W3008: Integrated Onion Pest and Disease Management
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Uchanski, Mark E Mark.Uchanski@colostate.edu |
Yes |
Colorado - Colorado State University |
Nault, Brian A. ban6@cornell.edu |
Yes |
New York -Geneva : Cornell University |
Nischwitz, Claudia claudia.nischwitz@usu.edu |
Utah - Utah State University |
Cramer, Christopher cscramer@nmsu.edu |
Yes |
New Mexico - New Mexico State University Plant and Environmental Science 505-646-4620 |
Alston, Diane G. diane.alston@usu.edu |
Utah - Utah State University Biology 435-797-2516 |
Schroeder, Brenda K bschroeder@uidaho.edu |
Idaho - University of Idaho PSES 509-339-5320 |
Pethybridge, Sarah sjp277@cornell.edu |
New York -Geneva : Cornell University |
Hay, Frank S fsh32@cornell.edu |
New York -Geneva : Cornell University |
Dung, Jeremiah jeremiah.dung@oregonstate.edu |
Oregon - Oregon State University |
Waters, Timothy D twaters@wsu.edu |
Washington Cooperative Extension |
du Toit, Lindsey J dutoit@wsu.edu |
Yes |
Washington - Washington State University Mt. Vernon REC / Plant Pathology |
Gugino, Beth K bkgugino@psu.edu |
Yes |
Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania State |
Hoepting, Christine cah59@cornell.edu |
Cornell Cooperative Extension |
Dutta, Bhabesh bhabesh@uga.edu |
Yes |
Georgia - University of Georgia |
Maas, Luis l.maas@enzazaden.com |
Yes |
Enza Zaden (Aust.) Pty Ltd Research Station |
Rehrig, William w.rehrig@enzazaden.com |
Yes |
Enza Zaden (Aust.) Pty Ltd Research Station |
Pappu, Hanu hrp@wsu.edu |
Washington - Washington State University Plant Pathology 509-335-3752 |
Malla, Subas subas.malla@ag.tamu.edu |
Yes |
Texas AgriLife Research |
Bartolo, Michael E michael.bartolo@colostate.edu |
Colorado - Colorado State University |
Putman, Alex aiputman@ucr.edu |
California -Riverside : University of California, Riverside |
Drost, Daniel T dan.drost@usu.edu |
Yes |
Utah - Utah State University |
Shock, Clinton C. clinton.shock@oregonstate.edu |
Oregon - Oregon State University Malheur Experiment Station 541-889-2174 |
Reitz, Stuart stuart.reitz@oregonstate.edu |
Oregon - Oregon State University 541-881-1417 |
Thornton, Michael K miket@uidaho.edu |
Idaho - University of Idaho |
Rodriguez, Sarah sbrodriguez@biosafesystems.com |
BioSafe Systems |