NCCC307: Biochemistry and Genetics of Plant-Fungal Interactions
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Brown, Daren daren.brown@usda.gov |
USDA-ARS/Illinois |
Coleman, Jeffrey jjcoleman@auburn.edu |
Alabama - Auburn University |
Vaillancourt, Lisa vaillan@uky.edu |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky Plant Pathology 859-257-2203 |
Harris, Steven stevenh1@iastate.edu |
Iowa - Iowa State University |
Lee, Jung-Youn jylee@udel.edu |
Delaware - University of Delaware |
Friesen, Timothy L Timothy.Friesen@ars.usda.gov |
USDA-ARS Red River Agricultural Research Center |
Glenn, Anthony anthony.glenn@usda.gov |
USDA-ARS/Georgia |
Lorang, Jennifer Jennifer.Lorang@oregonstate.edu |
Oregon State University |
Xu, Jin-Rong jinrong@purdue.edu |
Yes |
Indiana - Purdue University Botany and Plant Pathology 765-496-6918 |
Keller, Nancy npkeller@wisc.edu |
Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Bacteriology 608-262-9795 |
Rollins, Jeffrey A. rollinsj@ufl.edu |
Yes |
Florida - University of Florida Plant Pathology 352-392-3631 |
Drott, Milton milton.drott@usda.gov |
Yes |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota |
Trail, Frances trail@msu.edu |
Yes |
Michigan - Michigan State University |
Todd, Richard rbtodd@ksu.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University Plant Pathology 785-532-0962 |
Liu, Zhaohui zhh.liu@ndsu.edu |
Yes |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University Plant Pathology 701-231-7454 |
Gill, Upinder upinder.gill@ndsu.edu |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University |
Wilson, Richard A rwilson10@unl.edu |
Yes |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska |
Richards, Jonathan jrichards@agcenter.lsu.edu |
Louisiana - Louisiana State University |
Womack, Erika edw7@msstate.edu |
Mississippi - Mississippi State University |
Kim, Saet-Byul saetbyul.kim@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska |
Slot, Jason C slot.1@osu.edu |
Yes |
Ohio - Ohio State University |
Caplan, Jeffrey jcaplan@udel.edu |
Yes |
Delaware - University of Delaware |
Ebert, Malaika malaika.ebert@ndsu.edu |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University |