NC_OLD1182: Nitrogen Cycling, Loading, and Use Efficiency in Forage-Based Livestock Production Systems (formerly NCT-196 and NC-189)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Coffey, Ken P kcoffey@uark.edu |
Yes |
Arkansas - University of Arkansas Animal Sciences 479-575-2112 |
Schacht, Walter wschacht1@unl.edu |
Yes |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska Agronomy & Horticulture 402-472-0205 |
Miller, Rhonda Rhonda.Miller@usu.edu |
Yes |
Utah - Utah State University Ag. Systems Tech. & Edu. Dept. 435-797-3772 |
Caton, Joel Joel.Caton@ndsu.edu |
Yes |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University Animal and Range Sciences 701-231-7653 |
Vanzant, Eric evanzant@uky.edu |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky Animal Science 859-257-9438 |
McCulley, Rebecca L rebecca.mcculley@uky.edu |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky |
Rivera, Daniel drivera@uada.edu |
Mississippi - Mississippi State University |
Macoon, Bisoondat bisoondat.macoon@usda.gov |
Yes |
Mississippi - Mississippi State University |
MacDonald, James jmacdonald2@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska |
Thompson, Anita amthompson2@wisc.edu |
Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin |
Kallenbach, Robert kallenbachr@missouri.edu |
Yes |
Missouri - University of Missouri Plant Sciences |
Cassida, Kim cassida@msu.edu |
Yes |
Michigan - Michigan State University |
Goff, Ben M ben.goff@uky.edu |
Yes |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky Plant and Soil Sciences 859-257-5785 |
Philipp, Dirk dphilipp@uark.edu |
Arkansas - University of Arkansas |
Guretzky, John A jguretzky2@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska |