NCCC_old212: Small Fruit and Viticulture Research
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Refereed/Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Byers, P.L., & Thomas, A.L. (2011). Bob Gordon elderberry. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 65:52-55.
Byers, P.L., Thomas, A.L., & Millican, M. (2010). Wyldewood elderberry. Hortscience, 45(2), 312313.
Clark, J.R. 2010.Eastern United States table grape breeding. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 64:72-77.
Dossett, M. and C.E. Finn 2011. Primocane-fruiting in black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L.). J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 65:56-61.
Dossett, M, J. Lee, and C.E. Finn 2011. Characterization of a novel anthocyanin profile in wild black raspberry mutants: An opportunity for studying the genetic control of pigment and color. J. Funct. Foods 3:207-214.
Fernandez, G.E. and J.R. Ballington. 2010. Performance of Primocane-fruiting Experimental Blackberry Cultivars in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Hort Tech. 20: 996-1000.
Finn, C.E., B.C. Strik, B.M. Yorgey, R.R. Martin. 2011. Onyx trailing blackberry. HortScience 46:657-659.
Garland, B. C., M.S. Schroeder-Moreno, G.E. Fernandez and N.G. Creamer. 2011. Influence of Summer Cover Crops and Mycorrhizal Fungi on Strawberry Production in the Southeastern United States. HortSci. 46:985992.
Georgi, L., R.H. Herai, R.Vidal, M.F. Carazzolle, G.G. Pereira, J.J. Polashock, and N. Vorsa. 2011. Cranberry microsatellite marker development from assembled next-generation genomic sequence. Molec. Breeding. 10.1007/s11032-011-9613-7
Inglis T., T. Walters, B. Gunderson, J. Roozen, R. Wallace, A. Wszelaki and C. Miles 2011. Evaluation of gray mold and Verticillium wilt on strawberry cultivars grown in high tunnels. Plant Disease Management Reports. Plant Disease Management Reports 5:SMF047
Johnson, D., S.H.S. Kim, B. Petty, C. Rom, D. Steinkraus, B. Lewis J. McAfee, and H. Friedrich. 2011. Lessons in organic fruit pest management, pp. 41-47. In Proceedings of 30th Annual Oklahoma & Arkansas Horticulture Industries Show.
Johnson, D. 2011. Managing insects under high tunnels, pp. 54-57. In Proceedings of 30th Annual Oklahoma & Arkansas Horticulture Industries Show.
Johnson, D.T., and B.A. Lewis. 2011. Efficacy of insecticides and biopesticides against green June beetle, 2010. ESA Arthropod Management Tests 36: C13.
Johnson, D.T. 2011. Chemical evaluation of applications against foliar form of grape phylloxera, 2010. Arthropod Management Tests Vol. 36: C14.
Johnson, D.T., and B.A. Lewis. 2011. Efficacy of insecticides against grape scale, 2010. Arthropod Management Tests Vol. 36: C15.
Kempler, C., H. Daubeny, B. Harding, L. Frey, T. Baumann, C.E. Finn, S. Khanizadeh, A. Jamieson, K. MacKenzie, P.P. Moore and M.O. Sweeney. 2011. Stolo strawberry. HortScience 46:1046-1048
Lee, J., Dossett, M., and Finn, C.E. 2012. Rubus fruit phenolic research: the good, the bad, and the confusing. Food Chem. 130:785-796.
Molina-Bravo, R., B.R. Sosinski, C. Arellano, and G.E. Fernandez. 2011. A Protocol to Assess Heat Tolerance in a Segregating Population of Raspberry Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence. Scientia Hort. 130: 524-530.
NeSmith, D.S. and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2010. Blue Suede: A southern highbush blueberry for the home gardener. HortScience 45:302-303. 2010.
NeSmith, D.S. and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2011. Summer Sunset: A new ornamental blueberry variety. HortScience 46:1-3.
Oudemans, P.V., B.I. Hillman, D. Linder-Basso, and J.J. Polashock. 2011. Visual inspections of nursery stock fail to protect new plantings from Blueberry scorch virus infection. Crop Protection 30:871-875.
Pszczolkowski, M. and D. Johnson. 2011. Isopropanol attracts the green lacewing, Chrysopa quadripunctata (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Biocontrol Science & Technology 21:47-50.
Ruple, A., J.R. Clark, and M.E. Garcia. 2010. An evaluation of fertility in Arkansas primocane-fruiting blackberries. HortScience 45:1-6.
Sanders, G. Q., Sanchez, E. S., and K. Demchak. 2011. Evaluation of alternative management options for gray mold on field grown raspberries. J. Amer. Pomological Soc. 65(2):39-46.
Sleezer, S., D.T. Johnson, B. Lewis, F. Goggin, C. Rothrock, and M. Savin. 2011. Foliar grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch), seasonal biology, predictive model and management in the Ozarks region of the United States. Acta Hort. 904:151-156.
Stevens, M.D., B.L. Black, J.D. Lea-Cox, D. Feuz. 2011. Horticultural and economic considerations in the sustainability of cold-climate strawberry production systems. HortScience 46(3):445-451.
Takeda, F., T. Tworkoski, C.E. Finn, and C.C. Boyd. 2011. Blackberry propagation by non-leafy floricane cuttings. HortScience 46:236-239.
Vincent, C. I., M.E. Garcia, D.T. Johnson, and C.R. Rom. 2010. Broad Mite on primocane-fruiting blackberry in organic production in Arkansas. HortTech. 20:718-723.
Wang, S.Y., H. Chen, and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2011. Variation in antioxidant enzyme activities among cultivars of rabbiteye blueberries (Vaccinium ashei Reade) and V. ashei derivatives. Food Chem. 120:13-20.
Whitaker, V.M. 2011. Applications of Molecular Markers in Strawberry. Journal of Berry Research 1:115-127.
Whitaker, V.M., T. Hasing, C. Chandler, A. Plotto, and E. Baldwin. 2011. Historical trends in strawberry fruit quality revealed by a trial of University of Florida cultivars and advanced selections. HortScience 46:553-557.
Publications accepted or in preparation
Clark, J.R., B. Strik, A.E. Thompson, and C.E. Finn. 201X. Progress and challenges in primocane- fruiting blackberry breeding and cultural management. Acta Hort. (in press)
Hasing, T., L.F. Osorio, and V.M. Whitaker. 2011. Estimation of genetic parameters and gains for color traits of strawberry. Euphytica (in press).
Hummel N.A., Attaway A.D., Coneva E.D., Braswell J., Cline W.O., Marshall D., Ferrin D.M. Machtmes K.M., and Roy H.J. 2010. Creating a community of practice for blueberries. North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference. Kalamazoo, MI. Jul 25-28. International Journal of Fruit Science. (in press)
Hummel, N.A., Coneva, E.D., Braswell, J., Cline, W.O., Marshall, D., Ferrin, D.M., Machtmes, K.L., and Roy, H.J. 2010. Development of the All about BlueberrieseXtension Community of Practice (CoP) SCRI Proposal. Proceedings of the Southern Division American Society of Horticultural Sciences Meeting. Orlando, FL. Feb. 7. (in press)
Mackenzie, S.J., C.K. Chandler, T. Hasing, and V. M. Whitaker. 2011. The Role of Temperature in the Late-season Decline in Soluble Solids Content of Strawberry Fruit in a Subtropical Production System. HortScience (in press).
Rowley, D., B.L. Black, D. Drost and D. Feuz. 2011. Late season strawberry production using day-neutral cultivars in high-elevation high tunnels. HortScience 46(11). (in press)
Books/Chapters/Review Articles
Clark, J.R. and C.E. Finn. 2011. Blackberry breeding and genetics. Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 5 (Special Issue 1 Global Science Books): 27-43 (Print ISSN 1752-3419).
Attaway, D., Hummel, N.A., Coneva, E.D, Braswell, J., Cline, W.O., Marshall, D., Ferrin, D., Machtmes, K.L., and Roy, H.J. 2011. An Overview of the eXtension All About Blueberries Website. HortScience 46(9):S20. (Abstr.)
Coneva, E.D., Hummel, N., Attaway, D., Morgan, K., Cline, W.O., Marshall, D., Ferrin, D., Machtmes, K., Roy, H., Himelrick, D.G., and Boozer, R.T. 2011. Developing Content for Commercial Blueberry Producers on the All about Blueberries Extension.Org Web Portal. HortScience 46(9):S114. (Abstr.)
Hummel, N., Attaway, D., Coneva, E.D., Morgan, K., Cline, W.O., Marshall, D., Ferrin, D., Machtmes, K., and Roy, H. 2011. Working Across State Lines to Create a Multi-Disciplinary SCRI Team Proposal: The All about Blueberries Extension.Org Story. HortScience 46(9):S85. (Abstr.)
Extension Publications
Archbold, D., S. Roy, J. Strang, A. Poston, and C. Smigell. 2010. Kentucky-grown berry crops are rich sources of health-beneficial phytochemicals. Univ. of Kentucky 2010 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report. PR-608:26-28.
Johnson, D.T. (editor), R.K. Striegler, R.A. Allen, R.J. Smeda, E.A. Bergmeier, J.L. Harris, and J. Cotta. 2010. Ozark mountain vineyard sustainability assessment workbook: a self-assessment of management practices. University of Missouri Extension WG2000.
Online pdf or purchase: http://extension.missouri.edu/publications/DisplayPub.aspx?P=WG2000
Pritts, M. (Ed.) 2010. Pest Management Guidelines for Berry Crops. Discipline Editor: Horticulture Courtney Weber et al. Pesticide Management Education Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 102 pp.
Black, B. http://fruit.usu.edu, http://tunnel.usu.edu. Utah State University.
Connor, P. http://www.caes.uga.edu/commodities/fruits/muscadines/index.html. University of Georgia.
Hoover, E., E. Tepe, and Steve Poppe. 2011. Canola Research at Univ. of Minnesota West Central Research and Outreach Center. http://canolaresearch.horticulture.umn.edu/
Hoover,E., E. Tepe, S. Poppe. 2011. Minnesota High Tunnel Production Manual for Commercial Growers. http://hightunnels.cfans.umn.edu/2010Manual/Raspberry.pdf
Johnson, D.T. 2011. Fruit and Pecan Pest Management web page at: http://comp.uark.edu/~dtjohnso/
Johnson, D.T., 2011. Degree Day (DD) accumulation and decision-making for fruit insect pests web page at: http://pecan.uaex.edu/dd35SelectInsects.asp
Luby, J.J., Mansfield, A.K., Hemstad, P.R. J.R. VanFossan, D. Hansen. www.grapes.umn.edu
Bañados, M.P., B.C. Strik, D.R. Bryla, and T.L. Righetti. 2012. Response of highbush blueberry to nitrogen fertilizer during field establishment. I. Accumulation and allocation of fertilizer nitrogen and biomass. HortScience 47:648-655.
Barney, D. and K. Hummer. 2012. Northern Highbush and Half-high Blueberries on the Alaskan Kenai Peninsula: Preliminary Observations. J. Amer. Pom.Soc. 66(3):145-152.
Bradish, C.M., P. Perkins-Veazie, G.E. Fernandez, G. Xie, W. Jia. 2012. Comparison of Flavonoid Composition of Red Raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) Grown in the Southern United States. J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 605779-5786. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/jf203474e
Clark, J.R. and P. Perkins-Veazie. 2011. Prime-Ark® 45 primocane-fruiting blackberry. HortScience: 46:670-673.
Clark, J.R., B. Strik, A.E. Thompson, and C.E. Finn. 2012. Progress and challenges in primocane-fruiting blackberry breeding and cultural management. Acta Hort. 926:387-392.
Dossett, M., N.V. Bassil, and C.E. Finn. 2012. SSR fingerprinting of black raspberry cultivars shows discrepancies in identification. Acta Hort. 946:49-53.
Dossett, Michael, Nahla V. Bassil, Kim S. Lewers and Chad E. Finn. 2012. Genetic diversity in wild and cultivated black raspberry evaluated by simple sequence repeat markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-012-9808-8
Hummer, K. Bassil, N., Postman, J. and Nathewet, P. 2012. Chromosome Numbers and Flow Cytometry of Strawberry Wild Relatives. Acta Hort. 948:169-174.
Hummer, K.E., Jamieson, A.R., and Newell, R. 2012. Beyond botany to genetic resource preservation: the S.P. Vander Kloet Vaccinium collections. Botany 90:337-346.
Hummel, N., Attaway, D., Coneva, E., Braswell, J., Cline, W., Marshall, D.A., Ferrin, D., Machtmes, K., Roy, H. 2012. Creating a community of practice for blueberries. International Journal of Fruit Science 12:350-359.
Jamieson, A.R., Sanderson, K.R. and Tremblay, R.J.A. 2012. Laurel strawberry. HortScience 47:431-433.
Lowe, J.D, K.W. Pomper, S. B. Crabtree, J. R. Clark, and J.G. Strang. 2012. Yield of thorny primocane- fruiting blackberries from the University of Arkansas Breeding program grown under organic growing conditions in Kentucky . J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 66:2-7.
Marshall, D.A., S.J. Stringer and J.D. Spiers. 2012. Stilbene, ellagic acid, flavanol and phenolic content of muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia) cultivars. Pharmaceutical Crops 3:69-77.
Marshall, D.A., N.C. Edwards Jr., .J.M. Spiers. 2011. Performance of persimmon (Diospyrus kaki) cultivars in southern Mississippi. International Journal of Fruit Science 11:386-392.
Moore, P.P., W.K. Hoashi-Erhardt, C.E. Finn and C. Kempler. 2011. 'Puget Crimson' Strawberry. HortScience 46: 1698-1700.
Moore, P.P. and W.K. Hoashi-Erhardt. 2012. Effects of Raspberry Bushy Dwarf Virus on Fruit Traits in Five Raspberry Cultivars. Acta Hort 946: 263-266.
Strik, B.C., J.R. Clark, C.E. Finn, and G. Buller. 2012. Management of Primocane-fruiting Blackberry Impacts on Yield, Fruiting Season, and Cane Architecture. HortScience 47:593-598.
Stringer, S.J., A.D. Draper, D. A. Marshall and J.M. Spiers. Gupton southern highbush blueberry. HortScience 7:42.
Ward, J.A., W.E. Boone, P.P. Moore and C.A. Weber. 2012. Developing Molecular Markers for Marker Assisted Selection for Resistance to Raspberry Bushy Dwarf Virus (RBDV) in Red Raspberry. Acta Hort 946:61-66.
Valenzuela-Estrada, L.R., D.R. Bryla, W.K. Hoashi-Erhardt, P.P. Moore and T.A. Forge. 2012. Root Traits Associated with Phytophthora Root Rot Resistance in Red Raspberry. Acta Hort 946: 283-287
NCCC212 2013 Accomplishments report attached below as "publications" attachment.
Alabi, O.J., Poojari,S., Sarver, K., Martin, R.R. and Rayapati, N.A. 2013. Complete genome sequence analysis of an American isolate of Grapevine virus E. Virus Genes 46:563-566. DOI 10.1007/s11262-012-0872-0
Bain, Y., J. Ballington, A. Raja, C, Brouwer, R. Reid, M. Burke, X. Wang, L. J. Rowland, N. Bassil, and A. Brown. 2014. Patterns of simple sequence repeats in cultivated blueberries (Vaccinium section Cyanococcus spp.) and their use in revealing genetic diversity and population structure. Molecular Breeding. 03/2014.
Barchenger, D.W., J.R. Clark, R.T. Threlfall, and S. Sleezer. 2014. Evaluation of seed and fruit characteristics of muscadine grape. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 68:204-208.
Barchenger, D.W., J.R. Clark, R.T. Threlfall, L.R. Howard, and C.R. Bownmiller. 2014 Effect of field fungicide applications on storability, physicochemical, and nutraceutical content of muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) genotypes. HortScience (in press).
Basnet, S. 2014. Biology and pest status of brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Virginia vineyards and raspberry plantings. M.S. thesis, Virginia Tech Blacksburg.
Basnet, S., L. M. Maxey, C. A. Laub, T. P. Kuhar, and D. G. Pfeiffer. 2014. Stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in primocane-bearing raspberries in southwestern Virginia. J. Entomol. Sci. 49: 304-312.
Bassil, N.V., B. Gilmore, K. Hummer, M.Dossett, R. Agunga, E. Rhodes, T. Mockler, J.C. Scheeresns, S. Filikchkin, Klewers, M. Peterson, C.E., Finn, J. Graham, J. Lee, F. Fernández-Fernández, G. Fernandez, S.J. Yun and P. Perkins-Veazie. 2014. Genetic and genomic resources in black raspberry Acta Hort. 1048:19-24..
Bennett, A.B. and Isaacs, R. (2014) Landscape composition influences pollinators and pollination services in perennial biofuel plantings. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 193, 1-8.
Bian Y., J. Ballington, A. Raja, C. Brouwer, R. Reid, M. Burke, X. Wang, L. Rowland, N. Bassil, and A. Brown. 2014. Patterns of simple sequence repeats in cultivated blueberries (Vaccinium section Cyanococcus spp.) and their use in revealing genetic diversity and population structure. Molecular Breeding 34(2):675-68
Blaauw, B. and Isaacs, R. 2014. Flower plantings increase wild bees and enhance pollination in adjacent blueberry fields. Journal of Applied Ecology 51, 890-898.
Blaker, K., A. Plotto, E. Baldwin, and J.W. Olmstead. 2014. Correlation between sensory and instrumental measurements of standard and crisp texture southern highbush blueberries. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture DOI 10.1002/jsfa.6626.
Blaker, K.M. and J.W. Olmstead. 2014. Effects of preharvest applications of 1-methylcyclopropene on fruit firmness in southern highbush blueberry. Acta Horticulturae 1017:71-75.
Blaker, K.M. and J.W. Olmstead. 2014. Stone cell frequency and cell size variation of crisp and standard texture southern highbush blueberry fruit. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 139:553-557.
Bryla, D.R. and C.F. Scagel. 2014. Salinity limits to shoot and root growth and nutrient uptake in ‘Honeoye’ strawberry. J. Hort. Sci. Biotechnol. 89:458?470.
Byers, P.L., A.L. Thomas, and M.P. Nathan. 2014 (in press). Effect of genotype, environment, growth stage, and foliage type on American elderberry leaf elemental status. Acta Horticulturae.
Castro, P., E.T. Stafne, J.R. Clark, and K.S. Lewers. 2013. Genetic map of the primocane-fruiting and thornless traits of tetraploid blackberry. Theor. and Appl. Genet. DOI 10.1007/s00122-013-2152-3.
Castro, P., J.M. Bushakra, P. Stewart, C.K. Weebadde, D. Wang, J.F. Hancock, C.E. Finn, J.J. Luby, and K.S. Lewers. 2014. Genetic mapping of day-neutrality in cultivated strawberry. Mol. Breed. (accepted)
Cavender, G., M. Liu, D. Hobbs, B. Frei, B. Strik and Y. Zhao. 2014. Effects of Different Organic Weed Management Strategies on the Physicochemical, Sensory, and Antioxidant Properties of Machine-Harvested Blackberry Fruits. J. Food Sci. 79(10), S2107–S2116
Chambers, A.H., J. Pillet, A. Plotto, J. Bai, V.M. Whitaker and K. Folta. 2014. Identification of a strawberry flavor gene using an integrated genetic-genomic-analytical chemistry approach. BMC Genomics 15:217 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-217.
Chellemi, D.O., J.W. Noling, S. Sambhav. 2014. Organic amendments and pathogen control: Phytopathological and agronomic aspects. Acta Hort (ISHS) 1044:95-103.
Chuang, D.Y., J. Cui, A. Simonyi, V.A. Engel, S. Chen, K.L. Fritsche, A.L. Thomas, W.L. Applequist, W.R. Folk, D.B. Lubahn, A.Y Sun, G.Y. Sun, and Z. Gu. 2014. Dietary Sutherlandia and elderberry mitigate cerebral ischemia-induced neuronal damage and attenuate p47phox expression and phospho-ERK1/2 in microglial cells. ASN Neuro 6: 1759091414554946.
Clark, J.R. 2013. Osage thornless blackberry. HortScience 48:909-912.
Clark, J.R., K. Demchak, C.E. Finn, J.D. Lowe, K.W. Pomper, and S.B. Crabtree. 2014. ‘Black Magic’™ (APF-77) primocane-fruiting blackberry. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 68:163-170.
Costello, R.C. and D.M. Sullivan. 2014. Determining the pH buffering capacity of compost via titration with dilute sulfuric acid. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 5: 505-513.
Covina, E.D. and Edgar L. Vinson. 2014. Investigating Innovative Fruit Crop Production Systems for Local Markets. Auburn Speaks: On Food Systems.
Curtis, K.R., I. Yeager, B. Black, D. Drost, and R. Ward. 2014. Market and pricing potential for extended season fresh produce sales: An Intermountain West example. Journal of Food Distribution Research 45(2): 46-65.
Feng, H., Y. Fang, P.A. Skinkis, and M.C. Qian. 2014. Influence of cluster zone leaf removal on Oregon Pinot noir grape chemical and volatile composition. Food Chemistry. (accepted)
Fernandez-Salvador, J., B.C. Strik, and D.R. Bryla. 2014. Liquid Corn and Fish Fertilizers are Good Options for Fertigation in Blackberry Cultivars Grown in an Organic Production System. HortScience (accepted)
Finn, C.E. and J.R. Clark. 2014. Blackberry, p. 399-400. In: K. Gasic and J.E. Preece (eds.). Register of new fruit and nut cultivars, list 47. HortScience 49:396-421.
Finn, C.E., B.C. Strik, B. M. Yorgey, M.E. Peterson, J. Lee, R.R. Martin, and H.K. Hall. 2014. ’Columbia Star’ thornless trailing blackberry. HortScience. 49:1108-1112.
Finn, C.E., B.C. Strik, B. M. Yorgey, T.A. Mackey, P.P. Moore, M. Dossett, C. Kempler, R.R. Martin, A.R. Jamieson, and G.J. Galletta. 2014 ’Sweet Sunrise’ strawberry. HortScience. 49:1088-1092.
Finn, C.E., J.W. Olmstead, J.F. Hancock, and D.M. Brazelton. 2014. Welcome to the party! Blueberry breeding mixes private and public with traditional and molecular to create a vibrant new cocktail. Acta Horticulturae 1017:51-62.
Finn, C.E., Strik, B.C., Yorgey, B.M., Mackey, T.A., Moore, P.P., Dossett, M., Kempler, C. Martin, R.R., Jamieson, A.R., and Galletta, G.J. 2014. ‘Sweet Sunrise’ strawberry. HortScience 49:1088-1092.
Gallardo, R.K., H. Li, V. McCracken, C. Yue, J. Luby, and J. McFerson. 2014. Market intermediaries’ willingness to pay for apple, peach, cherry, and strawberry quality attributes. Agribusiness: An International Journal. DOI: 10.1002/agr.21396.
Garibaldi, L., Carvalheiro, L., Leonhardt, S., Aizen, M., Blaauw, B., Isaacs, R., Kuhlmann, M., Kleijn, D., Klein, A.-M., Kremen, C., Morandin, L., Scheper, J., and Winfree, R. From research to action: practices to enhance crop yield through wild pollinators. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12, 439–447.
Georgi, L., Bassil, N. plus eight additional authors. 2013. The first genetic map of the American cranberry: exploration of synteny conservation and quantitative trait loci. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 126:673-692.
Gergerich, R.C., Welliver, R., Gettys, S., Osterbauer, N.K., Kamenidou, S., Martin, R.R., Golino, D., Eastwell, K., Fuchs, M., Vidalakis, G. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2015. Safeguarding fruit crops in the age of agricultural globalization. Plant Disease, PDIS-07-14-0762-FE.
Gilbert, J.L., J.W. Olmstead, T.A. Colquhoun, L.A. Levin, D.G. Clark, and H.R. Moskowitz. 2014. Consumer-assisted selection of blueberry fruit quality traits. HortScience 49:864-873.
Gouthu, S., O’Neil, S.T., Di, Y., Ansarolia, M., Megraw, M. and Deluc, L.G. 2014 A comparative study of ripening among berries of the grape cluster reveals an altered transcriptional programmed and enhanced ripening rate in delayed berries. Journal of Exp. Bot. dii:10.1093/jxb/eru329.
Gray, D., Li, Z.T., and Dhekney, S.A. 2014. Precision breeding of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) for improved traits. Plant Sci. 23 Oct. 2014.
Gupta V, Estrada A, Blakley I, Reid R, Patel P, Meyer M, Uggerhoj S, Brown A, Lila MA, and Loraine AE (2014) RNA-Seq analysis and annotation of a draft blueberry genome assembly identifies candidate genes involved in fruit ripening biosynthesis of bioactive compounds and stage-specific alternative splicing Giga Sci (accepted)
Harkins, R.H., B.C. Strik, and D.R. Bryla. 2014. Weed management practices for organic production of trailing blackberries: II. Accumulation and loss of plant biomass and nutrients. HortScience 49:35?43.
Harkins, R.H., Strik, B.C., Bryla, D.R. 2013. Weed management practices for organic production of trailing blackberry. I. Plant growth and early fruit production. HortScience 48:1139?1144.
Harshman, J.M., K.S. Lewers, W.M. Jurick II, C.S. Walsh. 2014. Breeding selection efficiency for raspberry postharvest shelf life affected by storage temperature and harvest season. Euphytica 199:283-292.
Hassan, M., Sabanadzovic, S., Keller, K.E., Martin, R.R. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2013. A putative new Emaravirus associated with blackberry yellow vein disease. Petria 22:357-361.
Ho, T. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2014. Developing a virus detection and discovery pipeline using next generation sequencing. Virology, 10.1016/j.virol.2014.09.019
Hummer, K., Bassil, N. 2013. Fingerprints for fruit and nut crops. Chronica Horticulturae. 53(2):3-6.
Hummer, K.E. 2013.Manna in winter: indigenous Americans, huckleberries, and blueberries. HortScience 48:413-417.
Hummer, K.E., J.R. Ballington, C.E. Finn, and T.M. Davis. 2013. Asian germplasm influence in American berry crops. HortScience 48(9):1090-1094.
Hummer, K.E., R. Durst, F. Zee, A. Atnip, and M. Giusti. Phytochemicals in fruits of Hawaiian wild cranberry relatives. 2014. J. Sci. Food and Ag. 94:1530-1536
Jamieson, A.R., Hildebrand, P.D., and Renderos, W.E., Fillmore, S.A.E. 2014. Resistance to angular leafspot disease of strawberry: Influence of seedling age. Acta Hort. 1049:187-191.
Jamieson. A.R. 2014. ‘AAC Lila’ strawberry. HortScience 49:833-834.
Jiang, J., Y. Zong, D.Y. Chuang, W. Lei, C.-H. Lu, Z. Gu, K.L. Fritsche, A.L. Thomas, D.B. Lubahn, A. Simonyi, and G.Y. Sun. 2014 (in press). Effects of elderberry juice from different genotypes on oxidative and inflammatory responses in microglial cells. Acta Horticulturae.
Jordan, T. A. 2014. Surveillance of grape berry moth, Paralobesia viteana Clemens (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in Virginia vineyards. Ph.D. dissertation, Virginia Tech Blacksburg.
Jordan, T. A., A. Zhang, and D. G. Pfeiffer. 2013. Blend chemistry and field attraction of commercial sex pheromone lures to grape berry moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and a nontarget tortricid in vineyards Environ. Entomol. 42: 558-563.
Keller, K.E., N.J. Mosier, A.L. Thomas, D.F. Quito-Avila, and R.R. Martin. 2014 (in press). Identification of two new carlaviruses in elderberry. Acta Horticulturae.
Kennedy, C.K., L.F. Osorio, N.A. Peres, and V.M. Whitaker. 2014. Additive genetic effects for resistance to foliar powdery mildew in strawberry revealed through divergent selection. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 139:310-316.
Kennedy, C.K., T. Hasing, and V.M. Whitaker. 2014. Characterization of Fragaria virginiana and F. chiloensis in a minimal-chill, winter annual production system. HortScience 49:848-855.
Kennedy, C.K., T. Hasing, N.A. Peres and V.M. Whitaker. 2013. Evaluation of strawberry species and cultivars for powdery mildew resistance in open-field and high tunnel production systems. HortScience 48:1125-1129.
Kim, S-H S., A.D. Tripodi, D.T. Johnson, and A.L. Szalanski. 2014. Molecular diagnostics of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) using PCR-RFLP. Short Comm. J. Econ. Entomol. 107 (3): 1292-1294.
Larco, H., B.C. Strik, D.R. Bryla, and D.M. Sullivan. 2013. Mulch and fertilizer management practices for organic production of highbush blueberry: II. Impact on plant and soil nutrients during establishment. HortScience 48:1484-1495.
Larco, H., D.M. Sullivan, B. Strik, and D. Bryla. 2014. Mulch effects on highbush blueberry under organic management. Acta Hort. 1018:375-382.
Larco, H., Strik, B.C., Bryla, D.R., Sullivan, D.M. 2013a. Mulch and fertilizer management practices for organic production of highbush blueberry. I. Plant growth and allocation of biomass during establishment. HortScience 48:1250?1261.
Lee, J., Dossett, M., and Finn, C.E. 2014. Anthocyanin rich black raspberries can be made even better. Acta Hort. 1017:127-133.
Lee, J., Dossett, M., Bassil, N., and Finn, C. 2013. A black berry that is not a blackberry. http://media.wix.com/ugd//a2fd64_6d835bble21215499ab68907de73de73d017.pdf
Lobos, G. W. Lindberg and E. Hanson. 2015. Partial inhibition of flower initiation with gibberellin. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria (accepted for publication).
Longhi, S., L. Giongo, M. Buti, N. Surbanovski, R. Viola, R. Velasco, J.A. Ward, and D.J. Sargent. 2014. Molecular genetics and genomics of the Rosoideae: state of the art and future perspectives. Horticulture Research 1:1.
Lowe, J., K. Pomper, S. Crabtree, J. Clark, and J. Strang. 2014. Primocane yield of Prim-Ark 45® and Prime-Jan® blackberries grown under USDA national organic program practices in Kentucky. J. Amer. Pomological Soc. 68: 221-226.
Marino, S.R., J.G. Williamson, J.W. Olmstead, and P.F. Harmon. 2014. Vegetative growth of three southern highbush blueberry cultivars obtained from micropropagation and softwood cuttings in two Florida locations. HortScience 49:556-561.
Martin, R.R. and Tzanetakis I.E. 2014. Control of virus diseases of berry crops. Advances in Virus Research, in press.
Martin, R.R. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2013. High risk strawberry viruses by region in the United States and Canada: Implications for certification, nurseries and fruit production. Plant Dis. 97:1358-1362.
Martin, R.R., Eastwell, K.C, Scott, S.W. and Tzanetakis I.E. 2013. Clean plants, the national clean plant network and harmonizing certification standards in the United States. Petria 22: 412.
Martin, R.R., MacFarlane, S., Sabanadzovic, S., Quito, D., Poudel, B. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2013. Viruses and virus diseases of Rubus. Plant Dis. 97:169-182.
Mathey, M., C.E. Finn, S. Mookerjee, K. Gunduz, J.F. Hancock, A.F. Iezzoni, L.L. Mahoney, T.M. Davis, N.V. Bassil, K.E. Hummer, P.J. Stewart, V.M. Whitaker, D.J. Sargent, B. Denoyes, I. Amaya and W.E. van de Weg. 2013. Large-scale standardized phenotyping of strawberry in RosBREED. Journal of the American Pomological Society 67:205-216.
Mathey, M.M., S. Mookerjee, L. Mahoney, C.E. Finn, J.F. Hancock, S. Serçe, T. Davis, P. Stewart, V. Whitaker, A. Jamieson, N.V. Bassil, I. Amaya, B. Denoyes, K. Hummer, D. Sargent, E. van de Weg, and A. Iezzoni. 2014. Using general and specific combining ability to further advance strawberry (Fragaria sp.) breeding. Acta Hort. 1049:193-200.
Maxey, L. M. 2011. Pest management of Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and a study of stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) injury on primocane-bearing caneberries in Southwest Virginia. M.S. thesis, Virginia Tech Blacksburg.
Menzel, C.M., L.A. Smith, J.A. Moisander. 2014. The productivity of strawberry plants growing under plastic high tunnels in a wet subtropical environment. HortTechnology 24:334-342.
Molina-Bravo, R., G.E. Fernandez and B. Sosinski. 2014. Quantitative trait loci analysis of tolerance to temperature fluctuations in winter, fruit characteristics, flower color, and prickle-free canes in raspberry. Molecular Breeding. 33(2), 267-280.
Mookerjee, S., M.M. Mathey, C.E. Finn, Z. Zhang and J.F. Hancock. 2013 Heat tolerance plays an important role in regulating remontant flowering in an F1 population of octoploid strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa). J. Berry Res. 3:151-158.
Moore, P.P., W. Hoashi-Erhardt, B.H. Barritt, T.M. Sjulin, J.A. Robbins, C.E. Finn, R.R. Martin and M. Dossett. 2014. ‘Cascade Gold’ Raspberry. HortScience 49:358-360.
Mutis, A., Palma, R., Parra, L., Isaacs, R., Morón, M., Quiroz, A. (2014) Morphology and distribution of sensilla on the antennae of Hylamorpha elegans Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae). Neotropical Entomology 43, 26-265.
Olmstead, J.W. and C.E. Finn. 2014. Breeding highbush blueberry cultivars adapted to machine harvest for the fresh market. HortTechnology 24:290-294.
Olmstead, J.W. 2014. Indigocrisp promises to deliver plenty of pop. Florida Grower 107(10):4.
Olmstead, J.W. 2014. UF blueberry variety update. The Blueberry News 4(1):16-18.
Osorio, L.F., J.A. Pattison, N.A. Peres, and V.M. Whitaker. 2013. Genetic variation and gains in resistance of strawberry to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Phytopathology 104:67-74.
Patten, K. 2013. Cranberry cultivar and advanced selection trials in the Pacific Northwest. Proceedings North American Cranberry Research and Extension Workers Conference 2013
Peres, N.A., Whidden, A., Smith, H. and Martin, R.R. 2013. Aphid-borne viruses detected in strawberry plants shipped to Florida. Berry and Vegetable Times, Jan 2013, Pp5-6, Univ of Florida IFAS Extension.
Perkins-Veazie, P., A.L. Thomas, P.L. Byers, and C.E. Finn. 2014 (in press). Fruit composition of elderberry (Sambucus spp.) genotypes grown in Oregon and Missouri, USA. Acta Horticulturae.
Pfeiffer, D. G., A. B. Baudoin, J. C. Bergh, and M. Nita. 2014b. Grapes: Diseases and insects in vineyards, pp. 3-1 – 3-18, 2014 Pest Management Guide for Horticultural and Forest Crops. Va. Coop. Ext. Pub. 456-017. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.
Pfeiffer, D. G., C. Johnson, K. S. Yoder, and C. Bergh. 2014a. Commercial small fruits: Disease and insects, pp. 2-1 – 2-16, 2014 Pest Management Guide for Horticultural and Forest Crops. Va. Coop. Ext. Pub. 456-017, vol. 456-017. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.
Poothong, S. 2014. Improving In Vitro Mineral Nutrition for Diverse Red Raspberry and Rubus Germplasm. Ph. D. Thesis. Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, Oregon
Potter R.P.*, Coneva, Elina, Jeff Sibley, Fenny Dane, Jay Spiers and Kenneth Tilt. 2013. Land’s Prior Use Affects the Establishment and Productivity of Rabbiteye Blueberry (Vaccinium ashei) Cultivars. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A 2 (2013) 725-731.
Poudel, B., Ho, T., Laney, A., Khadgi, A. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2014. Epidemiology of Blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus. Plant Disease 98:547-550.
Quito-Avila, D.F, Lightle, D. and Martin, R.R. 2014. Effect of Raspberry bushy dwarf virus, Raspberry leaf mottle virus, and Raspberry latent virus on plant growth and fruit crumbliness in ‘Meeker’ red raspberry. Plant Dis. 98:176-183.
Quito-Avila, D.F., Brannen, P.M., Cline, W.O., Harmon, P.F. and Martin, R.R. 2013. Genetic characterization of Blueberry necrotic ring blotch virus, a novel RNA virus with unique genetic features. J. Gen. Virol. 94:1426-1434.
Quito-Avila, D.F., Ibarra, M.A., Alvarez, R.A., Espinoza, L., Ratti, M.F., Peralta, E.L. and Martin, R.R. 2013. First report of Raspberry bushy dwarf virus in the Andean blackberry (Rubus glaucus) in central Ecuador. Plant Dis. 97:1003.
Quito-Avila, D.F., Peralta, E.L., Ibarra, M.A., Alvarez, R. and Martin, R.R. 2014. A Raspberry bushy dwarf virus isolate from Ecuadorean Rubus glaucus contains an additional RNA that is a rearrangement of RNA 2. Arch. Virol. 159:2519-2521.
Rojas, P., Almada, R.D., Sandoval, C., Keller, K.E., Martin, R.R. and Caligari, P.D.S. 2013. Occurrence of aphidborne viruses in southernmost South American populations of Fragaria chilensis ssp. chiloensis. Plant Pathology 62:428-435.
Roubos, C.R., Rodriguez-Saona, C. and Isaacs, R. (2014) Scale-dependent impacts of insecticides on arthropod biological control. Biological Control special edition, accepted. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2014.01.006.
Rowland LJ, Ogden EL, Bassil N, Buck EJ, McCallum S, Graham J, Brown A, and others (2014). Construction of a genetic linkage map of an interspecific diploid blueberry population and identification of QTL for chilling requirement and cold hardiness. MolBreeding (DOI 10.1007/s11032-014-0161-9)
Rowland, L., E. Ogden, N. Bassil, E. Buck, S. McCallum, J. Graham, A. Brown, C. Wiedow, A.M. Campbell, K. Haynes, and B. Vinyard. 2014. Construction of a genetic linkage map of an interspecific diploid blueberry population and identification of QTL for chilling requirement and cold hardiness. Molecular Breeding:1-16.
Schreiner, R.P. and Lee, J. 2014. Post-véraison water deficit has little impact on ‘Pinot noir’ nutrient status in leaves, clusters, and musts. HortScience. In press. Accepted 06/25/2014.
Schreiner, R.P., Lee, J., and Skinkis, P.A. 2013. N, P, and K supply to Pinot noir grapevines: impact on vine nutrient status, growth, physiology, and yield. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 64:26-38. [Selected as AJEV issue highlight article March 2013]
Schreiner, R.P., P.A. Skinkis, and A.J. Dreves. 2014. A rapid method to assess grape rust mites on leaves and observations from case studies in Western Oregon vineyards. HortTechnology. 24: 38-47.
Schreiner, R.P., Scagel, C.F., and Lee, J. 2014. N, P, and K supply to Pinot noir grapevines: impact on berry phenolics and free amino acids. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 65:43-49.
Schwietermann, M., T. Colquhoun, E. Jaworski, L. Bartoshuk, J. Gilbert, D. Tieman, A. Odabasi, H. Moskowitz, K. Folta, H. Klee, C. Sims, V.M. Whitaker and D. Clark. 2014. Strawberry flavor: diverse chemical compositions, a seasonal influence, and effects on sensory perception. PLoS ONE 9: e88446. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0088446.
Sebesta, B., J.R. Clark, R.T. Threlfall, and L.R. Howard. 2013. Pyrene attributes and seediness evaluation of blackberry genotypes. J. Amer. Pomol. Society 67:237-240.
Seguin, J., Rajeswaran, R., Malpica-López, N., Martin, R.R., Kasschau, K., Dolja, V.V., Otten, P., Farinelli, L. and Pooggin, M.M. 2014. De novo reconstruction of plant RNA and DNA virus quasispecies from siRNAs. PLoS One at http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0088513
Shrader, M. E., and D. G. Pfeiffer. 2013. Fruit essence trap trial and varietal preference testing for spotted wing drosophila in Virginia wine grapes Proc. 89th Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Workers' Conf., Winchester, VA. Dec 5-6. Clark, J.R. and J.N. Moore. 2013. Faith, Gratitude, Hope, and Joy seedless table grapes. HortScience 48:913-919.
Skinkis, P. Determining impact of hand or machine leaf removal on fruit quality. Practical Winery and Vineyard Journal. June 2014: 53-57.
Skinkis, P., Pscheidt, J., Peachy, E., Dreves, A., Walton, V., Sanchez, D., Zasada, I. and Martin, R.R. 2014. Pest Management Guide for Wine Grapes in Oregon. Oregon State Univ. Ext. Bull. http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1957/45975/em8413.pdf
Strik, B.C. 2014. Organic blueberry production systems – advances in research and industry. Acta Hort. 1017:257-267
Strik, B.C. and G. Buller. 2014. Nitrogen fertilization rate, sawdust mulch, and pre-plant incorporation of sawdust – long-term impact on yield, fruit quality, and soil and plant nutrition in ‘Elliott’. Acta Hort. 1017:269-275.
Strik, B.C., G. Buller, and J.M. Tarara. 2014. Grow tubes reduce root and crown growth but not early production during establishment of highbush blueberry. HortScience 49:581-588.
Sullivan, D.M., D.R. Bryla, and R.C. Costello. 2014. Chemical characteristics of custom compost for highbush blueberry, p. 293?311. In: Z. He and H. Zhang (eds.) Applied manure and nutrient chemistry for sustainable agriculture and environment. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Sullivan, D.M., D.R. Bryla, and R.C. Costello. 2014. Chemical characteristics of custom compost for highbush blueberry, p. 293?311. In: Z. He and H. Zhang (eds.) Applied manure and nutrient chemistry for sustainable agriculture and environment. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Tarara, J.M., B. Chaves, and B.C. Strik. 2013. Above- and below-ground microclimate of grow tubes in an organic mulch-incorporated, raised bed system for blueberry. HortScience 48:1363-1369.
Tarara, J.M., B. Chaves, and B.C. Strik. 2014. Grow tubes change microclimate and bush architecture but have little effect on bush biomass allocation at the end of the establishment year in blueberry. HortScience 49:596-602.
Thekke-Veetil, T., Aboughanem Sabanadzovic, N., Keller, K.E., Martin, R.R., Sabanadzovic S. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2013. Molecular characterization and population structure of Blackberry vein banding associated virus, new ampelovirus associated with yellow vein disease. Virus Research 178: 234-240.
Thekke-Veetil, T., Ho, T., Keller, K.E., Martin, R.R. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2014. A new ophiovirus associated with blueberry mosaic disease. Virus Research 189: 92-96.
Thekke-Veetil, T., Polashock, J., Plesko, I.M., Keller, K.E., Martin, R.R., Ho, T. and Tzanetakis, I.E. Blueberry mosaic associated virus - a putative new member of the Ophioviridae. Acta Horticulturae, in press.
Thekke-Veetil, T., Sabanadzovic, S., Keller, K.E., Martin, R.R. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2013. Genome organization and sequence diversity of a novel blackberry Ampelovirus. Petria 22:371-375.
Thomas, A.L., D. Charlebois, C.M. Greenlief, P.L. Vincent, K.L. Fritsche, and K.V. Kaack (Eds.). 2013. Proceedings of the first international symposium on elderberry. 59 pages. Univ. of Missouri, Center for Agroforestry.
Thomas, A.L., D. Charlebois, C.M. Greenlief, P.L.D. Vincent, K. Kaack, P.L. Byers, and M. Kaps (Eds.). 2014 (in press). The first international symposium on elderberry (Sambucus): from folklore to science. 31 papers. Acta Horticulturae. International Society for Horticultural Science.
Thomas, A.L., P. Perkins-Veazie, P.L. Byers, C.E. Finn, and J. Lee. 2013. A comparison of fruit characteristics among diverse elderberry genotypes grown in Missouri and Oregon. J. Berry Res. 3:159-168.
Thomas, A.L., P.L. Byers, J.D. Avery, Jr., M. Kaps, and S. Gu. 2014 (in press). Horticultural performance of eight American elderberry genotypes at three Missouri locations. Acta Horticulturae.
Thomas, A.L., P.L. Byers, J.D. Avery, Jr., M. Kaps, S. Gu, H.-Y. Johnson, and M. Millican. 2014 (in press). ‘Marge’: A European elderberry for North American producers. Acta Horticulturae.
Thomas, A.L., P.L. Byers, S. Gu, J.D. Avery, Jr., M. Kaps, A. Datta, L. Fernando, P. Grossi, and G.E. Rottinghaus. 2014 (in press). Occurrence of polyphenols, organic acids, and sugars among diverse elderberry genotypes grown in three Missouri (USA) locations. Acta Horticulturae.
Tochen, S., D. T. Dalton, N. G. Wiman, C. Hamm, P. W. Shearer, and V. M. Walton. 2014. Temperature-related development and population parameters for Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) on cherry and blueberry. Environ. Entomol. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/EN13200
Tomasino, E., Vondras, A., Naffzinger, M. and Deluc, L.G. 2014 The impact of persistent Merlot cluster heterogeneity on wine quality and its chemical composition. Proceedings of the International Organization of Vine and Wine.
Tzanetakis I.E. and Martin R.R. 2014. Incidence of major strawberry viruses in North America. Acta Hortic. 1049:595-598.
Tzanetakis, I.E. and Martin, R.R. 2013. Expanding field of strawberry viruses which are important in North America. Intern J. Fruit Sci. 13:184–195.
Tzanetakis, I.E., Martin, R.R. and Wintermantel, W.M. 2013. Epidemiology of criniviruses, an emerging problem in world agriculture. Front. Microbiol. 4:119:1-15.
Umiker, N.L., DeScenzo, R.A., Lee, J., and Edwards, C.G. 2013. Removal of Brettanomyces bruxellensis from red wine using membrane filtration. J Food Process. Preserv. 37:799-805.
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Vondras, A. Tomasino, E., Naffzinger, M., Osborne, J., and Deluc L.G. 2013 Persistent variability at harvest in Merlot berries significantly affects wine composition OSU Viticulture & Enology Newsletter November 2013.
Walton, V. M., 2014. CABI, Invasive Species Compendium, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Impacts: Original text by V. M., Walton. In: Invasive Species Compendium. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. www.cabi.org/isc
Ward, J.A., J. Bhangoo, F. Fernandez-Fernandez, P. Moore, J.D. Swanson, R. Viola, R. Velasco, N. Bassil, C.A. Weber and D.J. Sargent. 2013. Saturated linkage map construction in Rubus idaeus using genotyping by sequencing and genome-independent imputation. BMC Genomics. 14:2.
Warmund, M.R. and J.W. Amrine, Jr. 2014 (in press). Eriophyid mites inhabiting American elderberry. Acta Horticulturae.
Williamson, J.G., J.W. Olmstead, G.K England, and P.M. Lyrene. 2014. Southern highbush blueberry cultivars from the Univ. of Florida. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1245.
Wiman N., J. Parker, C. Rodriguez-Saona and V. M. Walton. 2015. Characterizing damage and impacts of brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on commercial blueberries. Pest Management Science. Accepted.
Wiman, N.G., V.M. Walton, D.T. Dalton, G. Anfora, H.J. Burrack, J.C. Chiu, K.M. Daane, A. Grassi, C. Ioriatti, B. Miller, S. Tochen, and X.G. Wang. 2014. Integrating Temperature-Dependent Life Table Data into a Matrix Projection Model for Drosophila suzukii Population Estimation. PLoS ONE 9(9): e106909. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0106909.
Wiman, N.G., V.M. Walton, P. W. Shearer, and S. I. Rondon. 2014. Electronically monitored labial dabbing and stylet ‘probing’ behaviors of brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, in simulated environments. Plos One (Accepted) (PONE-D-14-12730
Wiman, N.G., V.M. Walton, P.W. Shearer, S.I. Rondon, and J.C. Lee. 2014. Factors affecting flight capacity of brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). J. Pest Sci. DOI:10.1007/s10340-014-0582-6
Wise, J.C., VanderPoppen, R., Vandervoort, C., O’Donnell, C., and Isaacs, R. Curative activity contributes to control of spotted wing Drosophila and blueberry maggot in highbush blueberry. Canadian Journal of Entomology, accepted.
Wright, A.F., P.F. Harmon, and J.W. Olmstead. 2014. Screening southern highbush blueberry genotypes for Botryosphaeria stem blight. Journal of the American Pomological Society 68(4):209-213.
Wu, H., M.C. Johnson, C.-H. Lu, K.L. Fritsche, A.L. Thomas, Y. Lai, Z. Cai, and C.M. Greenlief. 2014. Peptidomics study of anthocyanin-rich juice of elderberry. Talanta 131:640-644.
Wu, H., M.C. Johnson, C.-H. Lu, K.L. Fritsche, A.L. Thomas, Z. Cai, and C.M. Greenlief. 2014 (in press). Determination of anthocyanins and total polyphenols in a variety of elderberry juices by UPLC/MS and other methods. Acta Horticulturae.
Xiang, Yu., M. Bernady, B. Bhagwat, P.A. Wiersma, R. DeYoung, and M. Bouthillier. The complete genome sequence of a new polerovirus in strawberry plants showing strawberry decline symptoms from eastern Canada. Arch Virol. (in press).
Yeo, J. 2014. Cultural Controls for Suppressing Phytophthora cinnamomi Root Rot of Blueberry. PhD Dissertation. Oregon State Univ.. Corvallis, OR. Defense: September 5, 2014.
Yousef, G.G., M.A. Lila, I. Guzman, J.R. Ballington and A. F. Brown. 2014. Impact of interspecific hybridization on anthocyanin profiles of southern highbush blueberry. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 139:99-112.
Yu, P., C. Li, F. Takeda, and G. Krewer. 2014. Visual bruise assessment and analysis of mechanical impact measurement in southern highbush blueberries. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 30:29-37.
Yu, P., C. Li, F. Takeda, G. Krewer, G. Rains, and T. Hamrita. 2014. Measurement of mechanical impacts created by rotary, slapper, and sway blueberry mechanical harvesters. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 101:84-92,
Yue, C., R.K. Gallardo, J. Luby, A. Rihn, J.R. McFerson, V. McCracken, V. Whitaker, C. Finn, J. Hancock, C. Weebadde, A. Sebolt, A. Iezzoni. 2014.An investigation of United States strawberry producers trait prioritization – evidence from audience surveys. HortScience. 49:188-193.
Zasada, I.A. and P.P. Moore. 2014. Host Status of Rubus Species and Hybrids for the Root Lesion Nematode, Pratylenchus penetrans. HortScience 49: 1128-1131.
Zhang, Lei, Y. Zhinong, E. Hanson and E. Ryser. 2015. Efficacy of chlorine dioxide gas and freezing rate on the microbiological quality of frozen blueberries. Food Control 47:114-119.
Extension Publications
Coneva, Elina, and Charles Ray. 2014. Spotted Wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) biology and management. Timely Information Sheet. Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Horticulture Series.
Coneva, Elina, and Charles Ray. 2014. Spotted Wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) Update. Timely Information Sheet. Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Horticulture Series.
Coneva, Elina, E. Vinson, J. Pitts. 2014. Growing 87.5% Vitis vinifera Grapes Within the High Disease Pressure Southeastern Region. Timely Information Sheet. Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Horticulture Series.
Coneva, Elina. 2014. Blueberry Rust Alert. Timely Information Sheet. Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Horticulture Series.
Coneva, Elina. 2014. Blueberry Rust. Alabama IPM Communicator. Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES).
Coneva, Elina. 2014. Free Resistance Monitoring Service Offered for Optimal Control of Gray Mold in Strawberries and Blackberries. Alabama IPM Communicator. Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES).
Coneva, Elina. 2014. Growing Pierces Disease Resistant Vitis vinifera Grapes Within the High Disease Pressure Southeastern Region. Alabama Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (AFVGA) Newsletter.
Coneva, Elina. 2014. Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) in Fruit Crops. Alabama IPM Communicator. Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES).
Finn, C.E. and B.C. Strik. 2014. Blackberry Cultivars for Oregon. EC 1617
Finn, C.E., B.C. Strik, and P. Moore. 2014. Raspberry Cultivars for the Pacific Northwest. PNW 655
Finn, C.E., B.C. Strik, and P. Moore. 2014. Strawberry Cultivars for Western Oregon and Washington. EC 1618
Hart, J., B. Strik, and H. Rempel. 2013. ??????? ? ?????? [Nutrient management guide. Caneberries]. EM 8903-R, 11 pp. Russian translation (N. Adams)
James, D., P. Skinkis, and V. Walton. 2014. “Grape Pests” In Pacific Northwest Insect Pest Management Handbook. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication. (updated annually)
Lowe, J., K. Pomper, S. Crabtree, J. Clark, and J. Strang. 2013. Advanced thorny and thornless primocane-fruiting blackberry selection trial. 2013 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report. PR-673:22.
Maughan, T., B. Black and D. Drost. 2014. Low tunnels: A low-cost protected cultivation option. USU Extension Publication: Horticulture/High Tunnels/2014-03c.
Maughan, T., D. Drost and B. Black. 2014. Supplemental heating in a high tunnel. USU Extension Publication: Horticulture/High Tunnels/2014-04.
Maughan, T., D. Rowley, B. Black and D. Drost. 2014. Constructing a low-cost high tunnel for tall crops. USU Extension Publication: Horticulture/High Tunnels/2014-05.
Maughan, T., K. Curtis, B. Black and D. Drost. 2014. A comparison of Northern Utah high tunnel strawberry production cost and returns with low tunnels. USU Extension Publication Horticulture/High Tunnels/2014-08pr (in press).
Maughan, T., K. Curtis, B. Black and D. Drost. 2014. A comparison of Northern Utah high tunnel strawberry production cost and returns with low tunnels and supplemental heating. USU Extension Publication Horticulture/High Tunnels/2014-06pr (in press).
Maughan, T., K. Curtis, B. Black and D. Drost. 2014. Northern Utah High Tunnel Strawberry Production Costs and Returns, 2014. USU Extension Publication Horticulture/High Tunnels/2014-06pr.
Pomper, K., J. Lowe, S. Crabtree, J. Clark and J. Strang. 2013. The ‘Prime-Jan®’ and ‘Prime-Ark® 45’ thorny primocane-fruiting blackberry trial. 2013 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report. PR-673:13.
Skinkis, P. 2014. Establishing a vineyard in Oregon: A quick-start resource guide. Oregon State Univ. Extension Service. EM8973-E.
Skinkis, P., J. Pscheidt, V. Walton, A. Dreves, E. Peachey, N. Allen, and J. Sanchez. 2014. Pest management guide for wine grapes in Oregon. OSU Extension Service EM8413E. (updated annually)
Smigell, C., J. Strang and J. Snyder. 2013. Rabbiteye blueberry variety evaluation. 2013 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report. PR-673:21.
Strik, B.C, C.E. Finn, and P. Moore. 2014. Blueberry Cultivars for the Pacific Northwest. PNW 656
Wheeler, J., S. Lynch, K Durbin, and P. Wilson. 2013. Organic grape cultivar evaluation trial in Kentucky. 2013 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report. PR-673:14-15.
Wheeler, J., S. Lynch, K Durbin, and P. Wilson. 2013. Wine and seedless table grape cultivar evaluation trial. 2013 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report. PR-673:18-20.
Patents awarded:
Ballington J.R. et al. 2014 ‘Pinnacle’ southern highbush blueberry.
Ballington, JR. and GE Fernandez. 2014. ‘Von’ blackberry. PPAF in 2014.
Fear, Carlos D., Matthias D. Vitten, Michael D. Ferguson. 2013. Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawThirty’. US PP24096.
Ferguson, Michael D., Matthias D. Vitten, Carlos D. Fear. 2014. Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawThirtyThree’. US PP24533.
Ferguson, Michael D., Terrance C. Moran. 2014. Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawThirtyOne’. US PP24317.
Finn, C.E. 2014. United States Plant Patent: Blueberry plant named ‘Perpetua’ PP24,209. Washington, DC.
Finn, C.E. 2014. United States Plant Patent: Red Raspberry plant named ‘Vintage’ PP24,198. Washington, DC.
Hamilton, Brian K., Carlos D. Fear, Marta C. Baptista. 2014. Raspberry plant named ‘DrisRaspFive’. US PP24610.
Sills, Gavin R., Jorge Rodriguez Alcazar, Jose Maurilio Rodriguez Mesa, Andrea M. Pabon. 2014. Blackberry plant named ‘DrisBlackFour’. US PP24609.
Takeda, F. Two non-provisional patent applications were filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in
Vitten, Matthias D., Carlos D. Fear, Abigail Johnson. 2014. Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawThirtyFive’. PP24745.
Vitten, Matthias D., Carlos D. Fear, Raúl Fernández Sánchez. 2014. ‘DrisStrawThirtyFour’. PP24395
Book Chapter
Brennan, R.M., P.D.S. Caligari, J.R. Clark, C.E. Finn, J.F., Hancock, D. Jarret, G. Lobos, P. Oliveira, S. Raffle, and D. Simpson. 2013. Berry Fruits. In: Horticulture- Plants for People and Places eds. G. Dixon and D. Aldous, pub. Springer.
Ho, T., Martin. R.R. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 201x. Next Generation Sequencing of Elite Berry Germplasm and Data Analysis Using a Bioinformatics Pipeline for Virus Detection and Discovery. Methods in Molecular Biology - Plant Pathology: Techniques and Protocols, in press
Martin, R.R. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2014. Pathogen-Tested Planting Material. In: Neal Van Alfen, Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, Vol. 4, San Diego; Elsevier, pp. 304-312.
Sullivan, D.M., D.R. Bryla, and R.C. Costello. 2014. Chemical characteristics of custom compost for highbush blueberry. p. 293-311 (Chapter 14). In: Z. He and H. Zhang (eds.). Applied manure and nutrient chemistry for sustainable agriculture and environment. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Walton, V. M., 2014. CABI, Invasive Species Compendium, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Impacts: Original text by V. M., Walton. In: Invasive Species Compendium. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. www.cabi.org/isc.
Weber, Courtney. 2013. Chapter 5. Cultivar Development and Selection. In: Raspberries. Richard C. Funt and Harvey K. Hall (eds.) CAB International, Boston MA. pp. 55-72.
Weber, Courtney. 2013. Chapter 7. Propagation. In: Raspberries. Richard C. Funt and Harvey K. Hall (eds.) CAB International, Boston MA. pp. 83-90.
Websites & webinars:
Oregon Wine Research Institute is a research cooperative at Oregon State Univ. and includes the Viticulture and Enology Research and Extension programs. The Institute has an updated website where program information and Extension publications are available. (http://owri.oregonstate.edu)
Skinkis, P. 2014. Grape Rust Mite. eXtension Grape Community of Practice. eViticulture.org. http://www.extension.org/pages/33107/grape-rust-mite.
Strik, B.C, D. Bryla, and L. Valenzuela. 2014. Organic Blackberry Production: Tips learned from an ongoing research study. March 13, 2014. Webinar on-line at: http://www.extension.org/pages/70279. Attendees: 144 (from 34 US States and from Canada, Argentina, Australia, Great Britain, and Portugal). 81% of attendees indicated that they moderately to significantly improved their knowledge and would modify their practices (77%). As of May 1, 2014, this webinar has had over 340 views.
Can you tell the difference between Rubus coreanus and Rubus occidentalis plants? If not, a simple factsheet can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.black-raspberries.com