S299: Enhancing Production and Reproductive Performance of Heat-Stressed Dairy Cattle

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Dorado, C. M., L. M. McCann, J. A. Miller, and J. L. Edwards. 2001. Nuclear status of bovine oocytes exposed to elevated temperature after resumption of meiosis. Theriogenology 55(1):469. (Abstr.)

Ravagnolo, O., and I. Misztal. 2000. Genetic component of heat stress in dairy cattle, parameter estimation. J. Dairy Sci. 83:2126-2130.

Ravagnolo, O., I. Misztal, and G. Hoogenboom. 2000. Genetic component of heat stress in dairy cattle, development of heat index function. J. Dairy Sci. 83:2120-2125.

West, J. W., B. G. Mullinix, and J. K. Bernard. 2000. Influence of environmental conditions on body temperature, dry matter intake, and milk yield for lactating cows from spring through summer in the southeast. J. Dairy Sci. 83 (Suppl. 1):232. (Abstr.)



Dorado, CM, LM McCann, JA Miller, JL Edwards. 2001. Nuclear status of bovine oocytes exposed to elevated temperatures after resumption of meiosis. Theriogenology 55:469.

Edwards, JL, WA King, SJ Kawarsky, AD Ealy. 2001. Responsiveness of early embryos to environmental insults: Potential protective roles of HSP70 and glutathione. Theriogenology 55:209-224.

Ravagnolo, O, I Miztal. 2002. Effect of heat stress on nonreturn rate in Holsteins: Fixed-model analysis. J Dairy Sci: In Press.

Ravagnolo, O, I Miztal. 2002. Effect of heat stress on nonreturn rate in Holsteins: Genetic analysis. J Dairy Sci: In Press.

Ravagnolo, O, I Miztal. 2002. Studies on genetics of heat tolerance in dairy cattle with reduced weather information via cluster analysis. J Dairy Sci: In Press.

West, JW, BG Mullinix, JK Bernard. 2002. Effect of hot, humid weather on milk temperature, dry matter intake, and milk yield of lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci: In press.


Al-Khatani, YM, M Drost, RL Monson, JJ Rutledge, CE Krininger III, J Block, WW Thatcher, PJ Hansen. 2002. Pregnancy rates following times embryo transfer with fresh or vitrified in vitro produced embryos in lactating dairy cows under heat stress conditions. ASAS/ADSA Meetings 2002.

Block, J, CC Chase, PJ Hansen. 2002. Inheritance of resistance of bovine preimplantation embryos to heat shock: Relative importance of maternal versus paternal contribution. ASAS/ADSA Meetings 2002.

Block, J, M Drost, RL Monson, JJ Rutledge, RM Rivera, FF Paula-Lopes, OM Ocon, PJ Hansen. 2002. Use of insulin-like growth factor-1 in culture and administration of GnRH to recipients to improve pregnancy rates following timed embryo transfer of in vitro-produced embryos to lactating dairy cows. ASAS/ADSA Meetings 2002.

Gandy, S., S. Bowers, K. Graves, A. Elias, S. Willard and C. Whisnant. 2002. Administration of GnRH post-breeding improves pregnancy rates and increases serum concentrations of progesterone during heat stress in dairy cattle. ASAS Southern Section Meetings, Orlando, FL.

Smith, T.R., S. Willard, A. Chapa, T. Riley and D. Pogue. 2002. The impact of tunnel ventilation on heat stress in lactating dairy cows: Effects on body temperature and respiration rate. ASAS Southern Section Meetings, Orlando, FL.

Spain, J.N., J. Sampson, D. Spiers. 2001. The relationship of indicators of thermal balance and milk production of cows on Missouri dairy farms. J. Anim. Sci. 79: Suppl. 1 p. 99.


Refereed Journals and Peer-Reviewed Proceedings:

Al-Katanani, Y.M., Paula-Lopes, F.F., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Effect of season and exposure to heat stress on oocyte competence in Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 85, 390-396.

Al-Katanani, Y.M., Rivera, R.M., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Seasonal variation in development of in vitro produced bovine embryos. Vet. Rec., 150, 486-487.

Al-Katanani, Y.M., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Induced thermotolerance in bovine two-cell embryos and the role of heat shock protein 70 in embryonic development. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 64, 174-180.

Al-Katanani, Y.M., Drost, M., Monson, R.L., Rutledge, J.J., Krininger III, C.E., Block, J., Thatcher, W.W., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Pregnancy rates following timed embryo transfer with fresh or vitrified in vitro produced embryos in lactating dairy cows under heat stress conditions. Theriogenology 58, 171-182.

Block, J., Chase, C.C., Jr., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Inheritance of resistance of bovine preimplantation embryos to heat shock: relative importance of the maternal vs. paternal contribution. Mol. Reprod. Dev.63, 32-37.

Block, J., Drost, M., Monson, R.L., Rutledge, J.J., Rivera, R.M., Paula-Lopes, F.F., Ocon, O.M., Krininger, C.E. III, Liu, J., and Hansen, P.J. (2003) Use of insulin-like growth factor-1 during embryo culture and treatment of recipients with GnRH to increase pregnancy rates following the transfer of in vitro produced embryos to heat-stressed, lactating cows. J. Anim. Sci., (accepted).

Dorado, C.M., L.M. McCann, J.A. Miller and J.L. Edwards. 2001. Nuclear status of bovine oocytes exposed to elevated temperature after resumption of meiosis. Theriogenology 55(1):469.

Edwards J.L., W.A. King, S.J. Kawarsky and A.D. Ealy. 2001. Responsiveness of early embryos to environmental insults: Potential protective roles of HSP70 and glutathione. Theriogenology 55(1):209-224.

Hansen, P.J. (2002) Embryonic mortality in cattle from the embryos perspective. J. Anim. Sci. 80 (E. Suppl. 2): E33-E44.

Jordan, E.R., T. Hickerson, and M. Tomaszewski. 2003. Evaluation of the effects of cooling

ponds on bacterial population in bulk tank milk samples. Proc. of the 42nd National Mastitis

Council Conference. p. 316?317.

Krininger, C.E. III, Stephens, S.H., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Developmental changes in inhibitory effects of arsenic and heat shock on growth of preimplantation bovine embryos. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 63:335-340.

Krininger III, C.E., Block, J., Al-Katanani, Y.M., Rivera, R.M., Chase, C.C., Jr., and Hansen, P.J. (2003) Differences between Brahman and Holstein cows in response to estrous synchronization, superovulation and resistance of embryos to heat shock. Anim. Reprod. Sci., (in press).

Moreira, F., Paula-Lopes, F.F., Hansen, P.J., Badinga, L., and Thatcher, W.W. (2002) Effects of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I on development of in vitro derived bovine embryos. Theriogenology, 57, 897-905.

Paula-Lopes, F.F., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Heat-shock induced apoptosis in preimplantation bovine embryos is a developmentally-regulated phenomenon. Biol. Reprod., 66, 1169-1177.

Paula-Lopes, F.F., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Apoptosis is an adaptive response in bovine preimplantation embryos that facilitates survival after heat shock. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 295, 37-42.

Paula-Lopes, F.F., Chase, C.C., Jr., Al-Katanani, Y.M., Krininger, C.E. III, Rivera, R.M., Tekin, S., Majewski, A.C., Ocon, O.M., Olson, T.A., and Hansen, P.J. (2003) Genetic divergence in cellular resistance to heat shock in cattle: Differences between breeds developed in temperate versus hot climates in responses of preimplantation embryos, reproductive tract tissues and lymphocytes to increased culture temperatures. Reproduction 125, 285-294.

Paula-Lopes, F.F., Al-Katanani, Y.M., Majewski, A.C., McDowell, L.R., and Hansen, P.J. (2003) Manipulation of antioxidant status fails to improve fertility of lactating cows or survival of heat-shocked embryos. J. Dairy Sci., in press.

Rivera, R.M., Kelley, K.K., Erdos, G.W., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Heat shock induces ultrastructural changes in two-cell bovine embryos. The Beam 18 (1): 11-19.

Rivera, R.M., Kelley, K.K., Erdos, G.W., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Heat shock induces ultrastructural changes in two-cell bovine embryos. Proc. Ann Mtg. Southeastern Microscop. Soc., p 11.

Willard, S., S. Gandy, S. Bowers, K. Graves, A. Elias and C. Whisnant. 2003. The effects of GnRH administration post-breeding on serum concentrations of progesterone and pregnancy rates in dairy cattle exposed to mild summer heat stress. Theriogenology 59(8): 1799-1810.

Meeting Abstracts and Experiment Station Reports:

Block, J., Drost, M., Monson, R.L., Rutledge, J.J., Rivera, R.M., Paula-Lopes, F.F., Ocon, O.M., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Use of insulin-like growth factor-1 in culture and administration of GnRH to recipients to improve pregnancy rates following timed embryo transfer of in vitro-produced embryos to lactating dairy cows. J. Anim. Sci. 80 (Suppl. 1), 78 (abstr.).

Block, J., Chase, C.C., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Inheritance of resistance of bovine preimplantation embryos to heat shock: relative importance of the maternal versus paternal contribution. Biol. Reprod. 66 (Suppl. 1): 154 (abstr.).

Block, J., Monson, R.L., Rutledge, J.J., Rivera, R.M., Paula-Lopes, F.F., Ocon, O.M., Rosson, H., Al-Katanani, Y.M., and Hansen, P.J. (2003) Effect of bovine somatotropin, breed, and circulating progesterone concentrations at the time of transfer on pregnancy rates following timed embryo transfer in non-lactating cows. J. Anim. Sci., submitted (abstr.).

Evans, H.L., S.T. Willard, B.J. Boyd and R.C. Vann. 2002. Dynamic changes in body composition quality traits as influenced by sampling interval in beef heifers. 2001 Central Mississippi R & E Progress Report.

Gandy, S., S. Bowers, K. Graves, A. Elias, S. Willard and C. Whisnant. 2002. Administration of GnRH post-breeding improves pregnancy rates and increases serum concentrations of progesterone during heat stress in dairy cattle. ASAS Southern Section Meetings, Orlando, FL  February 1  6, 2002; Abstract 66  pg. 17.

Godfrey, R.W., R.E. Dodson, A.J. Weis and O.T. Isles. 2003. The effect of using of Ovsynch with supplemental GnRH on pregnancy rates of Holstein heifers in the tropics. Submitted to 2003 National Animal Science meeting, Phoenix, AZ (Accepted / To be Presented).

Godfrey, R.W., O.T. Isles, A.J. Weis and R.E. Dodson. 2003. The effect of hair coat color on rectal and surface temperatures of Holstein heifers in the tropics. Submitted to 2003 National Animal Science meeting, Phoenix, AZ (Accepted / To be Presented).

Nordbladh, L.I., A.E. Sweetman and C.S. Whisnant. 2003. Effect of season on serum thyroxine and beta-hydroxy butyrate concentrations in early postpartum dairy cows. Submitted to 2003 National Animal Science meeting, Phoenix, AZ (Accepted / To be Presented).

Paula-Lopes, F.F., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Administration of the caspase inhibitor, z-DEVD-fmk, to bovine preimplantation embryos blocks heat-induced apoptosis and increases embryonic sensitivity to heat shock Biol. Reprod. 66 (Suppl. 1): 105 (abstr.).

Panivivat, R., Kegley, E.B., Kellogg, D.W., Pennington, J.A. VanDeveder, K., Hellwig, D.H., Wistuba, T.J., and Krumpleman S.L. 2002. Preference for and bacterial counts in sand and granite fines as bedding for lactating cows. University of Arkansas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res Series 499. Pages 143-146.

Payton R.R., J.L. Lawrence, A.M. Saxton, J.R. Dunlap, and J.L. Edwards. 2002. Cortical granule types and nuclear stage of bovine oocytes after exposure to elevated temperature during maturation. (Abstract accepted for publication at International Embryo Transfer Society Meetings to be held in Auckland, New Zealand, January 11-15, 2003).

Rivera, R.M., Kelley, K.L., Erdos, G.W., and Hansen, P.J. (2003) Exposure of in vivo produced 2-cell bovine embryos to a physiological-relevant heat shock results in alterations to the ultrastructural morphology. Biol. Reprod., submitted (abstr.).

Rivera, R.M., Kelley, K.K., Erdos, G.W., and Hansen, P.J. (2002) Heat shock induces ultrastructural changes in two-cell bovine embryos. Biol. Reprod. 66 (Suppl. 1): 158-159 (abstr.).

Smith, T.R., S. Willard, A. Chapa, T. Riley and D. Pogue. 2002. The impact of tunnel ventilation on heat stress in lactating dairy cows: Effect on body temperature, respiration rate and milk production. 2001 North Mississippi R & E Progress Report.

Smith, T.R., S. Willard, A. Chapa, R. J. Williams, T. Riley, and D. Pogue. 2002. The impact of tunnel ventilation on heat stress in lactating dairy cows: Effects on intake, milk production and composition. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1): Abstr. 1236.

Smith, T. R., S. Willard, A. Chapa, T. Riley, and D. Pogue. 2002. The impact of tunnel ventilation on heat stress in lactating dairy cows: Effects on body temperature and respiration rate. J.Ani.Sci. 80(Suppl. 2): Abstr. 98.

Sweetman, A.E., L.I. Nordbladh, and C.S. Whisnant. 2003. Effect of administration of GnRH on day 5 or day 5 and 11 post-insemination on pregnancy rates and serum progesterone concentrations of lactating dairy cows during different seasons. Submitted to 2003 National Animal Science meeting, Phoenix, AZ (Accepted / To be Presented).

Tomaszewski, M.A., M.A. de Haan, J.A. Thompson, and E.R. Jordan. 2003. The impact of

cooling ponds in north central Texas on milk production and culling. J. Dairy Science - abstr.


Ward, J. D. 2002 .The effects of supplementing yeast culture during the transition period on performance of Holstein cows during hot humid weather. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (suppl. 1):119.

Willard, S.T. and E.J. Murphy. 2002. Economic and Production Differences Between Large and Small Holstein Cows Cooled with Fans and Sprinklers or Fans Only. 2001 Central Mississippi R & E Progress Report.

Williams, R., A. M. Chapa, T. O. Riley, D. E. Pogue, S. T. Willard and T. R. Smith. 2003. The impact of tunnel ventilation cooling and bmr corn silage on heat stress in lactating dairy cows. North MS Res. & Ext Center Annual Report. p. 191.


Edwards J.L., W.A. King, S.J. Kawarsky and A.D. Ealy. 2001. Responsiveness of early embryos to environmental insults: Potential protective roles of HSP70 and glutathione. Theriogenology 55(1):209-224.

Lawrence J.L., R.R. Payton, J.D. Godkin, A.M. Saxton, F.N. Schrick and J.L. Edwards. 2004. Retinol improves development of bovine oocytes compromised by heat stress during maturation. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).

Nobre, P. R. C. , I. Misztal , S. Tsuruta, J. K. Bertrand, L. O. C. Silva, and P. S. Lopes. 2003. Analyses of Growth Curves of Nelore Cattle by Multiple Trait and Random Regression Models. J Anim. Sci. 81:918-926.

Oseni, S., I. Misztal, S. Tsuruta, and R. Rekaya. 2003. Seasonality of Days Open in US Holsteins. J. Dairy Sci. 86:3718-3725.

Van Tassell, C. P., G. R. Wiggans, and I. Misztal. 2003. Implementation of a Sire-Maternal Grandsire Model for Evaluation of Calving Ease in the United States. J. Dairy Sci. 86: 3366-3373.

West, J. W., B. G. Mullinix, and J. K. Bernard. 2003. Effects of hot, humid weather on body temperature, dry matter intake, and milk yield of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 86:232-242.

Wiggans, G. R., I. Misztal, and C. P. Van Tassell. 2003. Calving Ease (Co)Variance Components for a Sire-Maternal Grandsire Threshold Model. J. Dairy Sci. 86:1845-1848.

Willard, S., S. Gandy, S. Bowers, K. Graves, A. Elias and C. Whisnant. 2003. The effects of GnRH administration post-breeding on serum concentrations of progesterone and pregnancy rates in dairy cattle exposed to mild summer heat stress. Theriogenology 59(8): 1799-1810.

Meeting Abstracts and Experiment Station Reports:

Bohmanova, J., I. Misztal, and J. Pribyl. 2003. Differences in growth trajectories in seven beef breeds. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl.) 81:198.

Dickerson, T., K. Graves, J. White, S. Bowers, L. Evans, B. Gandy, S. Schmidt and S. Willard. 2003. The effects of supplemental GnRH administration following OvSynch on pregnancy rates of lactating dairy cattle during the summer and fall seasons. J. Dairy Science 86 (Suppl. 1): 179 (Abstr. M4; ASAS/ADSA 2003 National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ).

Dorado, C.M., L.M. McCann, J.A. Miller and J.L. Edwards. 2001. Nuclear status of bovine oocytes exposed to elevated temperature after resumption of meiosis. Theriogenology 55(1):469.

Evans, H.L., R.C. Vann, J. Murphy, E.J. Cuadra and S.T. Willard. 2003. The effect of cooling strategy during summer heat stress on production performance and body composition quality traits in lactating Holstein dairy cattle. 2002 Central Mississippi R & E Progress Report.

Evans, H., J. Murphey, E. Cuadra, T. Dickerson, S. Gandy, S. Willard and R. Vann. 2003. The effects of cooling strategy and level of milk production on milk constituents and body composition quality traits during summer heat stress in lactating Holstein dairy cattle. J. Dairy Science 86 (Suppl. 1): 281 (Abstr. T181; ASAS/ADSA 2003 National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ).

Evans, H.L., J. Murphy, E. Cuadra, S.T. Willard and R.C. Vann. 2003. The effect of cooling strategy during summer heat stress on production performance and body composition quality traits in lactating Holstein dairy cattle. ASAS Southern Section Meetings, Mobile, AL January 31 ? 4, 2003; Abstract 57, pg. 15.

Godfrey, R.W., Isles, O.T., Weis, A.J. and R.E. Dodson. 2003. The effect of hair coat color on rectal and surface temperatures of Holstein heifers in the tropics. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 1):145.

Godfrey, R.W., Dodson, R.E., Weis, A.J. and O.T. Isles. 2003. The effect of using Ovsynch with supplemental GnRH on pregnancy rates of Holstein heifers in the tropics. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 1):145.

Lawrence J.L., R.R. Payton, J.D. Godkin, A.M. Saxton, F.N. Schrick, J.L. Edwards. 2003. Development of heat-stressed oocytes matured in the presence of retinol. Biol. Reprod. 68(1):344.

Legarra, A., I. Misztal1, and J. Jamrozik. 2003. Plotting covariance functions from random regression models. J. Dairy Sci (Suppl. 1) 86:114.

Misztal, I., S. Oseni, and S. Tsuruta. 2003. Analyses of heat tolerance for milk in Holsteins using different sources of heat-stress information. J. Dairy Sci (Suppl. 1) 86:39.

Nordbladh, LI, AE Sweetman, CS Whisnant. 2003. Postpartum changes in hormones and metabolites during early lactation in summer and winter calving Holstein cows. J. Anim Sci. 81: Suppl.1, p 298.

Oseni, S., and I. Misztal. 2003. Seasonality of days open in US Holsteins. J. Dairy Sci (Suppl. 1) 86: 131.

Panivivat, R., Pennington, J.A., Kegley, E.B., Kellogg, D.W., and Krumpelman, S.L. 2003. Growth performance and health of dairy calves bedded with different types of materials. J. Dairy Sci. 86(Suppl.1):280.

Panivivat, R., Kegley, E.B., Kellogg, D.W., Pennington, J.A. VanDeveder, K., Hellwig, D.H., Wistuba, T.J., and Krumpleman S.L. 2003. Growth performance and health of dairy calves bedded with different types of materials. University of Arkansas Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Series 509. Pages 83-87.

Payton R.R., P. Coy, R.R., A.M. Saxton, J.L. Lawrence, J.L. Edwards. 2003. Heat stress reduces development of germinal vesicle-stage bovine oocytes. Biol. Reprod. 68(1):343.

Payton, R.R., P. Coy, R. Romar, J.L. Lawrence, J.L. Edwards. 2003. Heat shock increases glutathione content in bovine oocytes. J. Anim. Sci. 86(1):3.

Payton R.R., J.L. Lawrence, A.M. Saxton, J.R. Dunlap, and J.L. Edwards. 2003. Cortical granule types and nuclear stage of bovine oocytes after exposure to elevated temperature during maturation. Theriogenology 59(1):496.

Sapp, R. L., R. Rekaya, J. K. Bertrand, I. Misztal, and K. A. Donoghue. 2003. Genetic parameter estimates of udder scores in Gelbvieh cattle. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl.) 81:88.

Schmidt, S.J., B.S. Gandy, F. Hoholm, K. Graves, J. White, S.T. Willard. 2003. Physiology of pregnancy and calving characteristics of Holstein cows bred to Holstein or Gir (Bos indicus) sires. J. Dairy Science 86 (Suppl. 1): 143 (Abstr. 567; ASAS/ADSA 2003 National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ).

Smith, T.R., A. Chapa, D. Pogue, T. Riley, J. Williams, J. Crouch and Heather Wilson. 2004. Tunnel ventilation cooling for lactating dairy cows during hot weather: 2. Comparison to cooling with shade and fans. Annual Report 2003 of the North Mississippi Research & Extension Center, Mississippi Agriculture & Forestry Experiment Station Information Bulletin.

Sweetman, AE, LI Norbladh, CS Whisnant. 2003. Effect of administration of GnRH on day 5 or day 5 and 11 post-insemination on pregnancy rates and serum progesterone concentrations in dairy cows during different seasons. J. Anim Sci. 81: Suppl.1, p 178.

Tsuruta, S., I. Misztal, and T. Druet. 2003. Comparison of estimation methods for heterogeneous residual variances with random regression models. J. Dairy Sci (Suppl. 1) 86:113.

Wildman , C. D., J. W. West, and J. K. Bernard. 2003. Effect of dietary cation-anion difference and crude protein content on milk yield and blood metabolites of lactating dairy cows during hot weather. J. Dairy Sci. 86 (Suppl. 1):216. (Abstr.)

Williams, R.J., A.M. Chapa, T.O. Riley, D.O. Pouge, S.T. Willard and T.R. Smith. 2003. The impact of tunnel ventilation cooling and brown mid-rib (BMR) corn silage on heat stress in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Science 86 (Suppl. 1): 249 (Abstr. T53; ASAS/ADSA 2003 National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ).

Williams, R. Justin, Angelica M. Chapa, Thad O. Riley, Donald E. Pogue, Scott T. Willard and Terry R. Smith. 2004. The impact of tunnel ventilation cooling and BMR corn silage on heat stress in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci 86 (Suppl 1): Abstr.

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