S1048: Assessment of the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Common Agricultural Systems on Benchmark Soils Across the Southern Region Climate Gradie
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Hou, Ruixing, Zhu Ouyang, Yunsheng Li, D.D. Tyler, Fadong Li, G.V. Wilson. 2012. Effects of tillage and residue management on soil organic carbon in the North China plain. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 76:230-240, doi:10.2136/sssaj2011.0107.
Hou, Ruixing, Zhu Ouyang, Yusheng Li, and G.V. Wilson. 2012. Is the change of winter wheat yield under warming caused by shortened reproductive period? Ecology and Evolution, 2(12):2999-3008. DOI:10.1002/ece3.403.
Hubbard, R.K., T.C. Strickland, and S. Phatak. 2013. Effects of cover crop systems on soil physical properties and carbon/nitrogen relationships in the coastal plain of southeastern USA. Soil & Tillage Research 126:276-283.
Knoll, J.E., W.F. Anderson, R. Malik, R.K. Hubbard, and T.C. Strickland. 2013. Production of Napiergrass as a Bioenergy Feedstock Under Organic Versus Inorganic Fertilization in the Southeast USA. Bioenerg. Res. DOI 10.1007/s12155-013-9328-1
Krueger, E.S., T.E. Ochsner, J.M. Baker, P.M. Porter, and D.C. Reicosky. 2012. Ryecorn silage double-cropping reduces corn yield but improves environmental impacts. Agron. J. 104:888-896.
Strickland, T.C., T.L. Potter, C.C. Truman, D.H. Franklin, D.D. Bosch, G.L. Hawkins. 2012. Results of rainfall simulation to estimate sediment-bound carbon and nitrogen loss from an Atlantic Coastal Plain (USA) ultisol. Soil & Tillage Research, 122:12-21