S290: Technical and Economical Efficiencies of Producing, Marketing, and Managing Environmental Plants

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Behe, B.K. 2001. Successful Sales Strategies. Michigan Certified Nursery Manual. Chapter 18, pages 1-5. Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association. Okemos, MI.

Behe, B.K. 2001. Displays: Your Silent Salesperson. Michigan

Certified Nursery Manual. Chapter 19, pages 1-4. Michigan

Nursery and Landscape Association. Okemos, MI..

Brooker, John R., David B. Eastwood, and Bill Klingeman, Added Value of a Powdery Mildew Resistant Dogwood, Proceedings of Research Conference, Southern Nursery Association, 45th Annual Report, 2001.

Hall, Charles R. and Melissa K. Jupe, "The Economic Impact of the Nursery Industry in Texas," Proceedings of Southern Nurserymens Associations Research Conference Forty-Sixth Annual Report, Volume 46, 2001.

Hall, Charles R., "An Image Assessment of Blooming Colors Nursery, Coppell, Texas," Texas Agricultural Extension Service, August, 2001.

Hall, Charles R. " The Economic Impact of the Green Industry in Texas," Final contract report for the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association, agecon.tamu.edu/faculty/hall/impact/impactstudy2000.html, January 2001.


Barton et. al. 2002. Establishing and Operating A Garden Center: Requirements and Costs, 2nd Edition, NRAES.

Barton, S., B. Behe, R. Brumfield, C. Hall, R. Harkess, C. Safley, and P.J. van

Blokland. 2002. Enhancing profitability in greenhouse firms. So. Coop. Ser.

Bull. 401.

Behe, Bridget, Art Cameron, Kathy Kelley, Elizabeth Moore, Erin Nausieda,

Beth Fausey, Royal Heins, and Will Carlson. 2002. Turning Perennials Inside

Out. Nursery and Landscape Research Projects and Educational Programs

Booklet 2001. Published by Michigan State University. Diane Brown-Rytlewski

editor. p14-17.

Behe, Bridget, Kathleen Kelley, Jim Heilig, and Rachel Walden. 2002. Survey

of Southern Growers of Annuals and Perennials. Southern Nursery Association

Research Conference Proceedings. 45:516-518.

Behe, B.K., R.M. Walden R. D. Lineberger, M. Duck, B. Cregg. 2002. Consumer Preferences For Table-top Christmas Trees. Abstract Number: International Society of Horticultural Science, Toronto, Canada.

Behe, Bridget and Susan Barton. 2002. Consumer Perceptions of Product and

Service Quality Attributes in Six U.S. States. Nursery and Landscape Research

Projects and Educational Programs Booklet 2001. Published by Michigan

State University. Diane Brown-Rytlewski editor. p46-48.

Behe, Bridget, Elizabeth Moore, and Art Cameron. 2002. Examining Consumer Perceptions About Selected Flowering Perennial Plants. Nursery and Landscape Research Projects and Educational Programs Booklet 2001. Published by Michigan State University. Diane Brown-Rytlewski editor. p48-50.

van Blokland, P., A. Hodges and J. Haydu. 2002. Using Probabilities to Make

Budgets More Realistic. Proceedings of the Hawaii Conference on Business,

Honolulu, HI.

Brooker, J. and C. Hall. 2002. Interstate Trade Flows of Nursery Sales by

Market Outlet and Destination: Five Selected States. Proceedings of Research

Conference, SNA, Atlanta, GA, 2002.

Gardner, J., D. Eastwood, J. Brooker, J. Riley, and B. Klingeman. 2002.

Consumers‘ Willingness-To-Pay for Powdery Mildew Resistant Flowering

Dogwoods. Research Series 02-02, Department of Agricultural Economics,

February, 2002.

Gardner, J., D. Eastwood, C. Hall, and J. Brooker. 2002. How Much Should I

Charge? Applying Decision Analysis Tools to the Pricing of Flowering

Dogwood Trees that are Resistant to Powdery Mildew. Research Series

07-02, Department of Agricultural Economics, July, 2002.

Hall, C. and J. Brooker. 2002. Structural Changes in the Distribution of Nursery

Sales by Market Outlet for Five Selected States. Proceedings of Research

Conference, SNA, Atlanta, GA, 2002.

Hall, C., J. Haydu, and K. Tilt. 2002. The Economics of Producing Nursery

Crops Using the Pot-in-Pot Production System: Two Case Studies. Southern

Cooperative Series Bulletin No. 402, November 2002.

Hall, C. 2002. Editor, Enhancing Profitability in Greenhouse Firms. Southern

Cooperative Series Bulletin No. 401, May 2002.

Hardy, Jill, Bridget K. Behe, Thomas J. Page, Robert E. Schutzki, R. Thomas

Fernandez, D. Bradley Rowe. 2002. Consumer Preferences for Plant Size,

Type of Plant Material and Design Sophistication in Residential Landscaping.

Nursery and Landscape Research Projects and Educational Programs Booklet

2001. Published by Michigan State Univ. Diane Brown-Rytlewski editor. p50-51.

Haydu, J.J. A.W. Hodges, L.N. Satterthwaite and J.L. Cisar. 2002. Market

Expansion Strategies for Turfgrass Producers in the Central U.S., Part 2. Turf

Dollars and Sense, 14, pp. 1-4.

Haydu, J.J. A.W. Hodges, L.N. Satterthwaite and JL Cisar. 2002. Market

Expansion Strategies for Turfgrass Producers in the Central U.S., Part 3. Turf

Dollars and Sense, 14, pp. 1-4.

Haydu, J.J. A.W. Hodges, L.N. Satterthwaite and JL Cisar. 2002. Market

Expansion Strategies for Turfgrass Producers in the Central U.S., Part 4. Turf

Dollars and Sense, 14, pp. 1-4.20.

Hodges, A. Outlook for Ornamental Plants. 2001. Food & Resource Economics Newsletter, University of Florida.

Haydu, John J., Alan W. Hodges, and Ronald W. Ward. 2002. Market Analysis

of the Capillary Mat Irrigation Technology in the Southeastern United States.

EDIS Document FE 334, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Univ of Fl

Haydu, J.J., R.C. Beeson, A.W. Hodges, J. Carron, and PJ van Blokland. 2002.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Alternative Irrigation Technologies for

Container-grown Landscape Plants. Proceedings of the Hawaii Conference on

Business, Honolulu, HI.

Haydu, J.J., A.W. Hodges, and J.L. Cisar. 2002. Container-grown Nursery

Crops as a Solution to Small Farm Profitability. Proceedings of the Hawaii

Conference on Business, Honolulu, HI.

Haydu, John J. and A.W. Hodges. 2002. Economic Dimensions of the Florida

Golf Course Industry. EDIS document FE 344, Florida Cooperative Extension

Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Haydu, John J. and Alan W. Hodges. 2002. Market Analysis of the Capillary

Mat Irrigation Technology in the Southeastern United States. Economic

Information Report, EIR 02-1, University of Florida, 22 p.

Haydu, John J. and Alan W. Hodges. 2002. Economic Impact of Floridas Golf

Course Industry. Economic Information Report, EIR 02-4, University of Florida,

30 p.

Haydu, John J. and Loretta Satterthwaite and John L. Cisar. 2002. An

Economic and Agronomic Profile of Floridas Sod Industry in 2000. Economic

Information Report, EIR 02-6, University of Florida, 25 p.

Haydu, John J. and Alan W. Hodges. 2002. Summary of Florida Sod Production. TPI Turf News, Vol.26, No.1, p. 34.

Haydu, John J. and Alan W. Hodges. 2002. Contribution of Floridas Golf

Course Industry to the States Economy. Florida Turf Digest, Vol.19, No.4, pp.


Haydu, John J. and Alan W. Hodges. 2002. Contribution of Floridas Golf

Course Industry to the States Economy. The Florida Green, Summer Edition,

pp. 40-46.

Hodges, Alan W.and J.J. Haydu. 2002. Economic Impacts of the Florida

Environmental Horticulture Industry, 2000. Economic Information Report, EI

02-3, IFAS, University of Florida, 79 p.

Hodges, Alan W. and John J. Haydu. 2002. Floridas Nursery and Landscape

Industry Soars to Record Economic Heights. Farm Credit Leader, Winter,

2002. Farm Credit of Central Florida, pp.4-7.

Hodges, Alan W. and John J. Haydu. 2002. Demographic Trends in the United

States Relevant for Sod Producers. TPI Turf News, Vol.26, No.1, pp. 36, 38,

40-41, 44-45.

Hodges, Alan W. and John J. Haydu. 2002. Florida Green Industry Makes

Enormous Economic Impact. Ornamental Outlook, Vol.11, No.9, September,

pp. 38-40.

Hodges, Alan W. and John J. Haydu. 2002. Competition in the Market for

Manufactured Horticultural Containers in the Southeastern United States. EDIS

document FE 336, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, University of

Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Hodges, A. and J. Haydu. 2002. Economic Impacts of the Florida

Environmental Horticulture Industry. EDIS document FE 338, Florida

Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Hodges, Alan, W and J.J. Haydu. 2002. Competition in the Horticulture

Container Market in the Southeastern United States. Southern Nursery

Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Hodges, Alan W.and J.J. Haydu. 2002. Economic Impacts of the Florida

Environmental Horticulture Industry, 2000. Southern Nursery Association

Research Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Hodges, A.W., J.J. Haydu, and P.J. van Blokland. 2002. Competition in the

Horticulture Container Market in the Southeastern United States. Hawaii

Conference on Business, Honolulu, HI.

Kelley, Kathleen M., Bridget K. Behe, John A. Biernbaum, and Kenneth L. Poff.

2002. Combinations of Colors and Species of Containerized Edible Flowers:

Effect on Consumer Preferences. HortScience 37(1):218-22.

Mathers, H.M. 2002. Tackling Heat Stress in Container Stock. OSU Special

Circular 186: 97-102.

Mathers, H.M. and Zondag, R. 2002. Nursery Stock Production Using

Pot-In-Pot Technique. The Buckeye. February 2002:14-15, 20.

Mathers, H.M. 2002. Nursery Irrigation Management Part I: Waste Not, Want

Not. The Buckeye. March 2002:14-16.

Mathers, H.M. 2002. Nursery Irrigation Management Part II: Efficiency and

Water Conservation. The Buckeye. April 2002:14-17.

Mathers, H.M. 2002. Achieve optimum fertility: Why it‘s Important to Watch pH,

Macros and Micros. Nursery Management & Production 18(3):65-66, 68-71, 73-74.

Mathers, H.M. 2002. Nursery Irrigation Management. Part 3: Plant-Driven

Irrigation. The Buckeye. May 2002:14-15, 18.

Mathers, H.M. 2002. Nursery Irrigation Management. Part 4: Do you have a

Plan? The Buckeye. June 2002:14-16.

Mathers, H.M. 2002. Choosing the Right Herbicide. Part 1. The Buckeye. July


Mathers, H.M. and Zondag, R. 2002. Top 5 Pot-in-pot Problems. What to

Avoid, and Quick Solutions to Ease Production and Improve Crops. Nursery

Management & Production 18(7):61, 62, 65, 66, 68, 70.

Mathers, H.M. 2002. Choosing the Right Herbicide. Part II. The Buckeye.

August 2002:14-15, 17.

Mathers, H.M. and Quigley, M. OSU Editors. 2002. Ohio State University News

for the Green Industry / Noticias para la Industria Ecologia. Issue 2, Volume 2.

August 2002: 1-8.

Mathers, H.M. 2002. Uncovering the Truth about Mulches. The Buckeye.

September 2002:14-15,17-18.

Mathers, H.M. 2002. Herbicide Treated Mulches. The Buckeye. October 2002:14-17.

Mathers, H.M. 2002. The First Year. Field Planting of Caliper Trees. The

Nursery Book 2002-2003. October 2002:18-19, 26, 50.

Mathers, H.M., Struve, D. and Stoven. A. 2002. Cracking the Liner Market.

November 2002:14-17.

Mathers, H. and Case, L.T. 2002. Herbicide Treated Mulches for Ornamental

Weed Control. SNA Proceedings 47:

Phares, Meredith, Kathleen Kelley, and Bridget Behe. 2002. Telephone Survey

Results Show that Home Landscapes and Important to Consumers. Southern

Nursery Association Research Conference Proceedings. 45:516-518.

Phares, Meredith, Kathleen Kelley, and Bridget Behe. 2002. Telephone Survey

Results Show That Home Landscapes are Important to Consumers. Nursery

and Landscape Research Projects and Educational Programs Booklet 2001.

Published by Michigan State University. Diane Brown-Rytlewski editor. p45-46.

Pinel, R., R. Hinson, D. Hughes and R. Navajas. 2002. Establishing the

Economic Impact Of the Green Industry on Louisianas Economy. Paper

accepted for presentation at annual meeting of Southern Agricultural

Economics Association, Mobile, AL.

Posadas, Benedict C., Patricia Knight, Richard Harkess and Jeff Kuehny.

2002. Poinsettia Consumer Survey in Coastal Mississippi. Poster presented at

the 30th Horticulture Field Day, South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station,

Poplarville, Mississippi, November 1, 2002.

Posadas, Benedict C., Patricia Knight, and Richard Harkess. 2002. National

Nursery Surveys in Mississippi. Poster presented at the 30th Horticulture Field

Day, South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station, Poplarville, Mississippi,

November 1, 2002.

Stegelin, F.and S.C. Turner.An Example Protocol for a New Plant Introduction.

Proceedings of the Southern Nurseryman‘s Association Research Conference

Forty Fourth Annual Report 2002,p. 543-548.

Uva, W.L. and Richards, S. 2002. New York Greenhouse Business Summary

and Financial Analysis, 2000. E.B.2002-03, Dept. of Applied Economics and

Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Uva, W. L. 2002. Managing Marketing Risks. Cornell Focus on Floriculture

1(2):2,3. October. Dept. of Horticulture, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Uva, W.L. 2002. Marketing Horticultural Services. Smart Marketing Newsletter

Series. August. Dept. of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell

University, Ithaca, NY.

Uva, W.L. 2002. Growing for Profit - Managing Crop Mix to Enhance

Competitive Edge and Increase Profitability. Cornell Focus on Floriculture

1(1):2,3. July. Dept. of Horticulture, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Williams, D.J. 2002. Commercial Landscape and Turfgrass Pest Managenment Handbook. Chapter 1 Guidelines for managing weeds in landscape and nursery plantings.

Williams, D.J. 2002 University of Illinois all American selections trial garden. In: Miles C. Hartley Selections Garden at the Arboretum. Arboretum Series 02-1,

Universuity of Illinois Arboretum.


Anderson, D. and Williams D.J. 2003. Miles C. Hartley Selections Garden 2003 trials evaluation report. Arboretum Series 03-001. pp.1-35.

Beeson, R.C., J.J. Haydu, T.H. Yeager, G.W. Knox, D. Hamon, and J. Caron. 2003. Container Systems for Reducing Overhead Irrigation Application Rates, Proceedings: Southern Nurseryman Association, (48):454-456.

Behe, Bridget K., Elizabeth C. Moore, Arthur C. Cameron, Forest S. Carter. 2003. Consumer Perceptions for and Uses and Perceptions of Selected Flowering Perennial Plants. HortScience 38(3):460-464.

Brooker, J., Hall, C. and Eastwood, D. 2003. Structural Changes in the U.S. Nursery Industry: A Graphical Analysis Using GIS Technology. Proceedings of SNA Annual Conference, 2003, Atlanta, GA.

Brumfield, R.G. 2004. Profitable poinsettias. Grower Talks, Feburary 2004. http://www.growertalks.com/display.asp?ArticleID=817.

Brumfield, R.G. 2003. Growing on contract. Brumfield American Nurseryman. 198(3):49-51.

Brumfield, R.G. 2003. Should you consider contract growing? GMPro 23(9):59-62.

Brumfield, R.G. 2003. Is your greenhouse green? Greenhouse Product News 13(4):66-69.

Brumfield, R.G. 2003. Greenhouse cost management: a 1/2 day bottom line building workshop. Proceedings of the 2003 National Extension Risk Management Education Conference March 26-27, 2003, Dallas/FortWorth, TX.

Brumfield, R.G. Economic and Marketing Issues from a Growers Perspective. 2003. USDA Outlook Forum, February 20-21, 2003, Arlington, VA, http://www.usda.gov/oce/waob/oc2003/program.htm#nursery.

Cain, J. J., J. L. Adrian, P. M. Duffy, and E. Guertal. 2003. "Turfgrass-Sod Production in Alabama: Economics and Marketing," AAES Bulletin 653, Auburn University.

Case, L., Mathers, H. 2003. Long term effects of herbicide treated mulches for ornamental weed control. Northeastern Weed Science Society Proceedings 57: 39.

Cisar, J. L., J. E. Erickson, G. H. Snyder, J. J. Haydu, and J. E. Volin. 2003. Documenting Nutrient Leaching and Runoff from Urban Landscapes. Chapter 12, Environmental Inpacts of Fertilizer Products on Soil, Air, and Water, W. Hall and W. Robarge, eds.

Dicks, Bradley R., P.J. van Blokland and John J. Haydu. Florida Forest Industry. Teaching and Learning Paper Series, TLP 03-08. Dept. of Food & Resource Economics, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida.

Gao, G. Y., J.J. Smith, J.A. Chatfield, J.F. Boggs, E.A. Draper and H.M. Mathers. 2003. Key results of the 2001 Ohio green industry survey. OSU Special Circular 189: 139-144.

Gardner, J., Eastwood, D., Brooker, J. and Klingeman, B. 2003. Consumers Valuation of Disease-Resistant Nursery Stock: A Case Study of Dogwoods. J. of Agribusiness 21:1:103-116. Spring.

Hall, C. and Brooker, J. 2003. Key Website Characteristics for Effective Green Industry Marketing. Proceedings of SNA Annual Conference. August. Atlanta, GA.

Hall, C. and Brooker, J. 2003. A Strategic Framework for Customer Relationship Management. Proceedings of SNA Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.

Hall, Charles, John Haydu, and Ken Tilt. 2002. The Economics of Producing Nursery Crops Using the Pot-in-Pot Production System: Two Case Studies. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin #402, ISBN 1-58161-402-0.

Hall, Charles (author and editor), Susan Barton, Bridget Behe, Robin Brumfield, Richard Harkass, Charles Safley, and P.J. Van Blokland. 2002. Enhancing Profitability in the Greenhouse. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin #401. ISBN: 1-58161-401-2.

Haydu, John J and Daniel E. Legard. 2003. An Economic Analysis of Preharvest Fungicide Applications to Control Botrytis Fruit Rot in Annual Strawberries in Florida. HortScience, Vol. 38(1):124-127.

Haydu, J.J., A.W. Hodges, and J.L. Cisar. 2003. A Financial Appraisal of Floridas Environmental Horticulture Industry. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol.2(2):386-392.

Haydu, John J. and Alan W. Hodges. 2003. Developing New Markets for Turfgrass-sod in the United States. Proceedings: The Economics and International Business Research Conference, Vol.2(1):12-17.

Hinson, R., R. Pinel and D. Hughes. 2003. Louisiana‘‘‘‘s Green Industry: Evaluation of its Economic Contribution, R.I.S. 108, LAES, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge.

Hodges, Alan, W, John.J. Haydu. 2003. Structural Adaptation in the Florida Ornamental Plant Nursery Industry. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol. 2(2):393-399.

Hodges, Alan W. and J.J. Haydu. 2003. Golf, Tourism, and Amenity-based Development in Florida. Proceedings: The Economics and International Business Research Conference, Vol. 2(1):127-134.

Johansen, S. and Mathers, H. 2003. High temperature stress effects on water use and nutrient utilization in container systems. HortScience Program and Abstracts. 38(5):675.

Kelley, Kathleen M. Bridget K. Behe, and Elizabeth H. Moore. 2003. Comparison of Consumer Purchasing of Campanula carpatica Jacq. Blue Clips in Selected Supermarket Retail Floral Departments as an Indoor Flowering Potted Plant. HortScience. 38(1):121-123.

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Eight types of winter injury. The Buckeye. December. Pp. 8-9.

Mathers, H.M. 2003. New irrigation research. The Buckeye. November. Pp. 8-9.

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Water quality for ornamentals: Part 4. The Buckeye. October. Pp. 8-9.

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Water quality for ornamentals: Part 3. The Buckeye. September. Pp. 8-9.

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Water quality for ornamentals: Part 2. The Buckeye. August. Pp. 8-9.

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Water quality for ornamentals: Part 1. The Buckeye. July. Pp. 9, 14.

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Breaking the language barrier: Part 2. Happiness and retention. The Buckeye. June. Pp. 9, 14-15.

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Breaking the language barrier: Part 1. Building relationships. The Buckeye. April. Pp. 18-20.

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Top 10 ways to conserve water 19(11): 30-32, 33-35.

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Hispanic labor comparisons: The Northwest and Midwest. Nursery Management & Production 19(10): 34-35.

Mathers, H. M. 2003. Water quality for ornamentals. American Nurserymen 198(5): 32-34, 36-37.

Mathers, H.M., D. Struve and A. Stoven. 2003. Liners under retractable roofs. Nursery Management & Production 19(1): 53-54, 56. (75|pct| contribution).

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Stop herbicide resistance. Nursery Management & Production 19(9): 52-54, 56, 58, 60.

Mathers, H. M., 2003. Technical information requested for Hispanic nursery employees - Survey Results from Oregon and Ohio. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. Accepted. In Press. (70|pct| Ohio and 30|pct| Oregon).

Mathers, H.M., 2003. Temperature stress issues in nursery containers and current methods of protection. HortTechnology 13(4): 8-15 (100|pct| Ohio).

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Novel weed control methods in containers. HortTechnology 13(1): 28-34.

Mathers, H.M. 2003. Herbicide-treated mulches address some environmental concerns. Golfdom TurfGrass Trends 59(1): 46-48.

Mathers, H., Case, L., Stoven, A., Johansen, S. and Pope, J. 2003. Examination of ornamental weed control using micro-encapsulated herbicide treated bark mulches. Northeastern Weed Science Society Proceedings 57: 82.

Mathers, H., Case, L., Stoven, A., Johansen, S. and Pope, J. 2003. Comparison of herbicide treated barks and pelletized leaf mulch for ornamental weed control. Northeastern Weed Science Society Conference Proceedings 57: 58.

Mathers, H., Case L., Stoven, A., Pope, J., Johansen, S. 2003. Evaluation of new dicholbenil and flumioxazin preemergent herbicide formulations for ornamentals. Northeastern Weed Science Society Proceedings 57: 59.

Mathers, H. 2003. Overview of nursery irrigation management. Ornamental Working Group Workshop: Nursery Irrigation Management. HortScience Program and Abstracts. 38(5): 656.

Mathers, H. 2003. Technical information requirements for Hispanic nursery employees-Survey results from Oregon and Ohio. HortScience Program and Abstracts. 38(5):700.

Mathers, H., Case, L., Stoven, A., Johansen, S. and Pope, J. 2003. Examination of ornamental weed control using micro-encapsulated herbicide treated bark mulches. Proceedings of Southern Nurserymen‘‘‘‘s Association Research Conference 48: 355-357.

Mathers, H. 2003. Weed control in ornamentals: The latest research. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Southern Illinois Grounds Maintenance School. Pp. 14-18.

McClellan, C. F.E. Stegelin, R. E. McNiel, S. C. Turner. 2003. Historical price series analysis of seleted woody ornamentals. Southern Nursery Association Research Conf. Proc. 48.

Owen, J.S. Jr., W.A. Johnson, and B.K. Maynard. 2003. A Comparison or Subirrigation System, Basal Temperature, and Auxin Concentration on Rooting of Stem Cuttings of Ilex glabra. J. Envir. Hort. 21: (accepted for publication)

Owen, J.S. Jr., W.A. Johnson, and B.K. Maynard. 2003. Effects of Auxin Concentration and Basal Stem Temperature on Four Woody Plant Taxa Propagated by Stem Cuttings in a Growth Chamber using Recirculating Subirrigation. J. Envir. Hort. 21: (accepted for publication).

Pinel, R. 2003. Establishing The Economic Impact of the Green Industry on Louisiana‘‘‘‘s Economy. Unpublished thesis, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University.

Pinel, R., R. Hinson and R. Navajas. 2003. Establishing the Economic Impact of the Green (Ornamental Plants) Industry at the State Level. Abstract: Proceedings of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 35, No. 2, p 441, 2003.

Stegelin, F.and S.C. Turner.An Example Protocol for a New Plant Introduction. Proceedings of the Southern Nurseryman‘‘‘‘s Association Research Conference Forty Fourth Annual Report 2002,p. 543-548.

Struve, D. K., Starbuck, C. and Mathers, H. 2003. Transplanting Red Oak using the Missouri gravel bed system. HortScience Program and Abstracts. 38(5):836.

Tavernier, E.M. and R.G. Brumfield. 2003. An Economic analysis of the greenhouse, nursery and sod sector in the U.S. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 38(1):128-130.

Uva, W.L. 2003. Adjusted Gross Revenue Lite, a Greenhouse Operation Case Study. http://hortmgt.aem.cornell.edu/events/agr-lite.htm. Dept. of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

Uva, W.L. 2003. Service Sells, Learn how to market your business the right way. Grounds Maintenance. April 2003: C2, 3, 6.

Uva, W.L. 2003. Northeast Outlook, Ornamental Industries. American Agriculturist. February 2003: 32.

Uva, W.L. and S. Richards, 2003. New York Greenhouse Business Summary and Financial Analysis, 2001. E.B. 2003-12. Dept. of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

White, G.B., W.L. Uva, and M.L. Cheng. 2003. Analysis of Risk Management Practices of Specialty Crop Producers in New York: Implications for Crop Insurance. R.B. 2003-10. Dept. of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.




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