NCCC_OLD9: MWPS: Research and Extension Educational Materials
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Stowell, R., Heemstra, J., Schulte, D., Sheffield, R., Janni, K., and Wheeler, K. 2010. Using webcasts to highlight air quality research. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Air Quality and Manure Management for Agriculture, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
Tyndall, J., and Nicolai, R. 2010. Mitigating Air Emissions with Vegetative Environmental Buffers, eXtension webcast. http://www.extension.org/pages/26273/mitigating-air-emissions-with-vegetative-environmental-buffers.
Mitloehner, F., and Stowell, R. 2010. Animal Ags Role in Greenhouse Gas Production, eXtension webcast. http://www.extension.org/pages/28311/animal-ags-role-in-greenhouse-gas-production.
Rector, N., May, J., and Karcher, D. 2010. NAQSAT for Swine and Poultry, eXtension webcast. http://www.extension.org/pages/30636/naqsat-for-swine-and-poultry.
Rector, N., Powers, C., and Nennich, T. 2010. NAQSAT for Beef and Dairy, eXtension webcast. http://www.extension.org/pages/29400/naqsat-for-beef-and-dairy.
Wheeler, E., Burns, R., and Xin, H. 2010. Controlling Ammonia and Air Emissions in Poultry Facilities, eXtension webcast. http://www.extension.org/pages/31831/controlling-ammonia-and-air-emissions-in-poultry-facilities.
Sheffield, R., and Stowell, R. 2010. Odors from Livestock Farms: A Case Study in Nebraska, eXtension video. http://www.extension.org/pages/33088/odors-from-livestock-farms:-a-case-study-in-nebraska.
University of Wisconsin Extension bulletins
- Greenhouse Energy Efficiency, Scott Sanford, A3907-01
- Using Curtains to Reduce Heating and Cooling Costs in Greenhouses",
Scott Sanford, A3907-02
- Greenhouse Unit Heaters: Types, Placement, and Efficiency,
Scott Sanford, A3907-03 (revision of previously published bulletin)
- Biomass Energy for Heating Greenhouses, Scott Sanford, A3907-04
- Biomass Heating in Greenhouses: Case Studies, Scott Sanford, A3907-05
Magazine Articles
- Energy Efficient Annuals Series, Erik Runkle, Greenhouse Grower
Accessible at: http://www.uwex.edu/energy/gh_PRES.html
3) Greenhouse Energy model Excel spreadsheet
- UW Greenhouse Energy Analyzer
Link to tool at http://www.uwex.edu/energy/greenhouses.html
4) All curriculum materials are available on the WI EERE web site under Greenhouses / Presentations (http://www.uwex.edu/energy/AgEnergy.html ).
- All materials used in presentations, speaker notes, webinar recordings and links to extension publications are available at http://www.uwex.edu/energy/gh_PRES.html .
NCCC-9 Publications
NCCC-9 supported publication activities of MWPS through the following efforts:
1)New publications: Two new publications were produced by MWPS as a direct result of NCCC-9 member-led efforts.
" Cow-Calf Production in the U.S. Corn Belt (MWPS-66), by Lemenager, R., D. Jones, D. Buckmaster, W. Field, T. Glanville, L. Horstman, K. Johnson, J. Loven, G. Selk, T. Stewart, and R. Williams. 2011.
" Cattle Feeding Buildings in the Midwest (AED 60), 16 pages, by Jones, D., R. Lemenager, K. Foster, B. Doran, R. Euken, and S. Shouse. 2012.
2)Revision of publications: A few publications were prioritized as warranting revision. Revised portions of Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment (MWPS-7) were edited and are going into production.
3)Use of MWPS materials: MWPS publications were used in several extension programs and college courses, including:
"The LPES National Curriculum is the main training curriculum for Certified Livestock Manager Training in Illinois. The state-mandated CLM training programming continues to serve an audience of about 1,000 producers and consultants over the three-year training cycle.
"The Structures and Environment Handbook (MWPS-1) was used as a textbook for a course (MSYM 342, Animal Housing Systems) at the University of Nebraska, and several MWPS publications were used as class reference materials.
"Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment (MWPS-7), Manure Characteristics (MWPS-18-S1), and Manure Storages (MWPS-18-S2) are being used as textbooks at UW-Madison.
"The House Handbook (MWPS-16) is the textbook for TSM 371, Residential Housing, at UIUC.
NCCC-9 Publications
NCCC-9 member led efforts to produce two new publications published by MWPS. They include
" Wiring Handbook for Rural Facilities (MWPS-28 4th edition), 92 pages, Technical Editor L. Stetson 2013.
" Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment (MWPS-7 8th edition), 226 pages, B. Holmes, N. Cook, T. Funk, R. Graves, D. Kammel, D. Reinemann and J. Zulovich. 2013.
NCCC-9 member led efforts to produce two new publications published by MWPS. They include:
• Wiring Handbook for Rural Facilities (MWPS-28 4th edition), 92 pages, Technical Editor L. Stetson 2013.
• Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment (MWPS-7 8th edition), 226 pages, B. Holmes, N. Cook, T. Funk, R. Graves, D. Kammel, D. Reinemann and J. Zulovich. 2013.
Other Publications representing the work conducted by those from NCCC-9 include:
• Successful Soybean Storage, New Jersey Soybean Board Newsletter. Drying and Storing Wet Soybeans co-authored with Mike Staton, Senior Soybean Educator, Michigan State University Extension
• Frequently Asked Questions about Subsurface (Tile) Drainage. Jointly authored by representatives from North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota.
• Hellevang, Kenneth and Pedersen, Carl. Home Envelope: an energy guide to help you keep the outside out and the inside in - AE1616. NDSU Extension Service, 44 pages. http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/publications/landing-pages/home-farm/home-envelope-ae-1616.
• Hellevang, Kenneth. Keep Your Home Healthy - AE1204 8 pgs. NDSU Extension Service, http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/publications/landing-pages/home-farm/keep-your-home-healthy-ae1204.
• Hellevang, Kenneth. Heating Farm Shops, AE 1620. NDSU Extension Service. http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/publications/landing-pages/home-farm/heating-farm-shops-ae-1620.
• Regional Cooperative Education. Structures Impacted by Drought - Market Journal. University of Nebraska – Lincoln. http://extensiontv.unl.edu/v/2407, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9gqk2ORhYY.
• Mold a Problem for Flood-Damaged Homes, Colorado Matters, Colorado Public Radio. http://www.cpr.org/news/story/mold-problem-flood-damaged-homes.
• USDA Radio: Preparing the Farmstead for Flooding. http://audioarchives.oc.usda.gov/radnewsfeaturedetail.asp?ID=3521.