NC_OLD7: Conservation, Management, Enhancement and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
NC_OLD7: Conservation, Management, Enhancement and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
Duration: 10/01/2002 to 09/30/2007
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
The conservation, management and utilization of plant genetic resources, also known as germplasm, form the basis for harnessing genetic diversity to create and sustain agricultural production systems. Genetic resources, water, air, soil, minerals and crop management practices are crucial parts of the agricultural production system that sustains humanity and the stability of our society. They also comprise the essence of our environment and consequently, our quality of life. Germplasm is both the genetic material (genes, groups of genes, chromosomes) that controls heredity and the tissues, organs and organisms that express the variation contained in that genetic material. The economy of the North Central Region in particular, is based primarily on non-indigenous crop species that were imported years ago. The productivity of our agricultural system is dependent on our ability to continually refine cultivars, inputs, production systems, markets and end-use processes to respond to production challenges and to changing societal needs. Sustaining our natural resources is a fundamental requisite to sustaining agricultural production, because they provide the raw materials on which research and development are based, as well as crucial ecological services and valued aesthetic qualities. Crop improvement depends on successfully utilizing genes found in germplasm collections, such as those of the North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station (NCRPIS), which has been partially funded by Regional Project NC-7 since 1947. The function of a germplasm collection is analogous to that of a library; the researchers who borrow its resources to develop and provide solutions for dietary and nutritional needs, biotic and abiotic production issues, phytoremediation and rehabilitation of disturbed environments, and to provide genetic diversity used to serve a wide array of basic plant research objectives. Researchers return repeatedly to the germplasm library as a source of allelic diversity. Shared research results increase the overall value of that library for subsequent investigators who are able to build upon previous discovery and invention. NCRPIS was the first Plant Introduction Station in the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS), and for the last 53 years has served as a major component of the network of 26 NPGS sites. NCRPIS provides plant genetic resources, associated information, and a wide variety of technical and leadership services devoted to substantially improving agricultural technology in the U.S. and abroad. With the increasingly challenging environment experienced by agricultural producers, the continuing environmental degradation of our lands, the rapid global extinction of species due to environmental degradation and population pressures, and the need to diversify our economy with biobased products, which can be used to provide industrial, nutritional and medicinal products and energy, the need for diversity of plant genetic resources and associated information continues to increase. Interest is increasing in diversifying the array of crops that can fit into existing production systems to enhance the economic viability of producers and provide new market alternatives. Production of crops to be grown as biomass for energy production on lands that are marginally productive under current cropping systems also is increasing. The Department of Energy is actively partnering with germplasm curators, agronomists and technologists to develop these new crops. Because of the diversity of environments and needs in the NC Region, and the diversity of research interests and expertise available, it is only logical and fitting that a multi-disciplinary effort utilizing the talents of all interested researchers in the region be rigorously applied to develop and test potential solutions to these many challenges. The impacts of successful germplasm conservation, management, enhancement and utilization can be measured in the introduction of economically viable new crops and cultivars and new uses for existing crops based on a thorough understanding of their traits and properties, which may include nutritional, chemical, pharmaceutical, industrial and aesthetic applications. Impact can also be measured in its contribution to the development of a fundamental understanding of the nature and biology of genetic diversity, how it interacts with and is influenced by environment, and the discoveries, inventions and applications which result.
Related, Current and Previous Work
The North Central Regional Research Project was established in 1947 to enable the State Agricultural Experiment Stations (SAES) of the 12 North Central States, the USDA/ARS, other federal agencies, and other cooperators to participate in coordinated efforts to acquire, regenerate, maintain, characterize, evaluate, document, enhance, distribute and utilize plant germplasm of value to agriculture and industry. Other regional research projects, such as the Western (W-6), Northeastern (NE-9), and Southern (S-9), are associated with other components of the NPGS. Interests and responsibilities unique to the regional interests of each of these projects highly influence the efforts of the respective sites. Within the NCR, a broad diversity of germplasm activity is conducted, and is illustrated by Table 1. Many CRIS projects through the North Central Region involve the use of plant germplasm, and are detailed in Appendix 2, Table 7. Every state in the region conducts germplasm research connected with NC-7 germplasm, including Brassica research in Kansas by NC-7 representative Charlie Rife. Eight NCR states have CRIS Projects connected with the NC7 Ornamental Trials.
NCRPIS specializes in the conservation and management of outcrossing, heterogeneous species which require facilities and methodology for controlled pollination. Its regional ornamental germplasm evaluation program, programs for identifying host-plant resistance of crops to biotic and abiotic stresses, and enhancement breeding efforts in various specialty crops are also unique.
Our primary functions with respect to germplasm have included the following activities: * acquisition * distribution * maintenance * enhancement * characterization * utilization * evaluation.
Information collected with respect to these activities complements our abilities to optimize germplasm management. Crop Germplasm Committees (CGCs), made up of researchers from the public and private sectors with specific crop expertise, act to advise us on key acquisition, characterization and evaluation issues and needs for the following crops: Maize, Sunflower, Root and Bulb Vegetable, Forage and Turf Grass, Crucifer, New Crops, Herbaceous Ornamental, Woody Landscape Plants, Leafy Vegetable, Cucurbit, and Clover and Special Purpose Forage Legume. Based on the curators knowledge of the species entrusted to their care, and with the input of CGC members and many other knowledgeable contacts, key germplasm acquisition needs are determined. Proposals are developed to acquire germplasm via plant exploration expeditions to collect wild germplasm, or through direct acquisition and/or exchange with other germplasm banks and researchers. Since 1993, the size of NCRPIS collections has grown from 41,000 to 47,100 accessions, an average annual growth rate of 1.8%. A profile of the composition of NCRPIS crops is presented in Figure 1.
Maintenance activities include field and greenhouse regenerations, seed harvesting and cleaning, viability testing and inventory management, including the deposit of samples for back-up at the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP), formerly known as the National Seed Storage Lab (NSSL) in Ft. Collins, CO. NCRPIS collections are regenerated using methods designed to preserve the original genetic profiles of their members. Accessions of maize (Zea mays), Helianthus (sunflowers) and pumpkins are hand-pollinated using procedures designed to preclude fertilization by foreign pollen. The use of plastic tents in greenhouse regenerations to ensure preservation of the original genetic profile was developed by our amaranth curator. Many of our species have specific vernalization requirements, which must also be considered in regeneration protocols. Many of our other crops are grown in screen cages that utilize a wide array of insect pollinators. NCRPIS researchers have developed and refined screened cage technology for use with insect pollinated germplasm regeneration activities. Use of this system has also been adopted by other germplasm research and conservation entities Maintenance of insect colonies for use in regeneration is a key function of our entomological staff, and is a resource-intensive activity. Annually, 737 accessions (five year mean, range 656-845) are regenerated utilizing 634 cages (5 year mean, range 656-845) into which pollinators are introduced. Our entomology staff engages in research activities whose purpose is to identify insect pollinators that would facilitate seed regeneration and develop more effective rearing techniques. Since 1995, they have determined how Osmia bees can be reared and managed for germplasm regeneration and are now actively engaged in similar research on Bombus (bumblebees). Changes in the international climate regarding germplasm created unique challenges to our ability to participate in free and open access to germplasm internationally. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recognized that plant genetic resources are the common heritage of mankind. As a result of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the Convention on Biological Diversity recognized the rights of nations, farmers, and indigenous peoples to ownership over their own natural plant genetic resources. As a result, the United Nations initiated an Undertaking on Plant Germplasm Resources to reconcile these two views. Only very recently (October, 2001) did this initiative close its first chapter of negotiations, which resulted in agreement on unencumbered access to a list of 40 crop species representing food, feed and fiber resources that all nations collectively depend upon. All other germplasm exchange is subject to national laws, which are to provide for benefit sharing and recognize farmers rights. Material transfer agreements will govern the conditions of germplasm access and benefit sharing and will affect the ability of inventors to protect their intellectual property rights with respect to germplasm use. Information provided on germplasm collections dramatically increases their value by enabling researchers to target their activities on accessions with traits or qualities of interest. Without well-targeted efforts, valuable research resources are often needed to conduct initial screening of large numbers of germplasm accessions, sometimes with less than optimal results. Information drives the search engine of the electronic component of the germplasm library, enabling two other key functions, enhancement and utilization. Databases such as the Germplasm Resource Information Network (GRIN), which is housed in Beltsville, MD, provide rich information resources to germplasm researchers, and are cross-linked to other crop research and genomic databases. Multi-year programs to evaluate and characterize maize, sunflower, squash, carrot, cucumber, melon, oilseed crucifer and woody landscape plant germplasm have been undertaken and serve as primary examples of multi-state collaboration to provide solutions for agricultural production challenges. The various sites of the NPGS, such as the NCRPIS, are highly interdependent. NCRPIS close working relationship with other NPGS units facilitates the movement of germplasm and associated information. Our staff meets periodically with those from all other NPGS sites under the auspices of the Plant Germplasm Operations Committee (PGOC) to discuss common problems and share solutions, in addition to working with the 11 CGCs listed on page 3. We have close working relationships with the American Seed Trade Association, North Central Corn Improvement Conference, National Sunflower Association, Amaranth Institute, American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta, Landscape Plant Development Center, Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative, and the Maize Genetics Cooperation-Stock Center. Our horticulturist serves as the Authorized Departmental Officers Designated Representative (ADODR) for a new Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center at Columbus, Ohio, and was instrumental in working with the NCR, USDA-ARS, and stakeholders in creating the new center. Information is gathered on important phenological, morphological, molecular, aesthetic, agronomic, compositional, and quality characteristics and traits as a result of germplasm characterization and evaluation activities conducted by curators and other researchers. Our curators also actively solicit, analyze and interpret information from other researchers and ensure its public availability. These data are disseminated by several methods, including the GRIN database, and are available for world-wide web access at http://www.ars-grin.gov. In 2001, we began tracking observations we entered into GRIN; over 100,000 data observations and 700 digital images were made publicly available in 2000. Information on the North Central Regional Ornamental Trials is available at http://www.ars-grin.gov/ars/MidWest/Ames/trialhmpge.html; currently about 30 NCR sites participate in these trials. Information, analyses and interpretations are also presented via written publications targeted for scientific, industry, and popular audiences. One point made by the 2001 NCRPIS review was that the research efforts required of curators to identify appropriate germplasm to meet users needs is a scholarly endeavor that is not commonly recognized in publications. Over the next 5 years, we will implement the review teams recommendation that curators request co-authorship of manuscripts resulting from their contributions in order to obtain proper recognition. Our curators and pathology staff work closely with the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the Iowa State University Seed Science Center, and other state and federal agencies, to minimize the introduction and dissemination of new pathogens and pests through germplasm quarantine and inspection. Our seed-health research program strives to understand and quantify seedborne disease issues and to develop detection and remediation tools. Demand for plant germplasm continues to increase, as evidenced by the history of our distributions (Table 2). Specific distribution information by crop is located in Appendix 3, Table 1. Note that over half of domestically distributed accessions are requested by researchers in the North Central Region. Staffing is described in Appendix 3, Table 5. Widrlechner and Burke have attempted to characterize and quantify long-term distribution patterns for our major crops. These patterns fall into two general groups. Most crops show patterns with accessions distributed in a statistically normal fashion, but the largest collections, such as corn and amaranth, display a non-normal pattern where frequency of use is relatively rare for most accessions and it declines at an exponential rate. Distribution patterns for some of the smaller collections can vary widely both among crops and over time. The availability of new information for a relatively mature crop can substantially increase its demand. A private company evaluated all of the available maize collection for oil content in 2000 using NIR technology and provided NCRPIS with the data. (Hence the dramatic rise in distribution of the maize collection in 2000.) For the first time, NIR data on oil content was publicly available via GRIN on approximately 10,000 maize accessions. This has resulted in renewed interest in the maize accessions as valuable sources of allelic diversity for these traits. Similarly, the report of wild Spinacia species resistant to blue mold has elicited high demand for wild and landrace spinach germplasm which can provide genetic solutions to a serious U.S. spinach production challenge.
Undesirable characteristics are commonly associated with unimproved germplasm. Efforts to eliminate detrimental characteristics while retaining those of value can be very time-consuming and resource intensive, and often do not fit will with the objectives of researchers who need to access material which can be readily converted to useful products. Enhancement is sometimes referred to pre-breeding, and comprises the activities involved in converting germplasm which may have many undesirable traits to a form which is of more utility to researchers, thus increasing their opportunities to achieve their objectives. This is accomplished by increasing the frequency of desirable alleles and traits and lowering or eliminating the frequency of undesirable alleles and traits. Once enhanced, researchers are more willing to invest resources in germplasm whose properties are better understood, and its frequency of use increases. Recent examples of successful in-house enhancement efforts include:
- public release of non-shattering amaranth grain cultivars in cooperation with David Baltensperger of the Univ. of Nebraska,
- public release of GEMS-001, a maize line derived from a Peruvian maize population Piura with non-DIMBOA, non-maysin based native resistance to first brood European Corn Borer, by entomologist Craig Abel in conjunction with the Germplasm Enhancement of Maize (GEM) Project, and
- development of two populations of sunflower derived from wild sunflower germplasm with valuable resistance to powdery mildew and Alternaria disease, both of which are production limiting (Crop Science Registration pending).
Cooperate and participate as a key element in the NPGS, a coordinated national acquisition and management program of plant germplasm valued for agricultural, horticultural, environmental, medicinal and industrial uses in the NCR and through the U.S.
Conserve seed and/or vegetative stock of more than 1700 plant species.
Within the NCR, throughout the U.S., and internationally, encourage the use of a broad diversity of germplasm to reduce crop genetic vulnerability. Provide resources, information and expertise that foster the development of new crops and new uses for existing crops, and facilitate cultivar improvement of established crops, thus contributing to a sustainable, biobased economy.
Contribute to understanding of plant-environment interactions, including assessment and communication of characteristics that would potentially enable a species to become invasive.
Educate students, scientists and the general public regarding plant germplasm resource issues.
Conduct research, and develop an institutional infrastructure needed to attain the preceding objectives efficiently and effectively.
The Regional Research Projects support four Regional Plant Introduction Stations, including the NCRPIS, and sustain major components of our national effort to provide germplasm and information for basic and applied research by domestic and international public and private-sector entities. Because needs are continual for new and improved crops and for basic scientific research, the NC-7 Project is, by nature, a long-term effort. Changes in its organization and mission generally evolve gradually, but specific management procedures can change dramatically in response to the development of new technologies and research in germplasm management issues. With continuing NC-7 support, the NCRPIS will continue to be the leading NPGS active site for managing heterozygous, heterogeneous, seed-propagated germplasm that generally requires controlled pollination, and for managing insect pollinators.The NC-7 Project has been effective because of its unique federal, state, and private-sector cooperation; this cooperation is also essential to its future success. The USDA/ARS provides most of the NCRPIS budget, (see Appendix 3, Tables 2 and 3 for budget history), including funds for salaries of many of the staff, general operations, and certain facilities and equipment. It also provides funds for plant exploration and for specialized technical assistance at the USDA/ARS Area and National levels. The State of Iowa, through the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station at Iowa State University, provides land (140 acres), facilities, benefits and administrative services for ISU employees supported by regional funds, and other local assistance. The SAES Directors of the NCRs land grant universities provide a significant portion of NCRPIS annual budget in the form of NC-7 funding taken off-the-top of the Regional Research Funds (RRF) received from the USDA/ARS Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES). NC-7 funding supports curators and the farm superintendent, their technical staff, and operating costs; it represented nearly a quarter of all operational funding in 2001.
Many other researchers and institutions in the U.S. actively manage germplasm within their specialties, but none has the total system approach of the NPGS. The NCRPIS demonstrates that fact particularly well. During the last 53 years, the NPGS and the NCRPIS in particular have built a coordinated structure and critical mass of trained curatorial staff, unparalleled within the United States. Individual states and the private sector lack such infrastructure and expertise. Some of the NPGSs major components include:
- The National Genetic Resources Advisory Committee (NCARC) advises the Secretary of Agriculture and NPGS personnel on plant, animal, and microbial germplasm and plant genome matters. It is composed of state, federal, private-sector, and non-governmental organization representatives.
- The Plant Germplasm Operations Committee (PGOC) assists the NCRAC, the USDA/ARS National Program Staff (NPS), and serves as a sounding board for the exchange of ideas and development of guidelines and management plans for the NPGS.
- Forty Crop Germplasm Committees (CGCs) bring together experts on a commodity basis to advise the NPGS and its curators regarding genetic vulnerability, acquisition priorities, opportunities for salvage and preservation of abandoned germplasm collections, and evaluation and characterization issues, programs and needs.
- The National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP), formerly known as the National Seed Storage Lab, in Ft. Collins, preserves the base collection, a security backup for the entire NPGS, under long-term storage conditions, and conducts research regarding optimal germplasm maintenance practices.
- The National Germplasm Resources Laboratory (NGRL) mission encompasses international germplasm exchange and acquisition activities, liaison on quarantine matters, ecogeographic studies, GRIN database management, CGC coordination and closely related activities.
- The North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station (NCRPIS) at Ames, Iowa, is one of 26 sites where the NPGSs germplasm collections are actively managed. It is staffed by research scientists, curators and technical support staff essential to care for the plants, seeds, land, facilities and equipment necessary to serve its mission with respect to the more than 47,000 accessions (over 300 genera and 1700 species) in its collections, and the accompanying passport and descriptive data.
- The NC-7 Regional Technical Advisory Committee (RTAC) acts as a body of germplasm experts who represent their SAES Directors through regular annual meetings and ongoing communications regarding issues affecting the NCRPIS ability to fulfill its mission. The members provide advice on germplasm and resource management issues, as well as assist in identifying opportunities. Representatives from all four of the RTACs assist in evaluating and ranking proposals for plant exploration proposals, and make funding recommendations.
Objective 1: NCRPIS will acquire and manage key germplasm and associated information needed to support agricultural, horticultural, environmental, medicinal and industrial uses. NCRPIS will participate in and support plant exploration, often with other NCR scientists, and manage the associated passport and descriptive information. We work with CGC members to develop acquisition priorities and develop plans, either through exploration or exchange, with other germplasm preservation institutions. NCRPIS maintains an extensive network of seed exchange relations within the US (including seed savers exchanges) and internationally. International explorations now include scientists from the respective donor countries, whose technical expertise is critical to acquisition objectives, and who also provide valuable logistical and administrative support. A review of the 1998 Ukraine expedition describes the process and results (Widrlechner et. al. 2001). In order to develop and prioritize future acquisition strategies, an internal NCRPIS team has developed a database of plant germplasm within the NPGS that can contribute to medicinal and/or nutriceutical research applications. We will utilize a strategy constructed similarly to that of a candidate gene approach in selecting which species are most appropriate for these applications, applying our valuable resources accordingly, within the overall NPGS structure. (Appendix 3, Table 4 and Figure 1)
Objective 2: Conserve seed and/or vegetative stock of more than 1700 plant species. We will continue to regenerate and maintain the working species collections, and to increase both the proportion of the collections available to researchers those backed up in long-term security storage at the NCGRP.
The unavailable accessions represent a combination of those that can be:
- easily regenerated in Ames,
- regenerated in Ames only in greenhouse environments which would enable support of special growth requirement regimens, and also support the need to verify identity, thus preventing introduction of potentially invasive accessions,
- grown in other U.S. environments which can support regenerations needs,
- grown in tropical U.S. winter nursery sites, or
- grown only in known select international environments, or habitats.
Pollination-control methods utilized are designed to preserve the genetic integrity of diverse germplasm. Accessions of maize (Zea mays) and its relatives are increased using standard hand-pollination and isolation procedures which preclude fertilization by foreign pollen. Species such as cucumbers, melons, squashes, brassicas, carrots and other insect-pollinated species are caged and bee- or fly-pollinated; pumpkins are sib-mated by hand-pollination techniques. Sunflower (Helianthus) accessions are pollinated by hand or in screen cages with insect pollinators to preclude pollen contamination. Other largely self-pollinating species (e.g., Panicum and Setaria millets) are open-pollinated in the field, but caged to reduce bird predation, or grown in plastic tents in greenhouses (e.g., Amaranthus).
The following references are useful in assessing contribution in this area: Abel and Wilson 1996; Widrlechner et al.1996; Wilson and Abel 1997; Brenner and Widrlechner, 1999; Wilson and Abel, 1999; Wilson et al. 2000. Objective 3: Encourage use of genetic diversity to reduce crop genetic vulnerability. The NCRPIS, through characterization and evaluation activities, will continue to provide information to enhance the value and utility of the collections. Because of significant improvements in our information management infrastructure over the past decade, improvements in the capabilities of the GRIN database, and enhanced abilities to link information from many sources to the collections in novel ways, the information available to curators pertaining to their collections has increased greatly since the last revision and is expected to continue to increase substantially during the next five years. Our staff has invested heavily in training which enables them to utilize this information effectively and efficiently, and deliver quality, useful data and recommendations in a concise and useable format to requesting researchers.
We will continue to expand our efforts to acquire evaluation and descriptive information from our own and collaborative investigations, and, whenever feasible, by integrating information capture with our ongoing regeneration processes. NIR information on quality traits that is now available to researchers has generated new interest in and opportunities for productive research and development. Incorporation of the GEM Project and its Quality Traits Laboratory into NCRPIS will bring opportunities and focus to our evaluation, enhancement and utilization efforts.
Our 2001 Review Team recommended that we not divert scarce resources to developing in-house molecular marker research programs, but instead rely on collaborative efforts. We believe that molecular marker and genomic information will be key to developing an understanding of relationships of accessions among and within species and broad measures of diversity and divergence, and will positively affect our future ability to manage germplasm resources effectively, as demands for funding increase disproportionately to the availability of such resources. We will avail ourselves of opportunities to partner effectively to develop and acquire molecular genetic information on key collections.
We survey literature to determine those species and populations within species for which novel properties, characteristics or applications have been identified and consult with relevant CGCs to develop priorities for characterization and evalutation. Keeping abreast of this information is crucial so the NPGS can acquire and maintain accessions best able to contribute to research and development activities that sustain and/or enhance our economy. The current initiative to identify species of potential value for medicinal or nutriceutical needs will be accompanied by necessary consultation with appropriate advisory groups to ensure that our efforts are well focused. Current collaborations with Department of Energy investigators will also serve the goal of contributing to a sustainable, biobased economy.
Incorporation of the GEM Project into NCRPIS will bring opportunities and focus to our evaluation, enhancement and utilization efforts.
Objective 4: Contribute to understanding of plant-environment interactions.
One of the best developed, long-term evaluation networks for testing woody plant adaptation in North America is the NC-7 Trials network. Much of the work is conducted by SAES personnel; data from these evaluations are useful in matching landscape plants with appropriate sites, and inform us about climatic and edaphic factors that influence woody plant adaptation. This influences our focus on future acquisition and testing; a primary example is the development of the 1999 Ukraine exploration expedition and the ongoing evaluation of collections from that trip.
Knowledge of climatic and edaphic factors influencing plant adaptation in the NCR is valuable for use in assessing risk of invasiveness for non-native species, and can be used to develop predictive environmental analogs. (Norris et al., 2001; Widrlechner, in press; Widrlechner and Iles, in press). This knowledge also is helpful in determining the best sites for regeneration and management of elements of our collections. Working in conjunction with the NPGS network, we need to develop more regeneration capacity with existing resources; an example of this is our current effort with the NPGS regeneration site at Parlier, CA to identify species and accessions which can effectively be regenerated there, but not in Ames.
Objective 5: Educate students, scientists and the general public regarding plant germplasm resource issues. We take advantage of outreach opportunities to present germplasm resource issues and accomplishments to the public, including primary, secondary, and collegiate classes. Information, analyses and interpretations are also presented via written publications targeted for scientific, industry, and popular audiences. In response to the 2001 NCRPIS review recommendation to increase efforts to recognize the scholarly contributions of curators to researchers efforts, curators will request co-authorship of manuscripts resulting from their contributions in order to obtain proper recognition, and will promote understanding of what the NPGS provides. Because of our close physical and intellectual associations with Iowa State University, we frequently provide tours and lectures for ISU students and visitors from other institutions, such as the Univ. of MN plant breeding students, the Carrot Congress, the North American Prairie Conference, etc. We advise graduate students, offer internships and participate in many collaborative research partnerships.
Objective 6: Conduct research, and develop institutional infrastructure needed to attain the preceding objectives efficiently and effectively. In the past two years, we have conducted in-house analyses on capturing and managing evaluation data, regeneration capacity development, and how to leverage resources more effectively with our NPGS and other institutional partners. Analyses of costs and relative benefits have been made; curators are now utilizing Microsoft Project as a tool both to track resources and develop new resource accounting systems. Efforts to quantify our needs clarify our understanding of needs and help optimize our entire program.
Measurement of Progress and Results
- Earlier in 2001 we conducted a self-study and an external review to get a clearer determination of past progress and future needs, partially to prepare for this revision. The recommendations of the review team are found in Appendix 4. <P> NCRPIS has steadily increased both the number and proportion of the collections available for distribution, as well as providing required quantities of seeds for long-term backup at the NCGRP (Table 3). Progress is due partially to the application of new technologies which enable us to extend our resources for regeneration and also to an increased focus on resolving our availability backlogs. However, a considerable number of accessions remain unavailable or are only held at a single site. Our recent external review cited regeneration backlogs, which render portions of the collections unavailable, as the primary obstacle to increasing evaluation and characterization efforts that provide valuable information about the collections. Many CGCs also reiterate availability as the primary limitation to the capture of evaluation and characterization information (1997 GAO report to Congressional Committees, Information on the Condition of the National Plant Germplasm System, GAO/RCED-98-20.) <P> Appendix 3, Table 6 summarizes current greenhouse utilization vs. needed greenhouse resources, in terms of what is required to eliminate regeneration backlogs within 10 years. We are actively engaged in identifying avenues to secure resources to develop additional greenhouse facilities. Past collaborations with non-curators to regenerate accessions have often proved disappointing, due to the variable agronomic requirements of our diverse collections and the intense quality-control procedures required to regenerate materials that preserve the original unique genetic profiles and meet phytosanitary standards. <P> In 2000, we started working with NPGS personnel at Parlier, CA, a site developed as an alternative regeneration site for NPGS needs. We identified opportunities for regeneration of perennial sunflowers, maize, and other crops and are prepared to share resources in FY02 to facilitate Parliers efforts. This is an exciting addition to our capacities. In 2004, a new ARS research facility at Hilo, Hawaii may also present new opportunities for regeneration and evaluation. Within the NCR, we are evaluating cooperative flax regeneration efforts with Fargo, ND SAES personnel. <P> Distribution of accessions was referenced in Table 2 earlier in this document. As new information is continuously made available, interest in and demand for germplasm resources is renewed. As we interact with NCR researchers, CGCs and other crop research experts, we try to exchange information that helps us better anticipate future challenges and research needs. <P> As information needs have increased and research activities and technologies strive to provide for those needs, an information explosion has occurred. In 2000, over 100,000 data items and over 700 digital images associated with accessions with loaded into GRIN. This will only increase in the future, given adequate resources to maintain productivity trends. We have utilized Accession Performance Reports (APRs) to assess user satisfaction with the germplasm they have been provided, and develop a sense of how various types of research needs are being met. The most frequent comment made (in response to a question asking how we can better serve the research community) expresses the need for more evaluation information, especially related to maturity and adaptation, to better target their efforts. An internal survey of germplasm requestors for four crops over a 10 year period found the main constraint was lack of information about the accessions.
Outcomes or Projected Impacts
- Distribution of accessions was referenced in Table 2 earlier in this document. As new information is continuously made available, interest in and demand for germplasm resources is renewed. As we interact with NCR researchers, CGCs and other crop research experts, we try to exchange information that helps us better anticipate future challenges and research needs. Our ability to deliver quality germplasm and associated information enhanced the ability of researchers within and beyond the NCR to achieve their objects, thereby preserving and enhancing the sustainability of our agricultural production system and current economic structure, and providing resources to support a diverse, biobased economy.
(0): additional resources, , it is anticipated that (at the end of the project period in 2007) the germplasm collection will have grown to over 50,000 accessions, over 75% of the collections will be available for distribution to bona fide researchers and educators, and over 80% of the collection will be backed up at the NCGRP in Ft. Collins. As new resources become available for additional greenhouse facilities and staff, more progress can be made and development of new collections key to diversification of our agricultural economy will occur. Continuous publication of research findings and germplasm releases from the NCR and other researchers will occur during this time period.Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationOutreach Plan
As information needs have increased and research activities and technologies strive to provide for those needs, an information explosion has occurred. In 2000, over 100,000 data items and over 700 digital images associated with accessions with loaded into GRIN. This will only increase in the future, given adequate resources to maintain productivity trends. We have utilized Accession Performance Reports (APRs) to assess user satisfaction with the germplasm they have been provided, and develop a sense of how various types of research needs are being met. The most frequent comment made (in response to a question asking how we can better serve the research community) expresses the need for more evaluation information, especially related to maturity and adaptation, to better target their efforts. An internal survey of germplasm requestors for four crops over a 10 year period found the main constraint was lack of information about the accessions.
Annual reports for both ARS and CSREES are made readily available through our website. Periodically, we analyze information gleaned from APRs to better measure progress and results. The NCRPIS staff and all NC-7 research participants publish in relevant peer- and non-peer-reviewed journals, conduct informational and educational tours, and give public presentations on the nature of the project itself and resulting findings and germplasm outputs.
Over the next five years, we will use internal benchmarks and accountability systems to integrate information used to assess our progress and better meet future needs. We will use the following vehicles to assess progress, provide guidance and report results.
- ongoing ARS Program 301 Review Process
- working with 11 CGCs to update their crop status reports for NPGS
- annual meetings with the NC-7 RTAC to report on progress and plan future directions; formation of subcommittees within the RTAC to address issues and refine objectives.
- planning for the next external review to coincide with the end of the project period.