S296: Rural Labor Markets: Workers, Firms and Communities in Transition

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Anderson, C., M. Schulman, and P. Wood, ?Globalization and Uncertainty: The Restructuring of Southern Textiles.? Social Problems 48: 6, pp 479-499. 2001.

Anderson, C. and M. Bell. Forthcoming. ?The Devil of Social Capital: A Dilemma of American Rural Sociology.? In Country Visions, P. Cloke (ed.), Essex: Pearson Education.

Barkley, D., Y. Kim, and M. Henry. Do Manufacturing Plants Cluster Across Rural Areas? Evidence from a Probabilistic Modeling Approach REDRL Research Report 10-2001-01, Regional Economic Development Research Laboratory, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, October 2001.

Barkley, D. and M. Henry. Advantages and Disadvantages of Targeting Industry Clusters. REDRL Research Report 09-2001-01, Regional Economic Development Research Laboratory, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, September 2001.

Bitto, Annette. 2000. Determinants of Well-Being Among Minority Farm Operators in Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. Masters thesis in Rural Sociology, Auburn University.

Evensen, C., M. Schulman, C. Runyan, R. Zakocs, and K. Dunn, ?The Downside of Teen Employment: Hazards and Injuries Among Working Teens in North Carolina. Journal of Adolescence, 29: 5: 545-560, 2000

Falk, William and Linda Lobao. Forthcoming. ?Who Benefits from Economic Restructuring? Who is Worse Off?: Lessons from the Past are Challenges for the Future.? In Rural Areas and Policies in the New Millennium. D. Brown and L. Swanson (eds.). State College PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press.

Findies, J. M. Henry, T. Hirschl, W. Lewis, I, Ortega-Sanchez, E. Peine, and J. Zimmerman. 2001. ?Welfare Reform in Rural America: A Review of Current Research.? Rural Policy Research Institute. P 2001-5. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri.

Gibbs, Robert. ?Nonmetro Labor Markets in an Era of Welfare Reform,? Rural America Vol. 16, No. 3. Forthcoming in December 2001.

Gibbs, Robert, and John Cromartie. ?Low-wage Counties Face Locational Disadvantages,? Rural Conditions and Trends, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 2001, pp. 9-17.

Gibbs, Robert, and Timothy Parker. ARural Low-Wage Employment Rises Among Men,? Rural Conditions and Trends, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 2001, pp. 18-26.

Henry, M.S. and W. Lewis. 2001. ?Welfare Reform: Remedy for Persistent Poverty in the Rural South? Rural America 15(2): 59-67.

Henry, M.S., B. Schmitt, and V. Piguet. 2001. ?Spatial Econometric Models for Simultaneous Systems: Application to Rural Community Growth in France.? International Regional Science Review. 24(2): 171-193.

Kraybill, David and Linda Lobao. 2001. County Government Survey: Changes and Challenges in the New Millennium. Washington, DC: National Association of Counties.

Lobao, Linda, Lawrence Brown, and Jon Moore. Forthcoming ?Old Industrial Regions and the Political Economy of Development.? In Communities of Work, W. Falk, M. Schulman, and A. Tickamyer (eds.). Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.

Lobao, Linda and Katherine Meyer. 2001. ?The Great Agricultural Transition: Crisis, Change, and Social Consequences of Twentieth Century U.S. Farming.? The Annual Review of Sociology 27: 103-124.

Martmnez Ayala, Josi A., J. Molnar, F.Arias, and T. Popma. 2001. Production and marketing strategies used by small and medium-scale fish farmers in Honduras. Chapter in H. Egna et al. (eds.) PD/A CRSP Eighteenth Annual Technical Report. Corvallis: Oregon State University.

McGranahan, David A. ?Rural Manufacturers Seek Well-Educated Workforce,? Rural America (special issue on the South), Vol. 16, No. 1. April 2001.

Mencken, F. C. and M. Latimer. ?Extractive Industry Dependency: A Case Study of Appalachian Coal Dependent Counties from 1969-1996.? in Communities of Work W. Falk, M. Schulman, and A. Tickamyer (eds.) Athens, OH: Ohio University press.

Molnar, J., P. A. Duffy, L. Claxton, and C. Bailey. 2001. Private food assistance in a small metropolitan area: urban resources and rural needs. Journal of Sociology and Social Work 28:187-210.

Molnar, J., A. Bitto, and G. Brant. 2001. Core Conservation Practices: Paths and Barriers Perceived by Small and Limited Resource Farmers. Bulletin 646. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University.

Rank, Mark R. and Thomas A. Hirschl 2002 "Welfare Use as a Life Course Event: Toward a New Understanding of America‘s Safety Net." Social Work 47:(in press).

Rank, Mark R. and Thomas A. Hirschl 2001 "Rags or Riches: Estimating the Probabilities of Poverty and Affluence Across the Adult American Life Span." Social Science Quarterly 82:651-669.

Rank, Mark R. and Thomas A. Hirschl 2001 "The Measurement of Long Term Risks Across the Life Course." Social Science Quarterly 82:680-686.

Rank, Mark R. and Thomas A. Hirschl 2001 "The Occurrence of Poverty Across the Life Cycle: Evidence from the PSID." Journal of Policy Analysis & Management 20: 737-756

Schulman. M. and C. Anderson, ?The Dark Side of the Force: Economic Restructuring and Social Capital in a Company Town, Pp 112-124 in B. Edwards, M. Foley, and M. Diana, Beyond Tocqueville: Civil Society and the Social Capital Debate in Contemporary Perspective. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2001.

Struthers, Cynthia and Janet Bokemeier. Forthcoming. ?Stretched to Their Limits: Rural Non-farm Mothers and the ?New? Rural Economy.? In Communities of Work W. Falk, M. Schulman, and A. Tickamyer (eds.), Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.


Anderson, C., M. Schulman, and P. Wood, Globalization and Uncertainty: The Restructuring of Southern Textiles. Social Problems 48: 6, pp 479-499. 2001.

Anderson, C., M. Schulman, and P. Wood., Race, Place, and State: Sustaining the Textile Security Zone in a Changing Southern Labor Market, in B. Falk, M. Schulman, and A. Tickamyer, Communities of Work. Ohio University Press, 2002 (forthcoming).

Anderson, C. and M. Bell. Forthcoming. The Devil of Social Capital: A Dilemma of American Rural Sociology. In Country Visions, P. Cloke (ed.), Essex: Pearson Education.

Barkley, D., Y. Kim, and M. Henry. Do Manufacturing Plants Cluster Across Rural Areas? Evidence from a Probabilistic Modeling Approach REDRL Research Report 10-2001-01, Regional Economic Development Research Laboratory, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, October 2001.

Barkley, D. and M. Henry. Advantages and Disadvantages of Targeting Industry Clusters. REDRL Research Report 09-2001-01, Regional Economic Development Research Laboratory, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, September 2001.

Bausman, Kent, and W. Richard Goe. An Examination of the Link Between

Employment Volatility and the Spatial Distribution of Property Crime Rates.

The American Journal of Economics and Sociology (forthcoming).

Bitto, Annette. 2000. Determinants of Well-Being Among Minority Farm Operators in Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. Masters thesis in Rural Sociology, Auburn University.

Bloomquist, Leonard, W. Richard Goe, and Gary P. Green. Places of Consumption: Restructuring and the Growth of Nonmetropolitan Localities in the United States. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press (forthcoming).

Evensen, C., M. Schulman, C. Runyan, R. Zakocs, and K. Dunn, The Downside of Teen Employment: Hazards and Injuries Among Working Teens in North Carolina. Journal of Adolescence, 29: 5: 545-560, 2000

Falk, William and Linda Lobao. Forthcoming. Who Benefits from Economic Restructuring? Who is Worse Off?: Lessons from the Past are Challenges for the Future. In Rural Areas and Policies in the New Millennium. D. Brown and L. Swanson (eds.). State College PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press.

Findies, J. M. Henry, T. Hirschl, W. Lewis, I, Ortega-Sanchez, E. Peine, and J. Zimmerman. 2001. Welfare Reform in Rural America: A Review of Current Research. Rural Policy Research Institute. P 2001-5. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri.

Gibbs, Robert. Nonmetro Labor Markets in an Era of Welfare Reform, Rural America Vol. 16, No. 3. Forthcoming in December 2001.

Gibbs, Robert, and John Cromartie. Low-wage Counties Face Locational Disadvantages, Rural Conditions and Trends, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 2001, pp. 9-17.

Gibbs, Robert, and Timothy Parker. ARural Low-Wage Employment Rises Among Men, Rural Conditions and Trends, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 2001, pp. 18-26.

Goe, W. Richard. Factors Associated with the Development of Nonmetropolitan Growth Nodes in Producer Services, 1980-90. Rural Sociology (Conditionally accepted for publication).

Goe, W. Richard, Sean A. Noonan, and Sherry Laman. Economic Restructuring and the Growth of Missoula, MT: From Timber to the Consumption and Amenities and Services. To be published in William Falk, Michael Schulman, and Ann Tickamyer (eds.), Communities of Work. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press (forthcoming).

Henry, M.S. and W. Lewis. 2001. Welfare Reform: Remedy for Persistent Poverty in the Rural South? Rural America 15(2): 59-67.

Henry, M.S., B. Schmitt, and V. Piguet. 2001. Spatial Econometric Models for Simultaneous Systems: Application to Rural Community Growth in France. International Regional Science Review. 24(2): 171-193.

Kraybill, David and Linda Lobao. 2001. County Government Survey: Changes and Challenges in the New Millennium. Washington, DC: National Association of Counties.

Lobao, Linda, Lawrence Brown, and Jon Moore. Forthcoming Old Industrial Regions and the Political Economy of Development. In Communities of Work, W. Falk, M. Schulman, and A. Tickamyer (eds.). Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.

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