S1008: Genetic Selection and Crossbreeding to Enhance Reproduction and Survival of Dairy Cattle (S-284)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
McDaniel, Benjamin T. ben_mcdaniel@ncsu.edu |
North Carolina - North Carolina State University Animal Science 919-515-4023 |
Cassell, Bennet bcassell@vt.edu |
Virginia - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VA Tech) Dairy Science 450-231-4762 |
Pearson, Ronald rep@vt.edu |
Virginia - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VA Tech) Dairy Science 450-231-6791 |
Shook, George shook@calshp.cals.wisc.edu |
Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Dairy Science 608-263-3486 |
Weigel, Kent kweigel@wisc.edu |
Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Dairy Science 608-263-4321 |
Schutz, Michael mschutz@umn.edu |
Indiana - Purdue University Animal Sciences 765-494-9478 |
Kellogg, D. Wayne wkellogg@uark.edu |
Arkansas - University of Arkansas Animal Sciences 479-575-6397 |
Oltenacu, Pascal pao2@cornell.edu |
New York -Ithaca : Cornell University Animal Science 607-255-2852 |
Blake, Robert W. rwb5@cornell.edu |
New York -Ithaca : Cornell University Animal Science 607-255-2858 |
Keown, Jeffrey jkeown1@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska Animal Science 402-472-6453 |
Shanks, Roger rdshanks@uiuc.edu |
Yes |
Illinois - University of Illinois Animal Sciences 217-244-3155 |
Misztal, Ignacy ignacy@uga.edu |
Yes |
Georgia - University of Georgia Animal and Dairy Science 706-542-9051 |
McAllister, Jack amcallis@uky.edu |
Yes |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky Animal Sciences 859-257-7540 |
Hansen, Leslie hanse009@umn.edu |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota Animal Science |
Rogers, Gary grogers2@tennessee.edu |
Tennessee - University of Tennessee Animal Science 865-974-3130 |
Thrift, F.A. fthrift@uky.edu |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky Animal Science 859-257-4877 |
Dechow, Chad cdd1@psu.edu |
Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania State Animal Science 814-963-3659 |
Weigel, Kent kweigel@wisc.edu |
Yes |
Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Dairy Science 608-263-4321 |
Keown, Jeffrey jkeown1@unl.edu |
Yes |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska Animal Science 402-472-6453 |