NC214: Increased Efficiency of Sheep Production
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Wildeus, Stephan swildeus@vsu.edu |
Yes |
Virginia State University Small Ruminants 804-524-6716 |
Ehrhardt, Richard ehrhard5@msu.edu |
Yes |
Michigan - Michigan State University |
Aaron, Debra K. daaron@uky.edu |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky Animal sciences |
Ely, Donald dely@uky.edu |
Yes |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky Animal Sciences 859-257-2717 |
Thonney, Michael L. mlt2@cornell.edu |
Yes |
New York -Ithaca : Cornell University Animal Science 607-255-2851 |
Schauer, Christopher Christopher.Schauer@ndsu.edu |
Yes |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University Hettinger Research Extension Center 701-567-4323 |
Petersson, Katherine H kpetersson@uri.edu |
Yes |
Rhode Island - University of Rhode Island |
Whitney, Travis R trwhitney@ag.tamu.edu |
Texas AgriLife Research Tx AgriLife Research & Extension Center - San Angelo 325-653-4576 |
Stewart, Whit Whit.Stewart@uwyo.edu |
Yes |
Wyoming - University of Wyoming |
Bowdridge, Scott A scott.bowdridge@mail.wvu.edu |
Yes |
West Virginia - West Virginia University Animal and Nutritional Sciences 304-293-2003 |
Villalba, Juan J juan.villalba@usu.edu |
Yes |
Utah - Utah State University |
Burke, Joan joan.burke@ars.usda.gov |
Yes |
ARS Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center 479-675-3834 |
Murdoch, Brenda M bmurdoch@uidaho.edu |
Yes |
Idaho - University of Idaho |
Murphy, Tom Tom.Murphy@usda.gov |
Yes |
USDA-ARS Roman L. Hruska US Meat Animal Research Center |
Gifford, Cody cody.gifford@uwyo.edu |
Wyoming - University of Wyoming |
Posbergh, Christian christian.posbergh@montana.edu |
Yes |
Montana - Montana State University |
Busch, Roselle rcbusch@ucdavis.edu |
Yes |
California -Administration : University of California Statewide Administration |
Pfeiffer, Morgan Morgan.pfeiffer@okstate.edu |
Oklahoma - Oklahoma State University |
Campbell, Braden campbell.1279@osu.edu |
Ohio - Ohio State University |
Brito, Luiz britol@purdue.edu |
Yes |
Indiana - Purdue University |
de Mello Tavares Lima, Paulo pdemello@uwyo.edu |
Wyoming - University of Wyoming |
Hoffman, Travis travis.w.hoffman@ndsu.edu |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University |
Waltemyer, Jessica Renee jrk272@cornell.edu |
Cornell Cooperative Extension |
Quadros, Dan dquadros@uada.edu |
Yes |
Arkansas - University of Arkansas |
Bentley, Kelsey kbentley@ksu.edu |
Yes |
Kansas State University |
Pearson, David david.b.pearson@ndsu.edu |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University |