NCCC_OLD46: Development, Optimization, and Delivery of Management Strategies for Corn Rootworms and Other Below-ground Insect Pests of Maize.

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

NCCC_OLD46: Development, Optimization, and Delivery of Management Strategies for Corn Rootworms and Other Below-ground Insect Pests of Maize.

Duration: 10/01/2006 to 09/30/2011

Administrative Advisor(s):

NIFA Reps:

Non-Technical Summary

Statement of Issues and Justification

Corn rootworms are considered to be the primary insect pest complex of maize in most portions of the United States Corn Belt. Damage from larval feeding by these insects and associated control costs has been estimated at approximately 1 billion dollars annually for American corn producers. Traditional management options include the use of insecticides at levels surpassing those of any other insect pest of corn. Species makeup of this complex can vary throughout the United States; however, corn root damage and management options are similar. The western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, and northern corn rootworm, D. barberi Smith and Lawrence, are often considered the most serious of these insect pests attacking corn in the Midwestern United States. With movement of the Mexican corn rootworm, D. virgifera zeae Krysan and Smith, into Texas, corn from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean and from Texas into southern Canada is attacked by this pest complex. This wide distribution throughout most of North America allows this pest complex to transcend corn production systems and crop-use patterns. For instance, rootworms often infest irrigated corn in the west and dryland production systems further east. These insects attack corn that will be used for on-farm feed (grain or silage), as well as grain that will be sold for off-farm use (e.g., food, feed, and industrial manufacturing). The diverse geographies, environments, and production systems that this pest complex can exploit make it appropriate to coordinate research throughout its range. In many of these areas corn rootworms are considered to be a key pest for corn producers, but they are not the only insects that can attack the below-ground portions of maize plants. These other insect pests (e.g., grubs, wireworms, seedcorn beetles, seedcorn maggots, and grape colaspis, etc.) are sometimes referred to as "secondary pests" and can cause serious economic damage to corn. Damage caused by these pests can be highly variable depending on environmental conditions and infestation level. In some corn production areas, their injury can rival or even surpass that caused by corn rootworms. They are often linked with corn rootworms in relation to management because chemical control tools used for the primary target are often sufficient to control many of these secondary pest species in the soil. The original corn rootworm Multistate Research Coordinating Committee was approved in 1964 as a NCR project, and the committee has operated continuously since then. The intent of the project was to "study, on a regional basis, the biology of the corn rootworm complex in relation to current and projected cultural practices and to identify vulnerabilities of the pests that could be used as control measures benefiting farmers in the North Central Region." At that time, the northern corn rootworm was an economic pest in the central Corn Belt and the western corn rootworm had just begun its spread out of Kansas and Nebraska. By 1964, the western corn rootworm had become established in South Dakota, and southern Minnesota, and the western half of Iowa. The "official" membership of the earlier research coordinating committees came from 12 north central state agricultural experiment stations and the USDA-ARS Northern Grain Insects Research Laboratory in Brookings, SD. As the western corn rootworm continued to spread, scientists from the newly infested corn-growing states and Canadian provinces began attending the committee's meetings as "associate" members. Several of these individuals have gone through CSREES to become "Official" members. The 2001 renewal proposal of the corn rootworm Multistate Research Coordinating Committee contained internal and external linkages to resources from nearly all corn production areas currently infested by this insect pest complex in the United States and Canada. As stated previously, the original intent of the previous committees was to study the biology of the corn rootworm complex to identify vulnerabilities of the pests that could be exploited for their control. Pooling data across states/provinces has generated several important management decision guidelines involving chemical control tools. Examples of tangible results that were achieved and delivered to growers because of regional coordination include the following: 1) an understanding of how repeated applications of carbamate insecticides to some soils can result in an accelerated rate of degradation by soil microbes that diminishes the insecticides' effectiveness; 2) by combining data across states, a large multistate database with differing environments and production systems was generated to demonstrated that the application rate of many insecticides used could be safely reduced by 25%, thus, lowering grower input costs and maintaining effective pest control; and 3) the concept of controlling adult corn rootworms with reduced rates of insecticides before females lay eggs was refined and demonstrated across a variety of Midwestern corn production systems. Advances to date have not eliminated the need for regional coordination of corn rootworm research because of changes in corn rootworm biology, pest management technologies, and regulatory issues. A cultural management practice of crop rotation has been used on millions of acres throughout North America for over a century. The more common two-year crop rotation no longer guarantees effective rootworm control. Rotational resistance exists at levels in some states that force producers to seek alternative control measures. For example, the northern corn rootworm has the ability to undergo extended/prolonged egg diapause in parts of SD, NE, MN, IL, and IA. This adaptation allows the insect to have a two-year lifecycle. Eggs remain dormant and bypass the season when corn roots are unavailable on land planted to an alternate nonhost crop, then hatch in the succeeding year when fields are rotated back to corn. Another rotational resistance mechanism involves the western corn rootworm, and is a major management challenge for many growers in the eastern portion of the north central Corn Belt region. First detected in fields on both sides of the Illinois and Indiana border, females of this species have altered their behavior by laying eggs in non-corn habitats (e.g., soybeans which is the crop most commonly rotated with corn). This behavioral variant of the western corn rootworm has spread into Michigan and Ohio, and has been most recently detected in eastern portions of Iowa and Minnesota. New insecticide materials designed for application as seed coats for preventing larval corn rootworm feeding injury and for protection against secondary soil insects have recently been introduced by the agricultural chemical industry. Before these insecticides can be recommended by state extension specialists and agricultural product vendors, a large public database across several production systems and environments must be generated to determine their effectiveness. The western corn rootworm is again developing resistance to insecticides used in Nebraska. A coordinated monitoring program is needed to determine if the genes for resistance are spreading throughout the rootworm population and how this might affect integrated management strategies. Monsanto Inc. was the first seed company to release a corn rootworm-resistant transgenic hybrid called "YieldGard Rootworm" in 2003. Other major companies are also working toward providing similar transgenic hybrids. The United States Environmental Protection Agency is currently evaluating these potential new transgenic hybrids for limited registration that could be granted in late 2005 which would make them available for planting in the 2006 growing season. To ensure that these newer products of biotechnology are environmentally benign and to prevent or delay the onset of insect resistance to the proteins deployed, the combined expertise of the technical committee has been and will continue evaluating potential environmental impacts and developing resistance management strategies that are compatible with production practices throughout the corn producing areas of the continent.


  1. Evaluate registered and experimental rootworm-resistant transgenic hybrids to determine impacts on rootworm biology and management implications they may have on the corn agroecosystem throughout the United States Corn Belt.
  2. Coordinate a national research investigation into reported yield enhancements associated with new insecticidal seed-coat in the absence of corn rootworm injury.
  3. Systematically design and implement research on rootworm mating, dispersal, survival, and host range across environments and production systems
  4. Characterize the impacts of gene flow on the spread of behaviorally and physiologically resistant pest strains and the resulting needs for designing resistance management plans. These research needs may be identified by and used in resistance-management computer simulation models.
  5. Evaluate the impact of secondary pests in areas where rootworm-resistant hybrids are used and evaluate their potential to be elevated to a key pest status.
  6. Coordinate regional research on the impact of new corn rootworm management technologies, such as transgenic varieties and new classes of insecticide chemistry, on non-target organisms and environmental quality.
  7. Finalize the draft of the NCR-46 Corn Rootworm Management Guide that collates current knowledge on rootworm biology and management across regional production systems, and make it publicly available as a full-color printed and online publication.
  8. On an as-needed basis, publish statements that draw on published research and the expertise of the committee to address critical considerations for Insect Resistance Management programs as new transgenic insect-resistant technologies are released.

Procedures and Activities

Objective 1. Many cooperating states and provinces have established screening programs to evaluate the efficacy of registered and experimental transgenic corn hybrids for controlling corn rootworms. Research methods vary considerably based on local situations. However, all research is conducted in a replicated manner (typically 4 to 6 replications). Plot size varies due to constraints related to limited seed availability to Experimental Use Permit requirements. Most of these trials focus on evaluating root injury and treatment impact on the biology of larval and adult corn rootworms. Objective 2. Efforts to assess corn seedcoat treatments and their impacts on yield under various rootworm infestation levels are being conducted in a multistate regional/national study. Special interest will be placed on evaluating these treatments at sites where corn rootworm infestations are minimal to determine whether non-rootworm related yield enhancements are occurring. A common protocol has been developed with 6 seedcoat- related treatments with a minimum of 4 replications. Yield data from all sites will be summarized and presented back to the full committee for outreach and joint publication. Objective 3. Laboratory and field investigations on rootworm mating, dispersal, survival and host range are being conducted using various methods and procedures at participating research institutions. These studies can use natural and/or artificially rootworm populations. Many of the assessments involve intricate live sampling procedures including mark/recapture efforts. Laboratory follow-up concerning gut contents, reproductive fitness, and ovipositional behavior in corn and non-corn habitats are some of the biometric observations made on these recaptured beetles. Objective 4. Systematic mapping and characterizing the gene flow associated with the rootworm populations that are exhibiting resistance to crop rotation through either behavioral or physiological processes. Data collection involves comprehensive sampling in know problem fields. In some cases live beetles are collected and reared through multiple chill periods to simulate winter conditions to determine if extended diapause exists. These data are used in computer simulation models to assist in predicting new rootworm problem areas. Some of these studies are done in conjunction with the Diabrotica Genetics Consortium to more rapidly help identify genes related to crop rotational resistance in corn rootworms. Objective 5. Transgenic rootworm resistant events have little impact on other secondary insects that feed on the seed, root tissue and emerging seedling of corn plants. Therefore, seedcoat treatments at reduced rates (often ca. 20% AI than that used for controlling rootworms) are being used for these secondary pests. Replicated evaluations are conducted to determine the effectiveness of these lower rates as seedcoat treatments. Plants are often monitored for injury, stand, or yield loss due to secondary pest populations. Specific secondary insect pest species can vary greatly across the Midwestern cornbelt. Information exchange is a major impetus for disseminating outreach management guidelines, which can be shared quickly in unpredictable future outbreak areas. Objective 6. Many research experiments have and will continue to focus on evaluating the existing and new management practices as they relate to beneficial non-target arthropods and our environment. Much effort has been applied to evaluating Cry3Bb1 (1st marketed transgenic event) effect on beneficial groups. However, this objective needs to pursue long term impacts that remain to be evaluated. Newly EPA-registered and anticipated transgenic events will also need to be evaluated to insure their environmental safety. These safety issues will be examined using laboratory and field experiments that vary greatly in their scope and methods, and will be tailored toward the specific non-target beneficial being investigated. Objective 7. Final compilation of the rootworm management guide will be complete and disseminated as a major outreach objective of our committee in a full-color document with additional online update potential. Expected first release in 2006 will be marketed to growers, consultants, and industrial stakeholders. Objective 8. Committee will work as a resource to provide scientific advice and publications concerning critical issues where their expertise can assist in resistance management programs in an unbiased manner.

Expected Outcomes and Impacts

  • Through committee discussions and with the help of simulation models, identify data needs and design and coordinate regional research to provide this missing information for the design and deployment of management strategies.
  • Publish and maintain (revise) a Corn Rootworm Management Guide that provides practitioners with a thorough, but relevant and understandable description of corn rootworms and their management.
  • Publish public statements concerning the appropriateness, methods of deployment, and environmental safety of new corn rootworm management strategies such as transgenic varieties and treatment of corn seeds with insecticides.
  • Propose, plan, and officiate symposia and research presentations at national and regional professional meetings.
  • Insure all current and future rootworm management practice adhere to the safety concerns for corn producers and the stewardship of the environment.

Projected Participation

View Appendix E: Participation

Educational Plan

Publish and maintain a rootworm management guide as an outreach tool for producers, consultants, and others associated with controlling these pests in an economic manner while safeguarding our environment. In conjunction with the committee's annual meeting, sponsor a joint open meeting with customers, e.g., representatives of growers associations, seed industries, agricultural chemical manufacturers, etc., to summarize the committees research activities and discuss appropriate deployment of new insect management strategies. Plan, sponsor, and officiate public discussions concerning the use of new corn rootworm management technologies such as genetically engineered varieties. Support an Internet site that offers up-to-date summaries of corn rootworm biology, ecology, and management. Serve as a resource for legislative agencies that regulate and industries that develop new pest management tools concerning the appropriate deployment and safety of technologies under development.


The proposed Multistate Research Coordinating Committee will be administered as the previous committee (NCR-46) was. The administrative team will consist of an Executive Committee of a Chair, Vice Chair, Past Chair, and Secretary. The Committee members terms in each office will be one year, with each member moving through the four offices. At the first business meeting of the annual meeting, the current Chair will appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of two members of the Research Coordinating Committee. The Nominating Committee will identify one or more eligible committee members that are willing to serve on the Executive Committee. The candidate(s) will be presented to the whole committee during the final business meeting and an officer approved by majority vote. At the close of that meeting, the newly elected officer will become the Secretary of the Research Coordinating Committee, the previous Secretary will become Vice Chair, the Vice Chair will move into the Chairs position, and the Chair will become the Past Chair. The incumbent Past Chair will leave the Executive Committee.

Literature Cited

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