NE1008: Assuring Fruit and Vegetable Product Quality and Safety Through the Handling and Marketing Chain
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Aggarwal, D., S. Prussia, W. Florkowski, and G. Lysiak. 2005. Simulating calcium dip effect on postharvest quality of peaches, Acta Hort. (ISHS) 682:917-924.
Allende-Prieto, A., J. McEvoyb, Y. Tao, and Y. Luo, 2005. Antimicrobial effect of sodium hypochlorite, acidified sodium chlorite, sodium chlorite and citric acid on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and natural microflora of intact and sliced cilantro. International Journal of Food Microbiology. (Accepted).
Ariana, D.P., D.E. Guyer, B.P. Shrestha. 2006. "Integrating multispectral reflectance and fluorescence imaging for defect detection on apples." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 50(2): 148-161.
Ariana, D. P. and R. Lu. 2006. Visible/near-infrared hyperspectral transmittance imaging for detection of internal mechanical injury in pickling cucumbers. ASABE Paper No. 063039. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. 10pp.
Ariana, D. P., R. Lu, and D. E. Guyer. 2005. Detection of mechanical injury on pickling cucumbers using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. In Optical Sensors and Sensing Systems for Natural Resources and Food Safety and Quality, edited by Y. R. Chen et al., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5996: 59960P, 8pp. SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering), Bellingham, WA.
Ariana, D.P., R. Lu, D.E. Guyer. 2006. Near-infrared hyperspectral reflectance imaging for detection of bruises on pickling cucumbers. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 53: 60-70.
Ayebah, B., Y.-C. Hung and J. F. Frank. 2005. Enhancing the bactericidal effect of electrolyzed water on Listeria monocytogenes biofilms formed on stainless steel. J. Food Prot. 68:1375-138.
Ayebah, B. and Y.-C. Hung. 2005. Electrolyzed water and its corrosiveness on various surface materials commonly found in food processing facilities. J. Food Process Eng. 28:247-264.
Cheng, X., Y.R. Chen, Y. Tao, and Xin Chen. 2005. Gabor-wavelet Decomposition and Integrated PCA-FLD Method for Texture Based Defect Classification. SPIE Vol. 5996 (2005): 283-291.
Cheng, X. Y. Tao, YR Chen, and X. Chen. 2006. Integrated PCA-fld method for Hyperspectral Imagery Feature Extraction and Band Selection. IEEE Conference on Medical Imaging. Alexandria, Virginia. 3/2006.
Csordas, A.T., M. J. Delwiche, and J. D. Barak. 2006. PCR Biosensor for the Detection of Bacterial Pathogens in Fruits and Vegetables. CIGR World Congress, Bonn, Germany. Paper FP-5-663.
Fung, R., Wang, C., Smith, D., Gross, K., Tao, Y., and Tian, M. 2004. Correlation of increased alternative oxidase gene expression with reduced chilling injury in cold-stored tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum). HortScience Vol.39:806.
Gautz, L.D., P. Kaufusi, M. C. Jackson, H. C. Bittenbender, and C.S. Tang. 2006. "Determination of Kavalactones in Dried Kava (Piper methysticum) Powder using Near-infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy and Partial Least-Squares Regression" (manuscript ID jf060964v) accepted J of Agric and Food Chem.
Gautz, L.D. and R. Nelson. 2006. Energy and Economic Effectiveness of a Dehumidifier for Small Scale Coffee Drying. Paper #061145, ASABE, St Joseph, MI.
Guyer, D.E., D.P. Ariana, B.P. Shrestha, R. Lu. 2006. Opto-electronic determination of insect presence in fruit. Paper No. 066061. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI.
Hang, Y. D. and Woodams, E. E. 2006. Production of grappa from sweet pomace of New York grape varieties. Paper 020B-08, in the Book of Abstracts of the 2006 IFT Annual Meeting. Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL.
Kim, J.K., Luo, Y., Saftner, R. Tao, Y. and Gross, K.C. 2005. Effect of initial oxygen concentration and film oxygen transmission rate on the quality of fresh-cut romaine lettuce. Journal of Science of Food Agriculture Vol.85(10):1622-1630.
Kim, J.G., Y. Luo, Y. Tao. 2004. Effect of the Combination Treatment of 1-Methylcyclopropene and Acidified Sodium Chlorite on Microbial Growth and Quality of Fresh-cut Cilantro. Submitted to J. of Am Soc for Hort Sci. 12/2004.
Lu, R. and Y. Peng. 2005. Comparison of multispectral scattering and visible/NIR spectroscopy for predicting apple fruit firmness. In Proceedings of 7th Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Production Engineering Symposium, Paper No. 62.
Lu, R. and Y. Peng. 2005. A laser-based multispectral imaging system for real-time detection of apple fruit firmness. In Optical Sensors and Sensing Systems for Natural Resources and Food Safety and Quality, edited by Y. R. Chen et al., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5996: 59960F, 10pp. SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering), Bellingham, WA.
Lu, R. and Y. Peng. 2005. Hyperspectral scattering for assessing peach fruit firmness. Biosystems Engineering 93(2): 161-171.
Lu, R., J. Qin, and Y. Peng. 2006. Measurement of the optical properties of apples by hyperspectral imaging for assessing fruit quality. ASABE Paper No. 066179. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. 11pp.
Lu, R. A. K. Srivastava, and H. A. A. Ababneh. 2006. Finite element analysis and experimental evaluation of bioyield probes for measuring apple fruit firmness. Transactions of the ASABE 49(1): 123-131.
Lysiak, G., W.J. Florkowski, and S.E. Prussia. 2005. Harvest maturity and storage conditions of peaches, Haslo Ogrodnicze 4:72-74.
NeSmith, D.S., A. Nunez-Barrios, S.E. Prussia, and D. Aggarwal. 2005. Postharvest berry quality of six rabbiteye blueberry cultivars in response to temperature, J. Amer. Pomology Soc. 59: 13-17.
Noh, H. and R. Lu. 2005. UV light-induced fluorescence for assessing apple maturity. In Optical Sensors and Sensing Systems for Natural Resources and Food Safety and Quality, edited by Y. R. Chen et al., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5996: 59960I, 10pp. 2005. SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering), Bellingham, WA.
Noh, H., Peng, Y. and Lu, R. 2006. Integration of hyperspectral reflectance and laser-induced fluorescence imaging for assessing apple maturity. ASABE Paper No. 066182. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. 22pp.
Nunez-Barrios, A., D.S. NeSmith, M. S. Chinnan, S. E. Prussia. 2005. Dynamics of Rabbiteye Blueberry Fruit Quality in Response to Harvest Method and Postharvest Handling Temperature, Small Fruits Review 4(2) 73 - 81.
Peng, Y. and R. Lu. 2006. A LCTF based multispectral imaging system for estimation of apple fruit firmness. Part I -- Acquisition and characterization of scattering images. Transactions of the ASABE 49(1): 259-267.
Peng, Y. and R. Lu. 2006. A LCTF based multispectral imaging system for estimation of apple fruit firmness. Part II Selection of optimal wavelengths and development of prediction models. Transactions of the ASABE 49(1): 269-275.
Peng, Y. and Lu, R. 2006. New approaches to analyze multispectral scattering images for predicting apple fruit firmness and soluble solids content. ASABE Paper No. 066234. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. 12pp.
Peshlov, B, N., D. W. Donahue, F. A Drummond, and F. E. Dowell. 2006. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for larvae detection in wild blueberries. Presentation at PITTCON 2006, 12-17 March, Orlando, FL.
Prussia, S.E., D. Aggarwal, G. Lysiak, and W. Florkowski. 2005. Postharvest calcium chloride dips for increasing peach firmness, Acta Hort. (ISHS) 682:1551-1558.
Prussia, S.E., M. K. Tetteh, B. P. Verma, and D. S. NeSmith. 2006. Apparent Modulus of Elasticity from FirmTech 2 Firmness Measurements of Blueberries., Transactions of the ASABE 49(1)113-121.
Qin, J. and R. Lu. 2005. Detection of pits in tart cherries by hyperspectral transmission imaging. Transactions of the ASAE 48(5): 1963-1970.
Qin, J. and R. Lu. 2005. Hyperspectral diffuse reflectance for determination of the optical properties of milk and fruit juice. In Optical Sensors and Sensing Systems for Natural Resources and Food Safety and Quality, edited by Y. R. Chen et al., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5996: 59960Q, 10pp. SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering), Bellingham, WA.
Qin, J. and R. Lu. 2006. Measurement of the optical properties of apples using hyperspectral diffuse reflectance imaging. ASABE Paper No. 063037. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. 16pp.
Qin, J. and R. Lu. 2006. Hyperspectral diffuse reflectance imaging for rapid, noncontact measurement of the optical properties of turbid materials. Applied Optics (accepted).
Rui-Cruz S., R. Gonzalez, Y. Luo, Y, Tao, G. González, 2005. Effect of Acidified Sodium Chlorite Applications on Microbial Growth and the Quality of Shredded Carrots. J of Food Science. JSFA-05-0312. Accepted and in press. Vol 86:xxxx-xxxx.
Slaughter, D. C., and C. H. Crisosto. 2006. Nondestructive Determination of Internal Quality in Clingstone Peaches. ASABE Paper No. 066180. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI.
Slaughter, D. C., C. H. Crisosto, J. F. Thompson. 2005. Determination of Flesh Color and Firmness in Cling Peach Inspection. Annual Report to the California Cling Peach Board.
Tan, E.S., D.C. Slaughter, and J.F. Thompson. 2005. Freeze damage detection in oranges using gas sensors. Postharvest Biol. Tech. 35 (2): 177-182.
Tao, Y., 2005. Advanced Detection Technology for Food Processing Lines. National Food Processor Association (NFPA) Annual Conference. Washington DC. Nov., 2005. (Invited presentation to Industrial Quality Assurance Directors and Executives).
Tollner, E.W., S.E. Prussia and W. Florkowski. 2005. Modeling Product Flow through a Generic Post harvest Distribution System. Journal of Food Distribution Research. (accepted).
Vargas, A.M., M.S. Kim, Y. Tao, A.M. Lefcourt, YR Chen, Y. Luo, Y. Song. 2006. Hyperspecta Imaging Detection of Strawberry contamination. J of Food Engineering. 2/2006.
Vargas, A., M. Kim, Y. Tao, A.M. Lefcourt, Y. Luo, Y.R. Chen, 2005. Detection of fecal contamination on cantaloupes using hyperspectral fluorescence imagery. Journal of Food Engineering. Vol.70(8-2005):471-476.
Yoon, K. Y.,Woodams, E. E. and Hang, Y. D. 2006. Enzymatic production of pentoses from the hemicellulose fraction of corn residues. Food Science & Technology 39: 387-391.
Yoon, K. Y.,Woodams, E. E. and Hang, Y. D. 2006. Production of probiotic cabbage juice by lactic acid bacteria. Bioresource Technology 97: 1427-1430.
Yoon, K. Y.,Woodams, E. E. and Hang, Y. D. 2006. Relationship of acid phosphatase activity and Brix/acid ratio in cherries. Food Science & Technology 39: 316-320.
Wang, S., Tang, J., Sun, T., Mitcham, B., Koral, T., Birla, S.L. 2006. Considerations in design of commercial radio frequency treatments for postharvest pest control in inshell walnuts. J. Food Engineering 77:304-312.
Yin, X., Wang, S., Tang, J., Hansen, J.D. 2006. Thermal resistance of fifth-instar Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) as affected by pretreatment conditioning. Journal Stored Products Research 42 (1):75-85.
Hallman G.J. Wang, S., Tang, J. 2005. Reaction order for thermal mortality instars of Mexican fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae). J. Economics Entomology 98(6):1905-1910.
Wang, S., Monzon, M., Gazit, Y., Tang, J., Mitcham, E.J., Armstrong, J.W. 2005. Temperature dependent dielectric properties of subtropics and tropical fruits and associated insect pests, Trans. ASAE 48(5): 1873-1881.
Drake S.R., Hansen J.D., Elfving D.C., Tang J. and Wang S., 2005. Hot
water to control codling moth in sweet cherries: efficacy and quality.
Journal of Food Quality, 28(4): 361-376.
Birla, S.L., Wang, S., Tang, J., Fellman, J., Mattinson, D., Lurie, S. 2005. Quality of oranges as influenced by potential radio frequency heat treatments against Mediterranean fruit flies. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 38(1):66-79.
Hansen, J.D., Drake, S.R., Heidt, M.L., Watkins, M.A., Tang, J., Wang, S. J. 2005. Radio frequency-hot water treatments for postharvest control of codling moth in Bing sweet cherries. Hortechnology 15(3):613-616.
Wang S., Yue J., Tang J., and Chen, B., 2005. Mathematical modeling of heating uniformity for in-shell walnuts subjected to radio frequency treatments with intermittent stirrings. Postharvest Biology and Technology 35(1): 97-107.
Zhu, B., L. Jiang, X. Cheng, and Y. Tao, 2005. 3D Surface Reconstruction of Apples from 2D NIR Images. SPIE Vol. 6000(2005): 242-251.
Zhu, B., L. Jiang, X. Cheng, and Y. Tao, 2005. 3D Surface Reconstruction of Apples from 2D NIR Images. Pattern Recognition. 10/2005.