NC_OLD507: Midwest Poultry Research Program

(Rapid Response to Emerging Issue Activity)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

NC_OLD507: Midwest Poultry Research Program

Duration: 05/01/2007 to 05/01/2008

Administrative Advisor(s):

NIFA Reps:

Non-Technical Summary

Statement of Issues and Justification

The Midwest Poultry Research Program (MPRP) has been funded by a special research grant from USDA since FY01. In FY07, the special research grants were eliminated. The funds were re-directed by USDA and distributed to the Experiment Stations through the Hatch formula.

The Experiment Stations at Iowa State University, University of Minnesota and Purdue have agreed to partner financially to continue the MPRP in FY07.

Midwest Poultry Research Program (MPRP) is a public/private program created to effectively address research needs of the poultry industry through a competitive process. The MPRP is managed jointly between the Midwest Poultry Consortium and Iowa State University following USDA grant guidelines. MPC member states include: CO, FL, IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, and WI.

The goal of the MPRP is to improve efficiency and sustainability of poultry production through integrated, collaborative research and technology transfer. MPRP focuses on priority areas of local need and problems of regional/national scope while encouraging multi-disciplinary research networks which enhance limited state and industry resources.

Types of Activities

A request for proposals was issued in the fall of 2006 with proposals due December 4, 2006. A committee, made up of University personnel from five of the fourteen MPC states on a rotating basis (FY 07: CO, MO, ND, SD, WI)
and industry sector representatives (broiler, layer, turkey and other species) evaluated the proposals and selected those to be funded.

The committee evaluated each proposal using the following criteria:
1. Scientific Merit, Conceptual Adequacy & Innovation
Is the work well conceived? Is the work novel? Are the methods and procedures appropriate? Are hypotheses and objectives
clearly delineated? Is the work feasible as defined? What is the probability that the work will be completed within stated time
frames? Does the work duplicate existing or previously conducted research?

2. Institutional Qualifications
Are the researchers qualified to conduct the proposed study? Are the researchers aware of current literature on the proposed
area of study? Are available facilities, instrumentation, equipment, personnel and existing funding adequate to provide
augmentative support of the study? Are requested dollars adequate, excessive or too low to complete the study?

3. Relevance and/or Progress
Does proposed study address the priority needs of the MPRP? Will the work lead to development of new knowledge or new
technology to address a priority need? Is reasonable progress being made if the submitted project is a continuation of a
previously funded project?

4. Preference is given to projects with at least a 25% cash match (vs. in-kind) from third parties (i.e. poultry associations, companies); these commitments emphasize the importance of the proposed research to the poultry industry. Preference is also given to projects collaborating with one or more universities.


  1. The Midwest Poultry Research Program will address the priority research needs of the poultry industry in the Midwest through the effective management of a competitive grants program.

Expected Outputs, Outcomes and/or Impacts

The research results help to refine poultry nutritional requirements, space requirements, molting procedures and management practices; identify biomarkers for beneficial traits, mechanisms of muscle growth, and practices to reduce malodorous compounds; and develop new vaccines and new food products. These will increase bird welfare, producer profitability, food safety and quality, and environmental quality. Application of the successful results of this project will enhance the sustainability, efficiency and profitability of poultry production in the state and the nation, as well as protecting American agriculture and the food supply.

Projected Participation

View Appendix E: Participation

Literature Cited

The MPRP database contains abstracts for all research funded by the USDA --


Land Grant Participating States/Institutions


Non Land Grant Participating States/Institutions

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