NE1023: Improving Plant Food (Fruit, Vegetable and Whole Grain) Availability and Intake In Older Adults
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Kantor, Mark mark.kantor@fda.hhs.gov |
Maryland - University of Maryland Nutrition and Food Science 301-405-1018 |
Jiles, Charles L cjiles@udc.edu |
District of Columbia - University of the District of Columbia Dept. of Biol. and Envir. Sciences 202-274-5890 |
Rice III, William wrice@udc.edu |
District of Columbia - University of the District of Columbia Department of Mathematics 202-274-5508 |
Sone, Margaret msone@udc.edu |
District of Columbia - University of the District of Columbia Dept. of Bio. and Envir. Sciences 202-274-5949 |
Cohen, Nancy cohen@nutrition.umass.edu |
Massachusetts - University of Massachusetts Nutrition 413-545-0740 |
Ferris, Ann aferris@uchc.edu |
Connecticut -Storrs Center for Public Health and Health Policy and Department of Medicine 860-679-8196 |
Marquart, Len lmarquar@umn.edu |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota Food Science and Nutrition 612-624-3255 |
Curran-Celentano, Joanne joanne.celentano@unh.edu |
New Hampshire - University of New Hampshire Molecular, Cellular & Biomedical Sciences 603-862-2573 |
Violette, Catherine cviolette@ceunh.unh.edu |
New Hampshire - University of New Hampshire Natural Resources and the Environment 603-862-2496 |
Fey-Yensan, Nancy fey@uri.edu |
Yes |
Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences 401-874-2978 |
English, Catherine cathy@uri.edu |
Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences 401-874-5869 |
Cook, Richard A. racook@umenfa.maine.edu |
Maine - University of Maine Food Science and Human Nutrition 207-581-3117 |
Prior, Ronald L priorronaldl@uams.edu |
USDA/ARS Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center 501-320-2747 |
Mitchell, Diane dcm1@psu.edu |
Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania State Nutritional Sciences 814-863-5955 |
Smiciklas-Wright, Smiciklas- Helen hsw@psu.edu |
Purina Nutrition 814-863-2913 |
Uzoma, Catherine U cuzoma@msn.com |
District of Columbia - University of the District of Columbia Agricultural Experiment Station 202-865-4427 |
Lammi-Keefe, Carol CLammi-Keefe@agcenter.lsu.edu |
Yes |
Louisiana - Louisiana State University |
Sahyoun, Nadine R nsahyoun@umd.edu |
Maryland - University of Maryland |
Lofgren, Ingrid E ingridlofgren@uri.edu |
Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island |
Delmonico, Matthew J delmonico@uri.edu |
Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island |