S_tempSERA37: Latinos in the New South

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

S_TEMPSERA37: Latinos in the New South

Duration: 10/01/2017 to 09/30/2022

Administrative Advisor(s):

NIFA Reps:

Non-Technical Summary

Statement of Issues and Justification

SERA-37 Latinos in the New South

Statement of Issues and Justification 

Hispanics are the nation’s largest minority, responsible for much of America’s shift to a more multicultural society.  According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Hispanics accounted for more than half of the nation’s population growth between 2000 and 2010. During the same timeframe in the Southeast U.S., the Hispanic population grew by almost 70%, making the Southeast the fastest growing region for Hispanics.

At the same time, Extension professionals continue to feel ill prepared to address the needs of the growing Hispanic population (Herndon, M. C., et.al.)  Their 2009 survey of 982 Extension educators from 12 southern states revealed that Extension Educators need Spanish language skills and cultural competency training, and shared examples of best practices and culturally appropriate programming.  

Since the initiation of the SERA-37 project, Extension and research members have produced a variety of activities and resources to address the capacity building necessary to meet the needs of Hispanic audiences. Some examples of these outputs include journal articles, web-based training programs, conference power point presentations, regional conferences, compilation of web-based resources, and contact information of experts. The Project’s website contains resource lists compiled by SERA members, links to related websites, power point slides, exemplary program descriptions, regional conference agenda and related educational materials.

The proposed renewal of SERA-37, Latinos in the New South, continues to seek to build the capacity of land-grant faculty and staff and their collaborators in the areas of:

  • Best Practices and Resources: developing an online set of resources for Southern Region states to guide their efforts in effectively engaging the Latino community and offering quality educational programs in all Extension areas for Latino youth, adults, families, and communities.

  • Staff Development: developing the cultural competence and other professional skills within Extension to develop and deliver culturally and linguistically appropriate programs for Latino audiences.

  • Youth Development: indentifying national wide resources and impactful programs that exist or can be adapted and offer for Latino/Hispanic youth and families in the southern region


With a few exceptions, most states in the southern region lack a proactive and systematic set of initiatives to address the Hispanic population. The SERA-37 provides a means to bring Extension and Research professionals together to share ideas and collaborate on projects that might not otherwise be undertaken at the state or local level. The region is still evolving socially, politically, and economically in its response to and understanding of Latino culture and immigration issues. A collective effort is needed to understand these phenomena and translate research and promising practices into effective programs, engagement strategies, and positive community development, as well as organizational and professional development priorities.

Literature Cited

Herndon, M. C., Behnke, A.O., Navarro, M., Brown, J., & Storm, J. F. (2013). Needs and Perceptions of Cooperative Extension Educators Serving Latino Populations in the South. Journal of Extension [On-line], 51(1). - See more at: http://yfcs.cals.ncsu.edu/people/andrew-behnke-ph-d/#sthash.39noDQXO.dpuf


  1. Expand communication and information exchange among land-grant representatives from the South dealing with key issues germane to changing Latino demographics in the region and the promising and proven evidence-based programs and practices effective in engaging Latino audiences and developing welcoming communities.
  2. Expand, and share, the current catalogue of research and Extension resources existing within the region and link to national resources related to useful research and Extension work with Hispanic families.
  3. Identify existing gaps in the research and/or Extension resources that focus on concerns of Latinos and/or concerns of organizations and communities responding to changing Latino demographics.
  4. Create a network of persons in the Southern region interested and available to facilitate new research and Extension programs that support community and civic understanding, inclusive of students and faculty outside traditional Extension program areas and institutions.
  5. Disseminate a series of information briefs that profile the demographic, educational, social, and economic changes associated with the region’s Hispanic population and outline the important implications associated with these trends and responsive program options.
  6. Design and sponsor staff development program(s) that expand the capacity of Extension faculty in the region to work with, and deliver educational programs targeted to the South's Hispanic population.

Procedures and Activities

  1. Hold every-other-month conference calls with SERA-37 leadership team (e.g. SERA officers, SRDC representative, workgroup representatives, and conference planning committee chair). Hold quarterly conversations for entire SERA-37 membership by conference calls and/or web-based conferencing. As budgets permit, host annual or every other year face-to-face meetings for the entire SERA membership.

  2. Build upon the SERA-37 content located on the SRDC website. Specifically provide resources to assist with cross-cultural education, Hispanic culture, pertinent research studies, and effective Extension programming efforts. Expand the use of social media, such as creation of a Facebook page, to facilitate communication. 

  3. Encourage and facilitate joint research across land-grant schools. Facilitate joint inquiry with scholars outside the Land Grant system but with similar research interests. Facilitate participatory research with communities. Work with the Southern Rural Development Center affiliated faculty and staff to identify funding sources and facilitate proposal development for extramural funding. This work should be facilitated within a structure of working groups that will update the SERA-37 leadership team twice a year. 

  4. Information sharing of research and evidence based programs and emerging initiatives will proceed through the SRDCs publication channels, the SRDC website, and a series of approximately 3 webinars per year, beginning early fall 2017. Pending webinars include: domestic immersion a new cultural competency training approach, Pesticides and Farmworker Health Toolkit, programs for Latino students school success, and Working towards Healthier Futures for Latino Children and their Families.

  5. Capacity-building is an urgent need throughout the region.  The leadership team will promote implementation of in-state and/or sub-regional cross-cultural trainings with curricula such as “Navigating Differences” (from Washington State Extension) that incorporate skill-building for understanding, communicating, and pro-active engagement in a range of cross-cultural settings.

Expected Outcomes and Impacts

  • An emerging body of solid assessment data available to colleagues and communities across the south re: needs and capacity of staff, needs and assets of communities, and tools for assessment in bi-lingual and bi-cultural contexts assistive for staff training and civic engagement partnerships.
  • Creation of a multi-disciplinary team of LGU Research and Extension faculty familiar with each other's work and able to quickly respond to SERA-37 related RFPs leading to new grants and research dollars.
  • Improved programming capacity based on knowledge shared through conferences, webinars, and coordinated technical assistance to field staff, e.g. around extant and emerging curricula.
  • Expansion of web-based repository of research and educational resources .
  • Implementation of multi-state and in-state inclusion/diversity training program(s) .
  • Development of cross-departmental linages within LGU universities, including 'traditional' Extension fields e.g. agriculture, human sciences, etc. and 'non-traditional' department linkages such as liberal arts, education, etc.
  • Partnerships developed across LGUs in the southern region - inclusive of 1862s, 1890s and Land-grant universities linking with non-land grants.
  • Collaborations with not-for-profit Latino-serving organizations, Latino families and community leaders and Public/Community organizations such as schools, health departments, social services.

Projected Participation

View Appendix E: Participation

Educational Plan

Regional conferences and/or meetings, webinars, issue briefs, website information and linkages, social media. Particular efforts are underway to link with Hispanic-serving organizations to build program opportunities with clientele.


Leadership will continue with chair, chair-elect, and secretary. The three working groups shall continue to work on project objectives: Best Practices and Resources, Staff Development, and Youth Development. The SERA-37 looks forward to continued website hosting, publication distribution, and occasional logistical support from the SRDC/SSRC. Quarterly SERA conference calls will help communications along with face-to-face meetings. Funding opportunities will be directed to the Extension system with appropriate in-house logistical support, partner organization support, and/or strong commitment of an Extension state leader.

Participating states include:



Literature Cited

Cohn, Vera 2010 Census: Hispanic Population More Than Doubles in Nine States, PEW Hispanic Trust Report, March 25, 2011

Herndon. M.C., Behnke, A.O., Navarro, M., Daniel, J B., Storm, J. (2012) needs and perceptions of cooperative extension educators serving Latino populations in the south, Journal of Extension. In press. Accepted March 22, 2012

Storm, Julia F. Farm Foundation, NFP Small Grant Report, June 11, 2011

Storm, Julia F. (P.I.) in cooperation with Cintia Aguilar and Andrew Behnke , NCSU Just In TimeGrant Final Report, August 19, 2011


Land Grant Participating States/Institutions


Non Land Grant Participating States/Institutions

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