W1001: Population Change in Rural Communities
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Berry, E. Helen and Annabel Kirschner. The Changing Face of the American West: The Burgeoning Latino Population. Western Regional Development Center White Paper Policy Series, 2002.
Brown, David and Kai Schafft. 2003. Social Exclusion in Rural Areas of east-Central Europe. Eastern European Countryside. Vol. 9.
Fuguitt, Glenn V., Calvin L. Beale and Stephen L. Tordella. 2002.
"Recent Trends in Older Population Change and Migration for
Nonmetro Areas, 1970-2000." Rural America 17:11-19.
Glasgow, Nina and Alan Barton. 2003. Older Workers and Retirement in Rural Contexts. In William Falk, Michael Schulman, and Ann Tickamyer (eds.)Communities of Work. Athens: Ohio University Press.
Johnson, Ken. "Racial/Ethnic Diversification in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Population Change in the United States; Implications for Health Care Provision in Rural America." With S.H. Murdock, M. N. Hoque and M.A. McGehee. Journal of Rural Health 19(4): 425-432. 2003.
Johnson, Ken. "Nonmetro Recreation Counties: Their Identification and Rapid Growth." With C.L. Beale. Rural America.17(4):12-19. 2002.
Kirschner, Annabel. 2002. Washingtons Changing Age Structure. Washington Counts in the 21st Century. WSU Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1944E. December 2002. http://www.crs.wsu.edu/outreach/outreach.html.
Kirschner, Annabel. 2002. Washingtons Changing Age Structure. Washington Counts in the 21st Century. WSU Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1944E. December 2002.
Nelson, Peter, and Adam Sewall. 2003. "Regional Comparisons of Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Migration in the 1970s and 1980s: Age and Place Implications." The Professional Geographer 55: 83-99.
Rudzitis, Gundars. Environmental Visions and Effective Decisionmaking, in G. Kenins King (editor), Arm in Arm: Development and Socio-economic Change,(translated into Latvian), Business Partners Press, Riga: Latvia, 2002, pp.172-187.
Vias, A. C., Mulligan, G. F. and Molin, A. 2002. Economic Structure and Socioeconomic Change in Americas Micropolitan Areas, 1970-1997. Social Science Journal 32: 399-417.
von Reichert, Christiane. Returning and New Montana Migrants: Socioeconomic and Motivational Differences. Growth and Change. Vol 33 Winter 2002, pp 133-151.
Berry, E. Helen. 2005f. Rural Utah Ain't What it Used To Be. In Cathleen Zick (ed.), The Demographics of Utah. University of Utah Press.
Berry, E. Helen and Michael B. Toney. 2005f. Population and Environment. In Marvin Dolsch and Linda Deutschmann (eds.), Social Problems: A Case Study Approach, 2nd edition. General Hall Inc.
Brown, David L., and John Cromartie. 2003. In Tony Champion and Graeme Hugo(eds.), The Nature of Rurality in Post-Industrial Society, New Forms of Urbanization: Beyond the Urban-Rural Dichotomy. Adershot, England: Ashgate Publishing Company.
Brown, David L., John Cromartie, and Laszlo J. Kulcsar. 2004f. "Micropolitan Areas and the Measurement of American Urbanization." Population Research and
Policy Review. Vol. 23, no. 3.
Brown, David L., Laszlo J. Kulcsar, Laszlo Kulcsar, and Csilla Obadavics. 2004f. "Post-Socialist Restructuring and Population Redistribution in Hungary." Rural Sociology. 69(4).
Brown, David L. and Louis Swanson (eds.). 2003. Challenges for Rural America in the 21st Century. University Park: Penn State University Press.
Brown, David L. and Louis Swanson. 2003. In Brown and Swanson (eds.), "Rural
America Enters a New Millennium," Challenges for Rural America in the 21st Century. University Park: Penn State University Press.
Carruthers, J. and Vias, A.C. 2005f. Capturing Land-Use Effects in Regional
Adjustment Models. Journal of Regional Science.
Foulkes, Matt, and K. Bruce Newbold. 2004f. "In-migration, Residential Mobility, and Residential Instability in Impoverished Rural Illinois Places."
Environment and Planning A.
Glasgow, Nina. 2004. "Healthy Aging in Rural America." In Glasgow, Morton and
Johnson, (eds.), Critical Issues in Rural Health. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Publishing.
Glasgow, Nina. 2003. "Older Rural Families." In D.L. Brown and L.E. Swanson, (eds.), Challenges for Rural America in the Twenty-first Century. University
Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Glasgow, Nina, and Alan Barton. 2003. "Older Workers and Retirement in Rural
Contexts." In Falk, Schulman, and Tickamyer (eds.), Communities of Work. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press.
Glasgow, Nina, Nan E. Johnson and Lois Wright Morton. 2004. "Introduction." In
Glasgow, Morton and Johnson, (eds.), Critical Issues in Rural Health. Ames. Iowa: Blackwell Publishing.
Glasgow, Nina, Lois Wright Morton, and Nan E. Johnson, (eds.). 2004. Critical Issues in Rural Health. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Publishing.
Glasgow, Nina and David L. Brown. 2005f. Establishing New Ties: Social Integration among Older In-migrants in Nonmetropolitan Retirement Destination
Counties. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), The Population of Rural America: Demographic Research for a New Century. New York: Springer.
Haight, Robert G., David T. Cleland, Roger B. Hammer, Volker C. Radeloff and T. Scott Rupp. 2004f. Assessing Fire Risk in the Wild Land Urban Interface A
Landscape Ecosystem Approach. Journal of Forestry.
Hammer, Roger B. 2004f. The Geography of Residential and Employment Inequality: Female Employment and the Interaction of Space, Race, and Education. Critical Demography.
Hammer, Roger B., Volker C. Radeloff, Susan I. Stewart, Richelle Winkler, and Paul R. Voss. 2004. Characterizing Spatial and Temporal Residential Density
Patterns across the Midwest, 1940-1990. Landscape and Urban Planning 69(2-3):183-199.
Hammer, Roger B. and Richelle Winkler. 2005f. Affordable Housing in the North Woods. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), The Population of Rural America: Demographic Research for a New Century. New York: Springer.
Hunter, Lori, and Michael B. Toney. 2005f. Religion and Attitudes Toward the
Environment: A Comparison of Mormons and the General U.S. Population. The Social Science Journal, 42(2).
Johnson, Kenneth M. and Richard Rathge. Agricultural Dependence, Economic
Hardship, and Population Change in the Great Plains. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), The Population of Rural America: Demographic Research for a New Century. New York: Springer.
Kandel, William. 2004. Mexican Workers in U.S. Agriculture. In J. Durand and D.S. Massey (eds.), Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Kandel, William and David L. Brown (eds.). 2005f. The Population of Rural America: Demographic Research for a New Century. New York: Springer.
Kandel, William and John Cromartie. 2004. New Patterns of Hispanic Settlement in Rural America. Rural Development Research Report 99. Washington, DC: Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Kandel, William and Emilio Parrado. 2004. Industrial Transformation and Hispanic Migration to the American South: The Case of the Poultry Industry. In D. Arreola (ed.), Hispanic Spaces, Latino Places: A Geography of Regional and Cultural Diversity. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Kandel, William and Emilio Parrado. 2004. U.S. Industrial Transformation and New Latino Migration. Migration Information Source. Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute.
Kandel, William and Constance Newman. 2004. Rural Hispanics: Employment and
Residential Trends. Amber Waves 2(3): 38-45.
Kirschner, Annabel. 2003. Changing Conditions on the Olympic and Kitsap Peninsulas: 1990-2000. Pullman, WA: Washington State University. View at:
Kirschner, Annabel. 2004. Change in Income and Poverty in Washington State, 1989-99." EB1973e. Pullman, WA: Cooperative Extension, Washington State
University. View at: http://www.crs.wsu.edu/outreach/outreach.html.
Kirschner, Annabel, and E. Helen Berry. 2004. The Changing Face of the American
West: The Aging of the West. Logan, UT: Western Rural Development Center, Utah State University.
Kirschner, Annabel, E. Helen Berry, and Nina Glasgow. 2005f. The Changing Composition of Rural America: Age Race/Ethnicity and Sex. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), The Population of Rural America: Demographic Research for a New Century. New York: Springer.
Lee, Ji-yuan, Michael B. Toney, and E. Helen Berry. 2004. The Effects of Status Inconsistency between Spouses on Migration: Analysis of NLSY79 Couples. Korean Population Journal 26(2):197-219.
Lee, M.A. and J. Singelmann. 2005f. Welfare amidst Chronic Poverty in the
Mississippi Delta. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), The Population of Rural America: Demographic Research for a New Century. New York: Springer.
Morton, Lois Wright, Nina Glasgow and Nan E. Johnson. 2004. "Reaching the Goal:
Less Disparity, Better Rural Health." In N. Glasgow, L.W. Morton and N.E. Johnson (eds.), Critical Issues in Rural Health. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Publishing.
Nelson, P. 2005f. "Migration and the Spatial Redistribution of Nonearnings Income in the United States: Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Perspectives from 1975-2000." Environment and Planning A.
Nelson, P. 2005f. The Changing Role of Amenities in Nonmetropolitan Population Flows across Regions. In L. Moss (ed.), Global Perspectives on Amenity Migration. Santa Fe, NM: International Cultural Resources Institute.
Nelson, P. B., E. H. Stege, et al. 2004. "The Baby Boom and Nonmetropolitan Population Change, 1975-1990." Growth and Change 24(4): 526-544.
Radeloff, Volker C., Roger B. Hammer, and Susan I. Stewart. 2004f. Sprawl and forest fragmentation in the U.S. Midwest from 1940 to 2000. Conservation
Rathge, Richard, Carole Cochran and Kathy Moore. 2004. Family Economic Security for Rural Americans. Baltimore: Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Rudzitis, Gundars. 2005f. Gaming, Population Change and Rural Development on
Indian Reservations. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), The Population of Rural America: Demographic Research for a New Century. New York: Springer.
Rudzitis, Gundars. 2004. Indigenous Indian Populations, Racist Discourses and Ongoing Conflicts in the American Northwest. In Pierre Lafayette (ed.),
Exchange: Practices and Representations. Paris: University of Paris Press.
Rudzitis, Gundars, Christy Dearien and John Hintz. 2005f. The Role of Wilderness and Public Land Amenities in Explaining Migration and Rural Development in the American Northwest. In Gary Green (ed.), Amenities and Rural Development. Edgar Elgar Publishers.
Singelmann, Joachim, Theresa Davidson, and Rachel Reynolds. 2002. Welfare, Work, and Well-Being in Metro and Nonmetro Louisiana. Southern Journal of
Rural Sociology 18:21-47.
Stedman, Richard C., and Roger B. Hammer. 2004f. Environmental perception in a rapidly growing, amenity-rich region: The effects of lakeshore development on perceived water quality in Vilas County, Wisconsin. Society and Natural Resources.
Sterns, Ronni, Vincent Antenucci, Charles Nelson, and Nina Glasgow. 2003. Public Transportation: Options to Maintain Mobility for Life. Generations XXVII(2): 14-19.
Sterns, Ronni, Vincent Antenucci, Charles Nelson, and Nina Glasgow. 2003. Public Transportation Service Models, Generations XXVII(2): 20-22.
Sawnson, Louis and David L. Brown. 2003. "Challenges Become Opportunities: Trends and Policies Shaping the Future." In Brown and Swanson, (eds.),
Challenges for Rural America in the 21st Century. University Park: Penn State University Press.
Vias, A.C. and Nelson, P. 2005f. Restructuring, Globalization, and Altered
Livelihoods. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), The Population of Rural America: Demographic Research for a New Century. New York: Springer.
Vias, A.C. 2004. Bigger Stores, More Stores or No Stores: Paths of Retail
Restructuring in Rural America, 1988-1999. Journal of Rural Studies. 20(3): 303-318.
Vias, A.C. and Collins, C. 2003. Differential Population and Income Migration in the Great Plains.Great Plains Research 13(2): 231-53.
von Reichert, Christiane. 2005f. Community Evaluation and Migration Intentions: The Role of Attraction and Aversion to Place on the Northern Great Plains.In W. Kandel and D. Brown (eds.), The Population of Rural America: Demographic Research for a New Century. New York: Springer.
Voss, Paul R., Katherine C. White, and Roger B. Hammer. 2004. The (re-)emergenceof spatial demography. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.),
The Population of Rural America: Demographic Research for a New Century. New York: Springer.
Voss, Paul R., Daniel L. Veroff, and David D. Long. 2003. "Wisconsin's People: A Portrait of Wisconsin's Population on the Threshold of the 21st Century."
Feature article, 2003-2004 Blue Book compiled by the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau. Madison, WI: Wisconsin State Legislature, Joint Committee on Legislative Organization.
Ashley, ND; Eureka, SD; Ellendale, ND "To communities as part of the Northwest Area Foundation Horizons Program," June 2004.
Rathge, Richard. Presentation, Understanding the community in which you live: Grafton, ND; Red Lakes Falls, MN; Bagley, MN to communities as part of the Northwest Area Foundation Horizons Program, April 2004.
Rathge, Richard. Development of 6 page profiles for each of the following communities as part of the Northwest Area Foundation Horizons Program. Ashley, ND; Eureka, SD; Ellendale, ND; Grafton, ND; Red Lakes Falls, MN; Bagley, MN.
Rudzitis, Gundars. Presented, Protecting Amenities is a New Hot Strategy for Local Development, to the Icicle Valley Protection Alliance, Leavenworth, WA, July 2004.
Rudzitis, Gundars. Interview on Bullet Syndicate KOHO radio show Viewpoints, Leavenworth, WA, July 2004.
Rudzitis, Gundars. Wrote op-ed piece on amenities and local development that appeared in Leavenworth, WA and Wennachi, WA newspapers, 2004..
Rudzitis, Gundars. Co-wrote press release for Taxpayers for Common Sense, Washington, DC, on the role of protecting amenities in roadless areas as a local and federal development policy, June 2004.
Veroff, Daniel L. and Roger B. Hammer. Population and Housing Projections for Waupaca County. Madison: University of Wisconsin Applied Population Laboratory, 2004.
von Reichert, Christiane. Presentation, Analyzing Migration Intentions on the Northern Great Plains, Mathematics Seminar, University of Montana, November 2003.
Berry, E. Helen. In Press. Rural Utah Ain't What it Used to Be. In Cathleen Zick and Ken Smith (eds.) The Demography of Utah. Logan: University of Utah Press.
Brown, Daniel G., Kenneth M. Johnson, Thomas R. Loveland and David M. Theobald. 2005. Rural Land Use Trends in the Coterminous U.S. 1950-2000. Ecological Applications. 15(6): 1851-1863.
Brown, David L. and William Kandel. In Press. Rural America through a demographic lense. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Brown, David L., Laszlo J. Kulcsar, and Csilla Obabovics. 2005. Post-Socialist Restructuring and Population Redistribution in Hungary. Rural Sociology. 70(3): 336-359.
Brown, J. Brian, and Daniel T. Lichter. In Press. Childhood Disadvantage, Adolescent Development, and Prosocial Behavior in Early Adulthood. Advances in Life Course Research 11.
Carruthers, J. and Alexander C. Vias. 2005. Capturing Land-Use Effects in Regional Adjustment Models. Journal of Regional Science. 45(1): 21-48
Cromartie, John. 2006. Metropolitan Expansion and Nonmetropolitan Change in the South. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Crowley, Martha L., Daniel T. Lichter, and Zhenchao Qian. In Press. Beyond Gateway Cities: Economic Restructuring and Poverty among Mexican Immigrant Families and Children. Family Relations.
Fuguitt, Glenn V. 2005. Some Demographic Aspects of Rurality. The Shape of Social Inequality: Stratification and Ethnicity in Comparitive Perspective. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 22:73-90.
Gibbs, Robert, Lorin Kusmin and John Cromartie. 2005. Low-Skill Employment and the Changing Economy of Rural America. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Economic Research Report No. 10.
Glasgow, Nina and David L. Brown. 2005. Establishing New Ties: Social Integration among Older In-migrants in Nonmetropolitan Retirement Destination Counties. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Gustafson, Eric J., Roger B. Hammer, Volker C. Radeloff and Robert S. Potts. 2005. The relationship between environmental attitudes and human settlement patterns between 1980 and 2000 in the Midwestern USA. Landscape Ecology 20(7):773-789.
Hammer, Roger B. and Richelle Winkler (Senior authorship shared equally). 2005. Affordable Housing in the North Woods of Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Hawbaker, Todd J., Volker C. Radeloff, Roger B. Hammer, and Murray K. Clayton. 2005. Road Density and Landscape Pattern in Relation to Housing Density, and Ownership, Land Cover, and Soils. Landscape Ecology 20(5):609 -625.
Hawbaker, Todd J., Volker C. Radeloff, Charlotte E. Gonzalez-Abraham, Roger B. Hammer, and Murray K. Clayton. In Press. Changes in road density and landscape pattern in northern Wisconsin, USA: 1938-1998. Ecological Applications.
Hunter, Lori and Michael B. Toney. 2005. Religion and Attitudes Toward the Environment: A Comparison of Mormons and the General U.S. Population. The Social Science Journal 42(1):25-38.
Johnson, Kenneth M., Paul R. Voss, Roger B. Hammer, Glenn V. Fuguitt, and Scott McNiven. 2005. Temporal and Spatial Variation in Age-Specific Net Migration in the United States. Demography 42(4):791-812.
Johnson, Kenneth M. and Susan I. Stewart. 2005. Amenity Migration to Urban Proximate Counties. pp. 177-196 in G. P. Green, D. Marcouiller and S. Deller (eds.), Amenities and Rural Development: Theory, Methods and Public Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Johnson, Kenneth M., Al Nucci and Larry Long. In Press. Population Trends in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan America: Selective Deconcentration and the Rural Rebound. Population Research and Policy Review.
Johnson, Kenneth M. and Susan I. Stewart. In Press. Demographic Trends in National Forest, Recreational, Retirement and Amenity Areas. In: Linda Kruger, (ed.). Proceedings, Recreation Research and Management Workshop. General Technical Report PNW-xxx. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service Research, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
Johnson, Kenneth M. and Richard W. Rathge. 2005. Agricultural Dependence and Changing Population in the Great Plains. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Johnson, Kenneth M. and John Cromartie. 2005. The Rural Rebound and its Aftermath: Changing Dynamics and Regional Contrasts. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Kandel, William and Emilio Parrado. In Press. Hispanic Population Growth, Age Composition Shifts, and Public Policy Impacts in Nonmetrol Counties. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Kandel, William and Emilio Parrado. In Press. Hispanic Population Growth and Public School Response in Two New South Immigrant Destinations,. in The New South: Latinos and the Transformation of Place edited by H. Smith and O. Furuseth. Aldershot, England: Ashgate.
Kandel, William and Emilio Parrado. 2005. Restructuring of the US Meat Processing Industry and New Hispanic Migrant Destinations. Population and Development Review 31(3): 447-471.
Kirschner, Annabel, E. Helen Berry, and Nina Glasgow. In Press. Population Composition: Age,Sex and Race. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Kirschner, Annabel, and E. Helen Berry. 2005. The Changing Face of the Rural West: The Aging of the West WRDC Information Brief Issue 2, April. Western Rural Development Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT.
Kirschner, Annabel and Ben Irion. 2005. Hispanics in Washington. Cooperative Extension, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Kirschner, Annabel and Lyssa Thadden. 2005. Educational Attainment in Washington State: 1990-2000. EB1944e Cooperative Extension, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. View at: http://www.crs.wsu.edu/outreach/outreach.html
Kirschner, Annabel. 2005. Computer Services and the Development of Rural Areas: Trends in the Pacific Northwest in the 1990s. Social Science Journal. 43(2).
Lee, Marlene A. and Joachim Singelmann. In Press. Welfare Reform Amidst Chornic Porverty in the Mississippi Delta. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Lichter, Daniel T. and Kenneth M. Johnson. In Press. Emerging Rural Settlement Patterns and the Geographic Redistribution of America's New Immigrants. Rural Sociology.
Lichter, Daniel T. and Andrea Kane. In Press. Reducing Unwed Childbearing: The Missing Link in Efforts to Promote Marriage. Center for Children and Families, Policy Brief. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
Lichter, Daniel T. In Press. In Search of the Best Poverty Measure. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives.
Lichter, Daniel T., Zhenchao Qian, and Leanna Mellott. In Press. Transitions to Marriage among Poor Cohabiting Women. Demography.
Lichter, Daniel T. 2005. Review of Poor Kids in a Rich Country: America's Children in Comparative Perspective, by Lee Rainwater and Timothy M. Smeeding. Social Forces 83:1294-1296.
Lichter, Daniel T. 2005. Review of One Nation, Underprivileged: Why American Poverty Affects Us All, by Mark Robert Rank. Journal of Marriage and Family 67:535-537.
Lichter, Daniel T. In Press. Family Structure and Poverty. Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by George Ritzer. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Lichter, Daniel T., and Lori Ann Campbell. 2005. Changing Patterns of Poverty and Spatial Inequality in Appalachia. In Demographic and Socioeconomic Change in Applachia Series. Washington DC: Population Reference Bureau and Appalachian Regional Commission.
Lichter, Daniel T., Jillian Garrett, Mary Marshall, and Michael Cardella. 2005. Emerging Patterns of Population Redistribution and Migration in Appalachia. In Demographic and Socioeconomic Change in Appalachia Series. Washington DC: Population Reference Bureau and Appalachian Regional Commission.
Lichter, Daniel T., and Jillian Wooton. 2005. The Concentration of Reproduction in Low-Fertility Societies: The Case of the United States. In Alan Booth and Ann C. Crowder (eds.) The New Population Problem: Why Families in Developed Counties are Shrinking and What it Means. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lichter, Daniel T., and Zhenchao Qian. 2005. Marriage and Family in a Multiracial Society. In Reynolds Farley and John Haaga (eds.) The American People: Census 2000. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Lichter, Daniel T., Zhenchao Qian, and Martha L. Crowley. In Press. Poverty and Economic Polarization Among America's Minority and Immigrant Children. In Russell Crane and Tim Heaton (eds.) Handbook of Families and Poverty: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Sage Publications.
Lichter, Daniel T., Zhenchao Qian, and Martha L. Crowley. 2005. Child Poverty among Racial Minorities and Immigrants: Explaining Trends and Differentials. Social Science Quarterly 86(December):1037-1059. 0
Qian, Zhenchao, Daniel T. Lichter, and Leanna Mellot. 2005. Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing, Marital Prospects, and Mate Selection. Social Forces 82:473-491.
Parrado, Emilio, and William Kandel. In Press. New Hispanic Migrant Destinations: A Tale of Two Industries,. In D. Massey (ed.) New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Radeloff, Volker C., Roger B. Hammer, Susan I. Stewart, Jeremy S. Fried, Sheralyn S. Holcomb and Jason F. McKeefry. 2005. The Wildland-Urban Interface in the United States. Ecological Applications 15(3):799-805.
Radeloff, Volker C., Roger B. Hammer and Susan I. Stewart. 2005. Sprawl and forest fragmentation in the U.S. Midwest from 1940 to 2000. Conservation Biology 19(3):793-805.
Rathge, Richard W. In Press. The Changing Profile of the Great Plains. Great Plains Sociologist.
Rathge, Richard W. and Kenneth M. Johnson. 2005. Does Rural Great Plains Depopulation Reflect Failed Public Policy?. Policy Brief No. 2005-01 (June). North Dakota State Data Center, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota.
Rudzitis, Gundars, Christy Dearien and John Hintz. In Press. The Role of Wilderness and Public Land Amenities in Explaining Migration and Rural Development in the American Northwest,. in Amenities and Rural Development, Gary Green, editor, Edgar Elgar Publishers.
Rudzitis, Gundars. In Press. Population Change and Rural Development on Indian Reservations. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Rudzitis, Gundars. In Press. Indigenous Indian Populations, Racist Discourses and Ongoing Conflicts in the American Northwest. In Pierre Lagayette (ed.) Exchange: Practices and Representations. Paris: University of Paris Press.
Slack, Tim and Leif Jensen. In Press. Informal Work in Rural America: Theory and Evidence. In E.A. Marcelli and C.C. Williams (eds.) Informal Work in Developed Nations. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Stedman, Richard C. and Roger B. Hammer. In Press. Environmental perception in a rapidly growing, amenity-rich region: The effects of lakeshore development on perceived water quality in Vilas County, Wisconsin. Society and Natural Resources.
Stewart, Susan I. and Kenneth M. Johnson. In Press. Balancing Leisure and Work: Evidence from the Seasonal Home. In Rudy Shuster (ed.). Proceedings of the 2005 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. General Technical Report NE-xxx Radnor, PA: USDA Forest Service Research, Northeastern Research Station.
Toney, Michael B. and Young Taek Kim In Press. The Role of Migration in Changing and Sustaining Utah. in Cathleen Zick and Ken Smith (eds.) The Demography of Utah. Logan: University of Utah Press.
Toney, Michael B. and E. Helen Berry. 2005. Population and Environment. in A Case Study Approach Social Problems, Second Edition edited by Norm Dolch and Lionda Deutschman, Gerald Hall. (revised from 2001 edition)
Vias, Alexander C. and Carruthers, J. 2005. Regional Development and Land Use Change in the Rocky Mountain West, 1982-1997. Growth and Change. 36(2): 246-274.
Vias, Alexander C. and Peter Nelson. In Press. Changing Livelihoods in Rural America. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
von Reichert, Christiane. In Press. Community Evaluation and Migration Intentions: The Role of Attraction and Aversion to Place on the Northern Great Plains. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Voss, Paul R., David D. Long, Roger B. Hammer and Samantha Friedman. In Press. Child Poverty Rates in the U.S.: A Spatial Regression Approach. Population Research and Policy Review.
Voss, Paul R., Katherine C. White and Roger B. Hammer. 2005. Explorations in spatial demography. In W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change in Rural Society in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Batson, Christie, Zhenchao Qian, and Daniel T. Lichter. 2006. Interracial and Intraracial Patterns of Mate Selection among America,s Diverse Black Populations. Journal of Marriage and Family 68:658-672.
Berry, E. Helen. 2006. Rural Utah Ain't What it Used to Be, (Chapter 19) in Cathleen Zick and Ken Smith (ed.), The Demographics of Utah. University of Utah Press.
Brown, David L. 2005. Post-Socialist Transformation at the Rural Periphery. Pp. 67-74 in Mieczyslaw Adamowicz (ed.), Agrarian Issues in Poland and the World. Warsaw: Warsaw Agricultural University Press.
Brown, David and William Kandel. 2006. Rural America Through a Demographic Lens, in W. Kandel and D. Brown (eds.), Population Change and Rural Society. Dordrecht: Springer.
Brown, David L. and William Kandel. 2006. Rural America through a Sociodemographic Lens, Pp. 3-24 in William Kandel and David L. Brown (eds.), Population Change and Rural Society. Dordrecht: Springer.
Brown, David L. Laszlo J. Kulcsar, Laszlo Kulcsar, and Csilla Obadocics. 2005. Post- Socialist Restructuring and Population Redistribution in Hungary. Rural Sociology 70(3): 336-359.
Brown, J. Brian and Daniel T. Lichter. 2006. Childhood Disadvantage, Adolescent Development, and Prosocial Behavior in Early Adulthood. Advances in Life.
Crowley, Martha L., Daniel T. Lichter, and Zhenchao Qian. 2006. Beyond Gateway Cities: Economic Restructuring and Poverty among Mexican Immigrant Families and Children. Family Relations. 55:345-360.
Glasgow, Nina and David L. Brown. 2006. Social Integration among Older In-Migrants in Nonmetropolitan Retirement Destination Counties: Establishing New Ties. Pp. 177-196 in William Kandel and David L. Brown (eds.), Population Change and Rural Society. Dordrecht: Springer.
Glasgow, Nina and David L. Brown. 2006. Social Integration among Older Nonmetropolitan In-Migrants. Research and Policy Brief. Cornell University: Rural New York Initiative.
Glasgow, Nina and David L. Brown. 2006. Social Integration among Older Nonmetropolitan In-migrants. Published on the Web sites of the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development and the Southern Rural Development Center in the Issue Briefs Series: Population Change and Rural Society.
Graefe, Deborah Rompke Graefe, and Daniel T. Lichter. 2006. When Unwed Mothers Marry: The Marital and Cohabiting Partners of Mid-Life Women. Journal of Family Issues, forthcoming.
Hawbaker, Todd J., Volker C. Radeloff, Murray K. Clayton, Roger B. Hammer, and Charlotte E. Gonzalez-Abraham. 2006. Road Development, Housing Growth, and Landscape Fragmentation in Northern Wisconsin: 1937-1999. Ecological Applications. 16(3):1222-1237.
Johnson, Kenneth M. 2006. Demographic Trends in Rural and Small Town America. Reports on America 1(1):1-35. Carsey Foundation, University of New Hampshire.
Johnson, Kenneth M. and Richard W. Rathge. 2006. Agriculture Dependence and Changing Population in the Great Plains. Pp. 197-217 in W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change and Rural Society. Dordrecht: Springer.
Johnson. Kenneth M. and John B. Cromartie. 2006. The Rural Rebound and Its Aftermath: Changing Demographic Dynamics and Regional Contrasts. Pp. 25-49 in W. Kandel and D.L. Brown (eds.), Population Change and Rural Society. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Johnson, Kenneth M. and Susan I. Stewart. 2006. Demographic Trends in National Forest, Recreational, Retirement and Amenity Areas. In Linda Kruger, (ed.), Proceedings, Recreation Research and Management Workshop. General Technical Report PNW-xxx. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service Research, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Forthcoming.
Kandel, William and David Brown (eds.). 2006. Population Change and Rural Society. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Kandel, William and Emilio Parrado. 2006. Hispanic Population Growth, Age Composition Shifts, and Public Policy Impacts in Nonmetro Counties, in W. Kandel and D. Brown (eds.), Population Change and Rural Society. Dordrecht: Springer.
Kandel, William, and Emilio Parrado. 2006. Hispanic Population Growth and Public School Response in Two New South Immigrant Destinations, in H. Smith and O. Furuseth (eds.), The New South: Latinos and the Transformation of Place. Aldershot, England: Ashgate.
Kandel, William and Emilio Parrado. 2006. Public Policy Impacts of Rural Hispanic Population Growth. Issue Brief, published in conjunction with the W1001 Multistate Research Project on Population Change in Rural Communities. Posted on websites of USDA's Rural Regional Development Centers.
Kandel, William. 2006. Book review essay. New Destinations: Mexican Immigration in the United States; Apple Pie & Enchiladas: Latino Newcomers in the Rural Midwest; The American South in a Global World. International Migration Review 40(2):465-468.
Kandel, William. 2006. Rural meat Processing Industry Draws Hispanic Workers. Amber Waves 4(3):11-15. Republished as Meat-processing Firms Attract Hispanic Workers to Rural US in Meat International, 16(7):2-5.
Kandel, William and Emilio Parrado. 2005. Industrial Transformation and Hispanic Migration to the American South: The case of the Poultry Industry. Republished in, Rethinking the Color Line: Readings in Race and Ethnicity. New York: McGraw Hill.
Kandel, William. 2005. Book review. Newcomers to Old Towns: Suburbanization of the Heartland. International Migration Review. 39(2):516.
Kandel, William. 2005. Rural Hispanics at a Glance. Economic Research Service, USDA.
Kirschner, Annabel, E. Helen Berry, and Nina Glasgow. 2006. The Changing Demographic Profile of Rural America. Published on the Web sites of the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development and the Southern Rural Development Center in the Issue Briefs Series: Population Change and Rural Society.
Kirschner, Annabel., E. Helen Berry, and N. Glasgow. 2006. Population Composition: Age, Sex and Race, (chapter 4), in William Kandel and David Brown, (eds.), The Population of Rural America: Demographic Research for a New Century. Kluwer.
Kulcsár, László J. and Benjamin C. Bolender. 2006. Home on the Range: Aging in Place in Rural Kansas. Online Journal of Rural Research and Policy, Issue 2006.
Lichter, Daniel T. 2006. Family Structure and Poverty. Encyclopedia of Sociology, George Ritzer (ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ldt.
Lichter, Daniel T. and Kenneth M. Johnson. 2006. Emerging Rural Settlement Patterns and the Geographic Redistribution of America's New Immigrants. Rural Sociology. 71:109-131.
Lichter, Daniel T., Zhenchao Qian, and Leanna Mellott. 2006. Marriage or Dissolution? Union Transitions among Low Income Women. Demography 43:223-240.
Luo, Hua and Dudley L. Poston, Jr. 2006. Chusheng Xingbiebi de Shehui JuedingYinsu: dui 2000 Nian Zhongguo Zuida de 36 Ge Shaoshu Minzu de Fenxi,(Social and Economic Determinants of the Sex Ratio at Birth: 36 Largest Chinese Minority Nationalities). Renkou Yanjiu, (Population Research) 29 (#6): 56-61.
Mulligan, G. and Alex Vias. 2006. Growth and Change in U.S. Micropolitan Areas. Annals of Regional Science, 45(1):21-48.
Nelson, Peter. 2006. Geographic Perspectives on Amenity Migration Across the USA: National, Regional and Local Scale Analysis. The Amenity Migrants: Seeking and Sustaining Mountains and their Cultures. L.Moss (ed.). CABI Publishing, Cambridge, pp 55-73.
Nelson, Peter. 2005. Migration and the Spatial Redistribution of Nonearnings Income in the United States: Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Perspectives from 1975-2000. Environment and Planning A. 37.1613-1636.
Poston, Dudley L., Jr., Che-Fu Lee, Chiung-Fang Chang, Sherry L. McKibben, and Carol S. Walther (eds.). 2006. Fertility, Family Planning, and Population Policy in China. London, England: Routledge Publishers.
Poston, Dudley L., Jr., Chiung-Fang Chang, and Hong Dan. 2006. Fertility Differences Between the Majority and Minority Nationalities in China. Population Research and Policy Review. 26:67-101
Poston, Dudley L., Jr., Amanda K. Baumle, and Michael Micklin. 2006. Demography. In Handbook of 21st Century Sociology. Dennis L. Peck and Clifton D. Bryant (eds.). New York: Sage.
Poston, Dudley L., Jr. 2006. John Graunt. P. 254 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, Bryan Turner (ed.). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Poston, Dudley L., Jr. 2006. Malthus. Pp. 347-348 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, Bryan Turner (ed.). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Poston, Dudley L., Jr. 2006. Demography. Pp. 128-130 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, Bryan Turner (ed.). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Poston, Dudley L., Jr. and Heather K.M. Terrell. 2006. Fertilility. Pp. 210-203 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, Bryan Turner (ed.). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Poston, Dudley L., Jr., Mary Ann Davis, and Chris Lewinski. 2006. Mortality. Pp. 403-405 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, Bryan Turner (ed.). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Poston, Dudley L., Jr., Hua Luo, and Li Zhang. 2006. Migration. Pp. 384-386 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, Bryan Turner (ed.). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Poston, Dudley L., Jr. and Carol S. Walther. 2006. Prologue. Pp. 1-7 in Dudley L. Poston, Jr., Che-Fu Lee, Chiung-Fang Chang, Sherry L. McKibben, and Carol S. Walther (eds.). Fertility, Family Planning, and Population Policy in China. London, England: Routledge Publishers.
Poston, Dudley L., Jr. and Karen S. Glover. 2006. China's Demographic Destiny: Marriage Market Implications for the Twenty-first Century. Chapter 12 (pp. 172-186) in Dudley L. Poston, Jr., Che-Fu Lee, Chiung-Fang Chang, Sherry L. McKibben, and Carol S. Walther (eds.). Fertility, Family Planning, and Population Policy in China. London, England: Routledge Publishers.
Rathge, Richard W. 2005. The Changing Profile of the Great Plains. Great Plains Sociologist 17(2):82-99.
Rathge, Richard W. 2006. The Economic Impact of the Senior Population on a State's Economy: The Case of North Dakota. North Dakota State Data Center, North Dakota State University, Fargo: North Dakota.
Rudzitis, Gundars. 2006. The Role Of Wilderness and Public Land Amenities in Explaining Migration and Rural Development In The American West, in Gary Paul Green, Steven C. Deller and David W. Marcouiller, (eds.) Amenities and Rural Development: Theory, Methods And Public Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, Northhampton, MA, pp. 113-128. (with Christy Dearien and John Hintz).
Rudzitis, Gundars. 2006. Gaming, Population Change, And Rural Development On Indian Reservations: An Idaho Case Study, in William A. Kandel and David L. Brown, (eds.), Population Change and Rural Society, Springer Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 219-232.
Rudzitis, Gundars. 2006. Indigenous Indian Populations, Racist Discources And Ongoing Conflicts In The American Northwest, in Pierre Lagayette, (ed.), Exchange: Practices And Representations, Paris, University of Paris Press, pp. 171-196.
Stedman, Richard C. and Roger B. Hammer. 2006. Environmental perception in a rapidly growing, amenity-rich region: The effects of lakeshore development on perceived water quality in Vilas County, Wisconsin. Society and Natural Resources 19(2):137-151.
Stewart, Susan I. and Kenneth M. Johnson. 2006. Balancing Leisure and Work: Evidence from the Seasonal Home, in Rudy Shuster (ed.), Proceedings of the 2005 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. General Technical Report
NE-xxx, Radnor, PA: USDA Forest Service Research, Northeastern Research
Station. Forthcoming.
Van Auken, Paul M., Roger B. Hammer, Paul R. Voss, and Daniel L. Veroff. 2006. The American Community Survey in Counties with "Seasonal" Populations. Population Research and Policy Review. 25(3):275-292.
Vias, A. C and Carruthers. J. 2005. Regional Development and Land Use Change in the Rocky Mountain West, 1982-1997. Growth and Change. 36(2): 246-274.
Voss, Paul R., David D. Long, Roger B. Hammer, and Samantha Friedman. 2006. Child Poverty Rates in the U.S.: A Spatial Regression Approach. Population Research and Policy Review. 25(4):369-391.
Xiuhong You and Dudley L. Poston, Jr. 2006. The Effect of Floating Migration on Fertility, Chapter 9 (pp. 127-144), in Dudley L. Poston, Jr., Che-Fu Lee, Chiung-Fang Chang, Sherry L. McKibben, and Carol S. Walther (eds.), Fertility, Family Planning, and Population Policy in China. London, England: Routledge Publishers.
Book Reviews
Berry, E. Helen, 2006. Diamond: A Struggle for Environmental Justice in Louisiana's Chemical Corridor by Steve Lerner in Rural Sociology vol. 71 (1).
Vias, A. C. and Nelson, P. 2006. Restructuring, Globalization, and Altered Livelihoods, Chapter 4 in Population Change and Rural Society. Eds. Kandell, W. and Brown, D. Dordrect: Springer. Pages 75-102.
Brooks, W. Trevor, Michael B. Toney, and E. Helen Berry, 2006. Occupational Aspirations and Migration: A Comparison of Rural Youth with High, Medium, and Low Occupational Aspirations and Their Chances for Migration. Annual Meetings of the Rural Sociological Society of America, Louisville, KY.
Beth A. Wilson, E. Helen Berry, Michael B. Toney, Cromartie, John B., 2006. Propensities for Return Migration of Racial/Ethnic Groups to Non-Metropolitan Places. Annual Meetings of the Rural Sociological Society of America, Louisville, KY.
Wilson, Beth A., Michael B. Toney, E. Helen Berry, 2006. Onward Migration: Blacks, Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites, Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles.
Vias, A. C., December, 2005. Growth and Change in Micropolitan Areas. At the USDA W-1001 Meeting on Rural Population Change - Las Vegas, NV.
March, 2006, Vias, A. C. Characteristics of Opportunity and Vulnerability in America's Micropolitan Areas, at the Association of American Geographers Meeting - Chicago, IL.
Attached is the W1001 publication list, 2002-2007.