NC129: Mycotoxins in Cereal Grains
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
NC129: Mycotoxins in Cereal Grains
Duration: 10/01/2000 to 09/30/2005
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
Mycotoxin contamination of food and feed grains is a serious economic problem for grain producers and processors in the United States because grain contamination impacts markets. The reason there is a market effect is that some of the mycotoxins adversely affect animal and human health. The fungi that produce mycotoxins in grains commonly include Fusarium Aspergillus and Penicillium species. The primary focus of this project is on the fusaria that infect grains However, other mycotoxins also occur in grains and associated studies on other toxigenic fungi and their metabolites are needed to understand the overall problem of mycotoxins in cereal grains. This regional project is very interdisciplinary in nature and includes members from Plant Pathology, Veterinary Pathobiology, Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Veterinary Biosciences Food Science and Human Nutrition, Animal Science and Industry, Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Labs, Food Microbiology and Toxicology Departments as well as representatives from Ontario's Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Rural Affairs and the mycotoxin unit at NCAUR/USDA/ARS.
Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of fungi that can produce harmful effects when ingested by animals or humans. Some of the toxic effects are easy to recognize such as acute aflatoxicosis (aflatoxm), equine leukoencephalomalacia and porcine pulmonary edema (fumonisin), estrogenism (zearalenone), and feed refusal (vomitoxin), whereas other effects are insidious and difficult to diagnose. The trichothecenes, exceeding 100 in number, are examples of toxins with health effects that are not easily recognized except at extremely high concentrations. Mycotoxins also may cause suppression of the immune system (e.g. aflatoxins and T-2 toxin) and thus redispose animals to infectious disease. This regional research project deals primarily, but not exclusively, with the effects of Fusarium mycotoxins on animal health, but with the underlying assumption that these toxins are consumed by, and therefore hazardous to humans. Therefore, issues of food safety are of primary importance to this project.
Mycotoxins play a global role in human and animal health; some of their effects are well documented while others are not. Examples of major Fusarium mycotoxins with known biological activity include the fumonisins (neurotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, carcinogenesis), T-2 toxin (hemorrhage, enteritis, immune suppression), deoxynivalenol (decreased weight gain), zearalenone (estrogenism) and fusarochromanone (bone deformation). The National Toxicology Program (National Institutes of Health) and WHO (World Health Organization) lists zearalenone as a carcinogen in mice but not in rats. The economically important mycotoxins that are possible human carcinogens include the aflatoxins, fumonisins, and ochratoxins. Many of the other known mycotoxins are acutely toxic or have subacute effects on animal production. The economic impact of mycotoxins is difficult to determine, primarily because of the subclinical effects on animals. Many of the diseases encountered in animals are idiopathic and some may be due to mycotoxins, or to their interaction with other disease causing agents.
In the Midwest region of the United States, losses due to Fusarium Head Blight (SCAB, FHB), in wheat and barley, with the accompanying production of vomitoxin can be devastating, as evidenced by the severe outbreaks in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and Michigan. The effects include crop production losses, and the inability to use the crop for human (milling and baking) and animal food. The economic and health risks associated with mycotoxins are presently presently poorly defined because mycotoxin contamination affects all segments of the production, marketing and utilization of grains. Part of the reason for this uncertainty is due to yearly climatic changes (the insidious nature of toxic effects, lack of diagnostic procedures for some mycotoxicoses and the multiplicity of crops affected. However, different routes and levels of mycotoxin exposure may affect the outcome of the toxicity and clinical diagnosis. These variables must be defined so that reliable toxicity information can be documented. Toxicological, metabolic and residue determinations are part of this cooperative effort.
Cooperation among NC-129 scientists extends into the Southeast (Georgia) where Fusarium fungi exist in crops in association with Aspergillus flavus and the aflatoxins. The Fusarium Research Center at Pennsylvania State University provides an invaluable service in maintaining a collection of Fusarium isolates, which are made available to researchers worldwide. The states and the USDA/ARS are cooperating to provide mass spectral as well as chemical and immunochemical analyses of various mycotoxins on research and diagnostic specimens in grains and animal tissues.
No single Experiment Station in the North Central Region has the resources in personnel, expertise, money or time to investigate more than a few mycotoxin problems at one time. Therefore a regional project is needed for this research. Because of the predominance of cereal crops grown in this region, the Fusarium mycotoxins in cereal grains are the major thrust of this project. However, there is a lack of toxicological information regarding mycotoxins in general. Cooperation among the members of NC-129 includes sharing of toxins, technical expertise, information on current problems, and priorities and collaborative studies. Large animal studies are expensive and generally not affordable except through collaborative projects within the region. Furthermore, to obtain maximum utilization of such animals, a multidisciplinary team is needed. This condition is met through cooperative efforts among members of the NC-129 Committee. The application of technology to isolate and identify fungi and their toxins has not advanced as rapidly as the need for this information. Another important function of this project is the validation of new analytical technology. Although these technologies may not be developed collaboratively, their evaluation through cooperative research and testing results in useful techniques that can be quickly adopted for widespread use. The NC-129 project is a logical approach for such cooperative studies.
Current investigations by members of this committee on the biosynthesis of Fusarium mycotoxins using genetic and molecular technologies, may lead to understanding and control of the associated plant diseases and formation of mycotoxins in these commodities. The goal of the collaborative research is to understand the health effects of mycotoxins and ultimately to control and hopefully eliminate mycotoxins from occurring in our foods.