WERA21: Revegetation and Stabilization of Deteriorated and Altered Lands

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

WERA21: Revegetation and Stabilization of Deteriorated and Altered Lands

Duration: 10/01/2004 to 09/30/2009

Administrative Advisor(s):

NIFA Reps:

Non-Technical Summary

Statement of Issues and Justification

Natural and human-altered environments in the western United States are impacted by disturbances that result in the loss of topsoil, introduction of contaminants, reduction in productivity, and/or loss in structural and functional components of the affected and surrounding ecosystems. These disturbances may result from natural causes such as fire, floods, drought and wind storms, or from human-related causes associated with use or extraction of natural resources such as mineral extraction, cropping practices, timber harvesting, livestock grazing, pipeline development, roads, power corridors, and waste disposal. Disturbances occur on a wide range of ecosystems ranging from arid rangelands to mesic forests to alpine and arctic tundra. Severe disturbances have allowed the creation and expansion of many invasive non-indigenous species (weedy species) in many ecosystems leading to near monocultures of these species. Some ecosystems are capable of recovering after disturbance through natural successional processes, but some disturbances are so severe or have occurred on fragile ecosystems that require intervention to restore or rehabilitate them, retain quality soils and to reestablish natural ecological processes. WCC-21 was conceived initially to focus on mined-land reclamation, but was expanded to include stabilization and reclamation of all types of land disturbances. The committee has emphasized the application of reclamation technology to the restoration and sustainability of ecosystems and biodiversity. The main goal of reclamation is to protect the soil resource by reducing wind and water erosion while simultaneously reducing air and water pollution. The current focus reflects two of the top five Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences research and extension priorities (water and sustainable production systems) identified by Western AES Directors in 2003-2004. Currently, federal land management agencies are emphasizing the use of native plants in revegetation, however, this is hindered both by a lack of native seed availability and by technology on how to establish and maintain these native species. WCC-21 is participating in the development of a revegetation decision support system to assist land managers in selecting appropriate species for sites and in using the appropriate establishment methods. The committee compiles information yearly regarding completed and current research efforts by agencies represented on the committee. Each member submits to the secretary an annual report of research and publications. These annual reports are compiled and distributed to the agencies. A poster depicting current research is maintained by the vice-chairperson and made available to members upon request for presentation at regional and national meetings of professionals involved in revegetation and stabilization of lands. Two subcommittees have been formed for the following purpose: (1) to strengthen WCC-21's value as a source for current, scientific information regarding evolving techniques for more effective revegetation and stabilization of land;(2) to develop and maintain an image library for member use with readily available and adaptable software (MS Access and ThumbsPlus) that produces a searchable database with outputs via secure and limited web access and CD from reference photographs generated by its members. The WCC-21 Photo Database will be useful in the production of educational materials for stabilization and revegetation of deteriorated and altered lands. The committees have maintained a web page (http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/wcc21/) on the Internet that highlights the members, their areas of expertise, and their current research areas. Included on the web page is a listing of recent (1990-present) publications that were written by member institutions/organizations on the subject of revegetation and reclamation, a roster of members with contact information, all annual reports since the last renewal, and a page of pertinent links to agencies, organizations, programs and scheduled national meetings.


  1. Promote interdisciplinary approaches to the stabilization and revegetation, and where appropriate to the restoration of biodiversity and ecological function, of altered and disturbed lands using WCC-21 member expertise in the fields of soil science, hydrology, plant science, ecology, rangeland sciences, geomorphology, forest science, wildlife biology, and animal science.
  2. Conduct field tours of altered/deteriorated and revegetated lands to review technology, make recommendations and broaden experience of WCC-21 participants and hosts.
  3. Promote technology development and transfer on all aspects of revegetation and reclamation of lands in the western U.S.
  4. Disseminate information about WCC-21 activities through a web site, poster presentation at meetings, and workshops of professional societies and related associations.
  5. Discuss current issues, determine research needs, and coordinate future research activities relating to the area of revegetation and reclamation.
  6. Identify resources available through the committee that can be used for instruction through the inclusion of materials on the WCC-21 home page.

Procedures and Activities

Expected Outcomes and Impacts

  • Prepare an annual report of project summaries and publications of participating institutions
  • Coordinate and participate in annual field tours of innovative technologies; maintain a web site home page that lists WCC-21 past, present and future activities and contains links to sites of related interest
  • Identify critical issues in revegetation and land stabilization and the research necessary to address them
  • Strengthen WCC-21''s value as a source for current scientific information regarding evolving techniques for more effective revegetation and stabilization of land.
  • sponsor or co-sponsor symposia or technical sessions on identified key issues/topics at regional, national and possibly international professional meetings (e.g., American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation, Billings Reclamation Symposium, American Water Resources Association, Ecological Society of America, Society for Ecological Restoration, Society for Range Management, Soil Science Society of America)
  • Outcome/Impact 6 Prepare guidelines on native species seed collection, processing and documentation
  • Outcome/Impact 7 Update and present a WCC-21 poster at professional meetings documenting the committee''s activities and available information
  • Outcome/Impact 8 Provide a list of instructional materials available from the committee
  • Outcome/Impact 9 produce a photo database for instructional use
  • Outcome/Impact 10 maintain a mix of committee members that represent a wide variety of disciplines involved with revegetation and land stabilization

Projected Participation

View Appendix E: Participation

Educational Plan

WCC-21 works closely with university extension and federal and state technology transfer offices to distribute results from work conducted by the contributing agencies. The committee publishes numerous journal articles, bulletins and other sources of information on the revegetation and stabilization of deteriorated and alter lands that will be compiled into source lists for distribution. These lists will be updated regularly and sent to state extension and federal land management regional and state offices for dissemination to their personnel. Participation of WCC-21 members at regional, national and international conferences and committees on technology transfer and strategic planning also results in educating both professionals and the public on our research and extension activities.


The WCC-21 executive committee is comprised of a past-chair, chair, vice-chair and secretary. An election is held each year at the annual business meeting to select an incoming secretary whose responsibilities begin after the annual meeting. Each officer is promoted up a level from secretary to vice-chair to chair to past-chair. The responsibilities of the officers include: chair - organizing and presiding over the annual business meeting, preparing the renewal project, compiling and distributing the annual report; vice-chair - updating and distributing the WCC-21 poster, coordinating the activities of the WCC-21 subcommittees; secretary  assist the chair with distributing the annual report, recording and distributing the annual business meeting minutes, maintaining the WCC-21 membership list. Two WCC-21 subcommittees are: Federal Relations for more fully developing relationships and information sharing between WCC-21 and USDA-CSREES, ECOP, ESCOP, ACOP and CAP and Educational Materials for developing the photo database and other available educational materials for teaching revegetation techniques. The subcommittees are developed and terminated on an as-needed basis.

Literature Cited


Land Grant Participating States/Institutions


Non Land Grant Participating States/Institutions

Los Alamos National Lab, NRCS, USDA/FS Rocky Mountain Research Station, USGS
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