NCERA_OLD215: Contribution of 4-H Participation to the Development of Social Capital Within Communities
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
None to date
Baker, B., Calvert, M., Emery, M., Enfield, R., Kinsey S., (listed alphabetically) (April 2011). Capturing Positive Youth Contributions Using the Community Capitals Framework. Workshop presented at 2011 DoD/USDA Family Resilience Conference, Chicago, IL. Published in conference proceedings http://www1.cyfernet.org/FRConf2011/ws/2011-Baker-Capturing.pdf
Baker, B., M. Calvert, M. Emery, R. Enfield. (listed alphabetically) (March 2011). Contribution of 4 H Participation to the Development of Social Capital: What Are We Learning? Brownbag Seminar presented at NIFA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
Baker, B., M. Calvert, M. Emery, R. Enfield, B. Williams. (listed alphabetically) (December 2010)Mapping the Impact of Youth on Community Development Webinar. NCRCRD North Central Regional Center on Rural Development. http://breeze.msu.edu/p72418074/