NC1042: Management Systems to Improve the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Enterprises (Rev. NC-1119)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
NC1042: Management Systems to Improve the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Enterprises (Rev. NC-1119)
Duration: 10/01/2007 to 09/30/2013
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
The focus of NC-1119 is to provide a framework for collaborative research leading to dairy management strategies and systems to facilitate profitable and sustainable decisions by managers of both milking cow and youngstock enterprises. Dairy herd management is the discipline serving the purpose of concurrently ensuring that the resources are combined in such a way that the welfare of the individual dairy producer is maximized subject to the constraints imposed on the farms production and the publics quest for sustainable environmental stewardship. Dairy farming is a decision-intensive enterprise on a daily basis. It must rely on a holistic systems approach to defining options to maintain a profitable system that is accountable to consumers for animal well-being, environmental impacts, and product quality. The ability to plan and direct resources, including labor, will determine the profitability and sustainability of the dairy enterprise. Profitable decisions cannot be made without useful decision support systems, broadly defined as algorithms, decision aids, or management strategies, written or computerized. Bawden (1991) described the emergence of systems thinking and practice as the most useful paradigm for generating and transferring information to livestock producers. The NC-1119 committee maintains that a systems paradigm will remain the most useful approach to help dairy managers make the best decisions. The revised project will develop decision support systems that address nutrition, management, environmental impacts, and economics of 1) calves and heifers; and 2) lactating and dry cows; and furthermore integrates these decision support systems using a 3) whole farm systems approach. The project addresses specific issues in A) heifers, B) cows, and C) whole dairy farm systems. A. Heifers In the US, over 4 million replacement dairy heifers are raised annually. The cost of raising dairy replacements represents 15 to 25% of the total cost of managing a dairy operation. Dairy heifer replacement management research continues to address reduced costs, increased feed efficiency, improved health, reduced risk, and reduced nutrient losses to the environment. Environmental implications of nutrient excretion of heifer rearing operations are still overlooked both on the farm and as distinct operations. This is especially pertinent as air quality issues associated with volatilization of nitrogen (N) become a concern of environmental compliance in all milk-producing states, not only in California, and add to the current environmental compliance criteria. There is a dearth of dairy heifer nutrition and management information related to improvement of dietary mineral utilization to reduce excretion into the environment, especially for phosphorus, which is becoming more prevalent with the vast resource of co-products from the ethanol industry. It is important to design feeding programs that improve feed utilization while reducing nutrient excretion. The NC-1119 project will develop and quantify feeding systems under a variety of management scenarios to accomplish this goal. Decision support systems are needed for short and long-term analyses of management strategies for dairy heifer enterprises. Risk analysis will be critical to evaluate options and define optimal solutions. An important focus of NC-1119 is to help stakeholders recognize the quality control and variance factors that contribute to the assessment of risk as it relates to the dairy heifer enterprise. Variation in growth and well-being of dairy heifers is especially troublesome. Key quality control systems that must be addressed include breeding age and body weight; calving age and body weight; reproductive efficiency; colostrum feeding and transfer of passive immunity; morbidity and mortality; calf weaning criteria; vaccination programs; control of feed cost; and bunk score guidelines. The variance factors are animal health (pneumonia, respiratory diseases, intestinal pathogens, parasites, acidosis, hoof disease, hardware, trauma, and injury), calving dystocia, failure of passive immunity transfer, low birth weight, twinning, animal comfort, crowding, bunk space, and inbreeding. Researchers in NC-1119 propose to design collaborative work to improve quality control through reduction of variation and risk. Replacement heifer rearing costs are second to feed costs in annual operating expenses on dairy farms. Total costs of raising dairy replacements is dependent on two major factors; costs directly associated with rearing heifers and the number of heifers reared. Main expenses include feed, labor, health, and housing. The cost of rearing heifers depends on the rate of growth, with faster growing heifers having higher daily feed costs, but perhaps lower total feed cost to day of calving. Despite the well-received Intuitive Cost of Production Analyses (ICPA) program developed to show economic costs and labor efficiencies of raising dairy heifer replacements on commercial Wisconsin farms, there is still a scarcity of economic data that can provide useful analyses of heifer rearing programs. The ICPA guidelines indicate large variation at all phases of production. To define the economic impacts or the least risky option for rearing heifers, management and productivity data need to be collected and analyzed using techniques such as partial budgets, linear and dynamic programming, and risk analysis. These management options lend themselves to both simple and complex analyses as demonstrated in previous dairy heifer research programs. Simple prescription feed bunk management can result in 10 to15% increases in feed efficiency of yearling beef steers. Such improvements in feed efficiency of dairy heifer replacements could reduce producer costs and decrease manure (nutrient) output. Requirements for length of feed bunk for dairy heifers have been established. Using a target-feeding concept has supported the economic efficiencies. Technologies of prescription feeding and bunk management have not been implemented or are not currently utilized in feeding dairy heifer replacements under different housing environments. Integration of pasture into a growing heifer operation provides another opportunity to reduce input costs. Precise environmental impacts of pasture-based heifer raising systems have not been clearly defined. In addition, organic dairying introduces important questions about raising dairy heifer replacements, with more constraints on techniques of controlling variation in quality. An integral part of any successful heifer management system is to maintain a low disease incidence in calves from birth. The ability to segregate the neonatal calf from the dam and other animals that may harbor disease organisms (e.g., Johnes) presents an opportunity for avoidance. A number of studies addressed calf immunity, morbidity, mortality and nutritional management on calf growth and survival. There is still great variability in calf morbidity among herds. It is hypothesized that there are more complex biological processes in calves that contribute to this variation, processes that need to be elucidated. Knowledge of the social behavior of calves and their response to physiological or environmental stressors and management systems that reduce stress are important aspects of the dairy calf and heifer enterprise. One of the key areas of stress is the transition from individual to group feeding. Grouping of calves pre-weaning or immediately post-weaning has shown merit. Transportation and commingling of youngstock also present issues of bio-security and stressors that have implications for disease resistance and patterns of growth. The NC-1119 committee proposes to continue major focus on behavior and stress management of calves and heifers under a variety of nutritional and management systems. B. Cows The US is home to approximately 9 million dairy cows. Dairy cow management research continues to be needed in the areas of health, by-product utilization, and environmental impact. The transition period from the non-lactating pregnant state to the lactating state is a key period in the lactation cycle. Yet, it also imposes challenges on dairy cows that may impair immune function, reduce feed intake, milk yield, and reproductive performance in the next lactation. Periparturient diseases and lameness are important determinants of premature culling. Fetal growth and lactogenesis exponentially increase nutrient requirements during late gestation when feed intake declines. Failure to meet nutrient requirements in late pregnancy can lead to negative energy balance, metabolic problems, and poor lactational performance post-calving. Implementing management and nutrition practices to reduce health disorders associated with parturition and early lactation are paramount for herd profitability. Whereas, transition cows and their management has been a focus in past NC-1119 projects, other new and innovative management and nutritional strategies for dairy systems are still needed. Lameness is a major cost to dairy farms in the US and in other countries around the world. Lameness scoring within herds and cows is inexact and often not associated with lameness causing lesions. Effects of nutritional supplementation, footbath use and footbath composition need to be determined. Grouping strategies and use of hospital facilities and trimming chutes or auxiliary support for cows with hoof lesions should be studied. It will be the goal several states to improve a scoring system to define lameness and the cost and returns to making changes to management systems that influence the rate of lameness and morbidity of dairy heifers, dry cows, and lactating dairy animals. Corn co-product availability and the availability of other co-products from bio-fuel production are projected to increase dramatically over the next decade. Challenges to the greater use of bio-fuel co-products in dairy diets include controlling variation between and within co-product source. The disproportionate share of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and the increasing proportion of corn (Zein) protein with an amino acid profile which is not suited for milk production, all present challenges to making efficient use of these co-products as dairy feeds. Other challenges of feeding dried distillers grains and solubles (DDGS) and wet distillers grains with solubles (WDGS) in dairy cow diets include correctly characterizing nutrient composition, correctly formulating them into dairy cow diets, and developing storage methods for wet byproduct feeds. Much of the original research about feeding these co-products was reported through NC-1119 during the past five years (2001-2006). Much is yet to be learned about provision of specific amounts and quality of nutrients and synchrony of supply to optimize utilization. The NRC (2001) identified major gaps about provision of certain dietary nutrients (e.g., mineral elements, carbohydrates, and protein) and feeding of dairy cattle. NRC (2001) did not incorporate physically effective neutral detergent fiber (peNDF) into the model because of lack of uniform methodology for measuring peNDF and paucity of accurate values for the wide range of dairy feeds (particularly byproducts). It is necessary to determine peNDF values of byproducts and their interactions with different forages. Dairy enterprises also often purchase waste products (e.g., feed byproducts or co-products) from other industries. We need to accurately model animal responses and economic and environmental consequences of feeding byproducts to dairy cattle to develop profitable and sustainable feeding systems. Improvement in protein utilization in the rumen and more accurate determination of metabolizable amino acid requirements can result in greater milk and milk protein yields. Of even greater importance in future dairy systems will be improved dietary protein utilization to reduce N loss to the environment. Many U.S. dairy operations are facing federal and state environmental constraints that are expected to be major challengers of future milk production and profitability. Nitrogen and P excretion can be reduced by feeding closer to animals nutrient requirement. Management strategies such as tighter grouping of animals to pinpoint nutrient requirements can reduce N excreted. New approaches will factor in variance (nutritional risk) in feed composition and will quantify biological and economic components to develop an objective function suitable for whole farm system economic optimization while minimizing P and N excesses. C. Farm Whole dairy farm management research remains needed to enhance understanding and application of farm records, and reduce undesirable impacts on the environment. In dairy farms of the future, a system to integrate data from production, financial and management databases into routine decisions will be necessary to optimize efficiency and economic sustainability. Since the start of this project, several member states and developed and assessed financial databases. These databases provide the framework for further expansion and development of financial benchmarks. As energy costs continue to increase, their impact on management decisions for profitability and sustainability become more dominant in the rank of inputs. The creation of a database for total farm energy budgets and usage is needed to accurately evaluate alternatives. Niche markets or alternative management schemes (organic, on farm processing, electricity generation, grazing, and climate (Carbon) trading) have been proposed for sustainability of dairy enterprises. These enterprises need base line data and financial benchmarks also. Dairy producers need to make daily decisions about whether and when to treat, inseminate, cull, dry-off, raise, or purchase dairy cows. They need to simultaneously consider a cows future biological performance, milk and cow prices, and herd constraints such nutrient balance or availability of labor to make the best decisions day after day. These future estimates are subject to seasonality and price and production risks. Directly associated with these complex tasks are questions about the economic value of proposed changes in management, such as reproductive management. Dairy producers and allied industries have indicated that they need support in making these complex planning decisions to improve their efficiency of production, profitability, and for the dairy industry to remain economically and environmentally sustainable. The computer programs developed in this project will enable evaluation of financial implications of the direct and indirect effects of various management options, and assist dairy producers with making effective decisions. Finally, dairy farms need to make sure they do not cause undesirable impacts on the environment.
Related, Current and Previous Work
A. Heifers Current and previous research work of member and non-member states with dairy replacements has been to evaluate nutrition programs and management strategies (e.g. grazing or confinement systems) for optimum growth and performance of both calves and growing heifers, with economic comparisons wherever possible (Lesmeister and Heinrichs, 2004; Chester-Jones et al., 2005; Lesmeister and Heinrichs, 2005; Zanton and Heinrichs, 2005). In addition, efforts have been made to integrate heifer raising strategies into an understanding of implications to nutrient cycling in the environment (Nennich et al., 2005; Gabler and Heinrichs, 2003 a, b). A current emphasis is on identifying key variance control factors for heifer growth and performance. This will continue in the near and long term progress of this committee. Variance factors have been found to include: failure in passive immunity transfer (FPT), health challenges (e.g., pneumonia and respiratory health, digestive pathogens, parasites, BVD, acidosis, trauma/injury, hardware, hoof disease), housing comfort, twins, low birth weight, dystocia, crowding, transitional management, bunk space, diet composition, feed intake, breeding and calving age (Hoffman, 2006). Several stations have evaluated passive immunity of calves and related this to nutritional programs, management and subsequent health and variance in growth from 2 days up to 200 days of-age (Chester-Jones et al.,2005; Ziegler et al., 2005; Braman et al., 2006; Larson et al., 2006). Collaborative work in Minnesota has evaluated pasteurization of milk and colostrum for improvement of calf health with implications to growth and performance (Godden et al., 2006; McMartin et al., 2006). In addition for the older calf, using alternative protein sources in milk replacers are important to maintain the profitability of the farm. Addition of trypsin inhibitor did not enhance passive transfer (Santoro et al., 2004). Using alternative protein sources are important to maintain the profitability of the farm. Calves fed an egg milk replacer (50 % CP from egg) were shown to perform as well as calves fed a milk based milk replacer (Santoro et al., 2004). In an attempt to improve growth and reduce illness, lactoferrin was fed to preweaning calves in several studies (Cowles et al., 2006, Joslin et al., 2002, Robblee et al., 2003). Lactoferrin, supplemented to calves at either 1 or 10 g/d in one study (Joslin et al., 2002) and 1, 2 or 3 g/d in another study (Robblee et al., 2003) had increased average daily gain preweaning compared to control calves. Results also indicated that calves fed 1 g/d supplemental lactoferrin had a reduced number of sick days. However, 1 g/d supplemental lactoferrin did not benefit calves fed a high protein milk replacer at intake amounts approaching ad libitum (Cowles et al., 2006). Previous research at South Dakota has demonstrated the role of colostral components in support of immune function in neonatal dairy calves (Reber et. al., 2005; Reber et al, 2006: Northeimer et al., 2001). Additional research has been conducted in determination of the effects of delivery of colostrum and assessment of passive transfer of immunity to calves (Harvey and Hippen, 2001). Current investigations at SDSU have shifted to examinations of the impact of specific nutrients on development of the calf and its immune function. The feeding of homeopathic ingredients (Donovan et al., 2002), anions (Donovan et al., 2003), vitamins E and A and their interaction with selenium (Rajaraman et al., 1998; Mahmoud et al., unpublished data) have been subjects of preliminary investigations. These experiments have determined that specific nutrients and the form of delivery have profound impact on the health and growth characteristics of the young dairy calf. Louisiana researchers found that adding lasalocid to milk replacer and starter provided protection against and reduced the duration of coccidiosis in calves. However, adding vitamin E alone did not provide protection to the calves. These results show the importance of using lasalocid early in a calf feeding program. Milk replacer fed once or twice daily did not affect starter consumption, weight gain, glucose metabolism, plasma NEFA, glucose, insulin, glucagon or urinary glucose concentrations. Data from intravenous glucose tolerance tests confirm that feeding milk replacer once daily does not increase insulin resistance or affect glucose metabolism. Data from this study also indicated that there may be metabolic differences between Holstein and Jersey calves. Another study was conducted to determine changes in GH, insulin, and glucose responses to infusion with amino acids in calves. Aspartic acid was effective in eliciting a GH response at 1 and 3 months of age. Researchers in South Dakota have focused on using distillers grains in heifer and cow diets. With the recent expansion of the biofuel industry, byproducts of these industries have become readily available for feeding to dairy heifers and will be needed to reduce feed costs and improve profitability. The inclusion of dried distillers grains with solubles in growing heifer diets shifts nitrogen excretion from urine to fecal output, whereas phosphorus excretion increases in the feces as a result of feeding in excess of requirements (Kalscheur et al., 2005). Calf morbidity and mortality or death losses can be great in the young pre-ruminant calf. Transportation of young calves from the place of birth to another location is increasing as more and more large herds are entering contract heifer growing agreements with off-site heifer growers often resulting in elevated temperature, fever, diarrhea, and dehydration. NC-1119 members in Indiana have focused on reducing transportation stress in youngstock. Challenge studies and transportation studies have been used to further study reasons for the greater than additive effects of these two compounds on intestinal heath, integrity and immune function (Pyers Patch lymphoid structure). Other research which is planned for will deal with calf behavior and well-being as influenced by stress of transport, tail docking, and dehorning will include. Intensive grazing systems to raise heifers are being adopted by dairy farmers in New Mexico to reduce operating costs and reduce nutrient management pressure to the farm. Dairy production in New Mexico has increased 11-fold in the last 20 years and it now requires more than 90,000 replacement heifers annually. Consequently, there is a need to explore pasture-based grazing systems as an alternative to confinement systems where production costs, manure, and nutrient management inputs are higher. B. Cows During the past 15 years much attention has been devoted to proper nutrition and management during the transition period of dairy cows (Drackley, 1999; Van Saun, 2000). Due to the tremendous metabolic demands of transitioning from a non-lactating to lactating physiological state, diseases such as ketosis and hypocalcaemia may arise. To prevent postpartum cow problems some workers recommend the Fresh Cow Monitoring Program (Upham, 1996). The program protocol consists of isolating fresh cows in one group and monitoring rectal temperature, observing the cows appetite, disposition, and milk deviations. This program is successful primarily due to regular monitoring of rectal temperature during the first 10 days postpartum (Anonymous, 2001: Linderoth, 2002). Until recently, alternatives to using rectal thermometers were nil, but with new advances in on-farm electronics this process can be automated. Further study is required. Research in Michigan showed that prepartum exercise of Holstein dairy cows reduced the incidence of health disorders, but did not affect lactation performance during the first month. Overall, it was concluded that prepartum exercise benefited multiparous Holstein cows by enhancing their ability to respond to periparturient challenges compared with cows that were not exercised (Davidson and Beede, 2003). Louisiana also studied the effects of milking frequency in early lactation on prolactin and growth hormone release and on milk production throughout lactation. There was no effect of treatment GH concentrations. However, GH concentrations differed during the 8 hour sampling period on both days, with GH concentrations being greater in on day 5. There was a treatment by time interaction for prolactin concentrations on day 5 and 21, with prolactin being greater in cows milked 4X/d. Milk production, energy corrected milk (ECM) and fat corrected milk (FCM) were decreased in cows milked 4X. No effect of treatment was observed for percent milk protein or percent milk fat. These data indicate that increased milking frequency during the transition period did not improve milk production in these dairy cows. Research from Michigan evaluated the requirement of phosphorus for late pregnant dairy cows for normal health and transition to lactation (Peterson et al., 2005). This work verified the NRC (2001) phosphorus (P) feeding recommendations for late, pregnant (close-up) dairy cows, and incorporated reduced P-feeding requirements in recommendations given to professional dairy nutritionists and farmers in Michigan and across the United States. Compared with previous practice, the new practice reduced the amount of P excreted in manure during this stage of the lactation cycle (dry period) and improves the metabolic well-being of cows during the transition from pregnancy to lactation. Overall, this contributes to an improvement in the health of animals and the efficiency of milk production, benefiting dairy farmers and consumers. Increasingly air quality including small particles (PM 2.5 and smaller), ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and markers that are related to odors will be studied in chamber work planned in Michigan. At Purdue University an odor mathematical model is being produced by Albert J. Heber, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE). Use of process control charts and the use of climate and rapid change in weather detected by evapo-transpiration index along with temperature humidity axis, light intensity, whole farm weather, and influence of micro-environments on individual cow performance with different nutritional feeding strategies will be studied at IN and VT. Grazing of dry cows and strategies of 3-d cycles of high and low crude protein and optimum response functions will be studied with stochastic modeling to further elucidate buffering capacity of the rumen and intercellular pools of nitrogenous substances will be studied at Ohio. Several studies have evaluated dried and wet distillers grains with solubles in dairy cow diets and have shown that they can be successfully formulated into dairy cow diet at levels up to 20% of the diet (Anderson et al., 2006; Hippen et al., 2003; Hippen et al., 2004; Kleinschmit et al., 2006). Wet byproducts pose challenges regarding on-farm storage as they begin to spoil in less than one week. New byproducts from the biofuel industries will include additional corn co-products from the ethanol industry, glycerol production from the bio-diesel industry (DeFrain et al., 2004) and other byproducts. These feedstuffs will need to be evaluated for their suitability in dairy cow diets. Although many dairy nutritionists routinely include corn milling co-products in dairy rations, inclusion levels of these products is usually conservatively low (i.e. less than 10% of the diet). Recently it has been demonstrated that distillers grains and gluten feed may be fed at much higher levels without negatively affecting milk production (Kononoff et al., 2006; Janick and Kononoff, 2006). Concern remains about the fact that protein in these rations may be poorly utilized, resulting in increased nitrogen excretion. C. Farm Management is the art and science of combining resources to make a business profitable. A successful business must cover expenses, pay interest on equity, provide a return to management, and sustain productivity. Models of management to accomplish success vary between large farms and small farms. Contributors to this project deal with both. Research (Shalloo et al., 2004; Tauer, 2001) has provided information about competitiveness of smaller farms, but more is needed to understand which business models are suited to various types of dairy farm operations. Astute financial management of the dairy and its associated enterprises requires analysis of records. Success is identified through experience and comparison to similar businesses. The Dairy Business Analysis Project (DBAP, Giesy et al., 2006) was initiated in 1996 by the University of Florida in an effort to measure and document the financial performance of Florida dairy farms using standardized accounting measures. The University of Georgia has been a formal collaborator since 1998. Managers are able to identify opportunities for improvement. The annual DBAP financial summary (Ely et al., 2006) provides valuable information to the dairy and banking industries. This work should be continued to provide up-to-date information. Other enterprises such as forage crops are instrumental parts of dairy farm systems. They produce herd feed and recycle excreted nutrients. Whole dairy farm analyses require the inclusion of forage crop systems (Rotz et al., 2002). Forage production and nutrient balances can be assessed by using crop simulation modeling (Sharpley and Rotz, 2005; Cabrera et al., 2005). Research that calibrates crop simulation models is part of Decision Support Systems for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) (Jones et al., 2003). Plans are underway to enhance these models through experiments with corn, sorghum, and wheat at the Agricultural Science Center at Clovis (New Mexico State University), and to integrate them with other components of a dairy farm system (Cabrera et al., 2005). Researchers at Georgia (Somda et al., 2003) have also delved into this area of crop economics and nutrient utilization. More accurate estimates of manure excretion are needed for nutrient management plans and manure storage. Estimates of manure excretion in New Mexico, for example, are currently based on the Natural Resources and Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) recommendation (Sporcic et al., 2006) that assumes 36.32 kg of manure are excreted for every 454 kg of a dairy cows live bodyweight. In addition, improved manure excretion prediction equations are available and are being used in other states and regions. For example Weiss (2004) presented equations of manure prediction based on dry matter intake (DMI) and milk production from 232 treatments in Ohio. Nennich et al. (2005) have compiled data from around the US and parameterized prediction models that resulted in better prediction characteristics of manure excretion using milk production and DMI rather than body weight. A role of the dairy manager is to provide quality control and consistency that leads to enhanced productivity and environmental stewardship. The feed enterprise of the dairy farm offers the greatest opportunity to achieve those ends. Half the cost of producing milk is cost of feed, and imprecise feeding exacerbates environmental problems. Statistical process control (SPC) is a method used for many years in the manufacturing industry to determine objectively if a process has changed over time (Reneau, et al., 1998; Wheeler, 1993; Young, 2005). The SPC techniques such as control charts have potential to reduce over-feeding of protein, an expensive oversight that reduces profits and increases environmental costs of nitrogen containment. Milk urea nitrogen (MUN) is an indirect, non-invasive test for determining efficiency of protein utilization in dairy cattle (Jonker, et al., 1998). A combination of process control and the inexpensive MUN test holds potential for reducing the problems of over-feeding protein (Jonker, 2002; Godden, et al., 2001). Improved feed management through reduction of losses and improvement of loading accuracy for delivery to the cows can help reduce phosphorus imports in purchased feed. Dou et al. (2003) conducted a multi-state survey of 612 dairy farms with follow-up TMR and fecal sampling of 92 farms. One-third of farms responding to the survey deviated from the formulated ration by more than 10 percent. Implementation of feed management software reduced daily overfeeding to 0.3 percent of the targeted amounts in this same study. Greater precision represents an opportunity to decrease waste and reduce overfeeding and excretion of phosphorus. To aid dairy producers with dairy cattle breeding and replacement decisions, computer models have been developed that calculate the optimal time to breed or replace a cow (e.g. Van Arendonk, 1985; Kristensen, 1987; DeLorenzo et al., 1992; De Vries, 2004). These authors used value iteration (Dynamic Programming, DP) or policy iteration to solve these sequential decisions. Although some of these models were quite detailed, the optimal decisions for each cow were independent of decisions made for other cows in the herd. Herd constraints, such as a limited availability of heifers, labor, or parlor capacity may affect optimal decisions for individual cows. This is known as the multi-component replacement problem in dairy cattle and has not been satisfactorily solved. Using the example of a limited heifer supply, Ben-Ari and Gal (1986) developed a method they called parameter iteration. This method was further developed by Kristensen (1992). Jalvingh et al. (1994) used combination of linear programming and dynamic probabilistic simulation. Yates and Rehman (1998) developed a linear programming (LP) solution of a dairy cattle Markov decision process. Their model is a simplified hypothetical example and not detailed enough for actual decision support. In addition to solving herd constraint problems, optimal treatment decisions for diseased cows have received little attention in the literature. An example is Gröhn et al. (2003). The proposed work aims to solve herd constraint problems and improve the accuracy of breeding, treatment, and replacement decisions for individual cows. This work is not done in any other multi-state research projects.
Main objective: To evaluate and develop sustainable management systems for dairy herds that address critical quality and variance control factors with implications to economic efficiencies and environmental impacts.
a) To analyze management and nutrition strategies for replacement heifers as they pertain to production and profitability (heifers)
b) To optimize lactating and dry cow decision-making as it relates to animal health, nutrient utilization, milk production, reproduction, and profitability (cows)
c) To evaluate system components and integration of information into decision-support tools and whole farm analyses to improve efficiency, control variation, and enhance profitability, and environmental sustainability (whole farm)
A. Heifers Research will focus on additions to milk replacer that will enhance its value to the calf. A study will be conducted that will involve the addition of lactoferrin to colostrum replacer (lead: NH, MN) to determine if it may increase IgG concentration as indicated by results from an earlier experiment (White, R.A., 2005) where lactoferrin was added to maternal colostrum. Studies adding nucleotides will also be done (PA). Stress is often observed at weaning when calves are fed high protein milk replacer. During this week-long period calves may lose weight. Preliminary data suggest that supplemental vitamin C added to grain may help alleviate the stress of weaning in these calves. A study will investigate if supplementing calves with 0, 5 or 10 g/d vitamin C may be beneficial in reducing stress during this period (NH). Feeding systems will be another focus of heifer research, as alternative methods may provide greater efficiency or economy to dairy farms. One study will evaluate growth in calves fed using a group feeder or in a more conventional, individual system (MN, NH). Due to concerns about nutrient management, there is a need to explore pasture-based grazing systems as an alternative to confinement systems where production costs, manure, and nutrient management inputs are higher (NM). Using published book values from NRC (2001), USDA (1992), and Van Horn et al. (1998), a computer application (Grazing-N) will be developed that provides dairy producers, consultants, and officials with a tool to estimate N balance on intensively managed pastures grazed by heifers (NM). Research on youngstock to be conducted by SD in the ensuing project includes examination of the effects of byproducts of biorenewable fuel production as dietary components on growth, rumen development, and immune function. The role of byproducts in reducing nutrient excretion from growing dairy heifers will also be investigated. Additionally, the roles of conjugates of linoleic and omega 3 fatty acids and yeast metabolites in development of immune function of calves during the first 2 months of life will be examined. Treatments will be administered to between 12 and 24 calves in milk replacers and starter feeds. Growth characteristics and general health parameters will be assessed in all calves. Select calves (3 to 4 per treatment) will be sacrificed for appraisal of ruminal and gastrointestinal development. Additional measures of immune response will be collected through proliferation assays. Previous research has clearly shown that the nutrition and management of heifer calves from birth to 6 months has profound implications to calf performance, future productivity and profitability. A recent partnership between MN, allied industry and three commercial dairy operations established contractual agreements to raise over 800 heifers calves from 2 up to 200 days of age annually. Heifers will be tracked back to their respective dairy herds and relationships between heifer growth, nutritional management and health status prior to 6 months of age will be compared to first lactation performance. Studies up to 60 days of age will evaluate milk protein, energy levels and sources; nutritional supplements; calf starter physical form and nutrient composition. Winter feeding systems will be established. Transitional management to group feeding will be a focus. Post weaning heifer nutritional management will address feeding regimens that maintain growth goals, improve feed utilization and decrease nutrient excretion to the environment. Investigation of rumen undegradable protein sources for weaned calves and intensified nutrition of neonatal dairy calves will continue (LA). Research led by PA will continue to determine the major nutrient requirements of growing heifers under confined housing systems. This will focus on energy and protein needs of pre-and post- pubertal heifers. Studies will focus on minimizing maintance energy needs, maximizing feed efficiency and reducing environmental wastes, specifically biomass and ammonia production. Other projects will evaluate the economics of heifer grazing systems within a dairy cross-breeding program. Data worksheets will be shared among member states to develop decision support tools to understand methods for optimizing the return from the dairy heifer enterprise under varying environmental conditions, feed resource availability, labor resources and market fluctuations. B. Cows The proposed work under objective B (cows) focuses on animal health and performance, and the use of biofuel coproducts in dairy cow diets. Led by MD, rectal and body temperature monitoring will be conducted on periparturient cows to investigate the relationship of temperature to animal health and lactation performance. Researchers in LA will investigate the effects of milking frequency during the transition period on milk production, milk composition, udder health, and hormone concentrations in dairy cattle. Holstein dairies will be visited by CA researchers monthly to monitor incidence and collect records to quantify incidence of lameness, specific lameness causing lesions, milk yield, reproductive performance, and culling. In SD, feeding studies will investigate the use of wet and dried DGS to determine optimal inclusion rates and potential limitations. New coproducts as a result of fractionation processes will be investigated for feeding value in dairy cow diets. Investigations into ruminal protein utilization and nitrogen excretion will be conducted with cows fed diets containing DGS. In addition, DGS are noted for containing higher concentrations of phosphorus, therefore research will determine phosphorus utilization and excretion of cows fed diets containing DGS. Additional studies will investigate the impact of fat from these corn products on milk composition, and also how DGS can be incorporated into pasture-based dairy systems. In addition, NE will lead a study on nutrient digestibility of differently processed dried distillers grains with soluble (DDGS) and its effects on productivity of dairy cattle. This will include measuring in situ ruminal nutrient digestibility using Dacron bags and comparing results to in vitro procedures. True absorption of amino acids from the nine specific batches of differently processed DDGS will be determined with broiler chickens. Different methodologies will be compared to determine the best methods to evaluate protein and amino acid quality of DDGS. In addition, differently processed soybean meals and commercially-processed DDGS will be analyzed to measure variation in nutrient concentration and digestibility and to determine which methodologies are the most accurate and precise. Diets containing different levels of corn gluten feed (CGF) to DDGS will be evaluated for lactation performance and nutrient digestibilities. Diets will be formulated to be chemically similar, but will differ in the amount of CGF and DDGS supplying both protein and energy. Utilization and excretion of nitrogen will be determined using total collection procedures and urinary purine derivatives. This research will determine the environmental impact of using corn coproduct based diets. In addition to distillers grains, other new agro-industrial coproducts will be evaluated for feeding value in dairy cow diets as they are developed. For example, IN and SD will evaluate the value of glycerol in dairy cow diets. Glycerol, produced from bio-diesel production, is currently not feed grade and may contain higher concentrations of methanol, salts, and heavy metals. Research is proposed to determine how glycerol can be included in dairy cow diets. C. Farm The proposed work under objective C (farm) focuses on the analysis and application of farm records, and farm strategies for environmental enhancement. Analysis and Application of Farm Records This existing project, under the leadership of FL and GA will continue to provide benchmarking summaries of dairy enterprise financial records similar to the western accounting firms. Additional benchmarking and analysis will be developed by gathering key investment and cost center information from dairy enterprises, starting with PA dairy farms of various sizes. Subsequent comparison of business models will compare combinations of enterprises relative to their effect on profitability. Survey and analysis tools will be shared with other stations. The use of process control on dairy farms will be investigated to reduce variation and minimize deleterious effects of weather and health on production, and in one instance on crop systems. Highly statistical in nature, these business techniques have not been applied routinely to dairy farms and are not well understood by farm managers. It is important to achieve some competency in these techniques to evaluate their value to dairy managers. Several stations contributing to NC-1119 have extensive experience with software development. Software for managerial decisions has proven problematic when a large volume of input is required and a multitude of assumptions make the software cumbersome to operate and have confidence in. This committee is proposing to intensify two types of software to assist in dairy decisions. The first is spreadsheet software that enables farmers, advisors, and extension personnel to make recommendations to address specific well-defined decisions for which inputs can be changed to assess the economic sensitivity. An example would be a spreadsheet to assess the efficiency and net cost of pasteurizing waste milk for dairy calves in lieu of purchasing milk replacer. Several states have these types of spreadsheets, and more need to be developed cooperatively to encapsulate NC-1119 results in managerial decisions. The second category of software includes broader repetitive decisions based on production records that are already computerized on farms. An example of this is a cow replacement model that will be further developed at FL. New Mexico will take the lead in developing a stochastic dynamic model of herd performance and integrate it with more recent equations about manure excretion with the purpose to better predict seasonal manure excretion following Cabrera et al. (2006) and integration of it with the most up-to-date parameterizations of manure excretion referenced in the literature, which will be locally adapted. Farm Strategies for Environmental Enhancement Although there are a variety of environmental issues of importance to dairy farms, contributors to this project will focus on two. At least three stations plan to pursue a shared goal of reducing nutrient excretion from dairy cattle through more precise feeding of those nutrients, mostly nitrogen and phosphorus. This is termed precision feeding. Associated with this will be field projects to measure impact on whole-farm nutrient balance, where nutrients brought to the farm are matched by the export of those same nutrients away from the farm. These projects will be intertwined with process control and economic consequences. Research on the effectiveness of cattle facilities bedded with composted manure will lend important information to an environmental strategy to reduce nutrient build-up on the farm.Measurement of Progress and Results
- Provide producers with an understanding of the risk factors that affect the costs of raising dairy heifers such that the cost of raising heifers is reduced
- Precise description of the biological processes to reduce calf morbidity and mortality to improve longevity, performance and profitability of the enterprise
- Decision aids for prescribed feeding and growth systems for dairy heifers
- Unique N and P nutritional regimens for dairy heifers incorporated into prediction equations (NRC)
- Enterprise-level economic analyses of alternative management, nutrition (e.g., dietary supplements and byproduct feeds) and feeding systems
- Output6: Provide management and nutritional recommendations for transition and lactating cows to be integrated into whole-herd analyses and decision support models; Output 7: Develop decision support systems for dairy producers and their advisors to aid in making profitable and environmentally sustainable on-farm decisions; Output 8: Improve understanding of events leading to lameness with the goal of preventing a portion of lameness in cows and heifers
Outcomes or Projected Impacts
- Producer adoption of project outcomes and best management practices related to the dairy heifer and cow enterprise to yield more profit and reduce nutrient excretion to the environment
(2008): Heifers: Compilation of current data on calf and heifer growth for complete meta-analyses outcome performance benchmarks and costs for all growth phases. Heifers: Review current growth prediction and economic models and define model deficiencies. Heifers: Submit collaborative USDA calf and heifer farming systems and environmental impact grant proposal for 2008-2009 initiation. This will include graduate assistantship support. Heifers: Update respective station dairy extension and national calf and heifer resource web sites with NC-1119 information and contribute to DaireExNet national web youngstock based question response domains. Cows: Feeding studies investigating the use of distillers grains will be started to determine optimal inclusion rates and potential limitations. Other agro-industrial coproducts such as corn gluten feed and glycerol will be evaluated for inclusion in dairy cow diets. Farm: An annual financial and production survey will be conducted in Florida and Georgia, starting in the first year of the project. Pennsylvania will also start to collect annual financial data.(2009): Cows: Studies evaluating in situ and in vitro ruminal and intestinal nutrient digestibilities will be started. Farm :A prospective study on Holstein dairies will be conducted to determine the incidence of lameness. Farm: A prototype of a network formulation of the dairy cattle replacement problem under herd constraints will be developed by the end 2009.
(2010): Heifers: Implement new collaborative within station and on-farm studies to address growth prediction and economic model deficiencies. Heifers: Develop plans for a national NC-1119 symposium for ADSA/ASAS meetings in 2009 or 2010 across objectives A, B, and C. Heifers: Update respective station dairy extension and national calf and heifer resource web sites with NC-1119 information and contribute to DaireExNet national web youngstock based question response domains. Cows: Amino acid and protein quality of distillers grains produced using different processes (different drying times, temperature, and fractionations) will be evaluated. Cows: Temperature monitoring studies will be conducted. Farm: Studies testing compost as bedding in barns will be finished.
(2011): Cows: Results from different in situ and in vitro methodologies for evaluating nutrient degradabilities and digestibities will be compared. Procedures for best accuracy and precision will be recommended. Cows: Quantification of variation in feed weights, feed loss, dry matter intake, and cow performance need to be finished in order to develop recommendations for statistical process control chart design by the end of this project. Farms: Data to enhance parameters in the crop and environmental simulation program, DSSAT, will be obtained.
(2012): Heifers: Field validate NC-1119 based growth prediction and economic models with environmental impact adjustments to update 2001 NRC requirements for calves and heifers. Heifers: Finalize the field application tools for dairy industry use. Heifers: Complete a NC-1119 regional bulletin, CD and online information resource center for raising dairy heifer replacements. Heifers: Update respective station dairy extension and national calf and heifer resource web sites with NC-1119 information and contribute to DaireExNet national web youngstock based question response domains. Cows: Results from numerous distillers grains and other coproducts will be summarized. Optimal feeding levels for lactating dairy cows to maximize lactation performance and economic return will be determined. Impact of feeding biofuel co-products on nutrient excretion from dairy cows will be determined. Farm: Finish decision support software and make available to stakeholders. All: Publish articles in state, regional and national dairy popular press and extension newsletters, as well as peer-reviewed articles based on
Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationOutreach Plan
Research in dairy herd management has been directed largely at developing strategies to enhance performance and profitability of dairy farming. As advances in desirable methods are developed, adoption by producers can be quite rapid through dissemination via state and local extension personnel. Many members directly associated with NC-1119 have research and extension appointments, enabling rapid dissemination of research outcomes (recommendations, decision support information and systems) of this regional project. Specifically, the Outreach Plan includes: a) Present study results at scientific meetings and published in scientific journals, extension fact sheets and popular press; b) Present symposium at the ADSA Midwest Section meetings to facilitate information transfer; c) Establish dairy heifer and dairy producer network discussion groups; d) Conduct workshops within states and organize regional and national workshops; e) Distribute spreadsheets, software programs and decision support models based on outcomes for risk assessment and potential management actions; f) Conduct regional whole-herd analyses to develop spreadsheets and user-friendly computer programs for decision support and best management practices; g) Complete a dairy heifer and calf management bulletin and CD for distribution to clientele; h) Demonstrate decision models and support systems for use by dairy producers and their advisors to aid in making profitable and environmentally sustainable on-farm decisions; i) Distribute all pertinent information through the national eXtension and other websites. j) Add results as resources on the official NC-1119 web site (http://nimss.umd.edu/homepages/home.cfm?trackID=2582).
Technical Committee. The Technical Committee shall consist of officially-designated representatives from each participating Agricultural Experiment Station and USDA group, regional administrative advisor (non-voting), and CSREES representative (non-voting). Participating stations and groups are those written into the regional project or have an approved addendum. Officers and Executive Committee. Officers shall be chairperson and secretary. A secretary shall be duly elected at the conclusion of the annual meeting of the Technical Committee and automatically succeed to the position of chairperson one year later. The Executive Committee shall consist of chairperson, secretary, and immediate past-chairperson. Executive committee, in conjunction with the Administrative Advisor, is authorized to function on behalf of the Technical Committee in all matters pertaining to the regional project requiring interim action. The chairperson, in consultation with the Administrative Advisor, shall arrange the time and place of meetings, prepare the agenda, preside at meetings of the Technical Committee, and is responsible for preparation of the annual progress report. The secretary records minutes, compiles station reports, and performs other duties as assigned by the Technical Committee or Administrative Advisor. Subcommittees will be appointed by the chairperson to complete specific assignments and to monitor progress within each of the main objectives. Subcommittees will meet at least once prior to or during the annual Technical Committee meeting.
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Dairy Sci. 88(Suppl.1):175. Chester-Jones, H. 2004. Management and housing alternatives for the growing dairy heifer. Midwest ADSA NC-1119 Symposium Dairy Replacement Profitability: Considerations for the heifer grower and dairy manager. J. Dairy Sci. 87(Suppl.1):14. Vicini, J.L., S.E. Bettis, C.R. Bilby, S.C. Denham, R.L. Hintz. J.L. Holst, E.D. Plunkett, B.A. Crooker, W.J. Weber, H. Chester-Jones, and M.E. Van Amburgh. 2003. Effects of feed management program and POSILAC on prepubertal growth rate of replacement heifers. J. Dairy Sci.86 (Suppl. 1):308. Torbert, L.A., J.G. Linn, D.G. Johnson, G.J. Cuomo, H. Chester-Jones, and M.L. Raeth-Knight. 2002. Effects of raising regime on milk yield of primiparous cows. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):42. Rudstrom, M., H. Chester-Jones, R. Imdieke, D.G. Johnson, A. Singh, G. Cuomo, and M. Reese. 2002. A systems on farm comparison between confinement and management intensive grazing for dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1): 310. Chester-Jones, H. J.G. Linn, G.D. Marx, W.G. Olsen, M.C. Jacobsen, D.M. Ziegler, K. Brokken, EW. Bromelsiek, and D.A. Vermeire. 2002. Use of organically complexed trace minerals in lactating cow diets. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1): 365. Chester-Jones, H. 2005. Wet calf housing and management. Proc. Managing and Marketing Quality Holstein Steers, pp 95-105, November 2-3, Rochester, MN. Chester-Jones, H. 2005. Effect of nutrition and management of dairy heifers on resultant cow longevity. 66th Minnesota Nutrition Conference & Technical Symposium: Future of Corn in Animal Feed, September 20-21, St. Paul, MN, Chester-Jones, H, B. Ziegler, C. Soderholm, J. Linn, D. Ziegler, S. Hayes, R. Larson. 2005. Growth and performance of commercial dairy calves at the U of M SROC. Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference, MWPS-4SD18, pp 265-270. June 15-16, Dubuque, IA. Chester-Jones, H., M. Rudstrom, and L. Torbert. 2005. Grazing systems and management for heifers: Nutritional management and animal responses. Proc. Dairy Calves and Heifers: Integrating Biology and Management, NRAES-175 pp. 160-175, January 25-27, Syracuse, NY, Chester-Jones, H. 2005. Establishing custom calf and heifer raising contracts. Proc. Dairy Calves and Heifers: Integrating Biology and Management, NRAES-175 pp. 220-232, January 25-27, Syracuse, NY. Chester-Jones, H. 2004. Pasteurization of waste milk: Economic perspectives. Proc. Four-State Dairy Management Conference, pp 61-68, Midwest Plan Service Bulletin MWPS 4S D17, June 16-17, Ames, IA. Chester-Jones, H. M. Rudstrom, R. Imdieke, D. Johnson, M. Reese, and A. Singh. 2004. Comparative economic efficiencies and performance of dairy heifers in feedlot or pasture-based systems on a commercial custom heifer grower operation. Proc. Custom Heifer Raising IX Seminars, February 24-25, Green Bay and Fond du Lac, WI Chester-Jones, H. 2003. Virtual tour of calf and heifer facilities. Proc. 2003 North Central Region Two-Day Dairy Calf and Heifer Tour & Workshop, pp 76-100, December 2-3, Spring Grove, MN and Decorah, IA, Rudstrom, M., R. Imdieke, D. Johnson, H. Chester-Jones, M. Reese, A. Singh, and G. Cuomo. 2002. Raising Dairy Heifers in Feedlots or Under a Management Intensive Grazing System (MIG): Comparison of Animal Performance and Costs Year 1, 2000. In: Minnesota Dairy Days Report pp 67-70. Johnson, D.G., and H. Chester-Jones. 2002. Grazing Management for Dairy Cattle. In: Minnesota Dairy Days Report pp 71-73. Quigley, J.D., H. Chester-Jones, G.D. Marx, J.G. Linn, D.M. Allen, D.M. Ziegler, and W.B. Hansen. 2002. Effects of Processed Erythrocyte Protein (PEP) in Milk Replacers Fed with 0 or 25% Alfalfa Meal in Calf Starters on Pre-Weaning Growth, Health, and Efficiency of Dairy Calves. In: Minnesota Dairy Days Report pp 85-89 Chester-Jones, H. 2002. Squeaky Clean and the Scherbring Heifer Hotel. In: Dairy Initiatives Newsletter Volume 11 Issue 1, Spring 2002, pp 8-9. Chester-Jones, H, R. Bowman, D. Johnson, M. Rudstrom, R. Imdieke, and W. Wayne. 2006. Roger Goes Grazing Part I 30 minute DVD. Minnesota Whole-Farm management Strategies Educational Video Series. Rudstrom, M., H. Chester-Jones, R. Bowman, D. Johnson, R. Imdieke, and W. Wayne. 2006. Roger Goes Grazing Part II 30 minute DVD. Minnesota Whole-Farm management Strategies Educational Video Series. Chester-Jones, H., and P.C. Hoffman. 2003. Calf Nutrition. In Raising Dairy Replacements (Ed. P.C. Hoffman and R. Plourd), Chapter 3, pp 21-36, ISBN 0-89373-097-1 (also available on CD with extra heifer management software). Chester-Jones, H., and N. Broadwater. 2006. Research using standard diets for dairy heifer calves results in very good performance to two months of age. Dairy Star, September 23rd (Dairy Team). Chester-Jones, H. 2006. Grain mix options with hay for dairy heifers 9-25 weeks of age.Dairy Star February 11, 2006 (Dairy Team). Chester-Jones, H. 2005. Perspectives of dairy calf nutrition and health, Dairy Star November 26, 2005 (Dairy Team). Chester-Jones, H. 2005. Knowing costs of raising heifer replacements, identify critical control points for savings. Dairy Star September 24, 2005 (Dairy Team) Chester-Jones H. and N. Broadwater. 2005. Attention to feed bunk management can improve the bottom-line for growing dairy heifers. Dairy Star May 20, 2005 (Dairy Team) Chester-Jones, H. 2005. Should we pay attention to photoperiod manipulation in dairy heifer calves as we have done for the dairy milking herd? Written for publication in Frontline Newsletter, Milk Products, Chilton, WI. Espejo, L.A. , H. Chester-Jones, M. Raeth-Knight, J. Linn, D. Ziegler. R. Larson, B. Ziegler, and S. Hayes. 2006. Performance of Holstein dairy calves when offered different pre- and post weaning feeding programs. J. Dairy Sci. (In preparation). Espejo, L..A., M.I. Endres, and J.A. Salfer. 2006. Prevalence of lameness in high producing dairy cows housed in freestall barns. J. Dairy Sci. 89:3052-3058. Clanton, C.J., M.I. Endres, R.F. Bey, R.J. Farnsworth, K.A. Janni, and D.R. Schmidt. 2005. Dolomitic limestone bedding effects on microbial counts and cow comfort. Appl. Engr. Agr. Vol. 21(6): 10731077. Clanton, C.J., D.R. Schmidt, K.A. Janni, and M.I. Endres. 2005. Dolomitic limestone bedding effects on dairy manure characteristics. Appl. Engr. in Agr. 21:697-706. Endres, M.I., T.J. DeVries, M.A.G. von Keyserlingk, and D.M. Weary. 2005. Short communication: Effect of feed barrier design on the behavior of loose-housed lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 88:2377-2380. Reneau, J.K., A.J. Seykora, B.J. Heins, M.I. Endres, R.J. Farnsworth, and R.F. Bey. 2005. Association between hygiene scores and somatic cell scores in dairy cattle. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 227:1297-1301. Nennich, T.D., J.G. Linn, D.G. Johnson. M.I. Endres, and H.G. Jung. 2003. Comparison of feeding corn silages from leafy or conventional corn hybrids to lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 86:2932-2939. Clark, P.W., S. Kelm, and M.I. Endres. 2002. Effect of feeding a corn hybrid selected for leafiness as silage or grain for lactating cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 85:607-612. Endres, M.I. 2006. Dairy Cattle Behavior. In: Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant. Blackwell Publishing (Accepted). Endres, M.I. (contributor). 2003. Best practices for the conduct of animal studies to evaluate crops genetically modified for input traits. International Life Sciences Institute. Washington, DC. (http://www.ilsi.org/file/bestpractices.pdf). Endres, M.I. and A. Barberg. 2006. Compost barns: What have we learned so far? In: Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Conf. p. 115. Endres, M.I. and J. Salfer. 2006. Soft organic bedding surfaces that cows like. In: Proc. Minnesota Dairy Days 2006. p. 6. Janni, K.A., M.I. Endres, J.K. Reneau, and W. Schoper. 2006. Compost barns: An alternative dairy housing system in Minnesota. In: Proc. 2006 ASABE Annual Int. Mtg., Portland, OR. ASABE Paper No. 064031. Carrier, J., S. Godden, J. Fetrow, S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, M. Endres, and P. Mertens. 2005. Studies in dairy cow calving behavior. In: Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Conf., St. Paul, MN. pp. 105-110. Endres, M. 2005. These feet are made for walking! Factors affecting lameness prevalence in free stall barns. In: Proc., Midwest Dairy Conf, St. Cloud, MN. p. 17. Endres, M. and J. Salfer. 2005. Lameness: What is new? In: Proc. Minnesota Dairy Days 2005. p. 8. Endres, M.I., J.A. Salfer, and L.A. Espejo. 2005. TMR particle size distribution and dairy herd performance. In: Proc. Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conf., Dubuque, IA, pp. 113-116. Salfer, J. and M.I. Endres. 2005. Decreasing early lactation culling: Non-nutritional factors? In: Proc. Minnesota Dairy Days 2005. p. 8. Endres, M. (coordinator and presenter), M. Chahine, and O. Chavez. 2004. Parlor management when cultures and languages collide. Pre-conference Short Course, NMC 2004 Regional Mtg., Bloomington, MN. Allen, D.M., C.S. Kuehn, J.G. Linn, W.P. Hansen, H.G. Jung, M.I. Endres, and M.L. Raeth-Knight. 2003. Effect of feeding different levels of forage NDF from corn silage in diets of lactating dairy cows. In: Proc. Minnesota Dairy Days 2003. pp. 43-45. Endres, M.I. 2003. Cow behavior/cow comfort update. In: Proc. Four-State Professional Dairy Management Seminar. Feb. 17-20. pp. 39-42. Endres, M.I. 2003. Dairy cow handling affects the bottom line. In: Proc. Minnesota Dairy Conf., St. Cloud, MN. Dec. 10-11, 2003. pp. 104-111. Endres, M.I. 2003. Dairy cow handling& does it affect the bottom line? In: Proc. 64th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 16-17. pp. 162-171. Endres, M.I. 2003. Drenching and diets for transition cows. In: Proc. Four-State Professional Dairy Management Seminar. Feb. 17-20. pp. 13-17. Endres, M.I. 2003. Yield and feeding value of annual crops planted for emergency forage. In: Minnesota Department of Agriculture Greenbook 2003. p. 53. Endres, M.I., H. Chester-Jones, and J. Salfer. 2003. An overview of robotic milking. In: Proc. Minnesota Dairy Days 2003. pp. 32-34. Endres, M.I. and B. Visser. 2003. Drenching and diets for transition cows. In: Proc. Four-State Professional Dairy Management Seminar. Feb. 17-20. pp. 13-17. Linn, J.G. and M.I. Endres. 2003. Dry matter intake of group fed lactating dairy cows. In: Proc. 4-State Applied Nutrition and Management Conf., La Crosse, WI. July 9-10. pp. 169-174. Nennich, T.D., J.G. Linn, D.G. Johnson, M.I. Endres, H.G. Jung, and M.L. Raeth-Knight. 2003. Comparison of feeding corn silage from leafy or high grain corn hybrids to lactating dairy cows. In: Proc. Minnesota Dairy Days 2003. pp. 40-42. Peterson, P., M.I. Endres, D. Holen, C. Sheaffer, V. Crary, D. Swanson, J. Larson, and J. Halgerson. 2003. Emergency forage plantings. In: Proc. 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In: Proc. Minnesota Dairy Days 2002. pp. 63-66. Barberg, A., M.I. Endres, and J. Salfer. 2006. A survey of dairy compost barns in Minnesota. Midwest Branch ADSA Meetings, Des Moines, IA. Abstr. 139. Espejo, L.A. and M.I. Endres. 2006. Management risk factors associated with clinical lameness in free stall housed Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 89 (Suppl. 1):399. Janni, K.A., M.I. Endres, J. Reneau, and W. Schoper. 2006. Compost barns as a lactating dairy cow housing system in the Midwest dairy industry. Midwest Branch ADSA Meetings, Des Moines, IA. Abstr. 276. Lukas, J.M., L.A. Espejo, M.I. Endres, and J.K. Reneau. 2006. Daily variation in somatic cell counts as a measure of management intensity. J. Dairy Sci. 89 (Suppl. 1):211. Endres, M.I., L.A. Espejo, and J.A. Salfer. 2005. Effect of stall surface on the prevalence and severity of hock lesions in dairy cows housed in free stall barns. J. Dairy Sci. 88 (Suppl. 1):247. Endres, M.I., M.A.G. von Keyserlingk, T.J. DeVries, and D.M. 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