science. 92:520-529.
8. Canovas, A. Reverter, A., DeAtley, K.L., Ashley, R.L., Colgrave, M.L., Fortes, M. R., Islas-Trejo, A., Lehnert, S., Porto-Neto, L., Rincon, G., Silver, G.A., Snelling, W.M., Medrano, J.F., Thomas, M.G. 2014. Multi-Tissue Omics Analyses Reveal Molecular Regulatory Networks for Puberty in Composite Beef Cattle. PLoS One. Jul 21;9(7):e102551. PMID: 25048735.
9. Chaoqun Zhu, Y. Z Yin, J. Ren, R.J. McCormick, S.P. Ford, W. Guo. 2015. RBM20 is an essential factor for thyroid hormone-regulated titin isoform transition. J. Molec. Cell Biol. 7 (1):88-90.
10. Cleys, E.R., J.L. Halleran, V.A. Enriquez, J.C. da Silveira, R.C. West, Q.A. Winger, R.V. Anthony, J.E. Bruemmer, C.M. Clay and G.J. Bouma. 2015. Androgen receptor and histone lysine demethylases in ovine placenta. PLoS One 10(2):e0117472.
11. Coleson, M.P.T., N.S. Sanchez, A.K. Ashley, T.T. Ross, and R.L. Ashley. 2015. Human chorionic gonadotropin increases serum progesterone, number of corpora lutea, and angiogenic factors in pregnant sheep. Reproduction. Jul;150(1):43-52. PMID: 25861798.
12. Cupp AS. Sertoli Cell Based Gene Therapy? Biol Reprod. 2014 Aug;91(2):40. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.114.121996. Epub 2014 Jun 18. No abstract available. PMID:24943042. Free article (Invited Commentary).
13. Cushman, R.A., R.G. Tait Jr., A.K. McNeel, E.D. Forbes, O.L. Amundson, C.A. Lents, A.K. Lindholm-Perry, G.A. Perry, J.R. Wood, A.S. Cupp, T.P.L. Smith, H.C. Freetly, and G.L. Bennett. A polymorphism in myostatin influences puberty but not fertility in beef heifers, whereas µ-calpain affects first calf birth weight J Anim Sci. 2015 Jan;93(1):117-26. doi: 10.2527/jas.2014-8505.
14. Datta TK*, Rajput SK, Wee G, Lee KB, Folger JK, Smith GW. 2015. Requirement of the transcription factor USF1 in bovine oocyte and early embryonic development. Reproduction 149:203-212
15. Davis, M. A., A.R. Macko, L.V. Steyn, M.J. Anderson, S.W. Limesand (2015). Fetal adrenal demedullation lowers circulating norepinephrine and attenuates growth restriction but not reduction of endocrine cell mass in an ovine model of intrauterine growth restriction. Nutrients 7, 500-516; doi:10.3390/nu7010500.
16. Decker, J. E., McKay, S. D., Rolf, M. M., Kim, J. W., Alcalá, A. M., Sonstegard, T. S., Hanotte, O., Götherström, A., Bradley, D. G., Seabury, C. M., Praharani, L., Babar, M. E., Yildiz, M. A., Michael P. Heaton, M. P., Liu, W.-S., Reecy, J.M., Saif-Ur-Rehman, M., Schnabel, R.D., Taylor, J.F. (2014) Worldwide patterns of divergence, migration and admixture in domesticated cattle. PLoS Genet. 10(3): e1004254. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004254.
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18. Dobbs, K.B., Gagne, D., Fournier, E., Dufort, I., Robert, C., Block, J., Sirard, M.A., Bonilla, L., Ealy, A.D., Louriero, B., and Hansen, P.J. (2014). Sexual dimorphism in developmental programming of the bovine preimplantation embryo caused by colony-stimulating factor 2. Biol. Reprod. 91:80.
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21. Field, M.E., R.V. Anthony, T.E. Engle, S.L. Archibeque, D.H. Keisler and H. Han. 2015. Duration of maternal undernutrition differentially alters fetal growth and hormone concentrations. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. 51:1-7.
22. Freetly, H.C., K.A. Vonnahme, A.K. McNeel, L.E. Camacho, O.L. Amundson, E.D. Forbes, C.A. Lents, and R.A. Cushman. 2014. The consequence of nutrient management on heifer ovarian and mammary development. Journal of Animal Science. 92:5437-5443.
23. Friel AM, Zhang L, Pru CA, Clark NC, McCallum ML, Blok LJ, Shioda T, Peluso JJ, Rueda BR, Pru JK. Progesterone receptor membrane component 1 deficiency attenuates growth while promoting chemosensitivity of human endometrial xenograft tumors. Cancer Lett 2015;356:434-442.
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25. Goodman, L. E., A. F. Cibils, S. L. Lopez, R. L. Steiner, J. D. Graham, K. C. McDaniel, L. Abbott, B. L. Stegelmeier, and D. M. Hallford. 2014. Targeted grazing of white locoweed (Oxytropis sericea) in northern New Mexico: Short-term effects of herbivory regime on vegetation and sheep. Rangeland Ecol. Manage. 67: 680-692.
26. Grazul-Bilska, A.T., T. L. Neville, E. Borowczyk, A. Sharma, L. P. Reynolds, J.S. Caton, D.A. Redmer, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2014. Ovarian and uterine characteristics and onset of puberty in adolescent offspring: Effects of maternal diet and Se supplementation in sheep. Theriogenology. 81:887-895.
27. Griffin D, Liu X, Pru CA, Pru JK, Peluso JJ. Expression of progesterone receptor membrane component-2 within the immature rat ovary and its role in regulating mitosis and apoptosis of spontaneously immortalized granulosa cells. Biol Reprod 2014;91:36.
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29. Hart, C.G., L.E. Camacho, K.C. Swanson, K.A. Vonnahme, and C.O. Lemley. 2014. Hepatic steroid metabolizing enzyme activity during early, mid, and late bovine pregnancy. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 49:31-38.
30. Henkes, L.E., J.K. Pru, R.L. Ashley, R.V. Anthony, D.N. Veeramachaneni, K.C. Gates, and T.R. Hansen. 2015. Embryo Mortality in Isg15-/- Mice Is Exacerbated by Environmental Stress. Biology of Reproduction. 92(2):36. PMID: 25505199.
31. Hoffman, M. L., Rokossa, M. A., Zinn, S., Hoagland, T., Govoni, K. 2014. Poor maternal nutrition during gestation in sheep reduces circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-3 in offspring. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 49:39-48.?
32. Kaminski, S.L., A.T. Grazul-Bilska, E.K. Harris, E.P. Berg, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2014. Impact of maternal physical activity during gestation on porcine fetal, neonatal, and adolescent ovarian development. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 48:56-61.
33. Keller-Wood, M, X. Feng, C.E. Wood, E. Richards1, R.V. Anthony, G.E. Dahl and S. Tao. 2014. Elevated maternal cortisol leads to relative maternal hyperglycemia and increased stillbirth in ovine pregnancy. Am. J. Physiol.- Reg, Integrat. and Comp. Physiol. 307: R405-413.
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37. Lee KB, Folger JK, Rajput SK, Smith GW. 2014. Temporal regulation of mRNAs for select bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP), BMP receptors and their associated SMAD proteins during bovine early embryonic development: effects of exogenous BMP2 on embryo developmental progression. Reprod Biol Endocrinol12:67.
38. Lee KB, Zhang K, Folger JK, Knott JG, Smith GW. 2014. Evidence supporting a functional requirement of SMAD4 for bovine preimplantation embryonic development: A potential link to embryotropic actions of follistatin. Biol Reprod 91:62.
39. Lemley, C.O., A.M. Meyer, T.L. Neville, D.M. Hallford, L. E. Camacho, K.R. Maddock-Carlin, T.A. Wilmoth, M.E. Wilson, G.A. Perry, D.A. Redmer, L.P. Reynolds, J.S. Caton, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2014. Dietary selenium and nutritional plane alters maternal endocrine profiles during pregnancy and lactation. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 46:1-11.
40. Long, N.M., D.C. Rule, N. Tuersunjiang, P.W. Nathanielsz, S.P. Ford. 2014. Maternal obesity in sheep increases fatty acid synthesis, upregulates nutrient transporters, and increases adiposity in adult male offspring after a feeding challenge. PLoS One. 10 (4):e0122152.
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43. Madsen, C. A., G. A. Perry, C. L. Mogck, R. F. Daly, M. D. MacNeil, and T. W. Geary. 2015. Effects of preovulatory estradiol on embryo survival and pregnancy establishment in beef cows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anireprosci.2015.05.006
44. Magolski, J.D., N.W. Shappell, K.A. Vonnahme, G. M. Anderson, D.J. Newman, and E. P. Berg. 2014. Consumption of ground beef obtained from cattle that had received steroidal growth-promotants does not trigger early onset of estrus using a prepubertal porcine model. Journal of Nutrition. 144:1718-1724.
45. Martin, N.T., J.M. Thomas, J.M. Nash, D.A. Mallory, M.R. Ellersieck, S.E. Poock, M.F. Smith and D.J. Patterson, 2014. Comparison of a 16- versus a 19-day interval between controlled internal drug release removal and prostaglandin F2? following a 14-day controlled internal drug release treatment and fixed-time artificial insemination in postpartum beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 92:1757-1765.
46. McCosh, R. B., E. M. Berry, M. E. Wehrman, R. R. Redden, D. M. Hallford, and J. G. Berardinelli. 2015. Temporal concentrations of cortisol and LH in virgin ewes acutely exposed to rams during the transition into the breeding season. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 154: 25-28.doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2015.01.008http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378432015000202
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48. McCoski, S.R., Xie, M., Hall, E.B., Mercadante, P.M., Spencer, T.E., Lonergan, P. and Ealy, A.D. (2014). Validation of an interferon stimulatory response element reporter gene assay for quantifying type I interferons. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 47:22-26.
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50. Odhiambo, J. F., J. M. DeJarnette, T. W. Geary, C. E. Kennedy, S. S. Suarez, M. Sutovsky, and P. Sutovsky. 2015. Increased conception rates in beef cattle inseminated with nanopurified bull semen. Biol. Reprod. 91(4):1-10.
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53. Peluso JJ, Pru JK. Non-canonical progesterone signaling in granulosa cell function. Reproduction 2014;147:R169-178.
54. Price, D.M., A.W. Lewis, D.A. Neuendorff, J.A. Carroll, N.C. Burdick Sanchez, R.C. Vann, T.H. Welsh, Jr. and R.D. Randel. 2015. Physiological and metabolic responses of gestating Brahman cows to repeated transportation. J. Anim. Sci. 93:2:737-745.
55. Prezotto, L.D., C.O. Lemley, L.E. Camacho, F.E. Doscher, A.M. Meyer, J.S. Caton, K.A. Vonnahme, and K.C. Swanson. 2014. Effects of nutrient restriction and melatonin supplementation on maternal and foetal hepatic and small intestinal energy utilization. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 98:797-807.
56. Quinn, K.E., A.K. Ashley, L.P. Reynolds, A.T. Grazul-Bilska, R.L. Ashley. 2014. Activation of the CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling axis may drive vascularization of the ovine placenta. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 47:11-21. PMID: 24486002.
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68. Shukla P., S. Ghatta, N. Dubey, C. O. Lemley, M. L. Johnson, A. Modgil, K. Vonnahme, J. S. Caton, L. P. Reynolds, C. Sun, and S. T. O'Rourke. 2014. Maternal nutrient restriction during pregnancy impairs an endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor-like pathway in sheep fetal coronary arteries. Journal of Physiology. 307:H134-142.
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