W1010: Integrated Approach to Enhance Efficiency of Feed Utilization in Beef Production Systems
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Ahola, J.K. and Hill, R.A. (2008). Selection for Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle: Risks, Benefits, & Opportunities. Nancy M Cummings Research, Education and Extension Center, Salmon ID.
Ahola, J.K. and Hill, R.A. (2008). Defining and Measuring Feed Efficiency. Proc., Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference, October 7-9, 2008, Tacoma, Washington. pp. 157-162.
Ahola, J.K., Kane, S.L., Wulfhorst, J.D., Keenan, L.D. and Hill, R.A. (2009). A Nationwide Survey of Beef Producers about Feed Efficiency Motivating Factors for the Implementation of Selection Practices. Beef Improvement Federation, National Meeting, April, Sacramento, CA.
Allen, J.D., Ahola, J.K., Chahine, M., Szasz, J.I., Hunt, C.W., Schneider, C.S., Murdoch, G.K. and Hill, R.A. (2009). Effect of feeding period and ractopamine hydrochloride on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and end product quality in market dairy cows. Journal of Animal Science. (accepted).
Arthington, J. D., T. D. Maddock, G. C. Lamb. 2009. Effects of Mannheima haemolytica vaccination (One Shot®) on feed intake, feed efficiency, and the acute-phase protein response of heifers. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 1) (In press).
Bailey, C.L., M.J. Prado-Cooper, E.C. Wright, R.P. Wettemann, G.W. Horn, L.J. Spicer, and K.R. Krehbiel. 2009. Maintenance energy requirements of gestating beef cows and rumen temperature, plasma concentrations of IGF-I, glucose, thyroxine, and calf performance. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 3) 87: in press.
Brew, M., B. Myer, J. Carter, M. Hersom, G. Hansen. 2008. Water intake and factors affecting wáter intake of growing beef cattle in North Florida. Fl. Beef Res. Rep. pp. 1-3.
Burnett, D.D., Kriese-Anderson, L.A., Wolfe, D.F. and Bergen, W.G. Transcriptomic signature of performance efficiency in finishing beef cattle. 2009. Animal Sciences and Clinical Science, Auburn University, AL 36849.
Crawford, G. I., S. A. Quinn, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2008. Relationship between metabolizable protein balance and feed efficiency of steers and heifers. Nebraska Beef Report. pp. 133-134.
DiCostanzo, A. 2009. Nutritional effects on cow size. Proceedings of 2009 Minnesota Beef Cow/Calf Days. pp. 10-17.
Elzo, M. A., D. D. Johnson, D. G. Riley, G. R. Hansen, R. O. Myer, D. O. Rae, J. G. Wasdin, and J. D. Driver. 2008. Relationship between carcass traits and phenotypic residual feed intake, breed composition, temperament, and ELISA scores for paratuberculosis in an Angus-Brahman multibreed herd. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 2):86:205.
Elzo, M. A., D. G. Riley, G. R. Hansen, D. D. Johnson, R. O. Myer, D. O. Rae, J. G. Wasdin, and J. D. Driver. 2008. Association between breed composition, phenotypic residual feed intake, temperament, ELISA scores for paratuberculosis, and ultrasound carcass traits in an Angus-Brahman multibreed herd. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 2):86:204-205.
Elzo, M. A., D. G. Riley, G. R. Hansen, D. D. Johnson, R. O. Myer, D. O. Rae, J. G. Wasdin, and J. D. Driver. 2008. Effect of breed composition, temperament, and ELISA scores for paratuberculosis on phenotypic residual feed intake and growth in an Angus-Brahman multibreed herd. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 2):86:204.
Elzo. M. A., D. D. Johnson, D. G. Riley, G. R. Hansen, G. C. Lamb, R. O. Myer, J. G. Wasdin, and J. D. Driver. 2009. Association between carcass and meat quality traits, and phenotypic residual feed intake, breed composition, and temperament in Angus-Brahman multibreed cattle. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 2) (In press).
Hill, M., Chapalamadugu, K., Schneider, C., Hill, R.A., Gaylord, G., Ahola, J.K., Hunt, C.W., Szasz, J. and Murdoch, G.K. (2009). Effect of time of ractopamine feeding on growth, carcass characteristics, and muscle biology of steers. Journal of Animal Science (supplement 1) accepted.
Hill, R.A. and Ahola, J.K. (2008). Residual Feed Intake: Benefits, Risks and Opportunities for Red Angus. Annual Convention of the Red Angus Association of America. September, Cheyenne, WY.
Hill, R.A. and Aizen, M. (2009), Symposium chairs introduction to The molecular basis for feed efficiency. Journal of Animal Science (87(E. Suppl.):E39E40).
Hill, R.A., Flint, D. J. and Pell, J.M. (2008). Antibodies as molecular mimics of biomolecules: roles in understanding physiological functions and mechanisms. Advances in Physiology Education. 32: 261-273.
Hill, R.A., Kane, S.L., Ahola, J.K., Wulfhorst, J.D., Hough, R.L., Bolze Jr., R.P. and Keenan, L. (2008). Feed Efficiency Research and Outreach for the Beef Industry. National Research Initiative (USDA) Project Directors Meeting, July 6-7, Indianapolis, IN.
Hill, R.A., Welch, C.M., Szasz, J.I., Hall, J.B., Keenan, L.D. and Ahola, J.K. (2009). Evaluating the feed efficiency and end-product quality relationship in the progeny of Red Angus sires divergent for Maintenance Energy EPD: A project overview. Beef Improvement Federation, National Meeting, April, Sacramento, CA.
Krueger, W.K., G.E. Carstens, R.R. Gomez, B.M. Bourg, P.A. Lancaster, L.J. Slay, J.C. Miller, R.C. Anderson, S.M. Horrocks, N.A. Krueger, T.D.A. Forbes. 2009. Relationships between residual feed intake and apparent nutrient digestibility, in vitro methane producing activity and VFA concentrations in growing Brangus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 87 (Suppl 1; Abstract In Press).
Lancaster, P.A., G.E. Carstens, D.H. Crews, Jr., T.H. Welsh, Jr., T.D.A. Forbes, D.W. Forrest, R.D. Randel and F.M. Rouquette. 2009b. Phenotype and genetic relationships of residual feed intake with performance and ultrasound carcass traits in Brangus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted; E-2009-2041.R).
Lancaster, P.A., G.E. Carstens, F.R. Ribeiro, M.E. Davis, J.G. Lyons and T.H. Welsh, Jr. 2008. Effects of divergent selection for serum IGF-I concentration on performance, feed efficiency and ultrasound measures of carcass composition traits in Angus bulls and heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 86:2862-2871.
Lancaster, P.A., G.E. Carstens, F.R.B. Ribeiro, L.O. Tedeschi and D.H. Crews, Jr. 2009a. Characterization of feed efficiency traits and relationships with feeding behavior and ultrasound carcass traits in growing bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 1528-1539.
Maddock, T. D., J. L. Foster, M. A. Elzo, and G. C. Lamb. 2009. Changes in temperament scores of cattle handled frequently failed to enhance feed intake. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 2) (In press).
McMurry, B. 2009. Functionality of cow size. Proceedings of 2009 Minnesota Beef Cow/Calf Days. pp. 1-9.
Oltjen, J.W., A. Ahmadi, A.J. Romera, D.J. Drake and S.J.R.Woodward. 2008. PRANCH: Cow-calf herd simulation system. In: Agricultural Information and Information Technology Proceedings of IAALD AFITA WCCA (T. Nagatsuka and S. Ninomiya, Eds.) pp. 123-126.
Oltjen, J.W., D.J. Drake, A.B. Ahmadi, A.J. Romera, S.J.R. Woodward, L.N. Bennett, F. Haque and L.J. Butler. 2008. Management simulation tool for estimating value of individual identification of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 86(E-Suppl. 3):139.
Prado-Cooper, M.J., R. D. Madden, J. W. Dillwith, C. L. Bailey, E. C. Wright, C. R. Krehbiel, D.L. Step, and R. P. Wettemann. 2009. Proteomic analyses in beef cows with low and high maintenance energy requirements. J. Anim Sci. (E-Suppl 2)87: in press.
Rauw, W.M. (Ed.) 2008, Resource Allocation Theory Applied to Farm Animal Production, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 336 pp.
Rauw, W.M. 2008, Introduction, In: Resource Allocation Theory Applied to Farm Animal Production (W.M. Rauw ed.), pp. 1-21.
Rauw, W.M., T. Wuliji, D. Thain, M. Teglas, T. Filbin, D. Joos, L. Gomez-Raya, 2008. Body Weight Loss and Estimated Grazing Intake in Free Range Sheep and Cattle. Nevada Cattlemans Update, p. 33-35.
Smith, S. N. 2008. Residual Feed Intake of Angus Cattle Divergently Selected for Feed Conversion Ratio. M.S. Thesis. The Ohio State University, Columbus.
Welch, C.M., Ahola, J.K., Hall, J.B., Szasz, J.I., Keenan, L. and Hill, R.A. (2009). Physiological drivers of variation in feed efficiency in red angus-sired calves. Journal of Animal Science (supplement 1) accepted.
Davis, M.E., and R.C.M. Simmen. 2010. Estimates of inbreeding depression for serum insulin-like growth factor I concentrations, body weights, and body weight gains in Angus beef cattle divergently selected for serum insulin-like growth factor I concentration. J. Anim. Sci. 88:552-561.
Smith, S.N., M.E. Davis, and S.C. Loerch. 2010. Residual feed intake of Angus beef cattle divergently selected for feed conversion ratio. Livest. Sci. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2010.04.019.
Qing, Q. 2010. Effect of Divergent Selection for Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) on Mature Weight and Growth Curves in Angus Cattle. M.S. Thesis. The Ohio State University, Columbus.
Barioni, L.G., V.A.T. de León, J.W. Oltjen, and R.D. Sainz. 2009. A Hybrid Algorithm to Optimize Beef Feedlot Operations. 7th International Workship Modelling Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals, Paris, September 10-12. p.61
de León, V.A., L.G. Barioni, J.W. Oltjen, and R.D. Sainz. 2009. Development of a heat balance model for cattle. 7th International Workship Modelling Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals, Paris, September 10-12. p.43.
McPhee, M., J. Oltjen, J. Fadel, D. Mayer and R. Sainz. 2009. Parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis of fat deposition models in beef steers using acslXtreme. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 79 :27012712.
Oltjen, J.W., A. Ahmadi, A.J. Romera, D.J. Drake, P. Gaspar and S.J.R. Woodward. 2009. PCRANCH: Cow-Calf Herd Simulation System. 7th International Workship Modelling Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals, Paris, September 10-12. p. 64.
Prado-Cooper, M., 2009. Maintenance energy requirements, postpartum reproduction, and ruminal temperature at parturition and estrus of beef cows. PhD Dissertation. Oklahoma State University
Bailey, C.L., 2009. Identification of maintenance energy requirements and estrus in beef cows. MS Thesis. Oklahoma State University
Prado-Cooper, M.J., R.D. Madden, J.W. Dillwith, C.L. Bailey, E.C. Wright, K.R. HR.Krehbiel, D.L. Step, and R.P. Wettemann. 2009. Proteomic analyses in beef cows with low and high maintenance energy requirements. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 2)87:296.
Pye, T.A., B.H. Boehmer, and R.P. Wettemann. 2010. Maintenance energy requirements of gestating beef cows, rumen temperature, and plasma concentrations of thyroxine and triiodothyronine. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 2)88:403.
Rutherford, William Cobie Jr. 2010. Thesis: Evaluation of residual feed intake in centrally-tested bulls and related steers. Accessed 8/16/2010. (http://etd.auburn.edu/etd/handle/10415/2038).
Rutherford, W.C., L.A. Kriese-Anderson and G.S. Hecht. 2010. Heritability and genetic correlations of residual feed intake between Angus and Simmental bulls and resulting steer relatives. Abstract 69 presented at the American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting. July 11-15, 2010. Denver, CO. Accessed 8/16/2010 (http://adsa.psa.ampa.csas.asas.org/meetings/2010/abstracts/0184.pdf). 88 (e-supplement 2):184-185.
Hafla, A.N., P.A. Lancaster, G.E. Carstens, D.W. Forrest, J.T. Fox, M.E. Davis, R.D. Randel and J.W. Holloway. 2010. Relationships between feed efficiency traits, and scrotal circumference and semen-quality traits in yearling bulls. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 3) 88:13.
Mendes, E.D.M., G.E. Carstens and L.O. Tedeschi. 2010. Characterization of feeding behavior traits and associations with feed efficiency in beef heifers fed a high-grain diet. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 2) 88:791.
Ahola, J.K., Skow, T.A., Hunt, C.W. and Hill, R.A. 2011. Relationship Between Residual Feed Intake and End Product Palatability in Longissimus Steaks from Steers Sired by Angus Bulls Divergent for Intramuscular Fat Expected Progeny Difference. Professional Animal Scientist.27:109-115.
Bilgin, O.C., N. Esenbuga, and M.E. Davis. 2010. Comparison of models for describing the lactation curve of Awassi, Morkaraman, and Tushin Sheep. Archiv Tierzucht 53:447-456.
Davis, M.E., and R. C.M. Simmen. 2010. Estimates of inbreeding depression for serum insulin-like growth factor I concentrations, body weights, and body weight gains in Angus beef cattle divergently selected for serum insulin-like growth factor I concentration. J. Anim. Sci. 88:552-561.
Smith, S.N., M.E. Davis, and S.C. Loerch. 2010. Residual feed intake of Angus beef cattle divergently selected for feed conversion ratio. Livest. Sci. 132:41-47.
Hafla, A.N., P.A. Lancaster, G.E. Carstens, D.W. Forrest, J.T. Fox, T.D. A. Forbes, M.E. Davis, R.D. Randel, and J.W. Holloway. 2011. Relationships between feed efficiency traits, and scrotal circumference and semen-quality traits in yearling bulls. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted)
Huang, H., H.C. Hines, K.M. Irvin, K. Lee, and M.E. Davis. 2011. Response to divergent selection for insulin-like growth factor-I concentration and correlated responses in growth traits in Angus cattle. J. Anim. Sci. (in review)
Mendes, E.D.M, G.E. Carstens, L.O. Tedeschi, Pinchak, W.E. and T.H. Friend. 2011. Technical note: Validation of a system for monitoring feeding behavior in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. doi:10.2527/jas.2010-3489.
Qin, Q., M.E. Davis, S.J. Moeller, and T.B. Turner. 2011. Comparison of four growth curve models for estimating mature weight and correlations between mature weight and postweaning serum IGF-I concentration in Angus cattle. Animal (in review)
Non-Refereed Articles:
Johnson, K.A., H. Neibergs, J.J. Michal, G.E. Carstens, M. Settles, A. Hafla, T.D.A. Forbes, J.W. Holloway and A. Brosh. 2010. Differential expression of mitochondrial genes in liver from beef calves with divergent phenotypes for feed efficiency. In: G. Matteo Crovetto (Ed.), Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition. EAAP Pub. 127:7576.
Crews, D.H., Jr., C.T. Pendley, G.E. Carstens, and E.D.M. Mendes. 2010. Genetic evaluation of feed intake and utilization traits in beef bulls. Proc. 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Leipzig, Germany. CD-ROM #0667.
Hill, R.A., Kane, S.L., Ahola, J.K., Wulfhorst, J.D., Hough, R.L., Bolze Jr., R.P. and Keenan, L. (2010). Feed Efficiency Research and Outreach for the Beef Industry. National Research Initiative (USDA) Project Directors Meeting, July 15-16, Denver, CO.
Hill, R.A., Kane, S.L., Ahola, J.K., Wulfhorst, J.D., Hough, R.L., Bolze Jr., R.P. and Keenan, L. (2011). Feed Efficiency Research and Outreach for the Beef Industry. National Research Initiative (USDA) Project Directors Meeting, April 18-19, Washington, D.C.
Tedeschi, L.O., D.G. Fox, G.E. Carstens and C.L. Ferrell. 2010. The partial efficiency of use of metabolisable energy for growth in ruminants. Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition. EAAP Pub. 127:519-529.
Thornton, K.J., Davis, L., Welch, C., Doumit, M., Hill, R.A. and Murdoch, G.K. (2010). Muscle Fiber Type is Altered by Selection of Sire for Maintenance Energy Proc., Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference, October 7-9, 2010, Vancouver, British Colombia
Wulfhorst, J.D., Ahola, J.K., Kane, S.L., Keenan, L.D. and Hill, R.A. (2010). Factors affecting beef cattle producer perspectives on feed efficiency. Journal of Animal Science. 88: 3749-3758.
Research Abstracts:
Adcock, J. W., D. W. Shike, D. B. Faulkner, and K. M. Retallick. 2011. Utilizing heifer RFI to predict cow intake and efficiency. Midwestern section of American Society of Animal Science Abstract 81. (accessed: http://adsa.asas.org/midwest/2011/Midwest_Abstracts_2011-revised.pdf on 7/28/11).
Bailey, J.C., G.E. Carstens, J.T. Walter, A.N. Hafla, E.D. Mendes, L.O. Tedeschi and R.K. Miller. 2011. Effects of residual feed intake classification and breed type on feed efficiency and feeding behavior traits in heifers fed a high-grain diet. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1):366.
Bailey, J.C., G.E. Carstens, J.W. Behrens, R.K. Miller, J.T. Walter, A.N. Hafla, L.O. Tedeschi and D.S. Hale. 2011. Temperament classification affects feed efficiency, feeding behavior and carcass value traits in heifers fed a high-grain diet. Proc. Plains Nutrition Council (Abstr.).
Bailey, J.C., L.O. Tedeschi, E.D. Mendes and G.E. Carstens. 2011. Evaluation of bimodal distributions to determine meal criterion in heifers fed a high-grain diet. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1):761.
Hafla, A.N., G.E. Carstens, T.D.A. Forbes, J.C. Bailey and E.A. Dany. 2011. Heart rate and physical activity in growing Bonsmara heifers with divergent residual feed intake fed in confinement or on pasture. J. Anim. Sci. (In press).
Hafla, A.N., G.E. Carstens, T.D.A. Forbes, J., C. Bailey, J.T. Walter, J.W. Holloway and J.G. Moreno. 2011. Relationship between postweaning RFI in heifers and intake and productivity of mid-gestation beef females. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1):416.
McGee, M., Welch, C.M., Hall, J.B., Small, W. and Hill, R.A. (2011). Interactions of Residual Feed Intake and other Performance Parameters of Japanese Black (Wagyu) Bulls. Journal of Animal Science 89 (E Suppl. 2).
Pye, T.A., B.H. Boehmer, and R.P. Wettemamnn. 2011. Maintenance energy requirements of gestating beef cows and plasma concentrations of thyroxine and triiodothyronine. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 1)89:253-254 (accessed http://www.jtmtg.org/2011/abstracts/0251.PDF on 8/1/11).
Soderquist, G.C., Welch, C.M., Murdoch, G.K., Ahola, J.K., Hall, J.B., Schneider, C. and Hill, R.A. (2011). Overview of IL-15/IL-15± Receptor and Their Role in Muscle Growth Related to Residual Feed Intake. Innovation Showcase. University of Idaho, April, 2011. (prize awarded).
Walter, J.T., J.C. Bailey, G.E. Carstens, A.N. Hafla, E.D. Mendes and L.O. Tedeschi. 2011. Residual feed intake classification affects on feed efficiency and feeding behavior traits and net revenue in Angus-based composite steers. Proc. Plains Nutrition Council (Abstr.).
Welch, C.M., Murdoch, G.K., Chapalamadugu, K., Thornton, K.J., Ahola, J.K., Hall, J.B. and Hill, R.A. (2011). Gene expression of Red Angus sired steers and heifers evaluated for residual feed intake Journal of Animal Science 89 (E- Suppl. 2).
Qing, Q. 2010. Effect of Divergent Selection for Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) on Mature Weight and Growth Curves in Angus Cattle. M.S. Thesis. The Ohio State University, Columbus.
Popular Press
Published two articles for the Wyoming Roundup.
Published on article for the University of Wyoming's Reflections publication.
Published two articles for Hereford America.
Book Chapters:
1. Hill, R.A. (editor). 2012. (delivered under contract 12/01/11 scheduled publication summer 2012). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. (322 pages, 60 line drawings, 60 B&W photographs, 50 Tables.) with 33 contributors. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
2. Hill, R.A. 2012. Introduction. In : Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 1-6 Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
3. Ahola, J.K. and Hill, R.A. 2012. Input Factors Affecting Profitability: A Changing Paradigm and a Challenging Time. (Chapter 1) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 7-20. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
4. Crews, D.H., Jr. and G.E. Carstens. 2012. Measuring Individual Feed Intake and Utilization in Growing Cattle. (Chapter 2) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 7-20. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
5. Wulfhorst, J.D., Kane, S., Ahola, J.K., Hall, J.B. and Hill, R.A. (2012) Producer Awareness and Perceptions of Feed Efficiency (Chapter 3) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 29-46. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
6. Retallick, K.M. and D.B. Faulkner. 2012. Feed Efficiency in Different Management Systems: Cow-Calf and in the Feedyard (Chapter 4) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 29-46. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
7. Herd, R.M. and P.F. Arthur. 2012. Lessons from the Austrailian Experience. (Chapter 5) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 29-46. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
8. Kerley, M.S.. 2012. Nutrition and Feed Efficiency of Beef Cattle. (Chapter 6) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 29-46. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
9. Arthur, P.F. and R.M. Herd. 2012. Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency. (Chapter 7) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 29-46. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
10. Rauw, W.M. 2012. Feed Efficiency and Animal Robustness. (Chapter 8) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 29-46. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
11. Basarab, J.A., C. Fitzsimmons, C.S. Whisnant, and R.P. Wettemann. 2012. Interactions with Other Traits: Reproduction and Fertility. (Chapter 9) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 29-46. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
12. Hill, R.A. and Ahola, J.K. 2012. Interactions with other Traits: Growth and Product Quality. (Chapter 10). In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 145-158. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
13. Welch, C.M., McGee, M., Kokta, T.A. and Hill, R.A. 2012. Muscle and Adipose Tissue: Potential Roles in Driving Variation in Feed Efficiency. (Chapter 12). In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 175-198. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
14. Meyer, A.M., J.S. Caton, B.W. Hess, S.P. Ford, and L.P. Reynolds. 2012. Epigenetics and Effects on the Neonate That May Impact Feed Efficiency. (Chapter 13) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 29-46. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
15. Davis, M.E., M.P. Wick, and M.G.Maquivar. 2012. Hormonal Regulation of Feed Efficiency. (Chapter 14) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 29-46. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
16. Bottje, W.G. and G.E. Carstens. 2012. Variation in Metabolism: Biological Efficiency of Energy Production and Utilization That Affects Feed Efficiency. (Chapter 15) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 29-46. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
17. Sainz, R. 2012. Modeling Feed Efficiency. (Chapter 16) In: Hill, R.A. (editor). Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. pp 29-46. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa.
Referred Journal Articles:
1. Mendes, E.D.M, G.E. Carstens, L.O. Tedeschi, Pinchak, W.E. and T.H. Friend. 2011. Validation of a system for monitoring feeding behavior in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2904-2910.
2. Hafla, A.N., P.A. Lancaster, G.E. Carstens, D.W. Forrest, J.T. Fox, T.D.A. Forbes, M.E. Davis, R.D. Randel and J.W. Holloway. 2012. Relationships between feed efficiency, scrotal circumference and semen-quality traits in yearling bulls. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted).
3. Bailey, J.C., L.O. Tedeschi, E.D. Mendes, J.E. Sawyer and G.E. Carstens. 2012. Technical note: Evaluation of bimodal distribution models to determine meal criterion in heifers fed a high-grain diet. J. Anim. Sci. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4634.
4. H. Huang, H. C. Hines, K. M. Irvin, K. Lee, and M. E. Davis. 2011. Response to divergent selection for insulin-like growth factor-I concentration and correlated responses in growth traits in Angus cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 89:3924-3934.
5. Chung, H. Y., and M. E. Davis. 2011. Effects of calpain genotypes on meat tenderness and carcass traits of Angus bulls. Mol. Biol. Rep. 38:4575-4581.
6. Chung, H., and M. Davis. 2012. Effects of genetic variants for the calpastatin gene on calpastatin activity and meat tenderness in Hanwoo (Korean cattle). Meat Science 90:711-714.
7. Chung, H., and M. Davis. 2012. PCR-RFLP of the ovine calpastatin gene and its association with growth. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 7:641-652.
8. Hafla, A. N., P. A. Lancaster, G. E. Carstens, D. W. Forrest, J. T. Fox, T. D. A. Forbes, M. E. Davis, R. D. Randel, and J. W. Holloway. 2012. Relationships between feed efficiency, scrotal circumference, and semen-quality traits in yearling bulls. J. Anim. Sci. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4029.
9. Cruz, G.D., J. B. Trovo, J. W. Oltjen, and R. D. Sainz. 2011. Estimating Feed Efficiency: Evaluation of mathematical models to predict individual intakes of steers fed in group pens. J. Anim Sci. 89:1640-1649.
10. McGee, M., Welch, C.M., Hall, J.B., Small, W. and Hill, R.A. (2012). Optimizing Feed Efficiency, Growth and Marbling in Wagyu Cattle. Professional Animal Scientist. (in revision).
11. Welch, C.M., Ahola, J.K., Hall, J.B., Murdoch, G.K., Crews Jr., D.H., Szasz, J.I., Davis, L.C., Doumit, M.E., Price, W.J., Keenan, L.D. and Hill, R.A. (2012). Relationships among performance, residual feed intake, and product quality of progeny from Red Angus sires divergent for maintenance energy EPD. Journal of Animal Science. (in revision).
12. Ahola, J.K., Skow, T.A., Hunt, C.W. and Hill, R.A. (2011). Relationship Between Residual Feed Intake and End Product Palatability in Longissimus Steaks from Steers Sired by Angus Bulls Divergent for Intramuscular Fat Expected Progeny Difference. Professional Animal Scientist.27:109-115.
13. Huntington G, Cassady, J., PAS, Gray, K, Whisnant, S. and Hansen, G. Use of digital infrared thermal imaging to assess feed efficiency in Angus Bulls. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:166-172, 2012.
Non-Referred Articles:
1. Carstens, G.E. 2011. Associations between feed efficiency and other economically relevant traits in beef cattle. Proc. of XIV Symposium on Feedlot Cattle, Monterrey Mexico, pp. 113-117.
2. Hill, R.A., Wulfhorst, J.D., Kane, S, Welch, C.M. and Ahola, J.K. (2012). Controlling the cost of beef production through improving feed efficiency. National Institute for Animal Agriculture National Meeting. March 27, Denver CO.
3. Hill, R.A., Wulfhorst, J.D., Kane, S, Welch, C.M, Hall, J.B. and Ahola, J.K. (2012). Improving Cattle Feed Efficiency. Bonner-Boundary Cattle Assoc. Beef School, Feb 4, Ponderay, ID
4. Meyer, A. M., K. M. Cammack, K. J. Austin, J. M. Kern, M. Du, J. S. Caton, and B. W. Hess. 2012. Correlation of feed intake and efficiency with small intestinal angiogenic factor and receptor expression in finishing cattle born to dams fed varying levels of nutrients during early to mid-gestation. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 63: In press.
5. Vraspir, R. A., M. J. Ellison, K. M. Cammack, and A. M. Meyer. 2012. The relationship of feed efficiency and visceral organ size in growing lambs fed a concentrate or forage-based diet. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 63: In press.
6. Ellison, M. J., R. R. Cockrum, K. W. Christensen, R. A. Vraspir, L. Speiser, W. J. Means, A. M. Meyer, and K. M. Cammack. 2012. The effect of diet on feed intake traits and relationships with carcass traits in sheep. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 63: In press.
Research Abstracts:
1. Walter, J.T., A.N. Hafla, G.E. Carstens, J.C. Bailey, J.W. Behrens, J.G. Moreno, D.S. Hale, R.K. Miller, J.E. Sawyer, and D. Anderson. 2012. Effects of residual feed intake on feedlot performance, feed efficiency, and carcass traits and net revenue in Angus-based composite steers. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 1):53.
2. Moreno, J.G. R. Kalina, G.E. Carstens, T. Wickersham, J.T. Walter and A.N. Hafla. 2012. Between-animal variation in intake and behavioral patterns associated with consumption of salt-limited dried distillers grain in forage-fed growing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 1):73.
3. Moreno, J.G., G.E. Carstens, D.H. Crews, Jr., L.O. Tedeschi, L.R. McDonald, and S. Williams. 2012. Evaluation of feed efficiency and feeding behavior traits in performance tested bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 2):345.
4. Pye, T.A., B.H. Boehmer, and R.P. Wettemann. 2011. Maintenance energy requirements of gestating beef cows and plasma concentrations of thyroxine and triiodothyronine. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl. 2)89:142.
5. Oltjen, J.W., and J.C. Whittier. 2011. English and Spanish versions of the cattle producers library for disseminating beef cattle educational information. First Joint Meeting AAPA-ASAS., Mar del Plata, Argentina, October 4-7, Revista Argentina de Producción Animal 31(Suppl. 1):198.
6. Adcock, J. W., D.W. Shike, D.B. Faulkner, and K.M. Retallick. 2011. Utilizing Heifer RFI to Predict Cow Intake and Efficiency. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 2): 81.
7. Hill, R.A., Kane, S.L., Ahola, J.K., Wulfhorst, J.D., Hough, R.L., Bolze Jr., R.P. and Keenan, L. (2011). Feed Efficiency Research and Outreach for the Beef Industry. National Research Initiative (USDA) Project Directors Meeting, April 18-19, Washington, D.C.
8. Welch, C.M., Ahola, J.K., Hall, J.B., Murdoch, G.K., Crews Jr., D.H., Szasz, J.I., Davis, L.C., Doumit, M.E., Price, W.J., Keenan, L.D. and Hill, R.A. (2012). Performance, residual feed intake, and carcass quality of progeny from Red Angus sires divergent for maintenance energy EPD. Journal of Animal Science 89 (E Suppl.).
9. Welch, C.M., Murdoch, G.K., Schneider, C.S., Chapalamadugu, K., Thornton, K.J., McGee, M., Ahola, J.K., Hall, J.B. and Hill, R.A. (2011). Muscle Gene Expression Suggests Pathways of Nutrient Partitioning in low and high Residual Feed Intake Red Angus-sired Steers and Heifers. Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. Portland, Oregon.
10. McGee, M., Welch, C.M., Hall, J.B., Small, W. and Hill, R.A. (2011). Evaluation of Japanese Black (Wagyu) Bull Performance and Residual Feed Intake. Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. Portland, Oregon.
11. Soderquist, G.C., Welch, C.M., Murdoch, G.K., Ahola, J.K., Hall, J.B., Schneider, C. and Hill, R.A. (2011). Overview of IL-15/IL-15± Receptor and Their Role in Muscle Growth Related to Residual Feed Intake. Innovation Showcase. University of Idaho, April, 2011. (prize awarded).
12. Welch, C.M., Murdoch, G.K., Chapalamadugu, K., Thornton, K.J., Ahola, J.K., Hall, J.B. and Hill, R.A. (2011). Gene expression of Red Angus sired steers and heifers evaluated for residual feed intake Journal of Animal Science 89 (E Suppl. 2).
13. McGee, M., Welch, C.M., Hall, J.B., Small, W. and Hill, R.A. (2011). Interactions of Residual Feed Intake and other Performance Parameters of Japanese Black (Wagyu) Bulls. Journal of Animal Science 89 (E Suppl. 2).
14. Meyer, A. M., K. M. Cammack, K. J. Austin, J. M. Kern, M. Du, J. S. Caton, and B. W. Hess. 2012. Correlation of feed intake and efficiency with small intestinal angiogenic factor and receptor expression in finishing cattle born to dams fed varying levels of nutrients during early to mid-gestation. J. Anim. Sci. In press.
15. Meyer, A. M., K. A. Vonnahme, D. A. Redmer, L. P. Reynolds, and J. S. Caton. 2012. Maternal feed efficiency during gestation is correlated to offspring birth weight and girth in nutrient restricted and control-fed ewes. J. Anim. Sci. In press.
16. Vraspir, R. A., M. J. Ellison, K. M. Cammack, and A. M. Meyer. 2012. The relationship of feed efficiency and visceral organ size in growing lambs fed a concentrate or forage-based diet. J. Anim. Sci. In press.
17. Doscher, F. E., A. M. Meyer, M. J. Ellison, K. M. Cammack, and K. C. Swanson. 2012. The relationship between feed efficiency and pancreatic ±-amylase and trypsin activity in growing lambs. J. Anim. Sci. In press.
18. Ellison, M. J., R. R. Cockrum, K. W. Christensen, R. A. Vraspir, L. Speiser, W. J. Means, A. M. Meyer, and K. M. Cammack. 2012. The effect of diet on feed intake traits and relationships with carcass traits in sheep. J. Anim. Sci. In press.
19. Meyer, A. M., K. M. Cammack, S. I. Paisley, P. Moriel, W. J. Means, M. Du, J. S. Caton, and B. W. Hess. 2012. Correlation of feed efficiency and small intestinal growth in finishing cattle born to dams fed varying levels of nutrients during early to mid-gestation. J. Anim. Sci. In press.
20. Minton, N.O., J.H. Porter, N.F. Johnson, J.G. Yoder, and M.S. Kerley. 2012. Comparison of fermentation end products within continuous culture among steers differing in residual feed intake (RFI) phenotypes. J. Anim. Sci. In press.
21. Ramos, M.H., D.H. Keisler, and M.S. Kerley. 2012. Glucose and epinephrine tolerance tests in steers categorized as residual feed intake efficient versus inefficient. J. Anim. Sci. In press.
22. C.N. Key, S. D. Perkins, C. F. Garrett, C. D. Foradori, C. L. Bratcher, L. A. Kriese-Anderson, and T. D. Brandebourg. 2012. Effect of residual feed intake on hypothalamic gene expression and meat quality in heat-stressed Angus-sired cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90:296 (Suppl. 3).
23. Perkins, S.D., C. N. Key, C. F. Garrett, C. D. Foradori, C. L. Bratcher, L. A. Kriese-Anderson, and T. D.
Brandebourg. 2012. Residual feed intake and meat quality in Angus-sired cattle. Presented at southern section of American Society of Animal Science. Accessed http://www.asas.org/southern/2012/2012ASAS_Southern_Abstracts.pdf. Page 1.
24. S. D. Perkins, C.N. Key, C. F. Garrett, C. D. Foradori, C. L. Bratcher, L. A. Kriese-Anderson, and T. D. Brandebourg. 2012. Effect of residual feed intake on meat quality and hypothalamic gene expression in Angus-sired cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90:296 (Suppl. 3).
Experiment Station/Extension Publications:
1. Walter, J.T., G.E. Carstens, J.C. Bailey, J.W. Behrens, A.N. Hafla, J.G. Moreno, D.S. Hale, R.K. Miller, J.E. Sawyer, and D. Anderson. 2011. Effects of residual feed intake classification on feedlot performance carcass traits and net revenue in Angus-based composite steers. Beef Cattle Research in Texas.
2. Hafla, A.N., G.E. Carstens, T.D.A. Forbes, J.C. Bailey, J.T. Walter, L.O. Tedeschi, J.W. Holloway and J.G. Moreno. 2011. Relationship between postweaning residual feed intake in heifers and forage intake of mature mid-gestation beef females. Beef Cattle Research in Texas.
3. Meyer, A. M., K. M. Cammack, S. I. Paisley, P. Moriel, W. J. Means, M. Du, J. S. Caton, and B. W. Hess. 2012. Correlation of feed efficiency and small intestinal growth in finishing cattle. University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station Field Day Report. In press.
4. Ellison, M. J., R. R. Cockrum, K. W. Christensen, R. A. Vraspir, L. Speiser, W. J. Means, A. M. Meyer, and K. M. Cammack. 2012. The effect of diet on feed intake traits and relationships with carcass traits in sheep. University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station Field Day Report. In press.
5. Meyer, A. M., K. M. Cammack, S. I. Paisley, P. Moriel, W. J. Means, M. Du, J. S. Caton, and B. W. Hess. 2011. Correlation of feed efficiency and small intestinal growth in finishing cattle born to dams fed varying levels of nutrients during early to mid-gestation. University of Wyoming Department of Animal Science Annual Report. 58-59.