NE1042: Optimization of Poultry Welfare and Production Systems for the 21st Century
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Lien, R. J., J. B. Hess, and S. F. Bilgili, 2010. Influence of increasing-dim and bright, and split-dark-bright lighting on broiler mobility and stress. Poultry Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1):308.
Lien, R. J., J. B. Hess, and S. F. Bilgili, 2010. Effects of increasing-dim and bright, and shorter-bright split-dark lighting on broiler performance. Poultry Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):in press.
Johny, A. Kollanoor, M. J. Darre, A. M Donoghue, D. J. Donoghue and K. Venkitanarayyanan. 2010. Antibacteral effect of trans-cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, carvacol, and thymol on Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni in chicken cecal contents in vitro. J. Appl Poult Res 19:237-244 doi:10.3382/japr 2010-00181.
Otu-Nyarko, Ebenezer. 2010. The Effect of Stress on the Vocalizations of Captive Poultry Populations. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Connecticut.
Yao Ren, Michael T. Johnson, Patrick J. Clemins, Michael Darre, Sharon Stuart Glaeser,Tomasz S. Osiejuk and Ebenezer Out-Nyarko. 2009. A Framework for Bioacoustic Vocalization Analysis Using Hidden Markov Models. Algorithms: 2(4), 1410-1428.
S.A. dePersio, K.W. Koelkebeck, C.M. Parsons, P.L. Utterback, C.W. Utterback, N.O. Sullivan, K. Bregendahl, and J. Arango. 2010. Effects of feeding low-density diets to Hy-Line W-36 laying hens on production performance. Poult. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1):667.
Mashaly, M.M., G.L. Hendricks 3rd, M.A. Kalama, A.E. Gehad, A.O. Abbas, and P.H. Patterson. 2004. Effect of heat stress on production parameters and immune responses of commercial laying hens. Poult Sci. 83:889-94.
St-Pierre, N.R., B. Cobanov, and G. Schnitkey. 2003. Economic Losses from Heat Stress by US Livestock Industries. J. Dairy Sci. 86::E52E77.
Gates, R.S., K.D. Casey, H. Xin, and R.T. Burns. 2009. Building emissions uncertainty estimates. Transactions of the ASABE 52(4): 1345-1351.
Green, A.R., I. Wesley, D. W. Trampel, and H. Xin. 2009. Air quality and hen health status in three types of commercial laying hen houses. J. App. Poult. Res. 18(3): 605-621.
Green, A.R. and H. Xin. 2009. Effects of stocking density and group size on heat and moisture production of laying hens under thermoneutral and heat challenging conditions. Transactions of the ASABE 52(6): 2027-2032.
Green, A.R. and H. Xin. 2009. Effects of stocking density and group size on thermoregulatory responses of laying hens under heat challenging conditions. Transactions of the ASABE 52(6): 2033-2038.
Huang, Y., Dong, H., B. Shang, and H. Xin, and Z. Zhu. 2010. Characterization of animal manure and cornstalk ashes as affected by incineration temperature. Applied Energy 88(2011): 947-952.
Li, H. and H. Xin. 2010. Lab-scale assessment of gaseous emissions from laying-hen manure storage as affected by physical and environmental factors. Transactions of the ASAE 53(2): 593-604.
Li, H., H. Xin, S. Li, and R.T. Burns. 2009. Technical Notes: Upstream vs. downstream placement of FANS to determine fan performance in situ. Transactions of the ASABE 52(6): 2087-2090.
Liang, Y., G.T. Tabler, S.E. Watkins, H. Xin and I.L. Berry. 2009. Energy use analysis of open-curtain vs. totally enclosed broiler houses in northwest Arkansas. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 25(4): 577-584.
Muhlbauer R.V., T.A. Shepherd, H. Li, R.T. Burns, H. Xin. 2010. Development and application of an induction-operated current switch for monitoring fan operation. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 26(6): ??
Trabue, S.L., K.D. Scoggin, H. Li, R.T. Burns, H. Xin, and J.L. Hatfield. 2010. Speciation of volatile organic compounds from poultry production. Atmospheric Environment (in press)
Xin, H., R.S. Gates, A.R. Green, F.M. Mitloehner, P.A. Moore, Jr. and C.M. Wathes. 2010. Environmental impacts and sustainability of egg production systems. Poultry Science (doi:10.3382/ps.2010-00877)
Xin, H., H. Li., Burns, R.S. Gates, D.G. Overhults, and J.W. Earnest. 2009. Use of CO2 concentration or CO2 balance to assess ventilation rate of commercial broiler houses. Transactions of the ASABE 52(4): 1353-1361.
Wu-Haan, W., W. J. Powers, C. R. Angel, and T. J. Applegate. 2010. The use of distillers dried grains plus soluble as a feed ingredient on performance and air emissions from laying hens. Poult. Sci. 89:1355-1359.
Ashwell, C.M., and R. Angel. 2010. Early life nutritional conditioning with dietary phosphorus. ADSA-PSA Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA. July 11-15, 2010.
Applegate, T.J., C. Romero, M.E.B. Abdalllh, R. Angel, and W. Powers. 2010. Effect of dietary adipic acid and dried distillers grains plus solubles in combination with post-excretion amendment with sodium bisulfite on nitrogen loss from stored laying hen excreta. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1. Abstract W319.
Arkansas Nutrition Conference. Nutrition imprinting: Early diet manipulation. Rogers, Arkansas, September 8-10, 2009.
Midwest Poultry Federation Convention. Early nutritional imprinting in broilers: What we know and its applications. St. Paul, MN, March 16-18, 2010.
Multi-State Poultry Feeding and Nutrition Conference and DSM Technical Symposium. Proteases in poultry nutrition, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 26, 2010.
S. L. Noll, K. Koch, and J. Brannon, 2010. Crude glycerin in market turkey diets. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl.
1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):656
Weber, P. and S.E. Scheideler. The effects of social and environmental enrichments on the welfare of tom turkeys. Proceedings of the meeting of International Society of Animal Ethology, Uppsala, Sweden, August. 2010. Genre: Other Category: Research/Creative Activity Scope: International
Anderson, K.E. 2010. Effects of Dietary Regimens and Brown-Egg Pullet Strain on Growth and Development. Int. J.of Poultry Sci. 9: 205-211.
Anderson, K. E., 2010. Report on Pullet Rearing Period: 38th North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test. Vol. 38, No. 2, July 2010.
Anderson, K. E., 2010. Hatch and Serology Report of the Thirty Eighth North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test: Summary. Vol. 38, No. 1, February 2010.
Anderson, K. E., 2010. Range Egg Production, is it better than in Cages?, 2010 Midwest Poultry Federation Convention, Touchstone Energy®Place at River Center, St. Paul, Minnesota, March 16-18, 2010, CD proceeding.
Anderson, K.E. 2010. Small Farm Egg Production, Small Farm Conference, West Virginia University, Extension Service, Small Farm Center, March 3, 2010. Lakeview Golf Resort and Spa, 1 Lakeview Dr., Morgantown, WV 26508.
Anderson, K. E., 2009. A Comparative examination of rearing parameters for brown egg-type pullets grown for either range or cage production. Poultry Sci. Suppl. 88: Abstract # 170, pp.
Anderson, K. E., 2009. Comparison of nutrient composition in eggs from hens housed in cage vs. range production facilities. Poultry Sci. Suppl. 88: Abstract # 225, pp.
Anderson, K. E., 2009. Final Report of the Thirty Seventh North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test. Vol. 37, No.5.October, 2009.
Arbona, D. V., J. B. Hoffman, and K. E. Anderson, 2009. A comparison of production performance between caged and free-range Hy-Line Brown Layers. Poultry Sci. Suppl. 88: Abstract # 255P, pp.
Gast, R. K., D. R. Jones, K. E. Anderson, R. Guraya, J. Guard-Bouldin, and P. S. Holt, 2009. Penetration of Salmonella enteritidis through the yolk membrane in eggs from six genetically distinct commercial lines of laying hens. Poultry Sci. Suppl. 88: Abstract # 103, pp.
J. B. Hoffman, Arbona, D. V., and K. E. Anderson, 2009. A comparison of humoral function in response to a killed Newcastle vaccine challenge in caged vs. free-range Hy-Line Brown Layers. Poultry Sci. Suppl. 88: Abstract # 174, pp.
Jones, D. R., K. E. Anderson, and M. T. Musgrove, 2010. Comparison of environmental and egg microbiology associated with conventional and free range laying hen management. Poultry Science 89:(Submitted).
Kerth, L. K., P. A. Curtis, and K. E. Anderson. 2009. Functionality and composition of eggs from layers housed in cage or range environments. Poultry Sci. Suppl. 88: Abstract # 227, pp.
P. A. Curtis, Kerth, L. K., and K. E. Anderson. 2009. Impact of cage versus free-range environments on the color and egg products. Poultry Sci. Suppl. 88: Abstract # 226, pp.
Kollanoor-Johny, A., M. J. Darre, D. J. Donoghue, A. M. Donoghue, and K. Venkitanarayanan. 2011. Caprylic acid reduces Salmonella Enteritidis invasion of avian abdominal epithelial cells in vitro and down-regulates virulence gene expression. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1) 23 # 71
Kollanoor-Johny, A., T. E. Mattson, S. A. Baskaran, M. A. R. Amalaradjou, M. J. Darre, M. I. Khan, D. J. Donoghue, A.M. Donoghue, and K. Venkitanarayanan. 2011. Effect of food-grade carvacrol on cecal Salmonella Enteritidis colonization and cloacal shedding in 19-day-old commercial broiler chicks. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1) 23 #72
S.A. dePersio, K.W. Koelkebeck, C.M. Parsons, P.L. Utterback, C.W. Utterback, N.O. Sullivan, K. Bregendahl, and J. Arango. 2011. Effect of feeding low-density diets to Hy-Line W-36 laying hens on long-term production performance. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):103.
Chepete, J.H., H. Xin, and H. Li. 2011. Technical Note: Heat and moisture production of W-36 laying hens at 24 to 27 °C temperature conditions. Transactions of the ASABE 54(4): 1491-1493.
Chepete, J.H., H. Xin, and H. Li. 2011. Effect of partially covering turkey litter surface on ammonia emission. 2011. J. App. Poult. Res. (accepted)
Chepete, J.H., H. Xin, H. Li. L. Mendes, and T. Bailey. 2011. Ammonia emission and performance of laying hens as affected by different dosages of yucca schidigera. J. App. Poult. Res. (accepted)
Chepete, J.H., H. Xin, and H. Li. 2011. Ammonia emissions of laying hen manure as affected by accumulation time. J. Poult. Sci., 48:138-143, 2011.
Jacobson, L.D., B.W. Auvermann, R. Massey, F.M. Mitloehner, A.L. Sutton, and H. Xin (co-authors in alphabetical order) 2011. Air Issues Associated with Animal Agriculture: A North American Perspective. IP47, The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology Issue paper. IP47, May 2011, 24 pp., http://www.cast-science.org/displayProductDetails.asp?idProduct=172
Li, H., H. Xin, R. T. Burns, S.A. Roberts, S. Li, J. Kliebenstein, and K. Bregendahl. 2011. Reducing ammonia emissions from high-rise laying-hen houses through dietary manipulation. J. Air and Waste Management Association (accepted)
Li, S., H. Li, H. Xin, and R.T. Burns. 2011. Particulate matter concentration and emissions of a high-rise layer house in Iowa. Transactions of the ASABE 54(3):1093-1101.
Li, H., H. Xin, R. T. Burns, L. D. Jacobson, S. Noll, S. J. Hoff, J. D. Harmon, J. A. Koziel, I. Celen, B. Hetchler. 2011. Air emissions from tom and hen turkey houses in the U.S. Midwest. Transactions of the ASABE 54(1): 305-314.
Muhlbauer R.V., T.A. Shepherd, H. Li, R.T. Burns, H. Xin. 2011. Technical Note: Development and application of an induction-operated current switch for monitoring fan operation. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 27(2): 287-292.
Tao, X., H. Dong, H. Zhang, and H. Xin. 2011. Sex-based responses of plasma creatine kinase in broilers to thermoneutral constant and cyclic high temperatures. British Poul. Sci. (in press)
Tu, X. S. Du, L. Tang, H. Xin, and B. Wood. 2011. A real-time automated system for monitoring individual feed intake and body weight of group housed turkeys. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 75(2011): 313-320.
Xin, H., R.S. Gates, A.R. Green, F.M. Mitloehner, P.A. Moore, Jr. and C.M. Wathes. 2011. Environmental impacts and sustainability of egg production systems. Poultry Science 90(1):263-277. doi:10.3382/ps.2010-00877
Zhu, Z., H. Dong, Z. Zhou, H. Xin, and Y. Chen. 2011. Ammonia and greenhouse gases concentrations and emissions of a naturally-ventilated laying hen house in Northeast China. Transactions of the ASABE 54(3):1085-1091.
Anderson, K.E. 2011. Comparison of fatty acid, cholesterol, and vitamin A and E composition in eggs from hens housed in conventional cage and range production facilities. Poultry Sci. 90: 1600-1609
Arbona, D.V., K.E. Anderson and J.B. Hoffman, 2011. A Comparison of Humoral Immune Function in Response to a Killed Newcastle's Vaccine Challenge in Caged Vs. Free-range Hy-line Brown Layers. International Journal of Poultry Science 10 (4): 315-319
Carver, D.K.,J. Barnes, K.E. Anderson, J. Petitte, R. S. Whitaker, A. Berchuck, and G. Rodriguez, 2011. Reduction of Ovarian and Oviductal Cancers in Calorie-Restricted Laying Chickens. Cancer Prevention Research 4 (4): 1-6.
Anderson, K. E. and P.K. Jenkins. 2011. Effect of rearing dietary regimen, feeder space and density on egg production, quality and size distribution in two strains of brown egg layers. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 10(3):169-175.
Anderson, K.E., Z. Lowman, Anne-Marie Stomp and Jay Chang. 2011. Duckweed as a Feed Ingredient in Laying Hen Diets and its Effect on Egg Production and Composition. Int. J of Poultry Sci. 10 (1): 4-7, 2011
Jones, D. R., K. E. Anderson, and M. T. Musgrove, 2011. Comparison of environmental and egg microbiology associated with conventional and free range laying hen management. Poultry Science 90: (In Press)
Bosquet, J.G., A. Peedicayil, J. Maguire, J. Chien, G.C. Rodriguez, R. Whitaker, J.N. Petitte, K.E. Anderson, H.J. Barnes, V. Shridhar, and W.A. Cliby. 2011. Comparison of gene expression patterns between avian and human ovarian cancers. Gynecologic Oncology 120: 256-264.
Anderson, K. E., and J. N. Broomhead, 2011. Performance of layers fed orriginal XPC® for 24 weeks. Poult.Sci. Suppl. 90: Abstract #
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Impact of beak trimming versus no beak trimming on range and cage free brown egg layers through 53 wks of age. Poult.Sci. Suppl. 90: Abstract #
Evans, M.M. and K.E. Anderson, 2011. Effect of Range, Cage free and cage environments on egg production and quality in two brown egg layer strains. Poult.Sci. Suppl. 90: Abstract #
Hawkridge, A, E. Karoly, R. Mohney, R. Wysocky, J. Petitte, P. Mozdziak, K. Anderson, and D. Muddiman, 2011. Comparative Metabolomic Profiling of the Onset and Progression of Spontaneous Ovarian Cancer in the Chicken. ASMS Meeting 2011: Abstract 2183.
Evans, M. M., K. E. Anderson, and C. R Stark, 2011. Effect of dietary crude protein levels on cage free brown egg layers in egg production and quality. SPS Meeting, Atlanta, GA. . Poultry Sci. Suppl. 90: Abstract #, pp.
Anderson, K. E. and J. Frank, 2011. Effects of Original XPC on Performance of Layers. SPS Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Poultry Sci. Suppl. 90: Abstract #, pp
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Single Production Cycle Report of the Thirty eighth North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test. Vol. 38, No.4. November 2011.
Anderson, K.E. 2011. First Cycle Report of the Thirty Eighth North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test. Vol. 38, No.3. July 2011.
Anderson, K.E. 2011. Genetic Stock Evaluation During Laying PeriodXXII Congreso Latinoameicano De Avicultura 2011, La Rural Predio Ferial De Buenos Aries, Argentina, September 6-9, 2011. www.avicultura2011.com
Anderson, K.E., 2011. 37 Flocks of the North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test. 2011 59th Edition, National Breeders Roundtable, St. Louis Airport Marriott 10700 Pear Tree Lane, St. Louis, Missouri , May 5-6, 2011.
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Comparison of cage vs. non-cage egg production systems. Egg Industry Center, Forum, Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel, Columbus, OH. April 7, 2011.
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Brooding Basics and Housing. All Agent Training Resources for Working with Small and Niche Market Poultry Growers, NC State University, NC Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Poultry Science, NC State Poultry Science Teaching Unit, 3901 Inwood Rd, Raleigh, NC, May 12, 2011 and Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center, 74 Research Drive Mills River, North Carolina June 7, 2011.
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Feeding and Nutrition for Broilers and Layers. All Agent Training Resources for Working with Small and Niche Market Poultry Growers, NC State University, NC Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Poultry Science, NC State Poultry Science Teaching Unit, 3901 Inwood Rd, Raleigh, NC, May 12, 2011 and Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center, 74 Research Drive Mills River, North Carolina June 7, 2011.
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Layer Management and Egg Quality. All Agent Training Resources for Working with Small and Niche Market Poultry Growers, NC State University, NC Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Poultry Science, NC State Poultry Science Teaching Unit, 3901 Inwood Rd, Raleigh, NC, May 12, 2011 and Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center, 74 Research Drive Mills River, North Carolina June 7, 2011.
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Layer Management. International Short Course on Poultry Production, North Carolina State University, Department of Poultry Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC Cooperative Extension, Raleigh, NC, USA, May 16-20, 2011
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Poultry Welfare. International Short Course on Poultry Production, North Carolina State University, Department of Poultry Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC Cooperative Extension, Raleigh, NC, USA, May 16-20, 2011
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Feeding Layers. International Short Course on Poultry Production, North Carolina State University, Department of Poultry Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC Cooperative Extension, Raleigh, NC, USA, May 16-20, 2011
Darre, M.J., and A. Ritchie. 2012. LED versus CFL lamps on egg production parameters of SCWL laying hens. Poult. Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):35 (Abstr.)
Kollanoor-Johny, A., T. Mattson, S.A. Baskaran, M.A. Amalaradjou, S. Babapoor, B. March, S. Valipe, M. Darre, T. Hoagland, D. Schreiber, M.I. Khan, A. Donoghue, D. Donoghue, and K. Venkitanarayanan. 2012. Reduction of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis colonization in 20-day-old broiler chickens by the plant-derived compounds trans-cinnamaldehyde and eugenol. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 8:2981-2987.
Kollanoor-Johny, A., I. Upadhyaya, S.A. Baskaran, S. Moyoottu, M.J. Darre, M.I. Khan, A.M. Donoghue, D.J. Donoghue, and K. Venkitanarayanan. 2012. Effect of therapeutic cinnamaldehyde and eugenol on Salmonella Enteritidis in market age broiler chicken. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 21:816-822.
Bland, K.A., C.M. Parsons, and K.W. Koelkebeck. 2012. Evaluation of feeding different levels of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and soybean hulls in non-feed-withdrawal molt programs for laying hens. Poult. Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):142 (Abstr.)
Dennis, R.L., and H.W. Cheng. 2012. Effects on selective serotonin antagonism on central neurotransmission. Poult Sci. 91:817-22.
Dennis, R.L., and H.W. Cheng. 2012. Effects of different infrared beak treatment protocols on chicken welfare and physiology. Poult. Sci. 91:1499-505.
Felver-Gant, J.N., L.A. Mack, R.L. Dennis, S.D. Eicher, and H.W. Cheng. 2012. Genetic variations alter physiological responses following heat stress in two laying hen strains. Poult. Sci. 91:1542-51.
Mack, L.A., J.N. Felver-Gant, R.L. Dennis, and H.W. Cheng. 2013. Genetic variations alter production and behavioral responses following heat stress in two strains of laying hens. Poult. Sci. (in press).
Enneking, S.A., H.W. Cheng, K.Y. Jefferson-Moore, M.E. Einstein, and P.Y. Hester. 2013. Pre-pubertal exposure to mechanical loading in White Leghorn pullets. Poult Sci. (in press).
Hester, P.Y., S.A. Enneking, K.Y. Jefferson-Moore, M.E. Einstein, H.W. Cheng, and D.A. Rubin. 2013. The effect of perches in cages during pullet rearing and egg laying on White Leghorn hen performance, foot health, and plumage. Poult. Sci. (in press).
Dennis, R.L., A.G. Fahey, and H.W. Cheng. 2013. Alterations to embryonic serotonin change aggression and fearfulness. Aggressive Behavior (in press).
Calvert, A.J. Light Turkey Syndrome: Field Study and Inoculation Trial. Thesis.
Purdum, S.E., and B. Kreifels. 2012. Feeding low oil DDGS to layers. Egg Industry, 117: Vol. 7. p. 4-6.
Purdum, S.E. 2012. Hen-pecking behavior in alternative environments. Egg Industry, 117: Vol. 11, p. 6-7.
Purdum, S.E., and D. Hahn, 2012. Fats and Fatty Acids in Laying Hens, in Fats and Fatty Acids In Poultry Nutrition and Health, G. Cherian and R. Poulrslami, Context Products Limited, Leicestershire, UK.
Eusebio-Balcazar, P.E., D. Didde, and S. Purdum. 2012. Nest box color and height preference of White Leghorn laying hens raised in floor pens. Proceedings of the 46th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, p. 164.
Purdum, S.E. 2012. Getting more value from poultry feed ingredients. Feed Management, March/April, p. 16-19.
Purdum, S.E. 2012. Starting Spring Chicks. The Nebline, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lancaster Co. Extension., p. 1
Purdum, S.E., and B. Kreifels. 2012. Low Oil DDGS in Poultry Feeds. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Distillers Grains Symposium, St. Louis, MO. May 16-17, 2012.
Esusebio-Balcazar, P.E., and S. Purdum. 2012. Effects of cage-free housing system on performance, egg quality, and bone health in White Leghorn laying hens. International Poultry Scientific Forum Abstracts, Atlanta, Georgia, p. 66.
Masa'deh, M.K., S.E. Purdum, and K.J. Hanford. 2012. Distillers dried grains with solubles in pullet diets. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 21:531-539.
Purdum, S.E. 2012. Examining the impact of low oil DDGS in feed. Feed Management, July/August, p. 16-17.
Jones, D.R., K.E. Anderson, and J.Y. Guard. 2013. Prevalence of coliforms, Salmonella, Listeria, and Campylobacter associated with eggs and the environment of conventional cage and free-range egg production. Poult. Sci. 91:(in press).
Anderson, K.E., and D.R. Jones. 2012. Effect of genetic selection on growth parameters and tonic immobility in Leghorn pullets. Poult. Sci. 91:765-770.
Golden, J.B., D.V. Arbona, and K.E. Anderson. 2012. A Comparative Examination of Rearing Parameters and Layer Production Performance for Brown Egg-Type Pullets Grown for Either Free-Range or Cage Production. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 21:95-102.
Anderson, K.E. 2012. The ever changing landscape of animal production practices. Poult. Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):4 (Abstr.)
Anderson, K.E. 2012. Effect of range, cage-free, and cage environments on man-hours committed to bird care in brown egg layer strains. Poult. Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):34 (Abstr.)
Broomhead, J.N., W. Michael, and K. Anderson. 2012. Performance of layers fed original XPC® during increased environmental temperatures. Poult. Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):69 (Abstr.)
Anderson K.E., and M.M. Evans. 2012. Effects of strain and molt method on physiological organ weight changes in commercial layer hens. Poult. Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):34 (Abstr.)
Anderson, K.E. 2012. Final Report of the Thirty Eighth North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test. Vol. 38, No.5.April 2012. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/poulsci/tech_info.html#layer
Anderson, K.E. 2011. Single Production Cycle Report of the Thirty eighth North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test. Vol. 38, No.4. November 2011. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/poulsci/tech_info.html#layer
Anderson, K.E. 2012. New Results of North Carolina State University Cage vs. Non-Cage Egg Production Research. Fourth Egg Industry Center Issues Forum, April 10-11, 2012, Holiday Inn Denver East-Stapleton, Denver, Colorado.
Anderson, K.E. 2012. Update on Range vs. Conventional Cage vs. Cage-free Egg Production: A Comparison and Contrast. 2012 Midwest Poultry Federation Convention, Touchstone Energy®Place at River Center, St. Paul, Minnesota, March 14-15, 2012, CD proceeding.
Anderson, K.E. 2011. Genetic Stock Evaluation During Laying Period. XXII Congreso Latinoameicano De Avicultura 2011, La Rural Predio Ferial De Buenos Aries, Argentina, September 6-9, 2011, www.avicultura2011.com
ANIMAL WELFARE IN ANIMAL AGRICULTURE; Husbandry and Stewardship in Animal Production, Editors: Wilson G. Pond, Fuller W. Bazer and Bernard E Rollin; Chapter 7, Animal Welfare: Synthesizing Contemporary Animal Agriculture/Engineering and Animal Comfort and Social Responsibility. Chapter editor Bernard E. Rollin, Co-Authors: John McGlone (Swine), Judith Capper (Dairy Cattle), Kenneth Anderson (Poultry), and Terry Engle (Beef Cattle). pp 147-184. Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, Florida 33487.
The publications in the attachment are from October 2012 to September 2013. The prior 4-year annual reports have each year's publications included.