WERA_OLD1008: Rangelands West Partnership
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Hutchinson, B., J. Pfander, J. Tanaka, and J. Clark. 2011. Rangelands West/Global Rangelands, eXtension Rangelands, and the Range Science Information System: a suite of new web resources. Rangelands 33(4):55-63.
John Tanaka, Barbara Hutchinson, Merrita Fraker-Marble, Rachel Frost, Karen Launchbaugh, and Mel George. In Press. Using Rangelands on the Web as a Teaching Resource. Rangelands.
Tanaka, J., B. Hutchinson, M. Fraker-Marble, R. Frost, K. Launchbaugh, and M. George. 2012. Using rangeland on the web as a teaching resource. Rangelands 34:39-40.
Hutchinson, B. and G. Ruyle. 2013. Rangeland Management at Your Finger Tips: Introducing three new websites. The Rimrock Report 6(1):1-3.
Rangelands Partnership. 2014. Global Rangelands website. http://globalrangelands.org.
Rangelands Partnership. 2014. Rangelands West website. http://globalrangelands.org/rangelandswest.
Hutchinson, B., J. Pfander, J. Tanaka, and J. Clark. 2011. Rangelands West/Global Rangelands, eXtension Rangelands, and the Range Science Information System: a suite of new web resources. Rangelands 33(4):55-63.
Tanaka, J., B. Hutchinson, M. Fraker-Marble, R. Frost, K. Launchbaugh, and M. George. 2012. Using rangeland on the web as a teaching resource. Rangelands 34:39-40.
Hutchinson, B. and G. Ruyle. 2013. Rangeland Management at Your Finger Tips: Introducing three new websites. The Rimrock Report 6(1):1-3.
Rangelands Partnership. 2014. Global Rangelands website. http://globalrangelands.org.
Rangelands Partnership. 2014. Rangelands West website. http://globalrangelands.org/rangelandswest.