WERA_OLD1012: Managing and Utilizing Precipitation Observations from Volunteer Networks
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Again, since the group just met for the first time on a topic that is not the primary focus of most participant's research, no publications were submitted this year. As our committee matures and collaboratively undertakes a number of tasks, we anticipate a variety of publications in the near future. Two publications prepared by members of the WERA1012 committee but prior to the formation of the group are of particular utility at this early stage. They are:
Doesken, Nolan. "Let it Rain." Weatherwise July-August 2007: 50-55.
Elizabeth Herron, Linda Green, and Kris Stepenuck. "Volunteer Management and Support." Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring. 01 JUL 2008. USDA National Facilitation of CSREES Volunteer Monitoring Efforts Website, Web.
None in the current year.
Reges, H., and Nolan Doesken, 2011: Creating a Volunteer Observing Network. WMO Bulletin, Volume 60(1) - 2011.
Reges, H., and Nolan Doesken, 2010: The Value of the Citizen Weather Observer. Weatherwise magazine, November-December, 2010.
Grant, Nicholas, and Laurel Saito. "Linking wildlife, water, and climate." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (2013).
Sueltenfuss, Jeremy P., David J. Cooper, Richard L. Knight, and Reagan M. Waskom. "The Creation and Maintenance of Wetland Ecosystems from Irrigation Canal and Reservoir Seepage in a Semi-Arid Landscape." Wetlands (2013): 1-12.
Lowry, Christopher S., and Michael N. Fienen. "CrowdHydrology: Crowdsourcing Hydrologic Data and Engaging Citizen Scientists." Ground Water 51, no. 1 (2013): 151-156.
Lane, John E., Nolan J. Doesken, Takis C. Kasparis, and David W. Sharp. "Analysis of the March 30, 2011 Hail Event at Shuttle Launch Pad 39A." (2012).
Durkee, Joshua D., Lee Campbell, Kyle Berry, Dustin Jordan, Gregory Goodrich, Rezaul Mahmood, and Stuart Foster. "A Synoptic Perspective of the Record 1-2 May 2010 Mid-South Heavy Precipitation Event." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 93, no. 5 (2012): 611-620.
Burt, Stephen. The Weather Observer's Handbook. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Fang, Tianfang Bernie, and Yongmei Lu. "Personal real-time air pollution exposure assessment methods promoted by information technological advances." Annals of GIS 18, no. 4 (2012): 279-288.
Wolfe, Jonathan P., and Jefferson R. Snider. "A Relationship between Reflectivity and Snow Rate for a High-Altitude S-Band Radar." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 51, no. 6 (2012): 1111-1128.
Kelly, G. M., B. F. Taubman, L. B. Perry, J. P. Sherman, P. T. Soulé, and P. J. Sheridan. "Relationships between aerosols and precipitation in the southern Appalachian Mountains." International Journal of Climatology (2012).
Sharma, Suresh, Sabahattin Isik, Puneet Srivastava, and Latif Kalin. "Deriving Spatially-Distributed Precipitation Data Using the Artificial Neural Network and Multi-Linear Regression Models." Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (2012).
Sherman-Morris, Kathleen, Charles L. Wax, and Michael E. Brown. Mississippi Weather and Climate. University Press of Mississippi, (2012).
Menne, Matthew J., Imke Durre, Russell S. Vose, Byron E. Gleason, and Tamara G. Houston. "An overview of the global historical climatology network-daily database." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 29, no. 7 (2012): 897-910.
Dickinson, Janis L., Jennifer Shirk, David Bonter, Rick Bonney, Rhiannon L. Crain, Jason Martin, Tina Phillips, and Karen Purcell. "The current state of citizen science as a tool for ecological research and public engagement." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10, no. 6 (2012): 291-297.
Kelleners, T. J., and A. K. Verma. "Modeling Carbon Dioxide Production and Transport in a Mixed-Grass Rangeland Soil." Vadose Zone Journal 11, no. 3 (2012).
Wardlow, Brian D., Martha C. Anderson, Justin Sheffield, Bradley D. Doorn, James P. Verdin, Xiwu Zhan, and Matthew Rodell. "16 Future Opportunities and Challenges in Remote Sensing of Drought." Remote Sensing of Drought: Innovative Monitoring Approaches (2012): 389.
Story, Gregory J. "12 Estimating Precipitation from WSR-88D Observations and Rain Gauge Data." Remote Sensing of Drought: Innovative Monitoring Approaches (2012): 281.
Hopper Jr, Larry J., and Courtney Schumacher. "Modeled and Observed Variations in Storm Divergence and Stratiform Rain Production in Southeastern Texas." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 69, no. 4 (2012): 1159-1181.
Shepherd, Marshall, T. L. Mote, John Dowd, Mike Roden, Pamela Knox, Steven C. McCutcheon, and Steven E. Nelson. "An overview of synoptic and mesoscale factors contributing to the disastrous Atlanta flood of 2009." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 92, no. 7 (2011): 861-870
Moon, J. T., et al. "CoCoRaHs in Missouri: Four years later, the importance of observations." Trans. MO Acad. Sci 43 (2009): 7-18.