W2003: How to motivate parents to promote intake of calcium rich foods among early adolescents
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Cluskey M, Auld G, Edlefsen M, Zaghloul, S, Bock MA, Boushey CJ, Bruhn C, Goldberg D, Misner S, Olson B, Reicks M, Wang C. Calcium knowledge, concern, and expectations for intake among parents of Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white early adolescents. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues. Winter 2008, 13(3). http://ncsu.edu/ffci/publications/
Edlefsen M, Reicks M, Goldberg DL, Auld, GW, Bock A, Boushey CJ, Bruhn CM, Cluskey M, Misner SL, Olson BH, Wang C, Zaghloul S. Strategies of Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic White parents to influence young adolescents intake of calcium-rich foods, 2004 and 2005. Preventing Chronic Disease 2008;5(4) October. http://www2.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2008/oct/07_0174.htm
Cluskey M, Edlefsen M, Olson B, Reicks M, Goldberg DL, Auld, GW, Bock A, Boushey CJ, Bruhn CM, Misner SL, Olson BH, Wang C, Zaghloul S. At home and away-from-home eating patterns influencing preadolescents intake of calcium rich foods as perceived by Asian, Hispanic and non-Hispanic White parents. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2008;40:72-79.
Yang J, Boushey CJ, Olson BH, Auld G, Bock MA, Boushey CJ, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Edlefsen M, Goldberg D, Misner S, Olson B, Wang C, Zaghloul S. Intentional purchase of calcium-fortified foods observed among Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white parents of early adolescents. Submitted to Journal Am Diet Association 2008 (in review)
Olson, BH, Chung, KR, Reckase, M, Schoemer, S. Parental Influences on Dairy Intake in Children, and their Role in Child Calcium Fortified Food Use," In press, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Roth-Yousey L, Asche K, Schroeder M, Reicks M. Assessment of parent and child perceptions of rules and expectations regarding beverage intake. FASEB J. 2008 22:44.2.
No new publications during this period.
1.Reicks M, Ballejos M, Goodell LS, Gunther C, Richards R, Wong SS, Auld G, Boushey C, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Misner S, Olson B. Zaghhoul S. Individual and family correlates of calcium-rich food intake among parents of early adolescent children. J Am Diet Assoc. In press. Accepted Sept 2010.
2.Cluskey M, Auld G, Edlefsen M, Zaghoul S, et al. Parental knowledge, concern, and expectations for calcium intake of Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic White early adolescents. Journal of Community Nutrition (in progress)
3. Landon R. Jones, Hal L. Black, Clayton M. White, N. Paul Johnston, Meghan E. McGee, Seth W. Donahue, and Dennis L. Eggett. 2010. Effects of Calcium-Loading on Egg Production in Ring-Necked Pheasants. Journal of Wildlife Management 74,(6):1295-1300.
4. Janette L. Smith, N. Paul Johnston, Kirk A. Dearden, Dennis L. Eggett, Alison K. Campbell. 2010. The Impact of Altitude and Diet on Anemia in School-Aged Children in Lago San Pablo, Ecuador ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition October 2010 2: 288-293.
Reicks M, Ballejos M, Wong SS, Boushey C, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Misner S, Olson B. Individual and family correlates of calcium intake in parents of early adolescent children. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June 2010.
1. Reicks M, Edlefsen M, Goodell LS, Gunther C, Richards R, Wong SS, Auld G, Boushey C, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Misner S, Olson B. Zaghhoul S. Individual and family correlates of calcium-rich food intake among parents of early adolescent children. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011;111:376-384.
2. Reicks M, Degeneffe D, Ghosh K, Bruhn C, Goodell LS, Gunther C, Auld G,Ballejos M, Boushey C, Cluskey M, Misner S, Olson B, Wong S, Zaghloul S. Parent calcium-rich-food practices/perceptions are associated with calcium intake among parents and their early adolescent children. Public Health Nutr. 2011 Jun 1:1-10. [Epub ahead of print]
3. Vyduna JL, Boushey CJ, Auld GW, Bruhn CM, Cluskey M, Edlefsen M, Misner S, Olson B, Reicks M, Schram J, Wang C, Zaghloul S. Formative study design to identify parental psychosocial factors related to consumption of calcium-rich foods of their early adolescent children. BMC Pediatrics. (submitted Feb 2011)
4. Cluskey M, Wong SS, Ballejos M, Reicks M, Richards R, Auld G, Boushey C, Bruhn C, Misner S, Olsen B, Zaghloul S. Dietary sources of calcium among Asian, Hispanic and non-Hispanic White parents and early adolescent children by parent place of birth. Appetite. (submitted Aug 2011).
1. Gunther C, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Reicks M, Richards R, Wong SS, Auld G, Ballejos ME, Boushey CJ, Misner S, Novotny R, Olson B. Individual and family level determinants of calcium knowledge among parents of early adolescent children. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Under review.
2. Roth-Yousey LL, Asche K, Schroeder M, Reicks M. Validation and reliability of a beverage tool measuring psychosocial and environmental factors associated with early adolescent (EA) beverage consumption. Journal of Adolescent Health. Under review.
3. Roth-Yousey, LL. A parent-early adolescent intervention to reduce sweetened beverage consumption through home environment parenting practices. University of Minnesota Dissertation, 2011. http://purl.umn.edu/120010
4. Reicks M, Degeneffe D, Ghosh K, Bruhn C, Goodell LS, Gunther C, Auld G, Ballejos M, Boushey C, Cluskey M, Misner S, Olson B, Wong S, Zaghloul S. Parent calcium-rich-food practices/perceptions are associated with calcium intake among parents and their early adolescent children. Public Health Nutr. 2012;15(2):331-340.
1. Siew Sun Wong, Carolyn Gunther, Marla Reicks, Rickelle Richards, Christine M Bruhn, Mary Cluskey, Scottie Misner, Corilee Watters, Miriam Bellajos. Perceptions of Key Parental Benefits from Practices that Promote Intake of Calcium-Rich Foods and Beverages (CRF/B) in Preadolescent Children. Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, April 2012.
2. Reynolds A, Gunther CW. (2012) Perceptions of benefits underlying key parent practices that promote intake of calcium rich foods and beverages in early adolescent children. Poster presentation, Ohio State University, Denman Research Forum and Russell Klein Symposium, Columbus, OH.
1. Cluskey M, Auld G, Edlefsen M, Zaghloul, S, Bock MA, Boushey CJ, Bruhn C, Goldberg D, Misner S, Olson B, Reicks M, Wang C. Calcium knowledge, concern, and expectations for intake among parents of Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white early adolescents. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues. Winter 2008;13(3). http://ncsu.edu/ffci/publications/
2. Edlefsen M, Reicks M, Goldberg DL, Auld, GW, Bock A, Boushey CJ, Bruhn CM, Cluskey M, Misner SL, Olson BH, Wang C, Zaghloul S. Strategies of Asian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic White parents to influence young adolescentsintake of calcium-rich foods, 2004 and 2005. Preventing Chronic Disease 2008;5(4) October. http://www2.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2008/oct/07_0174.htm
3. Cluskey M, Edlefsen M, Olson B, Reicks M, Goldberg DL, Auld, GW, Bock A, Boushey CJ, Bruhn CM, Misner SL, Olson BH, Wang C, Zaghloul S. At home and away-from-home eating patterns influencing preadolescentsintake of calcium rich foods as perceived by Asian, Hispanic and non-Hispanic White parents. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2008;40:72-79.
4. Cluskey M, Auld G, Edlefsen M, Zaghoul S, Bock A, Boushey C, Bruhn C, Misner S, Olson B, Reicks M, Zaghoul, S. Calcium knowledge, concern and expectations for intake among parents of Asian, Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White early adolescents. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues. 2008;13(3). http://ncsu.edu/ffci/publications/
5. Olson, BH, Chung, KR, Reckase, M, Schoemer, S. Parental Influences on Dairy Intake in Children, and their Role in Child Calcium Fortified Food Use. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2009;41(1):53-7.
6. Reicks M, Ballejos M, Goodell LS, Gunther C, Richards R, Wong SS, Auld G, Boushey C, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Misner S, Olson B. Zaghhoul S. Individual and family correlates of calcium-rich food intake among parents of early adolescent children. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011;111(3):376-84.
7. Reicks M, Edlefsen M, Goodell LS, Gunther C, Richards R, Wong SS, Auld G, Boushey C, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Misner S, Olson B. Zaghhoul S. Individual and family correlates of calcium-rich food intake among parents of early adolescent children. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011;111:376-384.
8. Roth-Yousey, LL. A parent-early adolescent intervention to reduce sweetened beverage consumption through home environment parenting practices. University of Minnesota Dissertation, 2011. http://purl.umn.edu/120010
9. Reicks M, Degeneffe D, Ghosh K, Bruhn C, Goodell LS, Gunther C, Auld G, Ballejos M, Boushey C, Cluskey M, Misner S, Olson B, Wong S, Zaghloul S. Parent calcium-rich-food practices/perceptions are associated with calcium intake among parents and their early adolescent children. Public Health Nutr. 2012;15(2):331-340.
10. Cluskey M, Petersen R, Wong SS. Language and Dietary Adaptation among Hispanic Immigrants. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, submitted August, 2013.
11. Stephanie Ann Jensen. 2012. Factors Influencing Consumer Food Choices: Exploring Individual and Environmental Influences with Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. PhD Dissertation, University of California, Davis.
12. Peterson R. A Qualitative Study of the Dietary Acculturation among Long-term Hispanic Immigrants. Oregon State University Masters Thesis, June, 2013.
13. Richards R, Reicks M, Wong SS, Gunther C, Cluskey M, Ballejos M, Bruhn C, Johnston NP, Misner S, Watters C. Identification of parental benefits derived from practices that promote intake of calcium-rich foods and beverages among early adolescent children. J Nutr Educ Behav., under review.
14. Cluskey M, Wong SS, Ballejos M, Reicks M, Richards R, Auld G, Boushey C, Bruhn C, Misner S, Olsen B, Zaghloul S. Dietary sources of calcium among parents and their early adolescent children in the United States by parent race/ethnicity and place of birth. J Immigr Minor Health, under review.
1. Glas JL, Boushey CJ, Auld GW, Bruhn CM, Cluskey M, Edlefsen M, Misner S, Olson B, Reicks M. Development of a tool to identify psychosocial factors associated with consumption of calcium rich foods among parents of early adolescent. J Am Diet Assoc 2007; (suppl):A13.
2. Roth-Yousey L, Asche K, Schroeder M, Reicks M. Assessment of parent and child perceptions of rules and expectations regarding beverage intake. FASEB J. 2008 22:44.2.
3. Reicks M, Ballejos M, Wong SS, Boushey C, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Misner S, Olson B. Individual and family correlates of calcium intake in parents of early adolescent children. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June 2010.
4. Siew Sun Wong, Carolyn Gunther, Marla Reicks, Rickelle Richards, Christine M Bruhn, Mary Cluskey, Scottie Misner, Corilee Watters, Miriam Bellajos. Perceptions of Key Parental Benefits from Practices that Promote Intake of Calcium-Rich Foods and Beverages (CRF/B) in Preadolescent Children. Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, April 2012.
5. Reynolds A, Gunther CW. (2012) Perceptions of benefits underlying key parent practices that promote intake of calcium rich foods and beverages in early adolescent children. Poster presentation, Ohio State University, Denman Research Forum and Russell Klein Symposium, Columbus, OH.
6. Gunther C, Banna J, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Wong SS, Richards R, Reicks M. Development and testing of fact- and emotion-based messages to motivate parents to engage in practices that promote intake of calcium among 10-13 year-old children. Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, April 2014.