WERA_OLD1013: Intermountain Regional Evaluation and Introduction of Native Plants

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports



Love, S.L., K. Noble and J. Robbins. 2009. Short-Season/High-Altitude Gardening and Landscaping: Landscaping with Native Plants. UI Bulletin No. 862.

Love S.L., T. Salaiz and M. Stevens. 2009. Bear River Range native seed collection excursions. Sage Notes INPS 31:1, 5-7.

Love, S.L. 2009. Methods for cleaning penstemon seed. Bull Amer Penstemon Soc 68:89-92.

Love, S.L. 2009. Penstemon spotlight - Penstemon fremontii. Bull Amer Penstemon Soc 68:2-4.

Niu, G., M. Gu, and D.S. Rodriguez. 2009. Effects of substrate and salinity of irrigation water on the growth of Sophora secundiflora. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 54:1-7.

Niu, G. and D.S. Rodriguez. 2009. Salt tolerance of ten bedding plants. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 54:405-410.

Reed, M. and L.A. Rupp. 2009. The effect of etiolation on rooting of Acer grandidentatum cuttings. International Plant Propagators Society Western Region Annual Meeting. (Abstract).

Rupp, L.A., M. Reed, W.Varga, V.P. Rasmussen, and C. Neale. 2009. Collecting Acer Grandidentatum clones in northern Utah: An overview. The International Plant Propagators Society Combined Proceedings. 58:379-380.

Stott, L., L. Rew, & T.A.O. Dougher. 2009. Native Multispecies Sod: An Alternative Rehabilitation Method for Disturbed Lands. Restoration Ecology. Early view published online 17 June 2009.


Beddes, T. and H.A. Kratsch. 2010. Nodulation of Seaside Alder Topdressed with Controlled-release Fertilizer. HortTechnology 20(4): 740-745.

Boyer, N.Z. and W.R. Graves. 2009. NAA is more effective than IBA for rooting stem cuttings of two Nyssa spp. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 27:183-187.

Broderick, S.R., M.R. Stevens, B. Geary, S.L. Love, E.N. Jellen, R.B. Dockter, S.L. Daley and D.T. Lindgren. 2010. A survey of Penstemons genome size. Genome (In Press).

Lenahan, O.M., W.R. Graves, and R. Arora. 2010. Cold hardiness and deacclimation of Styrax americanus from three provenances. HortScience:in press.

Love, S.L. and T. Salaiz. 2009. Selectable variation among species and accessions of plants included in the Idaho Native Plant Domestication Project. Report of the Native Plants Cooperative 1:7-9.

Love, S.L. 2010. Penstemon spotlight  Penstemon albomarginatus. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 69:2-4.

Peterson, B.J. and W.R. Graves. 2009. Variation in development and ?response to root-zone pH among seedlings of Dirca palustris (Thymelaeaceae) from three provenances. HortScience 44:1319-1322.

Peterson, B.J., Graves, W.R., and J. Sharma. 2009. Color of pubescence on bud scales conflicts with keys for identifying species of Dirca (Thymelaeaceae). Rhodora 111:126-130.

Richards, M.R. 2010. Selecting and Propagating Clones of Bigtooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum Nutt.). Thesis. Utah State University.

Rupp, L.A., W. A. Varga, and D. Anderson. 2010. Selection and Vegetative Propagation of Native Woody Plants for Water-Wise Landscaping. Proceedings of the 16th Wildand Shrub Symposium. May 2010, Utah State University. (in press)

Rupp, L.A. and W. A. Varga. 2010. Locating, Documenting, and Collecting Clones of Native Utah Plants. Annual Report to the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.

Rupp, L.A. and D. Anderson. 2010. Propagating Superior Clones of Native Utah Plants for Use in the Landscape Industry. Annual Report to the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.

Stevens, M.R., B. Geary, S.R. Broderick, B.J. Ewell, R.B. Dockter, M.A. Mendenhall, S.L. Daley, J.D. Daley, T.J. Mock and S.L. Love. 2009. Understanding Penstemon diversity in an effort to initiate a breeding program within the genus for urban landscapes of the Intermountain West. Report of the Native Plants Cooperative 1:4-6.

Stott, L., L. Rew, and T.A.O. Dougher. 2010. Native Multispecies Sod: An Alternative Rehabilitation Method for Disturbed Lands. Restoration Ecology. 18(5):742.

WERA 1013 website www.uwyo.edu/wera1013


Broderick, SR, MR Stevens, B Geary, SL Love, EN Jellen, RB Dockter, SL Daley and DT Lindgren. 2011. A survey of Penstemons genome size. Genome 54:160-173.

Cook, S and L.A. Rupp, 2011. Drought Tolerance: A Database of Irrigation Requirements of Woody Landscape Plants of Northern Utah. Utah State University Extension Factsheet. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/Horticulture_Drought_2011-01pr.pdf

Croft, A., Rupp, L. A., Kratsch, H. (2011). Landscape Maintenance Water-Efficient Landscaping in the Intermountain West. (H. Kratsch, Ed.) Utah State University Press.

Hayward, Pat (2011) What Makes a Great Plant Select Plant. Colorado Green 27(6) 24-26.

Klett, James E. (2011) Plant Select for 2012  Colorado State University Research Update, Colorado Green. 27(5) 10-11.

Klett, J.E., & Greeb L. (2011) Tough and Proven Perennials for Colorado. Colorado Green 27(6) 12-13.

Klett, J.E., & Greeb L. (2011) Under Used Perennials for Colorado. CNGA LooseLeaf 29(6) 20.

Kratsch, H. 2011. Some Good Native Plants for Great Basin Landscapes. University of Nevada Coop Ext Special Publication.

Kratsch, H. 2011. Water-Efficient Landscaping in the Intermountain West: a professional and do-it-yourself guide (Editor). Utah State University Press, Logan, UT.

Love, S. 2011. Penstemon spotlight  Penstemon montanus. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 70:7-10.

Love, S and T Salaiz. 2011. Domestication of native plants. Sage Notes (Idaho Native Plant Society) 33:8-12.

Love, S and T Salaiz. 2010. Studies on Indian paintbrush establishment. Report of the Intermountain Native Plant Cooperative 2:15-19.

Niu, G., D. Rodriguez, and M. Gu. 2011. Response of Sophora secundiflora to nitrogen form and rate. HortScience 46(9):13031307.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, M. Wang, T. Starman, and D. Zhang. 2011. Response of zinnia to saline water irrigation. Acta Horticulturae (in press).

Niu, G. and D.S. Rodriguez. 2011. Salt Tolerance of Selected Bedding Plants. Southern Nursery Association 56:146-151.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and C. McKenney. 2011. Salt tolerance of five wildflowers. 56:152-156.

Panter, K. 2011. Berry Prairie Green Roof, http://www.uwyo.edu/berrycenter/greenroof/, accessed 11 November 2011.

Panter, K. 2011. The Berry Prairie, http://berryprairie.blogspot.com/, accessed 11 November 2011.

Panter, K. 2011. First Blog Ever, http://karenpanter.wordpress.com/2011/08/08/first-blog-ever/, accessed 11 November 2011.

Panter, K. 2011. More Green Roof Plants, http://karenpanter.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/more-green-roof-plants/, accessed 11 November 2011.

Richards, M.R. and L.A. Rupp. 2011. Propagating Bigtooth Maple. Utah State University Extension Factsheet. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/Horticulture_Trees_2011-03pr.pdf

Rosenberg, D. E., Kopp, K., Kratsch, H., Rupp, L. A., Johnson, P. G., Kjelgren, R. K. (2011). Value Landscape Engineering: Identifying Costs, Water Use, Labor, and Impacts to Support Landscape Choice. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47(3), 635649.

Rupp, L. A., Varga, B. A., Anderson, D. 2011. Selection and Vegetative Propagation of Native Woody Plants for Water-Wise Landscaping Proceedings of the 16th Wildland Shrub Symposium.

Salaiz, T and S Love. 2010. Selection and improvement of Idaho fescue germplasm for turf applications. Report of the Intermountain Native Plant Cooperative 2:39-41.


Love, S.L., K. Noble and J. Robbins. 2009. Short-Season/High-Altitude Gardening and Landscaping: Landscaping with Native Plants. UI Bulletin No. 862.

Love S.L., T. Salaiz and M. Stevens. 2009. Bear River Range native seed collection excursions. Sage Notes INPS 31:1, 5-7.

Love, S.L. 2009. Methods for cleaning penstemon seed. Bull Amer Penstemon Soc 68:89-92.

Love, S.L. 2009. Penstemon spotlight - Penstemon fremontii. Bull Amer Penstemon Soc 68:2-4.

Niu, G., M. Gu, and D.S. Rodriguez. 2009. Effects of substrate and salinity of irrigation water on the growth of Sophora secundiflora. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 54:1-7.

Niu, G. and D.S. Rodriguez. 2009. Salt tolerance of ten bedding plants. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 54:405-410.

Reed, M. and L.A. Rupp. 2009. The effect of etiolation on rooting of Acer grandidentatum cuttings. International Plant Propagators Society Western Region Annual Meeting. (Abstract).

Rupp, L.A., M. Reed, W.Varga, V.P. Rasmussen, and C. Neale. 2009. Collecting Acer Grandidentatum clones in northern Utah: An overview. The International Plant PropagatorsSociety Combined Proceedings. 58:379-380.

Stott, L., L. Rew, & T.A.O. Dougher. 2009. Native Multispecies Sod: An Alternative Rehabilitation Method for Disturbed Lands. Restoration Ecology. Early view published online 17 June 2009.

Beddes, T. and H.A. Kratsch. 2010. Nodulation of Seaside Alder Topdressed with Controlled-release Fertilizer. HortTechnology 20(4): 740-745.

Boyer, N.Z. and W.R. Graves. 2009. NAA is more effective than IBA for rooting stem cuttings of two Nyssa spp. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 27:183-187.

Broderick, S.R., M.R. Stevens, B. Geary, S.L. Love, E.N. Jellen, R.B. Dockter, S.L. Daley and D.T. Lindgren. 2010. A survey of Penstemons genome size. Genome (In Press).

Lenahan, O.M., W.R. Graves, and R. Arora. 2010. Cold hardiness and deacclimation of Styrax americanus from three provenances. HortScience:in press.

Love, S.L. and T. Salaiz. 2009. Selectable variation among species and accessions of plants included in the Idaho Native Plant Domestication Project. Report of the Native Plants Cooperative 1:7-9.

Love, S.L. 2010. Penstemon spotlight Penstemon albomarginatus. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 69:2-4.

Peterson, B.J. and W.R. Graves. 2009. Variation in development and ?response to root-zone pH among seedlings of Dirca palustris (Thymelaeaceae) from three provenances. HortScience 44:1319-1322.

Peterson, B.J., Graves, W.R., and J. Sharma. 2009. Color of pubescence on bud scales conflicts with keys for identifying species of Dirca (Thymelaeaceae). Rhodora 111:126-130. Richards, M.R. 2010. Selecting and Propagating Clones of Bigtooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum Nutt.). Thesis. Utah State University.

Rupp, L.A., W. A. Varga, and D. Anderson. 2010. Selection and Vegetative Propagation of Native Woody Plants for Water-Wise Landscaping. Proceedings of the 16th Wildand Shrub Symposium. May 2010, Utah State University. (in press)

Rupp, L.A. and W. A. Varga. 2010. Locating, Documenting, and Collecting Clones of Native Utah Plants. Annual Report to the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.

Rupp, L.A. and D. Anderson. 2010. Propagating Superior Clones of Native Utah Plants for Use in the Landscape Industry. Annual Report to the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.

Stevens, M.R., B. Geary, S.R. Broderick, B.J. Ewell, R.B. Dockter, M.A. Mendenhall, S.L. Daley, J.D. Daley, T.J. Mock and S.L. Love. 2009. Understanding Penstemon diversity in an effort to initiate a breeding program within the genus for urban landscapes of the Intermountain West. Report of the Native Plants Cooperative 1:4-6.

Stott, L., L. Rew, and T.A.O. Dougher. 2010. Native Multispecies Sod: An Alternative Rehabilitation Method for Disturbed Lands. Restoration Ecology. 18(5):742.

Broderick, SR, MR Stevens, B Geary, SL Love, EN Jellen, RB Dockter, SL Daley and DT Lindgren. 2011. A survey of Penstemons genome size. Genome 54:160-173.

Cook, S and L.A. Rupp, 2011. Drought Tolerance: A Database of Irrigation Requirements of Woody Landscape Plants of Northern Utah. Utah State University Extension Factsheet. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/Horticulture_Drought_2011-01pr.pdf

Croft, A., Rupp, L. A., Kratsch, H. (2011). Landscape Maintenance Water-Efficient Landscaping in the Intermountain West. (H. Kratsch, Ed.) Utah State University Press.

Hayward, Pat (2011) What Makes a Great Plant Select Plant. Colorado Green 27(6) 24-26.

Klett, James E. (2011) Plant Select for 2012 Colorado State University Research Update, Colorado Green. 27(5) 10-11.
Klett, J.E., & Greeb L. (2011) Tough and Proven Perennials for Colorado. Colorado Green 27(6) 12-13.

Klett, J.E., & Greeb L. (2011) Under Used Perennials for Colorado. CNGA LooseLeaf 29(6) 20.

Kratsch, H. 2011. Some Good Native Plants for Great Basin Landscapes. University of Nevada Coop Ext Special Publication.

Kratsch, H. 2011. Water-Efficient Landscaping in the Intermountain West: a professional and do-it-yourself guide (Editor). Utah State University Press, Logan, UT.

Love, S. 2011. Penstemon spotlight Penstemon montanus. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 70:7-10.

Love, S and T Salaiz. 2011. Domestication of native plants. Sage Notes (Idaho Native Plant Society) 33:8-12.

Love, S and T Salaiz. 2010. Studies on Indian paintbrush establishment. Report of the Intermountain Native Plant Cooperative 2:15-19.

Niu, G., D. Rodriguez, and M. Gu. 2011. Response of Sophora secundiflora to nitrogen form and rate. HortScience 46(9):13031307.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, M. Wang, T. Starman, and D. Zhang. 2011. Response of zinnia to saline water irrigation. Acta Horticulturae (in press).

Niu, G. and D.S. Rodriguez. 2011. Salt Tolerance of Selected Bedding Plants. Southern Nursery Association 56:146-151.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and C. McKenney. 2011. Salt tolerance of five wildflowers. 56:152-156.

Panter, K. 2011. Berry PrairieGreen Roof, http://www.uwyo.edu/berrycenter/greenroof/, accessed 11 November 2011.

Panter, K. 2011. The Berry Prairie, http://berryprairie.blogspot.com/, accessed 11 November 2011.

Panter, K. 2011. First Blog Ever, http://karenpanter.wordpress.com/2011/08/08/first-blog-ever/, accessed 11 November 2011.

Panter, K. 2011. More Green Roof Plants, http://karenpanter.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/more-green-roof-plants/, accessed 11 November 2011.

Richards, M.R. and L.A. Rupp. 2011. Propagating Bigtooth Maple. Utah State University Extension Factsheet. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/Horticulture_Trees_2011-03pr.pdf

Rosenberg, D. E., Kopp, K., Kratsch, H., Rupp, L. A., Johnson, P. G., Kjelgren, R. K. (2011). Value Landscape Engineering: Identifying Costs, Water Use, Labor, and Impacts to Support Landscape Choice. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47(3), 635649.

Rupp, L. A., Varga, B. A., Anderson, D. 2011. Selection and Vegetative Propagation of Native Woody Plants for Water-Wise Landscaping Proceedings of the 16th Wildland Shrub Symposium.

Salaiz, T and S Love. 2010. Selection and improvement of Idaho fescue germplasm for turf applications. Report of the Intermountain Native Plant Cooperative 2:39-41.

Anderson, R.M. and L.A. Rupp. 2012. Selecting and Evaluating Accessions of Epilobium Sect. Zauschneria (Onagraceae). Poster presentation. International Plant Propagators Society  Western Region Meeting, Ventura, CA.

Cope, K.R. and L.A. Rupp. 2012. Cutting Propagation of Juniperus osteosperma. Poster presentation. International Plant Propagators Society  Western Region Meeting, Ventura, CA.

Dougher, T. Rocky Mountain Maple photograph in Portneuf Valley Tree Guide, http://pocatello.us/se/documents/residents/lawn/2012%20Portneuf%20Valley%20Tree%20Guide%20small.pdf.

Greeb, Lidsay and James E. Klett. (2012). Long Lives Perennials. CNGA Looseleaf. 30(5)18.

Klett, James E. (2012) Horticulture Related Water Studies. Colorado Water. 29(2)6-7.

Klett, James E. (2012). Perennials that pack a punch. Colorado State University Research Update. Colorado Green. 28(2) 16-17.

Klett James E. (2012). Plant Select for 2013  Colorado State University Research Update. Colorado Green 28(6)12-13 .

Klett James E. (2012). Top Perennial Performers. CNGA Looseleaf. 30(2)(18-19.

Kratsch, H., J.A. Skelly. Designing Landscapes for Northern Nevadas Arid Climate. UNCE Special Publication 11-15.

Love, SL. 2011. Designing, installing, and maintaining native plant landscapes and xeriscapes. In: INLA Certification Committee (Eds.), Certified Nursery Professional Manual. Idaho Nursery and Landscape Association, Idaho Falls, ID

Love, SL. 2012. Penstemon spotlight  Penstemon atwoodii. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 71:2-6.

Love, SL and T Salaiz. 2011. Commercialization of native plant species; Evaluation of Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis) germplasm for use as native turf. Report of the Native Plants Cooperative 3:10-17.

Niu, G., M. Wang, D. Rodriguez, and D. Zhang. 2012. Responses of zinnia to saline water irrigation. HortScience 47(6):793797.

Niu, G., D. Rodriguez, and S. McKenney. 2012. Response of selected wildflower species to saline water irrigation. HortScience 47(9):1351-1355.

Niu, G., P. Osuna, Y. Sun, and D. Rodriguez. 2012. Seedling emergence, growth, and mineral nutrition of ornamental chile peppers irrigated with saline water. HortScience (in Press).

Norris, K.D. and W.R. Graves. 2012. A Narrowly Endemic Dirca from Mexico Outperforms its Broadly Distributed Congener in the Upper Midwest. HortScience in press.

Richards, M.R., L.A. Rupp, R. Kjelgren, and V.P. Rasmussen. 2012. Selection and budding propagation of native bigtooth maple for water-conserving landscapes. HortTechnology. 22:669-676.

Richards, M.R. and L.A. Rupp. 2012. Etiolation Improves Rooting of Bigtooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum) Cuttings. HortTechnology. 22:305-310.

Rupp, L.A. 2012. Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intricatus in the Landscape. WERA-1013 website. http://www.uwyo.edu/wera1013/plantlist_cercocarpus-ledifolius.asp

Rupp, L.A., R.M. Anderson, and M.R. Richards. 2012. Mound Layering of Selected Acer grandidentatum clones. Poster presentation. International Plant Propagators Society  Western Region Meeting, Ventura, CA.

Sriladda, C., H.A. Kratsch, S.R. Larson, and R.K. Kjelgren. 2012. Morphological and Genetic Variation among Four High Desert Sphaeralcea Species. HortScience 47:715-720.

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