WDC11: Mountain and Southwest Regional Evaluation and Introduction of Native Plants (from wera_temp2161)

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:


Date of Annual Report: 12/07/2007

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/20/2007 - 11/20/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008


Churchwell, Stew (stew@nxplants.com) - Native and Xeric Plants;
Dougher, Tracy (tracyaod@montana.edu - Montana State University;
Hess, Bret (brethess@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming;
Johnson, Merrill (merrille@crystalpeaks.com) - Great Basin Natives;
Jones, Diane (diane@waterthriftyplants.com) - Draggin' Wing Farm;
Klett, Jim (jim.klett@colostate.edu - Colorado State University;
Kratsch, Heidi (hiedik@ext.usu.edu - Utah State University
Love, Stephen (slove@uidaho.edu) - University of Idaho;
Osborne, Kevin (kevin@csr-inc.com) - Conservation Seeding;
Panter, Karen (kpanter@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming;
Paulsen, Gary (mtplants@silverstar.com) - Mountain Plants, Inc.;
Paulsen, Steven (steven@csr-inc.com) - Conservation Seeding;
Rupp, Larry (larry.rupp@usu.edu) - Utah State University;
Soelberg, Brad (sunmtngrowers@comcast.net) - Sun Mountain Growers;
Stevens, Mikel (mikel_Stevens@byu.edu - Brigham Young University;
Varga, Bill (bvarga@ext.usu.edu) - Utah Botanical Center;
Warner, Jannett (janettw@hubwest.com) - Wildland Nursery

Brief Summary of Minutes

Held at the University Inn, Logan, Utah, 9 am, December 20, 2007
Introductions were made by meeting participants. Attendees included a good mix of university and industry representatives. Meeting objectives for the development committee were outlined and discussed at the outset.
Initial input was taken from committee members regarding opinions of appropriate committee activity. It was decided by vote that the committee should seek recognition as an Education/Extension and Research Activity (WERA).
The committee approved the title, Intermountain Regional Evaluation and Introduction of Native Plants. It was agreed that WDC-011 officers should consist of a Chairperson and a Vice-chair/Secretary. Chairperson  Heidi Kratsch; Vice-chair/Secretary  Stephen Love. Stakeholder input was sought from attending industry representatives concerning the ultimate activity mission.
Stakeholder input was centered around educational needs. It was decided the committee should outline and adopt two major objectives. Activity outcomes and impacts were discussed, and committees assigned.


The committee, using stakeholder input, determined that appropriate outcomes would be greater public and professional awareness of the issues surrounding the use of native plants, including propagation, potential uses, and landscape maintenance practices. Inputs would include demonstration gardens, regional professional seminars, regional web-based educational resources, and published materials. There was difficulty in identifying measurable Indicators for the listed outcomes, although everyone agreed that improved education would lead to greater willingness of homeowners adopt native plant concepts and landscape businesses to promote native plant designs. Increased sales would be in both quantity of existing plants and developing markets for new plants. Inputs would include educational tools described for the impacts, plus the introduction of new native plant varieties and populations into the nursery industry.


Impact Statements

  1. Essential impact for the committee was quickly identified by the stakeholders on the committee. It would be a marked increase in the use and sales of native plants by homeowners and landscape businesses. The best measurable indicator identified for the impact would be the value of native plant sales in the intermountain region.
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