NCCC216: Understanding weed biology and ecology to address emerging weed management challenges
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Lindquist, John jlindquist1@unl.edu |
Yes |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska Agronomy & Horticluture 402-472-2771 |
Wyse, Donald wysex001@umn.edu |
Yes |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota Agronomy and Plant Genetics 612-625-7064 |
Sprague, Christy sprague1@msu.edu |
Yes |
Michigan - Michigan State University Crop and Soil Sciences 517-355-0271 |
Felix, Joel joel.felix@oregonstate.edu |
Yes |
Oregon - Oregon State University |
Gramig, Greta Greta.Gramig@ndsu.edu |
Yes |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University Plant Sciences 701-231-8149 |
Clay, Sharon sharon.clay@sdstate.edu |
Yes |
South Dakota - South Dakota State University Plant Science 605-688-4757 |
Leon, Ramon G rleon@ncsu.edu |
Florida - University of Florida |
Barrett, Michael mbarrett@uky.edu |
Yes |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky Plant and Soil Sciences 859-218-0712 |
Dille, Johanna A dieleman@ksu.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University |
Jugulam, Mithila mithila@ksu.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University Agronomy 785-532-2755 |