NC_OLD1029: Applied Animal Behavior and Welfare (10/01/2011 to 09/30/2016)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Peer-reviewed publications & book chapters
Appleby, M.C., Mench, J.A., Olsson, I.A.E., Hughes, B.O. (eds.) 2011. Animal Welfare. CAB International, U.K.
Chapinal, N., de Passillé, A.M., Rushen, J. and Tucker, C.B. 2011. Short communication: Measures of weight distribution and frequency of steps as indicators of restless behavior. Journal of Dairy Science 94:800-803.
Heleski CR, Murtazashvili, I. 2010. Daytime shelter seeking behavior in domestic horses. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. 5: 276-282.
Heleski CR, McLean AK, Swanson JC. 2010. Ch. 13 Practical Methods for Improving the Welfare of Horses, Donkeys and Other Working Draught Animals in Developing Areas in Improving Animal Welfare: a Practical Approach, edited by Temple Grandin, CABI, Wallingford, UK.
Krebs, N., Berry, S.L. and Tucker, C.B. 2011. Restless behavior increases over time, but not with compressibility of the flooring surface, during forced standing at the feed bunk. Journal of Dairy Science 94:97-105.
Lay DC, Fulton RM, Hester PY, Karcher DM, Kjaer JB, Mench JA, Mullens BA, Newberry RC, Nicol CJ, O'Sullivan NP, Porter RE. 2010. Hen welfare in different housing systems. Poult Sci, 90(1): 278-94.
Ledgerwood, D.N., Winckler, C. and Tucker, C.B. 2010. Evaluation of data loggers, sampling intervals, and editing techniques for measuring the lying behavior of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 93:5129-5139.
Legrand, A., Schütz, K.E. and Tucker, C.B. 2011. Using water to cool cattle: Behavioral and physiological changes associated with voluntary use of cow showers. Journal of Dairy Science 94:3376-3386.
Lombard, J.E., Tucker, C.B., von Keyserlingk, M.A.G., Kopral, C.A. and Weary, D.M. 2010. Associations between cow hygiene, hock injuries, and free stall usage on US dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science 93:4668-4676.
Makagon MM, Mench JA. 2011. Floor laying by Pekin ducks: effects of nest box ratio and design. Poult Sci, 90(6): 1179-84.
Makagon, M.M., Tucker, C.B. and Mench, J.A. 2011. Factors affecting nest choice by Pekin ducks. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 129:121-128.
Mench JA, Sumner DA, Rosen-Molina JT. 2010. Sustainability of egg production in the United States--the policy and market context. Poult Sci, 90(1): 229-40.
Quwaider M, Daigle CL, Biswas SK, Siegford JM, Swanson JC. 2010. Development of a wireless body-mounted sensor to monitor activity and location of laying hens in a non-cage housing system. T ASABE 53(5):1705-1713.
Schütz, K.E., Rogers, A.R., Cox, N.R., Webster, J.R. and Tucker, C.B. 2011. Dairy cattle prefer shade over sprinklers: Effects on behavior and physiology. Journal of Dairy Science 94:273-283.
Shane, E.M., M.I. Endres, and K.A. Janni. 2010. Alternative bedding materials for compost bedded pack barns in Minnesota: A descriptive study. Appl. Eng. Agric. 26:465-473.
Shane, E.M., M.I. Endres, D.G. Johnson, and J.K. Reneau. 2010. Bedding options for an alternative housing system for dairy cows: A descriptive study. Appl. Eng. in Agric. 26:659-666.
Schütz, K.E., Rogers, A.R., Poulouin, Y., Cox, N.R. and Tucker, C.B. 2010. The amount of shade influences the behavior and physiology of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 93:125-133.
Schütz, K.E., Clark, K.V., Cox, N.R., Matthews, L.R. and Tucker, C.B. 2010. Responses to short-term exposure to simulated rain and wind by dairy cattle: time budgets, shelter use, body temperature and feed intake. Animal Welfare 19:375-383.
Swanson JC, Mench JA, Thompson PB. 2010. Introduction--the Socially Sustainable Egg Production project. Poult Sci, 90(1): 227-8.
Sumner, D.A., Matthews, W.A., Mench, J.A., Rosen-Molina, J.T. 2010. The economics of regulations on hen housing in California. Journal of Applied Agricultural Economics, 42: 429-438.
Abstracts, presentations & lay press articles
Agnew DW, Daigle CL, Siegford JM, Heleski CR, Swanson JC. 2010. Virtual animal welfare assessment: a tool for developing international proficiency. Wildlife Conservation, Health, and Disease Management - a Post-Millenium Approach. February, 3-5, 2010. Chennai, India.
Alexander, B.M., K.C. Otto, K.J. Austin. 2011. Ram and ewe reproductive behavior and serum testosterone during the early and mid- breeding season. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (suppl). And Rocky Mountain Reproduction Sciences Symposium
Alexander, B.M. D.C. Skinner, A.J. Mirto, C.E. Roselli. 2011. The Ovine Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus of the Preoptic Area: Functional Significance. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (Queretaro, Mexico)
Bergamasco, L., L.N. Edwards, N.Bello, S.Mueting, C.Cull, R.Mosher and J.F. Coetzee. 2011. Castration as a model for studying pain-triggered cardiac physiology in growing calves. Accepted to International Society of Applied Ethology Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
Coetzee, J.F., L.N.Edwards, R.Mosher, N.Bello, A.M.OConnor, B.Wang, B.KuKanich and D.A.Blasi. 2011. Journal of Animal Science, 2011 National ASAS Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Daigle CL, Carter S, Geise G, Siegford JM, Snider R, Swanson JC. 2010. Development of a zoo and university animal welfare working group in the state of Michigan. Proceedings of the 86th Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference.
Daigle CL, Quwaider MQ, Siegford JM, Biswas SK, Swanson JC. 2010. Laying hen location and activity can be monitored in a non-cage environment using a wireless body-mounted sensor system. Proceedings of the 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting, May 27-27, 2010 Pullman, WA. 10:22-23.
Daigle CL, Quwaider MQ, Siegford JM, Biswas SK, Swanson JC. 2011. Monitoring laying hen location and activity using a wireless body-mounted sensor system. Proceedings of the Animal Welfare Forum: Zoo/University Partnerships in Applied Studies of Animal Welfare. January 23, 2011. Detroit Zoological Society, Detroit, MI.
Edwards, L.N., J.F. Coetzee, N.Bello, R. Mosher, C.Cull and L.Bergamasco. 2011. Castration as a model for studying pain-triggered behavioral responses in growing calves. Accepted to International Society of Applied Ethology Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
Endres, M.I. 2010. FARM dairy well-being program. In Proc. 4-State Dairy Nutr. and Manag. Conf., Dubuque, IA. Pg 95.
Endres, M.I. 2010. Keeping your cows comfortable. In Proc. Midwest Dairy Expo, St. Cloud, MN. Pg 17-19.
Endres, M.I. 2010. Use of recycled fiber bedding in freestall barns. Dairy Star, February 2010.
Endres, M.I. 2010. Consumer concern for animal care is on the rise. Ag-News Wire, April 2010.
Endres, M.I. 2010. Research on cow comfort. Dairy Star, August 2010.
Endres, M.I. 2010. Stay ahead of the game with animal welfare. Genex Dairy Horizons, August 2010.
Endres, M.I. 2010. Tell the positive story of your dairy farm. Ag-News Wire, October 2010.
Endres, M.I. 2010. Dairy producers issues in 2010. eDairy Weekly Insider, October 2010.
Endres, M.I. 2010. Transition cows 2010. Dairy Star, November 2010.
Heleski CR. 2010. Invited presentation and abstract for the Midwest ASAS/ADSA Meeting. An update on horse welfare, contrasting the issues between developed countries and developing countries.
Heleski C, Golab G, Millman S, Reynnells R, Siegford J, Swanson J. 2011. Review of the Animal Welfare Judging and Assessment Competition (AWJAC) through 2010. Poultry Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting.
Husfeldt, A.W. and M.I. Endres. 2010. Association between stall surface and various welfare measurements on dairy herds utilizing recycled manure solids for bedding freestalls. J. Dairy Sci. 93(Suppl. 1):772.
Jacobs JA, Siegford JM. 2010. Do cows adapt quickly to being milked by robots? Proceedings of the 44th International Congress of the ISAE. 44:215.
Jacobs JA, Siegford JM. 2011. Do cows adapt quickly to being milked by an automatic milking system? Proceedings of the Animal Welfare Forum: Zoo/University Partnerships in Applied Studies of Animal Welfare. January 23, 2011. Detroit Zoological Society, Detroit, MI.
Lobeck, K.M., M. I. Endres, E. M. Shane, S. M. Godden, and J. Fetrow. 2009. Animal welfare in cross-ventilated and naturally ventilated dairy barns in the upper Midwest USA. J. Dairy Sci. 92(Suppl. 1):334.
Lobeck, K.M., M. I. Endres, E. M. Shane, S. M. Godden, and J. Fetrow. 2010. Associations between housing systems and animal welfare measurements assessed by survival analysis. J. Dairy Sci. 93(Suppl. 1):773.
Lobeck, K.M., M.I. Endres, S.M. Godden, and J. Fetrow. 2010. Assessment of animal welfare in cross-ventilated vs. naturally ventilated freestall barns using survival analysis. In Proc. Minn. Dairy Health Conference. Pg 87.
McLean AK, Heleski CR, Yokoyama MT, Wang W, Doumbia A, Dembele B. 2010. Assessing working donkey (Equus asinus) welfare status on a sub-population of Malian donkeys and knowledge and skills among para-professionals and professionals in Mali, West Africa. Abstract. 6th International Colloquium on Working Equids, New Delhi, India.
Orban DA, Siegford JM. 2011. Scenarios as welfare training tools: giraffe case study. Proceedings of the Animal Welfare Forum: Zoo/University Partnerships in Applied Studies of Animal Welfare. January 23, 2011. Detroit Zoological Society, Detroit, MI.
Orman, A. and M.I. Endres. 2010. Infrared thermography for detection of hoof lesions in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 93(Suppl. 1):772.
Phillips, C. E., Y. Z. Li, J. E. Anderson, L. J. Johnston, G. C. Shurson, and J. Deen. 2011. Association of sow fear, parity and season with piglet mortality in loose farrowing systems. Midwest ASAS 3/14/2011, Des Moines, IA.
Phillips, C. E., Y. Z. Li, and J. Anderson. 2010. Fear response in gestating sows.2010 ISAE, Sweden 8/25/2010
Phillips, C. E., Y. Z. Li, J. E. Anderson, L. J. Johnston, G. C. Shurson, J. Deen, and C. Farmer. 2011. Association of sow fear with prolactin and cortisol concentrations pre- and post-farrowing. National ASAS 7/12/2011, New Orleans.
Siegford JM. 2011. Challenges of farm animal welfare. Proceedings of the Animal Welfare Forum: Zoo/University Partnerships in Applied Studies of Animal Welfare. January 23, 2011. Detroit Zoological Society, Detroit, MI.
Siegford J, Jacobs J. 2010. Do cows adapt quickly to being milked by robots? Michigan Dairy Review. 15(4):8-11.
Siegford J, Jacobs J. 2011. Effect of exit alley blocking incidences on the accessibility of the automatic milking system. Michigan Dairy Review. 16(1):18-20.
Siegford J, Jacobs J. 2011. Do cows adapt quickly to being milked by robots? Progressive Dairyman. Online at http://www.progressivedairy.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5739.
Siegford J, Jacobs J. 2011. Exit alley blocking incidences and automatic milking systems. Progressive Dairyman. 25(9):75-76.
Weich, B., A. D. Kmicikewycz, M. I. Endres, and N.B. Litherland. 2010. Postpartum feeding behavior of dairy cows fed ad libitum or restricted prepartum diets containing wheat straw or orchardgrass. Midwest ADSA/ASAS Meetings:109.
Weich, W. D., A.D. Kmicikewycz, M.I. Endres, and N.B. Litherland. 2010. Does moderating amount fed and forage type in dry cow diets affect pre- and postpartum feeding and lying behavior? In Proc. Minn. Dairy Health Conference. Pg 93-94.
Peer review papers
Abood SK, Siegford JM. 2012. Student perceptions of an animal welfare and ethics course taught early in the veterinary curriculum. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 39(2):136-141. doi:10.3138/jvme.0911.093R1
Banerjee D, Daigle C, Biswas S, Siegford JM. 2012. Remote activity classification of hens using wireless body mounted sensors. Body Sensor Networks 2012:107-112. Peer-reviewed article published as part of the Ninth International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, London, United Kingdom. doi.10.1109/BSN.2012.5
Bates RO, Ferry E, Guthrie T, May G, Rozeboom DW, Siegford JM. 2012. Assessment of pork producer educational needs for adoption of group sow housing. Journal of Extension. June 25 issue.
Berry, N. L., A. K. Johnson, J. Hill. S. Lonergan, L. A. Karriker, and K. J. Stalder. 2012. Loading gantry versus traditional chute for the finisher pig: Effect on welfare at the time of loading and performance measures and transport losses at the harvest facility. Published online Journal of Animal Science. June 4, 2012.
Chapinal, N., A. M. de Passillé, J. Rushen, and C. B. Tucker. 2011. Short communication: Measures of weight distribution and frequency of steps as indicators of restless behavior. J. Dairy Sci. 94:800-803.
Croney, C. C., M. Apley, J. L. Capper, J. A. Mench, and S. Priest. 2012. BIOETHICS SYMPOSIUM: The ethical food movement: What does it mean for the role of science and scientists in current debates about animal agriculture? J. Anim. Sci. 90:1570-1582.
Dickey, E. R., A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder and K. Bregendahl. 2012. Effects of a premolt calcium and low-energy molt program on laying hen performance, egg quality and economics. Poultry Science. 91:292-203.
Dippel, S., C. B. Tucker, C. Winckler, and D. M. Weary. 2011. Effects of behaviour on the development of claw lesions in early lactation dairy cows. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 134:16-22.
Fitzgerald, R. F., K. J. Stalder L. A. Karriker, L. J. Sadler, H. T. Hill J. Kaisand and A. K. Johnson. 2011. The effect of hoof abnormalities on sow behavior and performance. Accepted to Livestock Production 2012.
Gesing, L. M., A. K. Johnson, J. T. Selsby, S. Abrams, H. Hill, A. Whiley, M. Faga., R. Bailey, K. J. Stalder, and M. J. Ritter. 2011. Effects of grow-finish group size on stress responses at loading and unloading and the impact on transport losses from market weight pigs. Professional Animal Scientist 27:477484.
Heleski CR, Anthony R. 2012. Science alone is not always enough: the importance of ethical assessment for a more comprehensive view of equine welfare. Journal of Veterinary Behavior 7:169-178.
Husfeldt, A.W., M.I. Endres, K.A. Janni, and J.A. Salfer. 2012. Management and characteristics of recycled manure solids used for bedding in Midwest freestall dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci. 95 :21952203.
Jacobs JA, Ananyeva K, Siegford JM. 2012. Dairy cow behavior affects the availability of an automatic milking system. Journal of Dairy Science 95:2186-2194.
Jacobs JA, Siegford JM. 2012. Invited review: The impact of automatic milking systems on dairy cow management, behavior, health and welfare. Journal of Dairy Science 95:2227-2247.
Jacobs JA, Siegford JM. 2012. Lactating dairy cows adapt quickly to being milked by an automatic milking system. Journal of Dairy Science 95:1575-1584.
Johnson, A. K., S. M. Lonergan W. D. Busby, S. C. Shouse, D. L Maxwell, J. D. Harmon, and M. S. Honeyman. 2011. Comparison of steer behavior and temperament when housed in a deep bedded hoop barn versus an open feedlot with shelter. J. Anim. Sci. 2011. 89:18931898.
Krebs, N., S. L. Berry, and C. B. Tucker. 2011. Restless behavior increases over time, but not with compressibility of the flooring surface, during forced standing at the feed bunk. J. Dairy Sci. 94:97-105.
Lay, D. C., Jr., R. M. Fulton, P. Y. Hester, D. M. Karcher, J. B. Kjaer, J. A. Mench, B. A. Mullens, R. C. Newberry, C. J. Nicol, N. P. O'Sullivan, and R. E. Porter. 2011. Hen welfare in different housing systems. Poult. Sci. 90:278-294.
Legrand, A., K. E. Schütz, and C. B. Tucker. 2011. Using water to cool cattle: Behavioral and physiological changes associated with voluntary use of cow showers. J. Dairy Sci. 94:3376-3386.
Lobeck, K. M., M. I. Endres, E. M. Shane, S. M. Godden, and J. Fetrow. 2011. Animal welfare in cross-ventilated, compost bedded-pack, and naturally ventilated dairy barns in the upper Midwest. J. Dairy Sci. 94:5469-5479.
Lobeck, K.M., M.I. Endres, K.A. Janni, S.M. Godden, and J. Fetrow. 2012. Environmental characteristics and bacterial counts in bedding and milk bulk tank of low profile cross-ventilated, naturally ventilated, and compost bedded pack dairy barns. Appl. Eng. Agric. 28: 117-128.
Makagon, M. M., B. McCowan, and J. A. Mench. 2012. How can social network analysis contribute to social behavior research in applied ethology? Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 138:152-161.
Makagon, M. M., C. B. Tucker, and J. A. Mench. 2011. Factors affecting nest choice by Pekin ducks. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 129:121-128.
McLean AK, Heleski CR, Yokoyama MT, Wang W, Doumbia A, Dembele B. 2012. Improving working donkey (Equus asinus) welfare and management in Mali, West Africa. Journal of Veterinary Behavior 7:123-134.
Mench, J. A., D. A. Sumner, and J. T. Rosen-Molina. 2011. Sustainability of egg production in the United States-The policy and market context. Poult. Sci. 90:229-240.
Parola, F., E. Hillman, K. E. Schütz, and C. B. Tucker. 2012. Preferences for overhead sprinklers by naïve beef steers: test of two nozzle types. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 137:13-22.
Pittman-Elmore, M. R., J. P. Garner, A. K. Johnson, R. D. Kirkden, B. T. Richert, and E. A. Pajor. 2011. Getting around social status: Motivation and enrichment use of dominant and subordinate sows in a group setting. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 133:154 163.
Rushen J, Butterworth A, Swanson JC. 2011. Animal welfare assurance: Science and application. Journal of Animal Science 89:1219-1228.
Schütz, K. E., A. R. Rogers, N. R. Cox, J. R. Webster, and C. B. Tucker. 2011. Dairy cattle prefer shade over sprinklers: Effects on behavior and physiology. J. Dairy Sci. 94:273-283.
Sun, G., R. F. Fitzgerald, S. J. Hoff, L. A. Karriker, A. K. Johnson, and K. J. Stalder. 2011. Development of an embedded microcomputer-based force plate system for measuring sow weight distribution. Transactions of the American Society of Applied Biological Engineers, Vol. 27:475-482.
Sutherland, M. A. and C. B. Tucker. 2011. The long and short of it: a review of tail docking in farm animals. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 135:179-191.
Swanson JC, Mench JA, Thompson PB. 2011. Introduction - the socially sustainable egg production project. Poultry Science 90:227-228.
Swanson JC, Shin Y, Thompson P, Bawden R, Mench JA. 2011. Integration: Valuing stakeholder input in setting priorities for socially sustainable egg production. Poultry Science 90:2110-2121.
Swanson, J. C., Y. Lee, P. B. Thompson, R. Bawden, and J. A. Mench. 2011. Integration: Valuing stakeholder input in setting priorities for socially sustainable egg production. Poult. Sci. 90:2110-2121.
Elmore, M. R. P., J. P. Garner, A. K. Johnson, R. D. Kirkden, B. T. Richert, and E. A. Pajor. 2011. The impact if environmentally enriched housing on sow motivation, behavior and well-being. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E2)48.
Endres, M.I, L.A. Espejo, and C.B. Tucker. 2011. Evaluation of the sample needed to accurately estimate outcome-based measurements of dairy welfare on farm. Pg 12 in Proc. 5th International Conf. on the Assessment of Anim. Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Guelph, Canada, Wageningen Acad. Publ., The Netherlands.
Husfeldt, A.W., M. I. Endres, K.A. Janni, J.A. Salfer, and J.K. Reneau. 2011. Chemical and bacteriological characteristics of digested, composted, and separated raw manure solids prior to use as freestall bedding. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (Suppl. 1):734.
Husfeldt, A.W., M.I. Endres, J.A. Salfer, and J.K. Reneau. 2011. Mortality and herd turnover rates in dairy herds utilizing recycled manure solids for bedding freestalls. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (Suppl. 1):733.
Husfeldt, A.W., M.I. Endres, K.A. Janni, J.A. Salfer, and J.K.Reneau. 2011. Chemical and bacteriological characteristics of digested, composted, and separated raw manure solids used as freestall bedding. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (Suppl. 1):734.
Johnson, A. K. 2011. ASAS Early career achievement award presentation: Working to foster the discovery, sharing and application of knowledge concerning the well-being of farm animals. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E1)411.
Johnson, A., J. Coetzee, K. Stalder, l. Karriker, and S. Millman. 2011. Pain: A sow lameness model. J. Anim. Sci.89(E2)48.
Leuer, R.F., J. K. Reneau, J. M. Lukas, and M. I. Endres. 2011. Predictors of transition cow success from a voluntary milking system. Midwest ADSA:116.
Leuer, R.F., J.K. Reneau, J.M. Lukas, and M.I. Endres. 2011. Predictors of primiparous and multiparous transition cow success from an automatic milking system. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (Suppl. 1):194.
Lobeck, K.M., M.I. Endres, S.M. Godden, and J. Fetrow. 2011. Dairy welfare in three housing systems in the upper Midwest. Pg 84 in Proc. 45th Congress of ISAE, Indianapolis, IN, Wageningen Acad. Publ., The Netherlands.
Lobeck, K.M., M.I. Endres, S.M. Godden, and J. Fetrow. 2011. Herd turnover and mortality in low profile cross-ventilated and naturally ventilated dairy barns in the Upper Midwest. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (Suppl. 1):733.
Lobeck, K.M., M.I. Endres, S.M. Godden, and J. Fetrow. 2011. Temperature and humidity in cross-ventilated and naturally ventilated dairy barns in the upper Midwest. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (Suppl. 1):734.
Mack, L. A., S. D. Eicher, A. K. Johnson, D. C. Lay Jr., B. T. Richert, and E. A. Pajor. 2011. Alleyway width in a free-access stall system influences gestating sow behavior and welfare. 2011. In: E. A. Pajor and J. N. Marchant-Forde (eds.) 45th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. p70. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Indianapolis, IN.
Mack, L. A., S. D. Eicher, A. K. Johnson, D. C. Lay Jr., B. T. Richert, and E. A. Pajor. 2011. Can prenatal social stress impact sex characteristics in piglets? J. Anim. Sci. 89(E1)683.
Marchant-Forde, J. N., J. P. Garner, A. K. Johnson, R. M. Marchant-Forde, and D. C. Lay. 2011. The effects of group size on aggression when mixing unacquainted sows in outdoor paddocks. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E1)12.
Sapkota, A., B. L. Davis, A. Johnson, and J. J. McGlone. 2011. Market pig transport losses, surface temperatures and trailer air temperatures with medium or heavy bedding on the trailer. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E1)219.
Shahid, M.Q., M.I. Endres, J.K. Reneau, R. Chebel, and H. Chester-Jones. 2011. Mortality patterns in Midwest DHIA herds. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (Suppl. 1):16.
Tapper K. A. Johnson, L. Karriker, K. Stalder, J. Coetzee, R. Parsons, and S. Millman.. 2011. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to mitigate pain in lame sows. In: E. A. Pajor and J. N. Marchant-Forde (eds.) 45th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. p10 Wageningen Academic Publishers, Indianapolis, IN.
Tapper, K., A. Johnson, L. Karriker, K. Stalder, J. Coetzee, R. parsons and S. Millman. 2011. Objective pain measurement in sows with induced transient lameness. J. Anim. Sci. 89(e2)53.
Book Chapters
Houpt, K.A. and C.L. Wickens. 2014. Handling and transport of horses. In: Livestock handling and transport. Fourth Edition. T. Grandin (ed.) CABI, UK. pp. 315-341.
Refereed Journal Articles
Archer, G.S. and J.A. Mench. 2013. The Effects of Light Stimulation During Incubation on Indicators of Stress Susceptibility in Broilers. Poultry Science. 92:3103–
Archer, G.S. and J.A. Mench. 2014. Natural incubation patterns and the effects of
exposing eggs to light at various times during incubation on post-hatch fear
and stress responses in chickens. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 152:44-
Archer, G.S. and J.A. Mench. 2014. The Impact of Light During Incubation on the
Productivity, Plasma Melatonin Concentrations, and Behavior of Broiler
Chickens: Duration and Onset. J. Animal Science. 92(2): 1753-1758.
Banerjee, D., C.L. Daigle, B. Dong, K. Wurtz, R.C. Newberry, J. Siegford, and S. Biswas S. 2014. Detection of jumping and landing force in laying hens using wireless wearable sensors. Poult. Sci. 93:1-10.
Daigle, C.L., D. Banerjee, R.A. Montgomery, S.K. Biswas, and J.M. Siegford. 2014. Moving GIS indoors: spatiotemporal analysis of agricultural animals. PLOS One 9(e104002):1-11.
Daigle, C.L., and J. M. Siegford. 2014. When continuous observations just won't do: developing accurate and efficient sampling strategies for the laying hen. Behav. Proc. 103:58-66.
Endres, M.I., K.M. Lobeck-Luchterhand, L.A. Espejo, and C.B. Tucker. 2014. Evaluation of the sample needed to accurately estimate outcome-based measurements of dairy welfare on farm. J. Dairy Sci. 97:3523-3530.
Erasmus, M. A. and J. C. Swanson. 2014. Temperamental turkeys: reliability of behavioural responses to four tests of fear. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 157:100-108.
Heleski, C., C. Wickens, M. Minero, E. DallaCosta, C. Wu, E. Czeszak, and U. Koenig von Borstel. 2014. Do soothing vocal cues enhance horses' ability to learn a frightening task? Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. In Press (doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2014.08.009).
Holcomb, K.E., C.B. Tucker, and C.L. Stull. 2014. Preference of domestic horses for shade in a hot, sunny environment. J. Anim. Sci. 92:1708-1717.
Lyles, J.L. and M.S. Calvo-Lorenzo. 2014. Practical developments in managing animal welfare in beef cattle. What does the future hold? J. Anim. Sci. 92(12): 5334-5344.
Marchewka, J., I. Estevez, V. Ferrante, G. Vezzoli, and M.M. Makagon. In press. The transect method: a novel approach to on-farm welfare assessment of commercial turkeys. Poult. Sci.
Mintline, E.M., A. Varga, J. Banuelos, K.A. Walker, B. Hoar, D. Drake, D.M. Weary, J.F. Coetzee, M.L. Stock, and C.B. Tucker. 2014. Healing of surgical castration wounds: a description and an evaluation of flunixin. J. Anim. Sci. 92:5659-5665.
Newby, N.C., C.B. Tucker, D.L. Pearl, S.J. LeBlanc, K.E. Leslie, M.A.G. von Keyserlingk, and T.F. Duffield. 2014. An investigation of ketoprofen following rumen fistulation surgery in lactating dairy cows. Can. Vet. J. 55:442-448.
Rajapaksha, E. and C.B. Tucker. 2014. How do cattle respond to sloped floors? An investigation using behavior and electromyograms. J. Dairy Sci. 97:2808-2815.
Rajapaksha, E. and C.B. Tucker. In press. Restless behavior and muscle activity of dairy cows on rough standing surfaces presented under 1 or 4 legs. J. Dairy Sci.
Rajapaksha, E., C. Winckler, and C.B. Tucker. In press. Effect of rubber flooring on dairy cattle stepping behavior and muscle activity J. Dairy Sci.
Schütz, K.E., N.R. Cox, and C.B. Tucker. 2014. A field study of the behavioral and physiological effects of varying amounts of shade for lactating cows at pasture. J. Dairy Sci. 97:3599-3605.
Stackhouse-Lawson, K.R., C.B. Tucker, M.S. Calvo-Lorenzo, and F.M. Mitloehner. In press. Effects of growth-promoting technology on feedlot cattle behavior in the 21 days before slaughter. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci.
Tucker, C.B., E.M. Mintline, J. Banuelos, K.A. Walker, B. Hoar, D. Drake, and D.M. Weary. 2014. Effect of a cooling gel on pain sensitivity and healing of hot-iron cattle brands. J. Anim. Sci. 92:5666-5673.
Tucker, C.B., E.M. Mintline, J. Banuelos, K.A. Walker, B. Hoar, A. Varga, D. Drake, and D.M. Weary. 2014. Pain sensitivity and healing of hot-iron cattle brands. J. Anim. Sci. 92:5674-5682.
Poster Presentations
Archer. G.S. (2014). Comparing the effect of different types of lighting on broiler production, fear, and stress. 2014 Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Tx.
Badr A.A., M.Y. Matoock, and C.R. Heleski. 2014. Are mules or donkeys better adapted for Egyptian brick kiln work? (Until we can change the kilns). Proceedings of the 12th ISAE North American Regional Meeting, East Lansing, MI. May 30-31. pp. 60.
Byrd, C. J. and M.M. Makagon. 2014. We’re all in this together: A multi-species look at lameness assessment. Proceedings of the 12th North American Regional meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology (NA-ISAE), pg. 43. (Poster presentation)
Chen, J.M., K.E. Schütz, and C.B. Tucker. 2014. Sprinkler flow rate affects dairy cattle physiological and behavioral responses. 7th American Dairy Science Association Discover Conference, Itasca, IL.
Domingue, A.G. and G.S. Archer. (2014). The effect of exposing chicken embryos to
warm- or cool-spectrum light-emitting diode (LED) light during incubation
on hatchability, embryo mortality, 14-d growth and FCR, fear and physical
asymmetry. 2014 Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, Corpus
Christi, Tx.
Dorey, S.L., D.L.M. Campbell, and J.M. Siegford. 2014. Which is the best chicken shampoo? Preferred dust bathing substrates for aviary-housed laying hens. Proceedings of the 12th ISAE North American Regional Meeting, East Lansing, MI. May 30-31. pp. 56.
Gallegos, K. and G.S. Archer. (2014). Comparison of the effect of light-emitting diode
(LED) versus compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) lighting on hen production, egg
quality, fear, and stress. 2014 Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting,
Corpus Christi, Tx.
Greene, B., C. Wickens, C. Heleski, and C. Brady. 2014. Assessing the Impact and Viewpoints of Attendees of the 2013 International Society for Equitation Science Conference. Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Equitation Science Conference, August 6-9, Vejle, Denmark, P. 84.
Huth, J.H. and G.S. Archer. (2014). The effect of exposing chicken embryos to light-
emitting diode (LED) light during incubation: Layer and broiler eggs. 2014
Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Tx.
Mintline, E.M., A. Varga, J. Banuelos, K.A. Walker, B. Hoar, D. Drake, D.M. Weary, J.F. Coetzee, M.L. Stock, and C.B. Tucker. 2014. Healing of surgical castration wounds: a description and an evaluation of flunixin. 4th International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare, Ames, IA.
Rocha, B. and G.S. Archer. (2014). Comparing the use of bird-level versus room
illumination on broiler production, fear, and stress. 2014 Poultry Science
Association Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Tx.
Simon, G., B. Hoar, and C.B. Tucker. 2014. Assessing cow-calf or suckler cow herd welfare: a pilot study on 10 California ranches. 6th Welfare Assessment at the Farm and Group Level, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Stackhouse-Lawson, K. C.B. Tucker, M. Calvo-Lorenzo, and F.M. Mitloehner. 2014. Effects of growth-promoting technology on feedlot cattle behavior in the 21 days before slaughter. 4th International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare, Ames, IA.
Toaff-Rosenstein, R.L., L.J. Gershwin, A.J. Zanella, and C.B. Tucker. 2014. The sickness response in Bovine Respiratory Disease at peak clinical illness. 48th International Society for Applied Ethology, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
Tresoldi, G., K.E. Schütz, and C.B. Tucker. 2014. Heat abatement on commercial dry lots: managing resources to improve cattle welfare. 27th American Dairy Science Association Discover Conference, Itasca, IL.
Tresoldi, G., K.E. Schütz, and C.B. Tucker. 2014. Heat abatement on commercial dry lots: managing resources to improve cattle welfare. 12th North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, East Lansing, MI.
Tucker, C.B., E.M. Mintline, J. Banelos, K.A. Walker, B. Hoar, A. Varga, D. Drake, and D.M. Weary, DM. 2014. Pain sensitivity and healing of hot-iron cattle brands. 4th International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare, Ames, IA.
Weir, J., H. Li, C. Zhang, and C. Wickens. 2014. A Preliminary Investigation of Horses’ Preference for Different Ammonia Concentrations. Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Equitation Science Conference, August 6-9, Vejle, Denmark, P. 52.
Weir, J., C. Zhang, H. Li, and C. Wickens. 2014. Development of an Ammonia Preference Head Box System for Horses. Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting, July 13-16, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Wurtz, K.E., J.P. Steibel, R.O. Bates, C.W. Ernst, and J.M. Siegford. 2014. Using behavioral and genomic tools to identify pigs suited for group living. Proceedings of the 12th ISAE North American Regional Meeting, East Lansing, MI. May 30-31. pp. 62.
Popular Articles
Chen, J and C. Tucker. 2014. Soaker nozzle type affects water use, but not cow cooling. California Dairy Newsletter, 6(3).
Chen, J.M., G. Tresoldi, and C.B. Tucker. 2014. Are your cows hot? Hoard's Dairymen, July: 447.
Book Chapters:
Heleski CR, McLean AK, Swanson JC. 2015. Ch. 17 Practical Methods for Improving the Welfare of Horses, Donkeys and Other Working Draught Animals in Developing Areas. In: Improving Animal Welfare: a Practical Approach, 2nd Ed., Ed. Temple Grandin, CABI, Wallingford, UK
Underwood W, McGlone JJ, Swanson JC, Anderson KA, Anthony R. 2014. Agricultural Animal Welfare. In: Laboratory Animal Welfare. American College of Laboratory Animal Series. Eds. Kathryn Bayne and Patricia V. Turner. Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford, UK.
Wickens, C. and K.A. Houpt. 2015. Stereotypic Disorders. In: Equine Neurology, 2nd Edition, Martin Furr and Stephen Reed (Editors). Wiley-Blackwell.
Refereed Journal Articles:
Ali, Ahmed B.A., El Sayed, M.A., Matoock, M.Y., Fouad, M.A., Heleski, C.R., (Accepted Dec 2015) A welfare assessment scoring system for working equids – A method for identifying at risk populations and for monitoring progress of welfare enhancement strategies (trialed in Egypt). Applied Animal Behaviour Science, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2015.12.001
Ali, B.A.A., El Sayed, M.A., Matoock, M.A., Fouad, M.A., Heleski, C.R., (2015) Comparing efficacy of three anthelmintic programs in working equids in Egypt. Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, 4:4 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2325-9590.1000146
Ali ABA, Matoock MY, Fouad MA, Heleski CR. 2015. Are mules or donkeys better adapted for Egyptian brick kiln work? (Until we can change the kilns). Journal of Veterinary Behavior 10:158-165. doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2014.12.003
Chebel, R.C., P. R. B. Silva, K. Luchterhand and M. I. Endres. 2015. Social stressors and their effects on immunity and health of periparturient dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 98, Suppl 2:277.
Chen, J. M., K. E. Schütz, and C. B. Tucker. 2015. Cooling cows efficiently with sprinklers:
Physiological responses to water spray. Journal of Dairy Science 98: 6925-6938.
Daigle CL, Rodenburg B, Bolhuis E, Swanson JC, Siegford JM. 2014. Dynamic and rewarding environmental enrichment reduces feather pecking behavior in non-cage laying hens: implications for management practices and welfare. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 161:75-85. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2014.10.001.
Daigle CL, Siegford J*. 2014. Understanding the individual non-cage laying hen through the body-behavior connection: associations between welfare quality physical parameters and behavioral observations throughout a lay cycle. Animal Welfare 23:423-434. doi: 10.7120/09627286.23.4.423.
Endres, M.I. and J.A. Salfer. 2015. An evaluation of automated milking systems in the Midwest United States. J. Dairy Sci. 98, Suppl 2:114.
Endres, M., K. Lobeck-Luchterhand, P.B. Silva and R. Chebel. 2015. Is social rank associated with health of transition dairy cows? Proc. 49th Intern.Soc. Appl. Ethol.:88. Sapporo, Japan, September 2015.
Endres, M. 2015. Dairy welfare, management and behavior. Sustainable ethical practices. International Innovation 189:69-71.
Endres, M. 2015. Automated calf feeders and robotic milking: What are keys to success? Pg 126-132 in Proc. Precision Dairy Conference and Expo, Rochester, MN, June 2015, http://www.precisiondairyfarming.com/2015.
Erasmus MA, Lee HC, Kang I, Swanson JC. 2015. Relationship between temperament and post-mortem muscle characteristics in turkeys of two genetic strains. Poultry Science. doi: 10.3382/ps/pev208
Hansen, A, R. D. Moon, B. Heins, and M. Endres. 2015. Production of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) from two alternative winter housing systems for dairy cows. Entomological Society of America Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 16 November, 2015.
Heleski, C., C. Wickens, M. Minero, E. DallaCosta, C. Wu, E. Czeszak, and U. Koenig von Borstel. 2015. Do soothing vocal cues enhance horses' ability to learn a frightening task? Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. 10: 41-47.
Jorgensen, M., A.Adams Progar, K. Janni, H.Chester-Jones, J. Salfer, and M.Endres. 2015. Housing and management practices on farms using automated calf feeders in the Midwestern United States. J. Dairy Sci. 98, Suppl 2:818.
Jorgensen, M., A.Adams Progar, S.Godden, H.Chester-Jones, A. M. de Passillé, J.Rushen, and M.Endres. 2015. Risk factors for abnormal calf health scores on farms using automated feeders in the Midwest USA. J. Dairy Sci. 98, Suppl 2:819.
Liboreiro, D. N., K. S. Machado, P. Basso Silva, A. E. Barreto, M. I. Endres, and R. C. Chebel. 2015. Characterization of peripartum rumination and activity of cows diagnosed with metabolic and uterine diseases. J. Dairy Sci. 98:6812-6827.
Lobeck-Luchterhand, K.M., P.R.B. Silva, R.C. Chebel, M.I. Endres. 2015. Effect of stocking density on social, feeding, and lying behavior of prepartum dairy animals. J. Dairy Sci. 98:240-249.
Lobeck-Luchterhand, K.M., P.R. B. Silva, R.C. Chebel, and M. I. Endres. 2015. Association between social ranking and health of transition dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 98, Suppl 2:565.
Miller-Cushon, E. K., and T. J. DeVries. Impact of social housing on the development of feeding behavior and social feeding preferences of dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science. In press.
Miller-Cushon, E. K., and T. J. DeVries. 2015. Invited Review: Development and expression of dairy calf feeding behaviour. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 95: 341-350.
Miller-Cushon, E. K., J. P. Vogel, and T. J. DeVries. 2015. Short Communication: Feed sorting of dairy heifers is influenced by method of dietary transition. Journal of Dairy Science. 98:2687-2692.
Rajapaksha, E., and C. B. Tucker. 2015. Stepping behavior and muscle activity of dairy cows on
uncomfortable standing surfaces presented under 1 or 4 legs. Journal of Dairy Science 98: 295
Rajapaksha, E., C. Winkler, and C. B. Tucker. 2015. Effect of rubber flooring on dairy cattle
stepping behavior and muscle activity. Journal of Dairy Science 98: 2462-2471.
Shahid, M.Q., J. K. Reneau, H. Chester-Jones, R. C. Chebel and M. I. Endres. 2015. Cow and herd level risk factors for on-farm mortality in Midwest US dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci. 98:4401-4414.
Sjostrom. L.S., B.J. Heins, M.I. Endres, R. D. Moon, and U.S. Sorge. 2015. Evaluation of winter housing systems for effects on production, udder health, BCS, hygiene, frostbite, and rumination of organic dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 98, Suppl 2:818.
Swanson JC, Mench JA, Karcher D. 2015. Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply: An introduction. Poultry Science 94: 473 -474.
Tucker, C. B., J. F. Coetzee, J. M. Stookey, D. U. Thomson, T. Grandin, and K. S.
Schwartzkopf-Genswein. 2015. Beef cattle welfare in the USA: Identification of priorities for
future research. Animal Health Research Reviews 16: 107-124.
Weimer, S .L., T. J Fangman, H. D. Tyler, L. A. Karriker, K. J. Stalder, and A. K. Johnson. 2015. Nursery pig behaviour assessed using a digital-image evaluation method pre- and post-vaccine injection. To be submitted to Animal Welfare.
Winckler, C., C. B. Tucker, and D. M. Weary. 2015. Effects of under- and overstocking
freestalls on dairy cattle behaviour. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 170: 14-19.
Zhao Y, Shepherd TA, Swanson J, Mench JA, Karcher DM, Xin H. 2015. A holistic evaluation of three laying-hen housing systems: description of the production systems and management practices. Poultry Science 94: 475 -484.
Extension and Oral Presentations:
Adams Progar, A. 2015. Amber’s top ten tips: assessing dairy cow behavior. WSU Dairy Newsletter, March 2015.
Adams Progar, A. 2015. Amber’s top ten tips: calf management. WSU Dairy Newsletter, December 2014.
Adams Progar, A. 2015. Amber’s top ten tips: understanding heat stress. WSU Dairy Newsletter, June 2015.
Adams Progar, A. 2015. Evaluating calf care on your dairy. Dairy Business West Magazine 96(4):12.
Adams Progar, A. 2015. Surviving and thriving during cold weather. Dairy Speaker Series, Lynden, WA.
Ali, ABA, Gutwein K, Hitzler P, Heleski CR. 2015. Assessing the influence of nose twitching during a potentially aversive husbandry procedure (ear clipping) using behavioral and physiological measures. International Society for Equitation Science conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Callanan, J. and A. L. Adams-Progar. 2015. Relationship between cow lying behavior and freestall barn design. J. Dairy Sci. 98(2):9 (poster presentation).
Carlisle, B., R. Easterly, M. Hersom, E. Jennings, B. Myers, and C. Wickens. 2015. Livestock Education and Certification for Agricultural Law Enforcement (LECALE). Proceedings of the 2015 EPAF Conference, August 31-September 4, Naples, FL.
Chen, J. M., K. E. Schütz, and C. B. Tucker. 2015. Effects of sprinkler flow rate on behavior and
body temperature. 49th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology,
Sapporo, Japan
Chen, J. M., and C. B. Tucker. 2015. Soakers to cool cows: can we reduce water use? Invited talk at Managing Cow Comfort in Hot Weather, Tulare, CA
Daigle CL, Rodenburg TB, Bolhuis JE, Swanson JC, Siegford JM. 2015. Individual consistency of feather pecking behavior in laying hens. 104th Annual Meeting of the Poultry Science Association, July 27-30, Louisville, KY.
Dinerman, A.J., C.L. Wickens, J. Callaham, and S.A. Brooks. 2015. Preliminary investigation of phenotyping methods for response to a sudden novel stimulus in the horse. Proceedings of the 2015 Equine Science Society Symposium, Florida. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35 (5): 398.
Greene E, Wickens C, Brady C, Heleski C. 2015. An exploration of factors affecting viewpoints of ISES Conference attendees. International Society for Equitation Science conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Erasmus MA, Swanson JC. 2015. Feather pecking behavior of turkeys. 104th Annual Meeting of the Poultry Science Association, July 27-30, 2015, Louisville, KY.
Heleski CR. 2015. An update on equine welfare: contrasting the issues between developed and developing regions of the world (Invited speaker). Michigan Veterinary Medical Association Animal Welfare Conference. November 23, 2015, East Lansing, MI.
Miller-Cushon, E. K. Intensified pre-weaning calf feeding programs: Impacts on growth and behavior. Ruminant Nutrition Symposium, February 3, 2015, Gainesville, FL. pp 79-89.
Miller-Cushon, E. K. How feeding habits affect growth and welfare of dairy calves. Dairy Production Conference. April 29, 2015. Gainesville, FL.
Miller-Cushon, E. K. How feeding habits affect growth and welfare of dairy calves. South Georgia/North Florida Dairy Update. May 19, 2015.
Miller-Cushon, E. K. and T. J. DeVries. 2015. Social housing affects the development of feeding behaviour in dairy calves. 49th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology, September 14 to September 16, 2015, Sapporo, Japan.
Miller-Cushon, E. K. and T. J. DeVries. 2015. Social housing affects the development of feeding behaviour in dairy calves. Page 66 in Proceedings of the 49th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology, September 14 to September 16, 2015, Sapporo, Japan. Hotzel, M. J., and L. C. Filho, eds. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Miller-Cushon, E. K., and T. J. DeVries. 2015. Associations between feed push-up frequency, lying and feeding behavior, and milk composition of dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science E. Suppl.
Siegford J and Karcher D. 2015. Laying hen health and well-being (Invited speaker). Final Report: The Coalition for a Sustainable Egg Supply. March 16-17, 2015, St. Paul, MN.
Simon, G. E. 2015. Benchmarking cow-calf health and handling. Invited speaker at Siskiyou Co.
Cattlemen’s Beef Health Workshop, Yreka, CA
Simon, G. E., B. R. Hoar, and C. B. Tucker. 2014. Assessing cattle handling. Invited talk at
California Department of Food and Agriculture training, Davis, CA
Simon, G. E., B. R. Hoar, and C. B. Tucker. 2014. Assessing cow-calf health and handling.
Cattle Health & Well Being & BQA Committee, Reno, NV
Simon, G. E., B. R. Hoar, and C. B. Tucker. 2015. Assessing cattle health and handling on cow
calf operations. Invited talk at the UC Davis Livestock Symposium Davis, CA
Simon, G. E., B. R. Hoar, and C. B. Tucker. 2015. Benchmarking cow-calf welfare. Joint Annual
Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association and the American Society of Animal
Science, Orlando, FL
Simon, G. E., and C. B. Tucker. 2015. Assessing cow-calf welfare. University of California
Agriculture and Natural Resources advisor meeting, Reno, NV
Simon, G. E., and C. B. Tucker. 2015. Assessing cow-calf welfare. California Cattlemen’s
Association annual meeting, Reno, NV (poster presentation)
Simon, G. E., C. B. Tucker, and B. R. Hoar. 2014. Assessing cow-calf welfare: A pilot study on
10 California ranches. 4th International Beef Cattle Welfare Symposium, Ames, IA
Simon, G. E., C. B. Tucker, and B. R. Hoar. 2014. Assessing health and handling on California
cow-calf operations. California Cattleman’s Association mid-year meeting, Sacramento, CA
Swanson J. 2015. What have we learned from conducting this type of a research project (Invited speaker). Final Report: The Coalition for a Sustainable Egg Supply. March 16-17, 2015, St. Paul, MN.
Tresoldi, G., K. E. Schütz, and C. B. Tucker. 2015. Assessing heat stress in drylot cattle: A
validation of methodology. California Animal Nutrition Conference, Fresno, CA
Tresoldi, G., K. E. Schütz, and C. B. Tucker. 2015. Validation of methodology for assessing heat
abatement strategies in dry-lot cattle. Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science
Association and the American Society of Animal Science, Orlando, FL
Tresoldi, G., K. E. Schütz, C. B. Tucker, and 2015. Cooling dairy cows efficiently with water:
Effects of soaker flow rate on body temperature and behavior. California Animal Nutrition
Conference, Fresno, CA
Tucker, C. B. 2015. Animal welfare assessment: The US perspective. Invited plenary talk at
International Society for Applied Ethology, Sapporo, Japan.
Tucker, C. B. 2015. Assessing and improving animal welfare on your dairy. Invited talk at
Managing Cow Comfort in Hot Weather, Tulare, CA
Tucker, C. B. 2015. Assessing and improving animal welfare on your dairy. Invited talk at
California Animal Nutrition Conference Fresno, CA
Tucker, C. B. 2015. Beef cattle welfare audits. Invited talk at the UC Davis Livestock
Symposium, Davis, CA
Tucker, C. B. 2015. Dairy cattle welfare. Invited talk at AVMA Animal Welfare Judging
Competition, Columbus, Ohio
Tucker, C. B. 2015. Dairy cattle welfare: Research informing policy. Invited talk at NAU-UC
Davis Graduate Education Conference on One Health, Davis, CA
Tucker, C. B. 2015. Pain sensitivity and healing of hot-iron brands in cattle. Invited talk at 8th
Boehringer Ingelheim Expert Forum on Farm Animal Well-Being Conference, Niagara-on-the
Lake, Canada
Weir, J., S. Brooks, A. Dinerman, J. McQuagge, J. Callaham, and C. Wickens. 2015. Preliminary investigation of a subjective temperament assessment to predict response to a sudden novel stimulus in young stock-type horses. Proceedings of the 11thInternational Society for Equitation Science Conference, August 5-8, Vancouver, Canada, P. 71.
Wickens, C.L. 2015. Equitation science: A research-based approach to improved understanding of horse perspective. Proceedings of the 66th EAAP Annual Meeting, August 31-September 4, Warsaw, Poland, P. 326.
Wickens, C.L. 2015. Coping or Vice? Cribbing, Weaving, and other Stereotypic Behaviors.
Healthy Horses Conference, University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, April 25, Gainesville, Florida.
Wickens, C.L. 2015. Equitation science: A research-based approach to improved understanding of horse perspective. 66th EAAP Annual Meeting, August 31-September 4, Warsaw, Poland.
Wurtz KE, Steibel JP, Bates RO, Ernst CW, Siegford JM. 2015. Selection variables for predicting and comparing number of skin lesions in group housed swine. 2015 American Society of Animal Science Midwestern Section Meeting, March 16-18, Des Moines, IA.