S293: Improved Pecan Insect and Mite Pest Management Systems

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Dutcher, J.D. 2002. Impact of insects on pecan nut drop from nut set to shell hardening. J. Entomol. Sci. 37: 259-269.

Dutcher, J.D. 2002. Pecan insects in 2001. The Pecan Grower. 13(3): 12-13.

Dutcher, J.D. 2002. Spray coverage important for pecan pest control. The Pecan Grower. 13(4): 8-9.

Dutcher, J.D. 2002. Effective pecan aphid control with new insecticides and biological controls. The Pecan Grower. 14(1): 18-19.

Dutcher, J.D. 2002. Teachers set out experiments in pecan orchard. The Pecan Grower. 14(2): 34-35.

Dutcher, J.D. 2002. Pecan insects 2002. www.angelfire.com/yt/pecanbugs.

Grantham, R.A., P.G. Mulder, J.K. Collins, and G.W. Cuperus. 2002. Comparisons on the efficacy of different trap types in capturing pecan nut casebearer, Acrobasis nuxvorella. SW Entomol. 27: 21-30.

Grantham, R.A., P.G. Mulder, J.K. Collins, G.W. Cuperus, and J.D. Carlson. 2002. Evaluation of pecan nut casebearer, Acrobasis nuxvorella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), prediction models using pheromone trapping. Environ. Entomol. 31: 1062-1070.

Hall, M.J. and J. Austin. 2002. Emergence of the nut curculio, Conotrachelus hicoriae (Schoof), at two pecan orchards in Louisiana. J. Entomol. Sci. 37: 293-299.

Hall, M.J. and P.G. Mulder. 2002. Biology and life cycle of pecan phylloxera, Phylloxera devastatrix (Pergande), pp. 32-34. In M.W. Smith[ed.], Proc. 72nd Oklahoma Pecan Growers Assoc. Afton, OK. 45p.

Hall, M.J. and R.R. Shelton. 2002. Evaluation of four insecticides for control of yellow aphids on pecan, pp. 43-44. In, M. Hall[ed.], Citrus, Fruit, and Nut ACE Group Research Summary. LAES Res. Sum. 139.88p.

Hall, M.J. and R.R. Shelton. 2002. Evaluation of four insecticides for control of yellow aphids on Stuart pecan, pp. 45-46. In, M. Hall[ed.], Citrus, Fruit, and Nut ACE Group Research Summary. LAES Res. Sum. 139.88p.

Hall, M.J. and R.R. Shelton. 2002. Evaluation of five insecticides for control of hickory shuckworm, pp. 47-48. In, M. Hall[ed.], Citrus, Fruit, and Nut ACE Group Research Summary. LAES Res. Sum. 139.88p.

Hall, M.J. and R.R. Shelton. 2002. Evaluation of two miticides for control of pecan leaf scorch mite, pp. 49-50. In, M. Hall[ed.], Citrus, Fruit, and Nut ACE Group Research Summary. LAES Res. Sum. 139.88p.

Mulder, P.G. and M.J. Hall. 2002. Emergence patterns of pecan phylloxera on different pecan cultivars in Louisiana and Oklahoma, pp. 35-39. In, M.W. Smith[ed.], Proc. 72nd Oklahoma Pecan Growers Assoc. Afton, OK. 45p.

Mulder, P.G., R.A. Grantham, W. Reid, and S. Landgraf. 2002. Pecan weevil perhomone traps? pp. 22-32. In, E. Herrera[ed.], Proc. 36th West. Pecan Conf. Las Cruces, NM. 165p.

Reid, W. 2002. Current pest management systems for pecan. HortTechnology. 12: 633-639.

Shapiro-Ilan, D.I, C.C. Reilly, M.W. Hotchkiss, and B.W. Wood. 2002. The potential for enhanced fungicide resistance in Beauvaria bassiana through strain discovery and artifical selection. J. Invert. Path. 81: 86-93.

Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., W. Gardner, J.R. Fuxa, B.W. Wood, T. Cottrel, K. Nguyen, B. Adams, R.A. Humber, and M.J. Hall. 2002. Microbial control research for the suppression of pecan weevil, pp. 2-15. In, E. Herrera[ed.], Proc. 36th West. Pecan Conf. Las Cruces, NM. 165p.

Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., W. Gardner, J.R. Fuxa. B.W. Wood, K. Nguyen, B. Adams, R.A. Humber, and M.J. Hall. 2002. A survey for insect-killing nematodes and fungi endemic to pecan orchards of the southeastern US and their virulence to the pecan weevil. The Pecan Grower. 13(3): 6-8.

Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., W. Gardner, J.R. Fuxa, B.W. Wood, K. Nguyen, B. Adams, R.A. Humber, and M.J. Hall. 2002. Survey to entomopathogenic nematodes endemic to pecan orchards of the southeastern US and their virulence to the pecan weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Nematology. 4:197.


Cottrell, T. E. and D. I. Shapiro-Ilan. 2003. Susceptibility of a native and an exotic lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to Beauveria bassiana. J. Invert. Path. 84: 137-144.

Cottrell, T. E. and B. W. Wood. 2003. Pecan weevil management: past, present and toward a future strategy. Southw. Entomologist. Suppl No. 27. 142 pp.

Cottrell, T.E., J.K. Greene, R.F. Mizell, C.E. Yonce and B.W. Wood. Using pheromone traps to sample stink bugs in and around pecan orchards. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Pecan Growers Assoc. 2003. P. 14-27.

Dutcher, J. D., M. K. Harris, and D. A. Dean. (Eds.) 2003. Integration of Chemical and Biological Insect Control in Native, Seedling, and Improved Pecan Production. Southw. Entomologist. Suppl. No. 27. 142 pp.

Dutcher, J. D., G. W. Hudson, and H.C. Ellis. 2003. Recent advances in pecan pest management in improved and seedling pecan orchards. P. 21-38. In Dutcher, J. D., M. K. Harris, and D. A. Dean. (Eds.) 2003. Integration of Chemical and Biological Insect Control in Native, Seedling, and Improved Pecan Production. Southw. Entomologist. Suppl. No. 27. 142 pp.

Dutcher, J. D. and W. Hudson. 2003. Pecan Nut Casebearer Control with Insect Growth Regulator Insecticides. Southeastern Pecan Growers Proceedings ? Articles & Information 96: 62-67.

Dutcher, J. D. 2003. Keep pecan leaves healthy. Research Spotlight. The Pecan Grower. V. 14(3): 10-11.

Dutcher, J. D. 2003. Pecan entomology field notes from 2002. Research Spotlight. The Pecan Grower. V. 14(4): 17-18.

Dutcher, J. D. 2003. Environmental factors loom over orchard management. Research Spotlight. The Pecan Grower. V. 15(1): 10.

Dutcher, J. D. 2003. Pecan leaf scorch mite, an increasingly important problem. Research Spotlight. The Pecan Grower. V. 15(2): 26-27.

Ellington, J. and T. Carrillo. 2003. Black Aphid Control. XXXVIV Annual Western Pecan Conference Proceedings.

Hall, M. J. 2003. Evaluation of three insecticides for control of yellow aphids on pecan in Louisiana, Pp.71-72. In, M. Hall and R. S. Sanderlin [eds.], Citrus, Fruit, and Nut ACE Group Research Summary. LAES Res. Sum. 147. 104p.

Hall, M. J. 2003. Evaluation of four insecticides for control of first and second generation pecan nut casebearer in a commercial pecan orchard in Louisiana, Pp. 73-74. In, M. Hall and R. S. Sanderlin [eds.], Citrus, Fruit, and Nut ACE Group Research Summary. LAES Res. Sum. 147. 104p.

Hall, M. J. 2003. A comparison of two miticides for control of pecan leaf scorch mite in a commercial pecan orchard in Louisiana, Pp. 75-76. In, M. Hall and R. S. Sanderlin [eds.], Citrus, Fruit, and Nut ACE Group Research Summary. LAES Res. Sum. 147. 104p.

Harris, M.K. 2003. Pecan Nut Casebearer Management in the Far West. 37th West. Pec. Conf. Proc., Las Cruces. pp 11-16.

Harris, M. K., and D. A. Dean. 2003. Horticultural and Floricultural Entomology/Field Crop Entomology. CD-ROM (self-published).

Harris, M., A. Knutson, A. Calixto, A. Dean, L. Brooks, and B. Ree. 2003. Impact of red imported fire ant on foliar herbivores and natural enemies. In Integration of chemical and biological insect control in native, seedling, and improved pecan production. eds. J.D. Dutcher, M. K. Harris and D.A. Dean. 2003. Southwest. Entomol. Supplement No. 27: 123-34

Kulkarni, R., J. Brewer, O. Ochoa and M. Harris. 2003. Anisotropy in Hickory Shells. Proceedings of the American Society of Composites 18th Ann. Tech. Conf. Oct. 2003.

McCraw, B.D. and P.G. Mulder, Jr. 2003. Pecan management e-learning on the Internet. http://pecan.okstate.edu

Mulder, P.G., W. Reid, R.A. Grantham, S. Landgraff, L. Talleferro, M.E. Payton, and A. Knutson. 2003. Evaluation of trap design and pheromone formulation used for monitoring pecan weevil, Curculio caryae. Southwestern Entomol. (in press)

Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., W. A. Gardner, J. R. Fuxa, B. W. Wood, K. B. Nguyen, B. J. Adams, R. A. Humber, and M. J. Hall. 2003. Survey of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi endemic to pecan orchards in the southeastern United States and their virulence to the pecan weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Environ. Entomol: 32(1):187-195.

Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Gouge, D.H.,Koppenhofer., A.M. Factors affecting commercial success: case studies in cotton, turf, and citrus. Gaugler, R. editor. New York, NY: CABI Publishing; Chapter 16. 2002. p.333-355 Entomopathogenic Nematology.

Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Gardner, W., Fuxa, J.R., Wood, B.W., Nguyen, K., Adams, B., Humber, R.A., Hall, M.J.. Microbial control research for the suppression of the pecan weevil. Proceedings of the Western Pecan Conference, 2002. p. 2-15.

Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Reilly, C.C., Hotchkiss, M.W., Wood., B.W. The beneficial insect-killing fungus, Beauveria bassiana, can overcome effects of fungicide sprays. Pecan Grower. 2003. v.14(4). p. 24-27.

Smith, D., M. Harris and T. Liu. 2003. IPM practices by vegetable growers. Am. Entomol. 48: 236-242.

Stevenson, D. E., A. E. Knutson, W. Ree, J. A. Jackman, A. Dean, J. H. Matis, J. McVay, M. Mesbitt, R. Mizell, J. D. Dutcher, W. Reid, M. Hall, D. Barlow, M. T. Smith, P. Mulder, M. W. Smith, J. G. Milar and M. K. Harris. 2003. Pecan nut casebearer pheromone monitoring and degree-day model validation across the pecan belt. P. 57-74. In Dutcher, J. D., M. K. Harris, and D. A. Dean. (Eds.) 2003. Integration of Chemical and Biological Insect Control in Native, Seedling, and Improved Pecan Production. Southw. Entomologist. Suppl. No. 27. 142 pp.

Reid, W. and P.G. Mulder. 2003. Insect pest management systems for native pecans. Southwestern Entomologist (in Press).

Reid, W. 2003. Current pest management systems for pecan. Oklahoma Pecan Growers Newsletter 44(2): 3-8.

Reid, W. 2003. Spray What? Pecan South 36(4):12-17.


Cottrell, T.E. 2001. Improved trap capture of Euschistus servus and Euschistus tristigmus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in pecan orchards. Flor. Entomol. 84: 731-732.

Cottrell, T.E. and P.G. Mulder. 2001. Circle trunk traps for monitoring pecan weevil emergence. The Pecan Grower 13:27

Cottrell, T.E., Jeremy K. Greene, and G.A. Herzog. 2001. Seasonal occurrence of brown and dusky stink bugs across agricultural landscapes. Proceedings of the Southeastern Pecan Growers Association 94: 77-81.

Dutcher, J.D., R.E. Worley, P. Conner, and S. Dove. 2001. Pecan varietal differences in Hemipteran kernal damage. J. Engomol. Sci. 36: 445-452.

Dutcher, J.D. 2002. Impact of insects on pecan nut drop from nut set to shell-hardening. J. Entomol. Sci (in press, accepted 10/22/01).

Dutcher, J.D. 2001. Advances in Pecan Pest Management. Research Spotlight. The Pecan Grower. 12(3): 16-17.

Dutcher, J.D. 2001. Pecan Variety is an Important Factor in Kernel Spot Caused By Stink Bugs and Leaffootted Bugs. Research Spotlight. The Pecan Grower. 12(4): 20-21.

Dutcher, J.D. 2001. Technology Transfer is Important to a Successful Pecan Crop. Research Spotlight. The Pecan Grower. 13(1): 13.

Dutcher, J.D. 2001. Interactions Impact Pecan Insect Control in 2001. Research Spotlight. The Pecan Grower. 13(2): 25.

Grantham, R.A., P.G. Mulder, G.W. Cupersus. 2002. Comparisons on the efficacy of different trap types in capturing pecan nut casebearer, acrobasis nuxvorella. SW Entomologist. In press.

Grantham, R.A., P.G. Mulder, G.W. Cupersus, and J.D. Carlson. 2002. evaluation and assessment of phenological models for pecan nut casebearer Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzig (Lepidopter: Pyralidae) using pheromone traps. In Press. Accepted for publication 1/10/02.

Mulder, P.G. 2001. Possible alternatives for pecan weevil control. Are organic pecans on the horizon? 13(2): 42-43.

Mulder, P.G. 2001. Pecan phylloxera season is upon us. Okla. Pecan Growers Assoc. 42(2): 2-6.

Mulder, P.G. 2001. Prepare for pecan nut casebearer season. Okla. Pecan Growers Assoc. 42(2): 4.

Mulder, P.G. 2001. Suggestions for use of pecan weevil Circle traps. Okla. Pecan Growers Assoc. 42(3): 7.

Petersen, M.K. and M.S. Hunter. 2001. Variation in the outcome of competition between two aphid species on pecan: Plants matter more than predators. Oikos 92: 107-118.

Petersen, M.K. and M.S. Hunter. 2002. Ovipositional preference and larval - early adult performance of two generalist lacewing predators of aphids in pecans. (In press) Biological Control.

McVay, J.R. 2001. Low-impact Pecan Insect Management: Another Fork in the IPM Highway. In B. Pass [ed.] 2001 Integrated Pest Management in the Southern Region.

Reid, W. 2001. Sawflies attack. Oklahoma Pecan Growers Newsletter 42(3): 7.

Reid, W. 2001. Advanced pest management systems for pecans. Abstract. HortScience 36: 481.

Shapiro-Ilan, D.I. 2001. The potential for microbial control of the pecan weevil: questions and answers. The Pecan Grower 12: 19.

Shapiro-Ilan, D.E., B. Wood, W. Gardner, J. Fuxa, T. Cottrell, M. Hall, K. Nguyen, and B. Adams. 2001. Research toward microbial control of the pecan weevil. Proceedings of the Southeastern Pecan Growers Association 94: 116-121.

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