NC_old1190: Catalysts for Water Resources Protection and Restoration: Applied Social Science Research
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
" Arbuckle, JG, LS Prokopy, T. Haigh, J Hobbs*, T Knoot, C Knutson, A Loy*, AS Mase, J McGuire*, LW Morton, J Tyndall, M Widhalm (2013) Climate Change Beliefs, Concerns, and Attitudes toward Adaptation and Mitigation among Farmers in the Midwestern United States. Climatic Change. 117:943950.
" Brinkman, E., Seekamp, E., Davenport, M.A., & Brehm, J.M. (2012). Community capacity for watershed conservation: A quantitative assessment of indicators and core dimensions. Environmental Management, 50(4), 736-749.
" Burbach, M.E., & Reimers-Hild, C. (2012). 2012 Nebraska Water Leaders Academy Final Report. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Open-File Report 114.
" Christoffel, R and A Carter* (2012) Strategizing Partnerships for Managing Natural Resources. Iowa State University Extension. PM 3030A. https://store.extension.iastate.edu/ItemDetail.aspx?ProductID=13913
" Comito, J, J Wolseth, and L.W. Morton (2013) Stewards, Businessmen, and Heroes? Role Conflict and Contradiction among Row-Crop Farmers in an Age of Environmental Uncertainty. Human Organization 71:4:
" Comito, J, J Wolseth, LW Morton (2013). The States Role in Water Quality: Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners as Risk Brokers and Production Cheerleaders Human Organization (Feb/Mar) 72:1:44-54.
" Comito, J, J Wolseth, LW Morton (2012) Tillage Practices, the Language of Blame and Responsibility for Water Quality Impacts in Cultivated Row Crop Agriculture. Human Ecology Review (Winter) 19(2).
" Czap, N.V., Czap, H.J., Khachaturyan, M., Burbach, M.E., & Lynne, G.D. (2013). Smiley or Frowney: The effect of emotions and empathy framing in a downstream water pollution game. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(3), 9-23
" Czap, N.V., Czap, H.J., Lynne, G.D., & Burbach, M.E. (2012, September). Inducing empathy or imposing a fine? Finding solutions to the downstream water pollution problem. Cornhusker Economics.
" Davenport, M.A., & Seekamp, E. (2013). A multilevel model of community capacity for sustainable watershed management. Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal. DOI:10.1080/08941920.2012.729650
" Davenport, M.A., Pradhananga, A., & Nelson, P. (2013). Increasing voluntary conservation practice adoption through research and relationship-building. Water Resources Impact, 15 (2), 9-12.
" Davenport, M.A. & Olson, B. (2012). Nitrogen use and determinants of best management practices: A study of Rush River and Elm Creek watershed agricultural producers. St. Paul, MN: Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota. 78 pp.
" Davenport, M.A., & Pradhananga, A. (2012). Perspectives on Minnesota water resources: A survey of Sand Creek and Vermillion River watershed landowners. St. Paul, MN: Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota. 84 pp.
" Gold, AJ, D Parker, RM Waskom, J Dobrowolski, M ONeill, PM Groffman, K Addy&&LW Morton (35 co-authors) (2013) Advancing water resource management in agricultural, rural, and urbanizing watersheds: Why Land-Grant Universities Matter. Journal of Soil & Water Conservation 68:4:337-348Mehta, V., C. L. Knutson, N.J. Rosenberg, J.R. Olson, M.J. Hayes, N. Wall, and T. Bernadt, 2013. Decadal Climate Information Needs of Stakeholders for Decision Support in Water and Agriculture Production Sectors: A Case Study of the Missouri River Basin. Climate, Weather, and Society. Vol. 5, pp. 27-42.
" McGuire, JM*, LW Morton, AD Cast (2013) Reconstructing the good farmer identity: shifts in farmer identities and farm management practices to improve water quality. Agriculture and Human Values. 30:57-69.
" Morton, LW and KR Olson (2013) Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway: Redesign, Reconstruction and Restoration (Mar/Apr) Journal of Soil & Water Conservation. 68 (2)
" Morton, LW, J Hobbs*, JG Arbuckle (2013) Shifts in Farmer Uncertainty Over Time About Sustainable Farming Practices and Modern Farming Reliance on Commercial Fertilizers, Insecticides and Herbicides Journal Soil & Water Conservation 68(1):1-12.
" Mountjoy, N. J., E. Seekamp, M. A. Davenport and M. R. Whiles. (2013). Identifying capacity indicators for community-based natural resource management initiatives: Focus group results from conservation practitioners across Illinois. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. DOI:10.1080/09640568.2012.743880.
" Newman, JK, AL Kaleita and L.W. Morton. (2013) Stakeholder perspectives: An important component for apply total maximum daily load science Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Jan/Feb 68(1):73-81.
" Olson, KR and LW Morton. (2013) Soil and crop damages as a result of levee breaches on Ohio and Mississippi Rivers Journal of Earth Science and Engineering. 3:3:
" Arbuckle, JG, LW Morton, J. Hobbs*. (in press) Farmer beliefs and concerns about climate change and attitudes towards adaptive and mitigative action. Climatic Change
" Olson, KR and LW Morton (2013) Restoration of 2011 Flood Damaged BirdsPoint-New Madrid Floodway (Jan/Feb) Journal of Soil & Water Conservation Jan/Feb 68(1):13A-18A doi:10.2489/jswc.68.1.13A
" Pradhananga, A. & Davenport, M.A. (2013). A community capacity assessment study in the Minnehaha Creek Watershed, Minnesota. St. Paul, MN: Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota. 64 pp.
" Prokopy, LS, T. Haigh, AS Mase, J Angel, C Hart, C Knutson, MC Lemos, YJ Lo, J McGuire*, LW Morton, J Perron, D Todey, M Widhalm (2013) Agricultural Advisors: A Receptive Audience for Weather and Climate Information? Weather Climate and Society. 5:162167.
" Smith, J.W., Leahy, J.E., Anderson, D.H., & Davenport, M.A. (2013). Community/agency trust: A measurement instrument. Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal, DOI:10.1080/08941920.2012.742606
" Smith, J.W., Leahy, J.E., Anderson, D.H., & Davenport, M.A. (2012). Community/agency trust and public involvement in resource planning. Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal, DOI:10.1080/08941920.2012.678465.
2. Presentations
" Burbach, M.E., Reimers-Hild, C., & Orton, L. (2012, November). The Nebraska Water Leaders Academy: Blending water policy and science with leadership theory. NSIA & NWRA 2012 Joint Annual Convention.
" Burbach, M.E., Reimers-Hild, C., & Orton, L. (2012, November). The Nebraska Water Leaders Academy: Blending water policy and science with leadership theory. Water: Science, Practice and Policy 2012, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
" Burbach, M.E. (2012, August). Is a fully-sustainable world within reach? Opportunities for Nebraska, 3, 38-39.
" Burbach, M.E., & Reimers-Hild, C. (2012, June). The Nebraska Water Leaders Academy: Blending water policy and science with leadership theory. The 7th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Barcelona, Spain.
" Carter, A. * Re-Visioning the Landscape: Women Landowners in Iowa. Midwest Sociological Society. Chicago, IL. March 29, 2013.
" Carter, A.* and Steve Konrady. "What's the Catch? Collaborations in Urban Fisheries Management",Iowa Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) Spring Conference, April 7-10, 2013.
" Carter, A. *, Lois Wright Morton, and Rebecca Christoffel. Women and Water Quality Conservation. Heartland Meeting. Kansas City, KS. April 15-17, 2013.
" Carter, A. *, Rebecca Christoffel, and Lois Wright Morton. Partnerships in Action: Using Social Capital and Social Planning In Collaborative Programs. American Fisheries Society Iowa Chapter Annual Meeting and Iowa Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Statewide Meeting. Moravia, Iowa. February 11, 2013.
" Carter, A.* and Rebecca Christoffel. Navigating the Waters Project Update. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7, Lenexa, KS. November 13, 2012.
" Carter, A.*, Steve Konrady, and Barb Gigar. Whats the catch? Social science and program success. 2012 Biennial National Conference Aquatic Resources Education Association. Phoenix, AZ. October 21-25, 2012.
" Coulter, J.A., Yost, M.A., Russelle, M.P., Davenport, M.A., & Porter, P.M. (2012). Nitrogen management for corn after alfalfa: Current practices and opportunities. 2012 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 21-24, 2012.
" Davenport, M.A. (2012). Social science assessment for civic engagement. Southwest Minnesota Cohort on Civic Engagement Workshop, Redwood Falls, MN March 27, 2013.
" Davenport, M.A. & Kuphal, T. (2012). Putting targeting into practice: Understanding and winning the confidence of landowners. Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts Convention, Bloomington, MN, December 3, 2012.
" Davenport, M.A. (2012). Social science assessment for civic engagement. Southeast Minnesota Cohort on Civic Engagement Workshop, Oronoco, MN Nov. 8, 2012.
" Genskow, K. and C. Betz. 2012. Farm Practices in the Lake Mendota Watershed: A Comparative Analysis of 1995 and 2011. Technical Report for Dane County Office of Lakes and Watersheds, Land and Water Resources Department. UW-Extension Environmental Resources Center. (52 pages)
" Hoffman, C., Burbach, M., & Pennisi, L. (2012, June). A case study exploring water management in the Platte River Basin, Nebraska as seen by stakeholders. 18th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
" Knutson, C. Interranual to Decadal Climate Variability and Urban Water Security Workshop, Great Falls, MT, Center for Research on the Changing Earth System and National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, October 9, 2012
" Knutson, C. Interranual to Decadal Climate Variability and Urban Water Security Workshop, Lincoln, NE, Center for Research on the Changing Earth System and National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, October 11, 2012
" Knutson, C. Interranual to Decadal Climate Variability and Urban Water Security Workshop, Kansas City, MO, Center for Research on the Changing Earth System and National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, October 12, 2012
Kubicek, E., Burbach, M.E., & Tang, Z. (2012, November). Using normative messages to encourage pro-environmental behaviors. Water: Science, Practice and Policy 2012, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
" McGuire, J.*, LW Morton and JG Arbuckle. Who is a Good Farmer? 2012, July 29. Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois (~ 8)
" McGuire, J*, LW Morton, JG Arbuckle and AD Cast 2013 April 16.Farmer Identity Heartland Regional Water Coordination Initiative Regional Conference. Overland Park, Kansas City, Jean McGuire [~30]
" Morton, LW. The Heartland Effect 2013 April 15. Heartland Regional Water Coordination Initiative Regional Conference. Overland Park, Kansas City. [~200]
" Morton, LW. Agriculture and Forestry in a Changing Climate 2013 April 8, North American Ag Journalists Cosmos Club, Washington DC [~60 journalists]
" Morton, LW 2012 Climate Change, Mitigation, and Adaptation in Corn-based Cropping Systems Coordinated Agricultural Project SARE Carbon, Energy, & Climate Sept 27 Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University [~80]
" Morton, LW Obtaining a Social License for the Bioeconomy. 2012 October 3, Growing the Bioeconomy Conference Banff, Canada.
" Morton LW and KR Olson 2012 Inpacts of 2011 Induced Levee Breaches on Ag Lands in Mississippi River Valley; and Effects of 2011 Ohio and Mississippi River Valley Flooding on Cairo Illinois; also award for best article in 2011 SWCS July 22-26 Ft Worth TX
" Olson, K.R. and L.W. Morton April 2013 Soil & crop damages as a result of levee braches on Ohio and Mississippi Rivers; Environmental Science session Asia-Pacific International Congress on Engineering & Natural Sciences ( APICENS) April 16-18 Landmark Bangkok Thailand
" Pradhananga, A., Davenport, M.A., & Bundy, D. (2012). Understanding and influencing recreational boaters stewardship behaviors. American Fisheries Society, 142nd Annual Meeting, St. Paul, MN, August 20, 2012.
" Robinson, P., K. Genskow, B. Shaw, and R. Shepard. 2012. Barriers and opportunities for integrating social science into natural resource management: Lessons from National Estuarine Research Reserves. Environmental Management. 50:998-1011.
" Thurston L., C. Smith, K. Genskow, L. Prokopy, W. Hargrove. 2012. The Social Context of Water Quality Improvement Evaluation. In D. J. Rog, J. L. Fitzpatrick, & R. F. Conner (Eds.), Context: A framework for its influence on evaluation practice. New Directions for Evaluation, 135, 4158.
3. Websites:
http://www.soc.iastate.edu/extension/urbanfishingprogram.html Urban Fishing Program Case Study website
http://www.soc.iastate.edu/extension/navigatingthewaters/intro.html Navigating the Waters website
www.sustainablecorn.org USDA-NIFA Climate Change, Mitigation & Adaptation in Corn-based Cropping Systems Coordinated Agricultural Project (CAP) (10 Land Grant Universities, 1 USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) lab)
www.heartlandwq.iastate.edu USDA Heartland Regional Water Coordination Initiative (Iowa, Missouri, Kansa, Nebraska)
www.soc.iastate.edu/extension/watershed/performance.html Extension performance-based farmer-led watershed management program
Agriculture and Forestry in a Changing Climate: Adaptation Recommendations. 2013. 25x25 Adaptation Task Force 42 project co-authors incl LW Morton. Washington, DC. 49 pg www.25x25.org
Website/Tool: Nutrient Targeting Orientation: A project of NC1190 Disproportionality Working Group Website address: http://erc.cals.wisc.edu/targetingprimer/
Website/Tool: Social Indicators Data Management and Analysis (SIDMA) tool, hosted by Michigan State University, Institute of Water Research: http://www.iwr.msu.edu/sidma/
4. Funded research
" Burbach, M.E., and C. Reimers-Hild.Nebraska Water Leaders Academy. Funded by the Nebraska Environmental Trust, 4/2013 3/ 2014, $20,822
" Christoffel, Rebecca, Lois Wright Morton, Timothy Stewart and Angela Carter. Navigating the Waters: A Wetland Development Guide for Agencies and Organizations Working with Women Landowners. EPA Region 7 $234,421 Jan 1, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2015
" Davenport, M. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Social Measures for Clean Water Funds Effectiveness Tracking, $10,000, 5/20/2013-9/1/2013.
" Davenport, M. Cannon River Watershed Partnership, Community Capacity Assessments in the Cannon River Watershed, $38,500, 5/1/2013-3/30/2015.
" Davenport, M. College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences Hatch, An Assessment of Adaptive Capacity for Ecosystem Change in a Forest-Associated Tribal Community, $15,500, 1/31/2013-9/30/2013.
" Davenport , M. Freshwater Society. An Assessment of FarmWise and Its Impacts on Agricultural Practices. $15,000, 10/01/2012-9/30/2013.
" Kingery, L. & M. Davenport Northwest Minnesota Foundation. A Social Science Assessment of Conservation Practices in the Red River Valley. $25,000, 11/1/2012-10/31/2014.
" Davenport, M. Northwest Regional Sustainable Development Partnership, University of Minnesota. A Social Science Assessment of Conservation Practices in the Red River Valley. $19,565, 7/1/2012-12/31/2013.
" Gasteyer, S., C. Knutson, N. Wall, and A. Schutz, Shifting Intermediaries: Tracing the Land Grant Role in Water Management in Nebraska, USDA NCRCRD, $20,000, 12/12-9/13
" Morton, L.W. and C. Ingels. Monitoring Nutrient Losses from Tile-drained Fields in the Middel Cedar Watershed. Lime Creek Watershed Improvement $21,000 July 1, 2013- June 30, 2015
" Morton, LW and J Benning. Building Capacity for Climate Extension NC SARE Professional Development $65,934. Jan. 1, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2015.
" Morton, L.W., Matt Helmers, Jacqueline Comito. Iowa Learning Farms: Building a Culture of Conservation-Farmer to Farmer, Iowan to Iowan. Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship. Jan. 1, 2012 to Dec. 30, 2012. $411,283.
" Pennisi, L., and M.E. Burbach. 2012 Assessment of Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program. Funded by the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, January 2013 June 2013, $9,547.
" Prokopy, L., LW Morton, C. Hart, M. Lemos. Evaluating the impact of extreme drought on farm advisors perceptions of climate risks in the US Corn Belt. NOAA-SARP, $283,359 Sept. 1, 2013-Aug. 31, 2015.
On-going research and plans for the coming year
" Several NC1190 partners have developed a draft manuscript of models of water-related leadership development programs and will submit this in 2013.
" NC1190 partners will collaborate on a follow-up to the catalyst typologies manuscript.
" One member will continue operation of the Nebraska Water Leaders Academy.
" A summary of cases in our watershed group study is being developed that will be used for a paper examining events that catalyze collective action related to water quality in greater detail (objective 2).
" Conservation adoption research is taking place in a small watershed in Pennsylvania, drawing from collaborations made possible through interaction with NC1190 members.
" Current research projects are being completed to better understand the mechanisms and conditions by which catalysts are translated into individual, collective, and institutional action, and identify and evaluate adaptive strategies to protect water resources.
" NC1190 partners will continue to collaborate to share lessons learned and better understand catalysts for change in water conservation behavior, management and governance.
" One member is conducting a literature review of social science research conducted in Minnesota and the Midwest to inform the Clean Water Fund Effectiveness Tracking Social Measures Metadata Sheets development.
" One member is applying the community capacity model to multiple study sites in Minnesota and building construct and indicator sample sets.
" A study of civic structure and environmental movements in China is being undertaken.
" A study of Mississippi River Basin flooding, soil damage, and land use impacts is being undertaken.
Manuscripts in Preparation
" Loy, A*, J Hobbs*, JG Arbuckle, LW Morton A Statistical Atlas of Agriculture & Weather Variability: Survey of Corn Belt Farmers) Climate & Corn-based Cropping Systems CAP web based publication www.sustainablecorn.org
" Olson, KR and LW Morton Dredging of the fractured bedrock laden Mississippi River channel at Thebes, Illinois
" McGuire, J*, LW Morton, AD Cast, JG Arbuckle. Farmer identities and the practice of agriculture. Sociologia Ruralis
" McGuire, J*, LW Morton, JG Arbuckle and AD Cast. Climate Change, Corn Cropping Systems and the Farmer Identity
" Morton, LW, J Hobbs*, JG Arbuckle, A Loy*. Midwest Farmer Perceptions of Excess Water Related Risks and Adaptive Management Responses Society and Natural Resources
" LW Morton and KR Olson. The 2011 Ohio River Floodwaters Reclaimed its Ancient Floodway through the Cache River Valley of Southern Illinois
" Morton and N Babin lead (with other NC1190 members) Catalyst Typologies Matrix, theoretical figure and draft paper
A list of 2014-2015 publications, presentations, and grants was uploaded as a PDF file.