W1002: Nutrient Bioavailability--Phytonutrients and Beyond
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Dueker, SR, Lin Y, Jones AD, Mercer R, Fabbro E, Miller JW Green R and Cliford AJ. Determination of blood folate using acid extraction and internaly standardized gas chromatography-mass spectrometry detection. Anal Biochem 2002, 283:266-275.
Hickenbottom SJ, Follett JR, Lin Y, Dueker SR, Burri BJ, Neidlinger TR and Clifford AJ. Variability in conversion of B carotene to vitamin A in mean measured using double-tracer study design. AJCN 2002, 75:900-907.
Lin Y, Dueker SR, Jones AD and Clifford AJ. A parallel processing SPE protocol for the determination of whole blood folate. Anal Biochem 2002, 301:14-20.
Lunetta JM, Zulim RA, Dueker SR, Lin Y, Flaig V, Schneider PD, Wolfe BM and Clifford AJ. Methods for the simultaneous determination of retinol and B carotene concentration in human tissue and plasma. Anal Biochem 2002, 304:100-109.
Hickenbottom SJ, Lemke SE, Dueker SR, Lin Y, Follett JR, Carkeet C, Buchholz BA, Vogel JS and Clifford AJ. Dual isotope test or assessing B carotene cleavage to vitamin A in humans. EJCN 2002, 41:141-147.
Ebeler SE, Brenneman CA, Kim GS, Jewell WT, Webb MR, Chacon-Rodriguez L, MacDonald E, Cramer AC, Levi A, Islas A, Kraus A, Hinrichs SH and Clifford AJ. Dietary catechin and tumor onset in a transgenic mouse model AJCN 2002, 76:865-872.
Mueller HG, Su CL, Dueker SR, Follett JR, Lin Y, Clifford AJ, Buchholz BA and Vogel JS. Semiparmetric modeling of labeled cell kinetics with application to isotope labeling of erythrocytes. Biomet 2002, 58:232-239.
Kway H, Hansen CM, Leklem JE Hardin K and Shultz TD. Improved vitamin B6 status is positively related to lymphocyte proliferation in young women consuming a controlled diet. J Nutr 2002 132:3308-3313.
Medeiros DM, Plattner A, Jennings D and Stoecker B. Bone morphology, strength and density are compromised in iron deficient rats and exacerbated by calcium restriction. J Nutr 2002 132:3135-3141.
Martin BR, Weaver CM, Heaney RP, Packard PT and Smith DL. Calcium absorption rom three salts and CaSO4-fortified bread in premenopausal women. J Ag Food Chem 2002, 50(13):3874-3876.
Weaver CM, Martin BR, Costa, NMB, Saleeb FZ and Huth PJ. Absorption of calcium fumarate salts is equivalent to other calcium salts when measured in the rat model. J Ag Food Chem 2002, 50:4974-4975.
Weaver CM and Liebman M. Biomarkers of bone health appropriate for evaluating functional foods designed to reduce risk of osteoporosis. Br J Nutr 2002, 88(2):S225-S2232.
Journal Articles - Peer Reviewed
Braun, M. and Weaver, C.M. A call to evaluate the impact of calcium-fortified foods and beverages. Nutr. Today 41 :40-47,2006.
Britten, P., Lyon, J., Weaver, C.M., Kris-Etherton, P., Nicklas, T., Weber, J., Davis, C. MyPyramid food intake pattern modeling for the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. JNEB In press, 2006.
Cai, D.J., Zhao, Y., Glasier, J., Cullen, D., Barnes, S., Turner, C.H., Wastney, M., Weaver, C. Comparative effect of soy protein, soy isoflavones and 1713-estradiol on bone metabolism in adult ovariectomized rats. J Bone Miner Res, 20:828-39, 2005.
Camire, M.E., Dougherty, M.P. 2005. Internet survey of nutrition claim knowledge. J Food Sci. Education 4(2):18-21.
Camire ME, Dougherty MP and Briggs JL. 2005. Antioxidant-rich foods retard lipid oxidation in extruded corn. Cereal Chemistry. 82(6):666-670.
Clark, R.M., Herron, K.L., Waters, D., and Fermandez M.L. (2006) Low and High Plasma Response to Egg Cholesterol Predicts Response to Lutein and Beta-Carotene in Men and Women. J. Nutr. (accepted Dec. 23, 2005).
Dashwood, RH, Myzak, MC and Ho, E. (2005) Dietary HDAC inhibitors: time to rethink weak ligands in cancer chemoprevention? Carcinogenesis. 2006 Feb;27(2):344-9
Davis, S. R., Quinlivan, E. P., Shelnutt, K. P., Ghandour, H., Capdevila, A., Coats, B. S., Wagner, C., Shane, B., Selhub, J., Bailey, L. B., Shuster, J. J., Stacpoole, P. W. and Gregory III, J. F. (2005). Homocysteine is elevated but total remethylation is unchanged by the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677C®T polymorphism and by dietary folate restriction in young women. J. Nutr. 135:1045-1050.
Dayal, S., Devlin, A. M., McCaw, R. B., Liu, M.-L., Arning, E., Bottiglieri, T., Shane, B., Faraci, F. M. and Lentz, S. R. (2005). Cerebral vascular dysfunction in methionine synthase-deficient mice. Circulation 112:737-744.
Deyhim F, Stoecker BJ, Brusewitz GH, Devareddy L, Arjmandi BJ. (2006) Dried plum reverses bone loss in an osteopenic rat model of osteoporosis. Menopause (In Press)
Driskell JA, Kim Y-N, Goebel KJ. Few differences found in the typical eating and physical activity habits of lower-level and upper-level university students. J Am Diet Assoc 2005; 105:798-801.
Driskell JA, Marchello MJ, Giraud DW, Sulaeman A. Vitamin and selenium content of ribeye cuts from grass- and grain-finished bison of the same herd. J Food Qual 2004; 27:388-398.
DSouza, N., Skonberg, D.I., Camire, M.E., Guthrie, K.E., Malison, J., Lim,a L. 2005. Influence of dietary genistein levels on tissue genistein deposition and on the physical, chemical, and sensory quality of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. J. Agric. Food Chem. 53(9): 3631-3636.
Gailer J, George GM, Pickering IE, Prince RC, Younis HS, Winzerling JJ. (2002) Biliary excretion of [(GS)(2)AsSe](-) after intravenous injection of rabbits with arsenite and selenate. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 15:1466-71.
Geiser DL, Chavez CA, Flores-Munguia R, Winzerling JJ, Pham DQ. Aedes aegypti ferritin. Eur J Biochem. 2003 Sep;270(18):3667-74.
Geiser DL, Zhang D, Winzerling JJ. Secreted ferritin: Mosquito defense against iron overload? Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 2006 Mar;36(3):177-87.
Gunther, C.W., Legowski, PA, McCabe, L.D., McCabe, G.P., Peacock, M., Lyle, R.M., Weaver, C.M., Teegarden, D. Parathyroid hormone is associated with decreased fat mass in young health women. Int. J. Obesity. 30:94-99, 2006.
Hansen, C.M., Shultz, T.D., Hunt, K.C., Hardin, K., Leklem, J.E., Huang, A. & Ames, B.N. (2006) Vitamin B-6 intake and smoking status influence lymphocyte serine hydroxymethyltransferase activity in healthy adults. Submitted.
Hansen, C.M., Shultz, T.D., James, S.J., Melnyk, S., Leklem, J.E., Hardin, K. & Ames, B.N. (2006) Effects of smoking and vitamin B-6 intake on plasma thiol concentrations. Preparation.
Hansen, C.M., Shultz, T.D., James, S.J., Melnyk, S., Leklem, J.E., Hardin, K. & Ames, B.N. (2006) Effects of smoking and vitamin B-6 intake on plasma thiol concentrations. Preparation.
Hansen, C.M., Shultz, T.D., Hunt, K.C., Hardin, K., Leklem, J.E., Huang, A. & Ames, B.N. (2006) Vitamin B-6 intake and smoking status influence lymphocyte serine hydroxymethyltransferase activity in healthy adults. Submitted.
Heaney, RP. and Weaver, C.M. Newer perspectives on calcium and bone quality. J. Am. Coil. Nutr 24(6):574S-581S, 2005.
Kling, P.J. and Joy J. Winzerling (2002) Iron status and the treatment of the anemia of prematurity. Clinics in Perinatology 29(2):283-94.
Lim, U., Peng, K., Shane, B., Stover, P. J., Litonjua, A. A., Weiss, S. T., Gaziano, J. M., Strawderman, R. L., Raiszadeh, F., Selhub, J., Tucker, K. L. Cassano, P. A. (2005). Polymorphisms in cytoplasmic serine hydroxymethyltransferase and methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase affect the risk of cardiovascular disease in Men. J. Nutr. 135:1989-1994.
Mashiyama, S.T., Hansen, C.M., Roitman, E., Sarmiento, S., Leklem, J.E., Shultz, T.D. &
Ames, B.N. (2006) DNA-uracil in healthy humans measured with an improved assay (uracil assay V3.0) is not affected by marginal vitamin B-6 deficiency. Submitted.
Mayo JJ, Kohlhepp P, Zhang D, Winzerling JJ. Effects of sham air and cigarette smoke on A549 lung cells: implications foriron-mediated oxidative damage. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2004 Apr;286(4):L866-76
Medeiros DM, Shiry LJ, McCune SA. 2005. Marginal copper intakes over a protracted time period in genetically and non-genetically susceptible heart disease rats disturbs electrocardiograms and enhances lipid deposition. Nutr. Res. 25: 663-672.
Myzak, MC, Hardin, K. Dashwood, RH and Ho, E. (2004) Sulforaphane Inhibits Histone Deacetylase Activity in BPH-1, LnCaP, and PC-3 Prostate Epithelial Cells. Cancer Epidemiology biomarkers and prevention, 13:1847S.
Myzak, MC, Hardin, K, Rong W, Dashwood, RH and Ho, E. (2005) Sulforaphane inhibits histone deacetylase activity in BPH-1, LnCaP, and PC-3 prostate epithelial cells. Carcinogenesis. 2005 Nov 15; [Epub ahead of print]
Nichol, Helen, John H. Law and Joy J. Winzerling. (2002) Iron Metabolism in Insects. Annual Review of Entomology, 47:535-559.
Nichol H, Winzerling, JJ (2002) Structured RNA upstream of insect cap distal iron responsive elements enhances iron regulatory protein-mediated control of translation. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2002 32(12):1699-710.
Nicklas, T.A., Weaver, C.M., Stitzel, K.F. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee: Developing a Key Message. JADA 105(9):1418-24,2005.
OLeary, V. B., Mills, J. L., Pangilinan, F., Kirke, P. N., Cox, C., Conley, M., Weiler, A., Peng, K., Shane, B., Scott, J. M., Parle-McDermott, A., Molloy, A. M., Brody, L. C., Members of the Birth Defects Research Group. (2005). Analysis of methionine synthase reductase polymorphisms for neural tube defects risk association. Molec. Genet. Metab. 85:220-227.
Parelman M, Stoecker B, Baker A, Medeiros DM. 2006. Iron restriction negatively affects bone in female rats and mineralization of hFOB osteoblast cells. Exp. Biol. Med. (Maywood) In Press.
Parelman M, Stoecker B, Baker A, Medeiros DM. (2006) Iron restriction negatively affects bone in female rats and mineralization of hFOB osteoblast cells. Exp Biol Med (In Press).
Pham DQ, Kos PJ, Mayo JJ, Winzerling JJ. Regulation of the ribonucleotide reductase small subunit (R2) in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Gene. 2006 Mar 9;
Pham Q.D. D, Bluchuta B,Nichol H,Winzerling JJ. (2002) Cloning, sequencing and expression of RNR R1 and R2 in mosquito. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 32(9):1037-44.
Quinlivan, E. P., Davis, S. R., Shelnutt, K. P., Henderson, G. N., Ghandour, H., Shane, B., Selhub, J., Bailey, L. B., Stacpoole, P. W. and Gregory III, J. F. (2005). Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677C->T polymorphism and folate status affect one-carbon incorporation into human DNA deoxynucleosides. J. Nutr. 135:389-396.
Reinwald, S. and Weaver, C.M. Soy isoflavones and bone health: are they a double¬ edged sword? J. Natural Products In press, 2006.
Ritzenthaler, K.L., McGuire, M.K., Shultz, T.D., McGuire, M.A., Koepp, A.E., Luedecke, L.O., Hanson, T.W., Dasgupta, N. & Chew, B.P. (2005) Consumption of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) from CLA-enriched cheese does not alter milk fat or immunity in lactating women. J.Nutr. 135:422-430.
Ritzenthaler, K.L., Shultz, T.D., McGuire, M.A., Shahin, M.A., Dasgupta, N. & McGuire, M.K. (2006) Concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in human plasma and lipid fractions and their relationship with dietary CLA intake. Preparation.
Ritzenthaler, K.L., Shultz, T.D., McGuire, M.A., Shahin, M.A., Dasgupta, N. & McGuire, M.K. (2006) Concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in human plasma and lipid fractions and their relationship with dietary CLA intake. Preparation.
Shultz, T.D., Hansen, C.M., Hardin, K., Leklem, J.E. & Ames, B.N. (2006) Assessment of vitamin B-6 status in young men and women cigarette smokers and nonsmokers consuming a controlled diet. Submitted.
Smith BJ, Lucas EA, Turner RT, Evans GL, Lerner MR, Brackett DJ, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. Vitamin E provides protection for bone in mature hindlimb unloaded male rats. (2005) Calcified Tissue Int 76:272-279.
Spence, L.A, Lipscomb, E.R, Cadogan, J., Martin, B., Wastney, ME, Peacock, M., Weaver, C.M. The effect of soy protein and soy isoflavones on calcium metabolism and renal handling in postmenopausal women: A randomized cross over study. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 81 :916-922, 2005.
Stempak, J. M., Sohn, K.-J., Chiang, E.-P., Shane, B. and Kim, Y.-I. (2005). Cell and stage of transformation-specific effects of folate deficiency on methionine cycle intermediates and DNA methylation in an in vitro model. Carcinogenesis 26:981-990.
Teh, Y.-H., Dougherty, M.P., and Camire, M.E. 2005. Frozen blueberry-soy dessert quality. J. Food Sci. 70(2):S119-22.
Weaver, C.M. Inulin, oligofructose and bone health: experimental approaches and mechanisms. Br. J. Nutr. 93(1 ):S99-S1 03, 2005.
Weaver, C.M. and Cheong, J.MK Soy isoflavones and bone health: The relationship is still unclear. J. Nutr. 135:1243-1247,2005
Welch, J.M. and Weaver, C.M. Calcium and exercise affect the growing skeleton. Nutr. Reviews 63(11):361-373, 2005.
Weaver, C., Nicklas, T., Britten, P. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report. Nutr. Today 40:102-107,2005.
Wigertz, K., Palacios, C., Jackman, L.A, Martin, B.R, McCabe, L.D., McCabe, G.P., Peacock, M., Pratt, J.H., Weaver, C.M. Racial differences in calcium retention in response to dietary salt in adolescent girls. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 81 :845-850,2005.
Winzerling JJ, Pham DQ. Iron metabolism in insect disease vectors: Mining the Anopheles gambiae translated protein database. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 2006 Apr;36(4):310-21.
Zhang D, Dimopoulos G, Wolf A, Minana B, Kafatos FC, Winzerling JJ. (2002) Molecular characterization of two mosquito iron regulatory proteins. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 32(5):579-89.
Zhao, Y., Martin, B.R., Weaver, C.M. Calcium bioavailability of calcium carbonate fortified soymilk is equivalent to cow's milk in young women. J Nutr. 135:2379-2392, 2005.
Zhao, Y., Martin, B.R, Wastney, M.E., Schollum, L., Weaver, C.M. Acute Versus Chronic Effects of Whey Proteins on Calcium Absorption in Growing Rats. Exp. BioI. Med. 230:536-542, 2005.
Extension Publication
Driskell JA. Nutrient Recommendations of Adults. NebGuide G-05-1555-A. 2005. Available at http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/epublic/pages/publicationD.jsp?publicationId=294.
Books/Book Chapters
Bagley, P. and Shane, B. (2005). Folate. In Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements, Coates, P., Blackman, M. R., Cragg, G., Levine, M., Moss, J. and White, J., eds., pp. 219-228, Marcel Dekker, New York.
Heaney, RP. and Weaver, C.M. Ch. 7 Requirements for What Endpoint. In: Calcium in Human Health. Weaver, C.M. and Heaney, RP., eds. Humana Press. 97-104,2006.
Wastney, ME, Y. Zhao, Weaver, C.M. Ch. 6 Kinetic Studies. In: Calcium in Human Health. Weaver, C.M. and Heaney, RP., eds. Humana Press. 83-93, 2006.
Weaver, C.M. Ch. 17 Pre-Puberty and Adolescence. In: Calcium in Human Health. Weaver, C.M. and Heaney, RP., eds. Humana Press. 281-296,2006.
Weaver, C.M. Ch. 5 Clinical Approaches for Studying Calcium Metabolism and Its Relationship to Disease. In: Calcium in Human Health. Weaver, C.M. and Heaney, RP., eds. Humana Press. Pp 65-81, 2006.
Weaver, C.M. and Heaney, RP. Ch.9 Calcium In: Modern Nutrition in Health Disease. 10th Ed. M.E. Shils, M. Shike, AC. Ross, B. Caballero, RJ. Cousins, eds. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pp 194-210, 2006.
Weaver, C.M. and Heaney, RP., editors. Calcium in Human Health, Humana Press. Totowa, New Jersey 2006.
Weaver, C.M. and Heaney, RP. Ch. 9 Food Sources, Supplements and Bioavailability. In: Calcium in Human Health. Weaver, C.M. and Heaney, RP., eds. Humana Press. 129-142, 2006.
Winzerling, Joy J, and Daphne Q.-D. Pham (2004) Ferritin. In Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Molecular Biology. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ed: Lawrence I. Gilbert,Kostas Iatrou,and Sarjeet Gill. Elsevier.
Winzerling, Joy J, and Daphne Q.-D. Pham (2004) Ferritin. In Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Molecular Biology. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ed: Lawrence I. Gilbert,Kostas Iatrou,and Sarjeet Gill. Elsevier.
Theses/Dissertations Directed
Aldaous, S.A. 2005. Development Of Extruded Wild Blueberry Confection. M.S. Thesis, University of Maine, Orono, ME.
Michelle Braun. Bone mineral metabolism in adolescents, as assessed by metabolic balance studies, Ph.D. thesis, Purdue University
Jennifer Cheong. Effects of phytochemicals on bone turnover & validation of a novel method to assess bone turnover, Ph.D. thesis, Perdue University
Yong Jiang. Phytochemicals and bone, M.S. thesis, Purdue University
Lora KR. Vitamin B-6 status of a group of 4-8 y old children of Latino immigrants in rural Nebraska. M.S. Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. December, 2004.
Nunn MD. The effects of various cooking methods on the sensory qualities and carotenoid retention in selected vegetables. M.S. Thesis: University of Nebraska-Lincoln. December, 2004.
Oberholtzer, A.S. 2005. Development and Evaluation of a New Salmon Jerky Snack Product. M.S. Thesis, University of Maine, Orono, ME.
Parelman M. 2005. Marginal iron restriction negatively impacts bone. MS Thesis, Kansas State University
Yongdong Zhao. Calcium bioavailability of functional foods and discovery of bone biomarkers using serum proteomic approach, Ph.D. thesis, Purdue University
Lora KR, Giraud DW, Davy SR, Driskell JA. Vitamin B-6 status of 4-8 year old Latino children in rural Nebraska. FASEB J 2005;19(4):A433-434.
Driskell JA, Giraud DW, Davy SR, Lora KR. Vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoid status of children, 4-8 y, of Latino immigrants. FASEB J 2005;19(4):A475.
Bailey B, Deyhim F, Stoecker BJ. Effects of vitamin E supplementation on bone quality. Experimental Biology 06, San Francisco, 2006.
Blake, P., Mayo, J.J., Kohlhepp, P. and Winzerling, J.J. (2003) Screening a Genomic Library for Aedes aegypti Ribonucleotide Reductase-R1 Subunit. Center for Insect Science University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Camire, M.E. Anthocyanins: are they the fountain of youth? Kemin Foods, Des Moines IA. Oct. 5, 2005.
Camire, M.E., Guthrie, K., Bolton, J., Jordan, J.J., Kelley, S., Oberholtzer, A., Qiu, X., and Dougherty, M.P. Does color affect consumer attitudes about whole wheat baked products? AACC International Annual Meeting, Sept. 11-14, 2005, Orlando, FL.
Camire, M.E. Healthy Foods Laboratory Research. Wild Blueberry Health Summit, August 11-12 2005, Bar Harbor, ME.
Camire, M.E., Dougherty, M.P., and The, Y.H. Frozen wild blueberry-soy desserts. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, July 16-20, 2005, New Orleans, LA.
Camire, M.E., Potter, R.M., Aldaous, S., Halteman, W., and Dougherty, M.P. Characteristics and sensory quality of wild blueberry soy beverages. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, July 16-20, 2005, New Orleans, LA.
Camire, M.E. Supplements for Men's Health. Togus Veterans Hospital, Augusta, ME. June 24, 2005.
Camire, M.E. Understanding the role of functional and nutraceutical food ingredients and the impact on anti-obesity formulations. 2nd Marcus Evans Ingredients-Based Obesity Symposium. Schaumburg, IL. June 8, 2005.
Camire, M.E. Complementary Medicine: Research and Education Challenges for the Nutrition Professional. Maine Nutrition Council Quarterly Meeting. Augusta, January 26, 2005.
Daniel, H. (presented by Camire, M.E.). Assessing the market for a blueberry and soy beverage. AACC International Annual Meeting, Sept. 11-14, 2005, Orlando, FL.
Garcia-Bañuelos, M., Luz Vazquez-Moreno1, Alfonso A. Gardea and Joy Winzerling. (2005) Differential Expression in Dormancy and Release of Dormancy in Apple (Malus domestica) shoots. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. San Diego, CA.
Geiser, D.L., Jonathan J. Mayo, Meng-Chieh Shen and Joy J. Winzerling. (2005) Pilot Study: The Regulation by Iron of a Putative Divalent Metal Transporter in Anopheles gambiae Larval Cells, MOS55. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. San Diego, CA. Student Travel Award Presentation.
Geiser, D. L., Jonathan J. Mayo, Meng-Chieh Shen and Joy J. Winzerling. (2005) Pilot Study: The Regulation by Iron of a Putative Divalent Metal Transporter in Anopheles gambiae Larval Cells, MOS55. Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Region of AAAS. Tucson, AZ.
Geiser, D., Mayo, J, Zhang, D., Kohlhepp, P. and Winzerling, J.J. (2002) Response of Aedes aegypti Larval Cells To Iron. Center for Insect Science Ninth Annual Poster Hexapodium. Tucson, AZ.
Geiser, D., Mayo, J, Zhang, D., Kohlhepp, P. and Winzerling, J.J (2002) Response of Aedes aegypti Larval Cells To Iron. Fourth International Symposium on Molecular Insect Science. Tucson, AZ.
Geiser, DL, Chavez, C, Pham, D. Q-D., Zhang, D., and Winzerling J.J. (2003) Response of Aedes aegypti Larval Cells To Iron. American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA
Mayo, J.J., Kohlhepp, P., Goodman, N. and Winzerling, J.J. (2003) Cigarette Smoke Influences Intracellular Iron Metabolism in A549 Lung Cells. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Mayo, J.M.,,Kos, P., Shaffer, J., Pham, D.Q.-D. and Winzerling J. J. (2004) Characterization of Ribonucleotide Reductase in the Mosquito Aedes aegypti. 8th Annual American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference, Boston, MA (2004).
Mayo, J. J., Meng-Chieh Shen, Dawn L. Geiser and Joy J. Winzerling. (2005) Localization and Secretion of Ferritin in Cultured Aedes aegypti Larval Cells.: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. San Diego, CA. Student Travel Award Presentation
Mayo, J. J., Meng-Chieh Shen, Dawn L. Geiser and Joy J. Winzerling. (2005) Localization and Secretion of Ferritin in Cultured Aedes aegypti Larval Cells. Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Region of AAAS. Tucson, AZ.
Meng-Chieh Shen, Jonathan J. Mayo, Dawn L. Geiser and Joy J. Winzerling. (2005) Localization and Secretion of Ferritin in Cultured Aedes aegypti Larval Cells . BIO5: Research Frontiers. The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721.
Morrow R, Deyhim F, Patil BS, Stoecker BJ. Feeding orange pulp improves bone microarchitecture in orchidectomized rats. Experimental Biology 06, San Francisco, 2006.
Parelman M, Stoecker B, Baker A, Medeiros DM. Marginal iron deficiency negatively impacts bone. Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA, 2005
Ramos-Clamont, G., Roberto Guzman Z. Joy Winzerling and Luz Vázquez-Moreno. (2005) Escherichia coli K88 Interaction with Serum Porcine IgA Oligosaccharides. Affinity 2005. Uppsala, Sweden. Young Investigators Award of Excellence.
Rickleffs K, Klaahsen DL, Medeiros DM. Copper deficiency and mitochondrial biogenesis: the role of transcriptional factors PPAR-alpha, PGC1-alpha, and NFKappaB1. Experimental Biology, San Francisco, 2005
Shane, B. Folate metabolism and retention: effect of dosage, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals, New Jersey, December 2004
Shane, B. Models for phenotypic characterization of nutrient gene polymorphism interactions: studies on the euchromatic histone methyltransferase, methionine synthase and MTHFR mouse knock-outs, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, April 2005
Shane, B. Gowland Hopkins Lecture - Molecular-genetic models for investigating the regulation of one-carbon metabolism, Thirteenth International Symposium on Chemistry and Biology of Folates and Pteridines, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands, June 2005
Shane, B. Folate and vitamin B12 metabolism, Technical consultation on folate and vitamin B12, Department of Nutrition for Health and Development, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2005.
Winzerling, J.J. (2003) Iron-Binding Proteins in Insects. Department of Life Sciences. Presented at University of Wisconsin- Parkside, Parkside, WI.
Enhancing Obesity and Osteoporosis Research in Maine, USDA NRICGP
Can anthocyanin-rich foods prevent diabetes?, Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer Research Foundation
Extruded Salmon Snack Utilizing Processing By-products, USDA NRICGP
Iron Metabolism of Mosquitoes, USPHS NIH GM56812. (2004)
Transcriptional Control of Ribonucleotide Reductase of Mosquitos, USPHS NIH (2003)
Anguera, M. C., Field, M. S., Perry, C., Ghandour, H., Chiang, E.-P., Selhub, J., Shane, B. and Stover, P. J. (2006). Regulation of folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism by 10-formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase. J. Biol. Chem. 281:18335-18342.
Braun M.M., Martin, B.R., Kern, M., McCabe, G.P., Peacock, M., Jiang, Z., Weaver C.M. Calcium Retention in Adolescent Boys on a Range of Controlled Calcium Intakes, Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 84:414-418, 2006.
Braun, M. and Weaver, C.M. A call to evaluate the impact of calcium-fortified foods and beverages. Nutr. Today 41:40-47, 2006.
Cheong, J.M.K., Martin, B.R., Jackson, G.S., Elmore, D., McCabe, G.P., Nolan, J.R., Barnes, S., Peacock, M., Weaver, C.M. Soy isoflavones do not affect bone resorption in postmenopausal women: A dose response study using a novel approach with 41Ca. J. Clin. Endocrin. Metab. 92:577-585, 2007.
Clark, R.M., Balakrishnan, A., Waters, D., Aggarwal D., Owen, K.Q., Koo, S.I. L-Carnitine increases liver ±-tocopherol and lowers liver and plasma triglycerides in aging ovariectomized rats. J. Nutr. Biochem. [Epub ahead of print] March 16, 2007.
Daphne Q.-D. Pham, Peter J. Kos, Jonathan J. Mayo and Joy J. Winzerling. (2006) Regulation of the ribonucleotide reductase small subunit (R2) in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Gene. 372:182-90.
Dashwood, RH, Myzak, MC and Ho, E. (2006) Dietary HDAC inhibitors: Time to rethink weak ligands for cancer prevention. Carcinogenesis, Feb;27(2):344-9.
Davy SR, Benes BA, Driskell JA. Sex differences in dieting trends, eating habits, and nutrition beliefs of a group of Midwestern college students. J Am Diet Assoc 2006;106:1673-7.
Dawn L. Geiser, Dianzheng Zhang and Joy J. Winzerling. (2006) Ferritin secretion: Mosquito cell respond to an iron load. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 36(3):177-87
de Moura FF, Burri BJ, and Clifford AJ, 2006. Accelerator mass spectrometry in the study of vitamins and mineral metabolism in humans. Handbook of Vitamins. Eds McCormick DB, Rucker RB, Suttie JW, Zempleni J; Marcel Dekker, NY.
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