WERA_OLD20: Virus and virus like diseases of fruit trees, small fruits and grapevines
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Halbrendt, John jmh23@psu.edu |
Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania State Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology 717-677-6116 |
Scott, Simon sscott@clemson.edu |
Yes |
South Carolina - Clemson University Entomology, Soils, and Plant Sciences 864-656-5745 |
Purcell, Alexander H. purcell@nature.berkeley.edu |
California -Berkeley : University of California, Berkeley ESPM- Insect Biology 510-642-7285 |
Rowhani, Adib akrowhani@ucdavis.edu |
California -Berkeley : University of California, Berkeley Plant Pathology 530-752-5401 |
Kirkpatrick, Bruce bckirkpatrick@ucdavis.edu |
California -Davis : University of California, Davis Plant Pathology 530-752-2831 |
Larsen, Harold Harold.Larsen@ColoState.EDU |
Colorado - Colorado State University Agricultural Experiment Station 970-434-3264 |
Hu, J. johnhu@hawaii.edu |
Hawaii - University of Hawaii unknown |
Howell, William E. wehowell@wsu.edu |
Washington - Washington State University WSU Prosser-Plant Pathology 509-786-9251 |
Thompson, D. A. da@em.agr.ca |
: Station not found | |
Johnson, R. johnsonrc@em.agr.ca |
: Station not found | |
Welliver, Ruth rwelliver@state.pa.us |
: Station not found | |
Foster, J. A. gov |
: Station not found | |
Uyemoto, Jerry jkuyemoto@ucdavis.edu |
USDA-ARS unknown 530-752-0309 |
, |
: Station not found | |
Kinard, G. R. pgqogk@ars-grin.gov |
USDA-ARS unknown |
Postman, J. D. postmanj@bcc.orst.edu |
USDA-ARS unknown |
Martin, R. martinrr@bcc.orst.edu |
USDA-ARS unknown |
Eastwell, Ken C. keastwell@wsu.edu |
Washington - Washington State University WSU-Prosser-Plant Pathology 509-786-9385 |
Gonsalves, Dennis dg12@cornell.edu |
New York -Geneva : Cornell University Plant Pathology 315-787-2331 |
Test, test test@umd.edu |
Nevada Cooperative Extension unknown |
Fuchs, Marc F mf13@cornell.edu |
Yes |
New York -Geneva : Cornell University Plant Pathology 315-787-2331 |
Fuchs, Marc F mf13@cornell.edu |
Yes |
New York -Geneva : Cornell University Plant Pathology 315-787-2331 |
Kinard, Gary R gkinard@ars-grin.gov |
USDA/ARS-National Germplasm Resources Laboratory |
Li, Ruhui rli@ars-grin.gov |
USDA/ARS-National Germplasm Resources Laboratory |