S289: Factors Associated with Genetic and Phenotypic Variation in Poultry: Molecular to Populational
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Books Written or Edited:
W. H. Muir and S. E. Aggrey, Editors. 2003. Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology. CABI, U.K. 744pp.
Book Chapters:
Kuhnlein, U., S.E. Aggrey and D. Zadworny, 2003. Progress and prospects in resistance to diseases. Pg 283-292, In: Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, (W.H. Muir and S.E. Aggrey, Eds.) CABI, U.K.
Kuhnlein, U., S.E. Aggrey, N. Kansaku and D. Zadworny, 2003. DNA polymorphism in functional genes. Pg 647-664, In: Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, (W.H. Muir and S.E. Aggrey, Eds.) CABI, U.K.
Aggrey, S.E. and R. Okimoto, 2003. DNA marker technology: development, usage and application. Pg 419-438, In: Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, (W.H. Muir and S.E. Aggrey, Eds) ,CABI, U.K.
Refereed journal articles:
Acar, N., P.H. Patterson, and G.F. Barbato, 2001. 1. Appetite suppressant activity of supplemental dietary amino acids and subsequent compensatory growth of broilers. Poultry Sci. 80(8): 1215-1222.
Acar, N., G.F. Barbato, and P.H. Patterson, 2001. 2. The effect of feeding excess methionine on live performance, carcass traits , and ascitic mortality. Poultry Sci. 80(11): 1589-1589.
Aggrey, S. E., 2002. Comparison of three non-linear and spline regression models for describing chicken growth curves. Poultry Sci. 81:1782-1788.
Aggrey, S. E., 2003. Dynamics of relative growth in Japanese quail lines divergently selected for early growth and their control. Growth, Dev. and Aging 67:47-54.
Aggrey, S. E., 2004. Modeling the effect of nutritional status on pre-asymptotic- and relative growth- rates in a randombred chicken population. J. An. Breed. Gen. 121: 260-268
Aggrey, S. E. and H. L. Marks, 2002. Analysis of censored survival data in Japanese quail divergently selected for growth and their control. Poultry Sci. 81: 1618-1620.
Aggrey, S. E., G. A. Ankra-Badu, and H. L. Marks, 2003. Effect of long-term divergent selection on growth characteristics in Japanese quail. Poultry Sci. 82:538-542.
Ankra-Badu, G. A., S. E. Aggrey, G.M. Pesti, R.I. Bakalli, W. Zhang and H.M. Edwards, Jr., 2004. Modeling of parameters affecting phytate phosphorus utilization in growing birds. Poultry Sci. 83:1083-1088.
Anthony, N. B., K. E. Nestor, D. A. Emmerson, Y. M. Saif, R. Vasilatos-Younken, and W. L. Bacon, 1999. Effect of feed withdrawal or challenge with Pasteurella multocida on growth, blood metabolites, circulating growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations in eight-week old turkeys. Poultry Sci. 78:1268-1274.
Anthony, N.B., K.E. Nestor, D.A. Emmerson, M.E. Emara, Y.M. Saif, R. Vasilator-Younken, and W.L. Bacon, 1999. Effect of Feed Withdrawal or challenge with Pasteurella multocida on growth, blood metabolites, circulating growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations in eight-week-old turkeys. Poultry Sci. 77:1268-1274.
Balog, J.M., Anthony, N.B., Cooper, M.A., Kidd, B.D., Huff, G.R., Huff, W.E. and Rath, N.C., 2000. Ascites syndrome and related pathologies in feed restricted broilers raised in a hypobaric chamber. Poultry Sci. 79:318-323.
Balog, J.M., B.D. Kidd, N.B., Anthony, G.R. Huff, W.E. Huff, N.C. Rath, 2003. Effect of cold stress on broilers selected for resistance or susceptibility to ascites syndrome. Poultry Sci. 81:1383-1387.
Barbato, G.F., 1999. Genetic relationships between selection for growth and reproductive effectiveness, Poultry Sci. 78(3): 444-452.
Berry, W.D., 2003. The physiology of induced molting. Poultry Sci. 82(6):971-980.
Berry, W.D., J.B. Hess, R.J. Lien, and D.A. Roland, 2003. Egg production, fertility and hatchability of breeder hens receiving dietary phytase. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 12(3):264-270.
Boa-Amponsem, K., E. A. Dunnington, K. S. Baker, and P. B. Siegel, 1999. Diet and immunological memory of lines of White Leghorn chickens divergently selected for antibody response to sheep red blood cells. Poultry Sci. 78:165-170.
Boa-Amponsem, K., C. T. Larsen, E. A. Dunnington, and P. B. Siegel, 1999.
Immunocompetence and resistance to marble spleen disease of broiler- and layer-type pure lines of chickens. Avian Pathol. 28:379-384.
Boa-Amponsem, K., E. A. Dunnington, F. W. Pierson, C. T. Larsen, and P. B. Siegel, 2000. Antibody responses to different dosages of sheep red blood cells in lines of chickens selected for high and low antibody response to sheep red blood cells. Poultry Sci. 79:159-162.
Boa-Amponsem, K., S.E.H. Price, E. A. Dunnington, and P. B. Siegel, 2001. Effect of route of inoculation on humoral immune response of White Leghorn chickens selected for high or low antibody response to sheep red blood cells. Poultry Sci. 80:1073-1078
Bruzual, J. J., S. D. Peak, J. Brake, and E. D. Peebles, 2000. Effects of relative humidity during incubation on hatchability and body weight of broiler chicks from young breeder flocks. Poultry Sci. 79:827-830.
Bruzual, J. J., S. D. Peak, J. Brake, and E. D. Peebles, 2000. Effects of relative humidity during the last five days of incubation and brooding temperature on performance of broiler chicks from young broiler breeders. Poultry Sci. 79:1385-1391.
Burnham, M. R., E. David Peebles, C. W. Gardner, J. Brake, J. J. Bruzual, and Patrick D. Gerard, 2001. Effects of incubator humidity and hen age on yolk composition in broiler hatching eggs from young breeders. Poultry Sci. 80:1444-1450.
Burt, D.W., D.R. Morrice, A. Sewalem, J. Smith, I.R. Patton, E.J. Smith, J. Bentley, P.M. Hocking, 2003. Preliminary linkage map of the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) based on microsatellite markers. Anim. Genet. 34(6):399-409.
Chen, S.-E., D. W. Long, K. E. Nestor, R. L. Walzem, V. L. Meuniot, H. Zhu, R. J. Hansen, and W. L. Bacon, 1999. Effect of divergent selection for total plasma phosphorus on plasma and yolk very low density lipoproteins and plasma concentrations of selected hormones in laying Japanese quail. Poultry Sci. 78:1241-1251.
Christensen, V. L., W. E. Donaldson, K. E. Nestor, and J. P. McMurtry, 1999. Effect of genetics and maternal dietary iodide supplementation on turkey embryonic growth. Poultry Sci. 78:883-889.
Christensen, V. L., W. E. Donaldson, K. E. Nestor, and J. P. McMurtry, 1999. Effect of genetics and maternal dietary iodide supplementation on glycogen content of organs within embryonic turkeys. Poultry Sci. 78:890-898.
Christensen, V. L., W. E. Donaldson, and K. E. Nestor, 1999. Length of the plateau and pipping stages of incubation affects the physiology and survival of turkeys. Br. Poult. Sci. 40:297-303.
Christensen, V. L., W. E. Donaldson, and K. E. Nestor, 1999. Effect of supplemental oxygen on blood plasma organic acids within embryos from selected lines of turkeys. Poultry Sci. 78:1601-1605.
Christensen, V. L., J. P. McMurtry, W. E. Donaldson, and K. E. Nestor, 1999. Supplemental oxygen affects plasma insulin-like growth factors in embryos from selected lines of turkeys. Poultry Sci. 78:1606-1610.
Christensen, V. L., D. O. Noble, and K. E. Nestor, 2000. Influence of selection for increased body weight, egg production, and shank width on the length of the incubation period of turkeys. Poultry Sci. 79:613-618.
Christensen, V. L., J. P. McMurtry, W. E. Donaldson, and K. E. Nestor, 2001. Incubation temperature affects plasma insulin-like growth factors in embryos from selected lines of turkeys. Poultry Sci. 80:949-954.
Christensen, V. L., G. S. Davis, and K. E. Nestor, 2002. Environmental incubation factors influence embryonic thyroid hormones. Poultry Sci. 81:442-450.
Cisar, C.R., J.M. Balog, N.B. Anthony, A.M. Donoghue, 2003. Sequence analysis of bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II mRNAs from ascitic and non-ascitic commercial broilers. Poultry Sci. 81:1494-1499.
Cisar, C. R., J. M. Balog, R. Okimoto, N. B. Anthony, and A. M. Donoghue, 2003. The chicken bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II (BMPR2) gene maps to chromosome 7. Animal Genetics 34:475-476.
Cisar, C.R., J.M. Balog, N.B. Anthony, M. Iqbal, W.G. Bottje, and A.M. Donoghue, 2004. Differential expression of mitochondrial electron transport chain proteins in cardiac tissues of broilers from pulmonary hypertension syndrome resistant and susceptible lines. Poultry Sci. 83(8):1420-1426.
Cogburn, L.A. X. Wang, W. Carre, T. E. Potter, S. E. Aggrey and J. Simon, 2003. System-wide chicken DNA chip, gene expression profiling and discovery of functional genes. Poultry Sci. 82:939-951.
Cogburn, L. A., X. Wang, W. Carre, L. Rejto, S. E. Aggrey, M. Duclos, J. Simon and T. E. Porter, 2004. Functional genomics in chickens: Development of integrated systems microarrays for transcriptional profiling and discovery regulatory genes, 2004. Comp. Funct. Gen. 5: 253-261.
Creel, L.H., D.V. Maurice, S.F. Lightsey, and L.W. Grimes, 2001. Stability of dietary ascorbic acid and the effect of supplementation on reproductive performance of broiler breeder chickens. Brit. Poultry Sci. 42: 96-102.
Croom, W. J., Jr., J. Brake, B. A. Coles, V. L. Christensen, G. B. Havenstein, B. W. McBride, E. D. Peebles, and I. L. Taylor, 1999. Is intestinal absorption capacity rate-limiting for performance in poultry? J. Appl. Poult. Res. 8(2):242-252.
Ding, S. T., Y. C. Li, K. E. Nestor, S. G. Velleman, and H. J. Mersmann, 2003. Expression of turkey transcription factors and acyl-coenzyme oxidase in different tissues and genetic populations. Poultry Sci. 82:17-24.
Emmerson, D. A., S. G. Velleman, and K. E. Nestor, 2002. Genetics of growth and reproduction in the turkey. 15. Effect of long-term selection for increased egg production on the genetics of growth and egg production traits. Poultry Sci. 81:316-320.
Gehad, A. E., M. M. Mashaly, H. S. Siegel, E. A. Dunnington, and P. B. Siegel, 1999. Effect of genetic selection and MHC haplotypes on lymphocyte proliferation and Interleukin-2 activity in chicken lines selected for high and low antibody production against sheep red blood cells. Vet. Immunol. & Immunopath. 68:13-24.
Grizzle, Judith M. D. B. Kersten, M. D. McCracken, A. E. Houston, and A. M. Saxton. 2004. Determination of the acute 50% lethal dose (LD50) T-2 Toxin in adult bobwhite quail: additional studies on blood chemistry and the morphology of internal organs. Avian Dis. 48(2):392-399.
Gross, W. B., P. B. Siegel, and F. W. Pierson, 2002. Effects of genetic selection for high or low antibody response on resistance to a variety of disease challenges and the relationship of resource allocation. Avian Dis. 46:1007-1010.
Hammerstedt, R.H., P.G. Cramer, G.F. Barbato, R.P. Amann, J.S. OBrien, and M.D. Griswold, 2001. A fragment of prosaposin (SGP-1) from rooster sperm promotes sperm-egg binding and improves fertility in chickens. J. Androl. 22(3): 361-375.
Hall, L.E., R.B. Shirley, R.I. Bakalli, S. E. Aggrey, G. M. Pesti and H.M. Edwards, Jr. 2003. Power of two methods for estimation of bone ash in broilers. Poultry Sci. 82:414-418.
Hooper, C.L., D.V. Maurice, S.F. Lightsey, and J.E. Toler, 2000. Factors affecting ascorbic acid biosynthesis in chickens. I. Adaptation of an assay and the effect of age, sex and food deprivation. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 84: 48-56.
Hooper, C.L., D.V. Maurice, S.F. Lightsey, and J.E. Toler, 2000. Factors affecting ascorbic acid (AsA) biosynthesis in chickens. II. Effect of dietary AsA and strain of chicken. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 86: 326-332.
Huang, H.B., Y.Q. Song, M. Hsei, R. Zahorchak, J. Chiu, C. Teuscher, and E.J. Smith, 1999. Development and characterization of genetic mapping resources for the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). J. Hered. 90(1):240-242.
Keirs, Robert W., E. David Peebles, Sue Ann Hubbard, and Sharon K. Whitmarsh, 2002. Effects of supportive gluconeogenic substances on the early performance of broilers under adequate brooding conditions. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 11:367-372.
Keirs, Robert W., E. David Peebles, and Patrick D. Gerard 2004. Systematic documentation of embryonic anomalies of broilers and their increased incidence in Mississippi. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 13(3):481-487.
Keirs, R. W., E. D. Peebles, S. K. Whitmarsh, and P. D. Gerard, 2004. Associations of increased late embryo loss with incidences of anomalies and head disorientation toward the small end in broiler hatching eggs. Avian Poult. Biol. Rev.14:232-233.
Kidd, M. T., E. D. Peebles, S. K. Whitmarsh, J. B. Yeatman, and R. F. Wideman, Jr., 2001. Growth and immunity of broiler chicks as affected by dietary arginine. Poultry Sci. 80:1535-1542.
Kirby, Y.K., N.B. Anthony, J.D. Hughes, Jr., R.W. McNew, J.D. Kirby, and R.F. Wideman, Jr., 1999. Electrocardiographic and genetic evaluation of Giant Jungle fowl, broilers, and their reciprocal crosses following unilateral bronchus occlusion. Poultry Sci. 78:125-134.
Kirby, Y.K., R.W. McNew, N.B. Anthony, J.D. Kirby, N.E. Marson, J.D. Hughes, Jr., and R.F. Wideman, Jr., 1999. Electrocardiographic evaluation of broilers following unilateral occlusion of an extrapulmonary primary bronchus. Poultry Sci. 78:242-254.
Kuhnlein, U, R. Prasanejad, D. Zadworny, and S. E. Aggrey, 2003. Dynamics of genotype-phenotype in trait association. Poultry Sci. 82:876-881.
Kuo, A. Y., J. C. Lee, P. B. Siegel, and D. M. Denbow, 2001. Differential cardiovascular effects of pharmacological agents in chickens selected for high and low body weight. Physiol. & Behav. 74:573-579.
Latour, M. A., E. David Peebles, S. M. Doyle, and T. Pansky, 2001. Effects of broiler breeder hen age and dietary fat intake on circulating serum lipids. J. Appl. Anim. Res.19:73-84.
Lee, J.T., C.A. Bailey, and A.L. Cartwright, 2003. Guar meal germ and hull fractions differently affect growth performance and intestinal viscosity of broiler chickens. Poultry Sci. 82(10):1589-1595.
Lee, J.T., C.A. Bailey, and A.L. Cartwright, 2003. Beta mannanase ameliorates viscosity associated depression of growth in broiler chickens fed guar germ and hull fractions. Poultry Sci. 82(12):1925-1931.
Li, Z., K. E. Nestor, Y. M. Saif, W. L. Bacon, and J. W. Anderson, 1999. Effect of selection for increased body weight on mitogenic responses in turkeys. Poultry Sci. 78:1532-1535.
Li, Z., K. E. Nestor, Y. M. Saif, Z. Fan, M. Luhtala, and O. Vainio, 1999. Cross-reactive anti-chicken CD4 and CD8 monoclonal antibodies suggest polymorphism of the turkey CD8" molecule. Poultry Sci. 78:1526-1531.
Li, Z., K. E. Nestor, Y. M. Saif, J. W. Anderson, and R. A. Patterson, 2000. Serum immunoglobulin D and M concentrations did not appear to be associated with resistance to Pasteurella multocida in a large-bodied turkey line and a randombred control population. Poultry Sci. 79:163-166.
Li, Z., K. E. Nestor, Y. M. Saif, and M. Luhtala, 2000. Flow cytometric analysis of T lymphocyte subpopulations in large-bodied turkey lines and a randombred control population. Poultry Sci. 79:219-223.
Li, Z., K. E. Nestor, Y. M. Saif, and J. W. Anderson, 2000. Antibody responses to sheep red blood cell and Brucella abortus antigens in a turkey line selected for increased body weight and its randombred control. Poultry Sci. 79:804-809.
Li, Z., K. E. Nestor, Y. M. Saif, J. W. Anderson, and R. A. Patterson, 2001. Effect of selection for increased body weight in turkeys on lymphoid organ weights, phagocytosis, and antibody responses to fowl cholera and Newcastle disease-inactivated vaccines. Poultry Sci. 80:689-694.
Liu, H.-K., K. E. Nestor, D. W. Long, and W. L. Bacon, 2001. Frequency of luteinizing hormone surges and egg production rate in turkey hens. Biol. Reprod. 64:1769-1775.
Liu, X., K. E. Nestor, D. C. McFarland, and S. G. Velleman, 2002. Developmental expression of skeletal muscle heparan sulfate proteoglycans in turkeys with different growth rates. Poultry Sci. 81:1621-1628.
Liu, X., D. C. McFarland, K. E. Nestor, and S. G. Velleman, 2003. Expression of fibroblast growth factor 2 and its receptor during muscle development from turkeys with different growth rates. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. 25:215-229.
Liu, X., D. C. McFarland, K. E. Nestor, and S. G. Velleman, 2004. Developmental regulated expression of syndecan-1 and glypican in pectoralis major muscle in turkeys with different growth rates. Dev. Growth Differ. 46:37-51.
Liu, X., K. E. Nestor, and S. G. Velleman, 2004. The influence of selection for increased body weight and sex on pectoralis major muscle weight during the embryonic and posthatch periods. Poultry Sci. 83:1089-1092.
Maurice, D.V., S.F. Lightsey, A. Abudabos, and J.E. Toler, 2000. Factors affecting ascorbic acid biosynthesis in chickens. III. Effect of dietary fluoride on L-gulonolactone oxidase activity and tissue ascorbic acid concentration. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 86: 383-388.
Maurice, D.V., S.F. Lightsey, and J.E. Toler, 2004. Ascorbic acid biosynthesis in hens producing strong and weak eggshells. Brit. Poultry Sci. 45:404-408.
Maurice, D.V., S.F. Lightsey, and J.E. Toler, 2004. Factors affecting ascorbic acid biosynthesis in chickens. IV. Effect of cadmium and vanadium on L-gulonolactone oxidase activity and tissue ascorbic acid concentration. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 88:427-433.
Melnychuk, V.L., M.A. Cooper, J.D. Kirby, R.W. Rorie, and N.B. Anthony, 2002. Use of ultrasonography to characterize ovarian status in chickens. Poultry Sci. 81:892-895.
Melnychuk, V.L., J.DZ. Kirby, Y.K. Kirby, D.A. Emmerson, and N.B. Anthony, 2004. Effect of strain, feed allocation program, and age at photostimulation on reproductive development and carcass characteristics of broiler breeder hens. Poultry Sci. 83(11):1861-1867.
Nahashon, S. N., J. Bartlett, G. R. McDaniel, and E. J. Smith. 2000. Inheritance of tibial dyschondroplasia in a Single Comb White Leghorn strain cross. T. Horizons 11:26-27.
Nahashon, S. N., C. O. Briles, S. Louis and J. R. Bartlett, 2000. Performance and adipose cellularity of female progeny of White Plymouth Rock dams and Commercial Broiler Breeder Sires. J. Animal and Feed Science 9:379-389.
Nahashon, S.N., J. Bartelett, and E.J. Smith, 2004. Effect of the late feathering or early feathering genotypes on performance and carcass traits of broiler chickens. Livestock Prod. Sci. 91(1-2)83-94.
Nestor, K. E., Y. M. Saif, J. W. Anderson, R. A. Patterson, and Z. Li, 1999. Variation in resistance to Pasteurella multocida among turkey lines. Poultry Sci. 78:1377-1379.
Nestor, K. E., M. S. Lilburn, Y. M. Saif, J. W. Anderson, R. A. Patterson, Z. Li, and J. E. Nixon, 1999. Influence of body weight restriction in a body-weight-selected line of turkeys on response to challenge with Pasteurella multocida. Poultry Sci. 78:1263-1267.
Nestor, K. E., J. W. Anderson, and R. A. Patterson, 2000. Effects of selection for increased body weight, egg production, and shank width on developmental stability in turkeys. Poultry Sci. 79:937-945.
Nestor, K. E., J. W. Anderson, and R. A. Patterson, 2000. Genetics of growth and reproduction in the turkey. 14. Changes in genetic parameters over thirty generations of selection for increased body weight. Poultry Sci. 79:445-452.
Nestor, K. E., J. W. Anderson, and S. G. Velleman, 2001. Genetic variation in pure lines and crosses of large-bodied turkey lines. 1. Body weight, walking ability, and body measurements of live birds. Poultry Sci. 80:1087-1092.
Nestor, K. E., J. W. Anderson, and S. G. Velleman, 2001. Genetic variation in pure lines and crosses of large-bodied turkey lines. 2. Carcass traits and body shape. Poultry Sci. 80:1093-1104.
Nestor, K. E., W. L. Bacon, S. G. Velleman, J. W. Anderson, and R. A. Patterson, 2002. Effect of selection for increased body weight and increased plasma yolk precursor on developmental stability in Japanese quail. Poultry Sci. 81:160-168.
Nestor, K. E., J. W. Anderson, R. A. Patterson, and S. G. Velleman, 2004. Genetic variation in body weight and egg production in an experimental line selected long term for increased egg production, a commercial dam line, and reciprocal crosses between lines. Poultry Sci. 83:1055-1059.
Noble, D. O., K. E. Nestor, and C. R. Polly, 1999. Factors influencing early poult flip-overs in experimental populations of turkeys. Poultry Sci. 78:178-181.
Pavlidis, H. O., S. E. Price, and P. B. Siegel, 2002. Associations between egg production and clutch length in four selected lines of chickens. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 11:204-307.
Peebles, E. David, Steven M. Doyle, Tomas Pansky, Patrick D. Gerard, Mickey A. Latour, Carolyn R. Boyle, and Tom W. Smith, 1999. Effects of breeder age and dietary fat on subsequent broiler performance. 1. Growth, mortality, and feed conversion. Poultry Sci. 78:505-511.
Peebles, E. David, Steven M. Doyle, Tomas Pansky, Patrick D. Gerard, Mickey A. Latour, Carolyn R. Boyle, and Tom W. Smith, 1999. Effects of breeder age and dietary fat on subsequent broiler performance. 2. Slaughter yield. Poultry Sci. 78:512-515.
Peebles, E. David, Lumu Li, Sherman L. Miller, Tomas Pansky, Sharon Whitmarsh, Mickey A. Latour, and Patrick D. Gerard, 1999. Embryo and yolk compositional relationships in broiler hatching eggs during incubation. Poultry Sci. 78:1435-1442.
Peebles, E. David, C. D. Zumwalt, Steven M. Doyle, Patrick D. Gerard, Mickey A. Latour, Carolyn R. Boyle, and Tom W. Smith, 2000. Effects of dietary fat type and level on broiler breeder performance. Poultry Sci. 79:629-639. Awarded as the publication with the most relevance and potential impact to Mississippi Agriculture by the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (2000).
Peebles, E. David, C. D. Zumwalt, Steven M. Doyle, Patrick D. Gerard, Mickey A. Latour, Carolyn R. Boyle, and Tom W. Smith, 2000. Effects of breeder age and dietary fat source and level on broiler hatching egg characteristics. Poultry Sci. 79:698-704.
Peebles, E. David, C. W. Gardner, J. Brake, C. E. Benton, J. J. Bruzual, and Patrick D.Gerard, 2000. Albumen height and yolk and embryo compositions in broiler hatching eggs during incubation. Poultry Sci. 79:1373-1377.
Peebles, E. David, Steven M. Doyle, C. D. Zumwalt, Patrick D. Gerard, Mickey A. Latour, Carolyn R. Boyle, and Tom W. Smith, 2001. Breeder age influences embryogenesis in broiler hatching eggs. Poultry Sci. 80:272-277.
Peebles, E. David, M. R. Burnham, C. W. Gardner, J. Brake, J. J. Bruzual, and P.D. Gerard, 2001. Effects of incubational humidity and hen age on embryo composition in broiler hatching eggs from young breeders. Poultry Sci. 80:1299-1304.
Peebles, E. David, J. Croom, W. R. Maslin, S. K. Whitmarsh, L. R. Daniel, and I. L. Taylor, 2001. In ovo peptide YY and epidermal growth factor administration and their effects on growth and yolk utilization in neonatal meat-type chickens (Gallus domesticus). Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A, 130(4):741-749.
Peebles, E. D., C. D. Zumwalt, P. D. Gerard, M. A. Latour, and T. W. Smith, 2002. Market age live weight, carcass yield, and liver characteristics of broiler offspring from breeder hens fed diets differing in fat and energy contents. Poultry Sci. 81:23-29.
Peebles, E. David, C. D. Zumwalt, T.W. Smith, P.D. Gerard, and M. A. Latour, 2002. Poultry fat and corn oil may be used to adjust energy in the diets of young breeder hens without affecting embryogenesis and subsequent broiler growout performance. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 11:146-154.
Peebles, E. David., M. R. Burnham, R. L. Walzem, S. L. Branton, and P. D. Gerard, 2004. Effects of fasting on serum lipids and lipoprotein profiles in the egg-laying hen (Gallus domesticus). Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A. 138(3):305-311.
Peebles, E. D., R. W. Keirs, L. W. Bennett, T. S. Cummings, S. K. Whitmarsh, and P. D. Gerard, 2004. Relationships among post-hatch physiological parameters in broiler chicks hatched from young breeder hens and subjected to delayed brooding placement. Int. J. Poultry Sci. 3(9):578-585.
Peebles, E. D., R. W. Keirs, L. W. Bennett, S. K. Whitmarsh, and P. D. Gerard, 2004. Egg weight loss during incubation and relative hatching chick weight and their relationships to post-hatch blood glucose concentration, body temperature, visceral changes, and liver glycogen concentrations in nutrient restricted broilers. Avian Poult. Biol. Rev15:228-230.
Picard, M., P. B. Siegel, C. Leterrier, and P. A. Geraert, 1999. Diluted starter diet, growth performance, and digestive tract development in fast- and slow-growing broilers. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 8:122-131.
Pimentel-Smith, G.E., L. Shi, P. Drummond, Z. Tu, and E.J. Smith, 2000. Amplification of sequence tagged sites in five avian species using heterologous oligonucleotides. Genetica, 110(3):219-226.
Reddish, J. M., K. E. Nestor, and M. S. Lilburn, 2003. Effect of selection for growth on onset of sexual maturity in randombred and growth-selected lines of Japanese quail. Poultry Sci. 82:187-191.
Sacco, R. E., K. E. Nestor, and R. A. Kunkle, 2000. Genetic variation in response of turkeys to experimental infection with Bordetella avium. Avian Dis. 44:197-200.
Sacco, R. E., R. B. Rimler, X. Ye, and K. E. Nestor, 2001. Identification of new major histocompatibility complex Class II restriction fragment length polymorphisms in a closed experimental line of Beltsville Small White turkeys. Poultry Sci. 80:1109-1111.
Saif, Y. M., and K. E. Nestor, 2002. Increased mortality in turkeys selected for increase body weight following vaccination with a live Newcastle disease virus vaccine. Avian Dis. 46:505-598.
Shi, L. P. Drummond, S. De Kloet, G.E. Pimentel-Smith, and E.J. Smith, 2000. Comparative DNA sequence analysis of genetic variation in the African grey parrot, Psittacus erythacus. Genetica 110(3):227-230.
Shi, L., G.E. Smith, and E.J. Smith, 2001. Linkage assignment of two novel expressed sequence tagged sites in the chicken. Animal Genetics 32(1):49-50.
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Conference Proceedings:
Aggrey, S. E., W. Zhang, R. I. Bakalli, G.M. Pesti and H.M. Edwards, Jr., 2002. Genetics of phytate phosphorus bio-availability in poultry. In, Proc 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, 31:277-279. Montpellier, France.
Aggrey, S. E., X, Wang, W. Carre and L. A. Cogburn, 2004. Candidate genes for fatness: Spot 14 and growth hormone receptor. In, Proc 22nd World Poultry Congress, 4 pp Istanbul, Turkey.
Aggrey, S. E., G. M. Pesti, R. I. Bakalli, and H. M. Edwards, Jr., 2004. Molecular factors affecting phytate phosphorus utilization in growing birds. In, Proc 22nd World Poultry Congress, 4 pp. Istanbul, Turkey.
Anthony, N.B., Balog, J.M., Hughes, J. D., Stamps, L., Cooper, M.A., Kidd, B. D., Liu, X., Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., and Rath N. C., 2001. Genetic selection of broiler lines that differ in their ascites susceptibility 1. Selection under hypobaric conditions. Proc. 13th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, Blankenberge, Belgium. Pages 327-328.
Balog, J.M., Anthony, N.B., Kidd, B.D., Liu, X., Cooper, M.A., Huff, G.R., Huff, W.E., Wideman, R.F. and Rath N. C., 2001. Genetic selection of broiler lines that differ in their ascites susceptibility 2. Response of the ascites lines to cold stress and bronchus occlusion. Proc. 13th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, Blankenberge, Belgium. Pages 329-330.
Behnam, A., F. Pitel, S. Lagarrigue, E. Bihan-Duval, L. Pascale, A. Vignal, J. Simon, L. A. Cogburn, S. E. Aggrey, and M. Douaire, 2004. Characterization of quantitative trait loci affecting fatness on chicken chromosome 5. In, Proc 22nd World Poultry Congress, 4 pp. Istanbul, Turkey.
Cisar, C.R., Balog, J.M., Anthony, N.B., and Donoghue, A. M., 2001. Genetic selection of broiler lines that differ in their ascites susceptibility 1. Progress on identification of differentially expressed genes in ascitic and non-ascitic birds. Proc. 13th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, Blankenberge, Belgium. Pages 331-332.
Havenstein, G. B., P. R. Ferket, J. L. Grimes, M. A. Qureshi, and K. E. Nestor, 2004. Performance of 1966 vs. 2003 turkeys when fed representative 1966 and 2003 turkey diets. Proc. Worlds Poultry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.
Web Reports:
Grizzle, J., M. McCracken, D. Kersten, C. Hernandez, A. Houston, and A. Saxton. 2002. T-2 Mycotoxicosis in bobwhite quail.
Grizzle, J., J. Wiles, and R. Benyard. 2003. In vitro screening of nutriceuticals for immunosupport in avians. http://animalscience.ag.utk.edu/pdf/Reports/Grizzle_ASDeptpaper2003.pdf
Peebles, E. D., 2000. Feature Research Report: "Research traces broiler health to hen diets." MSU Office of Agricultural Communications. www.ext.msstate.edu/ppe/news/news/, May 1.
Popular Articles:
Peebles, E.D., 2000. Value-Added Product Development: "Research traces broiler health to hen diets." MAFES Research Highlights 63(3):15, Summer 2000.
Peebles, E. David, Robert W. Keirs, Sharon K. Whitmarsh, and Patrick D. Gerard, 2002. Associations among physiological parameters in chicks from hatch through early brooding. 2002 IFRG meeting abstract. International Hatchery Practice 17(2):15, 2002.
Peebles, E. David and Christopher D. McDaniel. A Practical Manual for Understanding the Shell Structure of Broiler Hatching Eggs and Measurements of Their Quality, MAFES Bulletin 1139, pages 1-16, April 2004. Description in Book Reviews, Association Notes, by Dr. Paul B. Siegel, Editor-in-Chief, 2004, Poultry Sci. 83:1476.
Thesis and Dissertations:
Ankra-Badu, G.A., 2003.Modeling phytate phosphorus utilization in growing birds. MS Thesis. University of Georgia, Athens..
Brent, M.D. 1999. The effect of tumor necrosis factor alpha on in vitro steroidogenesis in two stains of white leghorn chickens. MS Thesis. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Burnham, M. R., 1999. Effects of incubator humidity and breeder age on yolk and embryo compositions in broiler hatching eggs. M.S. Thesis, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State.
Carney, V.L., 32003. Impact of feeding and lighting regimes on factors affecting onset of sexual maturity in broiler breeder pullets as measured using invasive and non-invasive techniques. PhD Dissertation, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Cooper, M.A., 2004. The interaction of feed restriction and selection of growth in Coturnix coturnix japonica. PhD. Dissertation, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Hernandez-Bobonis, C. 2002. The effect of raw soybeans, T-2 mycotoxin and their interaction on the performance, immunocompetence, and reproduction of bobwhite quail (Colineus Virginianus). MS Thesis. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Hooper, C.L., 1999. Factors influencing biosynthesis of ascorbic acid in the domestic fowl. MS Thesis, Clemson University, Clemson.
Hughes, J.D., Jr., 2002. Genetic aspects of the ascites syndrome and divergent selection for its incidence in broilers. MS Thesis. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Jones, M. S., 2001. Use of a Caprine serum fraction as an immunomodulator in Single Comb White Leghorn chickens. M.S. Thesis, Mississippi State.
Li, Z. 1999. Influence of growth selection on the immune system of turkeys. PhD Dissertation. The Ohio State University, Columbus.
Liu, X., 2001. Effect of cold stress or bronchus clamp challenge on ascites resistant or susceptible lines of chickens. MS Thesis. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Ong, C.C., 1999. Antioxidant capacity of selected tissues in chickens during development and growth. MS Thesis, Clemson University, Clemson.
Pavlidis, H.O., 2003. Correlated responses to divergent selection for ascites in broilers. MS Thesis, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Watts, J.C., 2004. Effects of dietary iron overload on ascorbic acid metabolism and oxidative stress. Ph.D. Dissertation, Clemson University, Clemson.
Zhang, W. 2004. Selection for phytate phosphorus utilization in growing birds. PhD. Dissertation. University of Georgia, Athens.