NCERA_old219: Swine Production Management to Enhance Animal Welfare
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
1. Hemsworth, PH; Smith, K; Karlen, MG; Arnold, NA; Moeller, SJ; and Barnett, JL. 2011. The choice behaviour of pigs in a y maze: effects of deprivation of feed, social contact and bedding. Behavioural Processes 87: 210-217.
2. Ma, Y.L., M.D. Lindemann, G.L. Cromwell, R. B. Cox, G. Rentfrow and J.L. Pierce. 2011. Evaluation of trace mineral source and pre-slaughter deletion of those minerals on performance, carcass characteristics, and pork quality in pigs. J. Anim Sci. (in press).
3. McClelland, K.M., G. Rentfrow, G.L. Cromwell, M.D. Lindemann, and M.J. Azain. 2011. Effects of corn distillers dried grains with solubles on quality traits of pork. J. Anim. Sci. (in press).
4. Sun, G., R. F. Fitzgerald, K. J. Stalder, L. A. Karriker, A. K. Johnson, and S. J. Hoff. 2011. Development of an embedded microcomputer-based force plate system for measuring sow weight distribution and detection of lameness. Appl. Eng. Agric. 27:475-482.
1. Abell, C. E., K. J. Stalder, and J. W. Mabry. 2011. Genetic and phenotypic correlations for maternal and post-weaning traits from a commercial swine breeding system. J. Anim. Sci. 89:(E-Suppl. 2):60-61.
2. Abell, C. E., K. J. Stalder, and J. W. Mabry. 2011. Relationship between litters per sow per year breeding value and sire progeny means for farrowing rate. J. Anim. Sci. 89:(E-Suppl. 2):73.
3. Betts, KS; Moeller, SJ; Zerby, HN; Crawford, SM; Cressman, MD; Bishop, MJ. 2011. Effects of ractopamine on stress-related hormone levels of purebred Berkshire swine[Abstract]. International Society of Applied Ethology: 134.
4. Betts, KS; Moeller, SJ; Zerby, HN; DeRouchey, JM; Cressman, Bishop, MJ; Gress, AI; andFluharty, FL. 2011. Effects of ractopamine on performance, carcass and meat quality in purebred Berkshire swine [Abstract]. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 89, E-Supplement 1: 460.
5. Bishop, MJ; Zerby, HN; Moeller, SJ; Kuber, PS; DeRouchey, JM; Betts, KS. 2011. The influence of low and standard energy diets on efficiency, carcass value, and pork quality in Berkshire swine [Abstract]. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 89, E-Supplement 1: 460.
6. Crawford, S; Moeller, S; Hemsworth, P; Croney, C; Botheras, N; Zerby, H. 2011. Characteristics of stockperson interactions with pigs in swine finishing barns [Abstract]. International Society of Applied Ethology: 89.
7. Crawford, SM, Moeller, SJ; Hemsworth, PH; Croney, CC; Botheras, NA; Zerby, HN. 2011. Characteristics of the work habits and demographics of caretakers on swine finishing facilities in Ohio [Abstract]. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 89, E-Supplement 1: 463.
8. Engblom, L., K. Stalder, and N. Lundeheim. 2011. Premature removal and mortality of commercial sows. Proc. 62th Ann. Mtg. Eurp. Assoc. Anim. Prod., Stavanger, Norway. August 29 September 2, 2011, Session 52.
9. Johnson, A., J. Coetzee, K. Stalder, L. Karriker, and S. Millman. 2011 (Abstr.). Pain: A sow lameness model. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 2):48.
10. Ma, Y.L., M.D. Lindemann, J.L. Pierce, and G.L. Cromwell. 2011. Nutrient composition changes in pigs and associated liver from birth to 21 days of age. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Supplement 1):581.
11. Ma, Y.L., M.D. Lindemann, J.M. Unrine, J.L. Pierce, and G.L. Cromwell. 2011. Nutrient changes in fetal and maternal tissues of gilts fed organic selenium during gestation. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Supplement 2):105.
12. Ma, Y.L., N. Trottier, J. Liesman, R.L. Payne, and M.D. Lindemann. 2011. Essential amino acids to crude protein ratio in placenta and uterus during gestation. J. Anim. Sci. 89: (E-Supplement 1):328.
13. Monegue, J.S., M.D. Lindemann, H.J. Monegue, and G.L. Cromwell. 2011. Growth performance and diet preference of nursery pigs fed varying levels of salt. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Supplement 2):104.
1. Lindemann, M. D., J. S. Monegue, M. B. Davis, J.M. Dunfee, and K.W. Purser. 2011. Effect of including Cel-Can, an enzymatically hydrolyzed yeast product, in sow diets on pig birth weight. Amer. Assoc. of Swine Veterinarians meeting, March 6, 2011. 42nd Annual Meeting Proc. Pp. 193-196.
2. Lindemann, M.D., and Y.L. Ma. 2011. Mineral nutrition for lifetime performance of breeding pigs, Eastern Nutrition Conference (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), May 12, 2011, Pp. 115-127.
3. Pairis M. D., L. A. Karriker, K. J. Stalder, A. K. Johnson, and S. T. Millman. 2011. Detection of lameness in swine. In: Proc. 19th Annual Swine Disease Conference for Swine Practitioners. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. Pp 135-143.
4. Stalder, K. J., C. E. Abell, L. A. Karriker, A. K. Johnson, and S. Millman, 2011. Sow longevity-How to measure its importance. Proc. 19th Annual Swine Disease Conference for Swine Practitioners. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. Pp 132-135.
1. Abell, C., K. J. Stalder, J. Mabry. 2011. Genetic and phenotypic correlations for maternal and post-weaning traits from a seedstock swine breeding system. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
2. Abell, C., K. J. Stalder, J. Mabry. 2011. Relationship between litters per sow per year breeding value and sire progeny means for farrowing rate. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
3. Abell, C., K. J. Stalder, R. F. Fitzgerald nad H. Hendricks. 2011. Evaluation of knife separable lean content of cull sows at harvest and the development of a prediction equation for pounds of lean. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
4. Elsbernd, A. J., A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, R. Fitzgerald, L. A. Karriker, S. Hoff and G. Sun. 2011. Designing an objective static force plate to measure severity of lameness in multi-parity sows. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
5. Fitzgerald, R. F., A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, K. J. Stalder, L. A. Karriker, H. T. Hill, and J. Kaisand. 2011. The effects of hoof abnormalities on sow behavior before and after feeding when housed in a farrowing stall. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
6. Fitzgerald, R. F., A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, K. J. Stalder, L. A. Karriker, H. T. Hill, and J. Kaisand. 2011. The effect of hoof abnormalities on sow performance when housed in a farrowing stall. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
7. Gesing, L. M., A. K. Johnson, J. Selsby, K. J. Stalder, S. Abrams, A. Whiley, H. Hill, R. Bailey, and M. J. Ritter. 2011. Effects of pen size on the stress response at loading and unloading and transport losses from market weight pigs. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
8. Gesing, L. M., A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, M. J. Ritter, J. Moody, E. Jablonski, D. Johnson, and A. Johnson. 2011. Changing pen configuration from small to large pens on resource use for the growing pig. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
9. Gesing, L. M., A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, M. J. Ritter, J. Moody, E. Jablonski, D. Johnson, and A. Johnson. 2011. The influence of small versus large pens on the performance of the grow-to-finisher pig. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
10. Jackson, C. J., A. K. Johnson, L. J. Sadler, K. J. Stalder, L. A. Karriker, R. E. Edler, J. T. Holck, and P. R. DuBois. 2011. Drinker to nursery pig ratio: preference for a drinker location within a pen and its effects on aggression. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
11. Jacobs, B. M., J. F. Patience, K. J. Stalder, W. A. Dozier III, and B. J. Kerr. 2011. Evaluation of drying methods on nitrogen and energy concentration in pig feces and urine, and on poultry excreta. Animal Industry Report, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
12. Johnson, A. K., J. Kline, R. Witte, W. Holt, K. J. Stalder, L. L. Layman, L. A. Karriker, and B. de Rodas. 2011. Differences in nursery pigs behavior on the day of vaccination. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
13. Johnson, A. K., K. J. Stalder, L. A. Karriker, and J. Coetzee. 2011. Induction of a transient chemically induced lameness in the sow. Detection using live scoring and the GAITFour sensor system. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
14. Johnson, A. K., K. J. Stalder, R. F. Fitzgerald, S. Hoff, G. Sun, L. A. Karriker, J. Coetzee. 2011. Induction of a Transient Chemically Induced Lameness in the Sow. Detection Using a Prototype Embedded Micro-computer-based Force Plate System. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
15. LeKander, J., K. Stalder, A. K. Johnson, T. Crenshaw, L. Karriker. 2011. Correlation between femur and metatarsal mineral content in swine. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
16. LeKander, J., M. M Salazar, A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, L. A. Karriker. 2011. Swine intensive studies laboratory at Iowa State University. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
17. McGargill, C., L. A. Karriker, M. M. Salazar, A. K. Johnson, and K. J. Stalder. 2011. Testing the feasibility of injecting joints in sows. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
18. Roca, A., W. Holt, A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, L. L. Layman and L. A. Karriker. 2011. How location of feed affects the rate of feeding in multi-parity sows. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
1. Abell, C., J. Mabry, and K. Stalder. 2011. Examine new traits to gain herd production efficiency. In: Benchmark 2010 Summary of the PigCHAMP database. Farms.com Media & PigCHAMP, Ames, IA. 6:20-22.
2. Johnson, A., K. Stalder, L. Geasing, M. Ritter, J. Moody, T. Donovan, E. Jablonski. 2011. Pigs moved to large pens dont prefer home pen resources. National Hog Farmer Magazine 2011 Swine Research Review, Penton Media, Minneaplolis, MN 55425. 56(No.12):23-24.
3. Johnson, A., K. Stalder, L. Karriker, A. Roca, W. Holt., and L. Layman. 2011. Sow eating behavior studied. National Hog Farmer Magazine 2011 Swine Research Review, Penton Media, Minneapolis, MN 55425. 56(No. 12):30-31.
4. Johnson, A., K. Stalder, L. Karriker, R. Edler, and J. Tyler Holck. 2011. Pigs perfer drinker opposite the feeder. National Hog Farmer Magazine 2011 Swine Research Review, Penton Media, Minneapolis, MN 55425. 56(No. 12):34-35.
5. Johnson, A., K. Stalder, L. Karriker, R. Fitzgerald, H. Hill, and J. Kaisand. 2011. Hoof abnormalities affect sow behavior in farrowing. National Hog Farmer Magazine 2011 Swine Research Review, Penton Media, Minneaplolis, MN 55425. 56(No.12):24.
6. K. J. Stalder, K. J., R. C. Lacy, R. F. Fitzgerald, M. T. Nikkilä, A. K. Johnson, L. A. Karriker, and J. C. Gomes Neto. 2011. Longevidade da porca: traduzindo a longevidade da porca em numerous. Suinos & Cia. Consuitec Technolgia em Suinocultura, Campinas - SP - Brazil 41(December):12-18
7. Mabry, J., and K. Stalder. 2011. Realizing full genetic potential. In: National Hog Farmer Blueprint. National Hog Farmer Penton Media, Inc. Minneapolis, MN 55425. 56(10):38-40.
8. Stalder, K. J. , R. C. Lacy, R. F. Fitzgerald, M.T. Nikkilae, A. K. Johnson, and L. A. Karriker. 2011. La perspectiva espanola sobre la longevidad de la cerda (I). Anaporc rgano Oficial de la Asociación de Porcinocultura Cientrífica, Instituto LeBlu, Madrid Spain, 73(November Issue):36-40.
9. Stalder, K. J. , R. C. Lacy, R. F. Fitzgerald, M.T. Nikkilae, A. K. Johnson, and L. A. Karriker. 2011. La perspectiva espanola sobre la longevidad de la cerda (II). Anaporc rgano Oficial de la Asociación de Porcinocultura Cientrífica, Instituto LeBlu, Madrid Spain, 73(December Issue):38-42.
10. Stalder, K. J. 2011. Key Components: Reducing sow breakeven costs. Gene Link, National Swine Registry, West Lafayette, IN 47906, pp. 20-22.
11. Stalder, K. J.,A. Johnson, L. Karriker, and S. Hoff. 2011. Static force plate helps identify lame sows. National Hog Farmer Magazine 2011 Swine Research Review, Penton Media, Minneaplolis, MN 55425. 56(No.12):22.
Publications are provided as an attachment.
Johnston, L. J., M. C. Brumm, S. J. Moeller, S. Pohl, M. C. Shannon, and R. C. Thaler. 2013. Effects of reduced nocturnal temperature on pig performance and energy consumption in swine nursery rooms. J ANIM SCI July 2013 91:3429-3435.
Li, Y. Z., L. H. Wang, L. J. Johnston, A. M. Hilbrands, and X. L. Xie. 2012. Behavioral response of nursery pigs to reduced nocturnal temperature. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 2):20.
Johnston, L. J., M. C. Brumm, S. Moeller, S. Pohl, M. Shannon, and R. Thaler. 2012. Reducing energy consumption in swine nurseries with reduced nocturnal temperature (RNT). J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 2):20.
L. J. Johnston, M. C. Brumm, S. J. Moeller, S. Pohl, M. C. Shannon, and R. C. Thaler. 2013. Effects of reduced nocturnal temperature on pig performance and energy consumption in swine nursery rooms. J. Anim. Sci. 91:3429-3435.
Hilbrands, A. M., L. J. Johnston, K. M. McClelland, R. B. Cox, S. K. Baidoo, L. W. O. Souza, and G. C. Shurson. 2013. Effects of abrupt introduction and removal of high and low digestibility corn distillers dried grains with solubles from the diet on growth performance and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 91:248-258.
Nikkilä, M. T., K. J. Stalder, B. E. Mote, M. F. Rothschild, F. C. Gunsett, A. K. Johnson, L. A. Karriker, M. V. Boggess, and T. V. Serenius. 2013. Genetic associations for gilt growth, compositional and structural soundness traits with sow longevity and lifetime reproductive performance. J. Anim. Sci. 91:1570-1579.
Weber, E., J. Patience, and K. Stalder. 2013. Feeder Space Availability and Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles Inclusion Level Interaction on Grow-finish Pig Performance and Total Tract Digestibility in a Commercial Setting. Animal Industry Report. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
Karriker, L. A., C. E., Abell, M. D. Pairis, W. A. Holt, G. Sun, J. F. Coetzee, A. K. Johnson, S. J. Hoff, and K. J. Stalder. 2013. Validation of a lameness model in sows using physiological and mechanical measurements. J. Anim. Sci. 91:130-136.
Wenner, B. A., H. N. Zerby, D. D. Boler, W. A. Gebreyes, and S. J. Moeller. 2013 Effect of mannan oligosaccharides (Bio-Mos) and outdoor access housing on pig growth, feed efficiency and carcass composition. J ANIM SCI October 2013 91:4936-4944.
- Rozeboom, D. W., L. Johnston, B.T. Richert and the NCERA- 219 Committee. 2014. Switching feed ingredients in/out of grow-finish diets. Proc. Midwest Swine Nutrition Conf. Indianapolis, IN. September 9. pp. 57-66
- Rozeboom, D.W. 2014. Feeding the sow: Peri-partum. Proc. London Swine Conference, Positioning for Success. London, ON, Canada. March 26. pp. 39-44.
- Phillips, C. E., C. Farmer, J. E. Anderson, L. J. Johnston, G. C. Shurson, J. Deen, D. H. Keisler, A. M. Conner, and Y. Z. Li. 2014. Pre-weaning mortality in group-housed lactating sows: Hormonal differences between high risk and low risk sows. J. Anim. Sci. 92:2603-2611.
- Phillips, C. E., C. Farmer, J. E. Anderson, L. J. Johnston, G. C. Shurson, J. Deen, D. H. Keisler, A. M. Conner, and Y. Z. Li. 2014. Pre-weaning mortality in group-housed lactating sows: Hormonal differences between high risk and low risk sows. J. Anim. Sci. 92:2603-2611.
- Janni, K.A., L. D. Jacobson, B. P. Hetchler, J. P. Oliver and L. J. Johnston. 2014. Semi-continuous air sampling versus 24-hour bag samples to evaluate biofilters on a swine nursery in warm weather. Trans. of ASABE 57(5): 1501-1515
- Li, X., S. K. Baidoo, Y. Z. Li, G. C. Shurson, and L. J. Johnston. 2014. Interactive effects of distillers dried grains with solubles and housing system on reproductive performance and longevity of sows over three reproductive cycles. J. Anim.Sci.92:1562-1573.
- Li, Y. Z., C. E. Phillips, L. H. Wang, X. L. Xie, S. K. Baidoo, G. C. Shurson, and L. J. Johnston. 2013. Effects of distillers‘ dried grains with solubles on behavior of sows kept in a group-housed system with electronic sow feeders or individual stalls. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 93:57-66.
- Johnston, L. J., and Y. Z. Li. 2013. Performance and well-being of sows housed in pens retrofitted from gestation stalls. J. Anim. Sci. 91:5937-5945.
- L. J. Johnston, M. C. Brumm, S. J. Moeller, S. Pohl, M. C. Shannon, and R. C. Thaler. 2013. Effects of reduced nocturnal temperature on pig performance and energy consumption in swine nursery rooms. J. Anim. Sci. 91: 3429-3435.
- Hilbrands, A. M., L. J. Johnston, K. M. McClelland, R. B. Cox, S. K. Baidoo, L. W. O. Souza, and G. C. Shurson. 2012. Effects of abrupt introduction and removal of high and low digestibility corn distillers dried grains with solubles from the diet on growth performance and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 91:248-258.
- Li, Y. Z., L. H. Wang, and L. J. Johnston. 2012. Effects of farrowing system on behavior and growth performance of growing-finishing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1008-1014.
- Y. Z. Li, L. H. Wang, and L. J. Johnston. 2012. Sorting by parity to reduce aggression towards young sows in group-gestation housing systems. J. Anim. Sci. 90:4514-4522.
- Li, Y. Z., J. E. Anderson, and L. J. Johnston. 2012. Animal-related factors associated with piglet mortality in a bedded, group-farrowing system. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 92:11-20.
- Whang, L., Y. Z. Li, and L. J. Johnston. 2012. Effects of reduced nocturnal temperature on performance and behavior of nursery pigs. J. Integrative Agric. 11:1509-1516.
- Li, Y. Z., S. K. Baidoo, L. J. Johnston, and J. E. Anderson. 2011. Effects of tryptophan supplementation on aggression among group-housed gestating sows. J. Anim. Sci. 89:1899-1907.
- Hilbrands, A. M., K. A. Rosentrater, G. C. Shurson, and L. J. Johnston. 2014. Influence of storage bin design on flowability of DDGS-based pig diets. J. Anim. Sci. 92(Suppl. 2):125 (Abstr.).
- Harris, E. K., M. A. Mellencamp, L. J. Johnston, and G. C. Shurson. 2014. Growth and cost analysis of immunologically castrated pigs fed distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). Proc. 45th Ann. Mtg. Amer. Assoc. Swine Vet. Pg. 397-398.
- Wang, L., L. Johnston, and Y. Li. 2014. What determines the social rank of a sow in a group-housing system? J. Anim. Sci. 92(Suppl. 2):116. (Abstr.)
- Wang, L., L. Johnston, and Y. Li. 2014. Effects of social rank on agonistic behaviors and associated injury scores of gestating sows at mixing. J. Anim. Sci.(Suppl. 2):115. (Abstr.)
- Li, X., G. C. Shurson, S. K. Baidoo, Y. Z. Li, and L. J. Johnston. 2013. Effects of gestation housing system on sow performance and longevity over three reproductive cycles. Manipulating Pig Prod. XIV. Proc. Australasian Pig Sci. Assoc. p. 240. (Refereed one-page paper).
- Janni, K. A., L. D. Jacobson, B. P. Hetchler, J. P. Oliver, and L. J. Johnston. 2013. Comparing semi-continuous air sampling versus 24-hour bag samples to monitor gas emissions and treatment from a swine nursery with biofilters. ASABE Paper No. 1605534, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI 49085
- Johnston, L., Y. Li, and A. Hilbrands. 2013. Performance and well-being of pregnant sows housed in pens retrofitted from stalls. J. Anim. Sci. 91(Suppl. 2):18 (Abstr.)
- Swanson, J., Y. He, L. J. Johnston, and Y. Li. 2013. Can feeding stalls be used by low ranking sows as hiding spaces at mixing. J. Anim. Sci. 91(Suppl. 2):89.
- Li, X., G. C. Shurson, S. K. Baidoo, Y. Li, and L. J. Johnston. 2013. Interactive effects of distillers dried grains with solulbles (DDGS) and housing system on litter performance, sow productivity, and sow longevity over 3 reproductive cycles. J. Anim. Sci. 91(Suppl. 2):89.
- Li, Y. Z., L. J. Johnston, S. K. Baidoo, C. E. Phillips, L. H. Wang, X. L. Xie, and G. C. Shurson. 2012. Effect of feeding DDGS diets on behaviors of gestating sows in different housing systems. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):507.
- Li, Y. Z., L. H. Wang, L. J. Johnston, A. M. Hilbrands, and X. L. Xie. 2012. Sorting by parity improves welfare and performance of young sows in a group-housing gestation system. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 2):19.
- Li, Y. Z., L. H. Wang, L. J. Johnston, A. M. Hilbrands, and X. L. Xie. 2012. Behavioral response of nursery pigs to reduced nocturnal temperature. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 2):20.
- Johnston, L. J., M. C. Brumm, S. Moeller, S. Pohl, M. Shannon, and R. Thaler. 2012. Reducing energy consumption in swine nurseries with reduced nocturnal temperature (RNT). J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 2):20.
- McClelland, K. M., A. M. Hilbrands, L. J. Johnston, G. C. Shurson, and R. B. Cox. 2012. Effects of frequent introduction and removal of dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) in growing-finishing swine diets on backfat fatty acid composition. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 2):98.
- Flohr, J. R., M. D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, J. C. Woodworth, J. M. DeRouchey, and R. D. Goodband. 2015. Application of Alternative Floor Space Prediction Equations using Microsoft Excel®. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 1: Iss. 7.
- Flohr, J. R., M. D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, J. C. Woodworth, J. M. DeRouchey, and R. D. Goodband. 2015. Using Meta-analyses to Generate Alternative Prediction Equations for the Space Requirements of Finishing Pigs. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 1: Iss. 7.
- Flohr, J. R., M. D. Tokach, John F. Patience, G. Gourley, J. M. DeRouchey, S. S. Dritz, J. C. Woodworth, and R.D. Goodband. 2015. Re-evaluating Floor Space Allowance and Removal Strategy Effects on the Growth of Heavyweight Finishing Pigs. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 1: Iss. 7.
- Gowanlock, D. W., D. C. Mahan, J. S. Jolliff, S. J. Moeller, and G. M. Hill. 2013. Evaluating the NRC levels of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn using organic minerals for grower-finisher swine. J ANIM SCI 91:5680-5686.
- Wenner, B.A., H. N. Zerby, D. D. Boler, W. A. Gebreyes, and S. J. Moeller. 2013. Effect of mannan oligosaccharides (Bio-Mos) and outdoor access housing on pig growth, feed efficiency and carcass composition. J ANIM SCI 91:4936-4944.
- Poletto, R., H.W. Cheng, R.L. Meisel, B.T. Richert, and J.N. Marchant-Forde. Gene expression of serotonin and dopamine receptors and monoamine oxidase-A in the brain of dominant and subordinate pubertal domestic pigs (Sus scrofa) fed a B-adrenoreceptor agonist. Brain Research. 1381:11-20.
- Elmore, M.R., J.P. Garner, A. K. Johnson, R. D. Kirkden, B. T. Richert and E. A. Pajor. Getting around social status: Motivation and enrichment use of dominant and subordinate sows in a group setting. App. Animal Behavior Sci. 133:154-163.
- Kanaan, V.T., D.C. Lay, B.T. Richert, and E.A. Pajor. Increasing the frequency of co-mingling piglets during the lactation period alters the development of social behavior before and after weaning. J. Appl. Anim. Welfare Sci. 15(2):163-180.
- Marchante-Forde, J.N., D.C. Lay Jr., R.M. Marchante-Forde, K.A. McMunn, and B.T. Richert. The effects of R-salbutamol on growth, carcass measures, and health of finishing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 90(11):4081-4089.
- Williams, J.L., B.T. Richert, Marchante-Forde, J.N., and S.D. Eicher. Behavioral changes in neonatal swine after an 8 –hour rest during prolonged transportation. J. Anim. Sci. 90(9):3213-3219.
- Elmore, M.R., J.P. Garner, A. K. Johnson, R. D. Kirkden, B. T. Richert, and E. A. Pajor. If you knew what was good for you! The value of environmental enrichments with known welfare benefits is not demonstrated by sows using operant techniques. J. App. Animal Wefare Sci. 15(3):254-271.
- Elmore, M.R.P., J.P. Garner, A. K. Johnson, R. D. Kirkden, E.G. Patterson-Kane, B. T. Richert, and E. A. Pajor. Differing results for motivation tests and measures of resource use: The value of environmental enrichment to gestating sows housed in stalls. App. Animal Behavior Sci. 141:9-19.
- Rault, J.L., C.S. Carter, J.P. Garner, J.N. Marchant-Forde, B.T. Richert, and D.C. Lay. Repeated intranasal oxytocin administration in early life dysregulates the HPA axis and alters social behavior. Physiology & Behavior. 112-113, pp 40-48.
- Rault, J.L., L.A. Mack, C.S. Carter, J.P. Garner, J.N. Marchant-Forde, B.T. Richert, and D.C. Lay. Prenatal stress puzzle, the oxytocin piece: prenatal stress alters the behavior and autonomic regulation in piglets, insights from oxytocin. Appl. Anim. Behavior Sci. 148:1-2, pp 99-107.
- Mack, L.A., D.C. Lay, S.D. Eicher, A.K. Johnson, B.T. Richert, and E.A. Pajor. Growth and reproductive development of male piglets are more vulnerable than female piglets to mid-gestation maternal stress. J. Anim. Sci. 92:530-548.
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