NEERA1000: Northeast Pasture Research and Extension Consortium
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Donatelli, Anthony U. Jr. anthonyd@snesl.edu |
Cedar Knoll Farms Rhode Island Producer 401-934-0514 |
Baker, Barton S. bbaker2@wvu.edu |
West Virginia - West Virginia University Division of Plant and Soil Sciences 304-293-4817 |
Petrucci, Bryan T. bpetrucci@niu.edu |
American Farmland Trust 815-753-9351 |
Belesky, David P. dbelesky@afsrc.ars.usda.gov |
West Virginia Appalachian Farming Systems Research Center 304-256-2841 |
Emmick, Darrell L. darrell.emmick@ny.usda.gov |
USDA-NRCS/GLCI Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative 607-753-0851 |
Fox, Danny G. dgf4@cornell.edu |
: Station not found | |
Burley, Gary C. easthill@frontiernet.net |
East Hill Farms-NY 585-786-8675 |
Jones, Edward R. erjones@dsc.edu |
Delaware State University School Ag & Natural Resources 302-857-6414 |
Derrenbacher, Stephen P. gardenstylebeef@msn.com |
Derrenbacher Farm Maryland Producer 301-898-7006 |
Lohr, Larry W. gloria.lohr@pasomerset.fsc.usda.gov |
Da-La-Ro-Jo Farms Pennsylvania Producer 814-754-4480 |
Moyer, Glenn M. gmoyer@cvn.net |
Cove Mountain Farm Pennsylvania Producer 717-328-3207 |
Koncle, Edward G. info@rohrerseeds.com |
P. L. Rohrer & Bro. Inc. Agri-business supplier 800-356-0303 |
Conklin, Jean jalco@together.net |
Jalco Farm New Hampshire Producer 603-989-5605 |
Cropper, James jbcropper@yahoo.com |
USDA-NRCS/GLTI Northeast Pasture Consortium 336-855-7594 |
Hyde, Jeffrey jeffhyde@psu.edu |
Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania State Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education 814-865-5666 |
Gasbarre, Louis C. lgasbarr@anri.barc.usda.gov |
USDA-ARS/Maryland BARC-Parasite Immuno Lab 301-504-8509 |
Shearer, Lawrence E. ll-shear@mtdata.com |
Swartzentruber Homestead-DE 413-624-3978 |
Owens, Lloyd B. lowens@coshocton.com |
USDA-ARS/Ohio North Appalachian Experimental Watershed 740-545-6349 |
Vough, Lester R. vough@umd.edu |
Maryland - University of Maryland Dept. of Plant Science & LA 301-405-1322 |
Sanderson, Matt A. mas44@psu.edu |
USDA-ARS/Pennslyvania Pasture Systems and Watershed Management 814-865-1067 |
Leonard, Nathan nate@newagritech.com |
FiL Agritech-NY 607-749-3931 |
Sayre, Lawrason R. nedsayre@cs.com |
Waffle Hill Farm-MD 410-808-7616 |
Martin, Neal P. npmartin@facstaff.wisc.edu |
USDA-ARS/Wisconsin US Dairy Forage Research Center 608-264-5240 |
Baier, Richard C. pinelandfarms@juno.com |
Pineland Farms Maine Producer 207-688-4206 |
Kersbergen, Richard richardk@umext.maine.edu |
Maine - University of Maine Cooperative Extension 207-342-5971 |
Taylor, Richard W. rtaylor@udel.edu |
Delaware - University of Delaware Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences 302-831-1383 |
Sabatelli, Joe sabatelli@temp.umd.edu |
Sabatelli Farm West Virginia Producer 304-622-2834 |
Zook, Dunwoody dunwoody@zook.com |
Zook Farm 610-469-1900 |
Dixon, Samuel samdixon@sover.net |
Shelburne Farms-VT 802-985-2348 |
Flack, Sarah sarahf@globalnetisp.net |
Flack Family Farm-VT 802-933-6965 |
Herbert, Stephen J. sherbert@cns.umass.edu |
Massachusetts - University of Massachusetts Center for Agriculture 413-545-2890 |
Seiter, Stefan stefan.seiter@unh.edu |
: Station not found | |
Bergmann, Gary J. gjbergmann@verizon.net |
Stonegate Standardbred Farms-NJ 908-638-8195 |
Miller, Rory westview5@juno.com |
Miller Farm New York Producer 607-292-3831 |
Lantz, William D. Jr. wlantz@gcc.cc.md.us |
Lantz Farm Maryland producer 301-387-3021 |
Murphy, William wmurphy@zoo.uvm.edu |
Vermont - University of Vermont Dept. of Plant and Soil Science 802-656-0485 |
Chase, Larry lec7@cornell.edu |
New York -Ithaca : Cornell University Dept. of Animal Science 607-255-2196 |
Clement, Bruce bruce.clement@unh.edu |
New Hampshire - University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension 603-352-4550 |
Boyles, Stephen L. boyles.4@osu.edu |
Yes |
Ohio - Ohio State University Animal Sciences 614-292-7669 |
Williams, Carey A cawilli@sebs.rutgers.edu |
Yes |
New Jersey - Rutgers University Animal Science Department 732-932-5529 |
Nadeau, Jenifer A jenifer.nadeau@uconn.edu |
Connecticut -Storrs Animal Science 860-486-4471 |