WERA_OLD1017: Coordination of Integrated Pest Management Research and Extension/Educational Programs for the Western States and Pacific Basin Territories
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Draft
WERA_OLD1017: Coordination of Integrated Pest Management Research and Extension/Educational Programs for the Western States and Pacific Basin Territories
Duration: 10/01/2016 to 09/30/2021
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
WERA1017 is an active and productive committee that functions as a coordination and vision-setting body for research and Extension IPM programs in the West. The committee has good relations and communications with the Western IPM Center and USDA NIFA IPM staff. Committee participants work together on numerous multi-state IPM activities and related programs, e.g., School IPM, Small Farms and Urban Farms, High Plains IPM website, Pacific Northwest IPM guides, weather-driven pest models and regional pest advisories, noxious weed management, Pesticide Safety and Education, and water quality projects. This regional approach is increasingly important as fewer Extension and research scientists are available in individual states due to budget cuts, shrinking pest management resources and ever-increasing demand for IPM programming.
WERA1017 geographically spans the U.S. from the desert southwest border with Mexico to the northern Rocky Mountain border with Canada (including Alaska) and extends westward through the Pacific Coast states to the tropical Pacific Basin Territories. Accordingly, pest threats, priorities, emphasis areas, educational approaches and dedicated extension IPM program resources are incredibly diverse in our region. Yet western IPM programs address common themes; currently emerging issues for agro- and urban-ecosystems in the West include a better understanding of pesticide fate and behavior, impacts of pest management practices on environmental quality, non-targets (especially pollinators) and human health, and impacts of ever-increasing introductions of invasive species and pest-vectored diseases on ecosystem stability and economic productivity. Western IPM programs increasingly receive requests to address new and expanding audiences and stakeholders, especially forestry, parklands, schools, and homeowners. Western IPM programs are challenged to meet these increasing demands with a decreasing work force.
Recognizing the complexities of the challenge, IPM nationally is guided by a Roadmap, developed by the USDA CSREES (now NIFA) with input from many sources. This Roadmap has identified the analysis of health, environmental and economic impacts of IPM as a key priority. Impacts require aggregation of data at a state and regional level in order to contribute to a national policy, but no resources have been allocated for this important task. WERA1017 will continue to address measurement of IPM impacts as a key part of its activities.
Increase participants’ skills, knowledge, and awareness of regional/national IPM issues, systems, and strategies.
Increase relevance of federal and regional IPM RFA’s, programs, and policies to better align them with regional stakeholder needs.
Enhance collaboration, sharing of ideas, and hence creation of regional outputs such as multi-state grants and shared outreach materials.
Improve coordination of IPM programs that address on-going, emerging and other critical pest and related environmental issues.
Procedures and Activities
<p>WERA1017 will meet annually at an appropriate location in the western region to exchange ideas and discuss common issues related to coordination of IPM research, Extension and education activities in the region, and specifically to plan and carry out activities to address our objectives. Annual meetings will be structured to take advantage of opportunities to educate committee members on local IPM issues, successes, and challenges. Local representatives will be invited to participate in IPM discussions. As appropriate, the meeting agenda will address agency alliance-building, regional IPM grant-writing strategies and efforts, Pest Management Strategic Plan (PMSP) priorities, and coordination of IPM education and impact measures.</p>
<p>Specifically, WERA1017 will structure the annual meetings to serve as a forum to coordinate and facilitate IPM research and Extension in the western region. The location of annual meetings will rotate among states to educate the membership on local and regional IPM issues. Meetings will include tours or presentations to showcase local IPM issues. IPM staff from the region will be invited to participate in the annual meetings. The rotating WERA1017 Chair is a member of the ESCOP/ECOP APLU Pest Management Strategies Subcommittee, and serves as a two-way communicator with the national IPM leaders.</p>
<p>Meeting time will be scheduled to discuss ideas for grant proposals to address regional IPM priorities and develop additional grant-related activities, such as teleconferences. In order to facilitate regional coordination of input to new PMSPs, discussions will be held at the annual meetings and members will be asked to contact relevant industry stakeholders to develop robust PMSP writing committees. WERA1017 will coordinate a regional IPM education activity, such as a symposium or workshop through a venue such as the International IPM Symposium or others.</p>
Expected Outcomes and Impacts
- The overarching goal of WERA1017 activities is to enhance IPM adoption and impact within the western states and Pacific Basin Territories. More specific outcomes and impacts are listed below.
- Increased awareness of the breadth and scope of each state’s Extension IPM and related programs (such as Pesticide Safety and Education) beyond USDA-NIFA supported activities, leading to: Comments: a) enhanced collaborations among WERA1017 participants leading to better research and outreach programs that enhance adoption of IPM b) sharing of ideas, methodologies and materials that can be used or adapted to support IPM adoption in other states with reduced duplication of efforts c) new regionally-coordinated extension programming activities, educational approaches and outreach materials through jointly-developed multistate grant proposals
- Increased awareness and knowledge among participants about emerging pest problems (such as invasive exotics) and critical issues (such as pollinator protection and herbicide resistant weeds) affecting stakeholders
- Increased funding opportunities arising around priority IPM issues, leading to new collaborations and projects that address emerging needs of stakeholders
- Increased awareness among participants about the role of the Western IPM Center to enhance state and multistate efforts to support IPM adoption throughout the west, including Comments: a) facilitating new multistate collaborations through its grants program b) supporting IPM research, outreach and measurement of outcomes through its ongoing Signature Programs c) enhancing awareness of IPM projects, pest issues, tools and resources in the west through its newsletters and other communications
- Enhanced IPM extension programming skills among participants through Professional Development Workshops at our Annual Meetings offered by WERA1017 members who have with unique specialty expertise in emerging IPM issues, and by convening on-site field visits and conversation with local IPM clientele during our Annual Meetings
- Enhanced IPM extension programming skills among participants through Professional Development Workshops at our Annual Meetings offered by WERA1017 members who have with unique specialty expertise in emerging IPM issues, and by convening on-site field visits and conversation with local IPM clientele during our Annual Meetings
- Improved reporting of High-quality, quantitative programming impacts from all state Extension IPM programs and enhanced multistate documentation of joint impacts by identifying innovative, cost-effective assessment/evaluation approaches that can be shared among states
- Meaningful contributions to shaping USDA NIFA policy through annual WERA1017 representation and informed contributions to discussions at the National IPM Coordinating Committee meeting
Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationEducational Plan
At each annual meeting, the committee will discuss, share and coordinate pest management issues, research needs, educational approaches, and novel applications within regional agro- and urban systems. Program Leaders for USDA NIFA, Western IPM Center, regional grant programs, etc., will provide updates on national and regional IPM initiatives, directions, and trends. The annual meeting will provide a forum for state research and Extension liaisons to discuss issues, dilemmas, and successes. The annual report compiled from across the participating states will provide documentation of regional IPM deliverables and accomplishments during the past year.
Conduct one IPM symposium, field tour or workshop in the region or in conjunction with the International IPM Symposium during the 5-year project cycle. This activity will expand participation beyond the WERA-1017 membership. It may address specific learning needs (e.g. use of weather-based decision support tools, use of new diagnostic techniques, or certified IPM school programs), or provide a professional development workshop for county extension personnel, and other IPM professionals. This activity will help foster interagency and regional linkages, dialogue, learning and information dissemination, with an emphasis on designing and implementing sustainable pest management systems. Stakeholder involvement will be strongly encouraged.
Officers include a Chair, Vice-Chair who records meeting minutes and maintains a current email list, and a Past-Chair. Election of a new vice-chair occurs at each annual meeting, and this new officer is installed immediately. It is the responsibility of the current chair to organize and host the year’s meeting. Because a primary objective of this committee is to foster interdisciplinary research and Extension involving pest-related sciences, officers and members encourage the Directors from each state to sponsor at least two professionals to attend the annual meetings as voting members (a mix of pest disciplines and AES and Extension appointment emphases are desirable); additional participants are welcome.
Literature Cited
USDA NIFA, National Roadmap for Integrated Pest Management, http://ipmcenters.org/Docs/IPMRoadMap.pdf