W1003: Parent and household influences on calcium intake among preadolescents
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Auld, G., Bock, M.A., Boushey, C., Bruhn, C., Gabel, K., Gustafson, D., Holmes, B., Misner, S., Novotny, R., Peck, L., Pelican, S., Pond-Smith, D. Read, M. 2002. Perspectives on intake of calcium rich foods among Asian, Hispanic and white preadolescent and adolescent females. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 34:242-251.
Gabel, K., Auld, G., Bock, M.A., Boushey, C., Bruhn, C., Gustafson, D., Holmes, B., Misner, S., Novotny, R., Peck, L., Pelican, S., Pond-Smith, D., Read, M., Wolfe, F. 2002. Relationship of gender to motivators and barriers of drinking milk by adolescents - results from focus groups. Journal of Adolescent Health.
Read, M., Novotny, R., Auld, G., Bock, M.A., Bruhn, C., Gabel, K., Gustafson, D., Holmes, B., Peck, L., Pelican, S., Pond-Smith, D., Wolfe, F.H. 2002. Age differences in milk consumption as a snack and by eating location. Topics in Clinical Nutrition, 17(4):55-62.
Novotny, R. Boushey, C., Bock, M.A., Peck, L., Auld, G., Bruhn, C., Gustafson, D., Gabel, K., Jensen, J.K., Misner, S., Read, M. 2002. Calcium Intake of Asian, Hispanic and white youth. Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
Jensen, J.K., Gustafson, D., Boushey, C., Auld, G., Bock, M.A., Bruhn, C., Gabel, K., Misner S.,Novotny, R., Peck, L., Read, M. (In press). Development of a food frequency questionnaire to measure calcium intake among multi-ethnic youth. Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
Gabel, K., Auld G., Bock, M.A., Boushey, C., Bruhn, C., Gustafson, D., Holmes, B., Misner S., Novotny, R., Peck, L., Pelican, S., Pond-Smith, D., Read, M., Wolfe, F. (In press). Relationship of gender to motivators and barriers of drinking milk by adolescents - results from focus groups. J. Adolescent Health.
Novotny R., Boushey C., Bock M.A., Peck L., Auld, G., Bruhn, C., Gustafson, D., Gabel K., Jensen, J.K., Misner S., Read M., (2003). Calcium intake of Asian, Hispanic and White youth. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 22(1):64-70.
Jensen, J.K., Gustafson, D., Boushey, C.J., Auld, G., Bock, M.A., Bruhn, C.M., Gabel, K., Misner, S., Novotny, R., Peck, L., Read, M. 2004. Development of a food frequency questionnaire to estimate calcium intake of Asian, Hispanic, and White youth. J. Am. Diet. Assaoc. May:104(5):762-9.
Schoemer, S., Olson, B. 2004. Calcium Crisis. Families with Young Children: Research Update. Michigan State University Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences.
Curtis, C.S. Parent and Household Influences on Calcium Intake in Preadolescent Children in Arizona. MS Thesis. The University of Arizona. 163 pp. 2005.
Diker, A., Auld, G., and W1003 Scientists. 2005. How NVivo can be used to reliably analyze large qualitative data sets. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 37[Suppl 1]:S59.
Reicks, M., Goldberg, D., Edlefsen, M. 2005. Parental influences on intake of calcium-rich foods by preadolescent Hispanic, Asian and Non-Hispanic White children. FASEB J. 19(4):A460.
Schoemer, S.L. Parental Influences and Their Role in Supplement and Calcium-Fortified Food
Use in Preadolescents. MS Thesis. Michigan State University. 172 pp. 2005.
Schoemer, S.L., Reckase, M.R., and Olson, B.E. 2005. Role of parental influence on barriers to calcium intake in preadolescents, specific to fortified foods and supplement use. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 37[Suppl 1]:S63.
Steward, E. Familial Influence(s) on Preadolescent Milk Consumption in Asians and Hispanics. MS Thesis. University of California, Davis. 2005.
Vue, H. Individual and Environmental Influences on Intake of Calcium-Rich Foods by Hmong Preadolescent Girls. MS Thesis. University of Minnesota. 143 pp. 2005.
Vue, H., and Reicks, M. 2005. Individual and environmental influences on intake of calcium rich foods by Hmong preadolescent girls. FASEB J. 19(5):A977.
Yang, J., Olson, B., Wang, C., W1003 Investigators, and Boushey, C.J. 2005. Use of dietary supplements among parents and their early adolescent child from Asian, Hispanic, and Non-Hispanic White families. FASEB J. 19(4):A428.
Edlefsen M, Reicks M, Goldberg DL, Auld, GW, Bock A, Boushey CJ, Bruhn CM, Cluskey M, Misner SL, Olson BH, Wang C, Zaghloul S. Strategies based on parental roles to influence intake of calcium-rich foods by Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white early adolescents. Submitted to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association
Cluskey M, Edlefsen M, Olson B, Reicks M, Goldberg DL, Auld, GW, Bock A, Boushey CJ, Bruhn CM, Misner SL, Olson BH, Wang C, Zaghloul S. At home and away-from-home eating patterns influencing preadolescents intake of calcium rich foods as perceived by Asian, Hispanic and non-Hispanic White parents. Submitted to the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
Auld, GW, Diker A, Bock A, Boushey CJ, Bruhn CM, Cluskey M, Edlefsen M, Goldberg DL, Misner SL, Olson BH, Reicks M, Wang C, Zaghloul S. A decision tree to determine appropriateness of NVivo® in analyzing qualitative data sets. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior In press.
1. Edlefsen M, Reicks M, Goldberg D, Auld G, Bock MA, Boushey CJ, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Misner S, Olson B, Wang C, Zaghloul S. Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white early adolescents: Parental perspectives on strategies to influence intake of calcium-rich foods. Preventing Chronic Disease (in press)
2. Yang J, Boushey CJ, Olson BH, Auld G, Bock MA, Boushey CJ, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Edlefsen M, Goldberg D, Misner S, Olson B, Wang C, Zaghloul S. Intentional purchase of calcium-fortified foods observed among Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white parents of early adolescents. Submitted to Journal Am Diet Association 2007 (in revision)
3. Cluskey M, Edlefsen M, Olson B, Reicks M, Auld G, Bock A, Boushey C, Bruhn C, Goldberg D, Misner S, Yang C, Zaghoul S. At home and away from home eating patterns influencing pre-adolescents intake of calcium rich foods as perceived by Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic parents. J Nutr Educ Behav (in press)
4. Cluskey M, Auld G, Edlefsen M, Zaghoul S, et al. Parental knowledge, concern, and expectations for calcium intake of Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic White early adolescents. Journal of Community Nutrition (in progress)
1. Glas JL, Boushey C, Auld GW, Bruhn M, Cluskey M, Edlefsen M, Misner S, Olson B, Reicks M. Development of a tool to identify psychosocial factors associated with consumption of calcium rich foods among parents of early adolescents. To be presented at the American Dietetics Association Food and Nutrition Conference & Exposition, Philadelphia PA, September 30-October 2, 2007.