S1038: Peanut Variety Quality Evaluation Program
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 03/31/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/31/2011
- 03/31/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Brief Summary of Minutes
See attachedAccomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 03/25/2009
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/25/2009
- 03/25/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
See attached minutesBrief Summary of Minutes
See attachedAccomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 03/31/2010
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/31/2010
- 03/31/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
see attached minutesBrief Summary of Minutes
see attachedAccomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 04/02/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/28/2012
- 03/28/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Roger Crickenberger, Assistant Director - NCARS;Jody Jellison, Assistant Direct - VAES;
Allen Harper, Director Tidewater Ag Research and Ext. Center;
Taylor Slade, NC Farmer;
Bob Sutter, NC Peanut Growers Association;
Fred Garner, Birdsong Peanuts;
George McGee, NC Farmer;
Elizabeth Grabau, VT Plant Pathology, Physiology & Weed Science, Department Head;
Mike Jackson, J. Leek & Associates;
Pat Phipps, Plant Pathologist - Tidewater Ag Research and Ext. Center;
Tom Isleib, NCSU Peanut Breeder;
David Jordan, NCSU;
John Crumpler, VA Farmer;
Elbert Long, Severn Peanut Co.;
Bruce Beahm, VCIA;
Maria Balota, Crop Physiologist, VT Tidewater Ag Research and Ext. Center;
Jimmy Laine, Wakefield Peanut;
Dawson Rascoe, Severn Peanut Co.;
Billy Barrow, Golden Peanut Co.;
Shyam Tallury, NCSU peanut breeder;
Others present were: Doug Redd, Pamela Copeland, Brenda Kennedy, Carolyn Daughtrey, Franklin Bryant, and Thomas Balotte from the PVQE program, Susan Copeland, Dr. Isleibs assistant, and Dr. W. B. Dong from NCSU, and Phillip Browning.
Brief Summary of Minutes
At 10:10 a.m., Dr. Maria Balota, called the meeting to order and asked all that had not signed in for the lunch count to do so. She then introduced Dr. Jody Jellison and turned it over to Dr. Jellison to chair the meeting. Dr. Jellison asked the committee members if there were any corrections to the minutes from last years meeting. Being none, the minutes from last year were approved.Dr. Jellison discussed administrative updates at Virginia Tech and then turned the floor over to Dr. Crickenberger to discuss administrative updates at NCSU. The floor was then turned over to Dr. Allen Harper to discuss administrative updates at TAREC. Dr. Jellison turned the floor over to Dr. Grabau. She thanked Dr. Balota for her work with PVQE. The floor was opened for any questions concerning administrative changes. Being none, Dr. Jellison turned the floor over to Dr. Balota to discuss this years PVQE tests and the budget.
Dr. Balota asked Dr. Isleib to talk about his entries for this years PVQE tests. He said that there were 31 entries he was proposing to enter this year, three of which were from Dr. Tallury, known as wild species. Dr. Isleib also discussed concerns about the test locations, due to problems in the past with some test sites. He was willing to cut the number of entries he had suggested for this year to accommodate Dr. Balota. Dr. Balota stated she had no problems with the proposed test sites for this year. She discussed that she is getting cooperation from Dr. Scott Montfort in South Carolina. Dr. Balota discussed the budget. She stated that she has worked well with budget, in part because smaller number of entries in small plots trials and no big plots. Also some savings were less out of state travel due to better cooperators and less costs with printing of the result books. She asked Dr. Isleib about having increase plots in 2012. Dr. Isleib felt that increase plots did not show too much difference because there were only two locations with no replication, therefore no statistical powers of the comparisons. Mr. Sutter asked if there were any varieties that would be eligible for release. Dr. Isleib stated that there are no suggestions for release in 2012. He said it usually takes about three years of data to even consider releasing a variety. He mentioned that he has three lines that he was looking at to release, but feels more testing is needed. He went on to discuss the release of Bailey and later finding out there was another variety from the same parentage that performed better than Bailey after looking at data from other testing sites outside the PVQE tests. He went on to discuss consideration of releasing the line N08085 as Bailey85 or Wynn. Isleib felt that retaining the name, Bailey would help with sells. He felt name extension would be best and gave an example using a soybean where it was given a name extension which helped with selling. Fred Garner stated how names can be very challenging as in Georgia with Georgia Green and Georgia Greener. Dr. Isleib concluded that he will consider offering the best of the 3 he is considering for release, N08075, N08081, and N08082, to the public and making the other two available to the public. All lines are high oleic. Dr. Jellison called for a short break.
After the break, Dr. Jellison turned the floor over to Dr. Balota to discuss ideas to improve the PVQEs overall efficiency. Fred Garner suggested having more participation from South Carolina. Bob Sutter discussed that there is a fresh start with Scott Montfort and his willingness to participate. The issue is having the needed help from South Carolina with test plots and leaving the grading to the PVQE program. Fred Garner sated that Dr. Balota had invited the South Carolina Peanut Board to TAREC to meet with them and help build a better relationship with them. Elbert Long wanted to know if Dr. Chapin had been asked to help with harvesting and taking care of the plots in the past. Dr. Balota explained that that issue had already been established with Dr. Chapin and they were helping with the plots in South Carolina. Dr. Isleib discussed the difficulties of getting help from South Carolina in the past and commended Dr. Balota for the progress she has made with South Carolina. Dr. Isleib took the time to introduce his staff and guests that came with him to the meeting. Dr. Balota introduced her staff after Dr. Isleib had finished. Dr. Harper asked about the concerns at South Carolina and the locations. The panel members explained to him the significance of where tests are planted in South Carolina. There was discussion about the differences in soil types and how it affects peanut growth. Dawson Rascoe stated that because of the differences in soil types in South Carolina, they should be willing to get more involved in the PVQE program. Bob Sutter discussed the financial difficulties with Clemson University. The question was asked of Bruce Beahm regarding the royalties South Carolina receives and how it is handled form Dr. Isleib. Bruce Beahm stated he didnt know. He would contact someone that handles it to see what he could find out.
Fred Garner asked about designing varieties needed for the industry. Dr. Isleib discussed the needs he saw with the industry.
Dr. Jellison asked that any further discussions be done during lunch and thanked everyone for coming. She asked Dr. Balota to make some final remarks the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.