W2190: Water Policy and Management Challenges in the West
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Adams, R.M. and D.E. Peck. 2008. Climate Change and Water Resources: Potential Impacts and Implications. Managing Water Resources in a Time of Global Change: Contributions from the Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy. A. Garrido and A. Dinar, editors. Oxford: Routledge Publishing.
Aillery, M., N. Gollehon, V. Breneman, and S. Bucholtz. 2009. Modeling Firm Spatial Interdependence Using National Data Coverages: A Regional Application to Manure Management. Natural Resource Modeling. Vol. 22, No. 1, Spring: pp. 42-66.
Amosson, S., L. Almas, B. Golden, B. Guerrero, J. Johnson, R. Taylor, and E. Wheeler-Cook. 2009. Economic Impacts of Selected Water Conservation Policies in the Ogallala Aquifer. Research report prepared for the Industry Review Committee of the Economic and Assessment and Impact Priority Area of the Ogallala Aquifer Program.
Amosson, S., L. Almas, B. Golden, B. Guerrero, J. Johnson, R. Taylor, and E. Wheeler-Cook. 2009. Economic Impacts of Selected Water Conservation Policies in the Ogallala Aquifer. Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University. (http://www.agmanager.info/policy/water/ConservationPolicies_Ogallala.pdf)
Bark-Hodgins, D. Osgood, B. Colby et al. 2008. Habitat Preservation and Restoration: Preferences for Habitat Quality. Ecological Economics.
Bartholic, J., S. Seedang, P. Norris, and J. Asher. 2009. New Great Lakes Basin Policy and Integrated Water Management (Proceedings paper). Water Policy Conference (June 22-26, 2009), Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
Bauder, J., G.E. Cardon, T. Bauder, P. Miller, A. Kirkpatrick, L. Browning, R. Waskom and M. Neibauer. 2009. A Practical Guide to Choosing Crops Well-Suited to Limited Irrigation. Intermountain Regional Certified Crop Advisor Training Module. Montana State University Extension. In press.
Brinegar, H. and F.A. Ward. 2009. Basin Impacts of Irrigation Water Conservation Policy. Ecological Economics. In press.
Brozovic, N., D.L. Sunding, and D. Zilberman. 2009. On the Spatial Nature of the Groundwater Pumping Externality. Resource and Energy Economics. In press.
Bulatewicz, T., W. Jin, S. Staggenborg, S. Lauwo, M. Miller, S. Das, D. Andresen, J.M. Peterson, D.R. Steward, and S.M. Welch. 2009. Calibration of a Crop Model to Irrigated Water Use Using a Genetic Algorithm. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 13: 467-1483.
Cardon, G.E., R. Patterson and R. Heflebower. 2009. Soil and Water. Water-Wise Landscaping: An Industry Professionals Guide. Heidi Kratch, editor. Utah State University Press. In press.
Colby, B. 2009. Water Management in Urbanizing, Arid Regions: Innovative Voluntary Transactions As a Response to Competing Water Claims. Chapter 4 in Policy and Strategic Behaviour in Water Resource Management. Arial Dinar and Jose Albiac, editors. Ashgate Publishing.
Colby, B. and J. Pullen. 2008. Influence of Climate Variability on the Market Price of Water in the Gila-San Francisco Basin. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. In press.
Colby, B.G. and G.B. Frisvold. 2010. Risk And Resilience: The Economics Of Climate-Water-Energy, Challenges In The Arid Southwest. Resources For the Future Press. Forthcoming.
Contor, B.A., R.G. Taylor, and G. Moore. 2008. Spreadsheet Tool for Estimating Economic Demand for Irrigation Water Using Commodity Prices and Evapotranspiration Production Functions. Idaho Water Resources Research Institute. 47 p.
Easter, K. W. and L.M.J. McCann. 2009. Nested Institutions and the Need to Improve International Water Institutions. Water Policy. Forthcoming.
Easter, K.W. and L.M.J. McCann. 2009. Chapter 3: Sustainable Water Projects: The Task of Economic Instruments and Supporting Institutions. Sustainable Irrigation. Henning Bjornlund, ed., WIT Press. Forthcoming.
Eiswerth, M.E., P. Goggin, T. Kane, R. Korth, T. Lyden, and J. Solomon. 2008. Towns of Delta and Iron River Lakes Survey Estimates Citizen Perceptions and Reactions to Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS). The Lake Connection. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Association of Lakes. Summer.
Eiswerth, M.E., P. Goggin, T. Kane, R. Korth, T. Lyden, and J. Solomon. 2009. Wisconsin Lakes Under Siege: Learning How Local Citizens Perceive the Threat of Aquatic Invasive Species. Community, Natural Resources and Economic Development Impact Report. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension. August.
Eiswerth, M.E., R. Kashian, and M. Skidmore. 2008. Examining Angler Behavior Using Contingent Behavior Modeling: A Case Study of Water Quality Change at a Wisconsin Lake. Water Resources Research. 44, W11426, doi:10.1029/2006WR005828.
Fulton, R.E. 2009. American Nile, Awaiting Regulation. UNCE Fact Sheet.
Fulton, R.E. 2009. Living In A Water Scarce Environment. UNCE Fact Sheet.
Fulton, R.E. 2009. Managing Water Shortages in Lake Powell and Lake Mead. UNCE Fact Sheet.
Fulton, R.E. 2009. SCADA: Saving Water Using Remote Sensing. UNCE Fact Sheet.
Gurluk, S. and F.A. Ward. 2009. Integrated Basin Management: Water and Food Policy Options for Turkey. Ecological Economics. 68:2666-2678.
Hawks, A., G.E. Cardon and B. Black. 2009. Comparing Strawberry Salt Tolerance Using a Low-Volume, Near-Continuous Gradient Dosing System. J. Amer. Pom. Society. In press.
Hearne, R. 2009. Review of Emerging Markets for Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of the Panama Canal Watershed. B. Gentry, Q. Newcomer, S. Anisfeld, M. Fotos, editors. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 91(3):855-857.
Hearne, R. 2009. Review of Frontiers in Resource and Rural Economics: Human-Nature, Rural-Urban Interdependencies. J. Wu, P.Barkley, and B. Weber, editors. Resources for the Future Press. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research. 1(2): 205-209.
Hearne, R. and C. Kritsky. 2009. Characteristics of Active Local Water Management Districts In the Red River Basin. Water Policy. In press.
Huffaker, R., N. Whittlesey, A. Michelsen, R. Taylor, and T. McGuckin. 2009. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Conservation Water-Pricing Programs. The International Library of Critical Writing in Economics, Economics of Water Resources Volumes 1 and 2. R. Quentin Grafton, editor. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK.
Hurd, B. and J. Coonrod. 2009. Management and Policy Implications for Managing Water Resources under Climate Change. Climate Research. In press.
Hurd, B. Coping and Adapting to a Changing Climate: Concepts, Issues and Challenges. Annals of Arid Zone. Vol. 47. In press.
Irmak, A., S. Irmak, and D.L. Martin. 2008. Reference and Crop Evapotranspiration in South Central Nebraska: I. Comparison and Analysis of Grass and Alfalfa-Reference Evapotranspiration. J. Irrig. and Drain. Eng., ASCE 134(6):690-699.
Lagos, L.O., D.L. Martin, S.B. Verma, A.E. Syuker, and S. Irmak. 2009. Surface Energy Balance Model of Transpiration from Variable Canopy Cover and Evapotranspiration from Residue-Covered or Bare-Soil Systems. Irrigation Science. 28: 51-64.
Martin, D.L., W.L. Kranz, T.W. Dorn, S.R. Melvin, and A.J. Corr. 2009. Reducing the Cost of Pumping Irrigation Water. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Central Plains Irrigation Conference & Exposition. p. 188-197.
McKean, J.R. and R.G. Taylor. 2009. Regional Economic Impacts of the Snake River Steelhead and Salmon Recovery. Society and Natural Resources. In press.
Michelsen, A.M. and D. Doremus. 2009. Rio Grande Salinity Management: First Steps Toward Interstate Solutions. New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference (Proceedings), Albuquerque, NM.
Michelsen, A.M. and R.A. Young. 2009. Optioning Agricultural Water Rights for Urban Water Supplies During Droughts. Book chapter in Economics of Water Resources Vol.II, 549-559. R. Quentin Grafton, editor. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Norris, P., S. Seedang, and M. Thompson. 2009. Water Use and Water Demand by Self-supplied Residential Water Users in Michigan. Technical Paper # 2008MI118B for USGS Natural Resources Integrated Information System, US Dept of Geological Services.
Peck, D.E. and R.M. Adams. 2009. Farm-Level Impacts of Prolonged Drought: Is a Multiyear Event More Than the Sum of Its Parts? Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. In press.
Peterson, J.M. and K. Schoengold. 2008. Using Numerical Methods to Address Water Supply and Reliability Issues: Discussion. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 90 (December): 1350-1351.
Ramirez, O.A., F.A. Ward, R. Al-Tabini, and R. Phillips. 2009. Efficient Water Conservation in Agriculture for Growing Urban Water Demands in Jordan. Water Policy. In press.
Rango, A., B. Hurd, D. Gutzler, and E. Vivoni. 2009. Effects of Climate Change on Mountain Hydrology and Water Management in the Upper Rio Grande Watershed: Assessment Methods and Strategies. Climate Research. In press.
Rister, M.E., C.S. Rogers, R.D. Lacewell, J.R.C. Robinson, J.R. Ellis, and A.W. Sturdivant. 2009. Economic and Financial Methodology for South Texas Irrigation Projects - RGIDECON. Texas Water Resources Institute TR-203 (Revised). College Station, TX.
Schaible, G.D. (Editor), N. Gollehon, M. Aillery, M. Roberts, C. S. Kim, and W. Quinby. 2009. Policy-Induced Reductions in Irrigation Water Supplies: Agricultural Impacts and Risk Management Options. Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. (January): 68 p.
Schaible, Glenn D. (Lead). 2008. A USDA/ERS Response to a Questionnaire for the OECD Project: Sustainable Management of Water in Agriculture. Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Staff Analysis SA-08-104, Washington, DC. (October): 27p.
Schmidt, R.D., R.G. Taylor, and L. Stodick. 2009. Modeling Spatial Water Allocation and Hydrologic Externalities in the Boise Valley Boise Valley Water Use Planning. Program Technical Series No.1. USDI-Bureau of Reclamation, Boise ID.
Seedang, S. and G. Zhengfei. 2008. Regulation of Large Quantity Water Withdrawal in Michigan: Assessing Alternative Mitigation Options, Economic trade-off, and Impacts of Policy Implementation. Technical Paper # 2007MI102B for USGS Natural Resources Integrated Information System, US Dept of Geological Services.
Seedang, S., S. Fernald, R.M. Adams, and D.H. Landers. 2008. Economic Analyses of Water Temperature Reduction Practices in a Large River Flood Plain. Journal of River Research and Applications. 24: 941-959.
Steward, D.R., J.M. Peterson, X. Yang, T. Bulatewicz, M. Herrera-Rodriguez, D. Mao, and N. Hendricks. 2009. Groundwater Economics: An Object-Oriented Foundation for Integrated Studies of Irrigated Agricultural Systems. Water Resources Research. 45: W05430.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, J.W. Norris, J. Leal, C.S. Rogers, J. Garza, J. Adams, and C.N. Boyer. 2009. Economic Costs of Desalination in South Texas - A Case Study of the Southmost Facility. Texas Water Resources Institute. TR-295. College Station, TX.
Taylor, R.G. and R.A. Young. 2009. Rural to Urban Water Transfers: Measuring Foregone Regional Irrigation Water Benefits Under Uncertain Water Supplies. The International Library of Critical Writing in Economics, Economics of Water Resources Volumes 1 and 2. R. Quentin Grafton, editor. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK.
Taylor, R.G., J. McKean, and D. Johnson. 2010. The Location Value of a Recreational Site. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. In press.
Thompson, C.L., R.J. Supalla, and D.L. Martin. 2009. Evidence Supporting Cap and Trade as a Groundwater Policy Option for Reducing Irrigation Consumptive Use. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Volume 45 Issue 6.
Thornton, J., T.M. Slawski, and M.E. Eiswerth. 2009. Rehabilitation of Delavan Lake (USA). United Nations Environment Programme, Water Security and Ecosystem Services: The Critical Connection: Ecosystem Management Case Studies. Pp. 17-20. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.
Ward, F.A. 2009. Economics in Integrated Water Management. Environmental Modelling and Software. 24: 948-958.
Almas, L., K. Vimlesh, J. Girase, S. Amosson, L. New, F. Bretz, and T. Marek. 2010. Cost Analysis and Water Conservation Potential of Irrigation Technologies in the Texas Panhandle Water Planning Area. Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings, Orlando, FL, February 6-9, 2010 (19 pages).
Amosson, S., B. Guerrero, T. Marek, and L. New. 2009. Wind Energy as an Alternate to Natural Gas Driven Irrigation. Poster abstract published in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 41(2):555.
Bark R.H., Colby B.G. and D.F. Snow Days? 2009. Snowmaking Adaptation and the Future of Low Latitude, High Elevation Skiing in Arizona, USA. Climatic Change.
Bartholic, J., W. Northcott, S. Miller, J. Asher, S. Seedang, S. Gasteyer, and J. Andresen. 2010. Refining the Water Needs and Availability for Michigan's Agriculture from a Spatial and Temporal Perspective.
Bauder, J., G. Cardon, T. Bauder, P. Miller, A. Kirkpatrick, L. Browning, R. Waskom, and M. Neibauer. 2009. A Practical Guide to Choosing Crops Well-Suited to Limited Irrigation. Certified Crop Advisor Training Module. SS-03918. Soil Science Society of America, Madison WI.
Boyer, C.N., M.E. Rister, C.S. Rogers, A.W. Sturdivant, R.D. Lacewell, C. Browning, J.R. Elium III and E.K. Seawright. 2010. Economies of Size in Municipal Water Treatment Technologies: A Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley Case Study. Texas Water Resources Institute. TR-367. College Station, TX. July 2010.
Brozovic, N. and Schlenker, W., 2010, Optimal Management of an Ecosystem with an Unknown Threshold. Ecological Economics (in press).
Brozovic, N., Sunding, D.L., and Zilberman, D. 2010. On the Spatial Nature of the Groundwater Pumping Externality. Resource and Energy Economics 32(2):154-164.
Bulatewicz, T., W. Jin, S. Staggenborg, S. Lauwo, M. Miller, S. Das, D. Andresen, J.M. Peterson, D.R. Steward, and S.M. Welch. 2009. Calibration of a Crop Model to Irrigated Water Use Using a Genetic Algorithm. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13:467-483.
Bulatewicz, T., X. Yang, J. M. Peterson, S. Staggenborg, S. M. Welch, and D. R. Steward. 2010. Accessible Integration of Agriculture, Groundwater, and Economic Models Using the Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI): Methodology and Initial Results. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14:521-534.
Cardon, G.E., R. Patterson, and R. Heflebower. 2010. Soil and Water. Chapter 5 In Water-Wise Landscaping: An Industry Professional's Guide. Heidi Kratch (ed). Utah State University (in press).
Clark, M., J. Peterson, and B. Golden. 2009. Effects of High Commodity Prices on Western Kansas Crop Patterns and the Ogallala Aquifer. KFMA Newsletter 3(6):1-3.
Colby, B.and G. Frisvold. 2011. Risk and Resilience: The Economics Of Climate-Water-Energy Challenges In The Arid Southwest. Earthscan Press (forthcoming).
Colby B. and R. Bark. 2009. Inter-Sectoral Water Trading as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. In Water Resources Planning and Management (Chapter 41). Editors Q. Grafton and K. Hussey. Cambridge University Press.
Costanigro, M., J.J. McCluskey, and C. Goemans. 2010. The Economics of Nested Names: Name Specificity, Reputations, and Price Premia. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Dinar, A., B. Blankespoor, S. Dinar, and P. Kulukurasuriya, 2010. Does Precipitation and Runoff Variability Affect Treaty Cooperation between States Sharing International Bilateral Rivers? Ecological Economics 69(12):2508-2581.
Dinar, S., A. Dinar, and P. Kurukulasuriya, Scarcity and Cooperation Along International Rivers: An Empirical Assessment of Bilateral Treaties. International Studies Quarterly (Accepted for Publication May 26, 2010).
Dinar, A. and R. Mendelsohn, Handbook of Climate Change and Agriculture. 2011. Cheltenham: Ed-ward Elgar (forthcoming).
Dinar, A., Rahman, S.M., Larson, D.F., Ambrossi, P. Act Locally Affect Globally: International Cooperation in Carbon Abatement Projects. Global Environmental Politics. (Accepted for publication September 13, 2010).
Easter, W. and L. McCann. 2010. Nested Institutions and the Need to Improve International Water Institutions. Water Policy 12:500-516.
Eiswerth, M.E. 2010. Community Questionnaire Survey. Chapter 3 in A Lake Protection Plan for Cravath and Trippe Lakes, Walworth County, Wisconsin. Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Memorandum Report No. 191. Prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and City of Whitewater, Wisconsin. Waukesha, WI: Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. September 2010.
Eiswerth, M.E., and G.C. van Kooten. 2010. Balancing Bio-energy Cropping Benefits and Water Quality Impacts: A Dynamic Optimization Approach. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (in press).
Ganjegunte,G.K., C.L.Trostle, and R.J. Braun. 2010. Irrigation Effects of Cooling Tower Effluent on Soil Chemistry and Alfalfa in the Rio Grande River Basin. Land Degradation & Development (in press).
Ganjegunte, G.K., G.F. Vance, R.W. Gregory, M.A. Urynowicz and R.C. Surdam. 2010. Improving Saline-Sodic Coalbed Natural Gas Water Quality Using Natural Zeolites. Journal of Environmental Quality (in press).
Ganjegunte, G.K. and R.J. Braun. 2010. Application of Electromagnetic Induction Technique for Soil Salinity and Sodicity Appraisal. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Environmental Engineering.
Goemans, C., S. Kroll, and K. DiNatale. 2010. Alternatives to Permanent Water Transfers Using the Farmers Reservoir and Irrigation Company (FRICO) System. Colorado Water 27(1):8-10.
Gohar, A., and F.A. Ward. 2010. Gains from Expanded Irrigation Water Trading in Egypt: An Integrated Basin Approach. Ecological Economics (13 pages).
Golden, B., J. Bergtold, M. Boland, K. Dhuyvetter, T. Kastens, J. Peterson, S. Staggenborg. 2009. A Comparison of Select Cost-Benefit Studies on the Impacts of H.R. 2454 on the Agriculture Sector of the Economy.
Hanak, E., J. Lund, A. Dinar, B. Gray, R. Howitt, J. Mount, P. Moyle, and B. Thompson. 2010. Myths of California Water - Implications and Reality. West Northwest Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 16(1):1-73.
Harou, J.J., Pinte, D., Tilmant, A., Rosenberg, D.E., Rheinheimer, D.E., Hansen, K., Reed, P.M., Reynaud, A., Medellin-Azuara, J.,Pulido-Velazquez, M., Matrosov, E., Padula, S., and Zhu, T. 2010. An Open-Source Model Platform for Water Management That Links Models to a Generic User-Interface and Data-Manager." 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: 'Modelling for Environments Sake', Fifth Biennial Meeting, Ottawa, Canada.
Hawks, A. 2009. Salinity Inventory and Tolerance Screening in Utah Agriculture. All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Paper 546. http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/546.
Hawks, A., G.E. Cardon, and B. Black. 2009. Comparing Strawberry Salt Tolerance Using a Low Volume Near-Continuous Gradient Dosing System. Journal of the American Pomological Society 63(4):136-141.
Hurd, B. Water-Conserving Attitudes and Landscape Choices in New Mexico. Choices (forthcoming).
Hurd, B.H., C.Goemans, G. Frisvold, and J. Stone. 2010. Impacts of Climate Change Legislation on Agriculture in the Rocky Mountain States: Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, White Paper published by the American Farmland Trust (43 pages).
Hearne, R. and C. Kritsky. 2010. Characteristics of Active Local Water Management Districts in the Red River Basin. Water Policy. 12:898-912.
Huffaker, R. 2009. Protecting Water Resources in Biofuels Production. Water Policy 12:129-34.
Hearne, R. and D. Torpen. 2010. Stakeholder Preferences for Water Management Alternatives in the Red River Basin. Water International 36(2):150-164.
Isely, E, P. Isely, S. Seedang, K. Mulder, A. Steinman, and K. Thompson. 2010. Addressing the Information Gaps Associated with Valuing Green Infrastructure in West Michigan: Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services Tool (INVEST). Journal of Great Lakes Research 36(3):448-457.
Martin, D.L., D.E. Eisenhauer, R.J. Supalla. 2009. Assessing the Impact of Irrigation Efficiency and Farming Practices on Agricultural Hydrology and Producer Economics. Proceedings, Annual Water Resources Conference, American Water Resources Association, Seattle, Washington.
Martin, D.L., R.J. Supalla, C.L. Thompson, B.P. McMullen, G.W. Hergert and P.A. Burgener. 2010. Advances in Deficit Irrigation Management. Proceedings of 5th National Decennial Irrigation Conference, sponsored by ASABE and the Irrigation Association, Phoenix, Arizona, December 5-8, 2010.
McCann, L. 2009. Transaction Costs of Environmental Policies and Returns to Scale: The Case of Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans. Review of Agricultural Economics 31(3):561-573.
Mendelsohn, R. and A. Dinar. 2009. Climate Change and Agriculture: An Economic Analysis of Global Impacts, Adaptation, and Distributional Effects. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Norris, P., S. Seedang, and M. Thompson. 2009. Water Use and Water Demand by Self-Supplied Residential Water Users in Michigan. Technical Paper # 2008MI118B for USGS Natural Resources Integrated Information System; US Dept of Geological Services.
O'Donnell, M. and B. Colby. 2009. Dry-Year Water Supply Reliability Contracts: A Tool for Water Managers. University of Arizona, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. http:/ag.arizona.edu/arec/people/profiles/colby.html.
O'Donnell, M. and B. Colby. 2009. Water Auction Design for Supply Reliability: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation. University of Arizona, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. http:/ag.arizona.edu/arec/people/profiles/colby.html.
O'Donnell, M. and B. Colby. 2010. Water Banks: A Tool for Enhancing Water Supply Reliability. University of Arizona, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. http:/ag.arizona.edu/arec/people/profiles/colby.html. (Guidebook for Stakeholders)
Peck, D.E. and R.M. Adams. 2010. Farm-Level Impacts of Prolonged Drought: Is a Multiyear Event More Than the Sum of Its Parts? Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 54:43-60.
Peck, D.E. and R.M. Adams. Climate Change and Agriculture: Use of Firm-Level Mathematical Programming. In A. Dinar and R. Mendelsohn (eds.) Handbook on Climate Change and Agriculture. Cheltenham, Gloucestershire: Edward Elgar Publishing (forthcoming).
Peck, D.E. 2009. Continuous Versus Discrete Decision Variables: Implications for Optimal Drought Management. In Abstracts of Invited and Selected Papers and Organized Symposia, WAEA Annual Meetings, Kauai, Hawaii, June 24-26, 2009. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 34(3):546.
Ramirez, O.A., F.A. Ward, R. Al-Tanini, and R. Phillips. 2010. Efficient Water Conservation in Agriculture for Growing Urban Water Demands in Jordan. Water Policy (forthcoming).
Rahman, S. M. A. Dinar , and D. F. Larson. 2010. Diffusion of Kyoto's Clean Development Mechanism. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 77:1391-1400.
Reeves, H.W., D.A. Hamilton, P.W. Seelbach, and A.J. Asher. 2009. Ground-Water-Withdrawal Component of the Michigan Water-Withdrawal Screening Tool: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5003 (36 pages).
Saleth, R.M., A. Dinar, and J.A. Frisbie. 2011. Climate Change, Drought, and Agriculture: Role of Effective Institutions and Infrastructures. In: Dinar, A. and R. Mendelsohn, Handbook of Climate Change and Agriculture. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (forthcoming).
Shield, L. D., C. Gopalakrishnan and C. Chan-Halbrendt. 2009. Aligning Stakeholders' Preferences with Public Trust in Managing In-stream Flow: The Case of Hawai'i. Water Resources Development 25(4): 657-679.
Seedang, S. and P. Norris. 2010. Water Use in Michigan. Technical paper. Michigan Agricultural Experimental Station (in press).
Seedang, S., P. Norris, and J. Bartholic. 2009. The Role of Water Conservation Technology, Economics, and Institutions for Managing Groundwater Use Conflicts (Proceedings abstract). The American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, November 9-12, 2009.
Smith, E.G., M.E. Eiswerth, and T.S. Veeman. 2010. Current and Emerging Water Issues in Agriculture: An Overview. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (in press).
Steward, D.R., J.M. Peterson, X. Yang, T. Bulatewicz, M. Herrera-Rodriguez, D. Mao, and N. Hendricks. 2009. Groundwater Economics: An Object-Oriented Foundation for Integrated Studies of Irrigated Agricultural Systems. Water Resources Research 45: W05430.
Supalla, R.J. and C.L. Thompson. 2010. Economics of Groundwater Management Alternatives in the Republican Basin. In Meeting Irrigation Demands in Water-Challenged Environment, Proceedings of USCID Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, September 28 - October 1, 2010.
Supalla, R.J. 2010. Addressing Nebraskas Economic Issues in Water Policy, Monograph published by Platte Institute, Omaha, Nebraska, 2010.
Thompson, C.L., R.J. Supalla, D.L. Martin and B.P. McMullen. 2009. Evidence Supporting Cap and Trade as a Groundwater Policy Option for Reducing Irrigation Consumptive Use. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 45(6).
Thorvaldson, Jennifer, James Pritchett and Christopher Goemans. 2010. Western Households' Water Knowledge, Preferences, and Willingness to Pay. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Torell, G. and F.A. Ward. 2010. Improved Water Institutions for Food Security and Rural Livelihoods in Afghanistan's Balkh Basin. International Journal of Water Resources Development (forthcoming).
Ward, F.A. 2010. Financing Irrigation Water Management and Infrastructure: A Review. International Journal of Water Resources Development (28 pages).
Adusumilli, N.C., T. Lee, M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. 2011. "Impacts of Biofuel Crop Production on Water Quality. Annual Meeting of the Universities Council on Water Resources and The National Institutes for Water Resources. Boulder, CO. July 11-14.
Asher, A.J., G. ONeil, W. Northcott. 2010. Final Report The Paw Paw River Watershed Water Quantity and Quality GIS Modeling Report . Submitted to The Nature Conservancy in support of Coca-Cola and The Nature Conservancys desire to protect the Paw Paw River Watershed. 19 pp.
Asher, Jeremiah. 2010. The Paw Paw River Watershed Water Quantity and Quality GIS Modeling Report. Institute of Water Research, Michigan State University. 19pgs.
Bartholic, J., Y. Shi, K. Maredia, S. Seedang, J. MacDonagh-Dumler. 2010. Institute of Water Research and Institute of International Agriculture, Michigan State University, Characteristics of an Action Plan for Addressing Emerging Issues in Water Management for Sustainable Agriculture in South Asia Region. Submitted to the Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute Research Centre, India for inclusion in Proceedings from the Indo-US Workshop on Emerging Issues in Water Management for Sustainable Agriculture in South Asia Region, December 10-12, 2009, in Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu, India. In Press.
Basta, E. and B. Colby. 2010. "Water Market Trends: Transactions, Quantities, and Prices," The Appraisal Journal 78(1):50-66.
Bastian, C.T., S.T. Gray, D.E. Peck, J.P. Ritten, K.M. Hansen, J.M. Krall and S.I. Paisley. The nature of climate science for the Rocky Mountain West: implications for economists trying to help agriculture adapt. Western Economics Forum. (Accepted with revisions)
Brandson, N and R, Hearne. Devils Lake and Red River Basin. in E. Norman ed Water Without Borders? Canada, the U.S., and Shared Water.. Toronto. University of Toronto Press (forthcoming).
Brozovic, N. and Schlenker, W. 2011. Optimal management of an ecosystem with an unknown threshold. Ecological Economics 70:627-640.
Cardon, G., B. Black, and R. Hill. 2011. Riego de Huertos: Cereza. Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet #Horticulture/Fruit/2011-??pr (Spanish-language translation of Fact Sheet # Horticulture/Fruit/2008-03pr, Orchard Irrigation: Cherries). Utah State University, Logan UT.
Cardon, G.E., B. Black, and R. Hill. 2011. Riego de Fresas. Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet#Horticulture/Fruit/2011-??pr (Spanish-language translation of Fact Sheet # Horticulture/Fruit/2008-05pr, Stawberry Irrigation). Utah State University, Logan UT.
Cardon, G.E., B. Black, and R. Hill. 2011. Riego de Huertos: Manzana. Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet #Horticulture/Fruit/2011-??pr (Spanish-language translation of Fact Sheet#Horticulture/Fruit/2008-01pr, Orchard Irrigation: Apple). Utah State University, Logan UT.
Cardon, G.E., B. Black, and R. Hill. 2011. Riego de Huertos: Melocoton. Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet #Horticulture/Fruit/2011-??pr (Spanish-language translation of Fact Sheet # Horticulture/Fruit/2008-pr02, Orchard Irrigation: Peach). Utah State University, Logan UT.
Cardon, G.E., R. Patterson and R. Heflebower. 2011. Soil and Water. In: (Kratsch, H. ed.) Water-Efficient Landscaping in the Intermountain West: A Professional and Do-it-Yourself Guide. Utah State University Press, Logan UT.
Colby B. and R. Bark. 2010. Inter-sectoral water trading as a climate change adaptation strategy. In WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, Editors Q. Grafton and K. Hussey, Cambridge University Press.
Colby, B. and G. Frisvold. 2011. Risk and Resilience: The Economics of Climate-Water-Energy, Challenges in the Arid Southwest. Resources for the Future Press.
Colby, B., E. Basta, and K. Pittenger. 2011. Temporary Water Transactions And Climate Change Adaptation. In Risk and Resilience: The Economics Of Climate-Water-Energy Challenges In The Arid Southwest, Resource for the Future Press.
Colby, B., L. Jones and K. Pittenger. 2011. Economic Tools For Climate Adaptation: Water Transaction Price Negotiations. In Risk and Resilience: The Economics Of Climate-Water-Energy Challenges In The Arid Southwest, Resource for the Future Press.
Colby, B. and P. Tanimoto. 2011 Using Climate Information to Improve Electric Utility Load Forecasting. In Risk and Resilience: The Economics Of Climate-Water-Energy Challenges In The Arid Southwest, Resource for the Future Press.
Colby, B. 2011. Water transfer guidebooks, posted online. (These provide practical information for water supply climate change adaptation through water banks, water auctions, and dryyear contracts.)
Cooke, G. D., E. B. Welch, J. R. Jones. 2011. Eutrophication of Tenkiller Reservoir, Oklahoma from non-point agricultural runoff. Lake and Reserv. Manage. 27:256-270.
Costanigro, M., S. Kroll, D. Thilmany and G. Nurse. 2011. "Local and Organic: An In-Store Evaluation of Labels for Apples," Agribusiness: an International Journal 27(4):465-477.
DeMouche, L, S. Landfair, and F.A. Ward. 2011. "Water Right Prices in the Rio Grande: Analysis and Policy Implications." International Journal of Water Resources Development 27(2):291-314.
Dinar, A. and R. Mendelsohn, Handbook of Climate Change and Agriculture. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (forthcoming, 2012).
Dinar, A., D. F. Larson, and J. A. Frisbie, California and the CDM: How California can take advantage of the Clean Development Mechanism to achieve its AB 32 goals by 2020. Water Science and Policy Center Working Paper 02-0911, September 2011.
Eiswerth, M.E., S.T. Yen, and G.C. van Kooten. 2011. Factors Determining Awareness and Knowledge of Aquatic Invasive Species. Ecological Economics 70: 1672-1679.
Eiswerth, M.E., and G.C. van Kooten. 2010. Balancing Bio-energy Cropping Benefits and Water Quality Impacts: A Dynamic Optimization Approach. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 58(4):463-480.
Eiswerth, M.E. 2011. Community Questionnaire Survey. Chapter III in A Lake Protection Plan for Cravath and Trippe Lakes, Walworth County, Wisconsin. Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Memorandum Report No. 191. Final Report prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and City of Whitewater, Wisconsin. Waukesha, WI: Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.
Elbakidze, L., X. Shen, B. Contor, R. G. Taylor, and S. Mooney. Hydro-Economic Evaluation of Agricultural Water Compliance: Prior Appropriations-Based Regulatory Curtailment versus a Market Allocation. Water Resources Research (2012 conditional acceptance).
Follett, R., S. Mooney, J. Morgan, K. Paustian, L. Hartwell Allen, . S. Archibeque, J. Baker, S. Del Grosso, J. Derner, F. Dijkstra, A. J. Franzluebbers, H. Janzen, L.A. Kurkalova, B. A. McCarl, S. Ogle, W. J. Parton, J. M. Peterson, C. W. Rice, G. P. Robertson, M. Schoeneberger, T. O. West, and J. Williams. 2011. Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities. Task Force Report 142, Council for Agricultural Sciences and Technology.
Ganjegunte, G.K., and R.J. Braun. 2011. Delineating Salinity and Sodicity Distribution in Major Soil Series of El Paso, Texas using Electro-Magnetic Induction Technique. Soil Science. 176:441-447.
Ganjegunte, G.K., Z. Sheng, and R. Braun. 2011. Salinity Management Using an Anionic Polymer in a Pecan Field with Calcareous-Sodic Soil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 40:1314-1321.
Ganjegunte, G.K., C.L.Trostle, and R.J. Braun. 2011. Irrigation Effects of Cooling Tower Effluent on Soil Chemistry and Alfalfa in the Rio Grande River Basin. Land Degradation & Development. 22:410-424.
Ganjegunte, G.K., G.F. Vance, R.W. Gregory, M.A. Urynowicz, and R.C. Surdam. 2011. Improving Saline-Sodic Coalbed Natural Gas Water Quality Using Natural Zeolites. Journal of Environmental Quality. 10:57-66.
Gastelum, J.R., Z. Sheng and A.M. Michelsen. 2011. Framework for a Water Resources Decision Support System for the Paso del Norte. Planning for Tomorrows Water: Snowpack, Aquifers and Reservoirs, Universities Council on Water Resources and National Institutes for Water Resources Annual Conference. Boulder, CO, July 12-14, 2011. Proceedings Abstract.
Gohar, A. A. and F. A. Ward. 2010. "Gains from expanded irrigation water trading in Egypt: An integrated basin approach." Ecological Economics 69:2535-2548.
Gohar, A. A. and F.A. Ward. Forthcoming. "Gains from Irrigation Water Use Efficiency in Egypt." International Journal of Water Resources Develolpment.
Gurung, T. K., R. P. Dhakal, M. A. Husen, and J. R. Jones. 2010. Abundance and nutrient limiting growth rate of heterotrophic bacterio-plankton in Himalayan foot hill Lake Phewa, Nepal. Lake and Reserv. Res. & Manage. 15: 53-61.
Hanak, E., J. Lund, A. Dinar, B. Gray, R. Howitt, J. Mount, P. Moyle, B. Thompson, Managing California's Water: From Conflict to Reconciliation. San Francisco: PPIC, 2011.
Hansen, K. 2011. Western Water Markets. Western Economics Forum 9(2):33-42.
Hansen, K., D. Peck and S. Smutko. 2010. Tradable permits for CBM produced water: a potential tool for managing quantity and quality issues in the Powder River Basin. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics, University of Wyoming, November 19, 2010.
Hearne, R. 2011. Chiles Water Markets Continue to Evolve. Water Resources Impact. 13(5): 12-14.
Hearne, R. and C. Kritsky. 2010. Characteristics of Active Local Water Management Districts In the Red River Basin. Water Policy 12:898-912.
Huffaker, R., D. Rider, and R. Hotchkiss. 2010. Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of Reservoir Sedimentation Management. Open Hydrology Journal 4:184-193.
Huffaker, R. 2010. Impacts of Biofuels on Water Supply: Proposed Cures May Worsen the Disease. Choices 3:7-10.
Huffaker, R. 2010. Phase Space Reconstruction from Economic Time Series Data: Improving Models of Complex Real-World Dynamic Systems. International Journal on Food System Dynamics 3:184-193.
Huffaker, R. 2011. Dynamic Analysis. Chapter 2 in Dynamic Analysis Research Tools in Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, eds. A. Batabyal and P. Nijkamp, World Scientific Publishing.
Hurd, B., C. Goemans, G. Frisvold, and J. Stone. 2011. "Estimated Impacts of Climate Change Legislation on New Mexico Agriculture." NM State AES Bulletin 801.
Hurd, B. and J. Coonrod. Forthcoming. Hydro-economic Consequences of Climate Change in the Upper Rio Grande. Climate Research.
Isely, E, P. Isely, S. Seedang, K. Mulder, A. Steinman, and K. Thompson. 2010. Addressing the Information Gaps Associated with Valuing Green Infrastructure in West Michigan: INtegrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services Tool (INVEST). Journal of Great Lakes Research 36(3): 448-457.
Jones, L. and B. Colby. 2010. Weather, Climate, and Environmental Water Transactions. Weather, Climate, and Society, American Meteorological Society, Volume 2, Issue 3:210223.
Jones, J. R. 2010. Missouri reservoirs in the Glacial Plains: evaluating small impoundments. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30: 1629-1633.
Jones, J. R. 2010. Verhandlungen Epilogue. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30: 1671.
Jones, J. R. and J. A. Hubbart. 2011. Empirical estimation of non-chlorophyll light attenuation in Missouri reservoirs using deviation from the maximum observed value in the Secchi Chlorophyll relationship. Lake and Reserv. Manage. 27: 1-5.
Jones, J. R., M. F. Knowlton, D. V. Obrecht and J. L. Graham. 2011. Temperature and oxygen in Missouri reservoirs. Lake and Reserv. Manage. 27:173-182.
Jones, J. R., D. V. Obrecht, A. P. Thorpe. 2011. Chlorophyll maxima and chlorophyll:total phosphorus ratios in Missouri reservoirs. Lake and Reserv. Manage. 27: (in press)
Kallbekken, S., S. Kroll and T.L. Cherry. 2011. "Do You Not Like Pigou, or Do You Not Understand Him? Tax Aversion and Revenue Recycling in the Lab," Journal of the Environmental Economics and Management 62(1):53-64.
Larson, D. F., A. Dinar and J. A. Frisbie. The Present and Future Role for Agricultural Projects under the Clean Development Mechanism. In: Handbook of Climate Change and Agricul-ture. Dinar, A. and R. Mendelsohn (Eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers (forthcoming, 2012).
Leidner, A.J., R.D. Lacewell, M.E. Rister, J.D. Woodard, A.W. Sturdivant, and J.M. White. 2011. "Seawater Desalination for Municipal Water Production." Annual Meeting of the Universities Council on Water Resources and The National Institutes for Water Resources. Boulder, CO. July 11-14, 2011. Proceedings Abstract.
Lohman, K. and J. R. Jones. 2010. Longitudinal patterns in nutrient chemistry and algal chlorophyll below point sources in three northern Ozark streams. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30: 1559-1566.
Maria-Saleth, R., A. Dinar and J. A. Frisbie, Climate Change, Drought and Agriculture: Role of Effective Institutions and Infrastructure. In: Handbook of Climate Change and Agriculture. Dinar, A. and R. Mendelsohn (Eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers (forthcoming 2012).
Martin, D.L., R.J. Supalla, C.L. Thompson, B.P. McMullen, G.W. Hergert and P.A. Burgener. 2010. Advances in Deficit Irrigation Management. 5th National Decennial Irrigation Conference Proceedings, 5-8 December 2010, Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona USA IRR10-9277. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.
McCarl, Bruce A., Brian H. Hurd, Siyi J. Feng, Amy D. Hagerman, Jian H. Mu, and Wei W. Wang. 2011. Climate Change and Its Impact on Agriculture: Challenges for the 21st Century. Chapter 1 in (ed.) Cossia, Juliann M., Global Warming in the 21st Century, ISBN 978-1-61728-980-4, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. pp: 1-40.
McConnell, W.J., Millington, J.D.A., Reo, N.J., Baker, L.A., Brozovic, N., Fragoso, J., Holland, D.S., Kohler, T.A., Maschner, H.D.G., Monticino, M., Podesta, G., Pontius Jr., R.G., Redman, C.L., Sailor, D., Urquhart, G., and Liu, J. 2011. Research on Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS): Approach, Challenges and Strategies, Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 92(2):218228.
McKean, John R, D. Johnson, and R. G. Taylor. 2011. Regional Economic Impacts of the Snake River Steelhead and Salmon Recovery. Society and Natural Resources, 24(6):569-583.
McKean, J. R., D. Johnson, and R. G. Taylor. 2010. Willingness-to-Pay for Steelhead Fishing: The Implications of Two-Step Consumer Decisions with Short-Run Endowments. Water Resources Research, 46W09523, 11 PP., doi: 10:1029/2009WR008664.
Mortensen, IIN. 2011. Intraseasonal Management Strategies for Deficit Irrigation. MS Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Lincoln, NE.
Newburn, D.A., Brozovic, N., and Mezzatesta, M. 2011. Agricultural water security and instream flows for endangered salmonids. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 93:1212-1228.
ONeil, G., L. Theller, Y. Shi, J. Bartholic, B. Engel. 2010. The Swan Creek Watershed Management System. presented by ONeil at the TMDL 2010: Watershed Management to Improve Water Quality ASABE Conference, Nov. 14-17 in Baltimore, MD. In Press.
ONeil, G., J. Bartholic, Y. Shi. 2010. Institute of Water Research, Michigan State University. High Impact Targeting Decision Support System for BMPs to Most Effectively Reduce NPS Pollution. Presented at the 18th National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Workshop held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin November 16-18. Nov. 17, Session 5-03, In Proceedings on CD, 33 pp.
Peck, D.E. and R.M. Adams. 2011. A reply to Multiyear vs. single-year drought: a comment on Peck and Adams. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 55:454-457.
Peck, D.E. 2011. Book review: Gopalakrishnan, Chennat and Norio Okada (eds). Water and Disasters. London UK: Routledge, 2007 American Journal of Agricultural Economics 93(1):244-245.
Peterson, J.M. and C.M. Smith. Water Quality Markets: Institutional Design and Performance. In D. Gardner and R. Simmons, eds. Aquanomics: Water Markets and the Environment. The Independent Institute (forthcoming).
Ramirez, O.A., F.A. Ward, R. Al-Tabini, and R. Phillips. 2011. "Efficient Water Conservation in Agriculture for Growing Urban Water Demands in Jordan." Water Policy (January):1-24.
Rister, M.E., A.W. Sturdivant, R.D. Lacewell, A.M. Michelsen and B.L. Harris. 2011. Challenges and Opportunities for Water of the Rio Grande. Journal of Agriculture & Applied Economics. Southern Agricultural Economics Association. 43(3):367-378.
Santiago, L. and J. Loomis. 2011. Testing Differences in Estimation of River Recreation Benefits for International and Domestic Tourists as a Function of Single versus Multiple-Destination Trips. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 20:143-165.
Schaible, G.D., C. S. Kim and M.P. Aillery. 2010. "Dynamic Adjustment of Irrigation Technology/Water Management in Western U.S. Agriculture: Toward a Sustainable Future," Canadian J. Agricultural Economics 58(4):433-461.
Schaible, G.D. and M.P. Aillery. 2011. "Water Conservation in Irrigated Agriculture: Trends and Challenges in the Face of Emerging Demands," ERS EIB (forthcoming).
Schaible, G.D. and M.P. Aillery. 2011. "U.S. Irrigated Agriculture and Water Resources: Challenges for Water Management and Conservation." In: Agricultural Indicators at a Glance [as a water chapter within the ERS update of the 2006 AREI] (forthcoming).
Schaible, G.D. and M. Ribaudo (two of 107 USDA Contributors). 2011. Draft REE Action Plan (Sept.): 35pp. (in REE final clearance). [As ERS Representatives, we were part of the USDA Water Team that developed the Chapter for the REE Goal: Water Availability and Quality.]
Schoengold, K. and M Khachaturyan. 2011. ``The Potential for Transboundary Water Resource Agreements: An Application to the Kura-Araks River Basin.'' Cornhusker Economics - University of Nebraska Extension newsletter (June 2011).
Schoengold, K. 2010. Book Review of Molle, F. and J. Berkoff, eds. Irrigation Water Pricing: The Gap Between Theory and Practice. CABI Publishing (2007). American Journal of Agricultural Economics 92(5):1497-1498.
Schoengold, K. 2010. Input Price Risk and the Adoption of Conservation Technology. Cornhusker Economics - University of Nebraska Extension newsletter (October 2010).
Schuster, E., B. Colby, L. Jones and M. O'Donnell. 2011. Understanding the Value of Water in Agriculture.
Smith, E.G., M.E. Eiswerth, and T.S. Veeman. 2010. Current and Emerging Water Issues in Agriculture: An Overview. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 58(4):403-409.
Taylor, R. G., B. Contor, and J. Hamilton. 2010. The A B Cs of Apples, Bees, and Connections Hydrologic. Choices 25(3).
Taylor, R. G., J. McKean, and D. Johnson. 2010. Measuring the Location Value of a Recreational Site. Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics, 35(1):87-104.
Thorvaldson, J., J. Pritchett and C. Goemans. 2010. Western Households Water Knowledge, Preferences, and Willingness to Pay. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 58(4):497-514.
Torell, G. L, and F.A. Ward. 2010. "Improved Water Institutions for Food Security and Rural Livelihoods in Afghanistan's Balkh River Basin." International Journal of Water Resources Development 26(4):613-637.
Viscusi, W.K., O.R. Phillips, and S. Kroll. 2011. "Risky Investment Decisions: How Are Individuals Influenced by Their Groups?" Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 43(2):81-106.
Ward, F.A. Forthcoming. "Cost-Benefit and Water Resources Policy: A Survey." Water Policy.
Welch, E. B, G. D. Cooke, J. R. Jones, and T. C. Gendusa. 2011. DO Temperature habitat loss due to eutrophication in Tenkiller Reservoir, Oklahoma. Lake and Reserv. Manage. 27:271-285.
Wolfson, Lois. 2010. Harmful Algal Blooms on the Rise. Lake Effect: Vol. 2. February 2010. Michigan Chapter, North American Lake Management Society.
Zhang, Z. and K. Schoengold. 2011. ``Carbon Emissions Control Policies in China's Power Generation Sector'.' China Agricultural Economic Review 3(3).
Amosson, Steve and Thomas Marek. 2012. 2016 Panhandle Regional Water Plan Draft Agricultural Water Demand Projections. Presentation to the Panhandle Water Planning Group - Panhandle Regional Planning Commission. Amarillo, Texas, August 9, 2012.
Arocha, Jade and Laura McCann. The Role of Behavioral Economics in Dual-Flush Toilet Design. JAWWA (accepted subject to revision).
How Do Homebuyers Value Different Types of Green Space? Rosalind H. Bark, Daniel E. Osgood, Bonnie G. Colby, and Eve B. Halper Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 36(2):395415, 2011
Bartholic, Jon. 2012. Navigating a new course for water resource policy and management, Michigan State
University Futures Magazine, MSU Global Water Initiative, volume 30 Nos 1 & 2. pg 21-26.
Bastian, C.T., S.T. Gray, D.E. Peck, J.P. Ritten, K.M. Hansen, J.M. Krall and S.I. Paisley. 2012. The nature of climate science for the Rocky Mountain West: implications for economists trying to help agriculture adapt. Western Economics Forum 10(2):23-32.
Booker, J.F., R.E. Howitt, A.M. Michelsen and R.A. Young. 2012. Economics and the Modeling of Water Resources and Policies. Natural Resource Modeling Journal. 25th Anniversary Special Issue. 25(1): 168-218.
Botelho, A., A. Dinar, L. M. Costa Pinto, A. Rapoport, Time and Uncertainty in Resource Dilemmas:
Equilibrium Solutions and Experimental Results, Water Science and Policy Center Working Paper 01-0912, September 2012.
Botelho, A., A. Dinar, L. M. Costa Pinto, A. Rapoport, Linking Appropriation and Provision of Public
Goods Decreases Rate of Destruction of the Commons, Water Science and Policy Center Working Paper
02-1012, October 2012.
Bulatewicz, T., A. Allen, J.M. Peterson, D.R. Steward, S. Staggenborg, and S.M. Welch. The Simple Script Wrapper for OpenMI: Enabling Interdisciplinary Water Studies. Environmental Modeling and Software. In press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.07.006
Cherry, T.L., S. Kallbekken and S. Kroll. 2012. The Acceptability of Efficiency-enhancing Environmental Taxes, Subsidies and Regulation: An Experimental Investigation, Environmental Science and Policy 2012, 16/1, 90-96.
Bonnie Colby and various co-authors, University of Arizona, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Prioritizing Water Acquisitions for Cost-Effectiveness, September, 2012 (under review)
Bonnie Colby and various co-authors, University of Arizona, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Measurement, Monitoring and Enforcement of Irrigation Forbearance Agreements, August, 2012
Bonnie Colby and various co-authors, University of Arizona, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Entendiendo el Valor del Agua en la Agricultura, October, 2011
Contor, B. A. and R. Garth Taylor. Why Improving Irrigation Efficiency Increases Total Volume of
Consumptive Use. Irrigation and Drainage. 2012.
Cox, C., G.K. Ganjegunte, D. Borrok, V. Lougheed, L. Ma, L. Jin. 2011. Evaluation of soil sustainability along the Lower Rio Grande River: Changes in salt loading and organic nutrients due to farming practices. Proceedings of the AGU Fall Meeting, 1 page [on CD-ROM], December 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, California, Abstract.
M Dagnino and F.A. Ward (2012). Economics of Agricultural Water Conservation: Empirical Analysis and Policy Implications. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 124, December, 2012
Dinar, A., D. F. Larson, and S. M. Rahman, The Clean Development Mechanism: An Early History of
Unanticipated Outcomes, World Scientific Publishers, 2012 (in Press).
Dinar, A., D. F. Larson, and J. A. Frisbie, How California can take advantage of the Clean De-velopment
Mechanism to achieve its AB 32 goals by 2020. California Agriculture. (Accepted for Publication, May 21, 2012).
DiNatale, K., A. Hickman, C. Goemans, S. Kroll, H. Thompson, and B. Dereume. 2012. Water
Partnerships: An Evaluation of Alternative Agricultural Water Transfer Methods in the South Platte Basin. Colorado Water Conservation Board Project Report.
Ding, Y. and J.M. Peterson. Comparing the Cost-Effectiveness of Water Conservation Policies in a
Depleting Aquifer: A Dynamic Analysis of the Kansas High Plains. Journal of Agricultural and Applied
Economics 44(May 2012): 223-234. http://purl.umn.edu/123781
Elbakidze, L., X Shen, G. Taylor, S. Mooney, Spatio-temporal Analysis of Prior Appropriations Water
Calls, Water Resources Research (2012), VOL. 48, W00L07, 13 PP., doi:10.1029/2011WR010609
Esteban, E. and A. Dinar, Cooperative Management of Groundwater Resources in the Presence of
Environmental Externalities. Environmental and Resource Economics. (Accepted for publication, June 8,
Ganjegunte, G.K., J.A. Clark, and Y. Wu. 2011. Irrigation with Treated Urban Wastewater for Bioenergy Crop Production in the Far West Texas. Proceedings of the AGU Fall Meeting, 1 page [on CD-ROM], December 5-9, 2011, San Francisco, California, Abstract.
Ganjegunte, G.K., J.A. Clark, and Y. Wu. 2011. Feasibility of Treated Urban Wastewater Irrigation for Bioenergy Crop Production in the Far West Texas. Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, 1 page [on CD-ROM], October 16-19, 2011, San Antonio, Texas, Abstract
Ganjegunte G.K., J.A. Clark, G. Peterson, and J.A. Da Silva. 2011. Beneficial Effects of Cellulosic Bioenergy Crops On Soil Salinity and Sodicity Management. Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, 1 page [on CD-ROM], October 16-19, 2011, San Antonio, Texas, Abstract.
Ganjegunte, G.K., Z. Sheng, and J.A. Clark. 2012. Evaluating the Accuracy of Soil Water Sensors for Irrigation Scheduling to Conserve Freshwater. Applied Water Science. 2: 119-125.
Ganjegunte, G.K., Z. Sheng, and J.A. Clark. 2012. Soil Salinity and Sodicity Appraisal by Electromagnetic Induction in Irrigated Cotton Soils. Land Degradation & Development. (Accepted, In Press, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1162).
Goemans, C., M. Costanigro, and J. Stone. 2012. The Interaction of Water Restriction and Pricing Policies: Econometric, Managerial, and Distributional Implications. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, Volume 4, Issue 1, pages 61-77.
Griffin, R.C., D.E. Peck and J. Maestu Unturbe. 2013. Introduction: myths, principles and issues in water
trading. In J. Maestu Unturbe (ed.) Global Water Crisis: How Can Water Trading be Part of the Solution?
New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group. (In press)
Gunter, A., C. Goemans, J. Pritchett, and D. Thilmany. 2012. The Economic Impact of the 2011 Drought on Southern Colorado: A combined input-output and EDMP analysis. Colorado Water Conservation Board Project Report.
Hansen, K., R. Howitt, and J. Williams. 2013. Water Trades in the Western US: Risk, Speculation, and
Property Rights. In J. Maestu Unturbe (ed.) Global Water Crisis: How Can Water Trading Be Part of the
Solution? New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group. (In press)
Hansen, K. and A. Schroeder. 2012. Montana v. Wyoming Before the U.S. Supreme Court. Barnyards & Backyards newspaper insert (March 2012). University of Wyoming Extension.
Hearne, R. 2011. Chiles Water Markets Continue to Evolve. Water Resources Impact. 13(5): 12-14.
Hearne, R. "North Dakota Can Grow Responsibly" Opinon in AGweek. 11 June 2012. p4.
Hendricks, N.P. and J.M. Peterson. Fixed Effects Estimation of the Intensive and Extensive Margins of
Irrigation Water Demand. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 37(April 2012): 1-19.
Hines, S. Packham, J. and G. Taylor. The Contribution of Agriculture to the Magic Valley Economy.
Impact University of Idaho Cooperative Extension. 2012. http://www.extension.uidaho.edu/impacts.
Hines, Steve, Joel Packham, Phil Watson, Garth Taylor. Contribution of Agribusiness to the Magic Valley Economy, 2010. University of Idaho Extension CIS 1185. June 2012.
Hines, Steve, Joel Packham, Phil Watson, Garth Taylor. Contribution of Agribusiness to the Magic Valley Economy. 2010. University of Idaho Extension Poster 1186. June 2012.
Hurd, Brian, and Mani Rouhi-Rad (in press). Estimating Economic Effects of Changes in Climate and Water Availability, Climatic Change.
Hurd, B. and J. Coonrod. 2012. Hydrological and economic consequences of climate change in the Upper Rio Grande region, Climate Research, 53:103-118. doi: 10.3354/cr01092.
Johnston, C.R., G.F. Vance, and G.K. Ganjegunte. 2012. Soil Property Changes Following Irrigation with CBNG Water: Role of Water Treatments, Soil Amendments, and Land Suitability. Land Degradation and Development. (Accepted, In Press, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1132).
Kuwayama, Y. and Brozovic, N., 2012, Analytical Hydrologic Models and the Design of Policy Instruments for Groundwater Quality Management, Hydrogeology Journal, v. 20(5), 957-972, DOI:
Leidner, A. J., Rister, M. E., Lacewell, R. D. and Sturdivant, A. W. (2011), The Water Market for the Middle and Lower Portions of the Texas Rio Grande Basin. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47: 597610. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00527.x
Loomis, J. Comparing Households Total Economic Values and Recreation Value of Instream Flow in an
Urban River. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 1(1): 5-17. 2012.
Madani, K. and A. Dinar. Non-Cooperative Institutions for Sustainable Common Pool Resource
Management: Application to Groundwater. Ecological Economics. (Accepted for Publication, December 7, 2011), 74: 34-45.
Madani, K. and A. Dinar, Cooperative Institutions for Sustainable Common Pool Resource Management:
Application to Groundwater. Water Resources Research. (Accepted for publication, August 3, 2012).
Marek, Thomas, Steve Amosson, and Bridget Guerrero. 2012. 2016 Panhandle Regional Water Plan Task 2 Report: Agricultural Water Demand Projections. Draft submitted to the Panhandle Water Planning Group for the Panhandle Regional Water Plan. August 3. 2012. 17pp.
Mayagoitia, L., B. Hurd, J. Rivera, S. Guldan. 2012. Rural Community Perspectives on Preparedness and Adaptation to Climate-Change and Demographic Pressure, Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education. March (147:49-62).
McKean, J. R. Donn Johnson, R.G. Taylor Three approaches to time valuation in recreation demand: A
study of the Snake River recreation area in eastern Washington. J. Environmental Management 112 (2012) 321-329.
McKean, John R, D. Johnson, and R G Taylor. Regional Economic Impacts of the Snake River Steelhead
and Salmon Recovery. Society and Natural Resources 24: 569-583 2011.
Michelsen, A.M. and F. Brelle. 2012. Balancing Multiple Uses Through Integrated Water Resources Management. Thematic Priority Report, 6th World Water Forum. Marseille, France. March. 23 pg.
Michelsen, A.M., Booker, J.F., R.E. Howitt and R.A. Young. 2012. Integration and Evolution of Hydro-economic Modeling. American Water Resources Association Annual Conference. Jacksonville, FL, Nov. 12-15, 2012. (forthcoming)
Michelsen, A.M., Booker, J.F., R.E. Howitt and R.A. Young. 2012. Advances in Hydro-economic Modeling and Policy Applications. Universities Council on Water Resources and National Institutes for Water Resources Annual Conference. Santa Fe, NM. July 17-19.
Michelsen, A.M., T. McGuckin, R.D. Lacewell, B. Creel and Z. Sheng. 2012. Three-State Partnership to Improve Water Quality: The Rio Grande Coalition and Estimating Economic Benefits of Salinity Reduction. 2012 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference. Portland, Oregon. May 20-24.
Michelsen, A.M. 2012. American Water Resources Association Leadership and Activities in Integrated Water Resources Management. Summary in One Water Management: Perspectives. Edited by the Clean Water America Alliance. Washington, DC.
Nelson, R., J. Pritchett and C. Goemans. 2012. Survey Summary: Farm and Ranch Managers Responses
to the 2011 Drought. Colorado Water Conservation Board Project Report.
A. Nikouei, M. Zibaei, and F.A. Ward (2012), Incentives to adopt irrigation water saving measures for
wetlands preservation: An integrated basin scale analysis. Journal of Hydrology. 464465, 216232
Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, M. Mendoza, J. Jifon, and G.K. Ganjegunte. 2012. Responses of Jatropha curcas to drought and salt stresses. International Journal of Agronomy. Article ID 632026, DOI:10.1155/2012/632026
ONeil, G., Shortridge, A. 2012. Quantifying local flow-direction uncertainty. International Journal of
Geographic Information Science. In press.
Peck, D.E. and R.M. Adams. 2012. Farm-level impacts of climate change: alternative approaches for
modeling uncertainty. In A. Dinar and R. Mendelsohn (eds.) Handbook on Climate Change and Agriculture. Cheltenham, Gloucestershire: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Pham Do K. H., A. Dinar, and D. McKinney, Transboundary Water Management: Can Issue Linkage
Help Mitigate Externalities? International Game Theory Review. (Accepted for Publication, December 18, 2011).
Phillips, F. and A.M. Michelsen. 2012. Institutional and Salinity Issues on the Upper Rio Grande. Chapter 33 in Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management. Editors, Wesley Wallender and Kenneth Tanji. Environmental Water Resources Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA. ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 71, 2nd Edition, 1033-1052.
Pritchett, J., C. Goemans, and J. Thorvaldson. 2012. Water as a Crop: Are South Platte Farmers Willing to Participate in Innovative Leasing Arrangements? Colorado Water, Volume 28, Issue 5, pages 5-9.
Qureshi, M.E., Reeson, A., Whitten, S., Reinelt, P. and Brozovic, N., 2012, Factors determining the
economic value of groundwater, Hydrogeology Journal, v. 20(5), 821-829, DOI:
Reinelt, P., Brozovic, N., Qureshi, M.E., and Hellegers, P., 2012, Preface: Economics of groundwater
management, Hydrogeology Journal, v. 20(5), 817-820, DOI: 10.1007/s10040-012-0878-7.
Rister, M. Edward, Allen W. Sturdivant, Ronald D. Lacewell, and Ari M. Michelsen. Challenges and Opportunities for Water of the Rio Grande. Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics, Vol. 43, August 2011, Number 3, pp 367-78.
Saak, A.E. and J.M. Peterson. Groundwater Pumping by Heterogeneous Users. Hydrogeology Journal 20 (August 2012): 835-849. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10040-012-0854-2
Schaible, Glenn D. and Marcel P. Aillery. 2012. "Water Conservation in Irrigated Agriculture: Trends
and Challenges in the Face of Emerging Demands," Economic Information Bulletin No. 99,
ERS-USDA (September): 60p.
At: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/eib-economic-information-bulletin/eib99.aspx.
Schaible, Glenn D. and Marcel P. Aillery. 2012. "U.S. Irrigated Agriculture: Water Management and
Conservation." Chapter in Ag. Res. & Envir. Indicators (AREI) - 2012 Edition, Economic Information
Bulletin, No. 98, ERS-USDA, (August): pp. 29-32.
At: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/eib-economic-information-bulletin/eib98.aspx.
Schaible, Glenn D. and Marcel P. Aillery. 2012. "Improving Water-Use Efficiency Remains an
Important Challenge for U.S. Irrigated Agriculture," Amber Waves Finding, Vol. 10, Issue 3,
ERS-USDA (September).
At: http://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2012-september/improving-water-use.aspx.
Schaible, Glenn D. and Marcel P. Aillery. 2012. Irrigation and Water Use. Webpage developed for the
new ERS Website (July 19).
At: http://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-practices-management/irrigation-water-use.aspx.
Schaible, Glenn D. [Contributor (one of many)]. 2012. USDA Research, Education, and Economics
Action Plan. USDA-REE Office of the Under-Secretary (February): 41p. At: http://www.ree.usda.gov/ree/news/USDA_REE_Action_Plan_02-2012_2.pdf.
Schaible, Glenn D. 2012. "The Value of U.S. Irrigated Agriculture: Conservation Challenges for a
Sustainable Future." Invited Presentation at EPAs Technical Workshop on The Importance of Water to the U.S. Economy, (September 19), Washington DC.
Smith, C.M., J.M. Peterson, J.C. Leatherman, and J.R. Williams. A Simulation of Factors Impeding Water Quality Trading. Journal of Regional Analysis and Planning. Accepted and forthcoming.
Smith, C.M., J.C. Leatherman, J.M. Peterson, J.M. Crespi, and J. D. Roe. BMPs For Sale! Implications from a Case Study in BMP Auctions. Journal of Regional Analysis and Planning. Accepted and forthcoming.
Smith, M., M. Arabi, and C. Goemans. 2012. Quantifying the Relationship between Irrigation Activities and Size of Wetlands in a Northern Colorado Watershed. Colorado Water, forthcoming.
F.A. Ward, S.A. Amer, and F. Ziaee (2012). Water Allocation Rules in Afghanistan for Improved Food
Security. Food Security: The Science, Sociology, and Economics of Food Production and Access to Food, forthcoming.
F.A. Ward (2012). Forging Sustainable Transboundary Water Sharing Agreements: Barriers and Opportunities, Water Policy, forthcoming.
F.A. Ward, and M Pulido-Velazquez (2012). Economic Costs of Sustaining Water Supplies: Findings from the Rio Grande. Water Resources Management. DOI 10.1007/s11269-012-0055-8
F. A. Ward (2012). Costbenefit and water resources policy: a survey. Water Policy. 14 (2012) 250280.
Wolfson, Lois. 2012. Multiple Impacts on Michigan Waters Possible Due to Climate Change. Lake Effect, June, 2012. Michigan Chapter, North American Lake Management Society. Pages: 2, 6.
Wolfson, Lois. 2011. Invasive Phragmites Threatens Wetlands, Wildlife. Lake Effect, July 2011. Michigan Chapter, North American Lake Management Society. Pages: 7-8.
Yoder, Jonathan, Washington State University. 2011. Columbia River Basin Long-Term Water Supply and Demand Forecast. Submitted to Washington State Department of Ecology.
(http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wr/cwp/forecast/reports.html )
2011 Columbia River Basin Long-Term Water Supply and Demand Forecast. Submitted to the State of Washington Department of Ecology and Washington. June 2012.
Abell, J. M., D. Özkundakci, D. P. Hamilton, and J. R. Jones. 2012. Latitudinal variation in nutrient stoichiometry and chlorophyll-nutrient relationships in lakes: A global study. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 181:1-14.
Ambec, S., A. Dinar and D. McKinney, Water Sharing Agreements Sustainable to Reduced Flows, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (Accepted June 4, 2013).
Archuleta, E., Raucher, B., J. Clements, A.M. Michelsen, H. Gonzalez and M.P. Fahy. 2013. Barriers and
Solutions to Concentrate Management for Inland Municipal Desalination. Multi-state Salinity Coalition
Annual Summit. Las Vegas, NV. Feb. 14-15.
Bartholic, J. 2012. Water Resource Study Kick-Off Meeting, Ottawa County Water Study Project West Olive, MI, Jan. 11.
Bartholic, J. 2012. Invited speaker at Great Lakes Decision Support Systems on Steroids, the Minnesota River Integrated Watershed Study Workshop, University of Minnesota-St. Paul Campus, MN, Jan. 16-17.
Bartholic, J. 2012. Environmental Decision Support Systems on Steroids: An Overview of Several Systems Being Developed by Groups on Campus, IWR and Center for Water Sciences, MSU, Jan. 25.
Bartholic, J. 2012. Farm Conservation/Environmental Credit Calculator (CCC), Webinar Presentation, March 22.
Bartholic, J. 2012. MSU's Virtual Watershed Program-An Internet-based Academic Credit or Professional Certificate Program in Watershed Management Online, East Lansing, MI, March 30.
Bartholic, J. 2012. Productivity and Conservation Enhancement: Mapping, Assessing and Tracking, Natural Resource Working Group, East Lansing, MI, May 10.
Bartholic, J. 2012. Web-based Model Development-Agricultural Land Uses, presented at the Great Lakes Sedimentation Workshop in Ann Arbor, MI, May 31.
Bartholic, J. 2012. Watershed Targeting Program, USDA Technology Workshop, East Lansing, MI, June 25.
Bartholic, J., 2012. Navigating a new course for water resource policy and management, Michigan State University Futures Magazine, MSU Global Water Initiative, volume 30 Nos 1 & 2. pg 21-26
Bartholic, J. 2012. On-air conversation/interview with Kirk Heinze on Greening of the Great Lakes conversation with Kirk Heinze aired on WDBM The Impact 88.9 FM student radio; 1240 AM WJIM; and 760 AM WJR. Topic: MSU Institute of Water Research: Finding Global Water Management Solutions Locally. Transcript available at http://goo.gl/B8jWK or www.facebook.com/GOTGL. February 18.
Bartholic, J., Y. Shi., J. Asher. 2012. Co-Creation and Adaptation of Tools for New Purposes and Audiences Great Lakes/Gulf/Upper Mississippi, presented at the Midwest Spatial Decision Support System Partnership Conference in Chicago, IL, July 9-10.
Bartholic, J. (presenter), Y. Shi, J. Asher. 2012. Tools and Techniques for Watershed Management and Decision Support-Decision Support Systems for Water, Energy, and Food in an Uncertain World, presented at the UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference: Managing Water, Energy & Food in an Uncertain World, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 17-19.
Bartholic, J., Y.Shi, K.Maredia, S.Seedang, J.MacDonagh-Dumler. 2012. Inst of Water Research and Inst of Int'l Agriculture, Michigan State University, Characteristics of an Action Plan for Addressing Emerging Issues in Water Management for Sustainable Ag in South Asia Region. Submitted to the Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute Research Centre, India for inclusion in Proceedings from the Indo-US Workshop on Emerging Issues in Water Management for Sustainable Agriculture in South Asia Region, Dec. 10-12, 2009, in Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu, India. Ch. 3, pp. 21-35.
Bauman, A., C. Goemans, J. Pritchett, and D. Thilmany. 2013. "Estimating the Economic and Social Impacts from the Drought in Southern Colorado." Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, Issue 151, August 2013.
Benson, C.P., R. Watson, G. Taylor, P. Cook, S. Hollenhorst. Who Visits a National Park and What do They Get Out of It?: A Joint Visitor Cluster Analysis and Travel Cost Model for Yellowstone National Park. J. Environmental Management. 52(2) 2013.
Botelho, A., A. Dinar, L. Costa-Pinto, and A. Rapoport, Time and Uncertainty in Resource Di-lemmas: Equilibrium Solutions and Experimental Results. Paper presented at the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) section of the Allied Social Science As-sociation Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 5-8, 2013.
Brady, M. and U. Bastola. Is Irrigation Inefficiency a Result of Incentives or Complexity? Select presentation at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings, Monterey, CA, June 24, 2013.
Brady, M. and J. Yoder. (2013) Understanding the Relationship Between Water Price, Value, and Cost. Washington State University Extension Fact Sheet FS110E.
Brozovic, N. Groundwater Management and the Protection of Instream Flows, University of Connecticut, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2013.
Brozovic, N. Groundwater Management and the Protection of Instream Flows, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, 2013.
Brozovic, N. Groundwater Management and the Protection of Instream Flows, China Agricultural University, College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, 2013.
Brozovic, N. Groundwater Management and the Protection of Instream Flows, Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College, London, 2013.
Brozovic, N. Groundwater Management and the Protection of Instream Flows, ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich), Institute of Environmental Engineering, 2013.
Bulatewicz, T., A. Allen, J.M. Peterson, D.R. Steward, S. Staggenborg, and S.M. Welch. The Simple Script Wrapper for OpenMI: Enabling Interdisciplinary Water Studies. Environmental Modeling and Software. 39(January 2013): 283-294. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10040-012-0854-2
Carter, C., A. Garcia y Garcia, A. Islam, and K. Hansen. 2013. Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Water Use and Water Use Efficiency of Alfalfa. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Technical Paper Number 1603513. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE
Chandrasekharan, B ., and B, Colby, Electricity Load Forecasting Improvements as a Climate Change Adaptation, Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, in press 2013.
Colby, B. Innovative Water Transactions to Meet Urban and Environmental Demands in the Face of Climate Change Chapter 10 in Innovations in Water Markets, William Easter, editor, Springer book series on Global Issues in Water Policy, in press 2013.
Colby, B. Water Banking for Intermittent and Temporary Water Transfers Agricultural Economics Panel Water Bank Work Group, Denver, Colorado, November, 2012
Colby, B. Sharing risk of water shortage across borders, Transboundary Water Resources Governance: Theories, Methods and Applications, Tucson, Arizona, January, 2013
Colby, B. Climate Change Challenges in Energy and Water Sectors, Energy Research Colloquium, Tucson, Arizona, April 2013
Colby, B. Economic Value of Remote Sensing in Water Transfer Agreements Water Management Distinguished Lecture Series, Maricopa, Arizona, April, 2013
Colby, B. Patterns in Colorado Basin Water Transfers, Colorado River Biannual Symposium, Santa Fe, September, 2013
Colby, B., L.L. Hoffman, R. Wiederholdt, R. Klawitter, and C. Presnall. Trans-boundary Spatial Subsidies in Ecosystem Services: Bi-national Incentive Mechanisms. International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Lille, France, June 2013
Contor, B. A. and Taylor, R. G. (2013), Why Improving Irrigation Efficiency Increases Total Volume of Consumptive Use. Irrigation and Drainage, 62: 273280. doi: 10.1002/ird.1717
Dinar, A., Economic Incentives and Institutional Arrangements in Addressing Increased Water Scarcity and Quality Problems: Theory and Case Studies. Invited Keynote Paper Presented at the 3rd International Water Association conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Fi-nance, Marbella, Spain, April 24-26, 2013.
Dinar, A., The Intersection of Climate Change, Water, and Transboundary Issues. Invited Paper presented at the UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, University of California, San Diego, April 3-5, 2013.
Dinar, A. The Water Situation in California and the Citrus Industry: Do we respond adequately? Presentation at the California Citrus Conference, Porterville, CA, October 11, 2012.
Dinar, A., Will Water Become a More Limiting Resource for Food Production?, Discussion pre-sented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Washington DC, August 4-7, 2013.
Dinar, A. and U. Kumar Jammalamadaka, Adaptation of Irrigated Agriculture to Adversity and Variability under Conditions of Drought and likely Climate Change: Interaction between Water Institutions and Social Norms. International Journal of Water Governance. (Accepted, October 4, 2012), 1:4164, 2013.
Dinar, A. and G. Nigatu, Distributional Considerations of International Water Resources under Externality: The Case of Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt on the Blue Nile, Water Resources & Economics, (Accepted July 21, 2013).
Dinar, A. and A. Rapoport (Eds.), Analyzing Global Environmental Issues: Theoretical and Experimental Applications and their Policy Implications, Routledge, 2013.
Dinar, A. and G. Zaccour (Guest Editors), Special Issue of Game Theory Applications to Environmental and Developmental Issues. Environment and Development Economics 18(1), February 2013.
Dinar, A. and G. Zaccour, Strategic Behavior and Environmental Commons. Environment and Development Economics, 18(1):1-5, 2013.
Duke, E., K. Hansen, and C. Bond. Market Supply Analysis: Landowner Preferences for Ecosystem Service Provision in Wyoming. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, Selected Poster Presentation. Washington DC (August 2013).
Eiswerth, M. Searching for Colorados Water Future. Presented at the inaugural University of Northern Colorado Community Conversation, Greeley, Colorado. November 14, 2012.
Eiswerth, M., W. Breffle, D. Muralidharan, and J. Thornton. Economic Values for Lake Improvement: Using a Method to Better Reflect the Preferences of Less Wealthy Residents. Presented at the North American Lake Management Society 32nd International Symposium (by Eiswerth), Madison, Wisconsin. November 7, 2012.
Eiswerth, M., K. Schoengold and P. Shrestha. The Joint Impact of Drought Conditions and Media Coverage on the Colorado Rafting Industry. Presented at the Interdisciplinary Water Resources Seminar (by Eiswerth), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. April 17, 2013.
Elbakidze, L., X Shen, G. Taylor, and S. Mooney, Spatio-temporal Analysis of Prior Appropriations Water Calls. Water Resources Research (2012), VOL. 48, W00L07, 13 PP., doi:10.1029/2011WR010609
Elbakidze, L., X. Shen, G. Taylor, and S. Mooney. Moving forward with Prior Appropriations Doctrine in Coping with Irrigation Water Shortages. Selected Poster 2012 AAEA Annual Meeting Seattle WA. Aug. 2012.
Esteban, E. and A. Dinar, Modeling Sustainable Groundwater Management: Packaging and Se-quencing of Policy Interventions. Journal of Environmental Management, (Accepted, December 28, 2012), 119:93-102, 2013
Fernald, A., V. Tidwell, J. Rivera, S. Rodriguez, S. Guldan, B. Hurd, C. Ochoa, C. Steele, M. Ortiz, K. Boykin, A. Cibils (2012), Modeling Water, Environment, Livelihood, and Culture in Traditional Irrigation Communities and Their Linked Watersheds, Journal of Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, doi:10.3390/su40x000x.
Fernald, A., Tidwell, V. C., Rivera, J., Rodriguez, S., Guldan, S. J., Steele, C. M., Ochoa, C., Hurd, B. H., Ortiz, M., Boykin, K. G., Cibils, A. F. (2012). Modeling Water, Ecosystems, Economics and Culture in Traditional Acequia Irrigation Communities of New Mexico and Their Linked Watersheds. Presented to the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting H14F-03, San Francisco, Dec. 3-7, 2012.
Ganjegunte, G.K. 2013. Tactics for salinity remediation: Contributing to pest management and
profitability. Invited presentation at the 61st Annual Agricultural Chemicals Conference organized by
West Texas Agricultural Chemicals Institute, September 10, 2013, Lubbock, TX. Invited.
Ganjegunte, G.K. 2013. Alkaline soils / Alkaline water The Chemical Approach. 2013. Cotton Root Rot
and other Updates Meeting. Organized by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, August 8, 2013, Fort
Hancock, TX. Invited.
Ganjegunte, G.K. 2013. Soil Salinity Management. 2013. Extension Entomology/IPM Professional
Improvement Conference organized by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and Entomology Department,
Texas A&M University, March 19 22, 2013, New Braunfels, TX. Invited.
Ganjegunte, G.K. 2013. Soil Salinity: Overview and New Technologies. 2013 Texas/Oklahoma Cotton
Physiology Working Group Meeting. Organized by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, January 30-
February 1, 2013, Austin, TX. Invited.
Ganjegunte, G.K., B. Leinauer, M. Schiavon, and M. Serena. 2013. Using Electro-Magnetic Induction to
Determine Soil Salinity and Sodicity in Turf Root Zones. Agronomy Journal. 105:836-844.
Ganjegunte, G.K., Z. Sheng, and J.A. Clark. 2013. Soil Salinity and Sodicity Appraisal by
Electromagnetic Induction in Irrigated Cotton Soils. Land Degradation & Development. (Accepted, In
Press, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1162).
Goemans, C., J.-C. Altamirano-Cabrera, L. Wangler, and H.-P. Weikard. Political Economy of International Environmental Agreements, in Jason F. Shogren (ed. in chief), Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics Vol. 3, London, UK: Elsevier (2013), 300-305.
Goemans, C., T. L. Cherry and S. Cotton. Heterogeneity, Coordination and the Provision of Best-Shot Public Goods, forthcoming in Experimental Economics.
Goemans, C., T. Cherry, S. Kallbekken, and D. M. McEvoy. Cooperation in and out of Markets: An Experimental Comparison of Public Good Games and Markets with Externalities, Economics Letters 2013, 120/1, 93-96.
Goemans, C., M. Costanigro, D. Thilmany and M. Bunning Is it Love for Local/Organic or Hate for Conventional? Asymmetric Effects of Information and Taste on Label Preferences in an Experimental Auction, Food Quality and Preferences 2014, 31/1, 94-105.
Goemans, C., J. A. List, and C. F. Mason. The Prisoners Dilemma in a Two-Level Game: An Experimental Investigation, in John List and Michael Price (eds.), Handbook of Experimental Methods in Environmental Economics, Edgar Elgar (2013), 458-481.
Goemans, C., J. Pritchett, and R. Nelson. 2013. "2012 Drought in Colorado: Estimtes of Foregone Revenues Indirect and Induced Economic Activity for the Crops Sector" ." Production and Farm Management Report 13-01. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University. Available at http://webdoc.agsci.colostate.edu/DARE/PFMR/PFMR%2013-03.pdf. 5 pp.
Griffin, R.C., D.E. Peck and J. Maestu. 2013. Introduction: myths, principles and issues in water trading. In J. Maestu (ed.) Water Trading and Global Water Scarcity: International Experiences. New York, NY: RFF Press.
Hans, L., C. Goemans, and S. Kroll. 2013. "Impacts of Information on Household Water Use and Responsiveness to Utility Pricing Policies: An Experimental Analysis." Colorado Water. March/April. Volume 29, Issue 2. pp. 15-17.
Hansen, K. 2013. Economic Issues Related to Water Resources and Drought. UW Extension Drought Workshop. Gillette, WY and Upton, WY. (March 21 and 22, 2013).
Hansen, K. 2013. Upper Green River Conservation Exchange: Market-Based Conservation Mechanism. Conservation Finance Forum sponsored by UW Ruckelshaus Institute, The Strook Forum on Wyoming Lands and People, and The Nature Conservancy (April 2013).
Hansen, K., R. Howitt, and J. Williams. 2013. Water Trades in the Western United States: Risk, Speculation, and Property Rights. In Water Trading and Global Water Scarcity: International Perspectives, ed. J. Maestu. New York: RFF Press Water Policy Series, pp. 55-67.
Hansen, K., A. Jakle, and M. Hogarty. 2013. Market-Based Wildlife Mitigation in Wyoming: A Primer. Laramie, Wyoming: University of Wyoming Ruckelshaus Institute.
Hansen, K., J. Kaplan, and S. Kroll. 2013. Valuing Options in Water Markets: A Laboratory Investigation. Environmental and Resource Economics, forthcoming.
Hansen, K., G. Paige, and R. Coupal. 2013. Payment for Ecosystem Services Market in the Upper Green River Basin. University of Wyoming Field Days Bulletin.
Hines, S., P.Joel, and G. Taylor. Snapshot of Agribusiness in the Magic Valley Economy, 2010. University of Idaho. Dec 2012.
Hines, St., J. Packham, and G. Taylor. Contribution of Agribusiness to the Magic Valley Economy, 2010. University of Idaho Extension CIS 1193. Jan. 2013.
Hines, S. J. Packham, G. Taylor. Contribution of agribusiness to Idahos Magic Valley economy. Western Region NACAA October 15, 2012 Twin Falls, Idaho
Honey-Roses, J., Acuna, W., Bardina, M., Brozovic, N, Marce, R., Munne, A., Sabater, S., Termes, M., Valero, F., Vega, A., and Schneider, D., 2013, Examining the demand for ecosystem services: The value of stream restoration for drinking water treatment managers in the Llobregat River, Spain, Ecological Economics, v. 90:196-205, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.03.019.
Hurd, B. (2012). Climate Vulnerability and Adaptive Strategies along the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Border of Mexico and the United States, Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education. Dec (149:56-63).
Hurd, B. H. (2013). Climate vulnerability and adaptive strategies along the Rio Grande, Presented at the Universities Council on Water Resources Annual Conference, Presented at the Universities Council on Water Resources Annual Conference, Water Systems, Science, and Society Under Global Change, South Lake Tahoe, CA, June 12, 2013.
Hurd, B. H. (2013). Lectures on Water Resources and Climate Change. Presented at the Clim-Adapt Workshop. Bangkok, Thailand, Mar 11-15, 2013.
Hurd, B. H. (2013). Acequia Perspectives on Climate-Change and Population Growth and the Perspectives of Preparedness and Adaptation, Presented at the Symposium and Workshop: Acequias and the Future of Resilience in Global Perspective, Session 2: Data Integration and Modeling the Interplay of Social, Cultural, Economic, and Environmental Factors in an Acequia Community. Las Cruces, NM, Mar 2, 2013.
Hurd, B. and C. Lant (2013). Managing Water, Energy and Food in an Uncertain World. Journal of Contemporary Research and Education. Aug (151:1-2)
Hurd, B., and M. Rouhi-Rad (2012). Estimating economic effects of changes in climate and water availability, Climatic Change, DOI:10.1007/s10584-012-0636-9.
Iles, J., L. Wolfson and K. Stepenuck. 2012. Challenges and Opportunities with Developing Volunteer Water Monitoring Programs in Underserved Communities-Lessons Learned from a Three State Regional Project. Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference, Portland, OR, May.
Johnson, D., J.R. McKean, and G.Taylor. "Testing for Endogeneneity Bias in the Snake River Reservoirs Sportfishing Demand Model". Special Session Non-Market Valuation in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem Research North American Association of Fisheries Economists (NAAFE), St. Petersburg, Florida, May 21-24, 2013
Johnston, C.R., G.F. Vance, and G.K. Ganjegunte. 2013. Soil Property Changes Following Irrigation with
CBNG Water: Role of Water Treatments, Soil Amendments, and Land Suitability. Land Degradation and
Development. 24:350-362.
Jones, JR and DV Obrecht. 2013. Lake of the Ozarks: analysis of a long-term dataset. Presented at the International Society of Limnology meeting. Prague.
Jones, JR and DV Obrecht. 2013. Lake of the Ozarks: analysis of a long-term dataset. Presented at the North American Lake Management meeting. San Diego.
Juchems, E. M. and K. Schoengold (2013) Predicting Groundwater Trading in the Upper Republican Natural Resource District Cornhusker Economics.
Kline-Robach, R., L. Wolfson, and J. Asher. 2012. Development of a Web-based Program to Encourage Adoption of Green Practices. Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference, Portland, OR, May.
Kovacs, K. Conserving Groundwater Supply in the Arkansas Delta using On-Farm Reservoirs. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2013
Kovacs, K. Conserving Groundwater Supply in the Arkansas Delta using On-Farm Reservoirs. SERA35: Delta Region Farm Management and Agricultural Policy Working Group, Vicksburg, MS, 2013
Kovacs, K. Preserving the Quantity and Quality of Water in the Arkansas Delta. Poster, 57th Annual Rural Life Conference, Pine Bluff, AR, 2013
Kovacs, K. Preserving the Quantity and Quality of Water in the Arkansas Delta. Poster, Arkansas Water Resources Center Annual Watershed and Research Conference, Fayetteville, AR, 2013.
Kovacs, K., M. Popp, K. Brye. "Conserving Groundwater Supply in the Arkansas Delta using On-Farm Reservoirs." Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2013 Annual Meeting, Selected Paper.
Kuwayama, Y. and Brozovic, N., 2013, The regulation of a spatially heterogeneous externality: tradable groundwater permits to protect instream flows, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.jeem.2013.02.004.
Lacewell, R. D., M. E. Rister, E. K. Seawright, A. W. Sturdivant, J. A. Goolsby,2013. Arundo donax: Rio Grande Water Hog, presentation at annual meeting of the University Council on Water Resources, June 2013,Lake Tahoe, CA. Proceedings abstract.
Lacewell, Ronald D., Robert Taylor, M. Edward Rister and Emily K. Seawright. 2013. Corn for Ethanol:
Irrigation Water Per Gallon. presentation at annual meeting of the University Council on Water
Resources, June 2013,Lake Tahoe, CA. Proceedings abstract.
Legge, J., P.J. Doran, M. Herbert, J. Asher, G. ONeil, S. Mysorekar, S. Sowa and K. Hall. 2013. From model outputs to conservation action: Prioritizing locations for implementing agricultural best management practices in a Midwestern watershed. doi:10.2489/jswc.68.1.22. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. Jan/Feb 2013-Vol. 68. No. 1, pp. 22-33.
Lentz, A., Ando, A.W. and Brozovic, N., 2013, Water quality trading with lumpy investments, credit stacking, and ancillary benefits, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1-18, DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12117.
Madani, K. and A. Dinar, Exogenous Regulatory Institutions for Sustainable Common Pool Resource Management: Application to Groundwater, Water Resources & Economics, (Accepted August 13, 2013).
Marek, T., S. Amosson, and B. Guerrero. 2013. 2016 Panhandle Regional Water Plan Task
2 Report: Agricultural Water Demand Projections. Revised technical contract report for Freese and
Nichols to the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission for the Texas Water Development Board,
Austin, TX. 17p.
McCann, L and J. Arocha. Behavioral Economics and the Design of a Dual Flush Toilet. Journal of the American Water Works Association.
McCann, L. and D. Garrick. Transaction Costs and Policy Design for Water Markets. In Water Markets for the 21st Century: What We Have Learned, K. William Easter, Qiuqiong Huang, eds.
McKean, J. R., D. Johnson, R.G. Taylor. Estimating Tournament Effects on Sportfishing Demand. Tourism Economics. Aug 2014.
McKean, J. R., D. Johnson, and R.G. Taylor. Three approaches to time valuation in recreation demand: A study of the Snake River recreation area in eastern Washington. J. Environmental Management 112 (2012) 321-329.
McKean, J. , D. Johnson, and R. G. Taylor "Location Value in Recreation Demand with Latent Variable. Western Regional Science Association 51st annual meeting Feb 2012. Kauai, Hawaii
Michaletz, P. H., D. V. Obrecht, J. R. Jones. 2012. Influence of environmental variables and species interactions on sport fish communities in small Missouri impoundments. North Amer. J. of Fisheries Manage. 32:6, 1146-1159.
Michelsen, A.M. 2013. Mega Cities World-wide: Population, Growth, Water Use and Water Resources
Challenges. Water for Mega Cities: Challenges and Solutions, International Specialty Conference,
American Water Resources Association and Beijing Hydraulic Engineering Society. Beijing, China.
September 16-18.
Michelsen, A.M. 2013. Allocation of River Basin Water. 2013 Annual Conference of the Yangtze River
Watershed Collaboration Network for Water Resources Research. Xining, Qinghai Province, China.
Ministry of Water Resources. Invited.
Michelsen, A.M. 2013. Water Conservation Collaboration and Accomplishments of the Rio Grande Basin
Initiative. Rio Grande Basin Initiative Summary Meeting. San Antonio, TX. April 16, 2013. Invited.
Michelsen, A.M. 2013. Integrated Water Resources Management: Evolution and 6th World Water Forum
Results. IWRM Webinar, American Water Resources Association. April 9, 2013.
Michelsen, A.M., R.J. Johnston, and G. Parsons. 2013. Beach Management Strategies Economic
Assessment. American Water Resources Association Annual Conference. Portland, OR, Nov. 4-7, 2013.
Michelsen, A.M., R.J. Johnston, and G. Parsons. 2013. Economic Assessment of Delaware Bay Beach
Management Strategies. Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water
Resources Annual Conference. Lake Tahoe, NV, June 11-13. Abstract.
Michelsen, A.M., R.D. Lacewell, J.P. Nicot and T. Grimshaw. 2013. Environmental and Related Impacts
of Shale Gas Development: Case Study of the Barnett Shale Play. American Water Resources Association
Annual Conference. Portland, OR, Nov. 4-7, 2013. Abstract.
Michelsen, A.M. and R.D. Lacewell. 2013. Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing Water Resources Economic
Values. Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources Annual
Conference. Lake Tahoe, NV, June 11-13. Abstract.
Michelsen, A. M., R. D. Lacewell, G. Bitner, and T. Allen. 2013. Environmental and Related Impacts of Shale Gas Development: Case Study of the Barnett Shale - Water Economics. Prepared for: The Energy Institute, Flawn Academic Center, FAC 428, 2 West Mall, C2400, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712.
Morgan, T. et al. Idaho Forest Products Industry Current Conditions and 2012 Forecast. Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station. Bulletin 96 Jan. 2012.
Nelson R., C. Goemans and J. Pritchett. 2012. "Farmer Resiliency Under Drought Conditions." Production and Farm Management Report 13-02. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University. Available at http://webdoc.agsci.colostate.edu/DARE/PFMR/PFMR%2013-02.pdf . 4 pp.
Nelson, R., C. Goemans and J. Pritchett. 2013. "Farmer Resiliency Under Drought Conditions." Colorado Water. May/June 2013. Volume 30, Issue 3. pp 2-4.
Ochoa, C., Tidwell, V., Fernald, A., Guldan, S. J., Hurd, B. H., Rivera, J., Rodriguez, S., Steele, C., Wilson, J. (2012). "A System Dynamics Approach for Looking at the Human and Environmental Interactions of Community-based Irrigation Systems in New Mexico, Presented to the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, Dec. 3-7, 2012.
Ortiz Correa J. S. and A. Dinar, Effects of Civil War on Access to Water and Sanitation Services. Paper presented at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) section of the Allied Social Science Association Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 5-8, 2013.
Paige, G. and K. Hansen. 2013. Upper Green River Conservation Exchange: Policy Issues and Data Needs for Riparian Function Quantification Tool. State Engineers Office State Water Forum. Cheyenne, WY (November 2013).
Patrone, F., and A. Dinar (Guest Editors), Special Issue of Game Theory Applications to Global and International Issues. International Game Theory Review 14(4), 2013.
Patrone F. and A. Dinar, Strategic Behavior in Global and International Interactions, Interna-tional Game Theory Review, 14(4):1-4, 2013.
Peck, D.E. and J.M. Peterson. 2013. Introduction to the special issue on Climate Variability and Water-Dependent Sectors: Impacts and Potential Adaptations Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 5(2-3):73-77.
Peterson, J.M. and A.E. Saak. "Spatial Externalities in Aquifers with Varying Thickness: Theory and Numerical Results for the Ogallala Aquifer." Selected Paper at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, August 4-6, 2013.
Pittman, B., J. R. Jones, J. Millspaugh, R. J. Kremer and J. A. Downing. 2013. Sediment organic carbon distribution in 4 small northern Missouri impoundments: implications for sampling and carbon sequestration. Inland Waters 3:39-46.
Pritchett, J., Goemans, C. and R. Nelson. 2013. " Adaptations to Drought: Evidence from and Ag producer Survey." Production and Farm Management Report 13-01. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University. Available at http://webdoc.agsci.colostate.edu/DARE/PFMR/PFMR%2013-01.pdf. 7 pp.
Quall, R. and G. Taylor. Climate Change Impacts on Idahos Irrigation Water Supply and Delivery in the Context of Water Rights. special issue in Journal of Natural Resource Policy Research on Climate Variability and Water-Dependent Sectors July 2013
Quintana A., N.E. and J.M. Peterson. "The Impact of Irrigation Capital Subsidies on Common-pool Groundwater Use and Depletion: Results for Western Kansas." Selected Paper at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Summer Conference, Banff, Alberta, June 6-8, 2013.
Rahman, S. M., D. F. Larson, and A. Dinar, Costs of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Abatement un-der the Clean Development Mechanism, Climate Change Economics, (Accepted July 23, 2013).
Rango, A., Fernald, A., Steele, C. M., Hurd, B. H., Ochoa, C. (2013). Acequias and the effects of climate change. Journal of Contemporary Research and Education. Aug (151:84-94).
Schaible, G. D. 2012. Water Conservation in Irrigated Agriculture: Trends and Challenges (October 24). An Invited Presentation at the Agricultural Policy Roundtable on Modern Agricultural Policy with Reduced Spending, sponsored by Informa Economics, Arlington, VA.
Schaible, G. D. 2012. U.S. Irrigated Agriculture: Trends and Challenges in the Face of Emerging Demands and Climate Change (October 17). An Invited Presentation at the Public Symposium on Water Policy in the West, sponsored by the Water Science and Policy Center, University of California, Riverside and the Regional Research Committee on Western Water, W2190.
Schaible, G. D. 2013. Western Irrigated Agriculture (June). An ERS Data Product of 158 Excel tables (with Documentation and Summary reports) evaluating irrigation characteristics by farm-size class for the 17 Western States based on USDAs 2008 and 1998 Farm & Ranch Irrigation Surveys.
Schaible, G. D. and M. P. Aillery. 2013. Western Irrigated Agriculture: Production Value, Water Use, Costs, and Technology Vary by Farm Size, Amber Waves Data Feature, (September).
Schaible, G. D. and M. P. Aillery. 2013. U.S. Irrigated Agriculture and Water-Scarcity: Implications for a Sustainable Future. An Invited Presentation at the 2013 AAEA meetings for the Special Session entitled Will Water Become a More Limiting Resource for Food Production, Washington, DC, August 4-6, 2013. [Session Organizer: Glenn D. Schaible; Presentors: Lester Brown, Glenn Schaible, and Mark Rosegrant; Discussant: Arial Dinar; Moderator: Noel Gollehon]
Schaible, G. D., M. P. Aillery and S. Wallander. 2013. Served as ERS Representatives on the NASS Interagency Workgroup that developed the 2013 Farm & Ranch Irrigation Survey (FRIS). [Revised FRIS and integrated FRIS and NASSs Horticultural Surveys.]
Schmidt, R.D., L. Stodick, G. Taylor and B. Contor. Hydro-Economic Modeling of Boise Basin Water Management Responses to Climate Change. Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, Research
Schmidt, R.D., L. Stodick, G. Taylor and B. Contor. Hydro-Economic Modeling of Management Responses to Climate Change in the Boise River Basin. American Water Research Association Annual Meeting Portland OR Nov. 2013
Schoengold, K. "The Impact of Ad-hoc Disaster Programs on the Use of Risk-Reducing Conservation Practices" Kansas State University (April 2013).
Schoengold, K. "Water Resource Economics", Nebraska Water Leaders Academy (May 2013).
Schoengold, K. "Predicting Groundwater Trading Participation in the Upper Republican Natural Resource District", Nebraska Water Center annual conference (October 2013).
Schoengold, K., P. Shrestha, and M.E. Eiswerth. 2013. The Joint Impact of Drought Conditions and Media Coverage on the Colorado Rafting Industry. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 5:2-3: 183-198.
Schuster, E., and B. Colby, Farm And Ecological Resilience To Water Supply Variability, Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, in press 2013.
Serbina, L. and C. Goemans. 2013. "Describing and Quantifying Profit Risk Producers Face When Adopting Water Conserving Cropping Systems." Colorado Water. May/June 2013. Volume 30, Issue 3. pp 5-7.
Sheng, Z., A.M. Michelsen, Y. Liu, B. Mohanty and A. Granados-Olivas. 2013. Simulation of Surface
Water and Groundwater Interaction in the El Paso-Juarez Valley Using the RiverWare Groundwater
Objects. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE-EWRI. Cincinnati, OH. May 19-
Shi, Y., J. Bartholic. 2012. Institute of Water Research, Michigan State University, Managing Water Resources through Virtual Organizations. The Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute Research Centre, India, Indo-US Workshop on Emerging Issues in Water Management for Sustainable Agriculture in South Asia Region, Dec. 10-12, 2009, Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu, India. In Proceedings, Ch. 5, pp. 45-56.
Shi, Y. 2012. Mobile Technologies presented at the Midwest Spatial Decision Support System Partnership Conference in Chicago, IL, July 9-10.
Shi, Y., J. MacDonald-Dumler, J. Bartholic, G. ONeil, J. Asher. 2012. Institute of Water Research, Michigan State University, Decision Support Tools for Watershed Management A U.S. Experience. Chapter in Proceedings from the Indo-US Workshop on Emerging Issues in Water Management for Sustainable Agriculture in South Asia Region, Dec. 10-12, 2009, Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu, India. Ch. 4, pp. 37-44.
Singh, D.V., V.N. Sharda, V. Selvi, J. Bartholic, and K. Maredia (eds). 2012. Water Management for Sustainable Agriculture: Indo-US Experiences. Jointly published by CSWCRTI, Research Centre, Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu, India and Michigan State University, East Lansing, U.S.A. 318 p.
Smith, C.M., J.C. Leatherman, J.M. Peterson, J.M. Crespi, and J. D. Roe. BMPs For Sale! Implications from a Case Study in BMP Auctions. The Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy 42(December 2012): 151-161.
Smith, C.M., J.M. Peterson, J.C. Leatherman, and J.R. Williams. A Simulation of Factors Impeding Water Quality Trading. The Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy. 42(December 2012): 162-176.
Sun, Y., G. Niu, P. Osuna, G. Ganjegunte, D. Auld , L. Zhao, J. Gardea-Torresdey, and J. Peralta. 2013. Seedling emergence and Growth of Ricinus communis L. Cultivars Irrigated with Saline Solution. Industrial Crops and Products.49:75-80.
Suter. J.F., J.M. Spraggon, and G.L. Poe. 2013. Thin and Lumpy: an Experimental Investigation of Water Quality Trading. Water Resources and Economics 1: 36-60.
Suter, J.F., and C.A. Vossler. Forthcoming. Towards an Understanding of the Performance of Ambient Tax Mechanisms in the Field: Evidence from Upstate New York Dairy Farmers. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Taylor, C. R. and R. D. Lacewell. 2013. Playing Chicken with Environmental & Health Risks: Litigation Over Phosphorus Pollution & Bacteria in the Scenic Illinois River Watershed of Oklahoma. presentation at annual meeting of the University Council on Water Resources, June 2013,Lake Tahoe, CA. Proceedings abstract.
Taylor, C. R., R. Rodriguez-Kabana, and R. D. Lacewell. 2013. Visions of Food & Agricultural Systems for the Future. presentation at annual meeting of the University Council on Water Resources, June 2013,Lake Tahoe, CA. Proceedings abstract.
Taylor, G., R.D. Schmidt, L. Stodick, and B. Contor. A Partial Equilibrium Model of Hydrologic Externalities" International Water Resource Economics Consortium 10th Annual Meeting with World Water Week. Stockholm, Sweden. Aug. 2012.
Taylor, R. G., L. Stodick B. Contor, R D Schmidt. Modeling Conjunctive Water Use as a Reciprocal Externality" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2014.
Watson, P. and G. Taylor. Impacts and Benefit of Prior Appropriations Based Water Calls: A Constrained Nested CGE Analysis. Western Regional Science Association 52st annual meeting. Santa Barbara CA Feb 2013.
White, R. and M. Brady. Consumer Willingness to Pay for Meat Production Practices that Reduce Environmental Impact, a Meta-Analysis. Presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association, July 8-12, 2013.
Wolfson, L., 2012. Multiple Impacts on Michigan Waters Possible Due to Climate Change. Lake Effect. Michigan Chapter, North American Lake Management Society. June, Pages: 2, 6.
Yoder, J. 2012. Water rights, markets, and prices: helping water flow toward high valued use. Invited presentation, 5th Annual Meeting and Symposium, Washington State Academy of Sciences, September 20. Seattle, WA.
Yoder, J., A. Ohler, and H. Chouinard. 2012. What floats your boat? Preference revelation from lotteries over complex goods. Invited seminar, Department of Economics, University of Nevada, Reno. April 20.
Allen, Thomas, Ronald Lacewell and Michele Zinn. 2014. Water Value and Economic Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing: Eagle Ford Shale. Texas Water Resources Institute TR-466.
Allen, Thomas. 2014. Texas A&M Undergraduate Scholar Program. Thesis: Water Value and Environmental Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing: Eagle-Ford Shale. Outstanding Texas A&M University Undergraduate Thesis for 2014.
Ashraf, A., A. Dinar, E. Monteiro, and T. Gaston, Science and Economic Aspects of Impact of and Adaptation to Climate Change Induced Water Scarcity in Western US Agricul-ture, University of California Water Science and Policy Center, Working Paper 01-0214, January 2014
Azzam, A., G. Nene, and K. Schoengold "Does Environmental Regulation Hinder Hog Production Expansion? The Answer is More Complicated than the Question", Cornhusker Economics (September 2014).
Azzam, A., Nene, G. and Schoengold, K. (2014), "Hog Industry Structure and the Stringency of Environmental Regulation" Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. doi: 10.1111/cjag.12053
Baerenklau, K., K. Schwabe, and A. Dinar, Residential Water Demand Effect of Increasing Block Rate Water Budgets, Land Economics, (Accepted for Publication, February 5, 2014).
Bartholic, J. 2013. Spatial Decision Support Systems - Partnerships: Managing Land Use for Sustainability. Honored Invited Presenter at the 2013 International Conference on Water Sustainability in Arid Regions held at Lanzhou University in Lanzhou, Peoples Republic of China. 12-14 August, 36 pp, in Proceedings.
Bartholic, J. 2013. Managing Water Resources to Protect Ecologic Services with Increased Uncertainty. Invited: Presented at 2013 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference on Sustaining Water Resources and Ecological Functions in Changing Environments. Lake Tahoe, CA, 11-13 June. In Proceedings, Session 3: Policy for Water Supply Management.
Bartholic, J. 2013. Professional and Multi-generational Interdisciplinary Water Resources Education. Invited as Plenary speaker: Presented at 2013 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference on Sustaining Water Resources and Ecological Functions in Changing Environments. Lake Tahoe, CA, 11-13 June. In Proceedings, Plenary Session IV: Interdisciplinary Water Resources Education.
Bartholic, J. 2013. White Paper at the request of The Honorable Governor Snyder. Water Strategy for Michigan: Agricultural Expansion and Water Resource Protection. Prepared for integration into the Governor's Plan on Water for the State. Submitted September, 11 pp.
Benson, Charles, P. Watson, R. G. Taylor, P. Cook, S. Hollenhorst. Who Visits a National Park and What do They Get Out of It?: A Joint Visitor Cluster Analysis and Travel Cost Model for Yellowstone National Park. Environmental Management. 52(2) 917-928, 2013.
Bhagyam Chandrasekharan and Bonnie Colby, “Electricity Load Forecasting Improvements as a Climate Change Adaptation”, Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 2013.
Blankespoor, B., Alan Basist, A. Dinar, S. Dinar, H. Houba, and N. Thomas, Assessing the Economic and Political Impacts of Climate Change on International River Basins Using Surface Wetness in the Zambezi and Mekong Basins, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Pa-per 14-005/II, January 2014 (http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2375157).
Botelho, A., A. Dinar, L. Pinto, and A. Rapoport, Time and Uncertainty in Resource Dilemmas: Equilibrium Solutions and Experimental Results, Experimental Economics, (Accepted for Publication, December 23, 2013), January, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s10683-013-9388-2.
Brozovi?, N., and Young, R., 2014, Design and implementation of markets for groundwater pumping rights, in Water Markets for the 21st Century: What Have We Learned? (eds. K. Easter and Q. Huang).
Bulatewicz, T., D. Andresen, S. Auvenshine, J.M. Peterson, and D.R. Steward. “A Distributed Data Component for the Open Modeling Interface. Environmental Modelling and Software 57(July 2014): 138-151. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.02.017
Caldas, M.M., J.S. Bergtold, J.M. Peterson, R.W. Graves, D. Earnhart, S. Gong, B. Lauer, and J.C. Brown. “Factors Affecting Farmers’ Willingness to Grow Alternative Biomass Feedstocks for Biofuels across Kansas,” Biomass and Bioenergy 66(July 2014): 223-231. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.04.009
Colby, Bonnie, George Frisvold and Matthew Mealy, “Reallocating Climate Risks Through Water Trading”, Chapter 16 in Handbook of Water Economics, 2014.
Colby, Bonnie, “Innovative Water Transactions to Meet Urban and Environmental Demands in the Face of Climate Change” Chapter 10 in Innovations in Water Markets, William Easter, editor, Springer book series on Global Issues in Water Policy, 2014.
Contor, B. A. and Taylor, R. G. Why Improving Irrigation Efficiency Increases Total Volume of Consumptive Use. Irrigation and Drainage, 62(3) 273–280. July 2013 doi: 10.1002/ird.1717
Demissie, Y., Valocchi, A., Cai, X., Brozovi?, N., Senay, G., and Gebremichael, M., 2014, Parameter estimation for groundwater models under uncertain forcing data, Groundwater, DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12235.
Dinar, A., Water and Economy-Wide Policy Interventions, Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics, (Accepted for publication, May 12, 2014), 10(2):85–164, 2014.
ERS, California Drought 2014: Farm and Food Impacts.An ERS webpage assessing exposure to drought across California, at: http://ers.usda.gov/topics/in-the-news/california-drought-2014-farm-and-food-impacts.aspx#.VEQi0fnF98E .
Fortin, Connie and N. Mulhern. 2013. Michigan’s Winter Maintenance Manual: Promoting Safe Roads and Clean Water. Edited by Lois Wolfson, MSU Extension, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 45pp. This work was supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Foster, T., Brozovi?, N., and Butler, A.P., 2014, Modeling irrigation behavior in groundwater systems, Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015620.
Ganjegunte, G.K., Z. Sheng, and J.A. Clark. 2014. Soil Salinity and Sodicity Appraisal by Electromagnetic Induction in Irrigated Cotton Soils. Land Degradation & Development. 25:228-235.
Goemans, C. and J. Pritchett. 2014. “Western Water Markets: Effectiveness and Efficiency.” in K.W. Easter and Q. Huang, Water Markets for the 21st. Century: What have we learned? Springer.
Guilfoos T., Khanna N., Pape A. Groundwater Management: The Effect of Water Flows on Welfare Gains, Ecological Economics 95 (2013): 31-40.
Hansen, K. (forthcoming). “Water Markets from Theory to Practice.” In Handbook of Water Economics, eds. A. Dinar and K. Schwabe. Edward Elgar. (Publication anticipated for 2015.)
Hansen, K., R. Howitt, and J. Williams (forthcoming). “An Econometric Test of Water Market Institutions.” Natural Resources Journal 55(1).
Hansen, K., J. Kaplan, and S. Kroll. 2014. “Valuing Options in Water Markets: A Laboratory Investigation.” Environmental and Resource Economics 57(1):59-80.
Honey-Rosés, J., Schneider, D.W., and Brozovi?, N., 2014, Changing ecosystem services values following technological change. Environmental Management, v. 53(6), 1146-1157, DOI: 10.1007/s00267-014-0270-6.
Harden, C.P., A. Chin, M.R. English, R. Fu, K.A. Galvin, A.K. Gerlak, P.F. McDowell, D.E. McNamara, J.M. Peterson, N.L. Poff, E.A. Rosa, W.D. Solecki, and E.E. Wohl. “Understanding Human-Landscape Interactions in the ‘Anthropocene’.” Environmental Management 53(2014): 4-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00267-013-0082-0
Hearne, R. S. Shakya, and Q. Yin. Forthcoming. “The Value of Fracking Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Technologies in North Dakota.” Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination.
Hearne, R. and G. Donoso. 2014. Water Markets in Chile: Are They Meeting Needs?. In K.W. Easter and Q. Huang (eds.), Water Markets for the 21st Century: What Have We Learned?, Global Issues in Water Policy 11, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9081-96,Springer. Dordrecht.
Jiang Y., A. Dinar and P. Hellegers, Economics of Social Trade-off: Abatement Level vs. Ecosystem Damage, Water Science and Policy Center Working Paper 01-1113, November 2013.
Jones J, Brett MT. 2014. Lake nutrients, eutrophication, and climate change. In: Freedman B, editor. Global environmental change. Dordrecht (Netherlands): Springer. p. 273–279.
Joshi, V., Garcia y Garcia, and K. Hansen. 2014. “Deficit Irrigation of Confection Sunflowers.” University of Wyoming 2014 Field Days Bulletin.
Kahil, M. T., A. Dinar and J. Albiac, Modeling Water Scarcity and Drought Severity for Pol-icy Adaptation to Climate Change: Application to the Jucar Basin, Spain, University of California Water Science and Policy Center, Working Paper 01-0114, January 2014 (http://wspc.ucr.edu/working_papers/WSPC_WP_01_0114_policy%20climate%20change%20jucar%20basin.pdf).
Kovacs, K., M. Popp, K. Brye, G. West. “On-Farm Reservoir Adoption in the Presence of Spatially Explicit Groundwater Use and Recharge.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, forthcoming.
Kovacs, K., E. Wailes, G. West, J. Popp, K. Bektemirov. 2014. “Optimal Spatial-Dynamic Management of Groundwater Conservation and Surface Water Quality with On-Farm Reservoirs.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 46(4): 1-29.
Legge, J.T., P.J. Doran, M.E. Herbert, J. Asher, G. O'Neil, S. Mysorekar, S. Sowa, and K.R. Hall. 2013. From model outputs to conservation action: Prioritizing locations for implementing agricultural best management practices in a Midwestern watershed. In Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 68(1):22-33. www.swcs.org.
Lentz, A., Ando, A.W. and Brozovi?, N., 2013, Water quality trading with lumpy investments, credit stacking, and ancillary benefits, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1-18, DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12117.
Li, J., H.A. Michael, J.M. Duke, K.D. Messer, and J.F. Suter. 2014. Impact of risk information in a spatially explicit groundwater environment with contamination risk: experimental evidence. Water Resources Research. 50: 6390–6405.
Liu, Z., J.F. Suter, J.M. Duke, K.D. Messer, and H.A. Michael. F2014. Laboratory Evidence on Strategic Investment in Accessing Groundwater Resources. Resource and Energy Economics.38: 181-197.
Loomis, J. and J. McTernan. 2014. Economic Value of Instream Flow for Non-Commercial Whitewater Boating Using Recreation Demand and Contingent Valuation Methods. Environmental Management 53(3): 510-519.
McCann, Laura and Dustin Garrick. “Transaction Costs and Policy Design for Water Markets.” In: Water Markets for the 21st Century: What Have We Learned? Edited by K.W. Easter and Q.Q. Huang. Springer Netherlands. 2014. pp. 11-34.
McCann, Laura, Haluk Gedikoglu, Bob Broz, John Lory, and Ray Massey. “Effects of Observability and Complexity on Farmers’ Adoption of Environmental Practices.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, (In Press, Published on-line June 25, 2014)
McKean, J. R. Donn Johnson, R.G. Taylor. Estimating Tournament Effects on Sportfishing Demand. Tourism Economics. 2014, 20(4), 695-725 doi 10.5367/te.20130315.
Michelsen, A.M. and R.D. Lacewell. 2013. Environmental and Related Impacts of Shale Gas Development - Case Study of the Barnett Shale: Water Economics. Prepared for the Energy Institute, The University of Texas at Austin. 61p.
Palazzo, A., and Brozovi?, N., 2014, The role of groundwater trading in spatial water management, Agricultural Water Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2014.03.004.
Peck, D.E. and J.M. Peterson, Editors. Climate Variability and Water-Dependent Sectors: Impacts and Potential Adaptations. London: Taylor and Francis. 2015 (In press). http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9781138807334/
Peterson, J.M., C.M. Smith, John C. Leatherman, Nathan P. Hendricks, and John A. Fox. “Transaction Costs in Payment for Environmental Service Contracts.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2014. doi:10.1093/ajae/aau071.
Peterson, J.M., M. Caldas, J. Bergtold, B. Sturm, R. Graves, D. Earnhart, E. Hanley, and J. Brown. “Economic Linkages to Changing Landscapes.” Environmental Management 53 (2014): 55-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00267-013-0116-7
Pittman, B., J. R. Jones, J. Millspaugh, R. J. Kremer and J. A. Downing. 2013. Sediment organic carbon distribution in 4 small northern Missouri impoundments: implications for sampling and carbon
sequestration. Inland Waters 3:39-46.
Platts, B. and M.E. Grismer. 2014. Chloride levels increase after 13 years of recycled water use in the Salinas Valley. California Agriculture. 68(3): 68-74.
Platts, B. and M.E. Grismer. 2014. Rainfall leaching is critical for long-term use of recycled water in the Salinas Valley. California Agriculture. 68(3): 75-81.
Quall, Russ, Garth Taylor, Joel Hamilton, and Ayodeji Arogundade. Climate Change Opportunities for Idaho Irrigation Supply and Deliveries. ” Climate Variability and Water-Dependent Sectors: Impacts and Potential Adaptations. Eds J. Peterson and D. Peck, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. Oxford England 2014.
Quall, Russ, Garth Taylor, Joel Hamilton, and Ayodeji Arogundade. Climate Change Opportunities for Idaho Irrigation Supply and Deliveries. special issue in Journal of Natural Resource Policy Research “Climate Variability and Water-Dependent Sectors” 5(2-3) 91-105, 2013
Schaible, Glenn. "ERS Agricultural Normalized Price Estimates for 2014," Available at ERS webpage:
http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/normalized-prices.aspx#.VEQqYfnF98E .
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